Big Brother's Bad Day By Gerbil Defeated by his younger sister twice in one day Danny broke the chin-up record at school, but it didn't last long, because his sister Maggie proceeded to take it from him shortly thereafter. When they arrive home from school, their mother makes them settle their arguing in a wrestling match, and Danny is once again beaten and humiliated by his tiny younger sister. The crowd of young teens were cheering on their classmate as he continued to pull himself up over the chin-up bar. He had gathered quite a crowd, because only two more reps, and he would break the school record of 38. Sweat was pouring off his brow, with the veins in his arms ready to burst, but he slowly moved upward as the crowd continued to count. "Thirty....eight" Pausing for a short breath, he looked up in a glare at the bar and held his breath as he started to pull up for a final time. Hesitating and straining mid way through, he began to hear the chant "Danny, Danny, Danny," and it drove him on until finally his chin reached over the bar and a great roar went out as he beat the record. He crashed to the ground, exhausted, but his friends rushed to his aid, helped him to his feet, and smacked him on his back with congratulations. He was reveling in the attention from both girls and boys, when he heard someone say, "Can I try that?" The crowd immediately fell silent, and all eyes turned to see Danny's sister, Maggie standing in her little plaid skirt, short sleeved dress shirt and saddle shoes with calf length socks. The pigtails made her look even younger than her 13 years, and the crowd just laughed her suggestion off. Danny moved toward his sister to issue her an order. Being older at 15, and male, he expected her to obey it. "Get out of here Sis. I was doing "boy" pull-ups, and not the stupid bar hanging for 10 seconds like you dumb girls have to do in PE." "Come on Danny. I just want to try and see how many I can do. Are you afraid that your record will only last for five minutes, because that I might beat it?" "You've got to be kidding squirt. I'm probably the best athlete in the school. Stick to learning cooking and needlepoint, and we men will handle the sports and athletics." Maggie was becoming more and more frustrated at her big brother, and was relieved to hear someone in the group yell out, "Let her try man. She'll just embarrass herself and show that girls just can't compete with guys." A roar went up from the boys, and the girls in the group were developing scowls and started urging Maggie to "show them." Maggie dropped her books in the grass, and approached the bar as the battle lines had been drawn between the girls and the boys. She approached the bar and began to jump for it, but being only 4'9" and weighing only 88 pounds, she missed grabbing the bar by about three inches. One of the boys moved in and gave her a boost so that her small but strong hands could grasp the bar. She lowered herself to full length and prepared to begin. Slowly and methodically she began her quest for the record. After a brief pause to steady herself she was ready; only aware of the bar and challenge. Totally focused, she began with fluid easy motions. Each chin brought her high up over the bar, and her panties, which only covered half of her round young buttocks were exposed and brought some tittering from the boys. She was unfazed by their gawking because, she oblivious to everything except her challenge. Passing 20 and still with no noticeable effort in her young firm body, the boys were getting a little more nervous over a girl possibly beating the record. Danny had a concerned look on his face as he watched his tiny sister's arms bulge as she easily pulled herself up with no effort. At thirty, she did not show any sign of fatigue, and he was really beginning to worry. His palms were sweating as he silently urged her to fall, or at the least ...break an arm. His best friend Bob moved slowly up to him and whispered, "Shit man. She's gonna beat your record. What are we gonna do?" Frustrated, Danny pushed him away and sneered, "I don't know. Just shut the fuck up." He felt bad yelling at his best friend, but he felt like his world and worth were coming to an end at the hands of a tiny 88-pound girl. Suddenly at 35, she paused a moment, released her left hand and put it behind her back. She then proceeded to do her last five with only one arm. The girls were loving it and screaming their praise, but all the boys could do were stare in wide-eyed amazement and silence. Maggie's young firm arms had become pumped from her effort and showed a thin sheen of sweat, but there was no strain in any part of her muscular young body like there had been in her older, more muscular brother's. As she hit 40, a thunderous roar went up from the young girls, and the boys merely looked in unison at their feet. Suddenly, they felt betrayed by Danny, who had always been their leader. The female taunting started, and fortunately the coach blew his whistle and all the boys hurried to the showers as fast as they could, with the girls taunts trailing them. The boys' locker room was in total silence. Everyone felt a communal defeat, realizing that the young girl could have beaten every one of them in what was perceived as a "manly" test of strength. None of them would ever live it down, so they showered in silence, then exited for their school buses trying to avoid all contact with any female. All of them firmly believed that word had already spread about the defeat of "the boys." Danny and Maggie entered their house, and Diane, their mother was there to greet them. Danny hurriedly brushed past her, heading towards his room, and she looked concerned. "What's wrong with your brother?" Maggie just smiled, and said, a little louder than perhaps necessary, "Oh nothing. He's just mad because I proved that I was stronger than he is, and...." Danny immediately stopped, threw his books down in a chair and turned to rush at her. He got within a foot of her and looked down at her from his 5'8" height. He then stuck a finger in her face and began yelling. "Listen you little pint-sized bitch. No way are you stronger than I am, and if you don't shut up I may just show you, and break you in two." Diane grabbed him by his shoulders and turned him to face her. "Listen here young man. I will not have you talking to your sister that way. If she beat you fair and square, you should be proud of her. You should be a good sport and congratulate her. It's no sin that a woman is stronger than a man." "Mom, that's bullshit! You can't believe that little twerp is a match for me physically." "I told you to watch your language, and I won't tell you again." After a brief uncomfortable silence, Diane looked at the two of them, then said, "Okay, it looks like there is only one way to settle this. I want the two of you to go change, then meet me in the basement for a wrestling match. Agreed?" Both of them glared at each other and simultaneously scowled, "Agreed." Diane had moved the large mat, which Maggie had used for her gymnastics, to the center of the basement floor, and looked at her two children as they entered the room. She didn't have many good thoughts of her ex-husband who had run off with a 22-year-old waitress, but he had given her two magnificent children. Danny had changed into a pair of shorts, but left his shirt off to try and psyche out his sister with his muscular build. Diane had to admit that she had done a pretty good job of producing a masculine work of art. He was bronzed and his muscular body radiated power and sex appeal, making him the most sought after and popular boy in school. Maggie was equally impressive. She entered with bare feet, short shorts, a cropped top that huged nicely to her developing breasts and left her hard firm midriff bare. She had no where near the muscularity of her older brother, but her gymnastics training had developed her young body into a thing of beauty, with muscularity surpassing even most of the other boys in her school. "Let's get on with it. I want the two of you to come here." Diane watched the two of them continue to glare at each other. She looked at her son's advantages in muscularity, height and weight, and was beginning to wonder if this was such a good idea. She didn't want Maggie to get seriously hurt, but she didn't know what else to try at this point. "Okay; I want the two of you to wrestle fairly. I want no kicking scratching or biting. Understood?" Both of them shook their heads, and Diane could feel the tension reaching even a higher level. "I'll leave the outcome up to the two of you. You can either wrestle and decide it by a pin, or you can wrestle until one of you submits to the other." After a brief pause, both of them sent daggers at their opponet, and they simultaneously blurted out, "Submission." Diane said "Fine," and at her command to "Wrestle," Danny was on Maggie in a flash. He had her in a headlock and immediately turned and twisted her body, and took the two of them to the mat. Still with a tight grip on her head, he held her firmly down, and it looked like the match would be over in about five seconds. Diane knew that her daughter had to be in a lot of pain as her head was being crushed, but Maggie was able to remain on her side, and didn't let out a whimper. There was no flailing around as she held her position, with her strong young legs firmly spread for support, and she appeared to be thinking and planning her next move. The only sounds coming from the two young warriors, were the taunts from Danny. "Give up, Mighty Midget, or I'll tear your head off." Maggie's response was to twist her body hard to the left, rolling the two of them over, and causing Danny to release his hold. Maggie came to rest on her stomach and Danny was able to stay in control as he road on her back and twisted her arm painfully up behind her. "I want to hear it little sister. Tell me I can beat your butt anytime I want." Exerting extra pressure on her arm, he added, "Say it or I'll break it," but once again there was silence from Maggie. Danny had twisted Maggie's body in every conceivable position that he could think of, but no move or hold was able to produce a submission. He began to slow as the match wore on, and was finding it increasingly difficult to handily maneuver her as he had at the beginning of the match. He felt like he had to end the match quickly, because her endurance and speed unfortunately seemed to be superior to his own. Doubling his efforts, he tried to force her to her back for what seemed like the twentieth time, but this time, she did not stop on her back. She used his momentum to keep him rolling, so that he found himself on HIS back, with HER firmly on top, pinning his shoulders. Danny panicked and after thirty seconds of struggling, was able to move out from under her and onto his stomach. He didn't have time to clear is head from the shock before his left harm was twisted behind his back. He let out a scream of pain as it felt like his shoulder was going to be ripped out of its socket. He couldn't believe that his little 13-year-old sister was holding him firmly under control. He had to fight back, but his left arm was useless. He felt Maggie's weight move off of his back, then felt her arm snake over his neck and around his chin. She was going to try and turn him on his back. He tried to resist, but fatigue had set in, and no matter how hard he tried, he felt her turn his whole upper body until once again he was on his back with Maggie on top of him. What once were powerful muscular arms that any 15 year old boy would be proud of, now felt like useless rubber as Maggie twisted them in any direction she wanted, making him cry out in further pain. Not content with having him firmly under her control, Maggie mounted him, her taut firm buttocks coming to rest on his face. Her legs tightly wrapped around his head in an unbreakable scissors. Gasping for air, Danny tried to flail his legs and capture her head to throw her off, but she easily trapped his legs with her arms and pulled them toward her as she sat on top of him. Danny felt like he was going to snap in two, or die of suffocation. He was in such pain that he felt like suffocation would almost be a blessing at that point. He was held motionless, spread and exposed, knowing that the jock that he wore did little to hide his nearly naked body from his mother and young sister. He tried to submit, but was unable to speak as his sister's ass covered his mouth and nose completely. In a panic, he tried to wave his arms, then fortunately his mother spoke up. "I think he is trying to submit Maggie. Danny, if you want to submit, hit your hand to the mat." Immediately Danny's hand beat the mat, and slowly, Maggie released his legs, and just as slowly, she got up from his face, and left him gasping for air. He tried to get up, but immediately fell back to the mat, unable to move any part of his aching defeated body. Diane looked down at her son with a warm smile. "You going to be okay?" Danny weakly looked up at her and shook his head yes, and Maggie and Diane headed toward the stairs. Danny watched his mother put her arm around Maggie and say, "You were incredible! That was an great match." They reached the bottom of the stairs, then they stopped and Diane turned toward her son. "We'll be eating around 6:00. I'll be serving spinach too.... After all, it worked for Popeye, so maybe it can work for you too." Maggie laughed her little girl laugh and said, "Mom, you're TOO funny." Danny did not see the humor in it.