The Guys Strike Back By Bob Barron Another night of mixed fighting leads to some different results than usual Fresh off a fun and exciting tournament which I had won everyone seemed more upbeat. Petr was very happy he could beat a girl and that he didn't do too bad against me while my boyfriend was ecstatic he did so well. Jennifer was steamed she let herself lose and vowed to revenge it as we prepared for another night of mixed action. Jennifer was really pissed and felt she had let everyone down by losing to Mitch. She vowed to beat every male this week to prepare herself for the rematch. I also had some handicap matches planned and we planned on doing a survivor series match as well. We started off the night with a turmoil match. Two people start and after someone is pinned or made to submit another person comes in based on a number they drew. I drew #1 and Janice drew #2. She's fast like me so she was able to avoid me for a while. She dove at me but I caught her planted her to the ground and then hit a flying elbow and made her tap to the headscissors in about five minutes. A determined Bob drew #3. He ran at me and got a take down and tried to stay on top but I quickly reversed it and got a schoolgirl pin. He broke it and I picked him up and spun him around where he was met with a knee to the midsection and a gordbuster. I missed a splash and he rolled me up for one. This time he didn't spank me but even so I met him with a clothesline. It got two. I gave him a monkeyflip and then a flying bodypress. I then gave him an elbowdrop and locked in some headscissors after seven minutes of action. Mitch drew #4 and we as usual went at it. We rolled around looking for dominance and I knew it- my fatigue had set in. I was still able to get on top but he threw me off and quickly dove on top of me and tried to pin my shoulders to the ground. I threw him off and we battled it tooth and nail. I soon began to wear down and he was able to get a bodyslam but he missed the frog splash. I rolled him up but he reversed, which I reversed which HE reversed for the win. Mitch had finally beaten me and had this big grin on his face. 'Hey honey- next time try to beat me when I'm fresh'. The match lasted twelve minutes. Petr was #5 and was able to take advantage of Mitch's fatigue. They had a good back and forth match with each guy reversing the other's holds and no one on fire. Petr was able to reverse a suplex and get a fisherman's suplex for the win after six minutes. Jennifer drew #6 and they had a preview to their match later in the night. Jennifer was in a really bad mood and wanted to send an example to Mitch. She squashed Petr in three minutes all the while taunting him and mocking his manhood. Scott drew #7 and looked super nervous and he was quite right. Jennifer also squashed him and press slammed him three times as an example. Three minutes later as well she locked in the Regal Stretch. Jim drew #8 but couldn't stop the Jennifer juggernaut. She insulted his manhood as well and quickly hit a bulldog for the win and a turmoil victory. We took a break and then decided to have two handicap matches. I would take on Mitch and Scott and Jennifer and Janice would take on Petr, Bob and Jim. Janice wanted in to get a rematch with Petr. Petr was as cocky as ever until Janice took him down and gave him a hard slap to the face. She jumped on him but he threw her off and cradled her for three eight minutes into the match. Petr's smirk and wave at Janice caused him to totally miss Jennifer giving him a huge ballshot. He tried to tag Bob but she pulled his leg back. He got an enziguri and ran to tag Bob. Bob came in and tripped her up thinking this was his chance. She was lying on the ground and Bob got in an anklelock which defeated her last week. He was screaming TAP! TAP! TAP! She made "the ropes" but he dragged her back. With all her might she let out a big yell and rolled out of it and got a rollup for two. She was obviously limping so Bob was able to dodge her and quickly tagged Petr. Petr ran in and tried to take him down but Jennifer shrugged him off. Jennifer missed a punch and Petr kneed her in the midsection. HE then suplexed her down and took off her bra exposing her breasts to everyone. He tried to whip her with it but he took too long and she kicked out his legs and he fell to the ground. She jumped on him and started slapping him around. She then took off her shirt, took off her bra and gave him a smother. Since Petr was in pain he wasn't smiling even though the average male would. She hit a flying splash and then locked in the Regal Stretch and he gave. Again like last time she forced him to admit that women were the better and stronger sex. Petr refused and got press slammed to hell for his troubles. Bob ran in and quickly attacked her but she was too strong and shrugged it off. Bob ducked a lariat, grabbed her leg and locked in the figure four. Jen was too strong and reversed it but he was able to break it. Bob ducked some of her punches and kicked her in the stomach and then unloaded on her breasts punching them like crazy. She was in serious pain and he quickly tagged Jim who slammed her and Bob added in an elbow for good measure. Jim worked her over for a good bit all the while taunting her which was pissing Jen off. Jen finally had enough and as they were grappling, pushed him off and gave him a huge ballshot. Jim collapsed in agony and then he got smothered as well. She stood over him in a dominating pose, she turned around to flex at Bob and Jim quickly rolled her up for three. Jen had lost and she was pissed and shocked. Jim kept her rolled up, pulled down her thong and started spanking her butt. I was shocked she lost and after Jim got up he had a big smirk on his face. She vowed revenge. The next match was a family affair as I talk on my boyfriend and his brother in a no holds barred handicap match. I started with Scott. He wanted to lock-up, but I said this is NHB let's slug it out. He was cautious since I'd beaten him before. He was no pussy so we slugged it out with me easily winning. His nose was pretty bloody too. I did a fireman's carry takeover and then challenged him to a test of strength. It took me a second but I soon won and released it. I did a hiptoss which allowed him to go and tag his partner. Mitch came in next. We locked up and I pushed him back and then threw him around for fun. He'd get up, and I'd just throw him back down. I did a belly to belly suplex and called for a test of strength which I won. I quickly slammed him and threw him to his partner who he tagged. I knew the end was pretty much near. He walked right into a slam and I did the aeroplane spin twice. I gave him a gordbuster and locked on the scissors. Mitch made the save. We slugged it out which I won. I belly to bellyed him and hit the elbowdrop. Scott made the save. I lowblowed him and punched him and then slammed him onto his brother and elbowdropped him. I then got the headlock/scissors combo. They almost passed out but I kept on going. I monkey-flipped Scott and backdropped my boyfriend. I put the crossface on Mitch and he was out. This left me v. Scott. I ballshotted him, gave him a jackhammer, press slammed him, elbowdrop and the scissor for the win. Post-match I covered both of them and then facesat and smothered my b/f. After the match they laid there beaten to a pulp while I barely was sweating at all. Jennifer ran in and smothered Scott- it was a small consolation. To get ready for the main event we had Bob take on Janice. Bob squashed her in three minutes making her tap to a figure four. Jennifer then took on Jim. Jennifer started out in control and was REALLY pissed. She beat the shit out of him with suplexes and slams, she kept screaming: How do you like me now bitch? How do you like me now?????? Jim moaned in agony. She went for a top rope splash but she missed and Jim rolled over and got a two count. He then locked in an STF but she made "the ropes". He started kicking her in the stomach but she blocked his suplex attempt and hit one of her own. I then took off my bra and gave it to her and she began whipping Jim with it. He was in agony. She again was screaming: COME ON BITCH! Come on!!!!!!!! She started kicking him and then went up and hit two flying elbows but didn't cover. Five german suplexes- still no cover. Jim was almost unconscious. She smothered him and gave him a facesitting and we were all smiling and cheering as the boys looked on in horror. Finally she told me was gonna slam him twice and press slam him thrice. But on slam two, Jim hold on and rolled her up for three after fifteen minutes of taking an absolute shitkicking. He barely even could raise his arm in victory. Jennifer was so angry. Finally it was time for the main event- a Survivor Series style elimination match- Sara/Jennifer v. Mitch/Bob/Scott/Petr/Jim I started out with Scott and like previous I wiped the mat with him. I made his nose bloodier and just punched and kicked and cleaned his clock. I kept talking about how his whole family was weak and that his parents bred a bunch of pussies. He tried to fight back but his punches had no zing. I went up and hit the flying elbow but Jim saved. Jennifer ran him off. Flying elbow #2- Bob ran in but was met with a press slam. Flying elbow #3- my boyfriend tried to stop me but I gave him a backdrop and running powerslam. Scott was dead and I pinned him I by sitting on top of his face five minutes in. Bob and Jennifer went next and Jennifer wasn't taking any shit and used her strength to destroy Bob by slamming him multiple times. She then gave him three belly to bellys in a row and then press slammed him twice more and added one more kick to the stomach. She locked in the Regal Stretch and as he tapped made him admit that she was stronger, better and the sexiest women in the world. She then smothered him for good measure twelve minutes in. Petr came in and was a victim of Jennifer's one women wrecking machine. Petr ran in and immediately walked into a powerslam. He was then press slammed three times, speared and then gordbustered him. He was almost out so she pinned him with one foot on his chest. Mitch and Jim were too scared to run in and she locked in a Regal Stretch to hear him tap out fifteen minutes in. I tagged back in to meet Mitch. He took me down and we rolled around slugging it out with both of us getting blood on ourselves but we didn't care. A hard punch put Mitch down and I got a keester bounce and then locked in the torture rack. The fight had already left the poor guy. I then threw him around for a good bit, punched him in the stomach, hit an axe kick and then powerslammed and press slammed. He was moaning in pain and Jim looked scared shitless. I soon hit the flying elbow and facesat the poor lad. I then locked in the headscissors but he was too beaten to tap and faded into unconscious. I smothered him for a good bit afterwards twenty three minutes in. Jim ran in and was met with a kick to the balls and I tagged back to Jennifer who smelt blood. She drove his face into the mat and began rubbing it hard, all while slapping him around. Two bulldogs and Jim was begging for mercy which Jen refused to give him. He was met with a ballshot and then Jennifer picked him up and just tossed him around like a child totally embarrassing Jim at every turn. She again whipped him with her bra, then my bra and then in the ultimate humiliation pulled down his pants and began to administer a spanking and then locked in the Regal Stretch, but his shorts back on first claiming no one wanted to see his ugly old body. Jim could only moan. He tapped out very quickly and she let go twenty seven minutes in. The girls had swept the boys despite them having three more people. After the match Jennifer continued punishing Jim. Petr ran in to try and save but I ran into him with a clothesline and body slammed him. Mitch and Bob then ran in and we suplexed them both and then I smothered and facesat both as Jennifer continued slamming Jim. Scott tried to beg for his mercy but Jen just beat the crap out of him. The night ended with me smothering Mitch and Jen causing Jim to go into unconsciousness all while still slamming him around. Janice soon took advantage of the other boys and was smothering them and facesitting them and doing various other humiliating stuff to get back at them for beating her up. Despite the night ending with female dominance the boys had shown they could play rough as well and could hit just as hard as the girls could. Now all they had to do was start winning the big matches.