Jennifer's Date With Destiny Part 2 By Bob Barron Jennifer wrestles her boyfriend again, but this time in a handicap match. I hadn't heard from Alan in a few days and was concerned about that I ruined our relationship. But even my concern couldn't take away the joy I had from my physically dominating my boyfriend. But finally, Alan called. After exchanging awkward pleasantries, he got to the point. And I had an idea cooking in my head. "Listen Jennifer, I'm not going to be some male chauvinist and deny your victory or anything, but I really feel you caught me by surprise," he said. "If you couldn't tell from my muscles and my beating of Bob that I'm not that strong, well-," I said. "I want a rematch. I feel now that I know what I was getting into, I can do a lot better," he said. I knew it was time to present my idea for a rematch. "Come on, Alan, a rematch? I destroyed you in our contest, it wasn't even close." "Look Jennifer- I told you. I underestimated you." "Alan, you and me both know that's total bullshit. I do I have an idea for a rematch- a handicap match. And with that there was a pause on the phone. "A handicap match?" "Yes, me v. you and Bob. I have to pin or make both of you submit to win, while all you guys have to do is pin me or make me submit once. You guys tag in and out, and I fight all by my lonesome. And if you knuckleheads win, well I'll happily grant you your rematch." "Are you insane?" Alan asked. "You're going to fight two guys in one match? Your good Jennifer, but come on now." "Is that a yes or no?" I waited for his answer, as I tried to stifle my laughter. "Well Jennifer, it's your funeral," Alan said. I was pumped about my rematch with Alan. To show Alan, he wasn't the only one who lost to his significant other, I contacted Sara and asked her if she'd wrestle Mitch on the undercard. She happily accepted. She was a bit disappointed when I asked her to tone down the sexiness and wrestle a more straightforward match, but she understood that I wanted to take centre stage and her wrestling topless and dishing out smothers and facesits would lessen my moves. That week I trained hard. I lifted a lot of weights to make sure my muscles were strong, and even did some running with Sara to make sure my legs were ready for the match. Admittedly, handicapped matches were not my forte. Starting out, I had had some rough goings, including a match where Bob and Mitch knocked me out and completely humiliated me. Bob is still paying for that one. Recently, I had scored some impressive wins over Petr and Jim, and the team of Scott and Mitch so my confidence had been getting better. I asked Petr and Jim if they would train with me, and they agreed, so long as I wrestled wearing only a thong. The training sessions went well, I mostly practised double-teaming situations and how to fight off one guy and still be prepared for another attacking male. We ended each day with a handicap match and I was able to win each one. I knew I was ready for Saturday. I had heard from Bob that him and Alan had been training hard as well, getting into shape and working out with Mitch on moves and techniques. Fight Night- Everyone got together, and shook hands and exchanged pleasantries. I was glad that Sara-Mitch was going on before my match, I was just so excited and filled with thoughts of what I was going to do to those guys. It was almost scary. As Sara was talking to Alan, I could tell she was sizing him up and thinking of all the holds that she could get him into. Alan, Bob and I sat down, and it was time for the first boyfriend v. girlfriend match of the evening. Sara v. Mitch Sara was wearing a one-piece swimsuit, showing off her sexy curves. She looked unbelievable, and this was Sara at her most toned down. Usually she was clad in only a thong, but she knew she didn't want to upstage me. I was pleased she was willing to tone it down for me, and I wondered what a toned down Sara match would look like. She shook hands with Mitch, as we cheered our respective sexes on. They locked up, and it took Sara a minute, but she pushed Mitch back, grabbed his arm and armdragged him. Mitch got up and walked right into a headlock and Sara took him down on the mat. Mitch's whimpered a little, but he was able to break out of it again, and they faced off. Sara was definitely wrestling one of her fluster matches, she wasn't trying to kill him with high impact moves. "Take it to her!" Alan yelled, and I could only smirk. Mitch went at her looking for a takedown and they did some fakeouts and false stutters before Sara reached in and took him down and they began to jockey on the mat. It was a massacre, as Sara was constantly twisting and turning him, getting him in various holds and letting Mitch escape, only to twist him up and tie him again. She went for a schoolgirl pin, pushing Mitch's shoulders down, but unable to win the match. Mitch was doing everything he could to avoid having his shoulders pinned down for the three count . Mitch bucked her off (though I think Sara might have let him), and as he got up, Sara swarmed at him, taking him right down. As Mitch tried to roll away to escape, Sara trapped his arms and suplexed him over her head. Alan and Bob, who had been cheering loudly for Mitch, had stopped at this point, in awe as Sara locked in a reverse body scissors and they heard Mitch scream out in pain. I just smiled. The ropes were nearby, so the hold was broken, but I think that was Sara's intention. She again swarmed Mitch, continually dominating him on the mat and just flustering the crap out of him. I appreciated it, instead of showing off all the cool moves she could do and possibly overshadowing me, she kept the match slow and deliberate, showing off how dominating she really was. After pulling Mitch up, she looked at me and I nodded. It was time to finish this "man" off, as Mitch looked exhausted and had no fight left. She picked Mitch up and just drilled him with a jackhammer suplex. Alan gasped as Mitch yelled "Oh fuck, Jesus." "Ready for Jennifer's match?" Sara asked. It was the first time she had spoken all match. She grabbed Mitch and locked him in a headscissors, lying on her side as she squeezed his head. I looked at Mitch and his face was a big grimace. He didn't even consider fighting out of it. His hand soon met the mat. "Ohhh damnit. I give, I give. Shit." Sara released the hold, and instead of smothering and facesitting Mitch, went over to Bob and Alan and simply nodded. She ran over to me and I gave her a hug and thanked her for not overshadowing me. Mitch slumped over to Alan and Bob and all he could say was, "What I can say? She's unbelievable." Jennifer v. Alan and Bob It was time for my big match and I was so pumped. I looked at the boys knowing they were going to be in severe pain. All Sara's match did was get me excited. I knew I was going to win, in fact had they had Mitch teaming with them, I would've destroyed him too. I was wearing green shorts and a purple sports bra. I was again foregoing scandalous attire, but I had a plan as the match unravelled. I met the boys and explained them the rules. I refused to shake their hands. This was war. Bob started off the match. I thought it was curious that Alan was intimidated of facing me, but Bob knew what I was about. Alan was cheering Bob on, while Mitch and Sara watched intently. We locked up and I nearly threw Bob halfway across the mat. It was comical. He came at me, and we locked up again, and again, same result. We faced off again and Bob was looking for an opening, I just swarmed him, jumping right on him and driving him into the mat. "Come on Bob, is that the best your ass can do?" Bob didn't say anything as we battled it out on the mat. Alan was trying to yell encouragement, but I was just all over him, locking in holds, trapping various parts of his body, and just making life uncomfortable for him as he could only groan. I got him in a schoolgirl pin position, but didn't bother to pin down his shoulders. Why bother, I wanted to make this last. I sat on him and flexed, as he pawed at me, managing to move nothing. "Bob, you know I could pin you right now and put you out of your misery don't you? But that would be unfair to Alan. So I'm going to let you enjoy the view for a minute," I said, while looking over at a frightened Alan. After some flexing and preening, I got up. But before Bob had the chance to get to his feet, I was back on him again, locking in a figure four headscissors. While my arms were stronger than my legs, I began squeezing the life out of him. Bob screamed out in pain, but didn't tap, as he saw he was near the ropes. "Bob, normally you would tap like the pussy you are," I taunted. "But I made sure to lock this hold on right near the ropes, so while you will be in pain, you can break it. Now, touch the ropes." Bob did as he was told, and broke the hold. Again, I gave him no time, as I quickly picked him and decided to do a suplex fest. I suplexed him three times, and apologised to Sara for stealing a move, as I just drilled him with a jackhammer suplex. Bob screamed out in pain. He wasn't as big as the other wrestlers, and lifting him up and throwing him down was so easy. I covered Bob. 1..2 ... and as Alan almost bolted in to save him, I lifted Bob up at two, which he probably didn't like. Alan stopped in his tracks. "Oh hi Alan, I see you want in the match now," I said. "Hold on, just one minute, and I'll accommodate that request. I picked up Bob, and threw him to Alan's corner. Alan tagged in, though at this point, I think he realised he had made a terrible mistake. "All this beating up of Bob has made me really hot and sweaty," I said. "I know what I need to do to cool down." And with that I pulled down my shorts, and now I was clad in a purple sports bra and thong and motioned for Alan to bring it. Alan looked he had a new bit of resolve, and we furiously locked up. Luckily I wasn't showing any sign of fatigue yet, and I pushed him back. For Alan, I decided I didn't want to do any taunting, I would let my muscles do the talking in this battle. We locked up again and I could feel Alan pushing as hard as he could, but he just couldn't get anywhere and I threw him to the mat. He looked flustered, and I called for a test of strength. Alan agreed, lest he look like a bitch, and I heard him grunting furiously, trying to win something, anything. It wasn't going to happen, as I smiled him and then pushed down hard as he got on his knees and was groaning in pain. I released the hold, and turned to look at my audience. There was a slumped over Bob, a beat up looking Mitch and a beaming Sara who gave me a thumbs up. Alan just looked defeated, and I hadn't even hit any of my high impact moves. That was about to change. I went to go pick Alan up, but surprised me by tripping me up and trying to get on top of me in the mat. Clever move, and he probably got that from practising with Bob all week. We battled on the mat, and Alan locked in a front facelock trying to get in a chokehold. I gave myself a second to think, and decided to bust out my strength. I grunted and began to get up, first getting on my knees and then grabbing Alan's arms and prying them apart. He tried to fight it, but again, my strength was no match and the hold was broken. I nodded at him at for the move, and he tried to clasp it in. Fool me once, shame on you. Attempt to fool me twice, and I easily blocked it. We got up to centre position and faced off. He was looking for any opening I gave him, while I stood there calmly waiting for him to make a mistake. He left his midsection open, and I responded by delivering a knee right there. He doubled over, and I readied him for a suplex. He tried to block it, but I scoffed and delivered three suplexes like I did to Bob. That seemed to drain any life he had, as he screamed out in pain after each one. Bob wasn't even yelling encouragement, he also looked defeated on the sideline. Now, it was time to truly have fun. I picked him up and gave him a punishing German suplex that I knew would leave him with a sore neck and back and then delivered two overhead belly to belly suplexes, as he just went flying every which way across the mat. Each hold was accompanied by a smile on my face, and a scream and a yelp by him. Alan would always regret ever doubting me. I wasn't finished with him yet, and had some fun with him on the mat, just locking him in various holds and making life a little more frustrating for him. I looked at Bob, and I knew I was ready for the kill. I picked up Alan and gave him a bodyslam, as the room was filled with him begging off and pleading for mercy. I ignored his pleas, as he pawed at my body looking for anything he could do. I simply picked him up and powerslammed to the mat, figuring I'd show off a little more later. I then threw him back to his corner, giving him the opportunity to tag Bob. "Ughh, do what you can Bob, I don't know what the hell I'm supposed to do her against her," Alan said. "She's a fucking machine." As Alan was tagging Bob, I decided it was time to start taunting again. "It's shocking," I began. "Somehow, despite Alan offering little to no resistance, I'm hot and sweaty again. Must be something wrong with the air conditioner." I then took off my purple sports bra, and now I was clad topless, wearing only a thong. I figured I had completely established my dominance, and could wear my most scandalous attire. Bob trudged back into the ring, and I put my fists up. I didn't care how Alan would feel about this, I wanted to slug it out. "Don't worry about what Alan thinks," I said. "What's he going to do anyway, get his ass kicked by a girl? Time to really fight me, Bob." He put up his fists and we began slugging it out. Bob's speed actually made boxing with him not as easy as it looked, but he had never beaten me before. We danced around for a second and I realised this would be very easy. Bob's speed had evaporated from his earlier beating, and he was a sitting duck. I fired off a shot to his chest and nailed him. He became unsteady, and I then attacked his chest and stomach. Before he fell over, he tried to get me in the chest, but missed widly and soon fell on the mat. I picked him up, and gave him another stomach shot, and he began coughing heavily. I gave him a few moments to get his wind back and then resumed beating the shit out of him. I began abusing his chest with chops and from the punches and chops, it was a big blob of red. He could barely stand, and I knew it was time to finish him off. I almost felt bad for how mean I was being, but if he had never questioned my female superiority, this never would've happened. I locked in my Regal stretch and began to wait for Bob's tapping out. Alan somehow mustered enough energy to break it up. I admired that, he wasn't going down without a fight, and now I was going to have to fight off two guys. But of course, I was going to make him pay. I released the hold and stared at him and put up my fists. "I'm sure you have qualms about hitting your girlfriend, but get them out now," I said. "Right now, I'm not your girlfriend, I'm a fighter, and I've been kicking the ass of two men. Try to knock me down a peg." Alan nodded and I'm pretty sure any qualms he had when out the window when I threw a jab that just missed. He put up his fists and we began pacing around. Like Bob, Alan had the distinct disadvantage of having the shit kicked out of him and thus his body felt like jelly. I felt great. I waited for him to slow down and began my attack, by attacking him with body shots. I thought of going for his jaw, but I didn't want to knock him out just yet. He was spry and threw some punches back, and some of them hit. But I had done way more damage and he found himself sitting on his ass, after I rocked his chest. I went to go back to take care of Bob, but Alan somehow was able to attack from me behind and I tumbled in a heap. It was me, Alan and Bob all lying on the ground and I was going to have to fight them both off at the same time. Alan was to my left and Bob was to my right, and I was in the centre. I had to think fast. I quickly grabbed Bob and locked my arms around his head and neck keeping him occupied. It took Alan a second to get up and when he did, he saw Bob on the verge of tapping, lest his head explode. "Hang in there Bob, we can still win this thing," Alan said, as Bob could only respond with a groan. I had kept my legs and feet loose for a reason. When Alan came toward me to break the hold, I waited until the perfect second and launched my foot at his groin. A direct hit! He yelled in pain and slumped back onto the mat. Now I was back in control. "What was that about winning this thing? How can you win with no balls?" I asked Alan. I released Bob, and threw him at Alan. I picked both guys up, and they remained steady for a few moments, until I clotheslined the both of them. I didn't want to do any taunting now, I wanted the room to only be heard with the screams of the boys. I knew it was time to truly decimate them. It was slam exhibition time, and I knew I had just enough energy to do it. With Alan lying on the mat, I picked up Bob and slammed him onto Alan. I then picked up Alan and slammed him onto Bob. As I picked up Bob for a powerslam, I heard Alan beg and plead for mercy. He was not going to get any as Bob crashed down on him. Then it was Alan's turn. He was almost out of it, and my powerslam didn't help his matters. I picked up Bob again, and he knew better than to beg or plead. Besides, he was almost knocked out. I picked up Bob and delivered a press slam, dropping him right onto Alan's stomach. I picked up Alan, who kept his mouth shut, hoping that would cause me to show some mercy. It didn't, and I think I knocked him out when I dropped him right onto Bob. But I wasn't done yet, I picked up Bob and pressed him, this time doing a rep in the air while holding him and he crashed back onto Alan, which I think I knocked him out. I went to pick up Alan, who was definitely knocked out. Too bad for him, this would've been a sight for him to see. I picked him up, (made sure he was still breathing of course), did a rep for him and pressed him onto Bob, which ended up officially knocking Bob out. There it was. Bob and Alan both laid out spread eagle on the mat, not even conscious. They had been suplexed, punched, kicked, choked and slammed into unconscious despite having a two on one advantage. I beamed with pride as I looked at what I had done to my prey. The pinfall was academic. I placed them next to each other, and stood on top of them, my left foot was on Bob's chest and my right foot was on Alan's chest and I flexed as the pinfall was counted. 1 ... 2 ... 3. I had just destroyed my boyfriend and my best friend in a handicapped match. I pumped my fist and celebrated, running over to hug Sara who was gushing with pride about how well I did. Mitch didn't say anything, but fuck him, he would kill to win a handicapped match w/ a partner, let alone beat two people. Instead of immediately doing the post-match taunting, I wanted to wait for the boys to regain consciousness, so they could really experience what was going on. I told Sara to do what she could to wake them up as I went to change back into the original outfit I had to start the match and think about what I would do to them. It took longer than I expected for Sara to wake them up out of their unconsciousness and when I went back in, I could see why. It was a mess. Bob had a black eye, Alan had a bandage over his nose, Bob's chest was completely red, and Alan had bruises all over his entire body. Sara said she had to use smelling salts to wake them up. I stood over them in my green shorts and purple sports bra and flexed. "I almost felt bad for what I did to you," I said. "But then I remembered that you both questioned my female superiority and nobody ever does that. I taught you a lesson in our match about female power, and now I'm going to show you what being a dominating female means." I pulled down my shorts and was clad in my facesitting thong. I then undid my bra and flung it them, before flexing again. I looked at Bob and knew he had to go first, since he got me into this whole mess. I engulfed his face with my breasts and began smothering the hell out of him nonstop. If it weren't for Sara pointing it out, I would've forgotten that he needs to breathe and let up. Previously when I would smother Bob, he'd make moans of agony or pleasure, but he knew to shut the fuck up. I meant business. After smothering him for a while, I got up and sat right on his face, shoving his head into my crotch and giving him the most painful facesitting session I could think of. I then turned around and gave him a face full of ass. Usually I do a ton of taunting during these things and during my matches as well, but there was no need. The message was getting across. After what seemed like agony for Bob, I stopped and turned my attention to Alan. He looked out of it, as I had done a number on him. "You doubted I could kick your ass the first time," I said. "Then after I convincingly did that, you have the nerve to act like it was a fluke. Well right now, you and your partner are lying on the ground having been bruised, bloodied and knocked out. Do I look like a fluke to you now?" As I said that, I slapped him across the face and began giving him the same mean smother and facesit combo that I gave Bob. I wanted to emasculate, so as I facesat and smothered him, I kept grabbing his balls. I don't think he appreciated that. The best part of beating up two guys of course is dominating both at the same time. I rubbed Bob's face in my left breast and Alan's in my right. I facesat Bob while smothering Alan and vice versa. I grabbed both their balls at the same time and locked them in some double team holds, mostly headlock and scissor combos. I started to get really evil and thought the boys really deserved to be humiliated. I rubbed Bob's face in Alan's crotch, and then vice versa. I saw Sara excuse herself to go to the bathroom and change out of her swimsuit. I stood up and pondered what I could do next as I thought of forcing them to kiss and making them do other gay stuff just to really drive it home. "Don't you think you humiliated them enough?" Out of nowhere, Mitch spoke up. I was furious, "Mitch, when you overpower two people in a handicap match, then you can do whatever you want," I said. "Come on Jennifer, what you're doing is just wrong," Mitch said. "I'm not going to sit here and watch you just degrade them." "It's funny Mitch, you've never won a handicap match," I said. "Making it even funnier, you're never the one with a handicap. Isn't it sad that not only can you not beat a girl that's smaller than you in a wrestling match, but you can't even do it when you're teaming with someone else?" I was pushing Mitch's buttons, I could tell he was getting angry. Could I get to take out another guy tonight? "The last bunch of times we've wrestled, I recall you tapping to my Regal stretch," I said. "In fact, you even teamed up with your pathetic brother to try to take me out, and you still couldn't do it. Why would Sara date such a loser anyway?" That did it. Mitch reared back to punch me, but before he could, I saw a fist get driven right into his balls, and he collapsed to one knee. "Mitchell, that's very rude of you," Sara said, like she was speaking to a child. "Jennifer has just overpowered two men in a handicap match, and she deserves to have her celebration. I'm very disappointed in you. Like Bob and Alan, I think you need to be taught a lesson." Sara apologised to me and flung Mitch onto the mat. As I went back to degrading Alan and Bob, Sara was chiding Mitch while having him locked in a headscissors. After she figured Mitch had suffered enough, she released him, stood over him, flexed, and took off her shirt, undid her bra and pulled down her jeans, till she was clad in a thong just like me. We sat there for hours facesitting and smothering these men. As always, we talked about our skills and fighting techniques, while the poor guys could only hope that we eventually would let up. We had to put a bandage on Alan's nose when he started bleeding. After a while, I asked Sara if we could trade, I tossed her Bob and she gave me Mitch. Smothering and facesitting Mitch gave me such satisfaction, no one was going to ruin my perfect night. After playing with Bob for a bit, Sara asked for Alan. I happily obliged, and took Bob back while chucking Alan to her. I'm sure the boys enjoyed being traded around and treated like that. "I don't know if we've met Alan," Sara said. "This is my left and right breast. Enjoy them." I watched Sara give Alan the most seductive smother I've seen in quite some time, while I horsed around with Mitch and Bob, and continued to degrade Bob and Alan. Bob and Alan were both forced to kiss my butt cheeks, we tied all three boys up with our bras, rubbed lipstick on their faces, and I wrote loser in marker on their butts. Before I headed off, I locked all three boys in my Regal stretch and Sara locked them in her headscissors and made them tap. I surveyed the damage one last time. Bob was lying spread eagle on the mat, just completely red. Mitch was hovered over, holding his balls and gasping for air. And Alan was lying facefirst not even moving. He looked like he was in shock or enormous pain, or probably both. "I want to say I enjoyed beating the crap out of you three men," I said. "But truth is, you don't look like men to me." The next morning, Mitch and Sara were still horsing around. Mitch didn't say anything to me. I saw Bob, and he just shook his head at me and pretended to cower in fear. I gave him a bearhug, before throwing him down and locking in a body scissor. It wasn't to be painful or anything, just to let him know that we were still friends and that I had said my piece last night. We were laughing as Bob fruitfully attempted to escape. But one person was absent. "Where's Alan?" I asked, squeezing Bob a little tight. "Jeez Jennifer, lighten up just a tad," Bob said. "I don't' ahh know. When I woke, okay that's better, he had already split. I guess he didn't want to do any postmatch strategy." A few days later- I hadn't heard from Alan in a few days. I wanted to call him, but I figured he deserved his space. I mean, what do you say after you beat the crap out of someone and then humiliate him for hours afterward. While leaving the gym, the phone rang. "Hi Jennifer, this is Alan," a familiar voice rang out. "Oh hi, Alan," I said. "Nice to hear from you. Have you recovered from Saturday?" "Listen Jennifer," he said. "We need to talk. I just don't think it's working out between us, and I think it's best that we go our separate ways. Sorry." I realised our relationship wasn't meant to be anyway when I was madder that he refused to acknowledge my beatdown rather than our break-up. "That's fine," I said. "I accept that Alan, I think it's the right choice. Besides, I'd like my boyfriend to be someone who can give me a challenge and not just get beaten down like a total pussy." Alan hung up. I took a deep breath and started scanning the gym looking for my next boyfriend/potential victim. Feedback is always appreciated. Email me at