Handicapped Hell By Bob Barron folklore81@yahoo.com In this sequel to Brent Returns, 3 handicapped matches highlight a wild night of mixed fights This is a sequel to Brent Returns which you can read right here- http://www.thevalkyrie.com/stories/1misc15/brentreturn1.txt I woke up after a great night of wrestling with an amazing sense of pride. I had knocked out and smothered every guy who had wrestled that night. I watched as a newcomer defeated two men in singles matches and ended up tying two men up. The girls were sure dominant last night. I went into the living room and noticed that Christina must've untied Jim and Petr since all three were gone. Everyone had left except for Scott who was going to be staying with us. I was disappointed that all the boys were gone- I kind of wanted to see what they looked like the morning after getting their asses kicked. Later in the morning, me, Mitch and Scott were all sitting down having breakfast. Mitch looked a little banged up as did Scott. Luckily these guys weren't embarrassed about being physically dominated by a woman and we began to talk about last night. "Wow Sara. You girls were amazing last night. I only caught one match but what I saw- I was very impressed." Scott was always impressed by the fact that we kicked ass- it was fascinating to him. "Why did you try and beat up Jennifer last night? That sure was stupid." "I noticed Bob was in trouble and I thought if I could knock Jennifer down and maybe sit on top of her- I could get her to stop. I didn't realise the girl would catch me in mid-air." "How long did she smother and facesit you for?" "Oh God- for a loooong time. You were done with Brent and Mitch yet she kept on smothering us. I have a newfound respect for Jennifer's breasts." "How about you Mitchell? You can talk the talk but you obviously can't walk the walk. I think if I keep this up- my breasts will become imprinted on your forehead." "I don't know what happened last night honey. I really want to beat the shit out of Christina now. That first fall she just got lucky- I think I was suffering from confidence issues in the second fall." Even though I thought it was fun seeing him get his ass kicked by a rookie- I had to reassure him. "Christina just had some beginners luck- you taught her a lesson in the Survivor Series match." Scott chimed in "I loved it when you beat up Petr and then went and beat up Jim- that was insane." "You could've helped us big brother. You were great last night Sara. I could've done without the ballshots but the way you rallied back in that tag match showed me how much heart and desire you have." "Why did you try and save Brent last night? Didn't you figure I would kick your ass for it?" "Well Scott, Jim and I were standing over there and we felt we had to do something for the guys- since you girls were being relentless. I figured if I caught you by surprise- I'd be able to help. It was kind off odd waking up. I wake up all dazed and then a second later- your ass is rubbing my face." "We had such a blast last night- I don't say it enough (to either of you guys) but thanks for continuing to wrestle with us. While I could do without the attempted sneak attacks- I appreciate that you guys are able to accept being physically dominated and humiliated by women that are smaller then you. It takes a lot of courage to continue coming back to fight like you guys do. Thanks for always showing up and never being humiliated like other guys would be." Mitch nodded back. "No problem sweetheart. Remember last night when I mentioned the windows needed cleaning- "And then I kicked your ass, knocked you out, smothered and facesat you?" "Yea- that. Do you think you could still clean them?" And with that I knew Mitch and Scott had once easily gotten over another night of female domination. I felt blessed that not only could I kick my boyfriends ass- that they would be able to accept it and not act like other men would. "Sara- we got nothing better to do- and I never did get to wrestle last night. And with the big weekend of handicap matches coming up- we need to get in shape. How about you take on me and Mitch?" "Of course I will- give me a second to go and change." An hour later we were all set up and ready to go. I came out wearing just my facesitting thong and the boys eyes' popped out in amazement. "Well I can see both of you have recovered from my ballshots." The match was a no holds barred handicap match- I had to pin both of them to win. Scott and I started the match. I decided that I wasn't going to be brutal here- I knew this was a fun little match and I didn't need to hand out a beating- even so- I still had to do some ass kicking. We locked up and fought for position. We both grunted and tried for position but I was stronger then him and I pushed him back. I flexed right in his face. He dove at me with a clothesline but I was able to catch his arm in mid dive and I flipped him over. He went flying across the mat. Scott took a moment to regroup and we met again in the centre. He went for my legs and got me down but I was able to roll over and break the hold. I ran at him and got a waistlock. I drove him down to the mat and got on top of him. I flicked his head around to show my mat dominance. I pulled Scott up and kneed him in the gut. I gave him a suplex but he was able to kick out. I then challenged him to a slug out. He was groggy but he knew he couldn't back down. We did the dance and he was no match for me. I painted his body with rights and lefts and I was able to dance around all his attempts. Despite my breasts being right in his face- he didn't try to attack them so I wasn't on the defensive for too long. A punch to the chest sent him down to his knees but he was able to get up. A spear put him back down. I then picked him up and gave him an aeroplane spin. I threw him around a bit and ended up throwing him right to his partner. Mitch came in and the battle of boyfriend v. girlfriend was about to begin. We both smiled at each other and went at it on the mat. I got him down on the mat like I did with Scott and again mussed with his head. We locked up and went at it again but I was able to push him back. I quickly grabbed him and gave him a belly to belly suplex and he went crashing into the mat. I put him in a bunch of rollups and cradles just to mess with him but he was getting tired from having to keep kicking out. This was the true definition of one of my fluster matches. I set Mitch up in the corner and went for a spear but he moved out of the way and rolled me up. I reversed it and got on top of him for two. We went back to centre position. He was looking at ways to go at me but I ran towards him and fired off an armdrag. I gave him two more armdrags and then backdropped him. When he got up he was met with a clothesline. He was slow to get up so I did it myself and then bulldogged him to the mat. I went up and hit a splash right onto him. Sensing victory- I gave him three suplexes and a Samoan drop. I rubbed my elbows and pointed to the sky. I delivered a flying elbow right onto his body. I covered him for 1 ... 2 ... but Scott pulled me off of him. I turned towards Scott and shot him a pissed off look that probably scared him to death. He backed away but then came flying towards me. I didn't catch him but I was able to roll through his crossbody and came out on top. He kicked out but psychologically- he was done. I knew I had to defeat both guys at once and felt this would be easy to pull off. I gave Scott a German suplex and then hit him with the keester bounce. My boyfriend was starting to stir so I went over to him and decided to do a slam exhibition. I picked him up and gave him a simple slam. Then I hit him with a powerslam. Then a running powerslam. Then I picked him up in the air and press slammed him. I could feel I had one more left in me- and with Scott stirring- I had to show him how powerful sweet sexy Sara could be. I picked him up and press slammed him- and then did a rep in the air with him still arched. With my boyfriend done- I went to go finish off Scott. I went over to him and grabbed him by the shorts so he couldn't get away. I hit him with a flying splash and knew that he was finished and ready to be put away. I went up and came crashing down on him with a flying elbow. I moved Mitch next to Scott so both boys were lying next to each other on their backs. I laid my almost naked body across the two men (with my breasts right in Mitch's face and my crotch all over Scott) and counted. 1 ... 2 ... 3! I had defeated two sets of brothers and very easy fashion. I wasn't content with my victory and wanted something more. Quick as a flash- I had Scott in a headlock and after rubbing my legs all over his face- Mitch was locked in my headscissors. " Come on boys- I want to hear some submitting. I kicked your ass and I want to hear about it." "I give Sara. You were ahhhhh so great out there. " I submit Sara. I submit. Let me go- I submit to you." I released my holds and got them on their backs again lying side by side. I knew what it was time for. I sat on Mitch's face and began rubbing back and forth. I grabbed Scott and stuck his head in my breasts and began to smother him back and forth with them. After that I would alternate back in forth. I would smother Mitch and then facesit Scott or facesit Mitch and then smother Scott. And I would occasionally do both at the same time. I was able to keep this up for a long time- I was having so much fun. I was truly ready for our big handicap matches that we had on Saturday. Saturday was the big day and with that Handicapped Hell had finally arrived. Everyone had arrived with some showing the effects of the ass whooping we gave them the previous week. Jim and Petr had a hard time looking at Christina. Everyone was loosening up as a tape of some matches Mitch and I did were playing in the background. There was our pins only match where I kept locking him in submission holds just to screw with him. Or our 'humiliation' match where I knocked him out and then put lipstick on his face while he was knocked out cold. Mitch was laughing along with everyone else which made me feel good. Finally with everyone loosened up and ready to go- I announced the stipulations of handicapped hell. "Good evening and welcome to handicapped hell. I hope you all are recovered from last week. Petr and Jim- do you have any rope burns from being tied up? Sorry- low blow. Anyway- here's the deal- There will be three handicapped matches pitting one girl against two men. The girl will have to eliminate both guys via pinfall or submission while the guys just have to get one pin or submission. The matches are under no holds barred rules. You guys can choose your own combinations- I don't care." "Sara- I remember you mentioning some special stipulations for the match. What are they?" "Ahh yes Brent- that was before I knocked you out cold with a punch. Now if you guys win two matches- you can have your own post-match celebrations like we do- you can tie us up, kick the shit out of us- all the humiliating things that we've done to you at the conclusion of Fight Night- Well you boys can get your ultimate payback. Oh and Jennifer and I will give anyone who pins or makes us submit a private session- if you catch my drift. "Ummm Sara- what about us? I mean- we are going to win." "Thank you Jennifer. Now if we win- well it's quite simple. We have our big post-match celebration as usual. You can try to resist but it will just elongate the pain. Each girl gets to pick one guy and have her own little handicapped match with him- with a female partner of her choosing." "That sounds pretty fair Sara." "Petr- when did I say that was all? One more thing- We get to film our post- match brouhaha and show it to whomever we feel like- whenever we feel like." With that you could hear the boys gulp in fear. It was just a bluff to make them nervous- I never had any intention of embarrassing these guys and causing them to be ridiculed- I just wanted to mess with them. The boys all agreed to the stipulations and we shook hands. The matches were set- Christina would take on Scott and Bob. Scott had next to little experience and Bob was quick- so this seemed like a natural fit. Jennifer would get Petr and Jim. Jim owns a few upset victories over Jennifer while Petr has faced her many times. Although Petr has never done very well against her- he always makes her work for her victories. The boys figured he would be a better choice then Bob. Despite Bob's friendship with Jennifer- their clash of styles would work against the boys. I would take on Brent and Mitch. Brent was the strongest of the boys. He had yet to defeat me though he took me to the ultimate limit and came very close. Of course Mitch is my long suffering boyfriend who gets smothered and facesat more times in a week then most men do in a lifetime (even though he's knocked out when it happens occasionally) Mitch does know me very well and coupled with Brent's size and strength- The boys figured they'd be able to beat me. I didn't know what the outfits for the girls would be going in as I couldn't figure out whether this was one of our usual fun nights or a night of wrestling with a more serious tone (a la me v. Brent)- so I left it up to the girls. The first match was about to begin. Christina came out wearing a sports bra and a very nice underwear. I guess she couldn't decide either. Bob and Scott were just wearing shorts. I had confidence in Christina- this was only her fourth match but she was very impressive in only her two singles matches. I figured going up 1-0 would kill the guys momentum so I hoped she'd be able to pull it off. Christina and Bob started the match. Christina owned a submission victory over Bob from the previous week but Jennifer did most of the work. Both wrestlers were very fast and they showed off their speed by moving back and forth and avoiding each other. Christina dove at Bob and drove him into the mat but Bob used his speed to wriggle away. Bob caught her with a flying clothesline and Christina was down on the mat. Bob went to work on her leg but she kicked him away and they both stood facing each other in the centre. They locked wrists for a test of strength as both wrestlers grunted back and forth. Christina was able to get him down on his knees and Bob winced in pain. Christina let go and winked at Bob- He may be speedy but Bob had met another woman in his life who was stronger then him. Bob got up and was a bit shaken up by what happened and walked into an armdrag. He went over and tagged Scott. Scott was looking forward to facing Christina for the first time. They shook hands and felt each other out. They went down on the mat and did some mat wrestling as they were jockeying for position. Christina soon took the advantage and was trying for a crossbody pin but Scott was able to make sure it didn't happen. Being unable to pin Scott she went for an elbow but he moved out of the way and they were back in the centre. They locked up again and Christina pushed him back. She fired off an armdrag and then dove on top of him trying to get a pin. Scott wouldn't stay down so she picked him up and got a suplex for two. He then blocked her second attempt at a suplex with a small package but she kicked out. He got a running clothesline and ran over to tag Bob. Watching on the sidelines- I was ecstatic. She had managed to control both guys without too much trouble. The real sign would be if she could keep this up. I hoped for the best. Bob didn't even try a test of strength or a feeling out process. He dove right at her and got her down on the mat. They battled furiously which each competitor grunted loudly- They were trying to get on top. Bob switched course and started tying up her legs- trying to get her in a submission hold. He went for a couple leglocks and legholds but Christina kept blocking them or powering out. They went back into centre position and battled over an armdrag which Christina won. She tried another one but Bob blocked it and armdragged her, holding onto the arm. Christina reversed it and gave him an armdrag. She missed an elbow and they were back to centre position. Christina then put up her fists and said "Do you wanna go tough guy?" Bob wasn't that good at slugouts but if he turned it down- he'd be major wuss. Bob nodded and soon they were off- Christina's first slugout! Bob's speed really shown here- He was able to bob and weave and duck a lot of her punches while getting in some nice bodyshots. They continued going back and forth but Bob was just too fast. He got her off balance with his quick movements and then just pelted her chest and stomach area. I figured Christina's tits would be very sore. He gave her a "low blow" just to be cheeky and Christina went down. Poor Christina had lost her first slugout. I could see the boys smirking. Bob went for a cover but Christina kicked out. Bob was getting a bit winded and went back to tag Scott. Scott came in and went for a kneedrop- but Christina moved out of the way. Christina rolled onto her side and lured Scott over. Scott came over to her and quick as a flash- Christina grabbed his foot and tripped him up. Scott fell down on the mat and that's all Christina needed. She went to work on his leg and his knee weakening it with body shots and by jumping right on it as Scott winced in pain. I was amazed that Christina was this into ring psychology in only her 4th real match. Christina locked in a figure four leglock but Scott was too close to the ropes and broke it. She then locked in a Boston crab but with all his strength- he powered out. Scott was somehow able to stand and Christina challenged him to a slugout. Even though I questioned the genius of this- I thought it was great that Christina was able to bounce back. Scott accepted and he immediately went after her injured breasts. Christina saw this coming and was able to move out of the way. Christina then rocked Scott's body with punches and as she had an angry determined look in her eye. Scott was starting to look the worse for wear and Christina ended up bloodying his nose with her furious onslaught. She knew Scott was going down soon and then looked at me and said "Sara- I love kicking this family's ass!" And with that- she dropped him to the mat with a ballshot. Scott was done for and Christina locked in her Sharpshooter. "Younger brother- older brother. I'm really moving up the Wussy Family Food Chain." Scott tried to power out but failed. "Is that the best you got Scotty boy? I knew you were fascinated by my big breasts- but in the end they came back to bite you in the ass." Scott's face was a look of anguish as he kept trying to power out. Christina held on and wouldn't give him in an inch. "Come on Scott- a girl just beat the shit out of you- admit it and move on." "Ahhh okay alright. I give. Let me go. I submit Christina- I submit. You got me." Christina raised her hands in the air- and shouted with glee. When she turned around she walked into a thunderous powerslam by Bob. Bob gave her a running powerslam and then signalled for the end. He hit her with an overhead belly to belly suplex and too add insult to injury- gave her one last big shot in her left tit. Bob covered for the 1 ... 2 ... 3. Christina's short celebration had cost her- but that's one of the disadvantages in a handicapped match. There's always someone else. Bob was overjoyed with finally beating a woman and Jennifer offered a congratulatory handshake. Even though she was PISSED with being down 0-1- She felt good for her friend. Christina looked ashamed and angry at having lost but she shouldn't have been. The fact that she lasted so long and did so well against two guys in only her fourth match was amazing. We reminded that her she could probably beat these guys in singles matches. Christina felt better even though I knew she wanted a match with Bob. The boys were now up 1-0. Me and Jennifer would now have to win our matches back to back. Since the next match was pretty serious I asked that Jennifer forgo her usual outfit. Jennifer decided to wear a one piece swimsuit- a far cry from her usual scandalous outfits. She was sending a message to Petr and Jim that she was taking this match very seriously- and had every intention of winning. One thing that worried me was Jennifer didn't have a history of doing well in handicapped matches. A while back she took on Mitch and Bob in a handicap match and the boys worked really well together and ended up beating the shit out of her. She wouldn't tap out so they ended up knocking her unconscious. They were so ecstatic at winning that they had an elaborate post match celebration. They took off her bra and whipped her with it, rubbed her face into the mat, "smothered" her and facesat her and Mitch locked her in another submission hold and Bob had her tap out. The ultimate insult was when Mitch and Bob had mock armwrestling matches with her and "won". Since we spend hours humiliating them after our matches- I didn't take offence to what they did. And considering Jennifer loves to talk trash in her matches- I thought it was quite humorous. Jennifer ended up beating the holy hell out of both men in singles matches but that match haunted her for a while. Now Jennifer was in another handicapped match situation- taking on two good friends. One who owned a victory over her and another who gives her a good fight. For our sake- I was hoping history would not repeat itself. Jennifer looked angry as she stepped to the ring and I knew she had all the confidence in the world. Jim started off the match for the boys. He had a big grin on his face since he knew if he won the match- the boys would win. Jim foolishly locked up with Jennifer and Jennifer shoved him to the ground like a child. They locked up again and again Jim met the mat. Jim then dove at her legs but Jennifer was just too strong. She picked him up and threw him to the mat. Jim shook it off and stalled for a bit. His plan worked. Jennifer went after him and he got a drop toehold and got her on the mat. He decided to roll around on the mat with Jennifer as they did some mat wrestling. Jim had rolled around on the mat with me before and I was quite impressed. Jennifer wasn't expecting it I don't think as Jim got on top of her for a moment. Jennifer threw him off. Jim dove on her again and again they jockeyed for position. Jennifer used her strength this time and got on top but couldn't pin Jim's shoulders. She sat on Jim in a schoolgirl pin like position but Jim wouldn't let his shoulders be pinned. Jennifer realised that this was useless- she could sit on Jim for as long as she wanted to but it would take too long to get a pin. Jennifer pulled him up and went for a short arm clothesline but Jim ducked and kneed her gut. He went for a suplex but Jennifer was just too strong and reversed it into a suplex for herself. She held onto Jim and was able to deliver two more- but Jim kicked out. She locked in a crossface but Jim slipped out of the hold. Jennifer quickly pulled him back up and locked her arms around him and gave him a belly to belly suplex. Unfortunately Jim flew right into Petr. He mumbled "Go get her" and tagged his partner in. I thought Jennifer had done pretty well so far. She had controlled Jim for the most part but just hadn't been able to put him away. I still was a bit worried- I mean- the girls couldn't lose! Petr approached Jennifer. Last week they were on opposite sides of a terrific tag match and Jennifer made Petr tap out after beating the stuffing out of him- Despite getting beat Petr put up a great fight and made Jennifer work for everything. Petr eyed her cautiously and didn't seem to want to lock up. Was he afraid of this strong woman? Jennifer dove at him and they ended up rolling around the mat. Petr was not that good on the mat and Jennifer easily controlled him. She picked him up and gave him a firemans carry take over. She tried to pin him but Petr was too fidgety. Jennifer challenged him to a slugfest and they were slugging it out. Petr was quick and was able to get some nice shots in but when he tried to get closer to get some body shots, Jennifer locked him in a front facelock and gave him a suplex. Jennifer then gave him a German suplex and gave him a press slam. She was in control now and was showing off her strength. She locked Petr in a surfboard that had him crying out in pain. He wouldn't tap so Jennifer gave him a shoulderbreaker. Jennifer was kind of pissed about not winning the previous slugfest and wanted another go. This time Petr was too groggy to even compete and Jennifer punched the shit out of him. She kept working on his shoulder- obviously prepping him for the Regal stretch. Jennifer continued her pummelling and Petr went down on his knees. Jennifer then flew at him with a flying forearm and Petr went down. She pumped her fist in the air and told Petr "This is it!" She locked him in the Regal stretch and Petr cried out in pain. Just as Petr was about to tap- Jim came and made the save. Jennifer was pissed about this while I was worried the two guys would overpower her. Jennifer stood up and ducked a clothesline and then faced Jim face to face. "You want to come in and save your pussy partner? Well I'm gonna knock you the FUCK out!" Jim took a step back but then the slugfest was on while Petr lay there struggling to get up. Jennifer was enraged and was punching the hell out of Jim by attacking his midsection. She heard Petr get up and turned around to punch him in the stomach and then ballshot him. She walked into a spear by Jim and they rolled around. Jennifer got on top and was on the verge of pinning his shoulders to the mat when Petr flew at her and knocked her off. They fell in a heap but Jennifer was able to get Petr and put him in a slam position. She noticed Jim getting up so she threw Petr at Jim. Jim moved out of the way but Petr crashed on the mat. Jim went for another spear but Jennifer moved out of the way. When Jim turned around he was met with a shot to the stomach and then Jennifer bulldogged him. She turned around and saw Petr shaking off the cob webs. She ballshotted Jim and then went to Petr. Petr did some wild swinging but Jennifer put him back down with some body shots. She picked him up and press slammed him right onto Jim. She gordbustered Jim and then did the same to Petr. "Screw both you guys- this match is over!" She then proceeded to do something incredible. She hooked Petr in the Regal Stretch and then put Jim's head right before her legs. Both guys were in serious pain and Jennifer was using all her energy to keep both men from escaping. You could see her face grimacing and her body being pushed to the limit as she was fighting two guy's attempts to escape a hold- while holding onto both at the same time. Both guys were screaming in pain and trying to get out of the hold. Then both men started tapping wildly at the same time. "Submit to me!" Both guys then started speaking at the same time "We submit Jennifer! We submit! Please let us AHHHHH go- please let us go. We submit." "More!" "You're the strongest woman we've faced- we submit- You defeated both of us. You win, we lose." Jennifer realised they had enough and released both men from their holds. She had just made two men submit to her at the same time! Jennifer ran over and hugged me and had a big smile on her face as she saw both guys lying on the met struggling to get up. She really wanted to facesit both of them but I said "We're only tied 1-1. We can't get too cocky. I'll win- trust me. And then- if you're ass and your crotch is not imbedded in another man's face- I'll kick your ass myself." We were now tied 1-1 and all the pressure was on me, Mitch and Brent. Mitch and Brent both look determined and I let them know I was taking this match very seriously. I wore a sports bra and shorts. Mitch looked at me with sadness in his eyes but I told him that when I beat the piss out of both- I'd be wearing a lot less. I was confident because I had undefeated record in handicapped matches. I had spent lots of time beating up Mitch and Scott in fun handicap matches. Sure the object was to win but we never tried to hurt each other. It was mostly me overpowering one, then the other and they would fight me at the same time before I dispatched them with ease. I also had defeated Petr and Jim in a handicapped match without breaking much of a sweat and I had experience in the Survivor Series matches. But this was different. Even though I had fun beating up Mitch- he can give me a great fight and make me work for a victory so facing him is never a walkover. And then there was Brent. Brent had been my toughest opponent to date. In our singles match he came so close to beating me before I locked in my scissors. In our tag match he again beat the crap out of me but again fell victim to my scissors. But this match would be different. He would have a partner to tag out to in case I started rubbing my legs. I would have to eliminate both of them via pin or submission so I wouldn't be able to win via fluke pin. I had truly booked an insane match for myself but the girls depended on me and I knew I had to pull it out. Based on a coin flip Mitch and I started the match. Mitch could see that I was determined and didn't have a smile on my face like I usually do. I immediately challenged him to a slugfest but I missed a wild shot and Mitch bulldozed me to the mat. I wrapped my legs around him and grabbed his arms and swung him around. We met in the centre again and I nodded at him for his smart move and he nodded at me for my quick counter. We locked up and I pushed Mitch back. I quickly grabbed his arm and armdragged him across the mat. He got up and moved towards me and again I was able to manoeuvre myself and give him another armdrag. He charged at me and I again got in position to where I could armdrag him. I was trying to piss him off and it worked. "You wanna do the dance honey?" "Of course." Mitch gained even more respect from me by wanting to slug it out- even though he'd probably lose. I appreciated the fact that he was showing me how seriously he took this match. Anywho- we started it slugging out. He got a couple of good shots on me but he was overmatched. My stomach was sore and my tits aching from some of his good shots, I blocked a tit shot and got a 1-2 combination into his stomach. Then I got him twice in the chest and Mitch went down. I dove on top of him trying to get a pin but it was to no avail and we soon began to battle on the mat. Jennifer always commented it was funny watching us roll around on the mat since the small girl was always getting on top of him and getting all the counters and reversals. This is what happened here- I kept getting on top and anything he tried was countered. I got on top and finally got in a schoolgirl position but he kicked out. All that work for nothing. He kept trying to push up while I kept trying to push down with nothing happening. I decided to back off and let him get back up. I held out my arms and challenged him to a test of strength- who would be stronger? The bigger taller boyfriend and his smaller sexy girlfriend both grunted loudly as their arms were clasped together. I put all my weight and strength as my boyfriend was pushed to down to his knees. I was stronger. As he got up he walked into a knee to the gut and I gave him a bodyslam. Then I gave him a powerslam and finished it up with a fallaway slam. He saw me coming towards him and ran to tag his partner. I was ecstatic. I had: flustered him, out slugged him, out mat wrestled him and then overpowered him. Now if Mitch was determined to beat me- Brent would be even more determined. Brent had yet to beat me despite being bigger and stronger then me. In our first match I just kept using my experience and my legs and made him tap to my headscissors. In our second match I had help from Jennifer and again made him tap to the headscissors. Our third match saw Brent being completely overmatched and Jennifer and I put him away as I knocked the big men out with my headscissors. This time Brent was the man with the extra advantage. He had a capable worker who had made me work hard in our previous sequence. If Brent was to beat me- now would be the time. Brent looked at me- I held up three fingers to show I had beaten him three times. Brent charged at me but walked into a throw by me and hit the mat. He went for my legs but I was able to shrug him off. Brent was frustrated and offered up a lockup. I said okay and we locked up. Brent pushed me back (a little too easily) and gave me a clean break. He flexed in my face and motioned at me to bring it. We locked up again and again Brent pushed me back. I cursed under my breath and Brent challenged me to a test of strength. We locked hands. Just as I could feel Brent overpowering me- I did the only logical thing I could do. I kicked him in the gut. Brent went down and released his grip. I gave him a bulldog and he was down on the mat. I tried getting him into a schoolgirl pin but the man was just too strong and kept blocking all of my attempts. I dropped my knee into his stomach to soften him up. I dropped a couple of elbows but he easily kicked out. I went for a running splash but Brent moved. He was unusually quick and immediately locked in anklelock. It was too early and I rolled over and kicked out of it. Brent was a bit stunned and walked into a small package which got two. I got up but turned my back on him for a second and got clotheslined for my troubles. Brent wasted no time and armdragged me across the mat. I was a bit wobbly getting up and he took me down with another clothesline. I was hurting badly and Brent added a tit shot which did not help. Brent proceeded to drop elbows and knees onto me but could not get a three count. He locked in some submission holds but I broke all of them or made the ropes. I was in pain and this was not a good thing. Brent picked me up and went to give me a slam but I was able to fall back on him and get a near fall. Brent was pissed and stepped on one of my fingers as I screamed out in pain. Yea- it was cheap but I had done the move to guys many times. Brent then slammed me again but I kicked out. He then picked me up and press slammed me into the mat. Brent covered. 1 ... 2 ... but I just barely kicked out. Brent was getting pissed. He then started rubbing his legs and got a big smirk on his face. Before I knew it- Brent was HEADSCISSORING me! He was using my own move against me! Brent started taunting me now. "Come on Sara- tap out. Give me the win- The boys are going to win Handicapped Hell. Concede Sara- come on. COME ON!" I was in shock at first and almost tapped out but then I was able to regain my composure- despite being in pain. I broke the move and Brent was getting frustrated. I slowly got up and Brent challenged me to a slug out. This seemed to light a fire under my ass and I came at Brent charging and he didn't expect it. I was throwing stuff like crazy and Brent just couldn't counter it all. He started staggering as my vicious assault pummelled him. I then gave him a ballshot and another bulldog as I had a rush of adrenaline. I went to lock in my scissors but Brent fought furiously against them. I kneed him and hit a suplex. I went for another one but he tried to reverse it but failed. I suplexed him again. I went over to do more damage but Brent got a quick shot to my midsection and hiptossed me. He then ran over to tag Mitch. My rush of adrenaline had ended and I was exhausted. I knew that I had to work a slow methodical pace to get Mitch out. Mitch ran in but I gave him a drop toehold and he fell to the mat. I got him up and locked in a bearhug. It wasn't a very strong one and he was able to break it. Mitch kneed me and gave me an Irish whip but I ducked a clothesline and grabbed his arm and flipped him over. I was really tired at this point and locked in a body scissors. Yea it's a boring hold and I like to make my matches exciting but I had a match to win here. I didn't lock it in full strength and Mitch was able to break it. The minute he got back up I just clotheslined him again and locked in the body scissors again. He of course broke it but I was getting my energy back and he was getting worn down. Mitch then walked into an airplane spin and I gave him two belly to belly suplexes. I gave him one more body scissors and when it took him a while to break it I knew I had one won. I gave him a verticial suplex and then rubbed my legs together. It was headscissors time! I locked in my headscissors as I lay on my side with a big grin on my face. Mitch kept trying to pry it apart and I saw him wave Brent off to save him. He knew it was pointless because if he couldn't save himself- I would eventually beat him anyway. Mitch kept straining and doing everything he could but I held on for dear life as the struggle for dominance in the relationship looked to be ending. I could hear Mitch's grunts and groans as I knew I had him. Mitch could suddenly take no more and he soon was tapping the mat. I released the hold and helped him up and shook his hand for putting up a great fight. I made sure Brent didn't sneak attack me by making sure Mitch was always in front of me. One down, one to go. The boys and girls were going crazy as they knew all it took was one more pinfall or submission and someone would be declared the winner of Handicapped Hell. Brent started approaching me and I was so fired up that I ran at him and speared him into the mat. I started pummelling him with fists as he tried to cover up. He eventually threw me off and then went and speared me into the mat and was pelting me with fists. I rolled out and we faced off in the centre. He put up his fists and I put up mine and soon a slugout began. I was thankful I was wearing my sports bra and it seemed like the adulation we were getting from both sexes made us try harder to beat the other one. I got in some nice combos at Brent and he fell to one knee and I could hear Christina explode. I charged at him and knocked him on his back but was not able to pin him. We began to roll around the mat jockeying for dominance. I was the better mat wrestler but Brent was stronger. We were countering and reversing holds and each got several near falls but no pinfall. After battling on the mat for a little bit we again faced off in centre position. I was worried my conditioning would run out on me but wrestling Mitch gave me a nice rest (Sorry Mitch) and I'm in terrific shape anyway. Brent put up his fists and we were ready for round 2. Brent was the better man this time as his assault was just to quick for me to combat. The 4 tit shots in a row also hurt. I was almost down. Brent's clothesline put me there. Brent then gave me a backdrop. Brent then gave me two traditional suplexes and another tit shot. A jackhammer suplex almost pinned me but I barely kicked out. Brent cursed and then gave me a bodyslam. He dropped some elbows on me to wear me down but I was still kicking out. I was in serious pain and was trying to think of a way I could get one more adrenaline rush- we had to win Handicapped Hell. WE HAD TO! Brent seemed to think differently and pressed me high in the air and then dropped me down. I saw his cocky smile and I hated that man- I wanted to kick his ass so badly. Brent gave me another slam but I again just kicked out. Brent gave me two more suplexes but I got my shoulder up at the last millisecond. Brent then yelled: It's over- Handicapped Hell will be ours! I knew he was going for his running powerslam which according to Petr was his big finish. Brent had me in position for the big finish (after another tit shot) but he took one second long. Just as he started running I wriggled away and jumped off. He turned around and was met with a big lariat that I put all my waning energy into. He staggered a bit and now I had to get revenge for those tit shots. I gave Brent a big ballshot and he fell to the mat. I had my adrenaline rush now. I picked Brent up and gave him two verticial suplexes- by back killing me with each one. I gave Brent a flying splash but he was able to kick out. My back was still sore from all the abuse I had taken so I could only give Brent a bodyslam- even though I really wanted to press slam him. I locked in a figure 4 leglock but he rolled out of it. He broke my half Boston crab and then was able to get out of my crippler crossface. Each submission hold was giving the boys heart attacks as they were afraid they actually might lose. Brent looked officially gassed and I actually thought I would win this thing. I pulled him into the centre of the mat and gave him one of my patented flying elbows. I knew it was over. The boys were silent and I could see Christina and Jennifer about to explode. I went to cover Brent- with my breasts RIGHT in his face and waited for the inevitable. 1 ... 2..BRENT KICKED OUT! He just barely shot his shoulder up. I was shocked that someone was able to kick out of my flying elbow. The boys were ecstatic as I had a look of disbelief on my face. I then said: Fuck this and locked in my headscissors. I could hear Brent moaning and groaning in pain and I said, "Come on Brent. Just end this. It's over man- you put up a great fight. Tap out." Brent didn't listen and somehow using all the strength that he had left- he broke my headscissors. Again the boys were going wild and I was at a lost. He struggled to get up but when he did- I dropped him with a ballshot. Brent went back down to the mat and I locked in my scissors as hard as I could. "Come on Brent- it's useless man. Give it up. Submit to me." Brent responded by groaning in pain and I could feel him trying to break the hold- but he was just too weak. I didn't even bother trying to counter him- he was too weak to break the hold. Then I heard him stop and I just heard a loud groan. And then I heard those glorious words. "I give up. I give. You win." I broke my hold and jumped into Jennifer's arms as the boys hung their heads in shame. I knew I had been an absolute war and was almost out of breath. I took a minute to compose myself and then faced the 4 cowering boys. It also gave Jennifer a minute to go change into a bra and panties. "Now boys- we had a deal. You boys, despite having an extra partner in each match could not get it done. Now are you ready to get the beating and humiliation of your life? The camera is ready to record every shot. Let's go." Jim then spoke up. "We had a deal- you're right. We didn't get it done. But since this is being filmed and all- we're not going down without a fight!" Jennifer chimed in. "Jim- Do I have to kick your ass again?' "You damn right. Bitch." And with that Bob went after Christina, Jim went after Jennifer and Petr and Scott swarmed me. Mitch and Brent were way too beat up to move. Bob ran after Christina and they locked up. Christina pushed him back and then fired off a quick shot to his midsection. She then locked wrists with Bob and brought him down to his knees where she released him. A short arm clothesline later and Bob was lying on the mat. Christina then dropped a couple of knees into his midsection and gave him a few body shots. She then nodded at me and Jennifer. Soon Bob was screaming in pain in the Sharpshooter and was tapping out like mad. "I give! I give! Ahh I'm sorry Christina- you win. Let me go." Well no one calls Jennifer a bitch and gets away with it. Jennifer just charged at Jim the minute he uttered the 'b' word. She tackled him into the mat and then got on top of him in a schoolgirl pin. She can destroying him with punch after punch and Jim was bleeding. She then armdragged him and gave him a big press slam (she held him up for what must've seemed like hours to Jim) She then locked in her Regal stretch and Jim was tapping and screaming wildly. Jennifer made him apologise for calling her a bitch, acknowledge she was the sexiest woman in the world and that he must never doubt female superiority again. Jim did all that. And then Jennifer released the hold. I had two guys going after me and was a bit nervous on how to handle this since I was still a bit winded. Scott and Petr both faced off against me and I just dove at Scott- taking him down. Petr tried to pull me up but I grabbed his arm and flipped him over. I gave Scott a ballshot and saw Petr stirring. I hit Petr with a flying bodypress and then picked him up and slammed him and armdragged him away from Scott. I went over to Scott and gave him a gordbuster suplex. Petr ran at me with a clothesline but I ducked, and locked him in a waistlock. One German suplex and it was over for him. I then suplexed Petr onto Scott and knew both guys had enough. I quickly locked in my headlock/headscissors combo and both guys screamed in pain but could not break the hold. "Submit to both of me. Now!" "I give Sara. I give- please release me. I submit." "Okay Scott- who kicked your ass tonight? I want you to name both girls." "You and Christina did. You and Christina." "Okay- are females stronger then men? Can I dominate you anytime you please." "Yes, yes! Ahhh- I submit Sara." I let Scott go and then did the same spiel to Petr and released him. All 6 guys were now lying on the ground in extreme pain and a camera was capturing it all. Jennifer said "Sara- how come you get 4 guys and we just get one?" "Whoops- sorry about that." I tossed Scott to Christina and then let Jennifer handle Petr. All three girls were standing over two beaten males. I said "Girls- tonight lay 6 men who doubted female superiority but are now on their backs writhing in pain. Now let's teach them a lesson and get rid of these constricting bras! And with that Jennifer and I took off her bras, threw them at our defeated males and began to give them a humiliating smother. We rubbed our breasts back and forth all over their faces making sure each boy got their fair amount of breasts. The boys were lying there helpless as we were just humiliating them and they couldn't do a thing about it. I looked over at Christina and she was true innovator. She had both guys on their knees and then got on her knees herself. She then threw her bra at them, grabbed them both and rubbed Bob and Scott into her left and right breast respectively. Jennifer and I were laughing at her while we were in the middle of smothering. We smothered the boys for a good long while (about 30 minutes) and then I yelled "Facesitting time!" As we got our asses ready- something didn't seem right. We weren't wearing our facesitting thongs. To make sure the boys didn't get away while we changed- we used our bras and tied Bob, Jim and Mitch up with them. The boys were just so embarrassed that this was all on film- but there was nothing they could do. We went and all changed into our thongs (I'm sure the boys wish they could've seen that) and when I came out I yelled "It's facesitting time!" We sat on our defeated males faces and began just rubbing our ass back and forth all while laughing our assess off about how the night began. The poor guys had to sit there and listen to us have normal conversations while they got face first encounters of my ass and crotch. It was great seeing Christina have a good time. She told me she first felt weird about letting a guy she barely knows become intimate with her ass but I told her once she did an actual facesit- she would know how great it feels. And I looked over and saw her taunting Scott and Bob and mugging for the camera as she just kept moving her ass back and forth- this was great. We kept celebrating for hours. We even had to change the tape. After we facesat them we did our facesit/smother combos (We were smothering one guy and facesit the other at the same time). We all got bored with our current guys so we kept trading off. So each boy got to be smothered and facesat by everyone. Christina had the bright idea that I knock all the guys out like I did last time. The boys heavily protested to that but there was nothing they could do. It took a little while- but 6 headscissors later and I had knocked all 6 guys out. When the boys awoke they found that we had tied them all up using our bras and then we just continued to smother and facesit them for hours- and it was all on film. I seriously think that I have the boys' faces imprinted on my ass and boobs now. We finally get tired (there's only so many times you can rub your ass over someone's face) and before we go to bed- I made one more announcement. "Boys- the second annual Handicapped Hell is about to begin!" Christina put her foot on Scott's chest and I counted to three. She then did the same to Bob and again won in three seconds. Jennifer did the same to Jim and Petr and then I put my foot on Brent's chest and my pinkie finger on Mitch- and pinned them at the same time. It's kind of hard to kick out when you're tied up. The boys thought Handicapped Hell would be their night to make a statement. The night where they would be able to kick our ass and finally dominate us. But once again- the female race proved superior and the boys ended up getting smothered, knocked out, facesat and tied up. We may have been at a numbers disadvantage- but it doesn't matter. Because at the end of the day- Sexy Sara, Strong Jennifer and Crazy Christina will still kick your ass. Feedback is always appreciated.