Boyfriend v. Girlfriend By Bob Barron ( Boyfriend and Girlfriend duke it out with a special stipulation if the boyfriend loses Wednesday me and my boyfriend were just rolling around, tussling, trying to gain the upper hand and show dominance. Pretty soon I got the upper hand and has him in a schoolgirl pin with his arms pinned down and me sitting on top of him showing my dominance. I was in my bra-n-panties and took off my bra and threw at him and he thought he was gonna get smothered. I decided to change courses and go for a facesit. As I was about to he blocked it. I was like: you wanna go?? He was all: bring it bitch! We quickly decided we'd make the match 2/3 falls, no holds barred and I was in my bra-n-thong, he was wearing shorts and no shirts and the match started. I dove at him and we started rolling around trying to gain the advantage. We soon locked up and I pushed him back and smirked, but he was able to shove me down. I was pissed and quickly ran and armdragged him and monkeyflipped him. "How do you like that?" I dove at him but he caught me but I was able to use my weight and strength and fall on him for two. Test of strength went my way. "Damn- this is getting a bit easy." He was able to take me down and we did some mat wrestling. That was pretty even and he tried to punch me but I ducked and kicked him. We fought over a suplex and we were both grunting heavily. I won but he blocked a gordbuster so we brawled a bit more with each jawing back and forth. I hiptossed him and threw him around a bit but he caught me and took control for a moment. He went up for a crossbody, but missed. I hit one of my own but he rolled through and got on top. I reversed it, he reversed that and I reversed THAT and laid on top for the pin. I said: One for me! Fall 2- We were ready for our second fall. I was still in my bra and thong and he was still wearing shorts but we were both sweating heavily. He approached me hesitantly and I used his hesitance to quickly take control with some armdrags and hiptosses. I got a waistlock suplex and did some suplexes and basically worked him over. He was lying there and I flexed a bit and posed as he groaned in pain. I went for a splash but missed probably caused I paused too long. I maintained the offensive but he blocked a ballshot by grabbing my foot and ducking when I went for an enziguri. He pointed to his brain and said: I guess men are better. He got an anklelock which I quickly broke and then I powered out of a figure four. His smirk turned to dismay and my dismay turned to a smirk but he was able to quickly slam me. He says I'm an annoying little bugger to wrestler since I'm like a worm and am always moving. He went for an armdrag but I blocked it and challenged him to a punch war. This was my way of telling him I'm in control- you're toast asshole. I punched him out, then won a test of strength and then quickly went on the offensive. He was in pain and was moaning especially after being out brawled by a girl. I knew I'd be able to win this match. I beat his ass for a couple minutes and then power slammed him, pressed him and then hit the flying elbow. I headscissored him. I was lying on my side with his head trapped between my powerful legs. I was taunting him. 'Looks like I'm the real man here. Come on- the facesit won't be too bad. I've out punched you, I've shown I'm stronger than you- just tap.' All this time he was lying there straining trying to break the hold. He was in tons of pain and I then saw the look of defeat on his face. Me: Say it! Say it! Him: I.I. I give. You win. I released it and said: Honey- this facesit could've been given with you in a lot less pain. I then gave him a wicked good facesitting and he couldn't protest. It was a fun night of wrestling and we both had an awesomeriffic time. Email me back.