Brent Returns By Bob Barron Brent's rematch with Sara in a tag match is the focal point of a night of mixed wrestling I was still on a high after my victory over Brent last weekend while he was on an all time low since as even though he saw Pete and Mitch both feel the effects of female domination- he still expected to beat me and was embarrassed about having to submit to me. I saw him at the cafeteria talking to Petr and Jennifer and I went to overhear their conversation. "How did it happen Petr? I'm bigger then her, stronger then her, I'm a guy for fucks sake- and the night ended with her ass and breasts in my face??" "You're complaining about that? I don't know what happened- I remember the first time I faced her. We armwrestled and in like 10 seconds she had my arm planted to the mat. Then I took her on in a singles match and 2 minutes later she had me tapping out. She's just amazing. I mean- this small girl is a one woman ass kicking machine." "It pisses me off- I mean Jennifer I could remotely see cause she's strong but how does that girl do it? I mean how? I thought she would be a challenge but I never in a million years expected to submit to her and be humiliated. I'm glad she didn't tell anyone though- I mean I can't believe I lost to a girl." Jennifer and I decided to make our move and we walked to up to them. "Hey there fellas. Petr- you don't always have to clam up when I come near you." Brent looked at me with shame in his eyes. "What do you want Sara and Jen? You girls beat us last week okay. You won fair and square no excuses whatever. You had your little fun with the smothering and the facesitting and whatever. Jennifer looked at Petr. "Hey there Petr. How you feeling after Saturday?" "Don't worry Jennifer- I'm fine." "That's always good- I'll make sure to re-aggravate any injury you have." Brent then got pissed. "Oh shut up Jennifer. Wow- you're really strong and you can kick guy's asses. We get it already- go flex them for someone who give a damn." I stepped in before Jennifer did something stupid and said "Calm down everyone. Saturday we're gonna have our usual night of fights so Petr- of course you're gonna come. Brent- you come to. We'll do this- me and Jennifer- the Vicious Vixens taking on Petr and Brent- The Grumbling Guys who Grapple. Jennifer and Brent locked eyes. "Yea. Sounds good. Brent you've seen me flex my muscles up close- now you'll get to feel their wrath." "I took Sara to hell and back- I'm just taking you to hell." I ended this verbal tete a tete with "Petr- you gonna accept this or leave Brent all alone?" I then pointed to my breasts. "Petey- they miss you so come on be a man accept the challenge?" "I'm in Sara- I'm in." And with that the big main event was set. Everyone was here for Fight Night as we were hoping to have a really good time. One new girl, Christina had joined us. She had a nice build and seemed like she had speed. I decided to put her against my boyfriend. I figured since she was new I would give my boyfriend a win as a reward for him helping me. I also gave him the night off in terms of facing me. Jennifer and Bob started out first. Bob was actually going to face Christina first but like I said- I had to reward my boyfriend. Bob was working out more in addition to his speed that he had. I did some strength contests with him to assess his progress and he actually didn't do too badly. Back to the match- Bob actually decided to lock up with Jennifer which was pretty shocking. They locked up and Jennifer pushed him back fairly quickly. She smiled at him, flexed and she offered her hand as a way of admiring Bob for locking up. They moved around and Bob went to trip him up but Jennifer shook him off, tripped him up and said "Brent- this could be you. Sorry Bob." And with that she picked him up and just chucked him across the room. She then picked him up and threw him back. She then gave him a bunch of belly to belly suplexes and with each one looked over at Brent and Petr and glared. Christina looked on with a big smile on her face as she was cheering for Jennifer really loudly. In the end Jennifer figured Bob had enough and locked in the Regal Stretch as he used whatever energy he had left to tap out. Jennifer liked Bob so she never humiliated him too much but had to send a message and smothered and facesat Bob and even gave him a spanking to prove a point as she kept glaring at Petr and Bob. Christina was nervous as she knew her debut match was next. She was a pretty girl with long brown hair and the boys liked her cause her chest was just a little bigger then mine. She was in good shape and was excited as the match v. Mitch was about to begin. Mitch wasn't cocky or arrogant because he knew he had a bad winning percentage when it came to wrestling women. He was in a losing streak not just against me but Jennifer had been getting the better of him recently so he hoped this would be a nice confidence booster. Christina was wearing a bikini that covered everything up just enough while my boyfriend wore his usual shorts. I wished her good luck, me and Jennifer both gave her a hug as her wrestling career was about to begin. My boyfriend showed his respect for his opponent by offering her a handshake which they took. The match was two out of three falls and no kicking or punching was allowed. They locked up and to my shock she was actually pretty strong as they battled for position. My boyfriend pushed her back and then whipped her. He went for a clothesline but she ducked and hit a flying bodypress for two. Mitch angrily threw her off and fired off two armdrags and on the third held on with an armbar to slow to the pace down. Mitch wasn't a very speedy wrestler which was where most of his problems with me amounted. He picked her up and slammed her and covered but only got one. He went to do more damage but she shooed him away with her feet and popped back up. She tripped him up and then jumped on his back for a bit to add to some pain. She then did some nice cradles and roll ups trying to win fall one. She locked in a crippler crossface but Mitch easily broke the hold as I could see he was very frustrated at not being able to control this girl. They locked in a test of strength and again it was extremely close. Chrissy soon smiled at him and strained with all her might and actually brought him down to his knees until he recovered and started winning the test of strength. He released it and he hooked a beathug but she quickly broke it. He recovered with a clothesline and tried some pinning combinations but only got two as Christina was strong enough to keep kicking out. Mitch wanting to ground her starting working on the mat and worked on her legs and knee for a good while as Christina fought feverishly and valiantly trying to come back. After working on the legs for a good while Mitch signalled it was over as he had a big smile on his face. He went into apply a figure four leg lock but to everyone's shock Christina caught him and got him a small package while my boyfriend tried like hell to escape. ONE.TWO.THREE! Christina had won the first fall. Christina rose up and was absolutely ecstatic at winning the first fall as my boyfriend lay there stunned and pissed off at having to lost the fall. He seemed like he was trying to regroup himself as fall two began. Christina and Mitch locked up and Christina pushed him back this time. She had all the confidence now. She pushed him back and then fired off an armdrag. She then fired off another one as my boyfriend just didn't know what to do. He got up and right as he did she flew at him and had him down on the mat as she struggled for a pinfall and ended up getting a two count as he angrily threw her off. He saw her lying face down and grabbed her foot to do something but she rolled over, kicked him off and then got another small package but this time only for two. I was amazed at how well Christina knew her way around out there- I had only done a couple training sessions with her, yet she just had a natural way of knowing what to do. She ducked a clothesline from Mitch and rolled him up for another near fall. "Now you're gonna get it," Mitch shouted as he flew at her with an elbow. He got the elbow and then hit a bodyslam. He tried a schoolgirl (well I guess schoolboy) pin but Christina would have none of it. Mitch then went for a suplex but she countered with a suplex of her own and then a fisherman's suplex but Mitch kicked out but his energy was draining having to kick out of these near falls. Christina bulldozed him with a hard clothesline and then hit a bulldog as it was shocking seeing Mitch take all this from a new girl. Unlike Jennifer and I, who seem to be majoring in trash talking, she didn't say a word at all. Barely even grunted. She gave Mitch a knee to the abdomen and then bulldogged him again. She started trying out twisting around various parts of Mitch's body just to put him in pain and to wear him down. She finally figured she had the fall one and channelled Bret Hart by hooking the Sharpshooter. She then decided to finally speak. "Now I'm gonna get it eh Mitch? I'm really getting it now aren't I?? "Uhhh owww oh god. Oh God. I submit, I submit- you win!" Christina had just defeated my boyfriend two falls to none in her first ever match. The boys just sat there stunned as Christina and I hugged and she looked to be on the brink on utopia. She then shot Mitch who was slowly getting up and trying to get over his humiliating defeat an angry look. Something came over and she went over to him, pulled him up and gave him two bulldogs all while shouting "WHO IS IN CONTROL NOW?" She pulled him up again and gave him a punch right to the stomach and rubbed his face in her cleavage and then slapped him hard all while shouting the above phrase. Like the rest of the group, I was shocked at her post match actions. She soon realised what she had done as she Mitch struggle to get up and told us why she did it. In high school Christina had been the victim of domestic abuse as her ex-boyfriend beat her regularly. She never got back at him and the anger was still there. She confessed to wanting to do this to get back at him and erase her demons and that's what came over in her attack on Mitch. "Mitch- I'm really sorry. We had a good competitive fight and I acted like an ingrate afterwards." "It's alright Chrissy. I heard your explanation to everyone over there and I'm sorry you had to go through that and I fully understand your reason for snapping. Don't worry- it's cool. "Okay- I won't promise that won't happen again but I will try to keep it in check. Again- really sorry." "You won't have to worry about it. You'll never beat me again," Mitch said with a smile. They went and shook hands and Mitch surprised by kneeing her and by getting her ready for a bodyslam. "I gotta get some payback for everything.," he said. As he slammed her, she held onto to his leg and SHE ended up being on top and again had him a small package position. She held him like that for about ten seconds and again Mitch was thoroughly humiliated. "Oh Mitch- I can't wait till we face again." Mitch walked over to me humiliated but I gave him a hug and told him I hoped he would feel better watching Jennifer and I take on Brent and Petr which was next. The match was a tag team elimination match with no holds barred. Jennifer and I were both wearing sports bras and bikinis bottoms to emphasise the seriousness of the match. The boys looked determined and ready as Brent and Petr both wanted revenge for last weeks matches. Brent and Jennifer started off the match based on a coin flip. They locked up as Petr and I cheered are respective sex on. They grunted furiously each trying to push the other back as they worked their muscles into overtime. Jennifer pushed him back and then let go- wanting to rub it in. Brent motioned for her to bring it and they locked up for a second time as they grunted and yelled as both me and Petr kept egging each other on. I pointed to my chest and then pointed to Petr's face so Petr responded by pretending to punch my breast. I looked at back at the match and noticed Brent had won round two and Jennifer looked like she wanted to go again. They locked up again and after another furious battle Brent pushed her back and won the mini-lockup battle. Jennifer cursed under her breath and Petr yelled "Muscular girl ain't so strong now eh?" Jennifer turned around to yell at him and Brent bumrushed her and knocked her to the ground. He got her in a headlock which she broke but then he shoulderblocked her to the ground, he dropped an elbow and wanted to conserve his energy so he tagged Petr. Petr ran in and immediately went to work on Jennifer. He kept elbowing her shoulder. After three elbows he locked in a crippler crossface but she powered out of the hold. Petr kneed her in the gut and went for a running bulldog but as he got closer to her she stuck out her hip and hip checked him. Petr flew to the mat and Jennifer had an outlet to make a tag. She crawled slowly over as Petr desperately tried to make it to Brent. Jennifer tagged me in and I went straight for Petr to make sure he couldn't make the tag. I got his leg and was going to just anklelock him to stop him but he quickly kicked me away and dove at Brent and made the tag. Brent locked eyes at me and I locked eyes at him. The last time we wrestled we had a match that pushed us to the limits we never knew we had. I forced Brent to give up to my headscissors but I knew there were many moments in the match where thought I would lose. Jennifer and Petr were yelling at each other as we both stared at each other. Then as quick as a flash we started slugging out as everyone in the room was cheering for their respective sexes. I was glad I was wearing a bra as he got me hard a couple times. Finally I started getting in some good body shots and he fell to one knee. I lifted up my hands in the air and posed for Jennifer but when I turned around I was met with a thunderous spear that took me down hard. Brent stuck his finger in my face and I retaliated by flopping up and wrapping my legs around his midsection and started to squeeze away. He couldn't throw me off and we fell to the mat and in a heap. I scrambled to get on top of him but he was able to throw me off as we scrambled to position. I fired off an armdrag and then got another one as he came near me. He came after me but I hit him with a clothesline and took him down as Jennifer was flexing and posing for Petr on the outside. I rocked him with two flying bodypresses but on a third- he caught me in mid-air and slammed me right down. He elbowed me and got a one count. He continued with a barrage of quick elbows as I was unable to move out of the way since he was doing them at such a quick speed. He then picked me up and gave me a suplex as Jennifer was starting to get worried and Petr was strutting around. He then one-upped himself by picking me up in a suplex and holding me there a la the British Bulldog. After what seemed like an eternity he decided to let me down again as I was starting to get seriously groggy and dazed. He then decided to one-up THAT and picked me up and gave me three straight snap suplexes. I was almost out of it and wondering if I would have the energy to kick out if he chose to pin me. Brent then decided to get cocky- I don't blame him since I rubbed it in his face (literally) the last time we faced but I try to wait till after the match unless I'm absolutely in control. Brent went and rubbed his ass in my face and then flexed at me and flexed at Jennifer as he seemed to be in enjoying all the glory of being in complete control. He went up and was ready to do a top-rope splash. I was barely conscious but his humiliation of me had riled me up and I could see what he was about to do. As he came down for the kill I stuck my knees out as he was coming down and he screamed out in pain and he knew his control of me was over. I was in a daze from taking all that punishment and knew I had to tag Jennifer. I looked around for my corner and slowly inched my way towards Jennifer. Just I was about to make the tag- I heard Petr run in. He got me in a crippler crossface but I shrugged him off and powered out. He came at me with a clothesline but I moved out of the way and caught him with an armdrag and then to buy some time- slugged him right in the balls. As I inched over to my corner- I had found my savoir. And she was a woman named Jennifer. Jennifer came in and dove right at Petr and was beating the stuffing out of him making him black and blue and bloody all over. She was trash talking him like crazy and as she kept slamming him. She then "Time to go for a ride bitch- I dare you doubt female superiority." She monkeyflipped him across the room twice and then kneed him in the gut and suplexed him. Another suplex and she went to undo her bra to whip Petr with it but then said "You're not worthy enough to see my breasts you loser." Jennifer gave him a drop toe-hold, an elbow to the back and then locked in the Regal stretch but quickly released it as she shook her head no. Petr could only moan in response and then Jennifer did a slam. Then she pressed slam him. Then to one up THAT she picked him and did reps in the air with him on her hands and then slammed him down. Christina went crazy looking on. She then picked him up and gave him two German suplexes and posed and strutted around a bit before going for the cover. At the two count Bret ran in and broke it up. I ran in to save my partner and a pier-4 brawl broke out. I dove at Brent and we were slugging it out again as Petr and Jennifer were also going at it. I ducked a Brent punch and speared him down as I noticed that Petr was about to suplex Jennifer. We were rolling around trying to get on top. I got on top and noticed Jennifer had reversed the suplex. Brent got on top of me but Jennifer quickly ran over and clotheslined him and then went back to Petr. Petr surprised her by getting a small package for two and then took her down with a forearm shot and punched her right in the right breast. I went for a suplex on Brent but Petr quickly ran and took me down releasing Brent from harm's way. Petr and Brent starting beating on me as I tried to get them off me. Brent slammed me and Petr then added a splash as they continued to beat on me as Jennifer was dazed from Petr's two punches to her right breast. Petr was taunting me as Bret went to press slam me. "You think you can taunt me Sara? Brent and I own you and pretty soon- we're gonna own- OH SHIT OW!" Jennifer had snuck him and given him a ballshot as he was taunting me. She then german suplexed him to hell and speared Brent who was in mid press slam. I fell to the ground in a heap as Jennifer was punching Brent. I could see Petr starting to stir and I went to take care of him. He got up and walked into a urinage (Rock Bottom) from me and then I armdragged him and gave him three hiptosses. I looked over and saw Jennifer taunting Brent as she continued to kick his ass. "Yea- I'm a muscular women- and now I'm kicking the shit out of you." I went back to work on Petr who was trying to punch his way out of it but I was too quick and kept dancing around and avoid him as Petr was getting frustrated. "You stupid bitch!" He screamed at me and went for a kick to my stomach but I moved out of the way and took him down and slugged him hard right in the balls. "Don't call me that again Petr!" I looked over and noticed Jennifer was having trouble with Brent so figuring I had Petr taken care of I went over to deal with Brent. He had Jennifer ready for a powerslam but I tripped him up and Jennifer fell on top of him for a near fall. "Jennifer- you get Petr- I want to finish Brent off. I got my legs ready as Jennifer went over to deal with Petr. I offered Brent one more slug out and we did the dance one more time. Brent seemed to be getting fatigued while I was energised and ready. This time- it was no contest. I battered Brent's body with rights and lefts and he quickly went down. I had him on the ground but he wasn't ready to be pinned just yet. He got up but walked right into a bulldog. He was back down and I locked in a body scissors as he cried out in pain. He tried to undo my legs and finally was able to. I didn't let up and the went and scissored his arm as I could see Petr was getting powerslamed by Jennifer. I looked over at Jennifer and she looked at me. "You ready to finish these two knuckleheads off?" Brent tried one more time to get up and swung wildly at my breasts but I easily moved and kneed him right in the gut and then rubbed his head into the mat as I could see that on the other side Jennifer had worked Petr over enough that he was ready to be stretched. I stood over Brent and started rubbing my legs seductively as Brent knew what hold was coming up next. I yelled "For the girls" and headscissored Brent while at the same time Jennifer had Petr locked in the Regal Stretch. I was lying on my side chatting with Jennifer as we waited to see what would happen. Brent tried to power out and I could tell he was using all his strength to get me off but I strained just as hard and I could hear him exhale- his attempt had failed. Petr was trying to get to the ropes but Jennifer held on and was just too strong. Brent tried one last attempt to break the hold but it wasn't going to happen. I laid there watching Jennifer- and we waited for the inevitable- and then it happened. Both boys tapped out at the exact same time. Jennifer and I both said "We want a submission and an admission who the best are." "Ow ahh damn, I submit to you Jennifer. Ow goddamnit- you're the best- let me go." "Brent- you're turn." "I tapped out- ahhhh isn't that enough?" "I can squeeze harder." And I did just that. "AHHHH- I quit, I give- you girls win again- you're better then me." And with that we released our holds having defeated the Grumbling Guys who Grapple by eliminating them both. Christy was gushing with pride and kept saying "I'm so proud of you guys- you guys are so awesome. I went over to my boyfriend who gave me a big hug and a kiss but had a puzzled look on his face. "Sara- great job and all but your bra and bikini bottom is still on. So is Jennifer- what gives?" "Well Mitch- seeing as how we got a big Survivor Series handicap match later on tonight- I'm saving it for you." "Why save it for then- you know you got no chance against me," Mitch said with a smile. "Oh Mitchell- We'll see about that." We wanted to give Petr and Brent time to recover which they were slowly doing and Christina didn't mind wrestling again so I decided to give Christina her second match ever as she would take on Jim in a one fall regular wrestling match. This way most everyone would be fresh for the big main event. Jim was a hot and cold wrestler. Some nights he would be amazing as he had defeated Jennifer several times. There were some times where he would really give me a run for my money and force me to exert a lot of energy to beat him. Other nights he just wouldn't have it it seemed. He once lost to me in two minutes and sometimes he just wouldn't be up to par. He would need to be good if he wanted to defeat Christina who was ready for her second match ever. Christina looked nervous but confident and had changed to a sports bra and panties. "I want to see what it's like to wrestle while looking sexy," she said. They looked at each other looking for an opening. Jim dove for her legs but Christina moved out of the way. Jim and her then danced around a bit but then Christina saw and opening and speared him to the ground. She wasn't able to get a schoolgirl pin though as Jim threw her off. Christina then fired off an armdrag. Jim dove at her with a clothesline but Christina moved and got a rollup for two. Christina looked like a season pro out there as she grabbed Jim's legs and gave him a slingshot. She then caught him with a bulldog on the way down. She locked in a figure four but he was too close to "the ropes" and was able to break the hold. Christina pulled him back into the middle and started working on his knee and leg without showing any emotion and having a determined look on her face. The only noise that could be heard was Jim's moans and groans. Christina worked over his leg for three minutes and then pumped her first in the air. She sensed victory and rubbed Jim's face into the mat and slapped his head around. She then locked in the Sharpshooter. Jim's face was in absolute agony. He tried to spin her off or break it. He failed. His face had a look like he couldn't believe he was about to lose to a girl in only her second match. He then had to face the facts. "I give! I give!" "YEA BABY!" Christina jumped up in the air and accepted a hug from Jennifer and then looked over at Mitch. "Don't feel bad Mitch- you're not the only one." She glared at Jim and went over to him. She gave him a punch in the stomach and then picked him up, put his face in her sports bra and rubbed his face in. "Sorry guys- I still have a little bit of demons to erase." Christina was now 2-0 in singles competition and I was scared about how good she could get eventually get. We gave the competitors time to get ready and watched some tapes of some matches Mitch and I taped. One of them including us fighting in a 30 minute iron person match and me winning 14-0 since I knocked him out 23 minutes in. Everyone laughed as I kept small packaging him and rolling him up as he was knocked out. At the end of 30 minutes I put lipstick and my bra on him and then smothered him for five minutes straight. Mitch seemed a bit embarrassed but never seemed to let it bother him too much and was even laughing at some of the footage. I really was proud at how he was able accept not only losing but getting thoroughly humiliated but a smaller girl. Before we began the Survivor Series match he looked at me and smiled and then said "Sara- at the end of this one- you'll be the one wearing the bra! I mean uhhhh whatever- I'm kicking your ass woman! I responded by getting out the lipstick and pointing it at him. And with that the Survivor Series handicap elimination match was about to begin. We were just about ready to start locking up when the door opened. Scott, Mitch's brother, walked in. He was scheduled to stay with us for a bit and I was looking forward to having some fun handicap matches. He may not have been a good wrestler but he always had fun out there and he never had a problem with losing to a girl or getting humiliated- he just enjoyed rolling around with hot muscular girls. "Hey guys." He then looked at all the guys- some with a bit of blood and all marked up with abuse. "Well looks like the girls are having some fun tonight." "Hey Scott- you want to join in the handicap match? The boys need all the help they can get." "Don't think I'm a wuss Sara but I just got in and well usually when I wrestle- I get my ass kicked- and that's with me all prepared. I think I'll just sit and watch this one. Go boys!" "Alright fine- that doesn't exempt you from a smother though." Mitch then interjected himself. "Honey- you're not gonna get the chance to smother him." And with that the handicap Survivor Series match was about to begin. It was Me/Jennifer and Christina v. Brent/Petr/Jim/Mitch and Bob. They may have had two extra guys but we were confident that we would win this game. All the girls were wearing black bras and black thong as we had changed before the match started. We promised the boys that the bras would be off by the end of the night. By virtue of a coin flip Jennifer and Bob started the match as on the outside we were taunting each other by flexing. Bob wanted some revenge for his humiliating loss earlier in the night and was looking to do well against Jennifer. This time he didn't lock up but quickly went after her and fired off an armdrag. I was impressed and Jennifer nodded in approval. They went at it again and when Bob went for an armdrag- Jennifer held on and kneed him in the gut. She then gave him two armdrags that sent him flying across the room. Bob nodded back- he had got Jennifer's message. Bob and Jennifer then went at it as each were trying for a takedown. Jennifer used her strength to get on top but Bob was able to use his speed and wriggled away. Jennifer then got him with a flying lariat and then decided to use her power. She gave him a hard slam and then dropped a punishing elbow as Bob cried his pain. She suplexed him around a bit as Bob was being punished by her power moves. The other guys looked worried but they knew not to help him- they didn't want to further injure themselves. Previously they used to always save each other at the two count but I think they realised all the ballshots I dished out made it not worth it. Jennifer had enough and gave Bob a running powerslam but he miraculously kicked out. I was impressed by Bob's toughness. Jennifer went to cover again but he rolled her up and got a very close near fall. Jennifer was pissed. Bob managed to get up and tried to punch her but he missed wildly and Jennifer gave him two hard shots to the stomach to bring him down and then locked in her Regal Stretch. Bob was about to tap out but Jennifer released him. She turned him over on his back and ran over and tagged me. I knew what Jennifer wanted and a couple seconds later Bob felt the crushing force of my flying elbow. I covered him but lifted him up at two. I kicked him in the leg and ran to tag Christina. Christina ran in and locked in a Sharpshooter on poor beaten up Bob. "I give. I give. Please -let me go." Christina obliged and released Bob. We were all impressed by Bob's toughness and desire and Jennifer helped him up and gave him a hug. "There's no shame in losing to the better person Bob- you gave it your all tonight." Mitch was next in for the guys and I knew my boyfriend was looking for revenge against Christina. Mitch looked angry and determined as Christina had seriously embarrassed him. They locked up and Mitch threw her back and then flexed in her face. Apparently he hadn't learned from the previous matches. Christina speared him down but Mitch rolled on top but he couldn't pin her down. They got up to centre position and started doing some mat wrestling. I always liked to fluster Mitch by doing mat wrestling with him- it's fun just to keep taking him down without him getting really hurt and he just has no idea what to do. Anyway it was interesting seeing two inexperienced people matwrestling. Mitch was winning however and ended up on top for another nearfall. They both got up with Christina looking a little worse for wear. Mitch went for another suplex and they fought over it with Mitch eventually winning as he drove her to the mat. He then did a couple more suplexes as Christina was now realising what real pain felt like. Mitch then gave her a big clothesline. The whole time he wasn't saying anything- he was intent on beating this girl. He didn't feel like he was strong enough to bodyslam her so he gave her one more quick supelx and then went up and was about to hit the Frog Splash. He looked over at me and winked and then delivered- crashing right down on Christina. I told Jennifer we shouldn't save her- I didn't want her to take anymore punishment and all it would do is prolong her beating. Mitch covered for the easy pin as Christina had suffered the first loss of her wrestling career. Mitch went to undo her bra but I ran in and said "You know Mitch- I could roll your ass up right now or just kick the crap out of it- but I don't want to beat you when you're less then 100%. Go tag out- I'll take care of you later. Mitch responded with "Does that mean you'll cook and clean for me like a good woman should?" And with that he went to tag Petr. Mitch may not have been the greatest wrestler but he always had some verbal comebacks. I just pointed at my bra and said "We'll see." I was pissed that the boys were able to get an elimination so quickly and I was still mad at Petr for calling me a stupid bitch. We did a test of strength but I was angry at him so I kicked him in the gut. He was doubled over in pain and I gave him a short arm clothesline. Petr was on the ground so I dropped a bunch of elbows right onto his stomach. I picked him back and gave him a fireman's carry takeover. I rolled him up for two and got another small package for two. I was getting bored with Petr and gave him some rolling suplexes. I yelled: You're done Pete and hit a jackhammer. At the two count, Jim dove right on top of me to break the count. I was pissed and when I got up, I stepped right on Petr's finger and pointed at Jim to go back to his corner. I picked Petr and press slammed him over to his corner. "Petr- even though I could pin you right now- you're going to go tag Jim in right now. You understand me? You will tag him in and be spared a beating for a little bit. Tag him- now." A while back Petr was a strong confident male who hated being bossed around. Now he was afraid of this girl clad only in a bra and a thong. He could see my smile just thinking about. Pete did as he was told and a nervous Jim tagged in. "You didn't see me breaking up Christina's pin did you? You don't play fair- you pay." Jim stepped back but I dove at his legs and was able to trip him up and get him on his stomach. I gave him a good shot to the ankle and gave him another one for good measure. I picked Jim up and slammed him back down. I picked him up and decided to send him to suplex city. I gave him three belly to belly suplexes and then busted out the Rolling Germans by giving him three of those. Like I did with Petr, I stepped on his finger. Jim was in agony and was close to passing out. I gave him a ballshot for good measure and felt like he had truly learned his lesson. Jim was slumped down on the mat and was lying on his stomach- he was in perfect position for my headscissors. I locked them in and was lying on my side. I saw my boyfriend and said "It's only two on three now sweetheart. You're getting closer to seeing my breasts." Then I felt it. Jim had lapsed into unconsciousness. He was too injured to even tap the mat. I told Jennifer I was alright and figured I would tag her in after I finished off my boyfriend. Mitch came in and it was the classic battle of the boyfriend meeting his girlfriend. The battle that would prove who would be the leader in the relationship would be handled in physically. Well we all know that I had established myself as the physically dominant one in the relationship but maybe just maybe- my boyfriend could finally dethrone me. My boyfriend ran into face me and I immediately hit him with a powerslam. I wanted to get this over with as quickly as possible. I picked him up and gave him three more slams. I then gave him a splash as his I could hear him moaning and groaning in pain. I gave him some suplexes as I weakened his body some more. I didn't feel like talking the trash. I had talked it before the match started and now I was letting my strength do the talking. Even though he was groggy he acknowledged that I wanted to slug it out. Three punches later he was lying on the mat. I knew it was time to put my boyfriend away. In this relationship the woman had once again shown that in this relationship- the woman was superior. I went up top and hit a flying elbow that crushed my boyfriend. As he lay there barely conscious and gasping for breath I said "I'll take my eggs over easy tomorrow morning. And the windows need cleaning." And then I gave him a shot to the stomach to complete my revenge for his earlier remark. My breasts were dangling in his face, with only a bra to hold them in. The boys advantage had disappeared. The Survivor Series handicap match had turned into a 2 on 2 affair. It was a rematch of the tag match that had occurred earlier in the night that saw the girls defeat the guys by making them submit at the same time. Before Brent came in- I went and tagged Jennifer. I didn't want to face my fourth male in a row. That would be suicide against a guy as good as Brent was. Jennifer was tagged in and the battle continued. Brent and Jennifer had considerable time off and were primed for combat. They went at each other and locked up. Brent pushed her back but then Jennifer pushed him back. Both wrestlers were grunting and vying for the top slot. Jennifer was able to get Brent down to his knees. Jennifer released and got up and flexed in his face. Brent jumped right up and speared her and he very quickly gave her a punch right in the chest. Jennifer yelped in pain and tried to roll over but Brent caught her by the foot. He went for a figure four but Jennifer kicked him in the bum and they were back to centre position. They went for a test of strength but the moment they locked up- Jennifer kneed him right in the gut and caught the surprised Brent with a suplex. It only got two as Brent angrily threw her off. Jennifer charged Brent looking for a clothesline but he ducked, tripped her up and elbowed her right in the back which got a one count. Brent went for a Boston crab but Jennifer was able to use her strength to block it. Brent went for another elbow to wear her down but Jennifer moved, was able to armdrag him to his corner. While it probably wasn't the smartest move to have Brent tag out- Jennifer need to make a tag and when I heard her slap my hand- the adrenaline began to pump. I ran in and clotheslined the hell out of Petr who was knocked silly by my vicious assault. I picked him up and just chucked him across the room and he went flying. I went right up to Brent and stuck my breasts out. When I found Petr he tried to small package me but I blocked it. He struggled to get up and when he did I simply punched him in the stomach and monkey flipped him back to where we originally was. He was then met with a splash right onto his stomach and since I wanted to give Jennifer rest for another battle with Brent- I decided to just keep beating Petr up. I gave him some rolling snap suplexes and then gave him a gordbuster. Jennifer didn't look 100% percent so I asked her if I could do some facesitting since we were saving the smothers for the win. Jennifer said "Sara- Petr has put up with a lot- give him a reward." I gave Petr another bodyslam and it was FACESITTING time! I got on top of him and gave him a terrific facesitting session. I rubbed my ass in his face back and forth and Petr got views of my ass and crotch that many men would kill for. Sadly Petr was only feeling humiliation. Jennifer assured me she was 100% so I was through with Petr. I got on my side and put Petr's head into my legs. Petr was tapping wildly and trying to yell his submission but I knew what was close to happening. Petr was knocked unconscious shortly thereafter. Now the boys were the ones handicapped. I had eliminated two guys via knockout and only Brent remained. Brent looked nervous and why shouldn't he be? He had lost to me in a singles match and lost to me and Jennifer in a tag match earlier. This time it was just Brent all by his lonesome. I offered Scott a shot but he looked at Petr, Jim, Bob and Mitch and politely declined. Jennifer ran in and Bret wanted a slugfest. They danced around a bit and Jennifer got some nice quick shots to the face and stomach. She moved out of the way of a tit shot and got a nice shot right to the stomach. Brent's confidence was clearly gone at the time. Brent went down to one knee and then Jennifer tripped him up and locked in a figure four. The boys watching on the sidelines had seen their confidence deflate. They had expected to win the match and now saw Brent, their hero, writing in pain on the mat. Brent was able to make the ropes but clearly his confidence and the confidence of his teammates was gone. I looked over and saw Christina beaming with pride at the performance that we put on. Jennifer continued to work over Brent with various holds. She wasn't really trying for a pin- she just wanted to get him various holds that would tire him, wear him down and humiliate him. Jennifer then realised she had the perfect way to humiliate Brent and send him on his way to eliminationville. "Brent- let's armwrestle. If I lose- I'm eliminated." "You want to armwrestle right now? You're on." They clasped hands and began grunting back and forth. But Brent had taken more of beating and was not at his complete strength. Jennifer had been given a chance to freshen up and was clearly the stronger one on this occasion. Brent was trying and trying but Jennifer's arms would not budge. Jennifer then said, "You lose." Brent's arm hit the mat with a sudden burst and the poor guy was completely done for. Jennifer then kneed him in the gut and added the ultimate final insult. She lifted up Brent and gave him a delayed suplex. She held him up in the air showing Brent how strong she was. After five seconds she brought him crashing down to the mat. Brent was done and I was now going to finish him off. I hit Brent with a flying elbow, gave him a ballshot and then said, "Brent- consider me 3-0. I bet your father would be so proud seeing his son get physically dominated by two smaller girls." He offered no response. I lay on my side and locked in the headscissors as I chatted with Jennifer and Christina about how much fun this night had been. "It'll get even better- because I'm sick of wearing these restricting bras!" I heard Brent go limp and knew I had knocked him out. Brent was once a proud strong man who thought he could do anything. Now he was completely unconscious having just got his ass whipped by girls with whom he should've killed. I got up and high fived Jennifer. Jennifer and Christina went and got two of the beaten males. Jennifer slammed Bob to the mat and Christina gave poor Petr an impressive suplex. We each stood over a defeated male opponent and I said, "Now!" Our bras quickly came off and we each chucked them at our defeated male's faces. Christina was giving her first ever smother to a male. She was beaming with pride and taunting Petr to no end. "I really love this Sara. I feel so powerful," she said as she continued to rub her breasts back in forth in Petr's face. I was busy giving Brent one of the most humiliating smothers I'd ever dished out. I sat on him and was very seductive as he lay there unable to do anything. Jennifer kept flexing and posing in between giving Bob a face full of breasts. The other three boys were all beaten up and bruised but couldn't take seeing their men getting so humiliated like this. Mitch tried first. As I was facesitting Brent and giving him time to learn what Sara's ass feels like he motioned for me to just bring it. "Come on Sara- the man has had enough." I went up to Mitch and quickly blocked one of his punches and gave him a shot right in the groin that would probably ruin a night of sex for us. He screamed in pain but was quickly muffled by a suplex. I locked in my headscissors as Mitch was crying out in pain. Mitch soon became the fourth man I had knocked out in one night. "Honey- you may be an amazing boyfriend- but you are one awful wrestler." I was now smothering and facesitting two guys at the same time. I would headscissor Brent and smother Mitch or sometimes switch. I facesat Mitch while rubbing Brent's head into my cleavage. This was female domination pure and simple. Even though he wasn't dressed to wrestle Scott could see Bob needed help. Jennifer was smothering him for what seemed like forever- she would let him breathe and then go back to smothering, facesitting and rubbing his face in the mat. Jennifer stood up and flexed right over Bob. Scott knew this was his chance to try to save Bob. He jumped right at her and attempted a flying bodypress. Jennifer caught him in midair and said, "That was a very dumb thing to do Scotty. Don't you learn from your brother?" And with that she slammed him right onto Bob. As I was busy smothering Mitch I looked over and felt sorry for Scott and then realised what he did was pretty stupid. Jennifer picked Scott up and pressed slammed him. She continued slamming him and crushing him with bear hugs. An idea then hung over her. "Yo Sara- Bob and Scott are pretty much out. Want to do the final deed?" I rubbed my legs and pushed out my breasts and said, "Absolutely." Within 5 minutes Bob and Scott were both knocked unconsciousness. I had officially knocked out every guy who attended Fight Night. Even ones who were not cleared to wrestle. As Jennifer continued beating the crap out of Scott and smothering Bob, Christina was left all alone and having fun with Petr. Getting bored with just smothering him and facesitting him she noticed my bra. She asked if it was alright to tie him up and I said "Absolutely." She went to go get the rope but when she went back to tie Petr up- she was met with thunderous clothesline from Jim- the one male still remaining. Jim tossed the bra away and went to rouse Petr. He slammed Christina and went back to rousing Petr. I wasn't going to help Christina yet- I felt it was better that she defend herself first. Petr and Jim were offically collected and Christina was starting to get up. They ran at her trying a double clothesline but Christina ducked! She then flew at them with a clothesline of her own- she had taken out both guys at the same time! Christina gave Jim a ballshot to keep him down and then slammed Petr. Christina had taken out both guys by herself. She gave Jim a gordbuster and then ducked a Pete clothesline and gave him a gordbuster to keep him down. She then went to go get the bra and I found her bra and Christina had a mischievous smile on her face. Soon she was bodyscissoring Jim and lying on Petr and there was nothing they could do about it. Christina had TIED both boys up and rendered them officially helpless. As I was sitting on Brent- I looked around the room and couldn't believe what Brent's return had turned into. Brent was currently getting a long facesitting session while my boyfriend lay groggy on the floor. I looked to my left. Jennifer had a headlock on Bob and a headscissor on Scott. Scott didn't even want to wrestle but he had been knocked out and destroyed. Bob had tried his hardest and gave it his all- but in the end that didn't mean at thing. Christina, in only her first night of wrestling, was smothering Jim. Jim and Petr had both been tied up via our own bras and were completely helpless and were suffering what must've been one of the most humiliating things in their life. A tiny big chested girl in only her first night of wrestling had tied them up, kicked their ass and caused them to question their own manhood. Each girl had managed to overpower and defeat two guys and it gave me an idea for our next Fight Night. I roused Brent up. "Brent- here's the plan. The next fight night we make it interesting. 3 Handicap matches. One girl v. Two guys- whichever sex wins two of the matches- wins." "Two guys v. umm uhhh one girl?" He was so out of it. "Yea- I'll throw in some special stipulations later.' "You got it. I'm gonna kick your ass for real this time Sara." I punched him in the face and he was knocked out again and I just kept on smothering and looked at the other girls who were doing the same. We had vowed to the boys that at the end of the night our bras would be off and it would be smothered city. As all 6 boys were either unconscious, writhing in pain or tied up- they couldn't have imagined how right we would be. Feedback is always appreciated. Email me at