The Health Food Store By Femgrowth, A teenage co-ed working in a health food store discovers vitamins that increase her strength. The following is a letter published in "Femgrowth", a magazine dedicated to girls and women who have developed a high degree of muscular strength. Dear Editor, My name is Colleen and I'd like to let your readers know about my experience with muscular growth. I'm 19 years old and I'm in my freshman year in college. I'm studying to become a nutritionist. I took a part-time job at a health food store in a little strip mall near my dorm. The work wasn't great; it was tedious and boring, and the boss was a jerk, but it helped me discover a way to transform my body and change my life. I was surprised when I first met my boss, Mr. Zherkoff. He wasn't at all my idea of a health food store manager: he's short, bald and fat, and he smokes cigars all the time. It turns out that he opened this store in the 1970's when health food first started becoming big, and he was in it for the profit. He never used any of the stuff himself. It didn't take me long to figure out that this guy was a loser. Oh, it was subtle, the way that he would brush against me as he was passing by me behind the counter. Once I even felt his hard prick rub against my ass. He would reach for something in front of me and "innocently" stroke my breast with his arm. I didn't do or say anything. I needed a job to pay tuition and I was sure that if I complained he would find an excuse to fire me. Even when he wasn't around, working there was awfully boring. Customers were few and far between. I wondered even how the store made any money. Oh, you'd have your regulars, middle-aged hippies who had granola on the brain, and health food freaks who believed all the wild claims and were enslaved to all the passing fads. You'd also have some people who'd come in, browse for a minute, and leave without buying anything. Otherwise it was pretty quiet. It was a relief when Mr. Zherkoff asked me to take inventory of the back room. At least it was something to do, and it might keep my body out of the way of Mr. Zherkoff's wayward hands and ogling looks. The back room was a mess. Shelves of miscellaneous stock. Ginseng capsules, bee pollen, glutamine, vitamins, melatonin, you name it. Some of the stuff was pulled off the shelves by the USDA because it might be unsafe; some of it just didn't sell; other ones just got lost in the shuffle somewhere along the line. Mr. Zherkoff wanted me to put some organization into it all, and chuck out anything that was past the expiry date, after making a record of it for the year-end inventory. I found stuff that must have been there since the store opened in 1975. It would take me a few days to sort through it all. This was fine by me. We were having a heat wave, and the back room was nice and cool. Mr. Zherkoff, meanwhile, would take care of any customers up at the front. So I set out with clipboard in hand to put some order into the chaos. I found some perfectly good stock that was buried of a back shelf, and I brought it up front to put it up for sale. I hated having to go anywhere near Mr. Zherkoff. I could almost feel his leering eyes, undressing me in his perverted little mind. I retreated into the nice cool back room as quickly as I could. After a while, I became intrigued by a large stack of huge wooden crates that took up a lot of space in the corner. There was only one thing marked on them: Feminox Super-Vitamins. I tried lifting one of the crates, but there was no way I could budge it. I decided to open the crate so that I could look at the product label and see if they were any good. I found a crowbar and after much effort finally got the box open. "Whew" I thought. "I think I'm going to need some vitamins! I need to get stronger!" I took one of the big glass jars out of the crate and looked at the label. In simple, old-fashioned letters, it read: Feminox Super-Vitamins Just One a Day for STRENGTH and VITALITY That's it. No list of ingredients. No ISO number. No company name. Just a little marking at the bottom telling me that each jar contained 500 capsules. I made a quick count: each crate contained 24 jars. That's 12,000 capsules per crate. And there was at least 30 crates. There was no expiry date, so I didn't know how old the stuff was. I decided I should ask Mr. Zherkoff about it, even though I didn't care to go near him or even have anything to do with him. When I went up front, I found Mr. Zherkoff talking with a customer. It was one of the regulars, a fortyish woman called Karen. She was a vegan, and ate no meat or dairy whatsoever. In fact, she ate no processed food of any kind, not even bread. She subsisted entirely on roots, nuts and berries. This was supposedly a healthy diet. I thought she looked pale and sickly, myself. She was dangerously skinny, bordering on anorexic. Evidently Mr. Zherkoff found her attractive, since he was holding her hand, ostensibly so he could read her palm. They were having an animated discussion about Buddhism and Chakras when I interrupted. "Whadda ya want?" He snapped at me. I asked him about the Feminox vitamins. Annoyed, he told me to get rid of them. He said that those had been in the stockroom for years, and that they had been a colossal waste of money. Women who took them complained that they put on weight, while men complained that they didn't have any effect at all. He had tried to return them, but the manufacturer had gone bankrupt. "Look at this packaging!" He said to Karen, trying to impress her. "Isn't it wasteful? All that glass, shipped in wooden crates..." He turned to me. "Take them to the dump." "Couldn't we give them away, as a gift with purchase?" I thought it would be a shame to throw away so much stock, especially since there was no expiry date. "Are you crazy?" Mr. Zherkoff shrieked. "Who knows how old that stuff is? Do you want me to get sued if someone gets poisoned? I don't care how you do it, get rid of it!" "But I can't..." I was about to say that I couldn't lift those crates. "Just do it! Get back in there and leave us alone!" I decided it would be useless to protest. I thought I would just leave them there until I could figure out a way to move them. If only I were stronger... That's it! I'll try to see if the vitamins work! What could it hurt? I doubt one little pill could poison you seriously. I took the jar and tried to unscrew the lid. It was awfully hard. "I really do need to get stronger," I thought. Finally I got it open. I took one of the little white pills between my fingers. One of these every day would give me "strength and vitality"? What a joke! I went to the washroom and swallowed the pill with a little water. I waited a moment. I didn't feel any different. Then suddenly I felt my energy level increase. I could have sworn that I felt a little stronger. I rubbed my arms. My muscles seemed to feel tighter, firmer... I walked over to the pile of crates. To my surprise, I managed to lift one of them with a little grunt. I couldn't believe it! A few minutes ago I couldn't even move it! With some effort, I carried the crate to the dumpster. I decided to pile them up by the container because there was no way I could lift those heavy crates above my head. Unless... "If one a day is that good," I reasoned, "then how good can two a day be?" I went back to the open jar and swallowed a second pill. Now I was sure that they worked. I could see and feel changes in my body. My clothes felt tighter as my muscles began to grow. No wonder the women who took them put on weight. They gained muscle! Excited, I ran to the washroom to look at myself in the mirror. My uniform consisted of a pink blouse, navy blue slacks and a gray apron, with my name on a name tag. I could tell the difference in my physique even through my clothes. My shoulders were a little wider, and my chest and arms bulged a bit. The seat of my pants felt tighter. I took off my apron and blouse and stood in front of the mirror, in my bra, flexing my biceps. Holy cow! I could see little muscles pop out of my arms! My chest and abs started getting defined, and my bra felt tighter as my lats got a little wider. I had never been athletic in my life, and while I was still in no shape to challenge Ms. Olympia, it was thrilling to see and feel my body becoming stronger. I was almost tempted to take a handful of the pills to see how strong I could become, but I thought that there might be a health risk. I put my blouse on again. When I put it on that morning it hung loosely on my torso. Now it felt skin-tight and accentuated my new muscles quite nicely. I gave up any idea of throwing away these terrific vitamins. I decided that since Mr. Zherkoff didn't want them, then I sure could use them. In all there were 360,000 capsules. If I were to take only one a day I would have enough to last me over 1000 years. I would probably choose to take at least two... maybe three... heck, I have more than enough to last my whole lifetime even if I took TEN a day. Maybe I'll share them with somebody. Still, I wondered how strong I would become if I did take that many. I found the thought of it VERY exciting. The thought of huge, hard muscles rippling all over my body, the sensual sensation of power coursing through my veins... it made me cream my panties. Lifting the crates was pretty easy now. I carried two of them at a time to the store's delivery van. I had it loaded up in no time. I left one jar at work in case I needed a sudden boost of strength. When I was ready to take them home, I poked my head out of the stockroom. Karen was gone, and Mr. Zherkoff was standing at the cash register chomping his cigar and scratching himself. "I, uh, I'm going to take this old junk to the dump." I said. He just grunted for an answer. My dorm is a 15-story building on campus. I live on the eleventh floor. I decided to load up the elevator all in one shot. I hoped that the crates were not too heavy for the machinery. In order to make the work go even faster, I decided to take a third dose of the super-vitamin. This time the burst of strength and the growth of muscularity were truly phenomenal. I was scared that I might bust right out of my clothes. My slacks strained at the seams as my thighs, calves and buttocks grew to almost superhuman proportions. My shoulders and biceps threatened to rip my sleeves while the growth in my chest and back almost popped the buttons off my blouse. I was as big and strong as a weight lifter. I stacked up five of the crates and lifted them easily. I carried them to the elevator, propped it open and went back for five more. On my way back to the van I bumped into Greg. Greg was my dream boat, a sensitive political science student who lived on the sixth floor. I had this huge crush on him, but I was sure that he didn't know that I was even alive. I could tell that he noticed me now, much to my embarrassment. My clothes and hair were messy from all the work and I was sure that I reeked with sweat. I just smiled and nodded at him. I could feel his eyes watching me as I got another five crates and carried them through the lobby. He offered to help. I blushed and refused. I put the crates inside the elevator and went back for five more. He tried to make conversation. "Where are you going with all those crates?" "I'm taking them up to my dorm." "Oh, by the way. My name's Greg. I live on the sixth floor. I'm in Poli. Sci. I don't think I've ever met you before. I'd remember." I blushed. "I'm C-Colleen. Health Sciences. Floor 11." My heart skipped a beat. "These look awfully heavy. Are you sure you don't want any help?" He followed me to the truck. I stacked up another five cases and carried them out. Greg tried to do the same and was visibly surprised at the weight of those wooden boxes. He managed to carry only one of them to the elevator, and this with great difficulty. When I came back he looked at me with wide eyes. "You must be pretty strong", he said. "Do you work out?" "A little", I lied. I was blushing again. Here was the guy I had the hots for and his first impression of me was that I was Queen Kong. I was as strong as an ox, but I looked like a cow. I probably smelled like one too. Working all morning in that dusty old storeroom got my clothes and hair all dirty. Normally I'm considered quite pretty. I have long wavy red hair, green eyes and nice complexion. I'm not skinny, I've always felt that I could lose 5 or 10 pounds, but I'm curvy in all the right places. Now having taken three of those super- vitamins I had a physique that could easily win the State Bodybuilding Championship. I was so nervous talking to Greg that I could feel sweat trickling down my armpits. I worried about what he must have been thinking of me. "Colleen, will you... I mean, could you... I mean, would you like to have coffee or something with me sometime?" My heart felt like it was going to explode. "Yes. Yes, Greg, I would like that very much." He liked my muscles! The boy of my dreams wants to go out with me! What a great day this has been! First I discover the secret to make me strong and powerful, then I get a date with my ideal man! We set a time to meet the next evening. After we said goodbye I felt as light as a feather. I quickly got all the crates up to my room, stashed them here and there, under my bed, in my closet, in my bathtub, anywhere I could find space. I changed into baggier clothes to better hide my muscularity. I didn't want Mr. Zherkoff to see how I had changed. It was with a happy heart that I got back to work. Mr. Zherkoff stared at me when I got back to the store. Did he notice anything different? Even though the sweat suit I wore was quite loose, it was impossible to hide my huge muscles. Finally he spoke. "Didn't I tell you about the dress code when I hired you? What's with the sweats?" "If I'm going to work in the stockroom all afternoon, I thought I'd wear something more casual," I answered. He seemed satisfied with that, so he let me alone. I went back to work in the back room. The burst of strength and energy from the pills made the work go quickly and easily. What had seemed to be two or three days work, I had finished by 4 o'clock. I lifted a huge box of expired product over my head and threw it in the dumpster. There's nothing like feeling and being strong. It took me a while to get used to my new body. I went to the washroom to have a crap and I couldn't believe it when I sat down on the toilet and looked at my thighs. They were bulging with rock-hard muscle. It was a great feeling to run my hands over them, feeling my skin tingle with pleasure. I started to masturbate, thinking about Greg's hands and tongue exploring every bit of my body. It didn't take long for my whole body to shudder as I came in silence. That's when I heard a noise. I looked to the wall on my left and there was a dark hole in it about the size of a quarter. As soon as I located it the hole went light again. Someone had been peeping at me! I felt so humiliated. I quickly wiped myself and got my pants back on. I stormed out of the washroom and went to the other side of the wall. It was the store. Mr. Zherkoff was standing at the cash register, looking innocent, except for the hard-on he was having trouble concealing. I glared at him accusingly. He didn't look at me. I went over to the wall that separated the store from the washroom and I saw that it was occupied with shelves full of protein powder containers. I moved some of the product until I found what I was looking for. A hole. I looked through it. You had a great view of the toilet, and, presumably, anyone who happened to be sitting on it. I had never been so angry in my whole life. Mr. Zherkoff pretended not to notice anything, but I could tell that he was getting nervous. I was livid. "So you like watching girls go to the bathroom? You sick pervert!" Mr. Zherkoff denied it. "I don't know what you're talking about." "This hole in the wall! I know you were watching me! I'm going to sue for sexual harassment, and file a complaint with the Department of Labor." "You do that, sweetie, and I'll fire you. I'll use my connections so that you can never get a job in this field again." This was the last straw. I'm not normally a violent person, but I was so angry and humiliated that I attacked him. I punched him in the stomach, and I think he was surprised at how strong I had become. He bowled over in pain, and I retreated into the back room. I wanted to hurt him even more, so I got the jar of super-vitamins. I also grabbed the crowbar with which I had opened the crate earlier. I came back to the front. He saw the jar and his face grew pale. "Colleen... Did these vitamins do that to you?" "Yes. I never felt better in my life." "That's store property! I can have you arrested for theft!" Suddenly he realized the commercial potential of a drug that could give women all the strength they needed and wanted. "Uh-huh, 'fraid not," I said. "I have a witness to the fact that you wanted me to dispose of them. How I chose to do so was up to me." I continued. "Hey, Zherkoff. Watch this." He was alarmed when he saw me put the crowbar on the counter. "What are you going to do with that tool?" he whimpered. "Relax," I said. "It's just for a demonstration." I opened that jar of super-vitamins and took another capsule, then another, then another. I could feel my strength double with every pill I swallowed. My muscularity increased to an almost superhuman level. I felt like the incredible Hulk. My baggy sweats ripped to shreds under the pressure of my growing muscles. I was now more muscular than any bodybuilder alive, male or female. I felt as strong as a monster, no, a Goddess. What a delicious feeling of power! I started flexing my massive muscles. Mr. Zherkoff was visibly intimidated by my bulging, rock-hard flesh. Veins popped out all over my arms, chest, thighs, everywhere. My whole body throbbed and pulsated with sinewy strength. Mr. Zherkoff was numb with shock and fear. He trembled when I picked up the crowbar. He probably thought I wanted to hit him with it. What nonsense! With a body like mine, I didn't need weapons to inflict serious, even fatal, damage. I merely wanted to show him how easily I could bend the iron bar. My pecs bulged and twitched as I effortlessly tied a knot in it. I threw the bent crowbar aside and started advancing towards my victim. "So, you like to peep at girls when they're at their most vulnerable position, huh? Look who's vulnerable now!" Shreds of clothing fell off of my body as I moved, revealing more and more of my super-powerful physique. Mr. Zherkoff cowered in a corner. "P-please d-don't hurt me! I'm sorry! I apologize!" He started to cry like a baby. I felt sorry for him, but I still think he deserved a lesson. "I'll only hurt you enough so that you think twice before you do anything like that again." I took his head in a choke hold. I could feel my huge bicep muscle applying pressure to his cranium. It felt as if I could crack his skull like an egg. I was fascinated, and a little scared, at how powerful I had become. Then I used my enormous thighs like a pair of scissors, feeling as if I could squeeze the life out of him without even trying. I stopped when his screams of pain were too intense. I got up, and noticed he was unconscious. Just then the little bell attached to the door tinkled. A customer had come in. "Hello-o," a woman's voice called. "I forgot to pick up some organically- grown..." It was that vegan lady, Karen. She was shocked by what she saw. There was Mr. Zherkoff unconscious on the floor, and me standing above him, looking like Hercules and Samson combined. "Mr. Zherkoff fainted when he saw me," I said. "Let's call an ambulance." I felt a little guilty for lying, but I felt even worse about hurting Mr. Zherkoff so much, even if he is a jerk. From now on I would try to limit my super-vitamin dose to five or so. Karen phoned the ambulance. They came pretty quickly. They asked me a few questions, particularly about the strange bruises Mr. Zherkoff had around his neck and waist, and I tried to answer them without incriminating myself. The ambulance technicians seemed quite astonished by my physique. But they didn't ask about it and were really very professional and matter-of-fact about the whole thing. After they had gone, Karen asked me, "Huh, your name's Connie, isn't it?" I guess my name tag had fallen off when my clothes got torn up. "Actually, it's Colleen" I corrected her. "Colleen, what happened to you? How did you get so... so strong?" She put out a tentative hand to touch my bicep. I flexed hard and let her feel it. She ran her hands over my arms and down the sides. She was breathing harder. I could tell she was excited and turned on by my muscularity. I had no interest in Karen sexually. I'm no lesbian. However, I felt no reason why I should hide my secret from her. I showed her the jar of vitamins. "I took seven of these. Apparently they have no effect on men, but they give women incredible strength. Wanna try some?" Karen hesitated, but she smiled as if she had just been offered the world. "I've always wanted to be strong and muscular. I try hard to live a healthy lifestyle and eat right, but I never seem to be able to get my muscles to grow. Look at me! I'm so skinny! Do you think they'll work on a 42-year old woman?" "Take three or four of them. We'll soon find out." I encouraged her. We women have to stick together, I thought. Besides, she really needed some meat on her bones. Karen got a glass of water from the tap and swallowed four of the pills. Immediately her muscles began to swell under her hippy-like clothing. The transformation was spectacular. From a thin, middle-aged woman with spaghetti- like arms, she suddenly grew into someone who could seriously compete at the top level of female bodybuilding. "Ah, the strength!" she moaned. "Feels so good!" Her clothes also ended up ripping as she flexed her exciting new muscles. When the metamorphosis was complete, she asked, "how much for one of those jars?" I didn't want to sell any of my stash, but I thought there would be no harm in giving away what was left of that jar. "Here, take it. At four a day, you have at least four months' worth here." She was happy, and I felt good about it. It's nice to share the gift of strength with a sister. With Mr. Zherkoff in the hospital, I closed up shop. I included my letter of resignation with the get-well-soon card I sent him. No hard feelings. He didn't want to press charges for the beating I inflicted on him. He didn't want his peeping activities to be aired out in a court of law, which they would have to be since that was the motive for my assault on him. Also, I suspect he didn't want the world to know that he had had the shit kicked out of him by a nineteen- year old girl. Perhaps most importantly, I'm sure that he was scared that if he were to file a complaint against me then I might get mad... and he wouldn't want that, would he? The next day I took four vitamins and had my date with Greg. In the movie theater he was all over me, feeling my rock-hard biceps, rubbing my muscular thighs, even bending down to squeeze my calves. I don't remember much of the film, but that was the most fun I ever had at the movies. That night I lost my virginity... but that's not a story I want to share with your readers quite yet. What I am prepared to tell you is that when Greg popped my cherry it didn't hurt a bit. I suppose that the vitamins help me become impervious to pain. I love those Feminox super-vitamins! They have changed my life. I don't take four every day; some days I only take one if I just want to have a boost of energy. Some days I take two or three if I want to look and feel strong and athletic. I've started entering bodybuilding competitions and on contest days I'll take five or six. I know it's cheating but it's such a blast to put on a bikini and show off my powerful muscular body on stage. When I get cheered and applauded it turns me on so much. I've already won my university championship, the city-wide contest, the state championship, and the national collegiate contest. I'm setting my sights on turning pro and winning all the marbles. You'll be seeing me in the bodybuilding magazines soon! Yet, there are some days when I don't take the vitamins at all. I sometimes like to be my normal, weak self. My boyfriend Greg knows about my growth secret. He loves me anyday and everyday, but I know that he prefers to make love with me when my body ripples and bulges with hard, sexy muscle. He says that when my pussy muscles are stronger it really gives him a great sensation. I get a lot of attention from other guys, and I enjoy it, but Greg's my sweetie and I love him. Please don't try to find out where I've hidden my stash of vitamins. When it comes to physical power, I can be very greedy. There's no way I can use all of them in my lifetime, but I intend to pass them on to my daughter if I ever have one. Right now I want to enjoy my strength and energy all to myself. (Signed) Colleen Anderson Address withheld The End