Evilena -- Footnotes
by Mistress Evilena's Servant
Synopsis: Sometimes it is harder to serve a warrant than expected.
Evilena : Footnotes
Sergeant Donny Davis simply hated these kind of days. Because of his experience in the department, he was often assigned to train new recruits, and the new officers he encountered simply didn't seem to have the dedication nor reliability that the rookies of his day displayed. He had only joined the department only 15 years ago, but lately at 46, he felt he was as old as Santa Klause, when he did these in service training stints. The new officers were just so damn young. Today, he was paired with an inexperienced female recruit, named Heather Hunt, a sexy little redhead. But what would seem like a great hook up in a bar, seemed like nothing but a burden in a squad car. She was too small, and seemed so damned vulnerable, not the image that a police office should have, at least in Davis' mind. " Ok, Probie, " He started, " today we are going to serve some traffic warrants. These aren't hardened criminals, just folks to poor or stupid to pay off parking tickets when they get them. Or, some of them probably, think they are above the law. But today we'll show them that no one is above the law." Davis spread out the dozen or so warrants he had , like a magician spread out a deck of cards. " Pick a warrant, any warrent, " he smiled. Heather reached out and pulled a blue piece of paper from the profered court papers. "Blue ones are parking tickets. Read me the name and address and we'll go get this one, then when we finish the paperwork, we can go fishing for more. We can usually get a half dozen or so a day, if we do the paperwork quickly." "I think something's wrong with the warrant, Sarge," the red headed rookie questioned, " there's a bond, a court date, and address, but only a first name for the bad guy. It just says Evilena, can we seve a warrant like that ?" "Probably not legally, but that's such an unusual moniker that we should be able to find our notorious criminal, without much problem, then we'll write in the last name." he replied with a laugh. These probationary officers got so wound up in the law, they sometimes forgot what they did for a living. After a relatively short drive in their unmarked cruiser, the two uniformed officers, pulled up in front of the address listed on the court document, and strode confidently to the door. Strangely, the door opened by itself as they approached and, taking that to be an invitation, they walked into the front foyer, but there was no one there to meet them. The door must have blown open, Davis thought. The Sergeant looked around and ordered his partner to search the north downstairs portion of the house, while he searched the upstairs bedrooms. The owner of the house was probably upstairs, he thought. The cute redheaded rookie slowly walked around the first floor, finding no one, and finally reached a closed door. She tenatively reached out to open it, her hand, per academy training, resting on the butt of her Glock 40, she then turned the handle, pulling the door toward her and gasped . The inside of the room looked like a mideval dungeon, faux stone walls, chains, even an iron bar enclosed cell were prominant in the large, dark, gothic chamber . As the attractive officer's eyes became adjusted to the darkness of the room, her glance came to rest on a large, throne-like chair. Again, she gasped, the most beautiful woman she had ever seen was sitting in the chair. The gorgeous blond, was dressed in a long, black dress, but a slit up the side of the skirt, exposed sexy, well toned legs, as she crossed and recrossed them . For a moment all Heather could do was stare, mouth agape. Then her gaze settled to the lovely woman's foot, the seated woman wore no shoes, but her peds were encased in the sheerest of stockings and her foot looked so very sexy to the young cop. Finally, the rookie stuttered a greeting. " G-Good morning ma'am , is your name Evilena ? If so, I have a parking warrant to serve. It won't take too much of your time to ... to ... t... t......" Her carefully pre planned dialog ground to a halt as her gaze settled once more on Evilena's foot, as the blond slowly resumed the swing of her sexy leg, back and forth slowly, rythemically. Hunt was fascinated by the ankle bracelet shimmering near the blond's foot as it continued to move slowly, ever so slowly, back and forth. With an emmese excercise of her will, Heather again tore her eyes away from the distracting cadence of the swinging foot, and tried to start again. " It's my job to take you to the booking area, and there you will be fingerprinted, then allowed to post bail .... bail ...b....b....i ... i ..." Evilena noticed that once more the cops eyes were locked on the movement of her well formed foot. "This one will be easy," she thought, as a seductive smile played across her beautiful face. The sensuous goth goddess continued to move her right foot in response to some unheard rythem . " before we go to the station, why don't you just take one more look at my foot.... then we can do whatever you say. But, right now look at my leg as it moves back and forth, and we will do what I say .... just for a moment ...I have a feeling that you like staring at my foot ... my beautiful foot as it moves back and forth ... back and forth .... just watch .... look .... it will just take you a moment to look at my foot before we go ... hardly any time at all ... just a moment ...look...look...." Heather knew that none of this was in the cop lessons she had learned back at the academy. Something was wrong. Terribly wrong. She started to speak, " I ....i ....i ....", but again the words seemed to stick in her mouth as her eyes were glued to the sultry movement of Evilena's leg. "Just keep staring at my foot officer... you can't look away ... keep looking are suddenly aware of how sleepy you are ... so sleepy ... you feel very ... very ... sleepy ... your eyes are so heavy now ... sleepy ... as you continue to gaze at my beautiful foot sleep is overwealming you ... so sleepy ... so very sleepy ... just close your eyes and go to sleep for me ... sleep ... sleep. The comely cop's eyes blinked slowly shut. She was unable to resist the words flowing over her, like honey ... sweet, thick, enveloping. "You can still hear my voice dear ...and I know you are already hypnotized by my foot.... but I want to place you deeper and deeper into a trance.... wouldn't you like that dear ..... tell me you'd like that .... tell me you want to fall deeper under my hypnotic spell... tell me you want to go deeper..." " i .... want ... to ... go ... deeper..." Heather whispered. "Then stand up straight, dear .... open your eyes .... and come closer to your new Mistress ...." The rookie's eyes blinked open, and she immediately obeyed the suggestions Evilena had mouthed, she moved nearer to the erotic hypnotist. . "You know, my pet, you are still asleep, but you can hear everything I say. My voice is inside your head ... I am inside your mind ... and the voice inside your mind must be obeyed... isn't that right dear .... hear my voice ... inside your mind..." Heather nodded, now unable even to form words. Evilena then leaned down and began to move her hand slowly up and down her leg. Even in the dim light of the dungeon her nails sparkled hypnotically. " Look at my nails now, darling .... follow my hand ... up and down ... the longer you look at my nails the more submissive you feel ... wanting to obey Evilena's words ... Evilena's commands... even Evilena's thoughts ... you want to obey... keep must keep watching ...." Slowly, erotically, the sexy seductress moved her hand up her leg , and smiled as she saw the cop's eyes following her every movement. Poor Heather's gaze had become frozen by the gorgeous hand movements of the mesmerizing blond, and she was unable to resist the power Evilena now demonstrated , as she hypnotically subjugated the sexy young cop. The hypnotic seductress' hand moved up from her mesmerizing feet ... up her gorgeous legs.... skillfully pulling Heather's helpless gaze across her taut, muscled, stomach, then began to circle her lovely breasts with a graceful finger, not allowing the cops gaze to stray for even a moment. The hypnotic movement of her hand continued upward, to her gorgeous face, gently touching her seductive red lips and finally comeing to rest next to to her deep, green, compelling eyes. "That's it my pet ... now you may look into my eyes ... the depths of my eyes... they hold you ... they command you ... your Mistress' eyes.... gaze into my eyes ..." The defenseless cop's eyes stared helplessly into the green depths that were Evilena's mesmerizing eyes. Her mouth hung slack, and a drop of spittle formed on the corner of her sexy full lips. She was totally entranced . Anything Evilena commanded, she would obey , But it wasn't enough for Evilena. "Deeper and deeper into my eyes ... focus all your attention on my eyes dear ....all my sugestions ... all the words in your head ... are now implanted deeply into your subconcious .. and you can't help but to fall deeper and deeper into this wonderful trance state that only I can control ... your mind is open and receptive to all my instructions ... all my commands've seen hypnotist before and you know that when peiople are hypnotized they have allowed themselves to do so because the trust the person who is guiding them into that deep, hypnotic state.... you trust me don't you..." Evilena looked down to the brass name plate on the cops uniform, " Heather ... tell me you trust me ...." "I ... i ... trust" the redhead whispered. "And if you've been hypnotized you must obey me... right ...." "Must ......." and her voice trailed off, " o....." "And so let me tell me why you trust me ... and will obey my every's because you want me dear ... you love my eyes ... you love my voice ... you don't want to look away from my eyes do you.. you can't look away from my a good girl for me pet and just keep looking into my eys and listening to my voice ... you want to do everything I tell you ... you want to do just as I say, " Evilena moved her face closer to the cop's ... and you love me.... say it dear Heather ... you love me...." "I love you ....." "Again my little cop slave ... say it again ...." "I love you ... I love you ... I love you ... I love you ...." So the rookie cop, who didn't even know this woman twenty minutes before, stared at Evilena and professed her love, over and over. Involutarily her hand drifted toward her pussy and she clawed at the thick uniform pants, which already were darkly stained from the moisture of Heather's erotic desire. The blond dominatrix licked the redhead's lips and Heather moaned in abject surrender and moved closer to kiss her new mistress. Just then Sergeant Davis burst into the room. " What the hell is going on you two? Hunt! Do you know this bitch ? What are you two doing ? As the redheaded cop stood motionless ,she continued to stare helplessly at the face of the irresistible hypnotist, Evilena just smiled inegmatically at the anger that the new arrival displayed. "Why Sergeant, I didn't know you were here too. Officer Hunt and I just had a little conversation, and I think she's decided that she wants to quit the force, and work for me. She just couldn't bring herself to arrest me. Maybe she can even convice you that the warrant was issued by mistake. Heather, why don't you go over and give the Sergeant a big, sexy kiss, and see if that will take his mind off the warrant." Immediately, the entranced policewoman walked over to her partner, threw her arms around his neck, and kissed him fully on his lips. She moved her body against his, then thrust her tongue into his mouth and moaned as she ground her pussy against his cock. Davis was momentarily stunned by the actions of his trainee, but rapidly regained his composure and pulled away, turning his body away from the redhead. But in doing so he was now facing Evilena, who had walked up to the pair as Heather followed her instructions. Evilena focused her deep green eyes on the Sergeant and moved her hands gracefully in front of his face. Now the stunned cop was, at least momentarily, frozen in place by Evilena's hypnotic emerald orbs. That's right Sergeant, stare into my eyes and feel them sucking your will power away from you ... my eyes drain you of any desire to resist my power. My eyes are overpowering you. You know you can't resist. Obey me ...." Davis' eyes took on a vacant look. " Look into my eyes.... deeper ...deeper..." she whispered as her hands continued their mesmerizing movements." Your mind is no longer your own, my pet ... no matter how hard you try, you cannot look away from my eyes ... you cannot escape their power ... as you focus only on my eyes and my voice your head is spinning ... your will power is floating away ... your will belongs to me ... keep looking ... deeper and deeper ... you are feeling so helpless now ... obedient .... submissive ... your will becoming weaker and weaker every second you gaze into my eyes and you cannot look away ... feel my thoughts inside your mind ... helpless to resist my thoughts ... obey ... obey ... obey me ....." The Sergeant felt dizzy, and knew that whatever was happening to him was wrong. But no matter how he tried to resist the mesmerizing words Evilena softly uttered, his ability to think on his own kept slipping away. He even tried to look away from the gorgeous green flames in the depths of the gorgeous blond's eyes, but the emerald fire continued to burn away his will power. The more he tried to resist, the more his mind was falling under her hypnotic control. He felt so lightheaded. "Don't speak Sergaent, don't say a word, just listen and look into my eyes... your mind belongs to me now ... and your body is filled with desire for me ... the blood is rushing from your brain to your cock and the stronger you desire builds , the weaker you become ... so waek ... so full of desire for me .... just as Heather has fallen under my spell, you too, are too weak to resist. You need me ... you want me .... your prick is getting stiffer and stiffer and mind weaker and weaker ... obey me ... obey .... it's getting so hard to think straight .. your mind helpless to resist my words ... helpless ... helpless ...full of lust for your new mistress ...your desire overpowering all thoughts of resistance .... my mind controls your mind ... the nearness my body fills you with desire ... you are mine now ... you belong to me mind is no longer your own need to obey my every command ,,, you need to serve me ....." Finally Evilena uttered the command that would permanantly captivate the policeman, " Because you are desperately in love with me ... you want to serve me in any way you can ... in any way I desire ... you are my willing and adoring servant ... you are my slave ..." " S ..s...sssslave......." he responede. She reached out and placed her hand on the police officer's shoulder and slowly guided him down to his knees. "Tell me you belong to me, my pet.... tell me I am your mistress...." In a toneless voice the Sergeant responded, " You are my mistress." Evilena sighed, it had taken a considerable mental effort to entrance the two so quickly, and so completely, but now she could relax, they were both hers to control. "Heather, get down you your knees next to Donny." Immediately the gorgeous redhead fell to her knees. The beautiful hypnotist moved back to her throne like chair and extended her stocking feet toward the two hypnotized puppets. "Worship my feet, you two." The mesmerized duo crawled to their mistress and worshipped the gorgeous toes, each taking a foot and lavishing it with kisses and carresses. Evilena moaned, then entwined her fingers in the hair of each hypnoslave and pulled them up, so they were again looking at her beautiful face. " My eyes ! " she commanded and both kneeling slaves again were captured by her emerald gaze, as they stared deeply into the bottomless pools of her green orbs. "Now my little puppets, I'd like you to listen closely and I fill your minds with commands that you must obey ....... lick my feet slaves.... worship them." Still kneeling the two cops returned to the task of kissing, licking, and worshipping Evilena's lovely peds. The rubbed their faces against the smooth ,shiny nylons of their mistress and sucked her toes, obediently. Evilena loved the feeling of power their submission gave her. Every time she captured slaves so quickly she felt the rush that ownership of another human brought her. This morning when she awakened she had never even seen these two, and now they were on their knees in front of her, willing to submit and degrade themselves for the slightes gesture or touch. She was exhilerated. As they continued to worhip her feet , and periodically moved their caresses and kisses higher on her legs, she tried to concentrate enough to decide what to do with two owned cops. She knew that if she allowed them to continue as police officers she would have the ability to prevent any stupid mistakes like this "warrant" problem, and that she would also have the power to exert control over police activities, shoul that be needed. She snapped her fingers and the two fucktoys looked up, adoringly, into her eyes. "You will obey my every command won't you ?" "Yes Mistress", they replied in chorus. "Stand, my pets." Immediately the two stood expectantly in front of their goddess. " In exactly a half an hour you will return to your car, and forget you came will also destroy this warrant, and any record of it in your files. You two hypnoslaves will also remember that any time you here me , and only me, say the words " Evilena's Fucktoys," you again fall into this helpless hypnotic stae, obedient to my every whim." The two were filled with lust, the Sergeant fully erect, and the rookie dripping with desire, yet they immediately nodded their heads to agree with the hypnotist. "Now, for the next half hour you two will make love to each other, and Danny and at the end of thirty minutes you will redress and return to you car having no memory of what has happened here, but from now on Sergeant you will obey Heather in everything she says. You will finally understand that it is your role in life to obey all women, especially Heather, and you will realize that men only exist to serve women. Women are better than men in every way ... and men exist only to serve women, especially Heather. She is in complete control of your life." The blond goddess reached out with her hands and placed them under her hypnoslave's chins, pulling both of the cops toward her. She softly kissed one, then the other and they came, screaming out her name. Then as they lie on the floor mumbling her name she walked out of the dungeon she called out over her shoulder. "A half hour you two, I want to hear you making love...NOW !!!" The cops crawled toward each other with lust in thier eyes. As Evilena sat at the kitchen table to eat her breakfast she recalled an old army recruitment commercial tag line....." we do more before breakfast than modt people do all day," and she smiled. In the background she heard the lustful sounds of her fucktoys making love, she looked at her watch. "Twenty minutes to go," she said to no one in particular