Tales of Evilena -- Bat-Man ,  The  Puzzle Complete by Mistress Evilena's Servant      evilenashypnoslave@yahoogroups.com The final piece of the puzzle falls into place ... At Evilena's feet.       Evilena had captured both BatGirl and Robin, and both were now under her hypnotic control, prisoners in the Th Bat-Man's secret hide out..   The alluring villainess  realized she  had some time to prepare for The Bat-Man's return to his cave.  Her obedient servants, BatGirl and Robin had no choice but to help the mesmerizing blond in The Dark Knight's capture.  They both were hopelessly, helplessly, hypnotically in love with the villainous vixen and would do anything she commanded.   Even now, the three were preparing a mind stealing stratagem  for the unsuspecting Caped Crusader . She examined all the high tech equipment in the cave, and took the items she needed to complete her plan.   Her two mesmerized minions were diligently  laboring on a complicated mechanism, as lovely Evilena watched.  She smiled at her two naked servants, clad only in their masks, their fit and muscular bodies mechanically following her every command, both heroes hungering only for her mere touch, a word, or even a gesture to convey the blond hyponteuse's pleasure at their actions.   Following their mistresses complicated instructions, exactly to the letter, the construct soon began to take shape. It was clear the device was designed to produce some sort of  colorful lighting display, but the attached computer controller also seemed to indicate that it wasn't just a series random flashes the sphere-like object would create.   About thirty minutes  before The Bat-Man was to arrive back at the cave the two mesmerized heroes completed their work on the secret device and attached  it to a spindle-like device hung from  the ceiling of the cave.   Then, they slowly  walked to their goddess Evilena and fell to their knees, before her.   The blond  reached down and placed a gentle hand under each of her captive's chins, lifting their faces so their eyes met hers.  It was her intention to drive them both, even deeper under her hypnotic control, before The Bat-Man arrived.  Her eyes sparkled with power.   "Look at me my pets, look at me...... you can't look away .... your mind no longer is your own  ...your mind belongs to me ... focus on my eyes and realize that you cannot escape their hold over you ... your head is spinning  ... your mind floating away ...  your will no longer your own  ... but now mine .... your mind  ... your body ... your soul ... mere possessions of Evilena....  you are both my obedient servants and must submit to my will..... because my mind is stronger than yours ... my will is stronger than yours .... and you love me ....  "   The two kneeling crime-fighters eyes were glazed over, and with the mention of the word love, their naked bodies immediately developed erotic reactions to Evilena's beauty.  Robin's cock started to grow and BatGirl's nipples hardened and then she began to moan, seductively.   "That's it my pets look deeper into my eyes and know how much you love to gaze into them.  You love to look at my beautiful, hypnotic eyes... you are losing yourself in my seductive , irresistible eyes... you love my eyes .... deeper ... deeper .... deeper into my eyes... you will be forever lost in my hypnotic eyes ... you both will do anything I command when ever you look into my magical, hypnotic eyes ...."   There was no resistance left in the helpless duo as they gazed , open mouthed into her compelling green orbs.   "You love my eyes, don't you my little sluts? Tell me you love my eyes ..."   Their voices were toneless, their eyes glassy, as the responded , "Yes", they chorused, becoming even more excited.   "You both love me, don't you my helpless slut-slaves? YOU LOVE ME.... "   ,Yes ... YES Mistress Evilena, I love you, " was the simultaneous, excited  cry from  the two devoted heroes.   "Then you both may kiss my ass," she whispered, as they crawled helplessly toward her.   As her slave toys worshiped her black, leather  uniform, stretched tautly across her ass,  Evilena finalized the plan for The Bat-Man's demise and instructed  her  pets, between worshiping kisses and licks, what their role in the capture of their former friend and mentor would be.   Soon after,  the amazing Bat Car slipped into it's parking spot near the front of the cave, and the black cowled  super hero jumped out and strode confidently toward  his lair.  He was startled to see his friend BatGirl naked, save for her own cowl, kneeling before the blond villainess Evilena, and licking at her tall boots.    "Barbara, what are you doing ?  And why is that evil criminal here in the cave ?  And where is Robin?" Bat-Man stuttered.  Not usually at a loss for words, he was none the less flabbergasted by the sensual, erotic scene playing out before his eyes.    He walked toward the sultry duo, with the intention of freeing BatGirl from the seductive clutches of the wanton blond hypnoteuse, but as he reached down to help her to her feet the red headed bat-vixen spun around and jumped at the startled Bat-Man. Before he could push her away, Robin too jumped up from behind one of the cabinets in the hide out  and added his weight to the burden holding the struggling caped crusader  to the cave floor.   The two nude combatants  quickly clicked Bat-Cuffs around  the wrists  and ankles  of the confused crime-fighter, and attached  them to rings secured in the floor . The two slaves had previously prepared the rings which now held Bruce spread eagled,  at Evilena's instructions.  Then the blond seductress leaned down and  with a knife sliced away his costume, then told her bat-pets to lay across his  naked body, their weight and strength preventing him from moving.   With a flick of the remote control device in her hand, Evilena activated the illuminated hypnotic sphere she had designed and began to speak to new captive.   "I've been waiting so long for this moment to arrive Bat-Man ... and so have you.  The moment when we would finally meet.  You have long wanted to see me.  Every one has told you how beautiful I am and now , finally, you know that it is true.  "  She leaned down close to his ear and whispered hotly, her breath exciting the hapless hero .  "  Listen to my hypnotic voice and look up at the bright, mesmerizing lights ... spinning .... spinning above you on the roof of the cave.  Quit fighting ... quit resisting ... finally you have your chance to obey me  .... look at the lights..."   The Bat-Man felt his will melting , his body growing limp, and his mind slipping into unconsciousness, yet he fought against her seductive voice. " Nooo...  i ... must .... fight ...against .... youuuuu......"   "But you can't fight against me Bruce... you know you can't ...  you can't resist my voice ... my will is stronger than yours ...  you can't fight against my voice.... my voice captivates your very thoughts ... captures your will ... you must obey my voice... obey my commands ... watch the lights ... listen to my voice ... you see only the magical, hypnotic lights and you hear only my magical mesmerizing voice ... my dominating ... controlling  ... hypnotic voice captivates  your mind... my voice IS the voice of your mind .... my words are  your thoughts ... you can not resist my words .... tell me Bat -Man .... tell me you cannot resist my commands...there are no thoughts in your mind except those placed there by my voice ... in fact you con no longer even form thoughts for yourself, my met ...  from now on I will think for you ..."   With a gesture from Evilena the two naked bat-slaves released their hold on Bruce and stood up.  The Bat-Man didn't move, but his lips moved as if he were trying to speak, " fight ... must ...fffff...."   Evilena cupped the motionless hero's face in her warm hand and bent closer and licked his lips, " Obey Mistress Evilena .... Obey Mistress Evilena ... Obey Mistress Evilena...." her seductive , irresistible voice penetrated deep within him. The erotic kiss had paralyzed his weakened mind.   The moment she had kissed him, he sighed helplessly , as if some great burden was being lifted from his mind.   Soon Bruce  heard two voices repeating the hypnotic mantra, " Obey Mistress Evilena ... Obey Mistress Evilena ...." and then he finally  realized one voice belonged to the blond hypnoteuse, and the other was his own.   " Obey Mistress Evilena ..." he repeated over and over as he gazed helplessly at the revolving lights.  " Obey Mistress Evilena ...." His breathing quickened as his cock became rigid.  The more he repeated the words of submission, the more excited he became.  His prick grew and hardened, seemingly beyond his control. He tugged at his shackles,  trying to touch his own bobbing cock as he slavishly repeated the words, " Obey Mistress Evilena .... Obey Mistress Evilena ..."   She gently touched his bobbing prick with a gloved hand and  glanced up at her other two prisoners confirming that they too, were writhing with erotic desire for her , mouthing the words, " Obey Mistress Evilena .... Obey Mistress Evilena ...."   She removed her hand from Bruce's rock hard cock.   " I'm going to count to three my little bat pets and when I reach three  you will all cum for me ... cum for your Mistress Evilena ...orgasm for your goddess ...  no one else can make you feel so helpless and excited ... no one but me....one ...two ... THREE...now CUM !!!"   All three hypno-slaves erupted in orgasmic pleasure.  The Bat-Man's now untouched cock spouted cum  like a fountain and Robin, violently pulling  at his own member , covered his hands with his own  jism.  Simultaneously,BatGirl shuddered as her legs collapsed and she fell to the floor moaning in orgasmic pleasure.   Evilena laughed at how surprisingly easy it had been to capture these three, and decided that she would be spending some time in the Wayne Mansion, above the cave ... some quality time with her three physically fit, well endowed, helpless love slaves.   Evilena now freed The Bat-Man from his shackles and gestured for him to stand with her other two bat slaves.   I want you all to remember some commands that I will give you now. You are all my helpless little bat-pets...  Completely under my control .... willing  ... obedient ... helpless ... slaves of Evilena ...you all love being my slaves ... you worship me ...  you adore me ...   you are mine...."   Again, the sultry, erotic commands were forcing the three to masturbate, in response to the erotic commands of their new owner.   " Stop that my little slaves, you may only cum when your Goddess Evilena commands it.  Hands at your sides..... or I will be forced to spank you  ... or kick you bat boys right in your bat balls ... you can't disobey me ever again...." Evilena laughed at the helplessly submissive trio quaking with fear at her mere words.   " Now I want you to repeat this mantra and remember it forever, my pets.... I worship you ... i am yours ... i am your slave ..."   Cocks hard, nipples erect, pussy dripping, the trio tonelessly echoed. " I worship you ... i am yours .. i am your slave ."  over and over.   "Very good my pets.... now you my close your eyes and sleep ... sleep ...sleep ... listening only  to my voice ... thinking only of me ...  relax and sleep ....and listen as the voice of your own minds instructs you on what we will do tonight and how you will serve me , for the voice of your own mind is Evilena's  voice and Evilena's  voice now owns  you .... forever..."   "Yes Mistress Evilena " was the monotone reply from the trio, " i worship you ... i am yours .... i am your slave ...Mistress Evilena ...."