Challenge of the Warrior Princess Erotic Fantasy Narrated By Emish |
Angela glanced at her reflection in the mirror with a
pleased smile. She liked what she saw. The figure that stared back at her was tall and
superbly muscled, a feminine physique that had been honed to perfection hour
after hour in her private gymnasium. It was in that same gym that Angela stood
at rest now. There were a few gleaming chrome exercise machines
scattered around the large room. The walls were mirrored, the floors were
matted. The room contained a strange odor, a combination of sweat and a fragrance
that alluded to an Mid-Eastern spice. The aroma was pure female, exotic and
somewhat erotic. |
Leaning casually against a pillar in the middle of
the room, Angela surveyed the matted floor with interest. It was here that she
had just finished a grueling two hour session with her Sensei, and Angela#s
magnificent body still felt the effects of all that exercise. She could still see a hint of dampness
on the mat, where she had so recently strained in sweat-slippery combat with
her Teacher. She was still clad in her workout garb, brief bikini
bottom and an equally brief bra that barely contained her perfectly shaped,
melon-solid breasts. The flat belly showed the shadowy indentations of six-pack
abs, her arms were sculpted with well-defined biceps and hard packed deltoids
capped a pair of powerful shoulders. In a word, she was #stacked#. Angela continued staring down at the mat, remembering
the way that she had felt while locked in combat with her Sensei. She
never felt so alive, so totally stimulated, as when she was engaged in hard,
hand-to-hand combat with another woman. And her Teacher was certainly
all-woman! Angela's Sensei was a sensual black Amazon who was a Princess in her own
country of Mombesia. Her name was Lena and she had been trained since birth to become a member of
her father#s Royal Guard. Like the fabled Dahomey Amazon guard, the women
selected for this elite unit were subjected to a rigorous training program that
turned them into super-athletic fighting machines. Aggressiveness and superb muscularity were hallmarks
of these women. Their wrestling ability was legendary, and no male of near
equal size and weight was ever known to have won a fall from one of these
warrior women. It was one of these female warriors that Angela had
sought out to be her teacher in that unique form of martial arts as practiced
by the Mombesian women. Ever since she had first heard of these Mombesian Royal
Guards, and the fierce women who made up that Amazon fighting unit, Angela had
been determined to learn their form of combat. Although only thirty, she had
already mastered every other style of hand-to-hand combat. It was a style of fighting especially fitted for women,
specializing in the use of their usually much stronger lower limbs. The
grappling techniques focused more on scissoring and squeezing with the thighs
together with arm locks. It was said that the more adept practitioners of this
form of combat could crush a log to splinters within the grip of their powerful
thighs. And Angela, having been captured within the scissor-lock of her Sensei
on many occasions, could attest to that python-like crushing strength of Lena#s
long, powerful legs. The other special aspect of the Mombesian style of
wrestling was seldom discussed with #outsiders#. Once they had been selected
for training, these young women were completely segregated from the men in
their society. They were Battle Virgins, as long as they remained in the Royal
Guards. Not even a king had ever been known to have laid with a female member
of the guard. They may have been virgins, but these magnificent specimens of
woman-hood were far from being sexless. They simply had to find ways to satisfy
their needs among their own kind. And their special form of
"exercise" served that purpose very well indeed. Angela has heard whispers of this method of
#Tribbing#. as it was termed. However, the American had never engaged in
woman-to-woman sex, it simply didn't interest her. But as a devotee of the
martial arts, Angela did want to learn to fight Mombesian-style. There was only
one possibility, the only Mombesian to have ever left her home country, the daughter
of the Mombesian King. Angela immediately found out all she could about this
secretive woman, determined to learn from her the Mombesian style of combat. Then one day she had met the Mombesian warrior woman at her own
birthday party. She had made certain that the Princess would be invited, but didn't know if she would attend. The moment she spotted the tall,
regal woman across the room, Angela
felt a shiver of excitement crawl up her spine. Lena had already been described
to Angela, but she was not prepared for the sheer stunning beauty of the woman
who now stared back at her from across the room. Lena was tall, even taller than Angela#s own
five-ten. Her shapely figure was encased in a clinging sleeveless dress that
left nothing of her figure to the imagination. The silk clung to her sleek
figure like a second skin. Her firmly muscled arms and wide shoulders were
bare. Angela#s eyes were drawn as if by magnets to those arms, taking in the
solid biceps and rounded deltoids. She was powerful, and yet sleekly female at
the same time. The coffee-colored Amazon stared back at Angela, a
slightly arrogant smile curving her wide mouth. Lena had known instantly that
here was a woman who was herself a warrior, and the natural competitive nature
of the Mombesian female stirred within her. She knew without a doubt that she
would have to test this American in erotic combat, the sooner the better. It
had been too long since she'd been able to test her muscles or to enjoy some
erotic combat. She tensed her magnificent body in anticipation. For her part, Angela found herself moving slowly
through the crowd with her eyes locked onto the Mombesian woman#s. She walked
up the woman, being excitedly aware that the Amazon Princess was perhaps an
inch taller than herself. But she judged that their weight was about the same,
even though the Mombesian carried a little more well-developed muscularity than
Angele#s own athletic physique. But not much more! #I know who you are,# murmured Angela, as she reached
out a hand of greeting. Lena smiled and took the proffered hand in her own.
Angela thrilled at the strength of that grip, but out of politeness started to
pull her hand away. But Lena didn#t release her hand. Instead, she gripped
Angela#s a little tighter. #Ah-hhh,# thought Angela to herself. #So it#s a test
of strength she wants, huh.# She tightened her own grip and smiled at the other
woman. However, the smile instant vanished to be replaced by a grimace of pain. Angela was totally unprepared for the savage strength
that poured into her hand from that of the other woman's. It suddenly felt as
if her hand had been caught in a vise that was ever so slowly closing inward.
Angela#s eye went wide with shock at the strength she felt flowing from the
other woman#s hand. She saw a quick ripple of muscle lift Lena#s hard-rounded
bicep from its place of hiding just beneath the cocoa-colored skin, as the
still silent woman continued to increase the pressure of her grip. Then, suddenly and without warning, the beautiful
Warrior Princess released her grip and stepped back away from Angela. There was
a flash of white teeth as the woman grinned playfully at Angela, a look of
pleasure and delight in her dark eyes. #Yes, and I know you as well,# said the Mombesian in
a husky contralto. #You are, just as I've heard, a very strong woman. We have much to discuss, you and I. Shall we take your car
or mine?# she said as she gestured toward the front door. Angela started to object, started to say that she
couldn't just walkout of the party that was being held in her honor. But as she
looked into the Warrior Princesses dark eyes she found that she was speechless.
And, moreover, Angela found that she was already following the tall figure of
the Princess toward the exit, a sense of excitement building up in her. #My driver is just outside, so we might as well take
my car,# Lena said over one splendidly sinew-sculpted shoulder. Her car turned out to be a mile-long limo with an
immaculately uniformed chauffeur holding open the door for the two women. And THAT was how Angel met her Sensei. Almost in a daze, Angela gave directions to the
driver and they headed through the now deserted streets to Angela's loft
residence. When they had arrived, Angela led Lena to a private elevator that
quickly took them to her penthouse quarters. As they stepped out of the
elevator, Lena smiled in approval at what she saw. It was more than she could
have hoped for, even though she had an idea of what it would be like from the
intelligence that she had received. The Mombesian Warrior Princess had also
done her homework! Lena glanced around the room that the two women had
emerged into from the elevator. It was huge. And it was almost completely bare
of furniture. Over in one far corner there was a small seating arrangement, but
that was it. As they moved forward into the room, Lena realized that the floor
upon which they walked was covered from wall-to-wall with a firm but slightly
yielding matting. It looked well-used. Lena was impressed as she realized what
she was walking on. It was hand-made Japanese Tatami matting. Angela caught the Mombesian woman's look of
recognition. "Yes, the whole room is one large mat," she said.
"I don't have much need for furnishings, just a area in which I can
workout and sleep." Lena nodded in agreement. Those were her own
sentiments about living spaces. She saw that the mats were slightly stained
from dampness, and realized that it was from human perspiration. "What form of the martial arts do you
practice," asked Lena. "It's obvious that you workout a great
deal." "Daily," replied Angela. "But what I
really need now is a Sensei, someone to take me to the next step in my
practice. I have been told that you might be that person." The Warrior Princess gave her an enigmatic
half-smile, but remained silent as her dark eyes appraised the woman who stood
in front of her. The black cocktail dress that Angela wore was more than a
little revealing. Thin spaghetti straps left her wide shoulders and splendidly
developed arms bare. Angela wore silk, as did Lena, and both dresses fit their
individual wearers as tightly as a present wrapped in cellophane. Lena's
smoldering eyes stripped the other woman, seeing Angela's body in her
mind's-eye in the nude. So caught up was she in her fantasy that Lena almost
didn't realized that Angela has asked her a question. "Will you teach me the Mombesian style of
combat? Angela repeated quietly as her eyes intently searched Lena's. "Do you know what it is you ask of me,"
replied Lena in a tight, low voice. "Yes! You've got what I want, the secret of
Mombesian Warrior combat, and I'm ready and able to do whatever is necessary to
be your pupil," Angela said in a steely voice. "Look, you seem like a nice bright girl,"
said Lena, spitting the words out from between stern, stiff lips. "Let's
see if you can understand this: In order for me to know if I should even try to
teach you our ways of combat, you will have to prove you deserve to be my
student. That means remaining unpinned by me for at least five-minutes. And I
just don't think you've got what it takes to do that. Angela gave her a slow smile. "Well, why don't
we see," she murmured as she gestured down at the mats. The magnificent Warrior Amazon simply nodded her
head, and began to slither out of her dress, kicking it to one side as she
stood with hands on hips facing her challenger. She was strangely excited about
this encounter, and of course she knew why. Angela followed suit, and a moment later the two
women had stripped down to their bras and panties. Then, as if to show that
she, too, had done her homework, Angela very purposefully unhooked her bra and
tossed it away. "I have heard that the Mombesian women wrestle
bare to the waist, which also happens to be my preference," Angela said. "Ah-hh, I see that you have done some research
about our ways," replied Lena, as she also slipped out of the restraining
bra that cupped her thrusting breasts. No longer in the captivity of the
material, Lena's breasts stood out from her wide, powerful chest like a pair of
ripe half-melons. As she stood looking at Angela's own magnificently contoured
mounds, Lena's dark brown nipples began to harden. Stepping back away from Angela, she shook her head sharply,
as if bringing herself back to reality from the wild fantasy she was having
about the beautiful young woman in front of her. For some reason Lena felt a
sudden aggressiveness take hold of her. She snapped out at Angela: "Well, did your research tell you that Mombesian
women enjoying chewing up rich little debutants like you for a snack? There was more than a hint
of arrogance in that husky voice. Angela was determined not to be intimidated by the
tall Amazon. She also felt the need of proving to the Princess that she wasn't
the push-over that their brief contest of strength might have indicated. So
Angela responded in kind. "I would have thought from the looks of your
skinny black body that you'd been on a starvation diet and didn't eat snacks,"
she said sarcastically, enjoying the trash-talk. Lena raised one eyebrow in surprise. "Oh, this
was going to be fun," she thought to herself. The girl had spirit. But
still, Lena felt the urge to goad her and growled: "So come on, American, let's see if you've got
anything to show me, other than crappy remarks," said the Mombesian in a
low, challenging voice. Sparks flew from Lena's dark eyes as she spoke. "Screw you, Princess Stuck-up!" spat Angela. "Hey, you
want some of me, then I'll give you some!" There it was #.. that primeval need to work
themselves into a near state of fight-rage, to do battle with tooth and nail if
need be to show which was the better woman. Hard and cruel holds, really trying
to hurt the other woman. This was not a would-be pupil against a potential
teacher. It was female muscle against female muscle. Each of them had known the
moment they laid eyes on one another that it would have to come to this. And
now they would fight it out. Half-nude. In the privacy of Angela's combat
do-jo. The angry retort had slipped out of Angele's lips unbidden, and
she was slightly perturbed that she'd fallen for the big Amazon's attempt at goading
her into anything other than her required concentration. But at the same time, Angela did
feel the frisson of anger stirring within her. She wanted to hurt the woman who stood
waiting for her to start their contest of strength. Angela could hardly wait to lock holds with
the Mombesian Princess. She would show her who was the best woman. Angela, somewhat confident of her own abilities, made
the first move. With blinding speed, she shot forward in a short-spaced tackle,
meaning to take Lena down to the mat. But her wide-spread arms found only empty
air, and she crashed down to the mat on her stomach. She instantly felt Lena's
supple weight on her back pinning her to the mat. Before she could react,
Lena's long legs had wrapped themselves around Angela, while her arms had slid
beneath Angela's arms to lock in a full-nelson. Angela immediately bridged her
butt upward, trying to dislodged the Warrior Princess. But the woman rode her
back down to the mat, wrenching her thighs even more tightly around Angela's
waist. Continuing to try and buck off the other woman, Angela only succeeded in
wrenching loose from Lena's full-nelson. But still the Mombesian woman held
Angela captive within her long legs and muscular arms. In evidence of the fierce straining combat that the
two women were engaged in, both their bodies were already gleaming with sweat.
It was this perspiration that allowed Angela to squirm loose from Lena's grip.
Angela heaved upward, while at the same time twisting around within Lena's
enwrapped arms. Now, suddenly, they were face-to-face as they strained
tight-locked together. They lay with their sinewy bellies pressed tight
together. Angela had managed to scissor the other's thigh in a vise-like grip.
Her lithe hips were at a slight angle, which allowed her lap to be almost glued
to Lena's. Through the thin silk of her panties, Angela could actually feel the
wiry mat of Lena's pubic hair as the two women pressed their bodies together.
And Angela knew precisely what to do next. While squeezing with her thighs that were scissored
around Lena's leg, Angela pumped her hips against the Mombesian Warrior Woman
in sensuous slow-motion. So tightly were they joined that Angela suddenly felt
a stirring in Lena's crotch. She knew without a doubt that it was Lena's clit
coming to life. Her own was already stiffened with desire, a nubbin of hard
flesh that was as large as a small male penis. Lena also felt the same clitoral arousal and knew
that her own wonderfully large female organ was emerging from its hiding place,
ready to do battle with the equally stiff clit of her opponent. "So-ooo, you do know something of the Mombesian
way of erotic combat," panted Lena into Angela's ear. "Shall we
wrestle, or shall we engage in a warrior's sex-fight," she asked the woman
who held her locked so tightly. Angela suddenly stiffened, released her holds and
quickly rolled away from the Mombesian woman. Her beautiful features flushed
with embarrassment as she got to her feet. She had no idea of what had come
over her. She had never done anything like that before, had never wanted
another woman as badly as she had Lena when their splendidly muscled bodies
were locked together on the mat. Angela was simply NOT a lesbian, at least she
had never considered herself to be. Now, with her juices still flowing and her
need for sex so demanding, she wasn't sure what she was feeling or what she
was! One thing was certain, though, Angela knew without a doubt that she wanted
to feel the other woman's magnificently muscled body locked tight to her own
again. "I'm so sorry," murmured Angela. "I
don't know what came over me. It was just that you were ##." and her voice
trailed off. Lena had remained down on the mat, sprawled out on a
blanket-like piece of material that had somehow become entangled with their
bodies as they had wrestled. She had slipped back into her bra. Her eyes were
locked onto Angela's, as she looked at her lovely opponent of but a moment ago.
"There are no apologies needed, I felt what you
did #. but perhaps even stronger," said Lena in a low voice. "We
Mombesian women are used to such sexual feelings, but this is the first time I
have ever experienced it to this degree with an outsider." With that, Lena crawled to her feet and walked slowly
to Angela. She slowly reached out and pulled Angela into her muscular arms in a
gentle hug. The warmth of their two bodies was felt by each of them. That
warmth together with the dampness of their bodies from the sweat of their recent
exertion began to work its erotic spell on both women, as they stood there
clasped in each other's arms. "Come, let us continue our wrestle," smiled
Lena. "Let's see where it leads us. But I can tell you right now that I'd
be honored to be your teacher." Angela's heart skipped a beat from excitement as she
looked into the dark eyes of the woman who would be taking her through a
doorway into an experience that she'd always wanted, but had at the same time
feared. She was about to be trained in the Mombesian's secret ways, both as a
wrestler and as a lover. And she could hardly wait to begin. Over the next few weeks, the new pupil and her Sensei
spent countless hours in training. It was hard work, but more rewarding than
anything Angela had ever experienced. There were many hours of engaging in
special exercises meant to strengthen and tone Angela's physique to a degree
that Angela could hardly believe was possible. All that magnificent muscularity
that Angela had started out with was still in evidence. But now it was toned
and refined so that her body looked like the product of a master sculptor. There was barely an ounce of extra fat padding her,
she was honed down to a leanness in form that still managed to retain her
curvaceous lines, but accentuated her muscularity to the nth degree. Her body
was perfectly balanced between that of a fitness model and a bodybuilder,
neither too much or too little. What had also changed dramatically during the
training was her strength. She was simply more powerful than she had ever been
in her life. "Are you ready," came a soft voice from
behind Angela. Startled, Angela turned around from the mirror that she had been
looking at herself in, facing her Teacher. "Yes, Sensei," replied Angela. "I was
just thinking back to when we started my training, to who and what I was before
you began teaching me the Mombesian ways." "Think not of the past, but be always present in
the NOW!" replied Lena. "It is important to a Mombesia Warrior that
she not think of what has 'been', but "be" what she is." Angela
bowed her head in acceptance of the softly spoken rebuke. Lena was
seldom as gentle with her lessons. And almost as if reading Angela's mind, Lena
spun her around and gave her a shove toward the mats. "Now, let's see what you've learned thus far. I
will not go easy on you today," snapped Lena. Angela quickly shed her sweats. She was already
wearing only her bottoms, since she no longer bothered to wear a bra. But Lena
slowly slipped out of her own briefs, her eyes locked on Angela's. "No, today we wrestle nude," Lena murmured
with a frown. That took Angela by surprised. They had never
practiced butt-naked before, but she didn't hesitate for even a second. With a
quick wriggle of her lithe hips, she had shed her briefs and stood facing the
other woman completely nude. There was an unexpected air of tension about the
Sensei today. Her beautiful face bore a scowl, it was obvious to Angela that
something was wrong. That and Lena's demand that they fight nude made Angela
wonder what was up. "Have I done something to displease you,
Sensei?" Angela asked "No!" the other woman replied sharply. Lena
herself didn't know why she felt this anger. Then, suddenly, she had it. The
Mombesian knew that this was the moment when the American would have to pass
her final test. If she failed, Lena would no longer continue teaching her. And
Lena wasn't certain that Angela was actually ready for it. That thought both terrified and angered
Lena. If Angela failed, the Warrior Princess had no choice but to no longer be
a part of the beautiful American's life. That thought was what terrified the
Mombesian. The thought that Angela would perhaps fail the test was what angered
her. This was the moment of truth,
for both of them. "Come on, let's get to it," said Lena in a
taut, strained voice. She looked forward to their final test of strength with a
mixture of excitement and dread. They found their place on the mats, that spot where
the Tatami was the most yielding and easiest to take a fall on, and began to
circle. The two women came together with a hard thud of soft flesh. Each held
the other's neck in the clasp of one muscular arm, while their other hands
locked in a test of strength. For a moment they stood straining together, then
one of Lena's powerful thighs slid between Angela's wide-spread legs, an ankle
locked behind Angela's knee, and the two of them tumbled down to the mat. They
rolled slowly across the mat, first one on top and then the other. Neither seemed able to gain an advantage as they
grappled. But finally, Angela was able to capture Lena in a combination
grapevine and bear-hug. They lay together, their magnificent bodies straining
with every ounce of their strength. It wasn't that there was much movement, the
evidence of their titanic struggle came from the flexation of their muscles as
they rippled and played in concert with the effort of their holds around one
another. As they continued grappling, Angela lost her grapevine
although she still maintained the bear-hug. Their lower bodies shifted and slid
back and forth, lubricated by the wetness of their effort-induced sweating.
Lena has managed to scissor one of Angela's sinewy legs between her equally
muscular thighs while being on the bottom. The Amazon warrior found it
difficult to maintain a tight grip around Angela's leg, the flesh was wet and
slippery from the sweat; this and the fact that Angela was certainly not just
laying there passively. She had released her bear-hug in favor of a headlock,
and her arms were threatening to squeeze Lena's columnar throat to the point
where the Princess' air supply was cut off. Lena ignored the swirling black
cloud of unconsciousness that was engulfing her, as she fought strenuously to
free herself from the dual holds of torture that her pupil had her imprisoned
in at that moment. The warrior reached up and encircled Angela's waist
with both arms, knotting her fingers together to secure the hold. She pulled
Angela down, crushing their breasts tightly, feeling the other woman's stiff
protruding nipples digging into the firm mounds on her own well-muscled chest.
Lena rolled her shoulders, positioning her thrusting tits in such a way as to
capture one of Angela's within the deep crevasse that divided the jutting rack.
It was as if a soft, giant hand was gripping and kneading Angela's firm breast,
and she let out a low moan of both pleasure and pain. Then the Amazon's
powerful hips shifted until her naked loins were pressed tight against
Angela's. Lena began slowly arching up and down beneath Angela's weight,
pumping her hips in a gentle rhythm. For an instant, Angela seemed to freeze. She felt
unbidden an erotic sensation that gripped her, a sensation that frightened her
and at the same time excited her. She responded to Lena's rhythmic movement. A
moment later she felt the wetness between her muscled thighs. Then she felt a
stirring down there, a sensation that she had only felt once before #. the
first time that she and Lena had wrestled. There was only one way to relieve
the itch she felt. She jammed her crotch hard against Lena's and began to rub
her labia against Lena's in a frenzy of sexual need. Almost immediately, her clit slid out of hiding and
sought Lena's. Their pussies came together wetly as their bodies began humping
together, their now completely aroused clits jousting ever so slowly, as if
seeking entry into the labial portal. The female juices flowed as their labia
lips swelled, their clits lengthening into two dueling turgidly hard nubbins of
woman-flesh, now engorged enough to partially penetrate one another. Lena's strong hips rose and fell like a piston, her
wet body shoving up against Angela's sweat-slick body. Angela, for her part,
shoved her own hips downward against Lena as their ever-thickening clits
continued to grapple in a wrestle of their own. Angela gave a gasp of lewd
pleasure and hugged the Mombesian Warrior Princess to her. Then, with a soft
moan and a grunt of effort, Angela bore down on her opponent in an attempt to
pin her down once and for all in their tempestuous sex-fight. So closely were they locked together, Angela could
feel the other woman's ridged abs as they rippled against her. Somewhere during
their frenetic struggles, Angela had lost her headlock, so now she threw both
muscular arms around Lena's back again in a frontal bear-hug. Crotch strained
against crotch, clits becoming like heat seeking missiles as they sought the
warmth and wetness of each other's pussies. Caught up in their battle lust, both women fought one
another like a pair of cats in heat. Their breath came in hot gusts. Sounds of
low growls, quick grunts and thrashing bodies was all that could be heard in
that private do-jo. "Do you give up," gasped Angela to the
woman locked beneath her. But somehow she knew that it was not over yet. But
she was at the point of utter exhaustion and knew that she could not last
another minute. And yet she had to #. had to outwrestle her Sensei in this
bizarre and erotic test of female strength. It was then that Angela felt the throbbing sensations
of approaching orgasm. Like a freight train barreling down the tracks from a
far off distance, Angela felt the tell-tale tremble within her. With every
stroke of Lena's penetrating clit the sensation grew stronger. Finally, Angela
reached down with her head and smothered Lena's mouth with her own. Their
tongues tangled, lips nibbled, mouths sucked #. driving one another crazy with
their passion. Lena's long legs came up to wrap themselves around
Angela's muscular waist, thighs squeezing, ankles locking to secure the grip.
The grasp of her thighs pulled Angela even more tightly against her own
heaving, thrashing body. In a frenzy of movement, Angela pounded her muscular
sweat-slippery body onto her teacher's, exerting the last of her own waning
strength in a burst of effort. She was rewarded by Lena's scream of pleasure
and orgasmic release, as Angela continued fucking the superbly muscled
Mombesian princess into tribadistic submission. "Oh yes, you have me," cried out Lena.
"I yield to you. I can't take any more of this!" And it was
over, both wrestlers having
climaxed at the same moment.
As the two women regained their breath, still locked
together on the room-sized mat, both of them were gasping hungrily for
air. Neither seemed able to move,
both seemed contented to remain wrapped together in the quiet backwash of their
expended passion. "You have graduated, my sister," finally
came a low, breathless voice in Angela's ear. Angela smiled quietly to herself and snuggled against
Lena. The quickening sense of her accomplishment was only exceeded by her
newly-found understanding of what it was to be a true Mombesian Warrior Woman. What had just taken place on the training mat had
nothing at all to do with "Lesbianism". Rather, it was the loving
expression of two powerful females whose battle-lust had taken them into an
area that few other women could even imagine. In the midst of their all-out wrestle, with powerful
female juices flowing, Angela found the meaning of true Tribadism; the sexual
culmination of their hard-fought contest of female strength. It was the only
possible way that a wrestle such as theirs could have its ending. It was simply
the Mombesian Warrior's way.