"Cruelty, Thy Name Is Pain"

By Emish

Be Aware, Explicit Sexual Language and Descriptions Are Used
Reader Descretion Is Advised


Claudia felt a delicious frisson of excitement course through her as she slammed the steel locker door shut. She took a deep breath and slowed her breathing. She was ready.

Turning, she caught sight of herself in a full-length wall mirror. Her glacial blue eyes studied the reflection with an almost clinical detachment. As almost every woman does, she twisted her body so that she could see a side view. Claudia knew that her face would always remain much the same at her age, but her body was a different matter.

Was her butt bigger? Waist larger? Hips carrying any extra weight? These were the questions in every woman's mind when looking in a mirror. Claudia already knew what the answer would be to those unspoken questions. What she saw neither pleased nor displeased her, the visual examination was purely automatic.

The quick glance confirmed that her derriere was as compactly solid as ever, that her sinewy waist remained tight and that her hips were as powerfully lithe as a dancer's. She turned back for a frontal view, her steel-blue eyes focusing on the thrusting solidity of her breasts, barely restrained and concealed by the sports-bra. The sleek shoulders were broad for a woman, but structurally required for anchoring the deep chest and jutting melons of woman-flesh. Below was a flat belly with etched indentations of a four-pack set of abdominals, those cobblestones of resilient flesh the result of countless hours of sit-ups and oblique crunches.

Claudia heard the door to the dressing room open. "Aren't you ready yet?" growled Olaf's gravelly voice. "My cash meter is running you know, started the minute I got here."

She turned her head and laughed. "And you're damned well paid, too!" she said. "So quit complaining and let's get to it."

Claudia let her eyes rove over the man's powerfully muscled body, clad in nothing more than a pair of wrestling trunks that fit him like a second layer of skin. The black briefs did little to hide his bulky package, and in fact it served to accentuate the size of the big snake that lay coiled in repose in the silken pouch. Claudia knew that it would not remain dormant for long, at least if she had anything to do with it.

A moment later Claudia walked through the door held open by the big Swede. The room she had entered was a loft space, totally bare except for the big double mat laid out on the floor. Sunlight streamed in through the floor-to-ceiling windows at the front of the room, bathing the room in a soft glow. The walls on the left and right were covered with mirrors as was the ceiling itself. The back wall was thickly padded. Since it was the penthouse, there were no neighbors. It was utterly private and completely soundproof, the perfect venue for Claudia's rather exotic and erotic needs.

Claudia had purchased the building right after she'd sold her software company, which had provided her with several millions of dollars to do with as she pleased. Having picked up a law degree a few years back, she now headed a "white shoe" Wall Street firm whose practice was devoted to highly complex technology cases. She had very quickly earned a reputation for ruthlessness and charging unconscionably large fees. That's how she ended up owning this building, the lower floors of which were leased to her law firm. The penthouse was all Claudia's, and its privacy allowed her to indulge in an erotic predilection that she had acquired in her teenage years.

When Claudia was eighteen she was considered to be a "nerd", more interested in computers than boys. Her best friend and fellow hacker was a moody girl named Nikki, who was attracted to the Gothic lifestyle. She always dressed in black leather and had so many piercings that she looked as if she'd fallen face-forward into a fishing tackle box. Nikki was a loner. She was also an exercise nut, spending all of her time between a seedy local gym and her computer. Claudia was the only one who accepted the troubled girl for who and what she was.

The head-to-foot black leather garb Nikki always wore completely concealed the magnificent physique that she had built at the rundown gym. When seeing her for the first time, you would notice her height; the length of her legs, the unusual width of her shoulders and the litheness of her slim hips. What you would not see was the incredibly well-cut definition of her sculpted muscularity. Your eyes would be drawn to her raven-black hair, cut short and ragged in a kind of Gothic pixie. You'd definitely notice her stern beauty; the full sensual lips drawn into a perpetual pout, the sparkling black pool of her eyes, the straight nose and firm jaw. But in your wildest dreams you would never guess what lay beneath that bleak subcultural black clothing.

Nikki was into the idea of becoming a rough-trade Lesbian Dominatrix, although she wasn't really sure what that was. She had read a a story online about an Amazon Dom and it excited her. Nikki was also more attracted to girls than boys. In fact, the only male who had ever tried to fondle the splendidly muscled Tomboy had ended up with a broken arm. Nikki had to admit that she rather enjoyed their rather brief tussle, but not the intent. The Tomboy in her relished the opportunity to test her strength, especially against a larger male. With that in mind, Nikki began to seek out unsuspecting men who were well-muscled and ill-intentioned, men who saw in the Goth-Chick an easy lay.

She always made certain that their amorous grappling lasted long enough to get a good pump in those muscles of hers, to give that splendid body a good workout, then she would crush her would-be lover into submission beneath the very body the man had so lusted after. She left a trail of broken males and then, tiring of that kind of sex-play, Nikki turned to some of the female bodybuilders at her gym. The dark, brooding computer hacker became the gym's mat champion after a series of after-hours wrestling matches that left both contestants pleasurably spent and sexually satisfied. Nikki had finally become the very Lesbian Dominatrix that she'd fantasized being.

One day Nikki playfully challenged Claudia to a no-holds-barred wrestling match. Claudia had no doubt as to what that meant, It was obvious that the Goth-chick hoped to introduce her best friend into the lifestyle of Sappho, although she had never before made an overt pass at Claudia.

Even though Claudia had never considered herself as gay or even bi-sexual, she found herself strangely excited by the prospect of grappling with Muscle-Girl Nikki, so she accepted the challenge. Later that evening they met in Nikki's dingy basement where a couple of well-used mattresses were spread out on the floor. They stripped down amidst nervous giggles and prepared to wrestle.

Claudia had no idea of what to do, since she had never engaged in anything other than childhood playground scuffles. But natural strength and teenaged energy overcame her lack of technical expertise and the holds came quite easily. Nikki, on the other hand, had become quite proficient in all the various grappling holds. For nearly an hour they strained and grappled there on the old mattresses, their half-clad bodies becoming slick with sweat and their muscles pumped. The Goth Girl guided the pace, making sure there would be plenty of flesh-on-flesh grappling that slowly but surely began to arouse them both into a smoldering sexual bonfire of emotion. In the end, Nikki brought Claudia to a submission, pinned beneath her lean, hard body. And to the victor went the spoils.

Claudia's introduction to "Lady-Love" and wrestling changed her life forever. But it wasn't merely the eroticism of the wrestling that became important to Claudia. It was the competition, the testing of her considerable strength and endurance in a struggle that was equally mental and physical. Naturally competitive, Claudia found that the wrestling was perfect for honing her business expertise; the need for lightening fast decision-making, the ability to recover quickly from defeat and look forward to the next challenge. Claudia became proficient in quickly judging the hidden weakness in an opponent, whether in the board room or on the mat. But most of all, Claudia loved the deliciously erotic electric current that coursed through her when locked body to body with another strong female. And that was one of the reasons that she and Nikki had become much more than just computer hacking friends.

There would be many more Nikkis in her life and countless hot, sweaty wrestles with women who wanted to test their strength and determine who was the better woman. Her strange sexual predilection became an itch that needed to be scratched, often! The next logical step would be for Claudia to see if she could achieve the same level of sexual excitement wrestling a male. And so she hired a trainer, who not only taught her holds and grips, but also grappled her into explosive orgasms. Claudia quickly realized that she was definitely bi-sexual, even though she preferred wrestling with women. More sensual. Less testosterone driven aggressiveness and ego. The grappling bouts also seemed to last longer with another woman. For Claudia, when it came to entwined, close-locked sweat- slippery 'wrassling', longer was better!

Over the next few years, when her friend Nikki or some other splendidly muscled young Amazon wasn't around, she had her weekly session with Olaf the trainer. Working out with the big Swede was not nearly as satisfying as with a women, but at least he was a good trainer.

Bare-footed, Claudia and the man stepped up onto the mat, facing one another in silence. Both knew what they were there for, both looked forward to the test of strength they were about to engage in, each of them almost strumming with erotic excitement for what was to come.

Claudia quietly surveyed the man across the mat from her as she stretched herself like some big jungle cat. She was bare to the waist, clad in no more than a black exercise thong that didn't even attempt to conceal the firmly molded globes of her perfect butt. She was a five foot nine inch masterpiece of muscular magnificence.

Her lean body looked like an anatomy chart in some doctor's office; each individual sinew sculpted into bold rounded relief, with just enough of a padding of fat beneath her butterscotch tanned flesh to give her a woman's sleek curvaceousness. Claudia's muscularity was more that of a gymnast than a bodybuilder.

Sleek muscularity leaped and played along her arms and thighs, flexing into sharply defined bold relief. She raised both arms, her fingers making certain that the bun of her long, black hair was secure. The movement caused the rounded balls of her biceps to leap up from their places of hiding, bouncing slightly as she moved her hands. Her lats expanded and pecs tightened, lifting her perfect breasts into prominence. Her abdominal cavity indented and tightened, sending a Tsunami of sinew rippling across the smooth surface of her belly. Claudia, was the typical Mesomorph; with chiseled definition and lean physique. Hers was a totally different physique than Olaf's.

On the other hand, Olaf's muscularity that seemed to pad his squat body with a dense beefiness, the typical male Endomorphic physique. Claudia loved the feel of Olaf's muscles when they were pumped and hot, coated with a slick sheen of sweat, heavily flexed against her own nude flesh. She felt herself getting aroused just thinking of his wet, over-heated body locked around her.

Claudia tugged her eyes away from Olaf's massively muscled body, shaking herself back to the task at hand. She leaned over and touched her finger tips to the floor, stretching her long torso, loosening the kinks. Then, suddenly, she kicked her legs up and went into a perfectly balance handstand. Holding herself straight, she raised her sleek body upward and then dipped slowly down in push-up mode. Up and down she went, like a well-oiled piston. The caps of her deltoids clenched in contraction as her powerful shoulders were brought into play, the V of her triceps flexing into raised ridges of strength.

"You ready?" impatiently growled Olaf in his raspy voice. He knew that she was trying to psych him out with her display of strength, but he would have none of it.

Claudia's long legs came down and she flipped upward onto her feet. She stood for a moment, examining Olaf as if he was a prized bull, searching him for any sign of weakness that she could use to her advantage. Her dark eyes traveled down to his crotch, noticing that the pouch of his wrestling trunks was definitely bulkier. Ah-hhh, the male cock was becoming aroused, and that was any woman's ultimate means of victory over any man.

"So come on, we gonna wrestle or you going to stand there daydreaming all day,'" Olaf grunted with a scowl. "I got me another appointment after yours, so let's get to it."

Claudia nodded and padded forward, circling the big male, waiting for him to make his move. His comment about having another training session after hers had pissed her off. She didn't like the idea of him going from her arms to another woman's. Or even another man's. When Claudia was through with a man, he was usually far too used up for anyone else. A cruel smile stretched her lips as she contemplated that task. It took her mind off the moment, which was very opening that Olaf had been waiting for.

For all of his bulk, Olaf moved with startling speed and Claudia quickly found herself in a wrenching headlock. He twisted to the side, shoved his butt against her and took her to the mat in a perfectly executed hip throw. Even as she was falling, Claudia managed to slip free of his headlock and apply one of her own. They thudded down onto the thickly padded surface of the mat, landing side by side.

Claudia didn't waste a second. She rolled over atop Olaf and entwined her long dancer's legs with his in a grapevine. She tucked his head under her armpit, her forearm levered up against his neck. She clasped her hands to secure the lock, lifted up and was rewarded by a grunt of pain from the man smothered beneath her. It was a reverse guillotine that left him with no alternative than to submit. He reached up and patted her butt twice, signaling his submission. She released him slowly, enjoying the feel of his hot, damp, muscular body against her own over-heated flesh.

"Good move," Olaf mumbled as he got back to his feet.

"It's the hold you taught me last month," Claudia replied with a grin.

"Yeah, but I don't remember showing you the grapevine to anchor me from rolling out," he muttered.

They resumed their slow shuffling dance. They each feinted a few times, batting one another's arms away. Then they eased into traditional collar and elbow lock up. Each of them grabbed hold of the other's neck with their other hand going to the opponent's elbow bend. They alternatively pushed against each other and twisted from side to side in a test of strength and balance. Claudia worked carefully, waiting for the moment when she could shake Olaf's hand from her neck, which would give her the advantage. And during one of their twisting movements the big Swede did indeed lose his "collar".

Instantly, Claudia reached up and slapped him into a crushing side-headlock. The headlock is the most basic of all wrestling holds, it is meant to serve as a punishing move rather than a submission hold. And she had decided to give Olaf lots of punishment. She wrenched her hold, twisting him from side to side as she bulldogged him down. The trick was to maintain her neck hold once she had driven Olaf down to the mat. And she did.

Still clasping his head under her arm, Claudia quickly spread her legs wide apart to counter the Swede's attempts to roll out of the hold. Olaf immediately countered by sending a hand to Claudia's chin, pushing her head back far enough that he could reach up with his legs and scissor her head or shoulders. Olaf pushed her down into the V of his crotch, brought his legs up and around her head and clamped down hard around her neck. He had her!

Claudia found herself locked within the meaty prison of Olaf's muscular thighs. She managed to squeeze her head loose, but he wasn't done with her. The man's legs wrapped around her upper body like the coils of a boa constrictor and began relentlessly squeezing Claudia with fearsome strength. What was worse, her arms had been captured beneath his locked legs so that she could not use them to pry herself loose.

"Got'cha, Ms. Rich Bitch," rasped Olaf who was breathing more heavily than the effort of his hold should have made necessary.

At this point both of their bodies were sweat-slippery and hot. Despite the pain of his scissors hold, Claudia was enjoying the feel of his muscular body against hers. And so was Olaf. She felt the unmistakable stirring of the big Swede's member against her, his meaty cock slowly awakening from its slumber within the pouch of his trunks. The thick snake uncoiled and pressed hard against her belly, the smooth knob of its head exploring the raised bands of her hard-flexed abdominals.

Olaf tried to slide down along Claudia's heaving body to position himself more firmly against her crotch. But to do that he needed to loosen his scissors a bit. And that bit was all Claudia needed. The fact that their semi-nude bodies were slick with sweat helped, as Claudia twisted within his grappling thighs. In an instant her arms were free and she reached for Olaf's head.

It happened almost too quickly for Olaf to realize what had happened. One moment he had his beautiful opponent locked beneath him, the next split-second she had escaped and was countering with brutal strength. Her long arm had coiled around his neck, a smooth hard-flexed bicep locked against his throat and cutting off his air. When Olaf twisted to one side to relieve the pressure, her superbly muscled legs had entwined around his belly, squeezing him relentlessly with their sinewy strength.

Now it was Claudia's turn. She positioned herself atop the heaving Swede, jamming her crotch down hard against his still aroused cock. While maintaining her scissors, she began slowly pumping her lithe hips up and down on his thickened shaft with piston-like strokes. Olaf groaned deeply, partly from pain and mostly from frustration. She was masturbating him into submission!

"And from what wrestling instruction manual, pray tell, did THAT hold come from," said an unexpected voice.

Standing at the door to the big room was none other than her best friend Nikki, the only other person in the world with a key to the building. She stood there with a cocky grin stretching her lips, her eyes twinkling with excitement at what she was seeing. Nikki licked her lush lips like a hungry feral cat spotting a mouse and moved into the room.

"So, do I get t take on the winner?" she murmured in a husky, sex-laden voice. She was already beginning to shed her clothing, stripping down for action.

Just then, with a gurgled bellow and a violent heave of his imprisoned body, Olaf shot his wad.

"Damn! You could have at least waited for me," chuckled Claudia as she released her victim and rose lithely to her feet.

"My dear, that's what I'M here for," laughed Nikki. "Never trust a man to do a woman's job".

Claudia smiled at her friend. "Sorry, Nikki, I've got an appointment in ten minutes and I need a shower. Maybe you and Olaf can go a couple of falls, he still has a half an hour on my time clock.

Olaf's eyes widened and his thick lips curled into a snarl. "No, I don't wrestle that women," he said in his harshly accented voice. "She likes too much for hurting people."

"Aw-www, Olaf, come on. What you call hurt I call love, and I just love wrassling a big, muscular guy like you into submission. Are you sure that you won't grapple a little with me?"

The big Swede grunted something unintelligible and stalked off to the locker room to change. Both women were laughing at his obvious discomfort. Then they fell into each others arms in a hug.

"Hey, I've missed you girl," smiled Claudia to her friend. "When did you get back?"

"Yesterday," replied Nikki. "The job took longer than I thought it would. And then, of course, I met someone who enticed me to spend a couple of extra days with her. God damn, but that woman was strong. Beautiful, too. But not in your league, girlfriend."

Claudia smiled at her old friend as she was toweling off her over-heated body. "Wish I had time for a little mat work with you, but I gott'a go. Make yourself comfortable and I'll be back in a couple of hours." With that, Claudia headed for the locker room and a much needed shower before leaving for her appointment.


An hour later, Claudia walked into a walnut paneled conference room. Two men in shiny Armani suits were already seated. They didn't get up when she entered the room. Their eyes were cool and appraising, as if they were judging livestock at a county fair. They sized her up boldly and without apology, to them Claudia was no more than a hunk of meat not an alluringly beautiful woman. They were far more interested in her bankroll than her looks.

Dressed as she was, clad in a beautifully tailored business pant suit, and with her jet black hair pulled back severely in a tight bun, she looked every bit the highly successful corporate attorney that she was. There was a no-nonsense predatory gleam in her eyes as she survey the two men still arrogantly seated at the table. They remained seated, looking at Claudia with hooded, cruel eyes. The fact that they were "Made Men" in the Mafia didn't phase her. To her, they were just a couple of hot shot business men who liked to throw their weight around. They had also made the mistake of filing a defamation of character law suit against one of the attorneys in her firm, which was sort of like the 'pot calling the kettle black'.

"So, let's get right to it, gentlemen," she purred out softly. "You going to drop your lawsuit against us, or do we fight it out in court?"

The youngest of the two men stood up with an evil smile twisting his lips into a snarl. "Girlie, you're going to be in for a fight alright, but not with us. We brought along an associate that we like you to meet, who will be conducting the proceedings for our side."

He leaned forward, pushed a button on the display panel in front of him and said, "come on in" into the microphone attached to the communication panel. A moment later the door at the other end of the conference chamber swung open and a woman sauntered lazily into the room. She was absolutely magnificent!

Claudia could have been looking in the mirror, so closely did the two women resemble one another. The other was taller by an inch or so, probably weighed a bit more, too. Her broad, powerful shoulders and wide chest filled the black silk jacket she wore to the stretching point. The pants she wore were of gleaming black Laytex, layered on her statuesque curves like paint. Her long thighs and dancer's calves slightly bulged the fabric, clearly revealing the sculptured strength of those curvy limbs. "

Meet our associate, Tanya," the man still seated grunted out. "We'll leave now and let you girls .... what, fight it out?. Hey, no use going into court if we don't have to, is there?"

Claudia knew instantly what he meant. The 'meeting' was not going to be with the two corporate thugs, but instead it would be with the tall woman who stood in front of her. And even as she came to that conclusion, the big conference table and the chairs slid soundless back against one wall on hidden tracks. It left the big room absolutely bare of furniture. From the solid thunk of the door closing after the departing men, it was also a soundproof room.

Tanya stood quietly until the door had clunked shut, then she reached up and began unbuttoning her jacked. Like a teasing pole dancer, the big woman ever so slowly stripped out of her clothing until she stood there clad in nothing more than a training thong, obviously designed to reveal much more than it concealed. And a whole lot of woman was displayed. She stood there like some historic Amazon, bare-breasted and magnificently muscled.

There was no doubt but that Tanya was a hard-core bodybuilder who had ingested more than her fair share of steroids. She simply could not have achieve that degree of density and bulk without the 'juice'. The one word to describe her physique was powerful. She wasn't built for speed, but for heavy duty grappling and punching. In an instant Claudia realized that Tanya was probably a Mixed Martial Arts devotee. The slightly out of kilter nose and the puffiness around her eyes indicated that she was also a street fighter or a bar brawler. In any case, a dangerous opponent who was no doubt every bit as strong as she looked.

Claudia didn't need to be told what to do, she knew. She, too, began to strip down to her white silk panties. She didn't wear a bra. Didn't need one to hold aloft those solid, perfect breasts of hers. The two women stood there, examining one another closely. Claudia saw that she'd been mistaken. The other woman out-weighed Claudia by a good twenty pounds. And it was all muscle. It was the kind of body that her friend Nikki had; dense, thickly molded, as if sculpted by a master craftsman in pale Italian marble.

"The boys tell me that you like a good tussle," the woman said in a deep steroid thickened voice. "And Olaf says that you get off on the wrassling. Well, if you get all charged up from pain, then you will shortly be in orgasmic heaven."

Claudia knew three things instantly. First, she realized that the two corporate bad boys had done their homework on her. She wondered just how much they knew about her private life. And second, Claudia knew that what she and the big woman in front of her were about to do was NOT legal negotiations, but an all-out deadly contest of strength and skill. Lastly, the mystery about who Olaf worked out with after her training session was solved. It had to be Tanya. If this was true, then Tanya already knew all of Claudia's moves and counter-moves. THIS was going to be interesting, Claudia thought to herself.

The two women began slowly circling one another. The luxurious carpeting was deep-piled and yielding, a perfect surface for grappling. In the very center of the conference room a huge Persian rug lay atop the carpeting, serving as a kind of ring boundary. For an instant the room went dark, then a single spotlight came to life directly over the Persian rug, leaving the rest of the room in semi-darkness. Somehow she knew without looking that a TV camera lens would be peering down on that very spot, capturing the action for an unseen audience.

Like two battle-scarred feral cats, the two females cautiously circled one another. Other than that original comment, the other woman didn't say a word. Neither did Claudia. There would be no trash-talking, no trying to taunt or psych out one another. They were both too savvy for that. Their breathing quickened as if in anticipation for what was to come. Claudia had locked her eyes on those of her opponent, watching for that gleam that foretold of a move being made to clamp on a hold or throw a punch. But like a leaping tigress, the woman was on her before Claudia could even begin to react.

Forget the tigress thing, to Claudia it was more like being enveloped within the thick tentacles of a giant octopus. In an instant Claudia was imprisoned within squeezing arms and legs as the muscular woman wound herself around Claudia body. No, forget the octopus thing, too. More like a thick-bodied boa constrictor coiled around her, squeezing her with relentless strength.

They lay there face-to-face, with Claudia on her back. Tanya had locked her up in a traditional wrestling hold. Her two arms had snaked around Claudia's muscular upper back and columnar neck, while her long powerful thighs coiled around Claudia's waist in a scissors hold. And strangely, even though Claudia was in real trouble at the moment, all that she could think about were the two melon solid breasts scrunched against her own as their aroused and stiffened nipples slid back and forth across satiny female flesh.

"So what about it Bitch? Gonn'a give or do I really hurt you?" grunted the woman into Claudia's ear. Their heads were pressed together, making certain neither could head-butt the other. "You agree to toss the lawsuit and it's over. Me, I hope you tell me to go fuck myself. I don't want this to end too quickly, I'm beginning to get turned-on."

Claudia didn't reply in words, but in action. She dug her heels into the Persian rug and arched up, bucking like a wild mare. Neither of the holds Tanya had applied were submission-locks, but rather were meant to restrain and slowly wear down an opponent's strength. Claudia wasn't going to give the big woman that much time. Even in that short length of time that they had been wrestling, their sleek-muscled bodies were already moist with sweat.

To her credit, Tanya rode Claudia's wet, slippery body like a rodeo cowgirl, but not for long. On one upward thrust of her lithe hips, Claudia suddenly flipped her body to one side and rolled Tanya beneath her. She was now in the superior position and Claudia intended to remain there until she figured out how to pry herself loose from the muscular limbs locked around her like an impassioned lover.

"No, BITCH, I don't give. And this isn't about settling a lawsuit any more, it's about which of us is the best woman. That is if you are still a female with all those steroids you've doused yourself with!"

The big Amazon gave her a blistering look. "You'll soon see if I'm woman enough, you twinky-assed shyster," spat out the woman.

"OK, let's see if Olaf taught you anything that I don't already know." She was rewarded with a look of surprise shown by Tanya. "What do you mean?" Tanya asked.

"I'm the reason he shows up for your appointment so worn out," replied Claudia with a cool smile. "Tell me, do you end your sessions with a good rough fuck, or don't you do men any more?"

Tanya slitted her eyes in anger. "Girlie, after I've made you scream 'uncle' I'll show you what a rough fuck is all about .... if those limp-dick lawyers don't try to interrupt us."

As Tanya spoke, Claudia glanced up at the video camera and gave an icy smile. "I'll deal with the 'limp-dick' lawyers later, after I've dealt with you," she said softly but grimly. Claudia walked over to the door and turned the lock. "We are not going to be interrupted, that I promise you. When I've finished with you, then I'll go find the Boyz and give them a lesson in jurisprudence or at least prudence."

"Uoo-oooo, sounds like fun to me," Tanya replied in a little girl voice that didn't match her Amazonish appearance. "But first you have to get past me, and I don't think you'll find that much fun at all" , she finished in her gravely voice.

During their bantering exchange, the two women had still been locked tightly together, Tanya had lost her bear hug but had retained her scissors-lock. With her arms now free, Claudia reached down and slipped her hands under Tanya's armpits and over her broad shoulders, hands clasped and fingers locked in place across Tanya's throat in a front full-nelson. Now THAT was a submission hold. As Tanya's head was slowly bent backward, she had nothing to work with but her legs. She slid her muscular thighs upward until they lay tight around Claudia's belly. Then she squeezed, hard!

It was like suddenly forcing the air out of a bellows, and Claudia found that she could not breathe. She tightened her six-pack abs against the pressure and continued to lever Tanya's neck backward. The Amazon bridged upward in a spasm of effort, clenching her muscular thighs even tighter as she attempted to squeeze Claudia into submission.

The two half-naked female bodies were clasped tightly together, sleekly sinewed limbs grappled into entwined knots of sweat-gleaming flesh, firmly molded flesh that felt all rubbery as their two muscular bodies slid slowly back and forth. Their wet-slick bodies appeared to be hardly moving, aside from the ripple and quiver of their sculpted musculature. Their bare arms were tightly locked around one another's necks, hugging one another with every single ounce of their strength, their hot rapid breath panting into each other's ear.

The two females combatants lay face-to-face on the mat, their solid breasts mashed together, their flat bellies grinding, their pelvises pumping. Each imprisoned the other's thigh within the scissored clasp of her long legs. They lay there, squeezing rhythmically as each rode the other's sleekly sinewed thigh.

Claudia felt the firm flesh of her opponent pressed wetly against her own, felt the ripple and roll of flexing female muscle moving slowly in a sensuous dance against the sweat-oiled length of her squirming body. Tanya clung to Claudia like a leech, seeming to snuggle even closer as they strained together in silent combat. They heaved and tossed on the thick carpet, first one on top and then the other. Neither seemed able to catch the other in any kind of lasting grip . . . and the film of gleaming sweat that covered their half-naked bodies didn't make the effort any easier.

The two females lay almost without movement within one another's imprisoning arms and legs. For a moment they seemed content to catch their breath, and try to figure out their next moves. Claudia was mildly surprised that Tanya had not yet thrown a punch. If the woman was mixed martial arts trained then she would have usually combined the grappling with fist-fighting. But Claudia had been careful not to give the big Amazon an opening.

Claudia had maneuvered herself so that she was riding the back of the other girl, locked full-length along the girl's body. One of Claudia's arms was locked in place around the big Amazon's neck, while her other arm was clasped around the woman's chest. Her thighs were still scissored around the muscular column of one of the girl's thighs. This combination of holds left Claudia's groin pressed tightly against the firm-rounded buttocks of her opponent and her arm locked across the woman's thrusting, melon-solid breasts. Her forearm was pressed tightly across the woman's nipples, and she could feel them becoming pencil erasure stiff and aroused to her touch. "Ah-hhhh", she thought to herself, "the bitch was REALLY getting turned-on".

As Tanya fought to free herself, her glutes flexed powerfully up and down. The slow, rhythmic movement of the Amazon's butt against her loins brought a quick gasp from Claudia's lips. She tightened her scissors around the Amazon's thigh, bringing Claudia even more tightly against that hard-packed butt that she was jammed against. For several moments, the two of them just lay there pumping away . . . their eyes shut, mouths open and panting, sweat coursing down their bare bodies until they were as wet as if they had been in the shower together.

Then, suddenly, the muscular woman locked beneath Claudia's squirming body bucked up and down like a wild mare. Claudia lost her balance and slid down to the Persian carpet that served as their wrestling mat. With a quick cat-like twist of her supple body, the Amazon pinned Claudia in a full-length body smother. Claudia felt the strong arms of her opponent lock around her neck, Tanya's solid straining biceps bulging hard against Claudia's throat. This was a dangerous turn of events for Claudia. The big Amazon had her locked in a full-on submission hold, one that threatened to strangle her into unconsciousness.

They lay there on the Persian carpet; belly to flat belly, breast to jutting breast and their loins locked tight. They looked more like a pair of tangled impassioned lovers than two women in a battle of dominance. Claudia thrashed beneath the splendidly muscled Amazon in desperation, trying frantically to break Tanya's vicious holds with waning strength.

A cold smile played on Tanya's lips as she bore down on her holds. It would only be another few moments and she could collect her bonus from the lawyers she knew were even now watching the contest on their TV screens. Well why not give them something to remember, she thought to herself. Tanya's half-nude body was almost humming with erotic tension from the prolonged flesh-on-flesh contact with her opponent. Claudia's sleekly muscled body locked so tightly against the powerful Amazon as they strained together had completely aroused Tanya. So why not sexually satisfy herself before she ended the contest, and really give the boys something extra for their money.

Tanya eased up on her choke hold, sensing that Claudia was now too enfeebled and exhausted to be of any further danger. Still keeping Claudia pinned beneath her, Tanya reached down and tore away Claudia's sweat-soaked silk panties. Then she swiveled her own powerful hips from side to side as she slipped out of her thong. Now there was nothing between them but bare skin.

The Amazon slid both arms around Claudia's muscular back, pulling the woman to her in a tight bear hug. Claudia's melon solid breasts felt good jammed against her own as Tanya wriggled her lower body down along her opponent's hot body until her wet vagina was pressed hard against Claudia's. The big woman felt her steroid thickened clitoris come to life, protruding from between her labial lips. It was like a stubby male penis and could be used in the same way when fully aroused. She swiveled her powerful hips, seeking entry to Claudia's tender tunnel of sex with that thickened clit. She looked up at the ceiling and gave an evil grin at the concealed TV camera.

"This is my extra bonus," she chortled up at the onlookers to this extraordinary drama. "Actually, it's a winner's victory treat. You know, to the victor goes the spoils." And with that she wriggled her solid butt until she had achieved just the proper angle of penetration, then plunged down hard. The problem was that at the very last moment, Claudia had twisted her pinned down body to one side and Tanya's now fully engorged clitoris slammed hard against Claudia's sharp hip bone. The scream of pain was music to Claudia's ears!

Seizing the initiative, Claudia rolled the big Amazon off her. Claudia leaped upon Tanya's muscular back and secured a tight-locked full nelson hold. The hands clasped just behind Tanya's neck pushed the woman's face down into the deep piled carpeting. At the same time Claudia's long legs grappled the big Amazon into a vicious grapevine with her legs spreading wide those of her opponent. Tanya was going nowhere! The tables had been turned. Claudia's biceps bulged into hard balls of strength as she poured on the pressure. Now it was her turn to pleasure herself even as she was crushing her opponent into submission. It was a wrestle that had aroused Claudia as much as Tanya, and Claudia intended to make the most of this final pin.

She looked directly up at the TV camera and spoke in a low, dangerous tone of voice. "After I've finished with your bitch, I'm coming for you Peeping Toms. She's lost the decision and so have you boys. No appeal!"

Just as she had expected, the little red light in the ceiling turned off. The two lawyers weren't going to stay around for the rest of the show. Like rats escaping from a sinking ship, they were fleeing while they could. The next time Claudia would see them would be in court. But then, too, they might just want to settle out of court ..... with her! One at a time. In her private penthouse, on the mat. Claudia liked that idea, but before she got to the two ratfink lawyers there was this Tanya bitch who had not yet ###cried uncle'. But from her groans of pain she wasn't far from it.

Claudia had already outwrestled the big bitch and Tanya knew it. But she hadn't yet submitted, even if there wasn't much fight left in her. The problem was that Claudia didn't want to their match to end and hadn't forced the issue. In fact, she was rather enjoying the feel of the woman's hot, densly muscled body locked against her own. But now was the time to settle this, time for Tanya to admit that Claudia was the better woman.

The big bitch was a seasoned fighter and except for Nikki, by far the strongest woman she'd ever wrestled. The blonde might have been bigger, but she wasn't faster and that usually made the difference. Which was why Tanya was locked within the entwined, crushing, muscular limbs of the woman she had been sent into the board room to destroy. She had been trying, but Tanya simply couldn't break the holds that held her captive. At this point they were straining together in slow-motion, their bodies hardly moving and yet every muscle was hard-flexed from the effort of their silent struggles.

Now it was Claudia's turn to ask her opponent the same question that Tanya had posed to her earlier.

"Do ya' give .... or do I get serious about hurting you?" panted Claudia into the other woman's ear. Their heads, slippery with sweat, lay almost gently against one another. But down below, their lower bodies strained and humped like a pair of midnight lovers in the throes of erotic ecstasy. Claudia held Tanya tight-locked within the sinewy pillars of strength that were her thighs, her long legs scissoring and squeezing the woman into unconsciousness. The two half-naked females were not as much wrestling as they were enjoying Amazon Tribidism on the slippery mat. At this point neither of them seemed to remember that they were enemies, they were merely two hot-blooded, horny female animals in heat.

"Oh-hhhhhh, YES! You've got me", whispered Tanya into Claudia's ear. "Now take me all the way!"

With smile of anticipation, Claudia unlocked her scissors-hold, flipped the naked Amazons onto her back, ettled herself more firmly between Tanya's wide-spread legs, wrapped her muscular arms around the other woman's back and went to work on the oldest erotic 'wrassling hold' known to woman. She fully intended to bring both she and the Amazon to a screaming orgasm ..... the perfect ending to a hard fought wrestle for dominance. There was absolutely no doubt to either of them who the best woman was. Claudia had just convincingly proven that.

It was only then that Claudia happen to glance up at the ceiling and noticed the red camera light was back on. Just like a couple of low-life perverts, Claudia thought to herself. After she was done here, Claudia now knew that she would have to seek out the two lawyers and make them pay the price of their ticket to this show they were watching. She could hardly wait!