The splendidly conditioned bodies of the two combatants, naked and gleaming in the dazzling sunlight, seemed to be moving almost in slow-motion. Sun-bronzed bodies coiled around one another, arms and legs interlocking, as the two young female warriors knotted themselves together in an almost languid exchange of holds and counter-holds. For several minutes the young wrestlers lay clasped in each others' arms almost without movement; eyes clenched, mouths gasping, trying to catch their breath and figure out their strategy. Only the sensuous ripple and roll of their sleekly sculpted sinews showed the effort of this straining test of female strength. At the edge of the clearing, the tallest of the three onlooking Elder Warriors turned to her companions. "I still think this Testing should have been held in the Arena, not out here in private," Sevia grumbled in her deep gritty voice. Her remark was primarily directed to a strikingly beautiful woman named Merthia, whose attention was rivited upon the two Amazons locked together in straining combat. . "Ordinarily, I'd agree," Merthia replied with a preoccupied nod of her silver blonde head. "But in this case I would just as soon none of the slave-males see how quickly Litha has responded to the new Qwatzil drug regimen." One of the other women, with a short, thick, barrel-like body and a shock of unruly grey hair, shook her head in accord. "I went along with the private Testing, but for a different reason. Haven't you noticed how the males have begun reacting to these combat rituals when they are held in public?" the Elderwoman replied in a prim, waspish voice. "They are even daring to become openly, well... aroused,... at the sight of our Sisters engaging in their Arena Testing." "Good! It shows quite plainly which males are more likely to be sexually active and thus be good breeding stock", replied Sevia with a curt dismissive nod of her head. "I'll start worrying about our slave breeders, Sister Thulia, when they DON'T get aroused by the look and feel of a strongly muscled female body." "Seems to me that it isn't only the males who get sexually stimulated watching our Sisters working-out in the Arena," murmered Merthia, with a sideways glance at her plain-as-an-old-sandal companion. "And just what do you mean by that remark", flashed Thulia. "I'm not the one who strips down and wrestles naked with every young Amazon who challanges her to a private bedroom match," the woman spat out in a grumbling, self-righteous tone. "Hm-mmmmm, so are you bragging or complaining", replied the tall, silver-blonde woman distractedly, as her eyes followed the action taking place there in the jungle clearing. The two wrestlers had been at it for almost twenty minutes, and their sleek young bodies were wet and glistening from their exertion. The soft slurp and slither of sweat-slick flesh upon flesh and the harsh panting of their breath was the only sound in the clearing, other than the occasional comment made by one of the Elders as they watched the young Amazons straining together. The females now lay face-to-face, stretched out full length against each other, cheek-to-cheek; their matted wet hair tangling, flat sinewy bellies grinding together, loins locked and thrusting, strongly biceped arms hugging one another with fierce strength. Their melon-solid breasts were compressed, sliding back and forth, nipples becoming hard from both the friction and the eroticism of the sweat-lubricated movement. At times their movements looked more as if they were engaged more in sex-combat than challange wrestling. The two girls rolled back and forth across the grassy clearing, first one on top and then the other. From the very first moment the two had locked holds to grapple with one another it had been a see-saw battle, with neither one of them seemingly able to gain an advantage. Their nakedness and the slick persiration saw to that. Gaining any kind of lasting grip seemed impossible. A few moments later, finding herself on the bottom during one of the rolling exchanges of position, the slightly smaller of the two girls suddenly snaked her thighs up and around her opponent's lithe waist. Like a jungle python, those muscular thighs coiled around her trapped victim, creeping upward until they were knotted around the other girl's sinewy back. She quickly criss-crossed her ankles, straightened her toes and tensed her quadriceps, squeezing inward with every ounce of her superb young strength until her thighs and rounded calves erupted into a frenzy of taut-sinewed flexation. The girl captured within the vise of those wrenching thighs gasped in sudden pain, and her fingers clutched at her adversary's encircling limbs as she tried to spring the steely trap locked around her waist. She squirmed and strained, her flesh oiled by the dripping perspiration, trying to twist around within that relentless grip. But she was imprisoned securely within the fleshy bondage of the young Amazon's powerfully scissoring legs. Merthia's pale-as-dawn blue eyes suddenly widened, and a slow smile slid across her wide lips as she saw that the girl with the scissors had now added a full-nelson to her combination of holds. Litha's arms were slipped beneath the girl's armpits, fingers locked together behind her blonde head. Litha raised her own elbows upward and at the same time pushed down against the girl's neck, bringing a quick yelp of pain from her captured opponent. Merthia watched approvingly as the girl's firmly molded biceps rounded into sculpted mounds of quivering strength as she put on the pressure. "Ah-hhh, good move, Litha", the woman murmered to herself. Almost as if she had heard Merthia's remark, the girl glanced up and the older woman gave her a slow smile of encouragement. There was more than a little pride in her smile, as she watched Litha squeeze her blonde, hard-muscled opponent slowly into submission. After all, Merthia had been the one who had taught her daughter that quite effective combination of holds. Merthia was quite pleased to see that her daughter was wrestling as well as she was, especially against an older, larger and more heavily built opponent such as Ribha. And even more to the point, Ribha was a well-trained Arena Tester, not just another Amazon athlete giving her daughter some exercise. Sevia, the tallest and most powerfully built woman of this trio, turned her head to glance at Merthia. "It appears that you have trained your daughter well in ground-grappling," the woman said in a low gravely voice. It was voice more used to giving commands than uttering compliments. Her companion gave a short laugh and added her own tart comment. "Well, Merthia certainly knows all about being on the ground, since so many Sisters put her on her back when she was an active Arena Tester." Merthia's cool eyes never left the two young wrestlers as she smiled at the woman's ascerbic jibe. "Well, one thing is certain, YOU were never one of those Sisters who pinned me down,Thulia!" "As I remember, Merthia, your slave-male certainly DID put you onto your back the night your daughter was conceived," said Sevia in her husky voice, with only the barest hint of humor. "That's not the way I heard it," smirked Tulia, still smarting from Merthia's good-natured rebuke. "I heard that the slave-male progenitor actually pinned her ... five separate times that night!" "In your dreams," murmered Merthia. "It was all the man could do to last long enough to impregnate me, and even then I had to scissor-squeeze his seed from him!" The other two women laughed knowingly, their eyes never for an instant leaving the two young wrestlers rolling and straining in front of them. "No, Sevia," Merthia continued in a low melodious voice. it's not just my teaching that makes Litha so formidible.The Genepool blessed her with lots of testosterone, which her male progenitor certainly had in considerable abundance. But there's really no doubt that the Qwatzil drug is responsible for enhancing her male hormone level. And you can see the results." Then, suddenly, her voice faded and her eyes narrowed as she saw an impossibly quick move being made by her daughter's opponent. Ribha had managed to break Litha's full-nelson and had brought her own arms up and around Litha's neck, locking them into place to form a steely vice of strength. She pulled Litha's head downward until it was crushed against her bare breasts, capturing her opponent's head inside the deep cleavage between those jutting solid globes in a face smothering headlock. Litha's nose and mouth were buried within the smooth walls of wet womanflesh, smelling the rank odor of perspiration, tasting the saltiness of the girl's slick flesh against her lips. Strangely aroused by its tangy taste, and seemingly oblivious for the moment of the fact that she was being slowly suffocated within that prison of solid flesh, Litha's tongue flicked out and licked at the sweat filming the underslope of Ribha's big tit, The erotic shock of Litha's licking tongue so surprised Ribha that she jerked back, just far enough that Litha was able to turn her head and gasp in a lungful of air. It also placed her lips just a fraction of an inch away from the erect nipple of the girl's left breast. As her eyes spotted the hardened nipple, Litha gave a quick child-like laugh . . . and made her move! Litha reached up and sucked the inviting nipple into her mouth, her lips and teeth clamping ever-so-gently but firmly upon the rosy nubbin of stiff flesh. It was a bite that didn't hurt, but it certainly surprised! For a split-second, the Tester released her grip around Litha's neck. And that was all it took for Litha to once again wrestle the woman back into the same submission hold she had been caught in earlier. And a moment or two later the sleek-muscled Tester was forced to yield to the Litha's scissoring thighs and wrenching full-nelson. It had been a stunning display of uncommon strength and wrestling prowess on the part of the young Amazon, far beyond anything that Ribha had ever experienced before as a Tester. To the accompaniment of a round of applause from the three Elder Warriors, the two young Amazons very slowly unknotted themselves from one another#s holds. They seemed to be in no hurry to disengage their interlocked bodies. As was often the case in these naked wrestles, both women had become sexually aroused by their tight-locked straining. Had this been a private match, they probably would have ended their wrestle in a far different manner. Still grappled tightly together, they would have slowly rearranged themselves so that their superb bodies fit together in a more intimate set of holds and grips. The loser would take the bottom, while the victor would assume the dominant position, clasped within the V of the other Amazon's encircling thighs. Then locked tightly, they would press the soft lips of their labias together and begin gently squirming and grinding away until the Aazons became aroused sufficiently to allow their clits to engage, harden and protrude. Then, clit-to-clit, they would pump their powerful hips in an ever faster rythm until one or the other climaxed. Which ever one made the other climax first was the winner of this "second fall." But with the three Elders looking on, after a few moments they finally released one another and climbed to their feet. They stood facing each other, grinning and panting for breath as they both brushed bits of grass and leaves from their perspiration-soaked bodies. Tulia shook her head and frowned. "I'm not sure that your daughter won that fall at all fairly," she complained to Merthia. "Oh, come on Tulia," replied the tall, still quite beautiful Elder. "Are you trying to tell me that you never tit-wrestled an opponent?" "That's not the point, nipple-pinning is something supposedly reserved for private sex-bouts, not public Testings." Merthia glanced pointedly at Tulia's powerful but rather flat chest and gave an arch smile. "Perhaps that's because few women could use THAT hold on you," she chuckled. "OK, you two. Give it a rest," admonished Sevia in a friendly growl. "Personally, I think that it was an inventive move, and certainly within the rules of a Testing Trial. Like any good Amazon warrior, Litha used her brains as well as her brawn. Besides, if a big melon-solid tit was that close to my mouth during a wrestle, I'd have grabbed it, too!" Sevia's words broke the tension that had been building between the other two old friends, and all of them laughed. During this exchange, the two young Amazons had moved off toward a nearby pool arm-in-arm, ready to take a quick plunge to cool off their overheated bodies. The three women watched them go, each thinking their own private thoughts about the dramatic event they had just witnessed. "Alright, Merthia", said an obviously impressed Sevia."You're right, she is ready for mate selection. I will have the new male slaves assembled tomorrow afternoon. Litha can make her choice, and try to claim him Amazon-style." The quick smile that lit Merthia's beautiful face was quickly replaced with a serious frown, as she turned to her tall companion. "That's kind of you, Sevia. But if her slave-mate selection is held in public, and she performs like she has just now, won't that let everyone find out about the Qwatzil drug experiment?" "It will happen sooner or later anyway," replied Sevia with a shrug of her powerful shoulders. "Besides, your daughter has so much natural strength and athletic ability that most of the males won't even know the difference. You might tell Litha to take it sort of easy, though. The Queen has still not agreed to using the Qwatzil drug on Arena athletes, although she probably will as soon as she sees Litha in action tomorrow afternoon." "Perhaps the Queen won't attend Litha's slave-mate selection," Thulia said. "Don't count on it," Sevia grumbled."Remember, the Queen still has first choice of any slave-male during a selection ritual." "But only if the selecting Amazon agrees to yield her choice," replied Thulia with an emphatic shake of her grey head. "If not, then the Queen can challange the Amazon for the male. And not even Litha, Qwatzil drug-enhanced as she is, would emerge from THAT challange victorious." "Then we will have to make sure the Queen does not attend the selection trial," Merthia said in a determined voice. |