Erotic Science Fiction |
lesia tried to sleep, sitting upright leaning against a tree trunk, but without success. It might have been the oppressive heat, since the planet's atmosphere was like an Earth-side Turkish Bath. Or it could have been the cries and twitterings of unseen jungle creatures that interrupted the silence of the night and her attempts at sleep. It might also have been the nagging worry about the deep-cover agent Alesia had been sent to Lethoria to meet, a secret agent who was now a full twenty-four Earth hours late in making contact. With a softly muttered curse, Alesia rose to her feet with the smooth fluid motion of a highly trained athlete. She stretched her naked body like a big cat, trying to work out the knots of tension that clamped her shoulder muscles in a vise of discomfort. All around her was the dark, dank, steaming jungle of Lethoria. If only it wasn't so dammed humid, she thought to herself. And if only there weren't so many unseen things slithering and snuffling around in the dark. She hated jungles, especially jungles on wierd alien planets |
Tossing her head back and closing her eyes, she let the humid heat take hold of her. A sheen of perspiration had long since covered her naked sun-bronzed body, the glistening wetness accentuating the sculptured muscularity that lay rippling just beneath the woman's taut flesh. Like most Battle Amazons, Alesia's physique was honed to an extreme level of fitness. But her long-limbed body was also smoothly curvacious in all the right places. The juxtaposition of pronounced muscularity and rounded female flesh, along with the melange of Asian-Polynesian and Russian genetics, gave the young woman an unusually exotic and erotic appearance. Despite the magnificently developed muscles, there was not even a hint of doubt about Alesia's gender. Alesia was all woman! If called upon to describe her, you would probably talk about her cascading jet-black hair, the columnar throat, wide shoulders, the flat-firmness of her stomach with its curious bands of etched sinew, a pair of wickedly sleek hips and a firmly rounded butt. Then you might have said something about her impossibly long legs; a runner's legs, with strong thighs and rounded calves. You would have had trouble describing her face, other than hint at the high cheekbones, the wide forehead, thin nose and generous lush-lipped mouth. What color would you have called her eyes . . . gray? Ice-blue? The fact is that you'd probably just settle for saying that she was gorgeous! And I'll bet that you would probably have saved Alesia's breasts for last. Only the athletic width of her smooth shoulders could have anchored the thrusting solidity of her breasts. Hers was a wide chest with deep clevage between the melon-solid mounds. Alesia reached up with one hand to wipe away some of the sweat that dripped down the majestic slopes of those breasts, the fingers sliding on down to cup the jutting globes, thumbs reaching up to make a circular movement around the already aroused nipples. Unlike many of her sisters who worked-out with weights, Alesia's tits had never shrunk in size, even as lean muscle replaced female body-fat. Perhaps one of the reasons was that Alesia had never taken the heavy steroidals that the BodyShapers used, the enhancement drugs that built muscularity at the expense of the more rounded soft-firm female physique as possessed by female athlete-breeders. Thus, Alesia's solidly contoured breasts thrust outward in absolutely perfect size and shape. They were, in truth, tits . . . heavy, smooth, nard-nippled tits. The contact of flesh against flesh felt good, and a dreamy smile tugged at the woman's lips. She gave a deep sigh. Then the hand moved down and across the smooth flatness of her belly, brushing away the tiny rivulets of sweat that trickled down into the soft curly muff of her thick black pubic area. Perhaps it was the tension that was making her so turned-on, but whatever it was Alesia wished that her battle-mate could have joined her for this mission. Instead, she was left to her own devises to alleviate the sexual arousal she was feeling. And so her hands and fingers began their slow dance of passion, bringing her right to the edge of an explosive climax. Just then, however, almost unnoticed through the hiss of pleasure and harsh breathing, came the sound of an insistant beeping. The woman stiffened to attention, her head swiveling slowly as her ice-blue eyes sought the source of the electronic signal. She leaned over and picked up her travel-cloak, reached into an inner pocket, and pulled out a small, square case of almost irridescent blue color. A thumbnail flicked a concealed switch, and the lid slid back to reveal a tiny screen monitor. A message was already scrolling down the face of the screen. The young Battle Amazon watched for several seconds, then abruptly snapped the lid shut. She stood there, eyes staring out into the jungle, her mind a million miles away. Well, better make that a few BILLION miles away! Alesia was a long way from home, whatever the milage was. This was her first solo outer-planet assignment, and she was more than a tiny bit on edge. The message had done little to sooth her tension. It was, according to the data she'd just received, time to meet Agent Prime. But dammit, Alesia realized, she was still in a sexually aroused state . . . a mood that needed to be satisfied before she could begin her dangerous field assignment. I mean, come on now . . . what was a girl in THAT condition to do? For a moment, Alesia let the idea of engaging in a quick Sim-Scene exercise routine roll around in her mind. Maybe a quick virtual grapple with a Level-5 Simulation Amazon would relieve her jitters. A slow-motion wrestling bout with a magnificently muscled Syn-Amazon was the next best thing to actual real-time sex you could get in the field, she thought to herself with a smile. The ability to immerse oneself into a virtual environment to interact with other virtual entities and engage in hand-to-hand combat practice was another product of the Battle Labs. It was based upon work done back in the late 20th century by Silicon Graphics with computer modeling and simulation. Recent advances in human motion capture and head-mounted display technologies now allowed Battle Amazons to implement fully emmersable, real-time combat training with a simulation adversary. The tiny blue box that she still held in her hand also acted as 3-D image server, containing a state-of-the-art SGI image database that boasted an almost unbelievable 10 terraflops of memory. Simply by slipping into a light-weight wireless virtual head display, which was tucked away in one of the pockets of her travel cloak, Alesia could engage in the exercise kata movements of personal combat. With the mere flick of a switch, she would find herself wrapped up in a tight locked hold with a Syn-Amazon, wrestling furiously in sweat-drenched realism. The simulation would be so realistic that she would actually feel
the "body" of her antagonist, feel the Syn-Amazon's sinews flexing
and rippling against her own sweat-slippery flesh, feel the sleek
weight of the other's body pressing against her own. And once Alesia
got the naked Sym-Amazon opponent between her scissoring thighs,
once their loins were locked together and their clits entangled,
then the young Battle Amazon knew that she could quickly gain the
sexual release she so urgently desired.
With an impatient shake of her head, Alesia realised there wasn't time for any sex-play. She suddenly reached down for her uniform leathers, wishing that she could remain nude for just a little longer in this oppressive heat. In the light of the double moons that filtered down through the jungle canopy, her body gleamed with sweat as she slipped into her black leather battle garment. She reached up behind her neck to snap the halter straps, and her biceps leaped up from hiding to flex into taut-fleshed balls of strength. The black leather straps barely covered the nipples of her melon-solid breasts, and left her contoured abs uncovered. She sat back on her heels, with her thighs spread apart in front of her. As she slipped the studded leather straps around her sinewy waist, Alesia found herself thinking back over the briefing she'd been given aboard the spaceship that had brought her to Lethoria. The Commander herself had handled the briefing, as if to underscore how important the assignment was. At first it sounded like a refresher course in 21st Century Earth History. As the regally tall Commander reminded her, the mission to Lethoria was crucially important to the success of an impending exploratory landing on this alien planet of Amazons. The planning for this Research & Reconnaissance mission had been ongoing for over thirty Earth years . . . thirty years during which not a single scrap of data had been received from the secret agent that Earth Command had originally put in place. In fact, it wasn't even known for sure if Agent Prime was still alive. That was Alesia's task, to find a man named Luden. And this Luden was supposed to be a VERY special man indeed. Alesia remembered the Commander telling her about the Quatzil Experiment. Quatzil was a hormonal enhancement drug that had been created at the Battle Labs, a drug that finally permitted the women of Earth to enjoy the same strength and muscular development as any male. In the old days, a mixed-gender military had just never really worked, at least in terms of women being as effective as men in a combat situation. It was a constant source of irritation between men and women in the military services. Women wanted equal parity with their male counterparts. But the females could not keep up with the males on the level of physical strength, and that was enough to keep the women in a lessor, non-combat position. Quatzil was designed to bring more physical equality to the table for the warrior-women of Earth. And it proved to be almost too effective! "Within months the women who had been given the drug during the first trials had actually surpassed the men in strength, endurance, and the muscle-mass of their bodies," the Commander had told Alesia. "There was an interesting and unforseen hormonal side effect, however. The more muscular the women grew, the more sexually stimulated they became. Quatzil became the ultimate aphrodisiac for women; first for the women in the military and then, later, for all the women of Earth." "One of the reasons for this was the way in which the female clitoris developed in response to the drug", continued the Commander. "It was a lot like the ancient steroids which those they called bodybuilders used to massively increase the size and shape of their muscles. After several months of ingesting Quatzil, a woman's clit grew enormously, until the tiny bulb of female flesh became as big as a smallish-sized male penis. And, other than the male prerogitive of seminal ejaculation, the Quatzil-enhanced clit could be used in the same way as a man's cock; to bring a woman to orgasm, but without the danger of conceiving an unwanted child". The Commander had gone on to explain to Alesia that this had led to the Quatzil-enhanced women soon deciding that there really wasn't any need for men in their society, at least as manogamous mates. And that was the very beginning of the Amazon Party philosophy that eventually shook Earth to its core. "During the next twenty-five years", continued the Spaceship Commander, "the male population of Earth gradually came under the political and social dominance of the Amazons. The women ruled well, far better than the long line of Male Dominators who had kept Earth in a constant state of war. But there was a downside; with the women no longer dependent on men to satisfy them sexually, the birth rate across the whole planet plummeted to near zero. There was a real danger that in another generation or two the human race would be extinct. And THAT was that! Even the most hard-core Amazon Party members realized a change had to take place." It had taken only a few more years to outlaw Quatzil and make its use a punishable offence, the Commander explained. But by then the damage had been done. Any woman who had ever tasted the delights of Quatzil was seemingly addicted for her whole lifetime. It hooked the user far more strongly than any of the old "recreational" drugs had ever done in the distant past of the mid-20th century. And Quatzil was combated with all the authoritarian vigor that the old drugs has been, and the jails began to fill. "Eventually", said the Commander continuing Alesia's briefing, "it was discovered that Quatzil-enhanced females passed the physical addiction to their daughters through a viral-type DNA transmission. Soon, half of Earth's female population was taking the drug, illegal or not. And that was just too many women to put into prison. So finally, three generations of the worst case Quatzil-hooked women were gathered together and shipped off to a far distant planet; a planet called Lethoria, which would become both their home and their prison." That was over fifty years ago, and now Alesia was being sent to gather all the information possible about what had transpired during that half a century of isolation. Her contact was to be Agent Prime, the Earth-male known as Luden, who had been there in place for thirty years. The problem was that he had not been heard from for all that time, until just a month ago. A message had come through from Luden, saying that he had vital information to be transmited. Since it was too risky to attempt an electronic transfer, it was decided to send a seasoned Battle Amazon to personally debrief this male secret agent. And now it was time to meet this legendary Agent Prime. Alesia found herself wondering what he would be like. A man who had been under the domination of the Lethorian Amazons for the past thirty years. She felt a strange thrill of anticipation at what was to come. But had Alesia only known of what was taking place in another part of the planet's jungle, not more than a mile away, she would have realized how complex and dangerous her assignment really was going to be. In a jungle clearing much like the one in which Alesia stood, a small group of Lethorian Amazons were gathered, and these women included three of the principal characters of the intriguing drama that Alesia was unknowingly going to be a part of during her mission. Now, before I post the next chapter, perhaps you might find it interesting to know WHY I have chosen to write this particular kind of story. In other words, if you'd like to have an insight into my own very personal predilection for Amazons, you can link to what I have chosen to call: |