LOVELY ASSASSIN By Elrohir There's more than one way to beat a hard man ... Lana was quite pleased that their cover story had gotten them so far so quickly. She was dressed in her best high-class hooker outfit, a cascade of blonde hair, large hoop earrings, a tight gold mini-dress that showed off her bodacious breasts, wasp waist and firm round derriere, all supported by long, curvy muscular legs that tapered down to diamond-shaped calves and feet tucked into gold spike-heeled shoes. Jack, the operative playing the part of her escort/bodyguard, fit the part, too: a mountainous bald man with a fierce mustache, wearing a biker-looking black leather jacket and black jeans. They had gained entrance through the gates of Don Fernando's compound by telling his henchmen that she was a birthday present from fellow drug kingpin Don Diego. They had presented the gate guards one of Don Diego's ornate personal business cards with a note wishing Fernando a happy birthday. The card was authentic, having been taken off the Don's body just a few minutes earlier. When they reached the front door of the house, the guards at the door called Don Diego's personal cell phone to verify the "gift", and the operative who answered the phone (which had also been taken from the dead Diego) heartily encouraged Don Fernando to enjoy the girl for the entire night if he wanted, at Don Diego's expense. The only glitch had been that Jack the driver/escort was not permitted inside the house, but that should not be a problem, as they both new Lila could handle herself. Her outfit might be a bit of a hindrance if the deal turned to shit and got physical, but if things went according to plan she would not need to use her exceptional strength and martial arts expertise. She had another special talent that if used properly would make the others unnecessary. Lila had discovered her power when she was in grade school when she reached across a table for a crayon and found it was just far enough away to be out of her grasp. As she concentrated her effort and strained to reach it, the crayon suddenly jumped into her hand. Lila soon found that she could move other small objects just by reaching toward them and concentrating. She could retrieve pieces of candy from the dish across the living room when no one was watching, and once levitated a plate of spinach and caused it to fall to the floor as Mom brought it to the table. Through experimentation she determined that she could move items up to about ten pounds in weight with little difficulty, but anything bigger was just too much for her no matter how much she tried. It was a special power to be sure, but a disappointingly small one, she thought, that is until she met a gypsy soothsayer at a carnival who sensed her power and pointed out that it mattered more what she moved than how much. She was 14 when that happened, and like all girls by that time she had been regularly exploring her developing body and learning how to pleasure herself. That night it dawned on her that she could make use of her power in that regard, too, and moved her hand down near her sex and concentrated ... . Soon her clitoris became engorged and began to vibrate, sending shivers through her body. She bore down with her mind and it vibrated faster and faster, sending wave after wave of sensation through her body, making her writhe in paroxysms of electric pleasure. Within a minute her consciousness exploded in a mind-blowing orgasm of such magnitude that she was actually paralyzed for some time until the contractions subsided. She was amazed at what she had accomplished, all without even actually touching herself. With practice she was eventually able to bring herself off in mere seconds, then later almost instantaneously. Still later she would be able to do the same thing not just for herself, but others as well. When the house's entrance guards cleared Lila through, they radioed to "Terremoto", Don Fernando's personal bodyguard, that she would be coming up, thus she hoped her encounter with him would be a mere formality. Lila climbed the stairs to Don Fernando's office/study and saw possibly the largest human being she had ever seen standing outside the door. She warily noted that he stood with his weight balanced on both feet, which were kept a humongous shoulder-width apart, and he kept his hands in front of him at all times, as if he were ready to defend himself at anytime. When she presented Don Diego's card, he kept as much distance between them as he could and still take hold of the card and note. The only time she got close to him was when he finally pushed open the door and held it for her. She paused as she passed him and lightly touched his hand, making his arm tingle as she did so. She leaned in and whispered, "When Don Fernando has finished, perhaps I could do you, too?" Terremoto's eyes widened, then his face broke into a wide grin. Don Fernando told Terremoto he did not wish to be disturbed for any reason, and the gargantuan nodded, then turned and left the room, closing the door behind him. The Don approached Lila slowly, taking her in, burning the vision of her into his memory for present and later enjoyment. He lightly touched her face, brushing back her hair. "Don Diego most certainly knows my taste in women. Everything about you is perfect! You are to die for, Chica." "Oh, you have no idea!" she purred. Though not as big as his bodyguard, the Don was no small man, either. Lila was tall at 5'8", but she had to tiptoe slightly to kiss his lips. She made just a little bit of lightning dance across his lips as they did so, then caused an actual spark when their tongues met and wrestled. As she pressed up against him she could feel the considerable bulge building in his pants. Not wasting any time, she undid his belt and let his pants fall to the floor and dropped to her knees. She pulled down his boxer briefs and freed his long, thick member, perfect for her purposes, she thought. Slowly she drew its head into her mouth, not concentrating at all, just letting him feel her soft envelopment. She began taking him in and out of her mouth, slowly, her tongue teasing the head of his shaft each time. "Mmmm ... " He looked down and grasped her hair, guiding her head in and out, feeling as if he was in charge. She reached up with both hands and wrapped them around his shaft and began slowly stroking him while sucking and licking the head. "Mmmm, that is excellent, Chica" he breathed. She continued this way for a while, with Don Fernando growling satisfaction. Finally, the Don guided her head more forcefully and grunted "you will make me come now, Chica ... ." Oh, you have no idea, she thought, as she quickened her pace somewhat. She decided on a test jolt to see how he would react: she kept both hands wrapped around his cock and concentrated, pulsing the neurons in his cock though to his pelvis and then into his spinal cord, as briefly as possible so as not to overexcite him. "UGH!" cried the Don, not expecting the sudden shock of ecstatic pleasure. "Ay, that is fantastic! Keep doing that!" he moaned. His outburst did not bode well for her: if he was going to be a screamer the bodyguard would likely be alerted and feel the need to check on him. What to do ... ? Lila quickly decided on a plan of action. She began stroking faster, and the Don responded favorably, releasing her hair and letting his hands fall to his sides as he was building toward a climax. When his pre-cum began to flow, she gripped him with both hands and zapped him with less than half the psychic energy she possessed, a relatively low-power five-second orgasmic pulse that nevertheless shocked and overwhelmed him, blasting away his conscious thought as it spread through his body. Don Fernando began bellowing "OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH!" continuously, as if he were a raging bull that had been caught in an electric fence. His eyes rolled back in his head and an exploding stream of cum gushed from his cock. Expecting this result, she tightly enveloped his member, containing and mightily swallowing the onrushing torrent of salty gelatinous victory. The Don was electrified with pleasure and paralyzed at the same time, unable to move as his loins contracted in ecstasy. At the fifth second of orgasmic duration, however, he began to crumble. Wary that he might fall on her, she suddenly let go of him: with the sudden release, the Don's legs buckled and he went down to the floor on his hands and knees. He remained there for some time, out of breath, trying to regain his wits. "!Dios mio!, that was unbelievable ... " he gasped. The door flew open and Terremoto burst into the room to find the Don on his hands and knees with his pants down, both his head hanging down, and Lila on her knees beside him. The henchman's face immediately flushed a bright red. Fernando managed to raise his head enough snap at the bodyguard "I told you I did NOT WANT TO BE DISTURBED! His body was still tingling with shock and pleasure, but he was embarrassed to be seen in his present condition. Chastened and embarrassed himself, Terremoto quietly withdrew and closed the door behind him. Fernando rolled onto his back and lay there, exhausted. "I think you've killed me, Chica" he said as much to himself as to her. "Not yet, but soon!" she smiled. She leapt on top of him, pinning his arms with her shapely muscular legs as she faced toward his feet. She leaned forward and grabbed his flaccid trouser snake in both hands, concentrating on opening the venal valves into both of its chambers so that it once again filled with blood and became hard. The swelling continued and his member became even harder, then much too hard. His cock ached as the vessels overfilled, and he felt as if his abused member was about to explode. This time she focused all the telekinetic power she could muster and channeled it through her hands directly into his engorged cock. "AAAIYEEEEEEE!" he screamed, an atomic orgasm jolting his entire body. Lila kept up the orgasmic pulse but turned part of her attention to the semen ducts of his testicles, locking them open as she began to mightily suck on the painfully distended and convulsing cock. The Don's cum flowed and flowed until there was but a trickle, then nothing left, but still she sucked, causing the open semen ducts to collapse as they emptied. The Don's balls began to implode, shrinking to the size of marbles as their entire contents were forcibly removed. Filled to bursting, his swelling cock's cavernosal vessels finally ruptured and poured blood into his urethra, but Lila still did not relent, sucking out all of the metallic-tasting red essence as well, until his cock was completely drained, leaving a shrunken, shriveled husk where his massive man-meat had once been. Don Fernando was moaning "NOOOOOooo""" but his cry was cut off when Lila turned and lightly placed her finger to his throat and caused his epiglottis to close his airway, as if he were perpetually swallowing. He began to flail wildly as he silently gasped for air and could get none. Lila reversed her position, straddled him and pinned his arms with her shins in a schoolboy pin, staring down at his reddening face as she kept the finger in place on his throat. The Don continued to struggle, trying to throw her off, but she rode him like a cowgirl on a bucking bronco. "Shhh! You need to hear this ... ." She said quietly. Still choking, he could not stop struggling in a panicked attempt to survive, but he was tiring quickly. His struggling became less violent as his conscious mind finally realized he was about to die and there was nothing he could do about it. She locked eyes with him, at that point knowing that in his last wakeful moments he would understand what she had to say. "Do you remember the American DEA agent you killed last year?" she said questioningly, but did not wait for an answer. "He was MY BROTHER, you fuck!" His eyes grew wide and tears began to flow from them, silently crying out for mercy. Lila shook her head. "It's too late for that, Don Fernando. This is the end for you ... ." Paraphrasing what he had told her earlier, she said "I made you come, and now I'm going to make you GO, CHICO!" She continued to stare into his eyes as she concentrated on crushing his airway closed, until finally his consciousness slipped away and his face became expressionless. Checking for a pulse and finding none, she hitched up his pants. Her strong body made even stronger by ingesting the very life essence she had drained from him, she lifted his body up and placed it in the swivel chair behind his desk. She turned the chair away from the desk, crossed his feet and rested them on the credenza behind it, then grabbed a cigar from the box on his desk and lit it. She took a few puffs, then rested his right hand on the arm of the chair and tucked the cigar between his index and middle finger, the smoke curling up toward the ceiling as it smoldered. Lila quietly opened the door to find Terremoto facing her, a concerned look on his face. "Is everything alright? I heard Don Fernando screaming ... ." "Yes you did!" she beamed. "I think I may have worn him out a bit. He's relaxing now, and said to tell you he doesn't want to be disturbed." Terremoto looked over her shoulder and saw the boss in his chair with his legs propped up on the credenza, an expensive Cuban in his hand. He'd never seen the boss do that, but then, he'd never heard him scream in ecstasy before, either. He stood aside for Lila to pass and then closed the door. She was home-free, she thought, but suddenly the giant grabbed her upper arm. "Wait!" he demanded. The jig must be up, she thought, and she began planning for close combat with this monster of a man. He had weak points like any man, but taking him down could be noisy and messy for both of them. She wondered if there was any way to get Jack's attention as he waited in the car down below ... . Suddenly, however, the giant man's eyes softened and he whispered "You said you would do me, too, remember?" Her heart leaped, and she exhaled a huge sigh of relief. "Certainly!" she smiled, and reached up and touched his cheek, making it tingle. He grabbed her around the waist and crushed her to him. This woman's body was not as soft and yielding as the others he'd had, he thought. She was solid, and he could feel a power in her, which aroused him even more as he thought about ravishing this strong vixen. His trousers strained to contain the massive erection growing there. There was no mistaking its intentions. He tried to crush her even more and kissed her roughly, forcing his tongue into her mouth. He was shocked, though, when her body did not yield and she did not even seem to be uncomfortable. She kissed him back with ferocity equal to his, zapping his tongue with erotic energy as she wrestled it with her own tongue. The powerful kiss caused him to loosen his crushing grip, and Lila took the opportunity to slide her hand down to his crotch. She grabbed the enormous bulge in his pants and jolted him with everything she had. "Nnnnnnngh!" he grunted, reacting much more stoically than either Don Fernando or Don Diego had. His eyes glazed over as his body continued to quake, orgasmic waves rolling through him, overwhelming his nervous system, paralyzing him. Lila first thought she might quickly maneuver behind him and employ a sleeper hold, but she was not sure the paralysis would hold long enough to do so once she released him. In a moment of indecision, she hesitated to release his member while she could still keep him immobilized, so she kept the power poured on while she took a moment to think. Why was she so undecided? Perhaps using her power to its fullest for so long was exhausting her, physically and mentally. Perhaps her conscience was not allowing her to kill him if it wasn't absolutely necessary. Her indecision worried her, and she spent several seconds thinking about that, as well ... . It was Terremoto himself who finally made her decision for her. After twenty seconds of paralyzing climax, his eyes rolled back into his head and he began to collapse. The throes of interminable orgasm had caused his member to spew copious amounts of jism which was now soaking through his pants and making them too slippery for Lila to maintain her hold. His eyes closed as he slipped from her grasp and fell backward, landing with a floor-shaking THUD. Lila stood over him, assessing his condition. He did not appear to be breathing. She bent down and touched his neck to check for a pulse, but at that moment his eyes sprang open and he sucked in a gasping breath. "JEEZ!!!" she startled, and drew back a fist to punch him in the throat, but as her adrenaline rush subsided she saw that though open, his eyes were still glazed and unseeing, and he was still not moving. He showed no signs of reviving, so she saw no point in killing him; she and Jack would likely be many miles away when/if he woke up, and if not, well they would just deal with it. They always had before ... . Lila waved to the front door guards as she got into the convertible where Jack was waiting. "Everything go alright?" He said as they drove slowly down the drive toward the gate so as not to arouse suspicion. "A few complications, but nothing too big ... " she winked. "Thanks for being so patient, Jack." "That was the plan, whether I liked it or not." He turned and gave her an appraising look. "You're still beautiful, if a little bit mussed, makes you look even sexier." She smiled back appreciatively. "Why, Jack! You've never admitted you thought me attractive. I was beginning to think you were gay." "Not gay, professional. But this is likely our last job together, so I can be honest with you." Her eyes softened. "Awwww, thank you, baby! You always took good care of me, and I really appreciated it, I hope you know." "I do, but in light of that I have one request." "Anything! Within reason, of course." He leaned over and whispered it to her. Taken aback, she smiled wryly and said, "Well! Okay, but you'd better let me drive." The car slowed as it approached the gate man, and he could see it was the birthday hooker for Don Fernando who was driving instead of the escort. She lifted a hand off the steering wheel and waved, smiling. "That didn't take long," he chuckled as he waved them through. He was startled as they passed, however, when he heard the escort suddenly exclaim "OHHHHHHHH!" as his eyes rolled back in his head. The gate man continued to watch them as they turned out onto the highway and accelerated away, and when they were fifty yards down the road, he heard yet another "OHHHHHHHHH!" ... .