HER OWN BIG BANG THEORY By Elrohir, Elrohir57@gmail.com Hunter McGrady womanhandles and eminent physicist and his wife and rocks their universe. (Hunter McGrady is a real person, but of course this a work of fiction. Leonard and Penny are characters in the American TV sitcom The Big Bang Theory, and there are a few inside references to that show. My apologies to the rock duo Heart, since part of this story sort of parallels one of their songs.) Dr. Leonard Hofstadter, PhD and his wife Penny were attending a cocktail party at the posh Langham Huntington Hotel in Pasadena. It was Homecoming week at Cal Tech, and the party was for a select group of alumnae and other supporters of the Physics Department to encourage donations. All faculty members were strongly encouraged by the Dean to attend; for Leonard and Penny, however, attendance was mandatory, since for the last 4 years Penny's presence had inspired record numbers of male donors to attend. She was a stunning woman a little over 30 years old, 5'6" with a slim body that was nonetheless very curvy at about 125 pounds. Her B cup breasts needed no support, as was evidenced by the slinky low-cut little black dress that barely contained them. She had big, soft blue eyes that men wanted to fall into, at least the men who could tear their eyes away from her incredible body. At 5'5", Leonard was a little shorter than Penny, with unruly dark hair and horn-rimmed glasses. He was good-looking in an impish, cute little boy sort of way, with a shy smile. But he also had a great sense of humor that the female donors much appreciated, especially the older, more predatory ones, who enjoyed hitting on him even though he was completely devoted to Penny. Leonard was a genius of sorts, an experimental physicist who was fairly well-respected in his field. He and his friend the eminent theoretical physicist Dr. Sheldon Cooper had recently published a now-famous paper regarding the validity of several facets of String Theory. Leonard's recent notoriety had brought him to the attention of Hunter McGrady. Hunter's face was more well-known than her name. She was a model who had appeared in any number of women's wear catalogs, certain fashion magazines, and some TV commercials because she was in high demand as a "plus-size" model. Most uninformed men equate plus-size to mean "fat", but that interpretation of the term certainly did not apply to Hunter McGrady: plus-size in her case meant not fat, but BIG, and in all the right places. She was 23 years old and just a fraction under 6 feet tall, with wavy bronze hair that cascaded onto her shoulders and framed her high cheekbones, regal nose, and piercing eyes. She was a towering, hourglass-bodied goddess whose measurements told only part of the story: 46 DD breasts, a 35" waist, and 47" hips all rested on impossibly long and massively curvy legs that ended in strong but beautifully arched size-10 feet. In a recent lingerie photo shoot when Hunter had stretched out on a queen-size bed and extended her long arms above her head, they had to angle her body to make sure she did not extend over the edges of the mattress. She hit the gym almost every day so she was a very, very strong woman, although she didn't show it until she had reason to flex. She was big, not fat: She liked to think of herself, paraphrasing a famous movie line from Casablanca, as "just like other beautiful women, only more so." She had discovered again and again that that statement was, unfortunately, too true. She was too much woman for most of the men she met, and factored into why she was now watching the diminutive Dr. Hofstadter from across the room. She was trying to be inconspicuous, but for her that was difficult, dressed as she was in a soft pale gray v-neck mid-thigh t-shirt dress that clung to each of her dangerous curves, drawing the stares of every male and most of the females in the room. Leonard and Penny were sipping champagne, making small talk with Dean Woermer and his wife, but when that couple was pulled away by some extremely wealthy potential donors, they were left alone with each other. Penny turned to Leonard and handed him her empty glass. "Sorry, babe" she winked, "gotta drain the lilly. Get us some more wine, wouldja?" "Sure" said Leonard. He watched her gorgeous backside as she walked away toward the bathroom. Sometimes she didn't treat him very well, but then other times she did, especially in the bedroom, and on those occasions Leonard considered himself a very lucky man. He walked over to the bar to put in their order and have a newly filled glass ready for Penny when she returned. Hunter saw her chance and followed Penny to the women's restroom. She removed an "Out of Order" sign from where it had been stashed behind the fire extinguisher cabinet on the wall and, hung it on the outside of the restroom door, then slipped in and quietly locked it from inside with the key she had taken from the janitor. She had been very, very good to that janitor in order to get those items, so he would be unlikely to complain about missing them anytime soon. Heck, for that matter, he would be unlikely to even regain consciousness for a while. Hunter went into the stall next to Penny's and waited. When Penny flushed, she flushed, too, and joined penny at the sinks while both washed their hands. Hunter glanced in the mirror and noted that Penny was giving her sidelong glances, surreptitiously checking out her bodacious ass. She smiled at Penny's reflection in the mirror and said sweetly "You must be Penny." Momentarily startled, Penny blushed and tried to say politely "Why yes, how did you know?" "I have a confession to make" Hunter said, her eyes locking on Penny's. "I'm a bit of a Physics Groupie, and I really admire Dr. Hofstadter," she blushed a bit herself, "and you, too." Penny subconsciously sensed where this was going and it made her nervous. "Uh, what?" she croaked, hoarsely. Hunter turned to face her, looking down over the top of her ample breasts, and again fixed Penny's gaze with her own. "I love you both! Leonard has a great intellect, a great sense of humor, and he's handsome in a boyish sort of way. You, Penny, are absolutely gorgeous, funny, and very sexy, if you don't mind me saying so! You two make a great combination. Have you thought about having babies, yet? I can only imagine the children you would have together-- So good looking, and intelligent!" "Um, n-no, we haven't talked about it, not yet ... ." stammered Penny. This big bronze woman was being so forward it made her uncomfortable, and yet she could not help but stare unblinkingly into her eyes. Hunter slowly moved ever closer to Penny, seeming to dwarf her, enveloping her with her presence. Penny had to tilt her head back to look up into Hunter's eyes, and it was impossible to do so without noticing the rounded mountains of Hunter's cleavage rising up from the low cut v-neck of her dress. Steamy heat seemed to radiate from her, warming Penny's face, and she was shocked to find that it was warming her loins as well. Penny had experimented with another girl in high school and decided it was not for her, but this woman was very different, somehow: she was a feminine and beautiful woman, to be sure, but also big in stature and forceful in personality. Penny felt dominated, overwhelmed with confusing feelings of arousal that consciously she did not understand, but which her subconscious mind understood all too well, urging her body to respond without any of the reservations her mind might have. "I envy Leonard," Hunter said seductively as she moved even closer. She seemed to completely fill Penny's entire field of vision. The tops of those monumentally perfect orbs loomed before her, and her vaguely musk-like scent captivated Penny and triggered torrid memories of that one night of shared female passion so long ago. Hunter's face lit up in a confident, knowing smile, as if she knew exactly what Penny was feeling. She winked at her. "He is very, very lucky to have you, you know. I'm surprised no one has tried to take you away from him, yet." The steamy heat enveloping Penny had her in a fog ... Leonard? Leonard who? The proximity of Hunter's bodacious body was blanking her mind, and her skin flushed as blood was drawn away from her brain and into her extremities and loins. Before she knew it Hunter's long arms had slowly snaked their away around Penny's body, pulling her in until her breasts touched Hunter's upper abdomen and Hunter's breasts pressed into her upper chest. Voluptuous pouting lips floated down through Penny's vision and compressed themselves onto her lips, disgorging a massive and muscular but also very soft tongue that filled Penny's mouth and made love to it, slowly thrusting itself forward and back, caressing Penny's own tongue as it went. Penny's body reacted with a will of its own and melted into Hunter, surrendering itself. Her id screamed for her to let Hunter to do whatever she pleased, and Hunter sensed this and answered it's call: Her large graceful left hand cupped most of Penny's round little ass and pressed Penny's pelvis against her while her right hand found Penny's pert breasts and in turn rolled each pencil-eraser hard nipple between her thumb and forefinger, causing Penny to moan softly. Hunter then slid her left hand down Penny's round backside to the hem of the little black dress and lifted it with her thumb, caressing Penny's ass as it moved upward. Her right hand similarly lifted the front hem and slid two fingers into Penny's now pulsing wet pussy. Penny moaned again as Hunter's large fingers filled her and began stroking the head of her clit, sending waves of guilty pleasure through her. The storm of sensations overcame her: Penny's legs quivered and her knees buckled, but before she could fall Hunter dropped to her knees and threw each of Penny's legs over her shoulders, steadied Penny's back and butt with her hands and then in an impressive show of strength she rose up steadily, easily balancing Penny atop her shoulders so that her face was even with Penny's sex. Penny gasped and momentarily flailed her arms about, trying to find something to hold onto, but the high ceiling of the old hotel's bathroom afforded her no chance to grab onto anything except Hunter's head, but Hunter was in complete control and in no danger of dropping her: she held Penny rock steady while her massive wet tongue pushed its way through Penny's nether lips. Penny gasped and lost any concern for her precarious position suspended there in space, closing her eyes as Hunter's tongue fucked her, slowly at first. The speed of her tongue thrusts became more and more rapid, Penny's moans increased, and her juices began to flood Hunter's mouth, arousal nearing its absolute peak. Sensing her impending climax, Hunter attacked Penny's clit ravenously, her tongue rhythmically swirling around and over the swollen love button until Penny gasped again and shuddered, her hands tangled in Hunter's hair, twitching spastically as "OOOOH!" exploded from deep within her. Penny's entire body tensed, vibrated, and then relaxed completely as the tension left her even though her loins continued to tingle. Hunter gave her several finishing strokes at short intervals, jolting her with aftershocks until the orgasmic energy that wracked her body finally dissipated completely. Penny at last sighed and became quiet. Hunter lovingly allowed Penny to slowly slide down her until her feet were on the floor. Hunter pulled Penny to her and again lovingly filled her mouth with tongue, kissing her deeply, romantically. While they were still kissing she slowly moved Penny backward until she was against the wall, continuing the kiss until Penny pulled her head back, gasping for breath. "Wow!" she breathed, as she looked up into Hunter's eyes in awe, totally captivated. Hunter smiled down at her, kissed her forehead and then hugged her tightly, pushing her cleavage into Penny's face until her massive breasts completely enveloped Penny's head. Penny immediately became aroused again, lapping her tongue against the sides of Hunter's perfect mounds, but she soon found her head was being held increasingly tight, and was soon so tightly held that she couldn't breathe. She tried to turn her head from side to side but was shocked to find that Hunter's massive orbs would not give, having been pushed into the wall so hard that they pressed in on either side of Penny's face. Penny brought up her hands to try to push Hunter away, but Hunter caught them with her hands. Penny thrashed in panic, but post-orgasmic weakness made her muscles slow to respond, and her struggles only served to arouse Hunter to press her body ever harder into Penny, grinding her pelvis against the top of Penny's hips and grunting, fucking her against the wall. Penny's instinctively continued to struggle even though she knew it was hopeless against a supremely aroused Hunter's incredible feverish strength. After what seemed an eternity of futile, spastic convulsion, Penny's energy was almost completely gone, while Hunter's thrusting was just gaining stride. She began to feel her consciousness waning. Sensing she was almost gone, Hunter suddenly said loudly enough for Penny to hear despite her breast-covered ears, "Just tell Leonard the champagne went to your head and you felt ill and fell asleep on the toilet." Despite her oxygen-starved brain, a wave of relief washed over Penny as she subconsciously realized that meant that Hunter was going to let her live, and it made it easier for her to surrender to the inevitable: Everything went completely gray, and as her conscious mind faded away the last thing she heard was Hunter bellowing "YEAH! OH YEAH! OH! OH! OOOOOOOOOOOOOH ... ." Penny collapsed unconscious against her as Hunter ground out the last of her orgasm against Penny's hips. She slumped a bit until Penny's head lolled forward over her shoulder then picked her up like a rag doll, cradling Penny's gorgeous round ass in her large hands. She carried her into the stall and set her down on the toilet, then stepped out and closed the stall door, reaching down over the top to lock it from the inside. She brushed out her hair, reapplied some lip gloss, but did not bother to wash her face. Hunter had never really needed much makeup, anyway. She fished a Tide bleach pen out of her purse and applied it to the little spot on her dress right in front of her crotch ... she didn't know whether it was Penny's or her own love juices. Satisfied that she was back together, Hunter emerged from the restroom and made her way over to the little table where Leonard was sitting by himself with two champagne glasses. One glass was completely empty and the other was less than half full. She smiled, knowing the alcohol would make things go faster, although at this point time was not really a problem. This was not the first time a woman had passed out in Hunter's embrace, so she knew from experience that there should be plenty of opportunity to complete the rest of her plan. She walked over to his table and said sweetly "Dr. Hofstadter? I just ran into your wife Penny in the restroom, and she said to tell you that she's not feeling well. She said not to worry but she may be in there for a little while ... . If you want, I'll sit with you until she comes back, and if it gets to be too long I can go in and check on her for you. Would that be all right?" "Um, Geez, I guess so. That would save me from having to find a volunteer in a few minutes, I suppose. Thank you for doing that for us." "It's my pleasure! I'm quite a fan of you and Penny, if you don't mind my saying." "Oh? Uh, I mean, thank you!" Leonard was a little mystified as to how this big, beautiful woman might know him. She wasn't really his type, since Leonard preferred petite women who were more his own size, so to speak, but he couldn't help but notice this woman's obvious assets. The deep valley of her cleavage alone was enough to draw his attention. Suddenly she seemed to have read the question in his mind. "I'm a little bit of a Physics groupie," gushed Hunter, "and you and Dr. Cooper caused quite a stir in the community with your last published paper... and, well, you and Penny make such a cute couple. I can only imagine the beautiful children you might have together!" Leonard blushed and thanked her again, wondering where the conversation was going as they walked together toward the women's restroom to check on Penny. Hunter talked continuously as they walked, but Leonard barely heard what she said because he was mesmerized by the way her bodacious breasts bobbed up and down and her hips swayed back and forth as she walked. It didn't help his concentration at all that those giant, perfect orbs were right at his eye level. He was intimidated by her size but also aroused by it, and the magnitude of her female assets only served to increase both emotions. By the time they reached the door to the women's room, an obvious bulge was involuntarily growing in Leonard's pants. When Hunter stopped and began to turn toward him, he abruptly turned his back to her and walked away in order to conceal his excitement. "I'll just wait over here ... " he said back over his shoulder, too embarrassed to look at her. With a wry smile she pulled out the key and quietly let herself into the restroom. To her horror Penny had regained consciousness and staggered over to the sink, holding onto it to steady herself. Hunter advanced with lightning speed and performed a Brachial Stun on Penny, keeping her hand limp like a dishrag as she backhanded the side of Penny's neck, delivering a devastating shock to the nerves there and seriously interrupting the flow of blood to her brain. Penny went out like a light and down like a ton of bricks, but Hunter caught her. She cradled Penny up in her arms like a baby, took her back into the stall and gently sat her down on the toilet seat, leaning her head against the stall wall. She gave Penny a little peck on the forehead and then walked away and out the door. Hunter emerged from the Women's room and gave Leonard an embarrassed smile. "She's sooo sorry" she said quietly "but the wine went to her head. She doesn't want to come out yet because she has a headache and is afraid she'll throw up. Giver her just a few minutes to recover, she said." "Geeze, Penny!" Leonard said in frustration. "You'd think she could handle her wine better, as much as she drinks ... I shouldn't have said that sorry. I'd better go in and get her so we can just call it a night and go home." "No!' said Hunter with authority. "That would just embarrass both of you, and besides, the donors would not be happy if their golden couple ducked out early. You'd never hear the end of it, from them or Penny would you? Just give her a few more minutes, please." "Thanks, Hunter, but I think it might be just as embarrassing if we stay, if her condition is as bad as it sounds." "Come with me for a second" said Hunter emphatically, as she looked deep into Leonard's eyes, holding his gaze with hers. She took him by the arm and guided him into the unused cloak room adjacent to the restrooms. Leonard was amazed by the strength in her grip: there was no escaping it. She pulled him into the room and quietly closed the door. "I need something from you, Leonard, and it will only take a few minutes of your time." "Well, I suppose I could spare a few minutes ... " said Leonard uncertainly. She had not relaxed the iron grip on his arm, and his bicep was actually hurting a little bit. He was beginning to fear this tall goddess of a woman: Her expression was deadly serious. "What can I do for you?" He tried to smile, but nervousness betrayed him as his voice trembled. "It will be very easy" said Hunter a little more cheerfully. "I have a proposition for you. I already have a boyfriend. He's good-looking, intelligent, sweet, and very, very sexy and athletic. It's been so hard to find a man who can keep up with me, so I'm going to keep him for a long time, but there is one problem: He's completely sterile, can't give me a child even with today's advances in modern science, and we both desperately want children. So, you see, I need a good old-fashioned sperm donor, Leonard, and that's where you come in. You're a perfect specimen, in my book, and the sooner the better. Get the idea?" "Wait, what?" Leonard's eyes widened in shock as the realization hit him. "So you want a donation right now?!" he exclaimed incredulously. "You mean you have a cup you want me to fill or something?" "Oh I have something for you to fill, but no, a cup would never do! Cups, refrigeration, syringes are all soooo impersonal, and their success rate pales in comparison to fertilization the good old-fashioned way that God intended." "Look, you are a very attractive woman and I would love to help you, but Penny ... " "Never has to know. Trust me, I can fluff you and extract your seed in plenty of time for you to be back at your table when she returns, if we don't waste any more time talking about it." "I'm sorry, uh, Hunter, is it?" he said, trembling. She had released her grip on his arm, but her massive, gorgeous presence alone was intimidating. Still, he pressed on. "I just wouldn't feel right doing this, and besides, you're really not my type." Her eyes blazed, and suddenly he wished he hadn't said that last part. Leonard started toward the door, but with a lightning fast movement Hunter blasted her three knuckles of her right hand into his solar plexus. A loud "OOF!" exploded from Leonard as he doubled over and began gasping as if he couldn't breathe. The sudden blow to the nerve center caused his abdominal muscles to cramp violently, and his diaphragm was in spasm. After a few seconds she stepped behind him and bear-hugged him, straightening out his middle and allowing his diaphragm to relax and begin to operate his lungs. "You'll be okay in a minute, sweetie" she cooed in his ear. Hunter slipped the dress off her shoulders and let it slide to the floor to reveal she had nothing on underneath. She stepped around in front of Leonard and grabbed the back of his head by the hair. She forced his face into the grand canyon of her cleavage, securely imprisoning him there where Penny had been only minutes before. She looked down at the top of his head and smiled as he struggled futilely. "Oh, Leonard, Leonard, Leonard, other men have thought I wasn't 'their type', but I find that when I get a man here (she shook his head playfully with her breasts) right where I want him, the heat from my body completely melts his resistance. His brain becomes soft while his cock becomes hard, just (clasping his body to hers) like yours is becoming now. I can feel it ... Ooh, such and impressive bulge for a small man! Penny is a very lucky woman. Are you ready, baby?" Leonard's body relaxed and his only response to her question was a loud slurping sound as he sucked and licked at the sides of the magnificent perfect globes encasing his head. Within a few seconds she had overcome his resistance: his conscious mind was completely gone, replaced by the base desires overwhelming him. A combination of sensory overload and the massive draining of blood from one head into the other had reduced the brilliant physicist to a simpering, horny idiot with but one purpose: to give this beautiful, incredible Goddess whatever she desired. Hunter chuckled: Leonard hardly seemed to notice as she undid his belt, dropped his pants around his ankles, and hooked her thumbs in the waistband of his boxer shorts and dropped them as well. She loved that she could control just about any man just with her body and sexuality, and could kick his ass if need be. She pulled Leonard's head out of her cleavage and pushed her hard left nipple into his mouth. Enthralled, he made no conscious effort to arouse her but instead suckled at her breast, baby-like, as if trying to express milk from it. She was increasingly wet with arousal as he continued to worship her round love globe. After a bit she removed him from her breast; he looked up at her with a shocked look of abjectly disappointed longing, until she smiled and forced her other nipple on him. Squelching, sucking noises reverberated around the little room as he happily resumed his slave worship of her exquisite round mounds of flesh. Leonard's cock expanded to heretofore unheard of proportions, a small bead of pre-cum forming in the opening of its swollen, bulbous head. She had planned to make him service her orally but there just wasn't time, and besides, her hot hole was soaking wet and aching to be filled. With little effort she forced him to the floor, riding him down until he was on his back and trapped under her, both his hands held down above his head by just one of hers. She wasted no time settling onto him until her ravenous love glove had completely swallowed his massive meat pole. She slammed her hips down onto his, driving his member deep into her, over and over, pounding him into the floor. "Yeah baby!" she breathed quietly. "Deeper! DEEPER! Mama's gonna take everything you've got, little man!" The little room was thickly carpeted, but there was an audible THUMP each time Hunter slammed her gorgeous ass down, beating Leonard's hips and abdomen like a drum, making them resonate with the impact. He began to cry out "Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!" with every pounding stroke, until she clapped her hand over his mouth but kept pounding him, muffling his cries of pain and ecstasy to a barely audible "mmph! mmph! mmph!" Leonard's body soon began to tense all over as he neared his limits of survivable stimulation. Hunter smiled slightly and stared into his eyes with satisfaction as the relentless rhythm of her percussive ass music rapidly drove him toward an explosive crescendo. Suddenly Leonard's back arched and his hips thrust upward to meet Hunter's down stroke, impaling her even more deeply as she crashed him back down against the floor. She froze, shaking with a sudden explosive orgasm that took her by storm and made her gasp in surprise, her eyes closing as her body was momentarily overwhelmed with sensory onslaught. She barely heard Leonard's "MMMMMMMPH!" from behind her hand as he, too, exploded, his load expended deep into the farthest reaches of her loins. As the tension left her body, she sighed contentedly, instinctively sensing that his seed was planted well and deeply inside her, and at this point in her ovulation cycle one of her eggs was soon about to be penetrated just as effectively as she had just been. She smiled down at Leonard, his eyes half closed as he lay exhausted in an almost semi-comatose state. She giggled, and shocked him by wriggling her hips around his still hard cock, tender with post orgasmic sensitivity. "UGH!" cried Leonard as his startled Little Leonard twitched in spasm, involuntarily squirting its last few drops of reproductive essence into her. Hunter chuckled with wicked satisfaction, confident in the knowledge that she had wrung out every bit of what she needed from him. His softening rod slipped from her as she rose up slightly and slid forward. She used the tail of his shirt to dab the excess moisture from her nether lips, then stood and walked over to where she'd laid her dress, picked it up and slid it on over her head. Leonard looked over in time to see it slip down onto her body; he couldn't help but admire the way it clung to her dangerous curves. She came back and grabbed one of his hands, helping him to his feet. Suddenly embarrassed, he quickly pulled up his pants and tucked in his shirt. The realization of what she had just made him do hit him like a sledge hammer. "Oh god oh god Oh God OH GOD!" he exclaimed, as the seriousness of his situation began to sink in. "What the HELL am I going to tell Penny, for God's sake?!" "Oh honey!" she cooed as she gave him a last hug, "Don't worry, just tell her that the wine made you sick, too. The vomit smell will cover the scent of your sexy shame, you darling little man!" And with that she powerfully drove the gorgeously sculpted knee of her long shapely right leg into his balls so hard they seemed to be forced up inside his body. Leonard made an awful sound that was an impossible combination of gasping and retching as he doubled over and fell to the floor, curling up in the fetal position as he hurled, the air filling with the sour smell of partially digested Beef Burgundy. She walked to the door but turned before leaving. "Twins tend to run in my family, Leonard" she said in a serious tone. "Our babies will be both smart AND beautiful." She walked out of the room and then out of the building, never to return. Several months later, Leonard and Penny were nestled together on the couch (but not in Sheldon's spot, of course), and were watching TV. A commercial came on, advertising a new brand of brand of sexy lingerie for big and tall women. There was a semi-famous female body builder flexing her biceps while wearing a lace teddy, and then the scene changed. There appeared before them none other than Hunter McGrady, modeling maternity pajamas, her gigantic baby bump barely contained by the expansive fabric. Her breasts, which had previously been merely huge, were now gargantuan. As she looked into the camera she winked and smiled, rubbing her belly as she did so in order to celebrate her impending motherhood. She silently mouthed what Leonard was sure was the word "twins." Leonard's eyes widened and his member lurched involuntarily as it began to fill. Penny, meanwhile, trembled slightly and slumped in her seat as she unconsciously opened her legs a few fractions of an inch. "Hey!" she said, feigning surprise. "Isn't that the woman we met at the Physics Department fundraiser awhile back?" "Yeah, I think so" he said tentatively, glancing sideways at Penny, trying to gauge her reaction. "She seemed nice." Leonard reached over to the end table to take a drink of his Coke, his mouth having suddenly gone dry. "Yeah, she did" said Penny evenly. "I wonder who the father of her baby is ... or babies. That's a really big bump""I bet she's having twins!" Leonard suddenly choked on his drink, going into a coughing fit to try to clear his throat and airway. Penny finally slapped him on the back to help him. "Better, Babe?" "Much!" he said with relief. "Thanks." The both stared back at the TV, neither actually watching it, being lost in thought. Old visions and memories filled both their minds to the exclusion of just about everything else. After a long uncomfortable silence they decided suddenly that they were going to bed, and after a minimal nightly hygiene regimen they both turned in. They had barely hit the sheets when Penny launched herself on top of Leonard, planting a deep kiss on him while she fought for control of his hands. Leonard struggled, but the kiss was so overwhelming it was hard for him to keep up his resolve, and soon he gave in and let her have her way with him. They had violent, animal sex after which they collapsed, exhausted but satiated. "Whew!" breathed Penny, thinking out loud. "That one took, I'm sure. I can feel it." Leonard barely heard her over his raspy breathing, but as he recovered from his earth shaking orgasm the words sank in and he thought about them, and after a hit of his inhaler, he looked at her quizzically. "What do you mean, it took?" he said. "Huh? Oh! I meant to tell you, I haven't been using any birth control for a while, and (she grinned) I THINK YOU PLANTED A SEED IN ME, HONEY!" "WHAT??? Wait, I thought we were gonna discuss this before we did anything!" "Well I took it upon myself to go ahead, since we didn't discuss the FIRST TWO children you fathered, did we?" Leonard didn't answer, still in shock that she seemed to know what had happened. "It's okay, baby," she said, her tone softened. "Our baby, too, will be both smart AND beautiful!"