DONT RESCUE ME, PART 1 The balance of power tilts even more. By Elrohir, He was in an exquisite Hell, until he was taken away by force. Stanley and his wife Debra had been looking forward to this event all year, and it was only two weeks away. They were going to GenCon, the fantasy/superhero/cosplay convention held every year at the Indianapolis Convention Center: He was going to look lean and mean in his Star Wars costume as Jabba the Hutt's slave master, while Debra always looked sexy as hell in her Princess Leia slave bikini, its skimpy copper bra top and the two long flaps of fabric hanging from the front and back of the tiny bikini bottoms serving as a half-assed skirt that really covered almost nothing. The bikini accentuated her dangerous hourglass curves and barely contained a bust that Carrie Fisher could only have dreamed about. The 12-inch wide "skirt" swung back and forth, playing peekaboo with the bikini bottoms, which barely covered her round, hard ass but completely exposed her best feature, those gorgeous long legs she had so carefully sculpted with so many hours in the gym. To the casual observer her strength and muscularity might not have been readily apparent: She did not keep to a low-fat diet, in order to keep from losing those bodacious breasts and soft, smooth skin that gave her the feminine look which garnered so much attention. She had gained some notoriety from appearing in local advertising media as a plus-size model, bearing some resemblance to Hunter McGrady who had recently appeared in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition, although at 5'11" Hunter was 2 inches taller than Debra. Many people incorrectly equated "plus-size" with "fat", which was certainly not true of Debra. She wasn't fat, she was just big in all the right places, and whenever her muscles went into in action they expanded exponentially in size and shape. Her explosive power became plainly visible at such times, as in the thrice weekly mixed martial arts classes where lately she had come to dominate all the women in the group and most of the men, including some of the larger ones. She had an easy confidence and a mean, aggressive attitude that intimidated many of her opponents before their sparring even started. Stanley kept one of Debra's more artistic modeling photos in his wallet for bragging purposes: It was of her in the nude but taken from the side: she was stretching forward in a kind of lunge position with her hands and feet on the floor and one leg extended back, her nipples artfully concealed behind her extended arms but with her breasts otherwise visible. Her legs and ass seemed massive but were in perfect proportion to the rest of her, and in the photo the groove between her quad and hamstring muscles was deeply pronounced, displaying the size and strength of each one. A mass of wavy brown curls cascading down across her shoulders accentuated her soft, sexy femininity which was in stark contrast to her powerful muscularity. This was going to be the one time each year when Debra deigned to allow Stanley him to at least LOOK like he was the one in in charge, the person who wore the pants in the family, when in fact the opposite was true. For GenCon she looked every bit the imprisoned slave princess: Her brown hair would be done up in perfect Leia style, her hands shackled just like in the movie, with a long chain attached a collar around her neck, the other end of which she allowed Slave "Master" Stanley to hold (he was just thankful she hadn't made him dress as Jabba the Hut). He loved being able to jerk that chain a little and lead HER around for a change, even though he knew it was just pretend. They had worn the same costumes for several years, so they weren't particularly new or creative, but every year they drew an impressive amount of attention owing not only to Debra's eye-popping, goddess-like appearance but also to Stanley's diminutive boyish good looks: He was a small man at 5'5", but as such he was perfectly formed, with a trim athletic body, smooth hairless chest, a firm butt, and a handsome youthful looking face. Many Men and women openly ogled them both on stage in the costume contests, some catcalling and whistling at them appreciatively. They seldom won, but the attention they received made Stanley feel validated and manly, something Debra never did for him. At home she ruled him with an iron fist, and she never let him forget it. It hadn't always been quite so one sided, at least not in the beginning: they'd had a more or less equal relationship back then. They both adored and respected each other, or so it had seemed to him at the time. Gradually, however, she had taken control of their relationship and then taken over almost every facet of his life. Whenever he reflected back on it he struggled to understand just how she had gained the upper hand so completely. He supposed that at first it was her increasing expressions of general disappointment with him which hurt, demoralized and depressed him so much because he loved Debra so deeply and would do anything to please her, and continued to try to do so even though she seldom rewarded him for it. As time went on, her disappointment eventually gave way to open contempt and vitriolic hostility, especially whenever he made an actual mistake or merely did something of which she did not approve. This would inevitably lead to her making new rules, ostensibly to prevent further problems but which he was beginning to believe were actually to further restrict, manipulate and subjugate him. As someone once said, the person with the least love in a relationship was the one who had the most power, because she could make unilateral decisions and act on them without regard to his feelings, forcing him to either accept them and maintain relative harmony or oppose her and get sucked into a heated argument which would result in bad feelings between them for days or even weeks afterward. He would inevitably end up caving in to her. Having secured her victory, she would then somehow make it his fault for having childishly challenged her eminently reasonable position, for which he would deserve even more punishment. He thus learned to pick his battles carefully in order to maintain peace between them, not realizing that in so doing he was continually, inexorably losing ground as time wore on. Eventually he felt like he was walking on eggshells around her most of the time. She took over handling the bank account when he bounced a check by a mistake. When he got a ticket for running a red light, she took over driving the car, at least whenever they went anywhere together. He once hit a small stump with the riding mower and damaged the blade, so as a result he was not allowed on it ever again: She did all the riding mower work while he was relegated to trimming with the push mower, and If for some reason she couldn't get around to doing the riding part, he had to use the push mower to do the entire yard, which was exhausting not to mention humiliating, like he was a small child who could not be trusted with dangerous machinery. Every perceived failure on his part led to her exacting some emotional penalty that involved the permanent loss of some small part of his power in the relationship. After some years it seemed there was almost no part of his life that wasn't completely subject to her rules and her will. He didn't see it coming, but on this night her final coup d'etat would begin, on that most intimate of battlefields, the marital bed. Stanley had always been a generous and attentive lover: He loved lots of foreplay because he loved Debra and worshipped her gorgeous, bodacious body. At 5'9" and about 150 pounds she was bigger and taller than Stanley who stood 5'5" and weighed 130. She had big shoulders and big boobs to match, but her torso tapered down to a smallish wasp waist that flared out to wide, sturdy hips and a prominent round, firm ass that you could bounce a quarter on. Even with all that other sumptuous pulchritude, perhaps her best feature was her legs: long, curvaceous columns of velvet covered iron muscle, massive solid thighs perched atop diamond shaped calves supported by long, strong feet. In the beginning Debra really enjoyed his constant shower of attention. His total worship of her body often went on so long and made her so aroused that eventually in feverish frustration she would order him to stop kissing, licking or sucking and JUST PUT IT IN, ALREADY! He always threw himself into that task with gusto, and considered himself well-endowed and athletic. No matter how long and hard he tried, however, she never seemed to be satisfied until she had outlasted him, watching his face as it contorted with the intense passion of his climax, chuckling with satisfaction when he cried out in orgasmic agony and completely expended himself into her, after which he would collapse on top of her, his face lolling over her shoulder in exhausted defeat. For a few long moments she'd savor the feeling of knowing that with ease she had taken everything he could give her, which made her even hornier. Stanley often fell immediately into an exhausted sleep, but sometimes would just be lying there trying to get his breath back when she smacked him hard on the ass and told him to get to work. He knew what that meant, and would slink down to the gaping maw of her Vaginus Flytrap and begin hungrily eating her, like a man about to be executed eats his last meal, knowing he'd better give her everything she wanted or else there would be hell to pay. Debra would never admit it to him how much she loved his long, thick tongue and what it could do for her. She loved his cunnilingus even more than his lovemaking, and she made him kiss, lick, and suck every part of her body before, during, and after sex ... that is, if they made it all the way to actual intercourse before she was done. Quite often she reached a thundering climax from just his oral ministrations, and on those occasions she became so relaxed and so spent that she often dozed off, and would be quite the angry she-bear if he tried to awaken her. Several times early on in their marriage, he had tried to both please her and claim some satisfaction for himself by making plaintive requests for a mutually satisfying 69. After enough of that she grudgingly acquiesced just to shut him up; but they would begin the mutual genital kiss only to find that she became so focused on what he was doing to her that she completely lost track of her part of the deal. She would suddenly come, hard, letting his throbbing member slip from her mouth as she screamed out her paroxysms of ecstasy, after which she usually blissfully collapsed, unable to continue. Each time he was left there frustrated, his passion unrequited until she fell asleep and he could slip out of bed and into the bathroom to finish himself off. The last time this happened, however, she had dozed but then awakened and walked into the loo to pee only to find him feverishly doing his best to relieve his tension. It was a few moments before he noticed she was there and, shocked and blushing with embarrassment, he stopped what he was doing and tried to hide himself, but she just laughed. She mockingly warned "You'd better be thinking about ME when you do that, and you BETTER clean it up afterward!" She walked off to use the other bathroom, derisively cackling all the way. He never asked her for a 69 again after that. Over time Debra had been growing restless and bored with their regular weekend lovemaking sessions, and on this fateful night while Stanley was giving it to her with everything he had, Debra's expression increasingly became one of unease even though she was clearly still aroused. Stanley dutifully tried everything he could to make it good for her, varying his rhythm, angle of attack, and the force of his thrusts, but still she seemed frustrated and on edge. She suddenly looked him dead in the eye and growled with irritation. In one swift motion she hooked her ankle over the back of his leg, grabbed both his wrists and wrenched them out from under him, rolling him onto his side. She rolled with him, using their momentum to turn him onto his back so that she came out on top with his member still buried deep inside her. She forced his wrists down on either side of his head and stared hotly into his eyes with a fury he'd never seen before. "YEAH! THIS IS MORE LIKE IT!" she roared, "I'M DRIVIN' THIS BUS NOW, BABY!" She began angrily riding him up and down, up and down, pounding his hips into the bed so hard it began to hurt him. Up and down, up and down she went in a hard regular rhythm like she was riding a bucking bronco, and it sent electric sensations through him that were unlike anything he'd ever felt with his own thrusting. The pleasure was intense for both of them, and soon from his loud involuntary moaning it was obvious that it would not be long before he would lose control and blow his load. Sensing his impending explosion, she suddenly stopped riding him up and down and paused, just sitting there, grinning and looking into his eyes with a smoldering look. Then, gently, almost imperceptibly at first, she very slowly began thrusting her hips forward and back, forward and back, then faster, forward and back, and then harder and faster still, forward and back, until eventually she was violently slamming his member back and forth inside her so hard it really did hurt, his cries of ecstasy now mixed with pain. That was when the REAL fun began for her: "OH YEAH! YEAH! YEAH BABY!" she bellowed, thrusting so rapidly and so hard he was afraid she was going to rip his love pillar off at the base. "AW YEAH! CAN YOU HANDLE MAMA FUCKING YA? HA! YEAH! THAT'S IT! I'M TAKIN' EVERYTHING YOU GOT, YOU BIG DICKED BASTARD, I'M TAKIN' ALL OF IT!" She grabbed the headboard and continued thrusting at a rapid, steady pace for what seemed like forever, her stamina seemingly endless, her eyes locked onto his, grinning with satisfaction as she watched his face contort in pain and pleasure while he continued to moan uncontrollably. Her thrusting shoved him up the bed until he had to push against the headboard to keep his head from striking it. He could not take his eyes away from hers; she kept him mesmerized by staring hotly into his eyes while she kept up that hard, regular rhythm that was driving him to insane distraction. Her pace began to increase even more, the tension in her body increasing so that she was vibrating with every thrust. She was about to come, he could tell, but still her gaze never wavered from his. Suddenly, however, she broke eye contact and threw her head back, screaming "AAAAAGH!" as her contractions began, radiating through her pelvis out through her body to where even her skin seemed to be vibrating. At that moment for her Stanley ceased to exist; he became no more than a sex toy, a human dildo. Her violent thrusts quickly became rapid fire like a machine gun as she drove herself over the edge, the slamming of the hard shaft inside her making her moan in ecstasy as it struck her clit and then her G-spot. When her orgasm came It washed over her in waves so intense she barely noticed Stanley crying out with his own climax, arching his back and screaming like a pitiful wounded animal being slaughtered by a predator, her massive contractions forcing his abused cock and balls to disgorge all their contents at once. He cried out in pain and release as his body shook with its own contractions, until finally his love serpent began dry heaving, every drop of essence having been forced out of it. With his essence and energy completely expended, his tension suddenly dissipated and he collapsed into a near stupor of emotional exhaustion, his eyes glassy and unfocused, his consciousness overwhelmed by what she had done to him. It was perhaps the most intense orgasm they had ever experienced, or ever would experience, together. When she had come back to herself, she sat there looking down at his exhausted expression and chuckled. His love wand was seriously expended but nevertheless still hard inside her. She had rocked his world and she knew it, and when he opened his eyes and looked up at her she went into a double bicep pose, exaggeratedly proclaiming her sexual mastery over him. She then placed both hands behind her neck, her elbows extended out like wings above her head, and did her best stripper bump move, exploding her hips forward in one lightning thrust. POW! "AGH!" he cried, and his eyes opened wide. Post-coital sensitivity caused him to be wracked simultaneously with sudden pleasure and a painfully intense ticklish sensation. The shocking spasm made him spurt again inside her. He was now wide awake and looking up at her in awe: she was so goddess-like there above him, her skin flushed and her face radiant, her muscles pumped up from exertion. She imperiously gazed down at him over her magnificent breasts, the nipples proudly erect. She grinned at him and did it again, even harder: POW! Shocking his abused cock again so intensely that he cried out in pain, pleasure, and utter capitulation: His member was spent and could take no more. Inside her she felt his once angry serpent soften, collapse, and shrink until it was no more than a worm. Satisfied that she had taken everything he could give, she rose up until the head of his now limp appendage popped out of her like a champagne cork and plopped, spent and flaccid, onto his stomach. Her orgasm had invigorated, not exhausted her. Still straddling him she slid up his body, smearing their combined juices along his torso as she went, until she pinned his upper arms with her shins and shoved her fragrant, sopping wet pussy in his face. "Clean me up, baby" she commanded. He laid there and groaned, but she dug her heels into his sides like spurs. "Ugh!" he grunted. She pushed her nether lips into his face again insistently, and with great effort he did as he was told. Since she had just had an orgasm he started off gently with light tongue strokes around her labia, then softly tongue-fucked her pussy in and out for a long while. "Mmm ... " she hummed with satisfaction. Of all the abuse she regularly heaped upon him, she had never belittled his tongue work, which he took to be great praise. He worked his magnificent mouth muscle around the edges of her gates of Heaven and then in toward the little nubby head of her clit. He lapped at it in earnest, and she responded with a sigh and a low moan. After a bit she started rocking a little, back and forth in time with his strokes as he continued. With each movement he could see up through her deep cleavage: her head was thrown back and her eyes half-closed in rapture. They went on for what seemed like ages. Although exhausted, he was still enthralled with her commanding beauty, the aroma of her arousal, and the salty and metallic taste of their combined cum. He attacked her love button with renewed vigor which made her sigh with pleasure and smile with satisfaction, relishing the devoted worship of the man she had long ago conquered and now almost completely enslaved. She rode his tongue slowly, easily, feeling it caress her clit but partly keeping it at bay in order to prolong this part of the dance as much as possible because, she had to admit, it felt so ... damn ... GOOD, but also to test the limits of his devotion and stamina. She was amazed that that damn tongue never seemed to tire. Eventually, however, his toned but tired arms began to hurt there under the pressure of her shins. He struggled against the pain, not trying to unseat her but just shift position. She bore down and held him right where he was, enjoying his futile resistance; it gave her a new feeling of physical power over him to be able to keep him immobilized and in pain, a feeling of truly complete dominance instead of just her usual mental manipulation. She suddenly realized she the physical power to make him do whatever she wanted just because she wanted it. No mind games, just raw feminine power was all she needed to control him completely. The exertion it had taken to work him over was only a small fraction of the vast reservoir she seemed to have available, and THAT was exhilarating.