Wayne's Worst Nightmare by DTM     "12......ughhhh.....13.......uhhhhh........14.......errrrgghh......come on dammit, you can do it, just one more........ughhhhhhh!!!!!......15!!"   CLANK   "Damn Wayne, 15 reps at a 400 pound bench.  Not too bad, man"   "Not too bad?!  Hell, thats fucking great!  Look at these arms........look at these pecs.  Id like to see you do even 5 reps with that weight!"   "Hey man, calm down, I was just......."   "Eh, whatever.......now how about you get me some water from the bar"   "Yeah.......sure Wayne"   As his "training partner" left to go get him his much needed refreshments, Wayne Bollock stood triumpantly in front of one of the many full length mirrors that adorned the gym.  Wayne was an aspiring bodybuilder, and for the past 10 years ate, slept and breathed weight training.  Unfortunately, as the pressures to make it to the pros increased, his need to compete with the big boys also grew.  About 2 years ago he started taking steroids to get even bigger and stronger, which didnt help his already short temper in the least.   "Damn, I am ripped" he vainly commented to himself, as he posed in front of a nearby mirror, admiring his incredibly muscular physique.  "No way Im not taking the Nationals this year, no fucking way!"   "Here you go Wayne, just like you like it.......brought to you by somebody else" his training partner, Rick, chuckled.   "Dont you see Im practicing my posing.  Just.....just set it down over there" Wayne rudely replied, pointing to a nearby bench.    "Yeah, well I guess for you thats as close as Im gonna get to a "Thank You".  Look, its getting late, Im going to take off.  Same time Wednesday?" he asked.   "Huh...oh, yeah, Wednesday, yeah, thats cool.  Adios"   "Oh, I almost forgot.  While I was at the juice bar getting your water, I couldnt help overhear something,.  Looks like you have yet another admirer, Stud Boy"   "Well, when you look like this......" Wayne spoke, as he flexed his mighty 23" guns, ".......you gotta expect it" he continued with an egotistical smile.  "Which one?"   "Ahhh, let me see" Rick spoke, as he took a few seconds to look around the gym, "There, tall girl, red hair, at the cable crossover machine, see her?"   "Yeah man, damn does she look......I mean, yeah, shes cool.  Maybe if shes lucky Ill go over and give her a few training tips"   "Yeah, "if shes lucky"" Rick replied with an obvious sarcastic tone.  "Say, she kinda looks alittle like that girl you left here on Friday with.  What ever happened.........."   "Werent you leaving?" Wayne interrupted.   "Uh, yeah......sure"   After Rick left the gym, Wayne spent the next few minutes looking over this truly amazing female specimen.  Long red hair, done up in a sexy ponytail, and wearing a very tight black workout unitard.  He could clearly see every single curve and ounce of shape in her amazing body.  She looked GOOD, even by Waynes high standards.  He was very much into the look of a fit, sexy hardbodied woman, whether it be fitness or bodybuilding, he just loved the look and feel of an athletically trained woman......and this woman certainly fit that bill.  True she wasnt exactly impressing him with the weight she was working with, but it wasnt half bad for a girl.   Towel in hand, drying himself off after his incredibly hard workout, he strolled over to this woman, who was so obviously impressed by his physique that she was asking around the gym about him.  He was "IN", he kept thinking to himself.  As he got closer he could really see how amazingly beautiful her face was, and how hard and shapely her body looked.  He would have her this night, whether she wanted to or not, of that much he could be sure.   "Hey baby, you need a spot?" he spoke out, as he leaned onto the crossover machine she was working out on.   "No thanks bud....." she replied without looking up, though when she finally did, and noticed who it was, she gave a huge smile and continued, "......oh, well I guess I could always use the help.  But it looks like youve just finished your workou......"   "Oh no babe, Ive only just started" Wayne continued, as he moved closer to her.  "My names Wayne, but you can call me anytime you like"   "Beth" she replied, as she extended her hand.    Wayne soon grabbed it, and noticed right away how incredibly tight and hard her grip was.  "GOD!" he spoke to himself, "What the Hell!!"   "Sorry Big Boy, sometimes I just dont know my own strength" Beth giggled.    "Its cool babe, just an old weight training accident, you know"   "Yes, I know" she answered back.   "So, where should we go now?"   "Well, I usually go to the bench press after cable crossovers, chest day you know"   "Yes, I know...." Wayne droningly made out with a lecherous smile, as he stared at her quite ample and very firm chest.  Beth smiled yet again after seeing the effect her body was having on him.    The two of them then made their way to one of the several benches there, and she then made herself comfortable laying down on it.  "180 please" she asked Wayne.   "180 huh?  Not a bad amount for such a fine looking woman"   "Well, thank you loverboy" she joked back.   Wayne placed the weights onto her bar, eyeing and lustfully gawking at her body as much as he could.  He could hardly wait to get her home tonight and get a closer look, and feel, of that incredibly sexy hard body.  "There ya go baby, 180.  Now let me just get behind you to spot and......."   "No need, this is just a warm up set" she breathed as she slowly, and in perfect form, benched out 15 reps.  Wayne was shocked at how easily this woman managed this considerable weight.  Sure hed seen women bench more, alot more, but none looked as unbelievable as she did.  Beth saw him eyeing her up and down, and she knew she had him just where she wanted.  "There you go Big Man, your turn" she chirped as she got up from the weight bench.   "Not bad chickie, not bad.  Now, let me show you how much a real man lifts"  With that, Wayne began loading the bench up to 300 lbs.  He then proceeded to bench out 15 "cheated" reps with that weight.  Hoisting the weight up and down, grunting and huffing as he did so, sweat covered his body as he finished.  Wayne then got up, and with a cocky smile, and a hint of weezing, said "Not bad eh?  You ever see a chest like this on a man.  Look at how hard and full and pumped these pecs are, baby" he continued, as he hit a massive most muscular pose.   "Not bad Big Boy, not bad at all" she teased with a smile.  "Now, let me show you how much a real woman lifts" Beth teased him further.   "HA, nice try lady, aint no way youre moving that much weight"   Then, without a word, Beth took position yet again, and with perfect form and a slow steady movement, she benched out the same 15 reps Wayne just finished, with only the slightest hint of strain on her face.  "You were saying?" she taunted him further, she she got up off the bench and grabbed a towel to blot down the machine.   "Wha, what the Hell?!?!?  Thats impossible!!  Aint no girl that strong"   "I am, and thats because Im no girl, Im a woman, and you really should learn how to treat women with more respect, Little Boy"   "Little What?!?!?!" Wayne made out furiously.    "Oh, Im sorry, I didnt mean to offend you" Beth made out with a giggle.  "Come on, lets go to the leg press, Im sure youll show me your "manly" strength there.  Interested?"   "Damn right I am" Wayne growled as he stormed over to the machine.  Wayne legs were some of the strongest in the gym, and this was one exercise he loved to lift heavy at.  "Me first this time, girlie.  You just sit back and watch a pro at work"  He then spent the next several minutes loading up the machine as much as it would take.  Fury, anger and rage fueled him now, and he was going to show this girl up once and for all who the stronger sex was.    He then took his position, and started rep after rep, pumping and flexing his massive legs to their utmost potential.  Still, even with the immense strength he possessed, he could only reach 12, 3 short of his goal of 15.  He tried to play it cool as he got off the machine, his legs burning like never before, his breathed showing definate signs of fatigue, but this young amazon girl would not be so easily fooled.   "Only 12 huh?  Not going for our usual 15?" Beth taunted him yet again.    "Hey, when you can do even 1 rep with that weight chickie, then you can say som....."   "Oh, I intend to do alot more than 1 rep, Big Man.  Now you just sit there and let me show you who truly is the stronger sex" she smiled as she mockingly blew him a kiss.  She then took her position, took a few deep breaths, and did something that utterly shocked the very life from Wayne, and every other person watching.  Slow and steady, as always, she managed not only the 15 Wayne had failed to do, but to rub it in his face even further, she took her reps all the way up to 20.   Her body looked fuller and thicker with muscle with each and every rep.  Her legs buldged and hardened right before Waynes very eyes.  "How ....how in the fuck is she doing this???" was all he could think about, as this amazingly powerful woman proceeded to show him up in front of everyone at the gym.....HIS gym.  No, he would not let her do this.  He would take back what pride and respect she had stolen from him, and then some!!   "So, who again is the stronger sex, Little Boy?" Beth breathed as she got off the machine, flexing and stretching her incredibly powerful, though very sexy and shapely, legs for all to see.    "Listen bitch, you call me Little Boy again, and girl or no girl, youre going to be carried out of here!" Wayne growled just inches from her face.   "Oh please, like a wimp like you could ever stand up to a woman like me" she teased back, totally unafraid of the Goliath in front of her.  "Tell you what.  What say we give you a chance here to redeem yourself here.  I see this gym's got a boxing ring, why dont....."   "You want me to box you???" he interrupted.   "Ahem......I was thinking more about you and I doing alittle wrestling.  See how your big manly He-Man muscles can handle a woman like me"   "Youre on!!!" he barked out, without thinking of the last few minutes events.  "And when Im done with you....." he whispered in softly to her, "....Im going to take you home and make you beg me to stop hurting you, bitch!"   "Bring it on, Tiger"   The two combatants then made there way to the ring, a crowd of people all around filled the area.  All in the gym were now glued to the Main Event happening before them.  Both of them did a few preliminary stretches before the match, and then a make-shift referee made his way to Beth and asked "You sure about this?  This guys not exactly known for his compassion and good temper"   "So Ive noticed" she replied "Ill be fine, thanks" she added supremely confident.   "Ok then...." the ref continued, as he signaled for the rings bell to be hit, and the match to officially start.   As soon as the bell rang, and the match started, Beth's face took on a look of complete seriousness and intensity, almost to the point of total, blind rage.  The two then began grappling, and Wayne was immediately shocked at the strength this smaller woman possessed.  Sure he had seen her lift heavy, even heavier than himself, but he figured hed be able to out muscle her once they got in the ring.............he couldnt be more wrong.    The match was a complete and utter demolition of this once powerful man.  Beth, with a fury and power of a jungle animal, swiftly took him apart, bit by bit.  She easily lifted him high above her head and slammed him to the mat over and over.  She threw him the entire length of the ring, and bounced him off every ring post time and time again.  She would use her amazingly super strong arms and legs to just wrap them around his body, and crush him til his tears and whimpers and screams echoed throughout the gym.  The women watching this surprise slaughter cheered and screamed aloud, most of them being rudely hit on, or worse, by the same man they were watching this sexy amazon goddess destroy.   "Touch that bell and die!" Beth growled out to one of the gym attendants who was making an attempt to stop this brutual beating.    "P-please....God Please......stop......please....No more!" was all a devastated Wayne could make out.    "Oh No.  No stopping.  Not here, not now, not EVER!" she furiously spoke as she again continued her incredible beating of this huge, though sorely overpowered, bodybuilder.  With a savagery and fury that shocked everyone around, she tore into him with not a hint of mercy, pity or remorse.    Hold after hold she applied on him, scream after scream he yelled out.  His power was nothing next to hers.  This muscular female powerhouse was an unstoppable force against him.  Bearhugs, back breakers, head and body scissors, cradles, and smothers were just a few of the many holds and positions Beth used against him.  The sounds of bones snapping and muscles tearing were almost as evident as the sounds of Waynes cries and begs for mercy.   "Youre going to pay" she growled into his nearby ears.  "Im never going to stop hurting you.  Never going to stop breaking you.  Never!!!"  She then easily hoisted him above her head, and threw him completely out of the ring, crashing against the gyms wall about 20 feet away.  Beth then made her way out of the ring, the crowd fearfully parting from her, as she strode over to where Wayne lie, utterly broken and destroyed.  Beth then leaned down to him and whispered in his ears yet again, "You dont know who I am, do you?  You have no idea what youve done to deserve this, do you?  I bet youve done it so many times, it doesnt even phase you now!!"   "Wha.....please.....please tell me....what....."   "You raped my sister, you FUCK!" she quietly barked in his terrified face.  "Last Friday night, the girl you left here with, was Becky, my little sister.  Did you really think you were going to get away with that?  Think your little threats to her that if she called the police youd be back for her would work??  Well, rest assured, well not involve the authorities in this matter now.  Youre MINE!!"   Waynes face was one of complete and utter terror, as Beth furiously scolded him, holding the back of his head by his hair, as she did so.  Her body looked even more pumped, more hard, more powerful now then when she was ripping him apart just minutes ago.  His mouth agape, tears running down his face, he knew his life as he knew it was now OVER.   "MINE.  And that means I can, and will, do anything I want with you, for any reason, at any time.  And when Im done, my terrified Little Boy, Im going to RIP YOUR FUCKING COCK CLEAN OFF.  Crush it and tear it right off your body, so you never think of doing this to any girl ever again.  And all while my sister watches.  Every scream, every beg for mercy, every whimper and tear from you will be heard by her.  And Im not stopping until she says so" she continued to intimidate him, a look of rage totally filling her beautiful face.  "Now, I want you to get up on all fours, and crawl out of here right behind me to my car.  We have alot to do, and I know I cant wait to start.  And if you stop crawling, even once, for just one second, Im going to kill you, right here, right now!" she breathed into his ears.   Waynes strength completely gone, it took every once of ALL he had to follow her orders perfectly, something he was going to get VERY used to in his new life.........or what was left of it.