Massaging Vicky Come join me as I massage my beautiful muscular girlfriend Vicky By DTM email me God I love to rub down my girlfriends body, and let me tell you, over the years of us dating, Ive gotten to be quite the master at it.....least her moans of pleasure say so. My girlfriend Vicky is a bodybuilder, and let me tell you, there is no form greater than that of a muscular woman. I dont just mean an athletic volleyball player looking gal, I mean a woman with big, hard, powerful, sexy muscles. Rubbing oil all over her sexy, firm and shapely body is truly orgasmic to both of us. She has curves where you'd never expect, and its all tight and hard......but still soft. Soft enough to kneed and move and massage. Until she flexes that is. When she does that, her "soft" body turns rock hard. I mean it. When she flexes her arms for me to touch, I can't come close to denting them at all, not even with 2 hands. Hell, I can barely get both of my hands around her 17 inch arms. And strong??? You havent been handled by a woman until youve been "woman" handled by a strong, powerful girl. Shes not bigger than me, well not taller that is. Shes at 5'9" to my 5'11", but shes so much larger than I am, its not even funny. At 150 to her 180, she makes me look like a little boy next to her. She jokes at how she'd protect me if the need ever arose.....and believe it or not, she has. Wev'e been going out for quite some time now, and I believe she cares for me very much.....almost as much as I do her. And she's VERY protective of those she cares for. I remember one time while we were on line for the movies and this group of guys just cuts in front of us like we werent even there. Of course being the man, I had to do something, but when they saw my less than manly frame, they just turned back laughing. Vicky then took off her jacket, which showed off her amazing shoulders, back and arms, gave me a little kiss on the cheek, and gently got one of the guys attention. As they all turned around, their laughing almost immediately stopped at the sight of my girlfriend, who was so wide and muscular, she dwarfed even their largest number. She didnt even have to resort to violence, which she is so capable of doing. She simply asked them to go to the end of the line, politely, with a smile.......of course as she was doing this, she hit one of the largest lat spreads I have ever seen her do. Her back looked so wide, I had to step to the side to see the terrified men shaking in their boots. She actually ripped her tight blouse around the back......good thing I had her jacket huh. Well, needless to say, those guys practically tripped over themselves to get to the lines rear. She then asked me for her jacket, which I gently placed around her huge shoulders, and gave me a long, passionate kiss as the crowd of people on line burst out in applause. She loved showing off her powerful body in public like that, but not in a mean way, only when its needed. And the long kiss she gave me was just a prelude to want happened later that night.......God I love muscular women. Speaking of her lat spread, have you ever just draped your arms around your girlfriend and held her tight? Sometimes play fighting, not letting her out, but both of you laughing all the while? Well, let me tell you, that doesnt work with Vicky, unless shes doing that to me that is. She doesnt even struggle or fight her way out, cause if she did, shed hurt me and we both know that. She simply placed her hands on her large shapely hips, and slowly......oh, ever so slowly....flexed her lats out. I couldnt believe this was happening. Just a simple flexing of her back muscles managed to seperate my hands, which were barely held together anyway due to her immense back width. She wasnt even trying!!!! I knew this because I had grabbed her right in front of a full length mirror in her room, so as she was doing this simple feat of strength, I looked at her beautiful face, and she was smiling. Almost giggling. I couldn't believe it. Of course that was in the beginning of our relationship, at this point I'd believe she could do anything really, especially to a guy my size.......and she has, let me tell you. Afterwards she proceeded to fuck me while my body was completely off the ground, my waist held by her powerful arms with my legs wrapped around her waist. She just kept lifting and moving me. Up and down, in and out, my hands rubbing her hard, wide shoulders just before she brought my face to hers and kissed me more passionately than I ever have before, but that was routine for Vickys massive strength. You could not imagine what this girl can do with her breasts, well pecs really, but they look like breasts to me, so Im not complaining. Have you ever just fucked your girlfriends breasts, I mean stuck your dick in the middle of them both and just started pumping? Of course you could only do this with a girl with a big chest, which VIcky Spades. And with a female bodybuilder, its 10X better than with your normal girl. Vicky can actually move her pecs and breasts with just her muscle control alone. No hands needed to move them up and down, or side to side. Just by simply contracting and flexing her pecs around my dick she can give an absolutely AMAZING breast-job. She even uses her free hands to rub and caress any and every part of my body. Normally when she does this, she tells me to just lay on my back, and let her do all the work. I can't put into words how absolutely incredible it feels to have this done to you. If you've never had this performed on you, you have never been with a woman. And those are just 2 of the countless advantages that a strong, tight, toned woman has over your average girl. The boundless energy, the tremendous strength to be able to hold you in any position, the lust that her amazing body gives her. Hell, I hope I'll always be with Vicky, but if God forbid we dont last, Ill never go back to a normal built girl. Even something as simple and basic as cuddling is in a world all its own with Vicky. Instead of the woman laying on the bigger, heavier man.....I lay on her. And she loves to fold her arms and legs over my body, and I feel like a little baby, completely enveloped within her protective muscle embrace. She'd never hurt me, well not intentionally I mean. We once fell asleep in that position and during one of her gentle sleeping contractions, she broke 3 of my ribs. She felt so bad after doing that, but I told her it was OK, I know she'd never hurt me. Even so, to make up for it she would cradle and carry me so very carefully whenever I needed to go somewhere in our apartment. I wasn't that hurt, and I could certainly have gotten around on my own.......but why the hell would I ever pass up being carried, snuggled to the best chest any woman has ever known. Sometimes we roleplay, me as the mugger, her as the "helpless" victim. I can only say one thing being on the recieving end of her "playful" wrestling holds........I so pity the mugger that approaches my Vicky. She is completely capable of putting men in the hospital for months just using her immense strength alone. Oh, did I mention shes taken Judo since she was 6? Well, I can assure you, after 20 years of Judo shes gotten very proficient at flipping me all over our place.......of course shes gotten even better at making her way on top of my newly prone form and "taking advantage" of my weak male body. Ohhhhh, behave!!!!! Well, this takes me back to where I started.....massaging and rubbing down my girls breathtakingly perfect body. Curves on top of curves on top of curves. And all of it firm and tight and shapely female muscle. WHOOPS........Sorry all, looks like its my turn for a rub down. Please Vicky, be gentle.