AMERICAS NEXT TOP AMAZON (EPISODE 2) by DTM Participate in the next chapter of this ongoing series, and YOU can decide which young muscle girl eventually claims the Ultimate Prize of being Americas Next Top Amazon Hey all. Id like to start this one off with a big THANKS to all who wrote in and voted for who they would like to see ELIMINATED next from this series of stories. Your votes were ALL received, and the total scores have been added up. Im sorry I couldn't reply to you all as I would have liked, as my PC isnt the fastest and I don't have all too much time online, but rest assured I got them all, and again Thanks A Lot for your participation on this one. YOU picked the outcome of this story, and speaking of which, lets get right down to it. :) (If you want to cheat, the total number of votes received for each girl is listed at the very bottom, but I suggest you read through this on your own and find out that way which of these amazing Amazon women will be going home TODAY) ********** Our next episode begins with our 10 lucky and lovely young ladies meeting for the first time, gathered together in front of a full and luxurious looking mansion. All of them dressed to impress, all of them looking as if they were about to hit the town all night long, dressed in an assortment of sexy and seductive, yet classy and even some casual, outfits. From body hugging mini dresses to classy evening attire to tight blue jeans and high heeled boots, and everything in between. Each of these young women knew exactly what to wear to show off what they had worked so hard to create, hard shapely athletic physiques. Each girls muscularity, from the full thick powerlifter to the rock hard gymnast, was clearly evident in one way or another. Whether it be massive hard thighs showing through a mini skirt, to round firm breasts near spilling thru their cleavage, to peaked and powerful biceps threatening to rip thru their sleaves, to ripped hard abs showing through belly-shirts, each of these girls clearly had what it took to be one of this shows Top 10. They each knew full well this show was about one thing, finding Americas Next Top Amazon, and that didn't mean hiding their unreal physiques inside baggy, unflattering clothing. After several minutes of these girls arrivals, time they all spent chatting and talking amongst themselves, the door to the mansion opened up, and out came the host of Americas Next Top Model, Tyra Banks. "Hey girls" she excitedly made out with a smile, also dressing to impress (to say the least), as she made her way out to where our muscle girls gathered. "Damn, you ladies look Fierce! Im just glad my girls arent going against any of you, they wouldn't stand a chance" Tyra joked, doing an expert job at making these new recruits feel more at ease. "Bet you didn't expect to see me here, huh? Well, don't worry, Im not playing double duty as host on this one, but since this is a sister show to my own, I was asked to come out here and Pass The Torch, so to speak. You see, your host is someone near and dear to my heart. Someone whos most responsible for making sure I can get into a bikini and not look like a fool. Someone who Im sure will push you all as much as shes pushed me, and then some. None other than my own Buff Babe personal trainer, Titania B." As Tyra concluded her introduction, she turned back to the house with a wave and a smile, and out came an ebony muscle goddess, and the host of this new show. Standing over 6' tall in heels, Titania easily qualified to be the host and overall Den Mother to this batch of young Amazons. Her body was certainly as muscular as any bodybuilder you would see around, with a more voluptuous off-season look, giving her a more soft and sensual, yet still hard and muscular, frame. Dressed in a sexy black evening dress, which both revealed and concealed perfectly in all the right places, her long blonde hair cascading beautifully over her broad sculpted shoulders, she was truly a vision of Amazon Beauty in its purest form. Many of these young women followed the sport of bodybuilding and knew full well about this very popular and well-known muscle woman. Their excitement shown through their faces in cute little smiles and even a few shy blushes at the thought of such a woman being their host. "Hi girls" she spoke in a sensual, liquid cool voice, "Im going to be looking after you during your time here with us, and as Tyra is to her Models in training, so will I be with you. I want you to feel that you can come and talk to me about anything that may be bothering you, again as Tyra's girls do with her. Speaking of which....." she said, turning to Tyra with a smile and a wink. "Hahaha, OK girl, I get the hint. You ladies take care, have fun and may the best girl win. Adios Muscle Butt" she teased her personal trainer, giving Titanias perfectly round and thick ass a smack as she left. "Ill get you back for that one later" Titania teased back with a smile. She then turned back to her young competitors and continued, "Now, Im sure youre all well aware of what youre in for here, but just in case youre not, heres a brief explanation. This mansion behind me, its yours for as long as youre on this show. I wont go into too much detail on whats inside now, Ill let you discover it all for yourselves in a minute" she smiled yet again. "Every few days a new challenge, or competition, will be announced to you all, with myself and a few mystery judges evaluating how you've all done, and at the end of that challenge, one of you will be eliminated" "As the challenges and tasks around "Models" deal with that particular genre, so will yours delve around the attributes of being Americas Next Top Muscle. As for the details of those challenges, well youll just have to wait to find out for those" she teased her anxious and excited group. "Ill go into more detail later, but for now why don't you bring your things inside, and explore you new home. For how much longer that is though, is completely up to YOU. Now Go!" Titania yelled excitedly as the young women ran past her and into the incredibly large mansion, which for the time being would be their new home. As tough and strong as these women were, they were still girls at heart, and the excitement of this game, and in finding out what lie inside their new home, only added to their girlish attitudes. Most of them running from room to room, screeching and screaming with delight at the vast size of their new house and its stunning array of rooms within. While two or three of them were placed per bedroom, more the shows plan to throw them together over the mansions lack of space, this house more than made up for it with several other amazing additions. The bedrooms were all placed together in one area of the house, and not far away was a series of rooms that catered to them and their select needs. A fully stocked and very spacious gym, filled with top of the line weights and machines for our young Amazons to keep in perfect shape. Next to that was a mirror filled wrestling / gymnastics area, the floor entirely covered in blue mats, a perfect place for many of the girls to keep in fighting shape. And in the backyard, in addition to the vast open areas, there was a tennis court, basketball court, a huge pool and large sauna as well. Also, just as the "Models" house was decked out with a whole assortment of pictures from not only its host, but of several other world class supermodels as well, so too was their new home. Only this house was filled with an assortment of pictures of strong, powerful Amazon women. Stylishly placed throughout many of the hallways and living areas were not only pictures of Titania (flexing, posing, pouting and overall showing off every inch of sensual muscle she possessed), but of many other such women, dealing in many other areas of athletics. From an array of bodybuilders posing on and off the contest floor, to WWE and apartment house wrestlerettes showing their stuff, to a variety of martial arts women, volleyball stars, gymnastics girls, soccer players and everything in between. This place was more of a shrine to the powerful, strong and athletic women of today than simply just a mansion, which was a perfect fit with its current occupants. "MUSCLE MAIL!" one of the girls screamed from the other room, finding an envelope perched on a small pedestal in one of the hallways. Just as with "Models", these young women will have their instructions dictated through a secretly dropped off envelope, titled Muscle Mail. Natalie, the hardbodied gymnast, seemed to be the first to find it, and read it aloud to the group. "Enjoy yourselves, and have some fun, but not too much or youll be done. This house we know must feel like Heaven, but wed better see you ALL tomorrow morning at Seven" "Guess weve got an early wake up call tomorrow girls, so lets try and not get too crazy our first night here.......yeah right" teased Tina with a laugh. "Who wants to go for a swim?" playfully chirped out Amanda, as she ran to her room, previously agreed upon by them all just minutes before, to get changed into a stunning pink bikini. The girls thought this was a great idea, and each changed into their own assorted bathing suits and swimwear. Some ultra revealing two piece outfits, others a stunning one piece, though all of them hugged these young Amazons bodies to a T, and perfectly displayed their wearers amazing muscularity and firm tight physiques. Even though they all were from different athletic backgrounds, each with different mindsets and attitudes, they all seemed to hit it off amazingly well. The level of cattiness one would expect from getting a large number of young women living together simply wasn't there, or at least wasn't all too visible to the naked eye. They each seemed to truly enjoy one anothers company, and really felt at home here for them all, as if this was some mythological Paradise Island, filled with its share of sexy, sensual, powerful hardbodied beauties. They spent the rest of the evening playing in the pool, in the sauna, working out in the various gyms, eating and drinking their way into the night, their first night in this Palace Of The Amazons. "So, anyone here ever use your bodies to knock a guy out before? Maybe wrap your arms or legs around a man and squeezed til he passed out?" spoke out Crystal, the young High School wrestler, much later in the night, as they all gathered together in the warm, bubbling sauna. The rest of the girls looked shockingly at one another, not at the question per se, but at the manner and suddenness it happened to come out here and now. "Maybe not crush them out, but knock a man senseless and finish him off with a sweet uppercut, you can bet your tight round butt on that one girl" laughingly spoke Lana, the beautiful black boxer, which caused all of the other girls to laugh aloud with her. "These days all I need to do is simply raise my fists to my man, and hes ready, willing and able to do anything I say, and if he doesn't...." she concluded, thrusting her fist forcefully into her other palm. "Im with Lana", spoke out resident martial artist, Tina. "While some of us may not have the same bone crushing thighs as the rest of you, I can easily hold my own on the KO dept. Oh don't get me wrong, I can make a man scream for mercy between these legs of mine, no doubt, but I can do oh so much more with a perfectly executed series of chops and kicks" she added with a devilish grin and a teasing "Kiiyaahh" "Heck, growing up with a Muscle Mom, you can bet both she and I have had more than our fair share of muscle crushings of the "weaker sex", if you get my meaning" added in bodybuilder Amanda. "I have 2 older brothers, who like my Dad, know full well the benefits, and the negatives, of having such a strong mother / sister team in their house." "OK, so its safe to say that we all have what it takes to use our bodies to make a man cry and beg for us to stop hurting them, but how many of you can crush, lift, throw and humiliate such men, and make them cry and beg for MORE?" spoke out the seductive Dominatrix, Christina. "Crushing a man is just a matter of being stronger than they are, but hurting him both physically and mentally, and then making them beg and even pay for more, now that's the real skill" "Oh and I suppose youre an expert in that field, eh Chris?" chimed in the hardbodied Hispanic dancer, Carmen. "Eh, cant say Im not really. Last time I paid for something was when I was 14. Ever since then, my "oh so generous" boyfriends have gotten me whatever I wanted.....or else" "You know it, its how I make my living actually" Christina continued. "Youd be surprised how many men out there, resist as they might, doubt as they will, just plain LOVE it when a sexy muscular woman physically dominates them, completely and utterly" "Oh no we wouldn't!" shouted out Kimberly, the resident Asian powerlifter, which was followed by another series of girlish laughter. "Heck, you should have seen my audition video. I had a few guys come in as human props, and I don't think I was alone in that one, now was I girls?" she teased, noticing the confident smiles from many of the girls before her. "Anyway, those guys didn't exactly perform as planned, though I managed to coax them out, and gave them a more rough display than I originally intended to in the end. The thing is, they loved it, they resisted because they wanted to feel these powerful arms and legs and chest of mine around them. Hurting them, crushing them, throwing them, dominating them. The hard ons they had when I was done, and they were DONE, God I never get tired of doing that to a man" "You should have seen my audition video, I tell you my boyfriend is never going to think the same way about cheerleaders ever again" laughed Carmen. "Don't feel too bad for him though, I more than made it up to him later on that night in the bedroom. Hee hee" "Hahaha, youre not kidding. What is it with men these days, it seems that more and more of them cant get enough of this stuff" said statesque super athlete Heather, sticking a long, strong leg out of the saunas waters and flexing it solid. "Even the ones that play "hard to get", those that protest to the fullest that theyre not into "that kinda thing", those are the ones that have the biggest "reactions" when you do something strong or powerful to them" "Yeah, reminds me of my best friend, Dave" added all around muscle girl and athlete, Dawn. "Hes older than me by 2 years, taller than me by 5 inches and he outweighs me by over 50 lbs, and it seems he just cant get enough of girls like us taking him down. Which makes things quite hard sometimes, being that were such good friends, and have been ever since weve been kids" "You realize youre going to hook up, right" Lana teased, causing the rest of the girls to burst out laughing. "Heck no, its not like that, hes like my big brother" "You ever wrestle with him?" asked Tina. "Well, yeah, a few times" "A few, or more than you can remember?" poked on Crystal. "OK, weve done it a lot of times, Ive told you, weve known one another for a long time now" "And when youre done, do you notice him getting a bit on the hard side?" added Christina. "Well.....yeah, sometimes" "Sometimes or all of the time?" prodded Heather. "OK, OK already, all of the time" "And you keep doing this to him, knowing he loves strong girls, knowing how you make him feel when youre done, and you don't want to hook up with him, eh? Muscle Tease!" joked Lana, this friendly inquisition making its way full circle. "No, its not like that.....theres no way....hes just........well,.......he is damn cute.....uh, but anyway..." "Oh Shit!" suddenly shouted Natalie, "While I love talking about boys, and our bodies obvious abilities with them, its 2am girls, and were supposed to be meeting Titania tomorrow at 7am!" "Yowch, To Be Continued on that topic Dawn, Im not about to be eliminated on our first challenge because I overslept" chimed in Kimberly. "Have a good night girls, Im out" she added as she emerged from the spacious sauna that they were all entertaining inside, and headed off to her room. Soon afterwards the rest of the girls went to bed as well. Not knowing what the following day had in store for them, they would be foolish to blow such an opportunity as this simply due to lack of sleep. ********** The next day the girls woke up at 5:30am, the excitement of the day superseding their lack of any real sleep the night before. Again, powerful and strong as these women were, inside they were still young girls, and they tackled the several large bathrooms and make up areas as such. Some more than others, but all of them more than interested in looking as good as they possibly could, and when all was said and done, they each looked like stunningly beautiful, and muscularly fit, Goddesses. They then made their way to the several large limousines waiting outside their mansion, which drove them to their meeting locale. Which for this show, just happened to be a large area, decked out with all of the trimmings for this competition, in one of the most prestigious gyms in the country. "Hellos ladies" Titania greeted with all with a smile, as they gathered together for their first meeting with the shows judges. "I hope you all had an amazing time last night, but as our Muscle Mail suggested, not too much so" she said with a laugh. "Now Id like to start off by introducing you to your permanent panel of judges for your stay on Americas Next Top Amazon. First, to my far right, we have someone that should need No introductions. One of the very first Ms. Olympias ever, and someone who was an incredible pioneer for muscular and athletic women during a time where such females were cruelly frowned upon. Shes been in music videos, TV commercials, and loads of non-muscle oriented magazines well before this look so easily accepted today ever took off. Allow me to present, Mrs. Rachel M." Sitting at the far end of the judges table was Rachel, a long haired brunette beauty of years and experience behind her, but who looked so amazingly attractive (not to mention incredibly athletic and fit looking), that she could hold her own with any of them there today. "Hi girls. Good luck to you all and may the best woman win" she spoke with a soft yet authoritative voice, and a wave to her pack of contestants. "Our next judge is another pioneer in his field, this one of making the thought and idea of a strong, fit, athletic woman more mainstream, accepted and overall more Sexy to the general public. His company has created more videos to stimulate and titillate, using girls and women just like yourselves, than any other company around. One of the first to realise the sexual potential of such women, and not too proud to let himself be the "victim" in more than his share of films, I give you, Mr. Bill W." "Hey girls, youre all looking mighty fine today, so the best of luck to you all......and don't forget to take one of my Bill W. Video Productions cards on your way out" semi teased the FBB video pioneer. Sitting in between Rachel and Titania, a seating assignment he couldn't have enjoyed more, Bill had the personality of a game show host, and the charisma to match. "And lastly, our final member of your permanent panel of judges was yet another pioneer of the Women Of Tomorrow, letting her martial arts skills and drop dead body, take her to the top of the Women Of Action Films genre. In her career shes made more action and martial arts films that I can count, though none with Bill Im afraid...." Titania joked, causing all of the girls to giggle aloud. "The offers always open" Bill added with a slick smile. "Anyway, our final judge is none other than action heroine extraordinaire, and champion martial artist, Mrs. Cynthia R." Sitting on the other side of Titania was Cynthia, a short haired blonde who like fellow judge Rachel also displayed her age and experience, though she too looked as amazingly beautiful and sensual as in any of her over 20 year old films. Looking fit and able enough to take on several men at once, if and when the need arose. "Hi girls. Good luck to you all, lets have a clean "fight" for this show, and may the best woman win" The girls were all quite familiar with this panel, as they were all strong, fit and athletic females and knew others of their kind, no matter what sport or event they played. It wasn't uncommon for such women to take interest in others like themselves, which could very well attribute to why they seemed to all be getting along so well with one another. "Now that you know who your judges are, let me explain what exactly what youre all playing for" Titania finished, as the gathering of powerful young women listened with much eagerness and anxiety. "The winner of Americas Next Top Amazon will receive a 5 video contract with WPW Videos, a fully developed personal website built to her own specifications, a fully stocked gymload of exercise equipment, a full line of athletic gear and casual clothing from Everson Productions, as well as $100,000 in cash" The girls were near beside themselves with this loadout of amazing prizes. Each one wanted to win this competition more for the Title of being Americas Next Top Amazon first and foremost, but the loadout of prizes that went along with this win was certainly nothing to scoff at. "Now, let me finish by saying this. Were not simply looking for the biggest, or the strongest, or the hardest muscle girl in America. We are looking for the best, total package of all of the attributes, mentally and physically, of being an Amazon woman. Strong and confident, inside and out, while still maintaining a very sexual, sensual and womanly feel and appearance. That is whats going to win this competition girls, remember that. Each of you has what it takes to win this, each of you has different backgrounds from one another, though each and every week all of you will be facing elimination, and one of you will be going home. In the end, one of you will become Americas Next Top close you are to reaching and attaining that Ultimate Goal, is all up to you." Titania concluded. "Now, whos ready for your first challenge?" In unison the girls all yelled, cried out, cheered and applauded with affirmation. None of them were ready or willing to leave without claiming the top prize, and none of these women were even remotely used to losing or not getting what they wanted. This was going to be one hard fought battle with them all, though in the end, there can be only one. "That's what I like to hear" Titania replied to her groups enthused response with a proud smile. "Now, your first challenge is this, and its related both to one of your grand prizes and to our sister show, Americas Next Top Model. With the help of noted and respected FBB photographer, Bill D., you will create, from your own mind, using your own ideas, the perfect Amazon photograph. We have countless outfits for your choosing, and with the help of todays computer graphics we can create any background for this picture that you wish, if one cannot be provided physically. Props are of course welcome, and can be supplied as requested by you, if you cannot get your own that is. We want to know what your Ultimate Idea for such a strong, powerful, yet feminine, woman would be, and how you would go by creating this from your own mind, using your own body. This of course goes hand in hand with my girl Tyras show, but its also incredibly useful and even necessary when designing and creating the layout and Gallery Page for your own Amazon Website, which as you know is one of our grand prizes" The girls looked at one another each with different ideas already flowing through their minds. While few of them originally thought of themselves as overly creative or photogenic, they all had numerous ideas of how they would represent themselves as the Ultimate Amazon, and these thoughts turned into wild excitement, which Titania and the other judges could plainly see. True some of them were less confident in their photographic abilities, and were more hoping their first challenge would be more physical, but they could understand the need for this task nonetheless. "You girls now have 2 days to create this concept and idea, check out your costumes, picture your background locale, real or computer generated, as well as let our production personnel know of any additional physical props you may need. One important thing youll need to remember is to keep your ideas to yourself, don't let any of the other girls know of what you have planned, as these photo shoots will be done in complete privacy from one another. None of the other girls will see what youre doing, and the same will go with you to them. We want to see whats inside YOUR own head, not simply a combination of other peoples ideas of what Americas Next Top Amazon would be. So, take this time, brainstorm, and come up with a unique idea for your perfect shot. Well see you back here in 2 days time, and when we do, and evaluations on your work are completed, one of you will be going home. Now get going, 2 days will be over in no time, trust me" Titania was very right, as the following 2 days seemed to come and go like a blurr, as these young women thought, re-thought, and over thought of the perfect single picture to display themselves as the Ultimate Amazon Woman. A showing of strength? A picture of power? A particular outfit maybe? A dominating attitude or an overly sensual feel? What locale or props would be best to augment and amplify the unreal Amazon presence all of these girls already had with them? All of these thoughts and hundreds more raced through all of their minds, as this was no longer just fun and games here, this was a contest where the winner takes all. When all was said and done, each of these girls felt they had completed their task to the best of their abilities. Delved deep inside themselves and created what they thought to be the perfect way to express themselves as the Perfect Amazon Woman. But, will that be enough to stimulate the judges, to show them that they have what it takes to become Americas Next Top Amazon? Well, lets just see for ourselves. ********** CRYSTAL - Age: 18, Height: 5' 11", Weight: 180 lbs. - Crystal was dressed in an incredibly sexy and revealing school girl outfit (seemingly modeled after Britney Spears' first "Baby, One More Time" video). Looking full on at the camera, leaning back ever so slightly against a series of lockers in what looked to be a High School hallway. Her long blonde hair in two pigtails emerging from each side of her beautiful young face, which gave of look of mock surprise, as her blues eyes were open wide and her supple lips in a soft "Ooops" shape. One of her shapely muscular legs was straight out, easily supporting her own weight, while the other was sensually bent, letting the flat of her small black shoe rest against the lockers behind her, which produced a shot that showed off her thick, muscle packed legs from two sensual positions. The short pleated red and black skirt did an amazing job of showing off the incredible shape and tone of Crystals thighs, quads and calves, while her white blouse was tied just below her full and ample chest, showing off traces of a tight and firm stomach underneath. It also did wonders for showing off her full round biceps, which always seemed to be near bursting from her sleeves no matter what she wore, as well as the shape and size of her wide back and shoulders. As if this Amazonian Schoolgirl outfit and pouting seductress pose wasn't enough, on either side of Crystal lay a beaten and physically broken man. Each looked to be in their late 20s, each seemingly knocked unconscious, each with visible bruises across their faces. And to cap off Crystals perfect shot, the words, "Ooops, I Did It Again" were printed above, as a heading to this classic picture of Amazonian schoolgirl beauty and brawn. TINA - Age 25: Height: 5' 6", Weight: 130 lbs - Tina was wearing the top of her white karate gi, a red tipped black belt wrapped tightly around her trim waist, and little else. The lower half of this traditional martial arts outfit was missing, revealing her amazingly hard, firm and shapely legs to their fullest. She stood in a hallway, holding herself up perfectly straight with a single leg, while the other was held at an incredibly high and hard angle in front of her. She was in this position for a very good reason, as her black slipper clad foot was firmly placed right into a mans throat, pinning him with ease against the nearby wall. His look of pain was clearly evident, as Tina was using her incredible balance and grace, martial arts skill, and female strength, to hold this man helpless to the wall. A look of malice crossed her beautiful face, framed perfectly by her short red hair. A grimace of devilish delight across her mouth, as she easily gave the impression that she was enjoying what she was doing. Enjoying the feeling of power over this visibly larger male, knowing full well there was nothing he could do to stop her from continuing this torturous pose. Her skill and flexibility were not only clearly evident here, but her leg strength proved very impressive as well, as tracing Tinas firm legs back down to the floor, you could see the mans feet barely touching the ground at all. She seemed to be holding him nearly off the ground, with just a single leg, at an almost impossible angle. A feel of strength, power and dominance, this picture displayed that and then some. AMANDA - Age: 19, Height: 5' 8", Weight: 175 lbs - While Amanda kept her picture of Amazonian perfection quite simple, Im not sure anyone viewing it would mind in the least. Dressed in a barely there black 2 piece spandex workout uniform she stood there straight on, clasping her hands together hard in a more sensual, more feminine, version of her favourite bodybuilding pose, the most muscular. Amanda looked ripped and cut, with definition and vascularity clearly evident throughout her thickly muscle packed frame. Her body glistening ever so slightly with sweat, as the backdrop to this shot was that of a gym, her body looking as if she had just completely an insanely hard and heavy workout. Pump after pump had just gone into her frame, as her size and shape seemed to have been the best weve seen her yet. From her bulging calves to her thick thighs to her hard rippling stomach, to her broad shoulders, wide back, steel hard arms and of course full thick rippling pecs, Amanda looked as powerful as a young woman could possibly be. More powerful than most any man you would see today. Though as strong and muscular as her body looked, her face was still that of a beautiful and feminine young woman. A soft and sensual smile across her full lips, and her eyes partly closed in a seductive way, made her out to be every muscle lovers fantasy girl, both in face and in body. A more shapely, muscular and attractive girl you would be hard pressed to find anywhere. DAWN - Age: 22, Height: 5' 8", Weight: 155 lbs. - Dawns shot was probably the most fun of them all, as she dressed in what could possibly be the most recognisable Amazonian figure ever, Wonder Woman. This classic costume of our favourite red, white and blue garbed heroine hugged her ultra fit, shapely and lusciously athletic physique like a second skin. The long red boots with 3 inch heels, raised Dawns height to a near 6 feet tall. Her tan and toned legs bare, showing off loads of sensual muscular shape within, which moved up to star clad blue panties, which only amplified the incredible curves and hardness of her butt. Moving up further a golden belt and lasso encased an already tight and trim waist, and to end it all, the golden eagle and red upper dressing of this uniform did little to hide the strong and shapely upper body of this young Amazon, except to show how curvaceous and ample her breasts and back truly were. Ending this classic costumes look were her magic bracelets, one on each of her defined forearms, and the star capped tiara, easily crowning Dawn as more than capable of wearing such a uniform. Her modelesque beautiful face, framed with long black hair and light blue eyes, made anyone who had seen this picture wonder if she was actually Wonder Woman herself, especially with what Dawn was shown doing in this particular shot. Seemingly trapped behind a series of steel bars, Dawn dressed to perfection in her Amazonian Princess attire, had her hands clasped firmly in either side of two nearby bars, each of them bending apart from one another by the power of this young Amazon. A look of intensity and concentration across her face, a stance of power across her tanned muscular body, a feeling of strength in her firm and shapely arms. There was little doubt who was winning in this test of strength between Dawn and her encasing steel bars, and Lord knows we wouldn't want to be the ones who locked Wonder Woman away when she does free herself......or would we? NATALIE - Age: 20, Height: 5' 4", Weight: 130 lbs. - Natalies shot showed off not just her hardbodied young frame, but also her amazing athleticism and gymnastics prowess as well. Even though it was a still photograph, you could picture the graceful yet powerful movements that this shot captured. Dressed in a blue and white Collegiate Cheerleaders outfit, complete with missing midriff to show off her unreal abdominal definition, this shot featured Natalie leaping straight up in the air, both of her rock hard and incredibly strong legs outstretched on either side of her at the height of this very impressive leap. What made this more of an Amazonian shot that just a simple cheerleaders mid air split, was that also pictured behind her in this gymnasium setting was an assortment of young college-aged men. All of them strong and fit looking, yet all apparently physically beaten and several even unconscious. In addition to this background setting of assorted victims, on either side of where Natalie leapt, at the same level to each of her pompom socked, blue and white sneakers, was another set of young men. Each of them being kicked to unconsciousness with apparent ease by this tumbling terror, each of them lifted off the ground at the powerful shot to the face they endured from this tiny Amazon. The look on Natalies face was one of glee and excitement, a wide smile illuminating her beautiful young face. Power, grace, skill, and athleticism, this picture truly had it all. CARMEN - Age: 18, Height: 5' 9", Weight: 160 lbs. - Carmens picture was a bit different from most of the other girls, as she choose to show herself mostly from the rear, which for someone else could have been a risky choice, though she felt her "rear" was something she was most proud of and wanted to show it off accordingly. Her perfect Amazonian picture was that of dishevelled, though strong looking, man sitting on a chair in the middle of a room. Sitting on top of him facing the opposite direction, straddling his body with her own luscious form, was Carmen who had wrapped her incredibly thick and shapely legs (dressed tight as a glove in fishnet stockings) around this mans waist. The approximate age or facial description of this man was unknown, as Carmen was also using both of her firm, strong arms to push his head deep inside her ample cleavage, seemingly giving him a body crush / head smother combo. From the backside, at a ¾ angle at which this picture was taken, you could see her bare and impressively wide back and shoulders harden with young firm musculature. In addition to this, her greatest "asset" so she claimed, her perfectly round and firm, yet so supple and luscious butt, clad in tight fishnets as well, showed off a perfect roundness that one could only gain from years of dance and a Latina heritage. Her extremely attractive young face was not left out either, as looking back over her shoulders glanced Carmen, her long brown hair cascading a bit across her back, a devilish smile across her full lips, a look of sensual strength and erotic dominance clearly visible to all. CHRISTINA - Age: 26, Height: 5' 6", Weight: 170 lbs - Christinas ultimate picture of Amazonian strength and power came straight from her expertise in the field of being a Dominatrix. It was a picture of a neatly keep room, and in the center sat Christina in her traditional tight fitting, black leather, Dom outfit. While this outfit was a bit more concealing than that of most of the other girls, her full and thickly muscular frame was easily made out underneath. Her massively muscle packed arms in a powerful double biceps flex, which also did wonders for showing off her amazingly wide back and shoulders. A look of complete and utter confidence exuded from her very attractive face, leaving little doubt that she was in total control here. Her long black hair pulled back into a tight, authoritative bun, and strict schoolmarm glasses were worn across her face. What made this picture a true shot of Amazonian strength, superiority and dominance, was that each and every piece of furniture, so to speak, in this entire room was a nearly naked, visibly bruised, male. The tables, her own chair and footrest, just about every piece of furniture, was that of an almost nude man. Most of them looked to be enjoying their time of servitude to this obviously physically and mentally superior female, but others looked to be in tears, undoubtedly just recently shown the error of their ways from Mistress Christinas bulging muscles and incredible power. A teacher in the ways of female superiority and male submissiveness, this picture showed that Christina had what it took and was a picture of perfect female power. KIMBERLY - Age: 23, Height, 6', Weight 200 lbs. - POWER. That was the overall feeling Kimberly wanted in her ultimate shot. Since she was a powerlifter herself, as well as being insanely huge for an Asian woman, she wanted to display a sense of power that none of the other girls could match. Another rear shot of one of this shows powerful young Amazons, though this time it was necessary as her feat of strength for this picture forced this position to happen. Kimberly was dressed an incredibly short and extremely tight pair of cut off jean shorts (ala Daisy Dukes), which did wonders in showing off the curvature of her thickly muscled butt. Her vastly wide upper body clad in a tight fitting T-shirt which read across its back, "The Weaker Sex?". Why this was another rear shot was that she was in the midst of holding the back end of a rather large looking van off the ground. Her calves swelled with hardness, her hamstrings and thighs pulsed with power, her back and shoulders bloomed with strength (partially ripping her T-Shirt at that), and her thickly powerful arms were full and hard as ever. Through the window of the passenger seat of this car could be seen a man in his early 30s, looking back at this Asian Amazon with a look of shock and amazement. Kimberlys face, only seen in profile, framed by her long lock of perfectly black and straight hair, was looking back at this intimidated individual with a sensual pout, as if to say "Im not done with you yet, lover". Strength. Power. Sexuality. Kimberly felt this shot showed it all, and who are we to argue. HEATHER - Age: 23, Height: 6" 2", Weight: 175 lbs - Heathers shot was one Amazonian authority and dominance. Using her impressive height to her advantage, Heathers picture showed her blocking a nearby doorway with her athletically statuesque physique. One of her long sleek arms leaning up against the nearby wall, the other flexed in an intimidating bicep shot, which created a sizeable peak with plenty of hardness and power behind it. The aura of dominance and power were only amplified in this photo by the poor hapless male she had trapped against the wall, blocking his way out the door with her tall, athletically toned frame. The look on her attractive face was one of "where do you think youre going, honey" as the feeling behind this picture was that Heather was informing this inferior (though still quite athletic looking) male that he was hers for the taking, and taking him for whatever she wanted was exactly what she was going to do. The pose Heather was in not only stopped him from moving forward, but the flexed bicep near to his intimidated face also showed him that she was in charge now. Her outfit was that of a single black unitard, hugging her incredibly fit and shapely body to a T, allowing only her shoulders, arms and some cleavage uncovered. One of her amazingly long and lean legs was raised up and bent, her thigh pressing against this trapped man, further encasing him around Heathers ultra fit physique, and further showing him that he had no say in what lay ahead. Sexy high heels made this extremely tall woman seem even more so, which only augmented her aura of superiority and overall power even more so. LANA - Age: 24, Height: 5' 8", Weight: 165 lbs. - Lanas picture was one that truly shocked those that both knew her and saw it. Her background in boxing, and her numerous wins against any man she fought gave her an almost too hard, too rough, unfeminine look and feel about her. But all of this changed after seeing this picture, solely from her own mind and her own idea. True she was in a boxing ring, true she had her boxing shorts and sneakers on, but that is where any similarity between the near butch Amazon she formerly was, and the new sexy feminine Amazon she was becoming, ended. You see, besides the shorts and sneakers, Lana was completely topless. Her shoulder length black hair (blown soft and straight for this shot) hung just above her thick and shapely shoulders and back. Her strong, athletically shaped and toned legs clearly visible underneath her shorter than regulation shorts. As for Lanas upper body, while it was completely bare, allowing her perfectly smooth mocha skin to shine with the glimmering of a thin layer of sweat, she had teasingly covered her firm chest with her hands. Her well muscled and extremely powerful looking arms and biceps bulged as she cupped her breasts, while a look of seduction, of temptation, of utter sexuality covered her beautiful face. One of the mentally toughest, most aggressive women in this show, and she looked like a PussyCat Doll, yet with enough power and skill to knock any man for a loop if they dared to get too close uninvited. Behind her were several men, other boxers in this gym, who looked at this Ebony Goddess from behind with a look of "Oh no", as this picture closed with a caption on the bottom saying "Whos Next?" ********** And so, 2 days later, with their pictures of Amazonian Perfection all taken and ready for its critique, the 10 young superwomen returned to their panel of judges. The anxiety level was through the roof for them all, and as good as they all believed they did, they all knew that one of them was leaving this show and going home nonetheless. As always, all of these girls looked amazingly beautiful and sexy, while not looking overly slutty or trampish in the least, which isnt an easy thing to do with youre dealing with women that have physiques like they do, who want to show them off to their fullest. Titania stood at the center of this judges panel, as always, and greeted her girls as they all gathered in front of them. "Welcome back ladies" she spoke out with an inviting smile on her face. "Weve received back all of the Ultimate Amazon pictures you've not only taken, but created, thought up, and made happen. Well done to you all, for the most part you've all done an amazing job (we even had to make extra copies for Bills personal collection)" she teased one of her fellow judges. "Hey, its was in my contract, and what a perk that was" Bill W. joked back with a smile. "Now I said for the most part you all did amazingly, but after the panel and I spent a great deal of time looking these over, we feel that something very important was left out in a lot of these shots" Titania continued, seeing the look of confusion and self doubt over her girls faces. Lord knows they all did a great job, and each of these pictures would fit perfectly on their specifically designed web-sites, but this was a hard and strict competition and tough critiques would need to be made. "You see, I mentioned originally that Americas Next Top Amazon wouldn't be picked just by whos the strongest, or the hardest, or the fittest, but who was the total package of all of these, AND who could look sensual, sexy and womanly. Its much easier to be a strong, fit and athletic female in todays society, the tougher part is being all of that physically, and still looking and feeling like a sexy, desirable woman in the end. Now, that being said I couldn't think of any man, Schmoe or not, who wouldn't "react" to any of the pictures you've give me, but only a few of them incorporated the Amazonian Power you all possess with the sensual, sexual feminine charms that I know you also possess as well" "Now, at this stage Im going to call out your names, one at a time, at which time we will look at your pictures and give you our critiques. Also, those I call have made it to the next level of this show, the one I do not call in the end, has been eliminated and must immediately return to your house, pack your belongings, and leave." Titanias words may have sounded harsh, though unfortunately she was this shows host, and doing so meant that each week one of these girls must have their hopes crushed, one of them must be going home. "When I call your name please step forward, and congratulations, youre still in the running to be Americas Next Top Amazon. Which has a prize package that includes, a 5 video contract with WPW Videos, a fully developed personal website built to her own specifications, a fully stocked gymload of exercise equipment, a full line of athletic gear and casual clothing from Everson Productions, as well as $100,000 in cash". Titania again reading off the list of prizes the final winner was to claim, which turned the girls attitudes back up to excitement, enthusiasm and anticipation. "And our first girl to advance to the next Round is someone who did an amazing job with her shot, nearly encompassing everything that we had asked for, and from this person especially, was also the most surprising. I call first, Lana" Lana dressed in a casual pair of blue jeans, ankle high heeled boots, and a tight fitting T Shirt, stepped forward and moved towards her panel of judges. A clearly evident and proud smile across her beautiful face, her long dark hair in a ponytail behind her back. Titania then directed the girls to a screen on one of the walls, at which time was displayed Lanas photo. The looks of surprise from the other female competitors was apparent, as while they each had no doubt that Lana was a very attractive women, she usually portrayed herself as tough, bordering on butch. Seeing this picture in front of them, which made Lana look as if she was a Playboy Playmate, while still having the strength, power and confidence of her muscular form, made many of the girls rethink their original choices for their own shots. "Lana out of all of the girls, you really went out of your way to display not only the strength that such a woman could have, but also the sensuality and sexiness that can go hand in hand with a physically powerful woman. This picture could not only go on various muscle magazines and web-sites, but easily in your more mainstream ones as well. Our only critique is this setting and your attire, the boxing ring and your boxing trunks. We know you did it because of its familiarity to you, but we felt this shot could have been near perfection simply done, looking as incredible as you were, but dressed in a sexy lingerie with a more softer, sensual feel to your backdrop. Breaking away from the "Im a female boxer" idea, and going with a more, "Im a sexy, seductive Amazon woman" feel. Your body certainly displays the physical power, and this would have slam dunked the womanly, feminine feel as well. Nonetheless, we still felt you did a truly great job with creating this photo, Lana. Well done, you are still in the running to be Americas Next Top Amazon." She concluded, and motioned for Lana to step over to the side near the judges. Titania then turned back to her gathering of young Amazons and continued reading their names one by one. Each of them near jumping for joy, filled with excitement, that they have made it to the next round, one step closer to being Americas Next Top Amazon. Each of them listening to their own constructive criticisms and trying not to take them to heart, but learning from them in the hopes that if would help advance them to the Finals. In the end, there stood only 2 young women not yet called to advance and move on. Christina, the powerfully built and thickly muscled Dominatrix, who was dressed in a short pair of rolled up blue denim shorts, calf high heeled boots, and a tight fitting black T-shirt. And Tina, the sexy hardbodied martial arts expert, who was wearing a soft yellow and orange floral print sundress, showing off her tanned and toned shoulders, arms and legs under the knee. "Tina, Christina, could you both please step forward" softly spoke out Titania, dreading what was about to come next, the shows first elimination. "I will be calling only one of your names out, the name I do not call has been eliminated, and must return to your house, pack your things, and leave immediately." She continued, Christina and Tina looking quite nervously, a far cry from their usual ultra confident and in-control manners. "Tina, while you are an insanely beautiful and sexy woman, with a body and fighting skills that could easily make a man regret ever crossing you wrongly, we feel that you may lack the necessary muscle and overall size to be Americas Next Top Amazon. Don't get me wrong, that picture certainly displays a nice level of strength, especially for a girl your size, along with unreal grace and flexibility, but were just not sure its enough at this stage" "Christina, while that's certainly not a problem for you, being one of the most thickly muscled women on this show, we feel that you may be missing something else that's just as important to continue down this track, and that's a soft, sensual, womanly feel about you. Make no mistake, you look 100% woman to all of us, but your attitude more often than not, is about control, domination and intimidation, and while those certainly maybe be some of the attributes for an Amazon, those shouldn't be ALL of the attributes of an Amazon." "The judges and I have all thought long and hard on this one, as we truly don't want to let any of you go, as we all believe each of you display amazing potential to be Americas Next Top Amazon. Unfortunately, this is a game, a competition, and each week one of you girls must be eliminated. The name I do not call now, will be that one girl for this first week" Both Tina and Christinas hearts were in their throats, both wanting to continue in this contest, both wanting to win it all and claim the top prize, both of them needing to hear their name being called here and now. In all of the tension and anxiety, both of their bodies tensed, causing their ultra fit forms to harden and in some places, widen, with female muscle. (Christinas back and shoulders to the point were it looked as if she would burst out of her Black T Shirt) But both of them also knew from the beginning that there could be only one winner, and that each week one of them would be going home. "Tina" softly made out Titania, as Tinas intimidating, yet very erotic, picture was displayed on the nearby screen. "Congratulations, youre still in the running to becoming Americas Next Top Amazon" This meant it was Christina who was the first to be eliminated from this show. Try as she might to hold them back, a few tears welled up in her eyes, as she was soon consoled by the remaining girls, each one hugging their sister Amazon, who they had all gotten to know quite well in the past few days. As these hugs concluded, Christina looked at the judges, said her thanks, and hit a most muscular pose that ripped her already body hugging shirt to shreds. Her entire body pulsating with rock hard, bulging female muscle, and with a smile on her face she spoke out, "You all havent seen the last of me. Ill see you guys, next year", and with that, she slowly turned around and made her way out of the room and off of this show. ********** Who will be the NEXT young Amazon girl to be eliminated from this show, as always, faithful DTV readers, that is UP TO YOU. I ask again that anyone interested send me an email, at, and let me know who you want GONE in our next episode of Americas Next Top Amazon. At the end of one weeks time (so get your votes in early), I will tally the votes and create a story around who YOU want gone. Story by story Ill ask you all to do the same, until in the end, you will decide who the Grand Champion of this competition will be. PLEASE, I ask that you give ONLY ONE NAME, just the name of the girl you would like to be eliminated in the next story and if you could put something in the Subject Heading of your email to let me know what its for, as opposed to standard junk mail, that would be great. : ) So, what say you all, who will be the next girl to fall on the Next Episode of Americas Next Top Amazon?. Again, I thank you all for your help in writing this series, and hope you all enjoyed reading this first......well, second I guess, story in this series. SPOILERS....... (the votes for Elimination for this story were as follows) Christina - 4 Tina - 3 Dawn - 2 Heather - 1 Crystal - 1