THE EVENT (Part 2) - Experimentation by DTM *** The Below is an extended segment from this story, The Event (Part 2), written by myself. :) For the Full Story of "The Event (Part 2)", please visit our Member's Section at Amy's Conquest (, OR check us out at our Brand New sister site, Amy's Conquest Store ( Thanks all, and as always, I hope you all Enjoy! *** ********** Incredible occurrences from what in time would be called ###The Event### were sudden and plentiful, though at first, for the most part, unpublicized. The world as a whole either didn't acknowledge the varied situations of girls defending their boyfriends from harm, women turning the tables on their abusive husbands, the massive spike in male-afflicted injuries, or the assorted acts of heroism (and vandalism) being performed by the feminine race. Local word of mouth caused such stories to spread, but they could only carry such tales for so long; too far from its original source, and it simply became fantasy, rumour or urban legend. That was until similar occurrences began happening to the famous and well known women of the world, those clearly in the public eye, only then did our planet as a whole begin to realize (or at least, openly only then) that things were definitely changing, in a major way, and humanity as we knew it would never be the same again...... ********** Ravishing red-headed bombshell, Christina Hendricks, is once again in Celebrity News, though not for the usual reasons, her Super Shapely body ##' or is it? While walking home from a late night dinner with her husband, actor Geoffrey Arend, the couple reportedly made an unfortunate turn and were accosted by several large men, whose thoughts were apparently on not only their valuables, but also on getting a look at Christina's ultra voluptuous physique. The lecherous attackers apparently demanding at gunpoint that she unveil herself before them, which caused her husband to lunge out at one of the attackers, unfortunately to no effect; as due to their superior size and numbers, Geoffrey was beaten down quite easily. This enraged the sexy starlet to no end, causing her to do the unbelievable, as eyewitnesses describe Christina roaring out like a woman possessed, proceeding to not only virtually tear apart the several armed men around her, but also incredibly rip their nearby getaway-van to scrap metal. Interviewers, take note, call Christina ###full figured### again at your own risk. ********** Shocking News in the Reality TV world, concerning none other than the Queen of such media herself, Kim Kardashian. It seems that the normally professional starlet lost her cool on the way into her husband's, rapping icon Kayne West, concert, when an intrusive reporter kept insinuating that he was cheating on her. Kim initially brushed off such a statements as nonsense, doing so with a smile and a look of non-belief; that was until the reporter surprisingly pulled out pictures showing Kayne with several other women, supposedly in very compromising positions. Kim stood stunned for several seconds as she looked over these pictures, before tearing apart the large stack of photos, as well as crushing the microphone of the interviewer, tossing him away from her with a simple flick of her wrist. She then stormed into the event, which just happened to be the final show of her husband's Yeezus Tour - a show that in the end needed to be cancelled, as Kayne was not long after driven off from the event in an emergency medical vehicle, where it's since been reported that he suffered severe physical injuries from an unknown source. Though eyewitnesses report that they seemed to happen inside his dressing room, just after a less than happy looking Kim made her way within; tossing Kayne's all-male entourage out into the hallway, along with them several of his personal bodyguards, who seemed helpless in her grasp. Apparently, Kim had a few things to ###discuss### with her husband about the subject of martial faithfulness. It seems the only thing stronger than Kayne's massive ego, were the arms, legs and chest of his amply shaped wife. ********** In light of the physical abuse caught for the world to see, the home of world famous TV chef Nigella Lawson had been bugged by local authorities for her safety ##' what was recorded one fateful night shocked them to their very core - ###Oh my Darling, getting physical again, are we? Your hands once more around my supple, elegant neck? Safe here in the privacy of our apartment this time, didn't like all the publicity of your last abusive encounter, my Sweet? Yes, I must say, neither did I. Feeling so weak and helpless as you embarrassed me to the world, made me look like a right tart, you did. Mmmmmm, though I must say, you don't seem to be squeezing nearly so hard now, though from the look of your face, it's not from a lack of trying. Here, maybe I could interest you in something else to Squeeze, my Pet? You always did find them so squeezable, their bountiful shape, their robust fullness, that's right, my luxuriously lovely breasts. Come give them a nice hard squeeze. Mmmmmm, not nearly so easy any more, is it? My poor little man, you're turning a nice shade of red just trying to dent, let me show you how it's done, my Love. That's right, let me put those hands deep inside my delectable cleavage, nice and snug, and oh so tight. Now, let me show you how to squeeeeeeze### CRACK, CRUNCH, POP, SNAP! ###Mmmmm, your screams sound so succulent. Such a scrumptious sound to my ears. Still, I don't remember screaming when you had your hands around my throat, did I marry a man, or a child? Yes, I don't think I'll have to worry about your hands ever again, now will I; and neither will you, for at least the next few months ##' after they heal from what my squeezing breasts are about to do to them### CRACK, SNAP, POP!! ###Mmmmmmm, Delicious......### ********** ###Impossible### does not begin to describe what has just happened here, wrestling fans! It seems during a recent match between The Big Show and John Cena, the Gargantuan Goliath looked to be taking their rivalry a bit too seriously, seemingly causing real injury to the smaller wrestler - a fact that Big Show didn't seem to care about in the least. That was until Nikki Bella, Cena's real life partner and one-time WWE Women's Champion, came bursting out into the arena and then the ring itself. Nikki moved into the fray like a woman scorned, at first causing the Massive Mountain to simply stare at her and laugh, as she knelt next to the fallen Cena to care for him, though it wasn't long after that that an enraged Nikki turned his smile upside-down ##' turning HIM upside-down in the process, as she miraculously body-slammed his nearly 500 pounds down onto the mat. A feat she then proceeded to do again and again and again, Stunning this filled to capacity crowd to near silence, allowing everyone to hear the Big Show begging her to stop, which she did, after her 10th Slam - just after she made him beg for John Cena's forgiveness. ********** Police were called today to the home of actress Hayley Atwell, in what was originally due to the clearly panicked Agent Carter star calling 911 due to apparent intruders in her home, though ended up being a hospital call, but not for the boudacious beauty herself! It seemed that when police entered her estate, they found three large men, dressed in black, unconscious in a heap in the main living area, with Hayley nowhere to be found. Only when they called out for her, fearing she had been injured and needed assistance, did the amply shaped 23 year old come sauntering into view, a cup of tea in her hands, looking not the least bit worried, concerned or frightened. If anything, the Terror that was once hers was now all too evidently coming from the trio of male intruders, who upon awakening, were screaming to be taken away, virtually begging to be imprisoned ##' which is just where they wound up, after a lengthy stay in the prison hospital, that was. ********** Ice-T, Hospitalized! Yesterday morning, a panicked Coco Austin delivered her husband, rapping legend Ice-T, to Central General Hospital. His unconscious, limp and seemingly mangled body (which his ultra shapely wife was carrying in her arms as she burst onto the scene), wound up suffering nearly a full compliment of shattered ribs, a fractured skull, a broken arm and a dislocated shoulder. When questioned as to what had happened by authorities, a clearly emotional Coco replied, ###We were just fooling around, just a little rough fore-playing in the morning, we do it all the time.....then he started screaming, and crying, and begging. Oh, my poor poor Baby......### ********** Situations such as these, including many other public occurrences of increasing rate, sprang forth as the days and weeks went on, leaving little doubt that something truly Amazing was happening. That the female race had been being given a Gift, greatly augmented physical power, which oddly enough seemed to be based not on the size or hardness of their muscles, but on the size and fullness of their breasts. Women with larger breasts received a greater increase in strength, those with natural breasts being given a more amplified boost over those with implants, though even women with smaller cup-sizes still gained a noticeably stronger, more powerful body than they previously had. Such situations as these, and many other high profile instances that soon made world-wide news, caused most everyone to look on in amazement and wonder at what was happening. All too swiftly did the world as a whole start to truly believe, as well as interesting ideas starting to spring up in the female population - only then did this Event truly begin to take shape and grow, to start to come alive....... ********** Three weeks ago, Tina Foster was no more than a shy, timid, high school girl, whose slightly chubby, though amply chested, 5' 4### body was hardly the desire of those around her. More due to the drab, unflattering outfits she choose to wear, over her actual physique itself. Her youthful face quite cute, though the dark-rimmed glasses adorned on it only added to the ###plump, little nerd### reputation that was hers around school grounds. Sadly so, Tina was frequently made the brunt of jokes, all at her expense, teased and taunted by the assortment of bullying jocks in her school, humiliation that she took time and again, for what choice did she have. She did her best to ignore their harsh, insulting words, though she quite often made sudden trips to the Girl's Room to shed some all too undeserving tears. Though that was before ###it### happened, before The Event. These days, things were a lot different for 18 year old Tina.....different for her, and her former tormentors as well. ###Tommy, Billy, Davey, now don't let me tell you boys again. I want the Entire car washed and waxed, two coats, every inch### Tina teasingly made out to the assortment of large, powerfully built High School boys around her, all of them soaken wet, standing around her pride and joy automobile, wearing nothing but all too embarrassing thong panties. Each of these brutish young men responsible for tormenting and teasing her mercilessly not very long ago, instances that these boys would give anything in the world if they could take back now. ###But.....but Tina.......### one of the boys made out, before stopping himself dead in his tracks, ###.......uh, I mean, Mrs. Foster.......we, we did the entire car, twice, what else is there......### ###Are you answering me back, Tommy Jones?### Tina teasingly, yet intimidatingly, spoke out, as her shapely body made its way to the larger male before her. Her denim shorts and tank top outfit worn with pride and confidence, an outfit much less concealing that her clothing of old, now showing off a physique that was certainly more on the firmly voluptuous side, than simply just girlish chub. ###Are you forgetting who's the boss here?### she continued on, standing right before the 6' 3### giant of a boy, though speaking to him as if he was nothing to her. ###Do you and your friends need to be taught another lesson? Do I need to make you all cry again?### Tina spoke on, causing utter terror to show clearly across all of their faces, causing the other two boys to slowly back away from Tommy and the tiny tormentor before him. Tina then placed one of her hands on Tommy's chin, causing the much bigger boy to shake instantly with fear, and seemingly using no more strength than to lift a pillow, she lifted him up off the ground, stretching her arm to its fullest height, causing Tommy's feet to dangle helplessly before her small, shapely form. ###Now, will there be any more answering back?### she spoke, like a teacher scolding an unruly, newly punished, student, as she gave his chin an ever so slight series of squeezes, before lowering his 240 pound body back to its feet. ###N-n-no Mrs. Foster. I-I only meant that we've done as you've asked.....the car I mean, it's all done### he sheepishly replied as he held his chin, now sore as if someone had just socked him across his face. ###Every inch?### ###Y-yes### ###Oh really### Tina said with a devilishly teasing smile, as she sauntered over to her car, her first ever vehicle, graciously purchased for her by her three admirers here, and several other members of the football team, all of whom had received more than a few visits from their former bullying victim in the past several weeks. She then bent down before it, sexily shaking her ample butt towards the three young men watching her with fear and awe, as she firmly clasped her fingers around the bottom of its driver's side frame, and with an ever so slight grunt of effort, Tina stood back up, taking the side of her car with her. Gasps were heard instantly about her, even though these boys had seen her do many amazing things in recent weeks (both she and just about every other female each of them knew), it never ceased to amaze them each and every time nonetheless. Tina looked back at them and smiled, even giving a girlish giggle, as she then switched the positions of her hands, and now proceeded to lift the side of her car even higher, an act not just to further show off her incredible physical strength, but also to prove her earlier point. ###So, you call this clean? Look at the dirt and muck underneath my car. I said every inch, and I meant Every Single Inch.....unless you boys want me to show you how it feels to hurt over every single inch of your bodies!### she growled out now, lowering her car back down to its four tires, before turning to them all and playfully stomped her feet like a spoiled child; this very act causing little tremors to be felt about them, and even tiny cracks in the driveway to be seen. Tommy, Billy and Davey couldn't dive underneath Tina's car fast enough. Each of them with dripping wet, fully soaped up sponges in hand, as they all spent the next 20 minutes squeezing their large frames into this confined area, doing their utmost to fulfil Tina's requests, or more specifically, her demands. Demands which continued on for these three boys well after they finished this task; not the least of which during a bedroom session that left Tina Foster all too pleasured, while leaving her boy-toys in such poor shape that they missed their next three football games - something that left their Coach none too happy, thankfully he had several girls from the cheerleading squad eager to chip in and help out, allowing them to win their games all too easily. ********** Bruce Treynor had been interested in strong, powerful women all of his life. At the age of 33, he realized though that his Ultimate Fantasy would stay only that, a fantasy, as he had years prior fallen in love with, and only recently married, the real girl of his dreams, Julie Warner. Julie was a beautiful woman 29 years of age, who even though she realized he would never truly be her new husband's Ultimate Woman, in the physical sense at least, that she knew he loved her with all of his heart, and she too loved him just as much. Still, even though she was aware that Bruce would choose her over any woman alive, Julie wished she had the strength, the muscles, the power that her husband so truly craved. Yes, they would have their role-playing sessions, where she would pretend her amply shaped 5' 6###, 140 pound body was Amazonian, capable of pinning him to their bed, throwing him around, making him beg for mercy from her superior strength. Though in the end, that was simply all it was, role-playing, and that even though Julie possessed a thick, curvaceous physique, it was a far cry from being able to actually perform these Amazonian actions for real against his own 6' 1### 210 pound form. That was in every respect other than Bruce's favorite, breast smothering, where her ample 36 D-cup chest was more than able to envelope his head, smothering him to near unconsciousness with her full, rounded breasts. Then ###it### happened, then their world changed, forever. ###Do you like this Baby? Do you like how easily I can lift you, carry you, hold you in my arms, my beautiful Little Boy?### Julie cooed out in an all too sensual tone, her eyes half closed, her voice whisper-lite, just like her husband loved. ###God, you're Amazing Baby. You're my Ultimate Fantasy. I love you so much, so much Baby### he moaned back, as he relished the way his smaller, yet much stronger, wife was holding him. Cradle carrying his naked body in her arms, softly rocking him side to side, as she slowly walked around their spacious bedroom. This was just one in a thousand ways Julie had shown her new-found power to her loving man. Feeling as if Blessed by God Himself for her vast physical strength, as if her prayers had truly been answered, finally allowing her to become her husband's Dream Girl. Still unknowing the reason for this miracle, why this actually happened to her and every other woman that she knew, though Julie wasn't overly interested in the Why, just that it did, and that she could truly be the wife that Bruce had always longed for ##' the wife he truly deserved. Julie smiled at her husband's emotional reply, as she stopped her walking movements, curled her arms up to her, bring the larger form of her man with them; and with that form, an all too erect cock, standing straight up, going directly towards her full, pouting lips. Lips that slowly opened, allowing a sexually craving tongue to emerge and start to lick the throbbing cock before her. Bruce jumped with sexual excitement at the feel of her tongue travelling around his dick, of her lips erotically enveloping his shaft; such oral pleasure were a true delight from Julie before, though now that her strength had increased to incredible levels, holding him completely off the ground and into her arms while she did so, it blew Bruce's mind completely away. Jump and bounce as he did, his Amazonian wife was more than able to control him, allowing her oral pleasures to continue, her hot mouth to dive onto the rigid member before her, taking it all inside her, as she had done many times before. Though this night was different, it was their 1 Month Wedding Anniversary, something they had always planned to do something special for, not dreaming in a million years that things would change for them so drastically in this time. Bruce could never imagine that this night would start out with Julie tossing him across their bedroom and onto their large bed, shortly afterwards performing the most sexual Strength Acts he had ever seen - complete with the bending of metal bars in her arms, the exploding of thick watermelons between her thighs, the crackling to pieces of several specially placed pieces of wood just from the thrusting impact of her super strong breasts. Julie then tore the virginal white lingerie she wore to pieces, exposing her newer, firmer looking physique to its fullest, before pouncing on Bruce, and ripping his clothes off as well. Mere seconds after that, he was helplessly held aloft in her arms, being carried around like a baby, with his sexually aching cock being caressed by his beautiful wife's lips. Though with an all too seductive look from her gleaming blue eyes, Julie took one long, last lick of this tasty shaft before her, before moving her husband's body around, holding him tenderly by his waist, as he wrapped his legs around her firm mid-section. This position allowed the two lovers to look longingly into one another's eyes, seeing the utmost emotion and passion they shared for each other, causing Julie to give a sensual biting of her lower lip, before continuing on to the next stage of her plan. With an ever so easy raising of her arms, she lifted Bruce's body higher now, high enough that his erection was now level with her big, thick breasts, as she ever so gently maneuvered his cock inside, enveloping it within her lusciously tight cleavage. ###Do you remember the first night we discovered it, my Love? Your head deep inside here, enveloped within my breasts, as I smothered you just the way you love? Though unlike all of our previous times, you didn't pull out, you couldn't pull out, you couldn't escape my embrace, your resistance didn't even register to me Baby, and before we knew it, you were out cold### Julie sensuously whispered out, as she raised and lowered Bruce's body, giving him the Best tit-fucking of his life. ###I was so scared, I thought I'd killed you Baby, but then you came to, and I held you in my arms, and promised I'd never let anyone, anything, hurt you again, my Love. Only after, when I realized just how Strong, how Powerful, I had become, did we really know how true that would be### Julie continued on, increasing the speed of her lover's lifts, the additional friction sending jolts of sexual sensations shooting throughout Bruce's body. ###Oh yeah Baby, I love.....I love it when you protect me Baby......### Bruce groaned out, as thoughts of what his new wife could truly do raced about his mind, causing his cock to stiffen even moreso. ###Always Baby, I'll always protect you, no one will ever dare hurt you, or I'll crush them, squeeze them, make them pay.......make them cry........Oooooh Yeeeaaahhhh......### Julie now moaned out in orgasmic delight, as she released one of her hands around her man's body, the strength of just one of her arms more than enough to continue his lifting treatment; as she now used her newly free hand to travel into her own inner-most areas, pleasuring herself below, as she was doing to her husband above. This all too sexually charged act continued for the next several minutes, their moans and groans of passion echoing all about their bedroom, until their bodies could no longer take what was building up inside them, and they as one Exploded in a single eruption of orgasmic power; so much power in fact that the final outward thrusts of Julie's upper body flung Bruce off and away from her, thankfully landing on their bed, where cum continued to flow out of his throbbing shaft. Julie continued her standing gyrations for another few seconds, after which she opened her eyes, giving her husband a deviously sexy smile, before joining him back onto their bed, where they celebrated their 1st Month's Anniversary all night long, and into the following morning. Bruce Treynor thought had everything he wanted in his wife before, though only now did he truly realize how happy happy they.....could be. ********** ###This is so wild, I still cant believe we're doing this!!### ###I know, right. Remember when our slumber parties were all about eating popcorn and doing each others hair?### ###Yeah, like maybe when we were 12### ###Oh, so grown up at 16 now, eh?### ###OK, what I meant was, we also talked about boys! Played games like Spin The Bottle### ###Don't you know it, I guess some things never change, right girls### ###Hahaha, yeah right. Come on now, who's turn is it### ###Heather's still in the closet with Steve### ###I told you we should have re-spins when it's a matching pair, they always wind up taking too long### ###OK OK, we'll just go ahead without them for now. Sally, I think it's your turn### ###Oh, goodie goodie, I know who I'm hoping for### With that, the bubbly teenager bounded up from the circle of girls sitting in the center of this bedroom, making her way with an excited smile over to the nearby wall; where stood several boys, each of them wearing only T-shirts and boxer shorts, each one looking at her with concern and worry, each of them more than a bit nervous at the sight of this approaching young beauty. ###Come on Stud, it's your turn### she cooed out sexily, as she pulled over one of the more handsome, well-built boys back to the circle of her girlfriends. His taller, larger physique seemed more than capable of resisting her by force, though that was in the past, now he was a helpless plaything for the amusement of this assortment of giggling young girls. ###Assume the position Baby### Sally made out with a smile, as the larger boy sat in the center of their circle, before pulling his legs into his chest with his arms, making himself into a ball as much as he could. Sally then grasped onto his clasping hands, large hands which were holding his legs into him, and with a gleeful smile she quickly flicked her wrist, spinning him around at an impressive speed; something that just a few short weeks ago wouldn't have budged him more than an inch, though now just the casual movement of her femininely styled fingers was enough to send him spinning like a top.....or in this case, a bottle. ###Spin The Boyfriend###, this gathering of girlfriends called in. A game they only created the previous weekend, in yet another slumber party, a party these very same boys attempted to crash. Very similar to the classic spin the bottle, though instead of them spinning around a small bottle, they did so with their boyfriend's bodies, or one of the other girl's boyfriends, who like this quickly dizzying boy before them all now, would Spin with lightning speed, for almost a full minute, the one he wound up facing in the end, would claim him in The Closet as her prize for a full 5 minutes. Though to add an Amazonian twist to this new game, since they all had the chance to make out with each others boyfriends (such is the unpredictable nature of the spinning), each boy was examined upon returning with his randomly chosen girl from The Closet, or more specifically, the size of their erection was examined. If the boy emerged after his make out session with a noticeable hard-on, and he wasn't inside with his own girlfriend, then his girlfriend would then take him back into The Closet, though this time for not a make out session, but a body crushing one, the girl's way to control each of their boyfriends, making sure they got hard only for them. If in the case of Heather and her man currently still locking lips within the privacy of The Closet, he returned without a sizeable growth in his shorts, then Heather would take him back inside, and use her all too superior power to teach him how not to let her down next time ##' resting assured, their would definitely be a next time. ###Me! Me! Oh stop on me!!### Sally cheered out like the excited young girl that she was, and as luck would have it, he did stop facing the voluptuously shaped 16 year old girl, who then cheered out excitedly. ###YES!! Sorry, Rachel, I know he's yours, but he's just too Hunky to not have a taste### Sally continued on, as she made her way back up to her feet, virtually hoisting the much larger boy along with her, as she dragged him off towards the direction of The Closet. ###Come on already, next couple coming through### Sally teasingly barked out, giving an ever so light tapping on the closet door, which was enough to shake it furiously within its sturdy frame. The anticipation was proving almost unbearable for the young girl, whose enveloped mate could only look back at his own girlfriend, the amply curved Rachel, still sitting around her friends, with a look of near Terror. As she had warned him something like this may arise, and that if something of his Did Arise when he exited The Closet, then she would be extremely unforgiving in his treatment which would then follow. Her eyes intensely focused on his, her hands mimicking a breaking motion as she stared onto him, letting him know all too well that her previously made threat, was all too true. Just then, Heather emerged from inside their special private location, her boyfriend being carried out in her arms, their lips still locked from their extended, and all too passionate, make out session. Checking him out, as per the rules of their game, was not necessary, as his erection stood out like a tent-pole, which since he was within The Closet with his own girlfriend, was definitely the desired result. Heather continued to carry her man to the large bed within this room, as the two of them laid down on it, their lips never leaving the one another's the entire time. Sally couldn't pull her chosen play-toy into the newly vacant closet fast enough, and between her and Heather's all too passionate make out sessions, the sounds of moans and groans were echoing all about the three remaining girls. Each of them long-time friends, whose thick, shapely frames benefited amazingly so from this unknown Event, and like any teenage girl, they were used to getting what they wanted ##' which at this point was now Rachel, who chose her next play-toy to spin, Sally's boyfriend, who she gave a softly spoken threat to on their way back to the slowly shrinking circle, that he better land on her, or she would surely be landing on him when he least expected it afterwards. ********** *** Continued in our Amy's Conquest ( Exclusive, Members Only, Text Stories Section OR from our Brand New Amy's Conquest Store (www.amysc where ALL of our AC material can now be purchased individually! ***