SUPERGIRL SAVES THE DAY by DTM Watch as Supergirl uses some very unorthodox methods to right the wrongs around her, not to mention protect and claim her #1 Fan for her very own Terrorism. The very word strikes dread and fear in the hearts of anyone even remotely associated with its wanton violence and cruelty. A word that America itself had never overly paid much attention to......until that fateful day in Sept. 2001......then America's voice against terrorism could be heard all too well. From that day on every red-blooded American knew what those in other parts of the world had known for some time, Terror and Death on their own native soil. Such plans were not merely the works of groups currently residing in lands so far from their own, but also right here at home as well. Cells, as they were called, formed and grew here in the United States as they did in other countries. Groups of men willing to kill to have their voices heard, to share their lesson of fear with all around them, even at the cost of their very lives. Though such plans, especially with America's current heightened state of readiness, took much planning, patience, and especially money. Money which was all too carefully brought in from here and abroad, to be used to build the biggest bombs, the most brutal of weapons, the deaths of innocents as far as they eye could see. Such people living seemingly ordinary lives here in the United States were heavily in the process of earning as much money as they could, in order to send it back to the Middle East, funding their continual War Of Terror. Rich, successful, and very dangerous men whose sole purpose was to send as much money as they could back to their homeland; with the notion that one day such funding would return back to American soil, in the form of a devastatingly powerful weapon of mass destruction. One such cell was based in the very high profile city of Metropolis, taking advantage of the two primary forces of good and evil in its borders, Superman and Lex Luthor, keeping one another too busy to notice their own evil plans - until it was too late for either to do anything about it. Unfortunately for them, what they didn't count on was the arrival of another protector of this famed glistening city, a super powered defender of the weak and innocent, and as they would find out on one very fateful day, punisher of the wicked and evil - Supergirl. While flying over the beautiful Metropolis cityscape one day, Kara Zor-El happened to intercept (thanks in no small part to her super hearing and telescopic vision) vile plans from this terrorist funding organization, something that simply turned her blood red with rage, something she knew she had to put an end to at all costs. So like a streaking missile of blue and red, Supergirl slammed into the heart of this operation, a massively large mansion-like complex just on the outskirts of her cousin's home city, and proceeded to destroy all that she could within. Of course resistance (and heavily armed at that) was met by this 18 year old Kryptonian; though not having been prepared for her arrival, therefore not having anything special on hand to be used against her, their pitiful attempts to stop her in the least were Doomed to fail. Bullets of high caliber flew and soared through the air, though they simply bounced off of her nearly indestructible female form, littering the area all about her with a hail of screaming hot lead, like a spring rain; affecting her not in the least, other than to enrage her even further, causing her retaliation against them to be even more brutal. Where at first the super powered teenager was content to merely demolish their weaponry, equipment, computers, and every other suspicious looking device she could with her vast superhuman strength and flaring heat vision, as the fight went on Supergirl took her anger out more and more on those actually responsible around her. While she didn't actually kill anyone when the explosions had stopped and the bullets flew no more, she did manage to break more than a few bones that night (to say the least), leaving several men in critical condition when she was done - something that could have escalated into something much worse, had the FBI not shown up when they did, cleaning up the mess that Supergirl has impulsively created - not to mention her unknowingly ruining a secret sting operation they had been planning for the past several months. ********** "What on Earth did you think you were doing??" Superman scoldingly spoke out to his young cousin with a voice equal parts power and compassion. The legendary figure standing over Supergirl's similarly dressed form in one of their Moon-based watchtowers several private rooms. "I acted as any superhero would. I struck down evil where I saw it, I don't see what the problem is here" Kara returned back in kind. "The fact that you don't see Is the problem, Kara. Superheroes don't strike first, they act defensively to protect and defend the lives of the innocent. They don't dive in like a rocket, rampage and destroy all in their path, putting over 20 men in the hospital with various levels of serious injury, not to mention step all over a long-term government sting operation! Especially not junior level ones, especially not ones of my own flesh and blood" "Oh, so that's what this is all about, huh? I'm ruining your impeccable reputation, is that it?" "This isn't about me, this is about you, and how you've been acting lately. You know full well The League doesn't step into government or political affairs unless directly asked by the appropriate officials, or there is simply no other choice" "I'm not part of The League, Kal, or have you forgotten!" Supergirl replied with slight anger in her tone. "Its no big loss to me anyway, it's not like I really wanted to join, everybody just expects me to do so because I've got a Big Red "S" on my chest! But I guess there's only room in your group for one Kryptonian, eh? Well that's fine with me, you go and continue to rescue cats from trees, stopping a local bank robbery here and there, while I go and make a difference in this world!" the young girl defiantly continued. "I don't know where this is coming from Kara, and personally I don't care for it at all, no more than I do the barely-there uniform you're sporting these days. You're supposed to be a superhero, a symbol for people to look up to, not an exotic dancer at some fetish nightclub!" Superman continued on, making comment on his little cousin's recently altered outfit, which consists of a noticeably plunging neckline, half-shirt top exposing her defined stomach, and frilly skirt so small it barely covered her round, firm butt. "Oh right, like you've ever given Diana grief about her dress-code! Shes wearing a frigging bathing suit and go-go boots, and you're getting on my...... "Wonder Woman is a senior member of this League, someone who's been doing her thing even longer than I have, and furthermore she is Not my cousin!" Kal-El scolded on, before realizing this conversation was taking a turn that he didn't wish; so with a regaining of his usually calm and cool level of composure, he softly grasped onto Supergirl's hands with his own, and continued on. "I care so much about you Kara, we all do. But I'm scared, scared at what you're becoming and utterly terrified that I may have to stand against you someday because of it. You've just been so reckless and aggressive since.......well...." "Since Darkseid took control of me, turned me into one of his furies, made me turn against you, fight you with my last breath, almost killing you in the process? Is that what you were going to say?" Supergirl replied with the hint of tears in her eyes. "Kara, I.......I know this hasn't been an easy time for you lately, and if I'm seeming harsh on you now its only because I don't want you to turn down that dark path again. I care for you......I love you too much to have anything like that happen to you" the Man Of Steel concluded with a more quiet, sober tone. "Just promise me you'll be more controlled, that you won't do anything like this again, especially without consulting with me first, OK?" Supergirl held onto the most powerful hands on Earth, which held her own with the gentility and tenderness of a newborn child, staring up into her cousins caring blue eyes, and replied the only way she could, with a slight nodding of her head, which was followed with the last pair of Kryptonians in existence hugging one another lovingly. Kara's meeting with The Justice League's Chairman now over, she said her goodbyes to him and various members currently about their space-bound headquarters; before Bolting up, up and away into the cold, blackness of space. Streaking down back towards Earth, for some much needed contemplation and a mental cool-down, which she had been doing quite often lately (her teenage hormones getting the better of her, mixed with her semi-recent run in with Darkseid), as she soared across the air and around her now adopted planet, hoping to clear her mind and rest her still riled up soul. Rest that she unfortunately did not get for very long, as Supergirl passed over the central area of the United States, where her always listening super hearing picked up yet another situation that she simply couldn't help but investigate further. Kara had trained her super senses to pick up any such sounds of danger in quite a far range at that, even when she wasn't specifically attempting to do so. One of the many learned skills taught to her by her mentor Superman during the course of the past few years that she had been an active superhero on Earth. Yes, Supergirl was quite adept at picking up the sounds of despair and evil from vast distances, and this one in particular interested her very much indeed. The sounds of women screaming and crying, snapping whip-like sounds heard striking before each and every female cry, and heard above all of that was the yelling roars of a man, seemingly responsible for it all. The more Supergirl listened to these sounds the more she could tell these women were in serious trouble, not to mention pain, being brought on them by a singularly bullingly male. Such crimes enraged here more than most any other, the physical abusing of women by men, men that think just because they are bigger and stronger than the women around them (something Kara was pleased that society was changing more and more on its own) that they could force and push their wills onto others, making them do as they wished, or that they can simply punish and hurt those weaker than them just because they can. Thoughts of her recent conversation with her cousin flowed all about her impulsive young mind, though before too long they were swept away by the raging emotion that she felt about this situation; one which as the typical minded teenage girl (with the anything by typical teenage girls physique) she was caused her to act on in a flash once more. "I told you....." SMACK!, " women are My property!" SMACK!, "You do as I command......" SMACK!, ".....or you Suffer The Consequences!!!" yelled out a man's voice with a noticeably Middle Eastern accent, the sounds of which alternated back and forth with his savage whipping strikes on the grouping of four young women around him. Women that even with their mostly concealing clothing looked to possess beautiful feminine faces, and voluptuously womanly physiques. So much so that combined they could almost definitely take this physically abusive man down; though their fear of him was absolute and unquestioning, stopping them from doing anything against to his continually beating form. Another thing that stopped any retaliation on their part was the fact that he was a very wealthy and powerful man, who with a few phone calls could have them all deported back to their home country, where they would surely be facing treatment like this as well, or much worse. All of these combined with the fact that he was actually married to all of them (something that was perfectly legal under Islamic law, though he kept a bit secretive while he was on American soil), making them essentially his possessions to do with as he wished, made any chances of fighting back, in any respect, a simple impossibility; leaving them with no hope at all for a better life - that was until the sounds of a massive explosion was heard just outside their mansion's large front yard, which was quickly followed by the sounds of their husband's security force springing into action, and a very concerned look on his malicious face as well. Kara being the teenage girl that she was simply loved to make an entrance, something she did here and now as she crashed into the ground of this complex like a meteor; her barely concealed, perfectly sculpted, noticeably muscular (while less so than the more massive Wonder Woman or Power Girl, her body still had its share of noticeable hardness and muscle size) female form. A body so amazingly sculpted, coupled with a young face that was held an angelic beauty about it (her blue eyes shining bright, her long blond hair cascading about her firm, capped shoulders) that the armed guards running to engage her had to stop in their tracks at the sight of her, pausing with both shock and lust as they gazed upon Kara's utter physical perfection. That was until several seconds later, as they noticed her legendary uniform, their sex starved minds putting two and two together and realizing that she was in fact the real Girl Of Steel (something her approaching form, which toppled and flipped over this owner's assortment of cars with ease) also alerted them to; causing them to move into action, firing their weapons on this superpowered teenage beauty, screaming at one another to better plan their attack against her - which then turned into screams of pain and fear as they realized their attempts to stop her were all for nothing. Supergirl spent the next 10 minutes dispatching each and every guard with her Kryptonian powered muscles. Something she could have done in mere seconds, though truth be told she was actually enjoying this act (her assortment of girlish giggling clear evidence of that), and didn't want it to end. The fear in these men's eyes as she approached them, their attempts to stop her not even being noticed by her vastly superior form; though she in turn more than noticed their cocks all standing up and throbbing hard at the mere sight of her, which was yet another reason for her prolonging this slaughter a bit longer than truly necessary. Kara Loved the idea that even though she was unstoppably making her way to (and then through) them, knowing that she was about to break, crush or toss them into unconsciousness with ease, that they still couldn't help but get insanely aroused by her, even in the midst of all of the gunfire and explosions around them. Yes, Supergirl was truly enjoying herself here and now, as she dispatched the last of the armed security about this place, adorably cute as he was she even had thoughts of ripping his pants to ribbons and giving him the super-fucking of his life (and possibly his death, with how sexually aroused she was feeling). Though such thoughts were swiftly removed from her young mind, as her super hearing picked up an angry (or was that terrified?) man's voice heard within this massive mansion; the same voice which initially brought her to this place, followed by the screaming shrieks of the women, sounds which Kara could accept no longer. KA-BOOM!, loudly echoed about this houses main living area, which currently housed its rich and powerful owner and his assortment of abused wives, as its double-reinforced doors exploded open with savage force; its large heavy forms being flung out to either side, landing with a crashing impact on the side walls several feet away. The source of this explosion was none other than a single leg from this vastly powerful young girl, the very sight of which while causing both fear and lust to flow about the lone man's mind and body, for the women trapped (in every sense of the word) in with him, she represented something so much more - Hope. "What is the meaning of this!!" cried out with noticeable anger this belt-wielding man, "You have no right to burst into my home like this! The League have no jurisdiction here, Little Girl! You have no right......" "I'm not here representing The League, you bastard, I'm here representing women, of which you clearly have no respect for" Kara commandingly interrupted, making her way closer to this scene; her fit, hard, athletically tight body quite evident to all around them. With a reassuring nod and warm smile towards the previously abused gathering of women, she let them know that everything was now going to be alright, that she would make sure no further harm came to any of them from this viciously beating man. "What nonsense is this! This is preposterous, I am their husband, and under Islamic rule I can....." "You're their husband?? Sheesh, what could a creep like you possibly do to get four hot babes like these to marry you, buy them??" Supergirl again interrupted out, a statement that caused all of the women here to look downward in shame and regret, while the single man to smile a powerful grin. Her previously spoken words ringing very true, though not something the still a bit naive Kryptonian girl was familiar with. Men having multiple wives was shocking enough, but to find out he actually purchased them, making them more his possessions and property than his wives, which along with the emotional whimpering and crying of these women before her, served simply to enrage Kara even more. "That's right Supergirl, I bought them, I bought them from families who were eager to settle their debts, so they are Mine now, in every sense of the word, to punish and abuse as I See Fit!!" the foolish older man barked out, pointing to and scolding his wives, intimidating them all once more to the point of causing them to cry from fear, thinking that their superhuman protector could in fact do nothing, and they would be at his mercy in the end once more. "So remove yourself from my presence, Little Girl, before I......" "What? Before you what, "Little Man"?" Kara angrily replied, her eyes glowing red with rage as she approached this man even closer. "What are you going to do, beat me, whip me, like you did these poor, unfortunate women? Well, go ahead, be my guest" she both powerfully and erotically made out, before turning her back to this Middle Eastern male (that very act being a massive insult in his culture), as she sexily stuck her perfectly sculpted and lusciously rounded ass out to him, lifting her already micro-mini skirt up and over her glutes; giving him both the ultimate viewing of one of the most perfectly shaped female asses on Earth, as well as a perfect target for him to use his belt on. "Well come on Poofie Boy, show me what you've got" Kara teased this now red-faced man with a smile, as she playfully wagged her butt back and forth before his eyes. "Insolent Wench!" he then yelled out, his blood boiling at this young girl's humiliating treatment of him, and in his own house, around his own wives, no less. Never in his life had he been treated in such a fashion, and by a girl at that (his mind so filled with anger at this time, he wasn't contemplating that she was Far from your normal girl). So what was to follow was hardly a surprise to anyone here, as he raised his arm high and hard, and Slammed his often used belt down on Kara's sexily shaped ass. Loud Smacking sounds echoed all about the room again and again as he did so, sounds which caused each of the women around to flinch and gasp, as it brought back memories of their own beatings at the hands of this cruel, vicious man. Though Kara had a much different reaction, one that served to anger this continually whipping man even more, one that even caused his assortment of wives around them to quietly giggle from. "Awwwww, is that all the power you can muster up, Little Boy. Come now, surely you can do better than that. I can't even feel anything......which I bet is what all of your wives think when you stick your little pencil-dick inside them too" Supergirl teased out, causing the women around her to giggle louder now, Supergirl's very presence causing their confidence to grow and their fear of their joint husband to fade. "But what can you expect from a guy who has to buy women, and beat them to keep them in line. Ha, look at these girls, some of them I'd say could take you down alone, let alone all at once" she continued on, taunting the taller, though less than massive, man with words that rang with much truth. Each of his wives was actually quite tall and voluptuously built, and while not muscular or noticeably fit, simply their size and luscious shape alone would have given them the necessary physical power to take this bullying man down, let alone all four of them together. A fact that he himself could very well have known, one of the main reasons why he kept on with his beatings, to instill fear and terror of him in their hearts and minds, crippling them emotionally from ever acting against him in the least physically. Though this sexy, young superhuman girl was now removing such walls, giving them back their pride and confidence, and most importantly, their very lives. "You do not talk to me like that! You will Not.....I will not allow......Grrrrrrrr!!" the once powerful man roared out at his treatment at the hands of this young girl, something he noticed full well was removing the hold he had built around his wives as well, as he continued on whipping Supergirl's blue panty wearing butt; doing so with all of his strength, though making not to much as the slightest red mark on her flawlessly built body, causing her to only giggle, not scream in agony as he was so often used to hearing. "Actually, I'll talk to you anyway I want. I'm clearly the stronger here, and you've proven full well that the stronger one rules!" she more intimidatingly spoken out, rising back up to her full 5' 7" height yet again, as she turned back around to face this malicious man, thrusting her amazingly ample chest out to him, while sexily placing her hands on her hips. "Here you go, why don't you see if you fare any better on these babies" she spoke out in a seductively powerful voice, offering him her bountiful breasts which he could strike until his hearts content. An offer he didn't hesitate to take, as he would give anything to hurt and humiliate this teenage girl defiantly standing before him now. He instantly began smacking and whipping Kara's massive chest with all of his might, thinking if any place on her superpowered form would be vulnerable, it would be here. The sounds of his impacts on her stronger than steel body again echoing all over this room, though this time the gathering of women didn't flinch or gasp, their past memories of such treatment against them by this man where quickly being replaced by these current and much more enjoyable visions of the here and now. Visions of their "husband" being embarrassed beyond belief by Supergirl, who only laughed in his face at his attempts to hurt her; a face that was growing even more red, as exhaustion from his continually striking acts coupled with his mindless rage against this girl, both causing him to get very tired and a bit light-headed, as he finally stopped (after several straight minutes of all out effort), his arms now hanging limply by his sides. "Awwwww, what's the matter, is the big strong man too much of a wimp to keep up with a Real Woman?" Kara teased out in a sexy high pitched tone. "What's the matter, can't get your arms up to continue any that how your dick gets when you're pitifully fucking your beautiful wives here? Tell me girls, is he a limp dicked fuck? Is his manly member as weak as it is tiny?" she asked out to the assortment of growingly excited young women, all of whom laughed out with large grins, nodding their heads Yes in answer to Supergirl's taunting question. "Hmmmm, so you're as much of a man in the bedroom as you are everywhere else then, meaning Not At All. Mmmmmm, well then, let's see if I can't do something about that" she cooed out with an erotic licking of her lips and a seductive gaze from her gleaming blue eyes. With a tiny nibbling of her lower lip, Supergirl then began to levitate her supremely shaped and barely concealed young form up off the ground, doing so very slowly and controlled, until her large D-cup breasts were level to his quickly widening eyes. Then, with the sexuality of a professional erotic dancer, she grabbed them both of her steel hard globes with her hands, and pushed them into one another, creating even more lusciously firm cleavage, right before this man's eyes. Never before had he seen such a perfectly shaped set of breasts before, so full, so thick, so round, so Firm and Hard. He could only imagine the things he would do to them, to this incredibly gorgeous teenage girl as a whole, if he could. As strikingly beautiful and womanly shaped as his wives were, he would trade them all one hundred-fold for just one night with this girl - not thinking just what would happen to his immensely weaker body if he did. "Oooooooh, I think were getting a bit of a reaction.......if you can call it that. It's a good thing I have telescopic vision, eh girls, or I might have missed that altogether" Kara teased out yet again as she looked down at this man's rapidly expanding erection, causing the women about her to laugh, while the man was so lost in lust due to her amazingly sexual acts and unrivaled physique, that he took little notice. That was until Supergirl grabbed him harshly around his chin with a single hand (using just enough strength to hurt him a bit, lifting him to his toes with her unreal powered muscles, but not enough to truly Crush), as she brought her face closer to his, whispering now into his eager ears words that both aroused and terrified him all at once. "You want me, don't you? You want this body of mine wrapped around you, to fuck me hard and strong, I can tell. You want to feel my firm, hard body against yours, feel your cock move in and out of my tits. You want to fuck me more than Anything, don't you little man?" Supergirl cooed out sexily, causing him to nod his head the best he could in this current position. "Mmmmmm, just keep in mind, your weak little baby boy body wouldn't survive such an act, I'm just Too Much of a woman for you. I can bend steel with ease in my arms, crush coal to diamonds with my breasts, explode boulders to pebbles with my thighs; I would bend and twist and mangle you to pulp, and if by some chance your limp dick actually made me cum, I would blow a hole right through you with my juices, while I ripped your body to pieces in my movements of climaxing ecstasy. No Little Man, you will never fuck me, and you'll be lucky to fuck anyone else when I'm done with you tonight!" Kara sexily growled, which was followed by a sudden hurricane gust of wind from her luscious lips that easily blew him up and away from her, landing him several feet away on a large, ordinate, expensive looking couch. **** For The Full And Complete Story, Come Visit Us In Our Brand New Amy's Conquest ( Exclusive, Members Only, Text Stories Section ****