"Little" Sister No More - Part 11 By DTM Young Amazons slumber party is crashed by two bullying brothers..... or is it? By DTM email me dtm352@hotmail.com "You say you could take on any 5 of us, eh? Id guess you mean in a fight, not in running away or chickening out?" Mary teased, as the rest of the girls started laughing. "Well, how about I change those odds alittle bit, in your favor of course. After all, you are my brothers, and I do love you both" Mary continued in a little girl voice. She and her teenage amazonian friends had them both back against a wall, and while both young men were trying to put up tough macho fronts, Mary could see, as could they all, that this was all just an act. That these powerfully looking girls had these two very large, colleged aged boys terrified. Oh, but this was only the beginning, they havent seen anything yet........... "What do you say you both, together if you feel you need to, take on just one of us girls? And to make it fairer, Ill let YOU boys choose which girl itll be" "Youre kidding, right? Youre all going to just sit back and watch as me and Billy beat the Hell out of one of your friends?!? Whats the catch?" Bobby cockily spoke out. "No catch. No trick. And to make it even better, if you boys manage to make any of us submit, pin us for 5 seconds, or knock us out, you can go and none of us will ever bother you again" Mary continued. "Or maybe youd prefer breakfast in bed, Bobby?" "Dammit!" Bobby thought to himself, "They did hear us at the top of the stairs. Whats her trick here, whats she trying to prove??" "Bobby?.......Bobby, what do you think?" Billy quietly made out to his brother. "This some kinda trick. I mean come on, both of us against an one girl, that we get to pick out, whats the catch??" "I dunno man....but stay cool" Bobby whispered back. "OK girls, you got yourself a match. And WHEN we win, you all have to be our slaves for the rest of the weekend, until Mom and Dad get back. Just like old times, eh Mary?" he foolishly teased. Anger started to swell in Mary, as Bobbys taunting made her think back to ALL the horrible things they put her through growing up, but these emotions soon disappeared. She had waited much to long for this moment to let her rage consume her and cause her to rip her brothers in two just like that. She wanted this to last, and last it will............besides, shed promised her Mom the boys injuries wouldnt be "too bad". "OK boys, youve got a deal. Now, which one of us will it be?" Mary asked. "Uh, were gonna need a sec, ok?" Billy requested. "Yea, sure" Mary answered. "But dont take too long, boys.......some of us might get restless waiting and decide to take you up on your earlier 5 against 1 offer" chirped in Mandi, as she let out girlish giggle mixed with one extremely powerful looking ab and thigh pose. The two young men quickly turned away from their muscular young captors, and joined in a huddle to discuss their plan of attack. Occasionally looking back at the group full of girls, as if to size them up, no doubt picking the smallest, least threatening one to beat on. And thats exactly what Mary and her friends had planned. After a few minutes, Bobby and Billy emerged from their huddle, and with a very cocky and confident attitude about them, they made their choice. "Weve thought long and hard about this ladies, and weve decided to take on Paula over there" Billy spoke out with a large grin on his face, pointing to one of the teenage muscle girls. "Pauline" Mary corrected. "Whatever!" "Figures you guys would pick our smallest girl, you cowards" Mary chirped, with almost a hint of laughter underneath. "What do you say Pauline, you all set? Ready to have alittle fun?" "You betcha!" Pauline excitedly replied. "Ready boys?" she teased further. "Just go alittle easy on 'em Pauline, we dont want to break our little toys so early in the evening" Mary said, which was followed by round of girlish giggles. Pauline Siegel was a very attractive girl of just under 17 years old. Her 5'4" frame did make her the smallest in this group of young amazons, but by no means was she a "small" girl. Her very ripped and lean, yet quite muscular, 135 lbs. certainly earned her a place among these powerful young girls. Her tight washboard stomach a legend, even in this group. She was famous for showing of her abs, always wearing belly shirts and bikinis where ever possible. Even now, she stood before her awaiting crowd and her two outclassed victims, in a sexy skin tight two piece work out leotard, which proudly displayed her brick hard abdominals. She had been bullied by both Bobby and Billy as a child as well, and was one of the first to jump into Marys "working out bandwagon" years back. And in addition to her gym training with her girl friends shes also studied karate and judo since she was 13, and the culmination of both of these trainings have made her quite the champion, in and out of the martial arts arena. Since she had to split her time between her workouts in Marys gym, and her training of the martial arts, she wasnt as big or as muscular as her amazon girl friends. But make no mistake, she was no less dangerous than any of them, something many an unsuspecting victim, usually an arrogant boy or man, has unfortunately found out over the years. Pauline then stepped forward, and sexily made her way to a large area on one side of the basement filled with mats. She then seductively curled her finger over to the two young men, calling them forth to join her. As Bobby and Billy slowly made their way to the mats, they couldnt help but notice all the young muscle girls having trouble trying to hide their giggles and laughter, something which left them both alittle unnerved and even more puzzled. Surely they didnt think this one litle girl had a chance against both of them together. They were both quite large at 6' 4" and 240 lbs, especially for their age, and theyd been working out for YEARS. How could she even have a prayer of winning against them??? Pauline then began a quick stretching routine, not really because she needed it, more to show off her amazing flexiblity to her two soon-to-be-hurting victims. Both Bobby and Billy couldnt help but notice how flexible she was, and they were taken alittle back by it. Though they still did little to prepare themsleves for the upcoming match, thinking they really didnt need it. As she finished her stretching, she slowly rose up and assumed a classic karate stance. A wicked smile crossing her face. She then proceeded to do her kata, a series of well placed and practiced martial arts positions and movements, flowing together to make quite a beautiful, yet lethal, demonstration. She did this again not so much to warm up, but more to intimidate, and it certainly seemed to be working. The two boys couldnt help but give slight GULPs as they watched her move with such grace and control, strike with such speed and power. They couldnt help but think to themselves that this match might not be as easy as they originally had planned. "What the Hell is this Bruce Lee shit!!" Bobby objectioningly spoke out. "Yeah, I thought we were gonna wrestle, what gives?" Billy added. "I never said wrestle boys, I said fight" Mary replied with a cute little grin. "Of course, if you guys wanna wrestle, Im sure Cindy here wouldnt mind a go at you both" she continued, as she pointed to another young muscle girl, who then proceeded to both invitingly pout and intimidatingly flex her voluptous power packed body. "Then again, maybe youd like to try your little sister on for size. I AM the high schools wrestling champion you know" she continued as she gently placed her hands on her luscious hips and expanded her sides into a very powerfully looking front lat spread. "And for the record boys, those trophies in the den, theyre for the now CO-ED wrestling and football teams. hee hee" "Come on guys, I promise not to hurt you TOO badly. Which is more than I can say for what you both used to do to Roger" Pauline spoke out. "You remember Roger, dont you? My brother......the little boy you used to push around and knock down anytime he came to your house to get me when we were kids. No? For shame boys, Im sure he remembers you both, in fact I know he does. When I told him last night you two would be back today, and what we all had planned for you........well, I dont think Ive seen him happier, EVER" Pauline said, as the thoughts of how they would treat her poor innocent littler brother made her fume with anger. "You see, if ether of you EVER tried to do anything like that to him today, Id have to give you some of THIS......" she yelled, as she swiftly punched a hole in the nearby wall. "And some of THIS......." she continued, as she completed a perfectly executed spinning kick, which again put another hole in one of the basements hard walls. "And Id finish you off with some of THIS....." she concluded as she flipped her way over to the nearby punching bag, and with a series of hard hitting, fast moving, punches and kicks, she ripped the poor bag to pieces. "Sheesh, Mary......I hope your brothers know how to plaster walls" Lucy joked. "Theyll learn Luce......with the right kind of incentive, theyll learn" Mary replied, both girls giggling as she did. "I tell you what boys, Ill make it even easier for you" Pauline continued. "Ill give each of you one shot at me, right in my gut, and if you can so much as make me flinch, Ill conceed and youll both be declared the winners" "One punch? As hard as we can? And if we can knock you down, then we win?" "Thats the plan. Boy Mary, theyre not as dumb as we remembered, eh?" she teased, which was followed with yet another round of girlish laughter. The boys were steaming now, being laughed at and made fun of by their little sister and her girl friends was driving them mad. "OK you little bitch, youre on!!" Billy yelled out. "Bitch eh?" Pauline replied in a surprisingly calm and cool voice. "Well see whos going to be whos bitch soon enough I think. OK, whos first?" she asked, as she gently patted her exposed six pack abs. "Ill take this one Billy" spoke out the slightly stronger brother. "Ill have this whole thing wrapped up before you can spit, then well have some fun with our new slave girls, eh?" "Yeah! Yeah, I can think of more than a few things I want them to do even now" Billy arrogantly agreed. Bobby then stepped up to just a few feet away from the awaiting Pauline. He did alittle mock boxing, throwing some punches, getting his feel up, his fists ready, his strength surging. Hed knocked out more than his share of men, and they were ALL much larger than this little girl before him. He was so going to enjoy this. Pauline, seeing he was just about ready, slowly gathered up her long red hair and held her hands behind her head, pushing into prominence her amazingly hard and cut abdominals. Bobby then used all the power he could muster, all his adrenaline pumping strength, and threw at this little girl one of the hardest punches he had ever thrown in his life..........THUD. Thats all that could be heard from the basements pitch quietness. Well, THUD followed by several sharp CRACKS. "Arrrghhhhhh....." Bobby yelped out, as he grabbed his right hand. His slightest touch on it was near agony, as he figured several of his fingers were broken. "What? What happened??" Billy questioned. "What do you THINK happened, idiot!!!" Bobby scolded back. "Jesus Christ Bobby, she just barely moved back an inch, and she didnt flinch at all?!?!" "Well Duh!!, boys. What, you think these abs are just for show? You dont think I practice receiving hits in karate class? I take it back Mary, they are as dumb as I remembered" Pauline teased. "Youre next Billy. This time, hit alittle harder, maybe your brother weakned me enough so you could get thru. hee hee" Billy was completely and utterly shocked. Hed seen his brother fight, most of the time along side himself, and hed NEVER seen Bobby be as ineffective against an opponent as this.....and this was just a 16 year old girl!!! It must be some kinda trick, shes gotta have something underneath, somewhere.....something!. Pauline yet again curled her finger at Billy, coaxing him to come forth and take his own turn. Billy then got a devilish idea........if he couldnt get thru her rock hard stomach, and that was obvious from the way Bobby was still grasping his very sore hand, hed go for somewhere alittle more vulnerable. Hed go for her face. Not exactly proud of what he was going to do, but he had to do something........besides, shed asked for it. Pauline again gathered up her long raven locks and placed her hands behind her head, and flexed her steely abs. The rest of the girls muffling laughs as they knew her stomach was way too hard for either of them to get thru. Theyd seen her fight before, and they knew that a few broken fingers was the least of Bobby and Billys worries. Billy, like his brother, tried to gather up all the strength and power he could, all of it, into one solid hay maker of a punch. "Come on cutie, dont make me stand here all day" Pauline taunted. "OK, you asked for it little girl" Billy grunted, as he threw one of his hardest and fastest punches at her unprotected face..........or thats what he was aiming for, anyway. Just inches from his fists impact against her beautiful young face, Pauline swiftly grabbed his exposed arm with both her powerful arms, and with very little effort , threw him over her shoulder, nearly 7 feet into the air, where he slammed into another of the basement walls about 15 feet away. She slowly walked over to Billy, grabbed him up by his wrists in an extremely painful hold, and chirped out "You guys are soooo predictable" She then effortlessly threw him by his wrists back again onto the mats, near where his brother still stood, protecting his now swollen hand. A look a fear now very evident on both their faces, as they knew that even two against one, they stood little chance against this young martial arts amazon. "That, Billy, was for that cheap shot just now..........This, is for Roger" she spoke harshly, as she moved closer to them both, anger filling her mind, a vicious smile crossing her face. What happened next was a sight to behold. This beautiful young girl threw, tossed and just overall mandhandled the two much larger men like they were toys. Her great physcial strength and her amazing martial arts ability, all of which fueled by an intense rage, made her a nearly unstoppable opponent against Billy and Bobby. Try as they did, and they did try, their attempts were futile. Her stength, her speed, her ferocity, and her overwhelming fighting skills, made her clearly vastly superior to them both. She punched, kicked and flipped them around, all with that same vicious grin, loving every second of it. Pauline had waited too long for this day to finally come, and she was enjoying it immensely. For the next 20 minutes, she would mercilessly taunt and tease them both, all the while holding them fast with special nerve-ending holds, while forcing them to apologize to herself and her brother, Roger. Over and over, the sounds of tear filled "IM SORRY"s could be heard echoing throughout the basement. When Pauline was finally finished with her two badly beaten practice dummies, for now anyway, she swiflty knocked them both unconscious with two expertly placed karate strikes. The last sounds both boys heard before falling into oblivion was of young girls clapping, laughing and cheering all around them. Darkness had never been more welcomed by them both......... ********** Sometime later, Bobby groggily started his awakening. How much later, he had no idea. All he knew was how much pain he was in, and the fuzzying rememberances of how he got in this shape. One little girl did this to him, to him and his brother BOTH. He couldnt believe it, if he didnt see and FEEL it for himself, hed never have imagined it to be true. While his consciousness was slowly returning to him, Bobby stayed completely still. Playing possum, with the hopes that somehow theyd maybe forget him and leave him alone. Though his eyes were closed, and his aching body motionless, he could still listen to all of the activity that was going on around him.........and listen he did......... "..........so then he said, "My God, Ive never seen a girl with such big muscles in my life". And his eyes so bugged out, you shouldve seen his face. hahahaha So then I start doing this little flex n strip tease for him, making my muscles jump around as I erotically removed my cute little cheerleader outfit.........he practically melted right there in his chair" "Hahahaha......yeah, I could just imagine. Soooo, go on, what else?" "Yeah, "tell me more, tell me more". hahaha" "Well, then I sexily made my way over to him, flexing my "babies" here as I did. I bent down, gave him a seductive litle pout and put his face inbetween 'em, and started massaging his face with just my breasts. He shot his load all over himself within 20 seconds" "Yeah God, I cant tell you how many times Ive gotten my Dave off like that. What is it with boys and breasts? hahahaha" "Must be a maternal thing. Though I dont know how many mothers can make their breasts bounce and move just using their pec muscles. hahaha" "Hey, how is Dave doing by the way? I havent seen him since......well, you know" "Hes doing ok, recovering nicely the Doctors say. He should be out of the hospital the middle of next week........God, I feel so bad about that.........I didnt mean........" "Hey girl, take it easy. You didnt do it on purpose, it was an accident. He knows you love him, he knows youd never hurt him on purpose" "I know.......but still......" "But nothing, it was an accident baby, dont feel so bad, ok..........Besides, he knew about our little club here, what you do down here with us, not to mention how damn STRONG you are, youre one of the best wrestlers in the state for Chrissake girl. hee hee He knew what he was getting himself into. Its not your fault he got you so HOT that you nearly snapped him in two during an orgasm" "Yeah Cindy, dont worry, hes going to be back home in no time, youll see. Then you can show him how an amazon girl can not only crush her man, but also be gentle and loving to him as well" "Yeah.....youre right......thanks guys, I feel alot better now" "Jesus Fucking Christ???" Bobby thought to himself. "She accidentally put her boyfriend in the hospital, just while having sex??? What the Hell did I get myself into here??" Panic struck Bobby hard and fast, but he still did his best to stay still and unmoving. The fact that he was also quite scared stiff helped him greatly at accomplishing this. As he concentrated on trying not to move, and on ignoring the great pain he was in, he couldnt help but evesdrop on another similiar conversation at the other end of the basement.......... ".......think after I lifted the back end of his car the other day, it wouldve given him alittle hint at what Im capable of. But Noooooo. Was that not a big even hint? Maybe I shouldve put a hole in the roof of his car? Damn jerk, cares for that thing more than he cares about me!!!" "Some guys are just jerks Sammie, dont let it get you down, ok? If he doesnt treat you as you deserve, then just dump him and move on" "Dump Him!?!? Oh no, I dont think so. Hes going to see things my way, or hes going to be in a world of pain. Could you imagine him buying those stupid hub caps for his car instead of a decent Valentines gift for me?!? Well, hes going to learn how a girl like me needs, and more importantly EXPECTS, to be treated. Hell learn, or hell die trying!" "Sam, I agree with you ok, but you gotta take it easy on these guys here. Youve been through 6 in as many months, all of them some of our schools biggest jocks, and youve left them all destroyed wrecks. I mean sheesh, the way you stuffed Danny into his gym locker like that, and for what, cause he was alittle late picking you up the night before?" "Well that, and cause Sheila didnt think a big guy like him could fit into a little gym locker like that. Guess I proved her wrong" "Yeah, 13 broken bones for Danny later, sure" "I.....am going.....to die" was all Bobby could think, as enormous feelings of regret swelled within him. Regret of his actions, regret for being the cruel, tough bully he was. Regretting most of all the consequences he and his brother would soon undoubtedly face at the hands of these teenage female powerhouses. Speaking of Billy, where was............ "Hey girls, looks like weve got a live one here" "Bout time, I was beginning to think Pauline had killed them both" "Hey, I took it easy on them, just like you asked Mary. Didnt want to spoil the fun for the rest of you by putting them out of commission so early" Pauline teased. Bobbys heart stopped, they knew he was now awake, and his torture was about to start all over again. As thoughts of him attempting to make a run for the basement door in an attempt to escape his bullying captors swirled in his mind, he suddenly heard a man screaming.......Billy!!! "No, no more, please!!!" Billy yelled. "Awww, come on Billy, youve been alseep for over an hour now, didnt you regain any of your strength from your nice little nap?" Mary teased, which was followed by a round of girlish giggles. "Mary, Mary look, Im sorry, really, I didnt mean any of it, it was Bobby, he was always the ring-leader, he made me do it all, Please have mercy!!!" Billy terrifiyingly blurted out. "THAT FUCK!!!" Bobby thought to himself, realizing it wasnt he who had been discovered awake, it was his brother. A brother he was going to KILL when, or if, they ever got out of this. "I mean come on, he was easily as much to blame is I wasssssss..........." "Look what we got here girls, looks like this ones wide awake as well" chimed Lucy, who was holding the much larger boy off the ground with just one of her super powerful arms. "Lucky us, now we get to play with our new toys again. hee hee Here Sammie, catch!!!" "Whhhaaaoooowwwwww!!!!!" was all Bobby could make out as he was effortlessly tossed across the room from the massively muscular Lucy over to her equally voluptous and powerful girl friend, Sammie. "Hey, this guys light as a feather. Wanna try Mandi?" "Sure, give him a toss over here" Mandi said with a wicked smile. Sammie then threw the screaming Bobby back across the basement to the awaiting Mandi. "Whhooopppss", Mandi teasingly chirped, as she moved her pumped up muscle bound arms out of the way at the last minute to let Bobby come crashing down on the hard floor with a THUD. "Awww, Im sorry Bobby, must be all this butter on my hands from the popcorn" she teased. "Hey, lets not leave Billy out of the fun" Mary added, as she gathered up her big brother as easily as if he were a small child, and threw him back across the room into another of her young amazon girl friends arms. This humiliating and powerful display went on for close to 30 minutes. Each girl giggling and cheering as they tossed these two large men around to one anothers muscular embrace. The beatings they had recieved before this had left both Bobby and Billy VERY sore, and incredibly sensitve to the touch. A fact that couldnt be forgotten while being thrown around and handled like rag dolls, only to crash roughly into one of the many hard bodied super girls grasp, and that was IF the girls decided to actually bother catching them. The two once proud, now utterly defeated, men were crying and begging for them all to stop, but they showed the same level of mercy as Bobby and Billy had shown on them as kids...........none. "Ok girls, new game, this ones getting alittle old" Mary excitedly made out. "Cindy, Lucy, you girls ready?" "You know we are" they both practically spoke out in unison, as they started flexing and enlarging their already menacing physiques. Only the semi-elastic material of their leotards kept it from ripping and tearing to shreds from these girls super powerful bulges. "Good.......just remember, nothing too drastic, the night is still young, and we have all day tomorrow to play with our little toys" Mary sadistically added. With that Lucy and Cindy, two of the most muscular and powerful looking young girls, stepped forward and slowly began to herd Bobby and Billy back onto the large area of mats, laughing and smiling like little girls as they did. An area these two young men were only too familiar with, their beatings from just one smaller girl was still engraved clearly in their brains. The two boys were very much battered and beaten, both mentally and physcially, and they realized they could do nothing to stop any of these girls from doing anything they wanted to do with them. They could only pray that this would all be over soon. Unfortunately for them, they couldnt be farther from the truth. "What do you say boys? You wanted to do alittle wrestling before, what say we give it a go now?" Cindy mockingly asked with a vicious grin over her beautiful young face. Cindy Hughes was yet another of Marys friends that the two boys used to harrass and tease without mercy. She was a tall and lanky girl growing up, something which was used against her many a time with Bobby and Billy. Being called Beanpole, or Olive Oyl, or flat chested were only a few of the torturings Marys brothers inflicted on her as kids. With big Coke-bottle glasses and a face full of freakles, she was almost too easy a target for these much experienced bullies. Though as girls often do during that age, Cindy blossomed into one incredibly attractive young girl. Her chest filled out tremendously, which was only helped more so by her many many hours, weeks and years in Marys gym. Building her body, her strength, her confidence, to its ultimate. She would never let anyone treat her like she used to be treated, and at her now 5'11, 180 lb. power packed, rock hard physique, that wouldnt even be a consideration. She was very happy now with her boyfriend Dave, who loved her inside and out, muscles and all. She would never dream of hurting him.......well, not intentionally anyway. Too bad for her soon to be wrestling partners, neither of them was Dave. "Now.......now, wait a sec.....I didnt mean.....you cant be serious......please......." Billy exhaustedly spoke out. ".....Mary....please......we can barely stand.......please......" Bobby continued. "Awwww, come on guys, dont tell me you two big men are afraid of rolling around on the floor with us two gorgeous gals? You know how many guys would give a fortune to be able to get what were going to give you for free. You should be honored" "Oh, and just to show you were nice girls, and because we see youre both in such horrible shape......well, go easy on ya. hee hee" Lucy taunted as she gave a playful wink to her fellow wrestlerette. "I get Billy......Bobbys yours, Cindy" "Mmmmmm, I wouldnt have it any other way Luce" The two young amazons quickly grabbed these two larger, though MUCH weaker men, and proceeded to throw them all over the mats. Sometimes holding them against a nearby wall using just their very well endowed chests, sometimes lifting them high over head and bending them over their shoulders, sometimes clamping their massive thighs around their heads or waists, sometimes just ramming their gyrating steel hard hips into them from above..........but ALL the time, twisting and bending and crushing them until their screams again echoed throughout the basement. Billy and Bobbys very formidable strength, a strength theyd both spent years building and training, was useless against these two teen powerhouses. Their beggings and cries only seemed to fuel their torturers fire. "Come on guys, you said you wanted to wrestle, wheres your fight?" Lucy teasingly asked. "Yeah, if we dont think youre trying, were going to punish you both much, much worse. hee hee hee" Cindy giggled. "PLEASE.....AARRGGHHHHH, GOD.......STOP, PLEASE......YOURE KILLING ME!!!!!" Billy yelled. "UGHHHHH.....MERCY.....PLEASE, ILL DO ANYTHING.....AHHHHHH........ANYTHING!!!!" Bobby followed. "Oh, youll do anything alright, youre going to be OUR slaves from now on, and just to remind you whos your boss now.........." CRACK, SNAP. "AARRGHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Bobby screamed, and then passed out, as Cindy had effortlessly broken 2 of his ribs in her amazingly powerful bear hug. "You see that Billy? Maybe I should break some of your bones to get you to see whos boss?" Lucy playfully threatened her man. "NO!!! Oh God No, Please.......Youre the boss!!! Please, were your slaves.....just dont...please, dont......." Billy terrifyingly made out. "Shhhhhh, my little man....." Lucy breathed into his ears, as she lowered her head close to his own. She, holding him completely immobile in a devastating grapevine hold. ".......Shhhhhh, its going to be ok......" she spoke soothingly to him, ".......I have big plans for you Billy. You know, I always thought you were cute growing up, even when all you would do was call me FAT" She then powered her hold, which caused Billy to deafeningly scream out as he felt as if his legs were going to be ripped in two. "Maybe later we can meet up, you and I, and get alittle better acquainted? Awwww, look at me, pretending to ask you, like you actually have a choice. hee hee" she giggled. Still in her inescapable grapevine position, Lucy then lowered her luscious full breasts down over Billy face, completely cutting off his air. Try as he did, he couldnt move her an inch, and in less then a minute he was out cold, smothered unconscious by this teen girls muscle packed chest. ********** Bobby and Billy woke up for the second time that evening, weak, groggy, and in a great deal of pain. As their minds slowly cleared, they were swamped with images that will probably haunt them for the rest of their lives. Images of being helplessly and completely manhandled by muscular teenage super girls. They couldnt even comprehend how they both got into this situation. The night began with them planning to come down to their little sisters sleepover party and scare, tease, and all round bully her and all of her girl friends to tears. Instead, it was they who ended up in tears, crying and moaning as consciousness gradually began returning to them. "Uhhhhh......Billy.....Uh, you awake?" Bobby barely made out through his 2 broken ribs. "Ahhhh, yeah......yeah, I think so........" Billy weakly replied. They awoke, back in their parents basement, the scene of their inevitable massacre. Destroyed by young girls, not even college aged, yet MUCH stronger than they would have ever thought possible. As their wits eventually returned, Bobby and Billy realized they were alone. Not a teenage muscle girl in sight. "...ahhhhh......Billy,.......where are they? Where did they go??" Bobby asked, as he carefully got up, gently holding his injured chest. "......I dont know, man.......But, God....my head is killing me.....uhhhhh......what the hell did they do to us?" "Hahaha. My two dear brothers......." spoke out the cool, calm voice of Mary, as she slowly emerged from a dimly lit corner of the basement. Sauntering her amazingly powerful and sexy physique over to her, now again terrified, older brothers. ".......we did to you, just what you were going to do to us. Just what you both had done to us all growing up. You used your size and strength to push us around, to scare and hurt us, to make our lives a living Hell!!" she continued, with a now heated tone. "And for what? Cause youre men? Cause you WERE stronger?? Well, my loving brothers, look whos stronger now...." Mary taunted, as she slowly bent down and picked up a incredibly heavy looking barbell. "....things are sure going to change around here" As she began to curl the huge weight, her biceps swelled tremendously, as her wicked smile grew almost as much. Just then, the sounds of thumping and bouncing, mixed with mens screams and girls laughing, was loudly heard from upstairs. "Wha.....what the Hell is that???" Bobby jumped. "That, is the Clarke High School Football team.....or most of them anyway. You remember Clarke, dont you boys? Our rival high school? The school that would always beat your guys asses when you used to play them? Well, that losing record sure has changed since my girls and I started playing sports" Mary breathed, continuing her incredible curling display as she did. "We knew if we leaked the news to them that the sexiest female athletes at our school were having alittle sleepover party here, that theyd eventually make their way over here to crash it.........well, I guess its our turn to do alittle crashing, huh boys? Or should I say, crushing?" Mary teased, as she proceeded with little effort to bend the solid steel weight bar completely over onto itself. Bobby and Billy stood frozen in fear in front of this young amazonian princess. The little sister they used to bully and push around, was now easily more powerful then both of them combined, and it was very clear that she would be doing the pushing from now on. Billy and Bobby could now hear more clearly the very same screams of pain, shock and fear from those high school boys that they themselves made all during the course of the night. But what sent chills down their spines even more, was the sounds of the girls laughter. Giggling and toying with these undoubtedly bigger men with ease. Turning what should be a frightening experience for them, into one fun and exciting night for the young amazon girls. These boys had been tricked, just as Bobby and Billy had.........and like Bobby and Billy, they were going to PAY. "Now, this is how its going to be, my two new slave boys." Mary made out, as she slowly circled the two boys, grabbing and kneeding them painfully as she did. Her body one of sculpted marble, theirs was nothing but soft and weak male muscles. Muscles she would crush and tear and destroy any and every time she wanted. "You both will do anything I want, at a moments notice, or I will brake you. If you dont do it fast enough, I will brake you. If youre foolish enough to resist, I will brake you. Actually, come to think of it, Im going to brake you both anyway. hee hee" she teased, as her two overmatched playthings suddenly started wetting themselves. "Oh, and if you think Mom and Dad are going to step in and save you boys, DONT! Mom has spent almost as much time down here working out as I have, and shes 100% behind my "training" of you both. As for Dad.........well, lets just say Mom has him pretty much under control" Mary giggled as she said. "Now, lets go outside and see that van of yours. I heard it was pretty dented and beat up, nearly overturned too, with a few tires popped" "WHAT???" Bobby surprisingly yelled out. "When did that happen??" Billy shouted. "Oh, it didnt.........yet" Mary giggled. "Now, who were you two yelling at just now? I think you both need to learn how to talk to a girl, my darling brothers. Lucky for you, Im more than able to teach you" she spoke out, as she grabbed Bobby under her mighty muscular arm, threw Billy over her powerful broad shoulders, and carried them both back over to the basements large area of mats. "I suggest you boys pay attention now, or youll both have to stay for alittle extra help. hee hee hee" The two defeated men could only uncontrollably cry in fear and terror at the events that surely awaited them from their amazonian sister........this night, and from many many nights yet to come.