THE PRODIGAL AMAZON RETURNS by DTM Former Amazon Schoolgirl, Now Biker Babe, Returns Home To Claim Whats Hers Hi all. Just wanted to thank those of you who have shown so much interest in having me write some personalized FBB/Amazon stories for you (for a very reasonable fee :) ). Im currently working on another one as we speak (and a few after that), though after that my calendar is Open, so feel free to send me any of your requests, and well certainly work something out between us both. :) So thanks again for all of your interest, everyone. So far the reaction of my "customers" has been Superb, something I insist on as I wouldnt say Done until they were completely happy. (LOTS of return business, so you KNOW they must be Happy) So, if anyone else is interested in having me take a crack at your own personal FBB story, feel free to drop me a line at: and well definitely see what we can do. Also, Ive been trying to get LH-Art to take an interest in my DTV stories, to see if they would like to transfer any of them into their own amazingly drawn and extremely enjoyable Amazon comics series (something I believe theyve done with a few other former DTV authors). So, if any of you are interested in seeing any of my stories in LH-Art comics form, send them an email supporting this notion and Let Them Know. The more people who write them and tell them theyre interested, the more of a chance theyll take some serious notice, and you never know, we might just see several of my FBB tales fully drawn out in comics form in the near future. :) UPDATE: LH himself has written me to let me know that they will look into some of my stories for possible LH-Art treatment, so Thanks Heaps to anyone who may have written them in support here. Keep those emails to them coming though, if you havent already (possibly giving story suggestions you may want them to look at specifically), as the more interest that is shown to them for these stories, the more likely they are to consider doing some. (Still no reply back from LH at this point, but hey, you never know) Thanks all, and hope you enjoy this next of possibly many more fan requested Amazon stories to come. :) ********** McVey Senior High School, a picture of academic perfection, both in its interior and perfectly kept exterior. Its lawns finely attended to, its cleanliness impeachable, its outer walls unblemished. Its main entrance beautifully kept and controlled, the air on this late Spring afternoon is crisp and clean, and the only sounds that could be heard were of the faint chirping of assorted birds that inhabited the neighboring trees.........that was until they were silenced by the harsh roar of a punishingly loud motorcycle, which not only shot out wave after wave of crackling growls from its powerful motor, but also did wonders for polluting the nearby air with its smoke filled exhaust. As the bikes growl became more and more evident, it was clear to anyone within earshot that this vehicle was making its way closer, even before coming into view. When it was within visible distance to these once quiet and peaceful school grounds, a massive Harley complete with full out, leather clad, big and burly male biker was clearly seen as its rider. Dark Sunglasses, tattoos all over his arms, a scruffy beard and no nonsense look upon his face, left little doubt that you did not want to mess with this man by any means. Upon closer inspection, yet another passenger could be seen riding on the back, an equally biker-garbed woman, with her legs wrapped firmly around the drivers waist, her arms holding on to his shoulders, in the typical Biker Babe fashion. Though upon yet a still closer inspection, it could be seen quite clearly that this young woman riding in back was anything but typical. As big and thickly shaped as the male motorcyle rider was, the young female riding tightly snug behind him seemed nearly as big, and judging from her completely exposed legs (shown through from a pair of extremely short denim jean cut-offs), which pulsed and glowed with rock solid, steel hard leg muscles, she looked to be just as strong, if not stronger. The rest of her physique, while covered either in long, powerful black leather boots or an equally tough looking jacket to match, did little to conceal the massive size and obvious muscular shape, of this young biker chick. Young, as just one look at her very attractive face, one could tell she couldnt have been older than her low 20s. The bike then came to a sharp, screeching stop directly in front of this gloriously tidy High School, which was followed by a final silencing of its massively loud engine, and a leaning forward of powerfully built woman towards her now visibly scared looking biker guy. "Mmmmmm, that was a good ride Hog, I hope I wasnt holding on to you too tightly!" the young womans voice softly cooed into his ears, as she grabbed his face and chin in her mighty hands, pulling it back and to the side for much easier access. His face a stark contrast to what one would expect from a strong looking "Hells Angel", more of a frightened, defeated appearance over the tough confidence normally associated with men of his kind. "No......No, not for me.....Im yours to use as you command" the visibly shaken male replied. "Good, thats good. You learn well, little boy. Now its time for you to learn how to walk back from where I took you. Ill be needing your bike for awhile, and I know youd be more than pleased to give me what I want" she softly breathed into his ears, a devious smile forming across her vicious looking face. "You want to take my ride? But....but, how would I get back, weve been riding for days, I couldnt possibly......Ahhhhhhhhh!!" he yelled out loudly in pain in a deep, husky voice. "Awwwww, and here I thought you were doing so well. I guess its time for another lesson from Muscular Mandy on her weak little man" the lusciously thick hardbodied woman spoke out from behind, as she squeezed in on his waist with her all encompassing thighs, tilting his head back further in an uncomfortable position to face her even more. "You remember what this body of mine has already done to you? You remember how I made you scream, and cry, and beg for mercy during our two day ride here? You remember how I took you from your woman when I found you and made you my bitch overnight? Beating down your fellow bikers, crushing their skulls and throwing them around like scared children, until I forced you all to make me your new leader? Well, as your leader, I say your bike is now mine, so if you dont get off now, and start walking back, Im going to squeeze my thighs around you until they meet in the middle, scissoring your pathetic body in Half!" the supremely in control Biker Queen threatened, continuing to crush his torso and waist within her unstoppable thighs constrictions. "Now, Im going to count to five, and if youre not off this bike and running home when Im done, well then, youre not going to be running ever again!" she sexily growled into his ears, squeezing him even tighter, while she now encased his thick, solid body even more with her obviously powerful arms (which at this point, like the rest of her upper body, was still covered in a tight, black leather jacket). "One....." she softly started her count, and while she instantly felt this bigger, taller male attempt to bolt his way off his once owned, highly prized, motorcycle, she held onto him firm and tight, ceasing his movements off this vehicle before they started. "Two......Mmmmmm, I guess you still want a little taste of the crush, huh babe?" Mandy breathed into his ears, relishing in his failed attempts to move, due solely to her extremely power packed and thickly muscled body. "Three......Ooooooooh, I feel my muscles getting so hard....dont you?" she laughed out, continuing her bone snapping pressure from her arms and legs in on this now terrified and utterly helpless male. "Four.......Yessssss, I can feel your body bending.......breaking.......snapping......." this truly awesome Amazon woman spoke out, as she squeezed her rippling hard legs and bulgingly strong arms into one another, and into her own steel hard physique, letting her massively muscular chest start to crush in on him from the rear. "Five........well, you had your chance, my weak little, its time to teach you another little lesson....." SNAP! " that youll never......" CRACK! "........ever......" POP! ".....forget!" With her final count to five, this taunting muscle packed superwoman crushed in on this bulky, strong (though clearly outclassed) male from all sides, breaking and snapping him apart with her Amazonian body; as she licked her lips with arousal, relishing yet again in her power over the Weaker Sex. So turned on did she appear to be, that she began gyrating her hips into his backside from behind, Oooohing and Aaaaahing with delight, as each and every snapping of bone or tearing of muscle seemed to get her more and more hot and bothered. The thick and clearly powerful biker could only scream and cry with all his might, not caring for an instant who might see or hear him being squeezed into oblivion from this much younger girl, as his only thoughts were of pain, agony and before much longer, unconsciousness. Though as much as Mandy was enjoying her mangling of this no longer defiant male, she was here for a reason this day, and had she not been she surely would have taken this man to a more comfortable area, and fucked him nearly to the point of his own death. But alas that was not on her agenda here and now, so with a few calming breathes, and a final Hard squeezing of her one time biker escort, she knocked him clean out, both due to unbelievable pain and the fact that she had squeezed every last ounce of air out of his lungs. So with a proud, wide grin, this muscle packed biker babe gave out a final stretch (thrusting out her now massively thick and rounded chest, flowing her fingers across her mane of long, dark black hair as she did so), and shoved his limp and beaten form to the floor, before following suit (in a much more controlled and powerful manner) herself. Standing above a newly unconscious male form, something that was hardly unusual for this young woman, caused Mandy to give out a hearty laugh, relishing in yet another mans defeat at her hands, before strutting her way forward, up the set of stairs that adorned McVey High Schools main entrance, and making her way inside. Moving as if she knew full well where to go, she powerfully strutted her way around like a woman on a mission, and that couldnt be more right. She made her way towards a now nearby classroom, which was followed with her opening its door, turning on the light, and gazing at what was inside. In truth there was actually nothing unusual inside at all, just your standard desks, chairs, books and countless other paraphernalia that one could expect in a classroom (with the exception of children or a teacher, though arriving so late in the day as she did, she expected its emptiness) Even so, she stared at this room as if it was full of life, as in her mind, it was. Room 312 held some very pleasurable memories for her, ones she seemed to be reliving for the next several minutes here and now, before leaving this room alone, continuing to walk down the hallway to her next and main destination this night, The Principals Office. Though on her way over she bumped into someone else, someone who she felt could help her just as well as anyone here, someone she also had memories of, though these werent nearly as good as her previously remembered ones. "Hey, you cant be in here, the schools closed and......Wow......" a near 40 year old man spoke, dressed in a school issued T-shirt and shorts, as he looked over more and more of this young Amazons unreal physique and pretty face, both of which were more than enough to stop him dead in his tracks, not to mention cause another very obvious response to his body as well. "Say babe, can I help you with something?" he asked out with a perverted tone......just as she had expected. "Im looking for Mr. Church, he used to teach 12th Grade English here, does he still do so?" she confidently asked, standing before him like the super muscled biker babe she was. "Uh yeah, like I said, schools almost closed, so no ones here but me and a few scattered janitors, OK? Besides, what the Hell are you looking for Pencil Dick for, when you have a real man right here, babe" he continued his lecherous words, eyeing up this tightly packed young beauty before him. "The names Coach Robinson, but I like to let special girls like you call me, Coach" "I know who you are Coach Robinson, I used to go here you know. Mandy Swanson, I graduated 4 years back, you used to teach football the same time our field hockey practices were going on" "Mandy......Mandy Swanson, Wow youve grown! I mean, you were always a tall, shapely, athletic girl, but my God youve gotten Big since Ive seen you last" "Yes, I know I have. As you say, Ive always been a big, fit, powerful girl. Well when I graduated, to make a long story short, I concentrated on building this body even bigger......even fitter.......even more powerful.......So Much More Powerful" she seductively cooed, as she removed her tight fitting jacket, revealing a set of shoulders, arms, back and chest that made his own tight and toned one appear small in comparison. "Wow....uh......youre even bigger than you look......uh......Mandy....." the now nervous sounding High School Coach slowly made out, as he looked in awe at her massively muscular physique, which only appeared even more powerful due to her 6' tall height, 6' 2" with the high-heeled leather boots she wore. "Yes, Im sure you remember just how I looked, dont you Coach? Im sure you remember how all of the girls looked, especially those that stayed after school for various athletics, isnt that right? You remember how you used to sneak your way into the girls locker rooms after your boys finished their practices? How you used to take peaks at our young, hot, hard female bodies in the showers. Glistening with the perfect amount of sensual wetness that covered all of our tight, shapely physiques" Mandy made out, moving closer to this visibly intimidated man, noticing that such talk from such a woman as she, was also getting another not so desired reaction from him as well. "I see your cock getting harder as I speak, bringing back memories of your fucking perverted ways, am I?. Bringing up your sick past, taking advantage of little school girls.......or maybe its not so much in your past, is it? Maybe you still sneak inside to gawk at young, teenage girls naked bodies, eh Coach?" she continued out, now on the verge of growling out angrily at this frightened older man before her. "Look, I.....I dont know what youre talking about, I never cant prove......." "I dont have to prove it to anyone, Asshole! I saw you with my own eyes, I saw you stare at us many times, and no matter who I told, no one would listen or believe me" she continued out, backing him into a nearby hallway wall, as she grabbed both of his wrists in her steel tight grip, pinning him Tight between its hard stone frame, and her equally hard muscular form. "Well, I wonder whos going to listen to You after I crush your face to mush!" she roared out, pushing her thickly muscled tits up and out, just inches away from Coach Robinsons visibly shaking head. "Please, please Im sorry, I didnt mean to.....Ill never do it again.....I promise....." he begged out loudly, as his attempts to physically remove himself from Mandys all consuming hold were easily thwarted by her clearly superior form. "Mmmmmm, how I would have loved to have done this to you years ago, have you beg for mercy or be crushed to dust within my body. Though as strong as I was back then, and I was very strong for an 18 year old girl, I still couldnt handle you as I so wanted to.........but I can now, cant I Coach?" she angrily cooed, as she began flexing her pecs hard and fast, moving them about like muscle packed pistons just barely missing his face with their surely powerful impacts. "Please, Ill do anything, just dont hurt me!!" he yelled out, straight into Mandys thick and pulsating pecs, as both sensations of fear and arousal flowed throughout his entire body. "Tell me all about Mr. Church. Is he still here, if so, what are his usual working hours? What days does he stay late? Tell me where he lives, what he drives, tell me Everything!" she barked out, to which this utterly terrified male was only too happy to answer. Not that he was an expert on the comings and goings of Mr. Church, he was one of the teachers the Coach did pay alittle extra attention to; as due to their strong overall differences (he was a brute of a man with little charm, which the object of this Amazon bikers interest with the exact opposite), it did cause more than their share of conflict in the teachers lounge at times. As such, the burly athletic instructor knew a fair bit about the small framed, thin and weedy Math teacher, and at the risk of having his own face pulverized by the thickest, most muscular, set of breasts he had ever seen on a woman (not to mention the rest of her unreal Amazonian physique), he spoke out all that he could loud and clear. After which time Mandy (who was convinced that she got every bit of information on her prey that this Peeping Tom pervert had) simply smiled a wicked grin, before she moved her thickly muscled frame right into his own, shoving his face deep inside her rippling hard cleavage, and just Flexed!, and Flexed!, and Flexed! CRACK! BRAKE!! SNAP!!! POP!!!! "Heh heh heh!" ********** The following day...... ".......and so when you take Y, and combine it with X, you get half of Z, understand?" a small framed Math teacher spoke out to his classroom full of students, as he turned away from his chalkboard to stare out at their blank, confused faces. "OK, looks like we may need to work on that a bit more....." DING DING DING "......which I guess well need to save for next time" he continued, dimissing his final class of the afternoon. "Go over pages 35 through 50, and well talk more about it next time" he called out to them, as they all made a hasty retreat from this advanced arithmetic class. The boys were always the first to fly out, anxious to start their afternoons of fun, sports, or whatever they may have planned. The girls on the other hand always took their time to exit this teachers class, as while he wasnt the most physically powerful male specimen around (or even close), he did possess a charm and personality, coupled with his very handsome young face (as he was now only in his upper 20s), that made the girls swoon and fall all over his adorable cuteness. It wasnt uncommon at all for several of his young female students to stay after class for alittle extra credit, which was always handled in a respectful, professional manner on his part; even if the girls only thoughts were of jumping all over him, having their ways with him......something due to his generally smaller stature, these lusting young girls could very well do. And so with his final female student just recently departed with a "friendly" smile, wink and a wave to her favorite teacher, it was now time for this instructor to get ready to finish off a last few things, pack himself up and then make his way home. Another normal end to yet another normal day........that was until he heard the sounds of clicking footsteps from behind him, ending at his classrooms (Room 312) door, followed by a soft, liquid cool, female voice, that instantly sent shivers of ice straight down his spine. "Some things never change, I see. Still a hit with the ladies, eh Mr. Church?" teased out a voice from his past, one that filled his mind with unreal dread, though oddly enough with an equal amount of intense arousal as well. With that, the fear filled teacher slowly turned himself around to face the source of these words, nearly every ounce of him not believing for an instance that she had returned, yet still a small part excited beyond belief that she did. "Ms........Ms. Swanson....???" he softly made out as he turned around to face her full on. His tone still with a slight uncertainty, as while her face was surely one he would never forget, as young and beautiful as ever, with a flowing cascade of soft black hair and piercing blue eyes that shined out with each powerful glance; it was her body that changed the most during the last time he had seen her. In her Senior year, she was easily one of the tallest, strongest, most athletic girls in school, able to put to shame many of the boys athletic records and abilities. She carried a lusciously shapely, fit, tight and toned frame that was more than capable of allowing her to do some truly incredible physical feats.......not to mention other types of feats as well. But now, today, standing right before him, this still very young woman looked nothing short of Amazonian, in every sense of the word. Still standing her 6 feet in height, which was only augmented even more due to a pair of sexy, high heeled black boots, though it was her overall physical frame that made this clearly intimidated teacher take the most notice of. Her legs still held their amazing shape and sexy curves, though they were thicker than any he had ever seen on a woman, and even wrapped snug in a pair of skin tight, painted on, blue denim jeans, Mr. Church had little doubt about what lay underneath its form fitting material - hard, rippling, powerful female muscle. This fact was only supported by looking up higher at her upper body, which was partially covered in a tight fitting black tank top (complete with skull and crossbones for added affect), which did wonders for showing off her unreal size, muscular shape, and supremely cut definition. Her thighs looks bigger around than his waist, her biceps looked almost bigger than his legs, even laying at rest and unflexed by her sides. Her chest, which had always been big, round and incredibly firm, now seemed to be even moreso, with more than a few visible muscle striations across its insanely thick and wide expanse. If she was an Amazon girl back a few years ago as a Senior, she was now a world class Amazon Woman, who looked capable of getting anything and everything she wanted.......unfortunately for him, that was. "In the flesh, and plenty of it, as Im sure youll agree" Mandy teasingly made out, as she took a few steps closer to her former Math teacher, forcing him to move backwards in retreat, which was quickly stopped due to his nearby desk behind him. "You look good, still just as deliciously hot as I remembered. What about me, dont you have anything nice to say about how good I look?" she playfully made out, leaning her upper body over him, thrusting her DD-cup pecs just a hairs breath from his fear filled face. " look good.......very good. I, uh.......I see youre grown some since wed last seen one another, Ms. Swanson?" he made out, trying his best to keep his cool, though failing miserably all the same. "Mmmmmm, with our history, you can call me Mandy, isnt that right Bob?" she powerfully asked this much smaller and vastly weaker man before her, giving her nearly engulfing chest a few quick flexes, using her highly trained muscle control to move their impressive size up and down at her will. "Yes,....yes, of course....uh, Mandy" Bob Church replied, as he tried his best to bend backwards and away from this extremely aggressive young musclegirl, only to have her thickly muscled upper body follow him with every inch he moved. "So, what......what can I do for you?" he added, again doing his best to turn this into a normal, teacher/former student conversation. Something he certainly had a few of in his time, such past pupils returning back a few years later to visit the school and pop in to see him. Though none of those students had the amazingly unusual history that he shared with Mandy Swanson here, nor were any of them as forward, as advancing or as Strong as well. "Oooooo, so formal, so professional, I like that Bob.......I wonder how polite and proper youre going to be when I throw you across my shoulders and bend you in half. I wonder how much I could make you scream for mercy, while at the same time giving you the biggest, thickest, meatiest hard-on youve ever had in your life" Mandy sexily made out, slowly licking her lips with excitement. "I.....I dont do that anymore. Im not the same man you dealt with 3 years ago, Im not going to be your sexual playtoy ever again!" he boldly spoke out, as he managed to barely slide his body out from underneath this towering young Amazon before him. "Men, how easily they forget" she laughed out, standing straight and upright, placing her hands on her hips in a truly powerful stance. "Lets see, youre about the same physically as when I last saw you, during which time I remember handling you like a little baby boy with this body of mine. While I on the other hand, have gotten twice as big, and ten times as strong....." she spoke out, flexing her thickly muscled, diamond cut, upper body as she did so, causing her arms, lats, shoulders, back and chest to all grow out to an even larger degree, causing her tank top to rip completely down its back. "........and you think youre going to stand up to this? Hahahahaha" "Now, now lets calm down here. I.....I didnt want to hurt you were only a student then, and I could have gotten into serious trouble for doing so" Mr. Church nervously spoke, moving several more feet away from this statuesque supergirl before him. "You.....youre no longer a student here......I dont have to hold back with you anymore" "Oh God, you are just too funny. You let me do all of those things to you because I was a student and you were afraid of hurting me and getting into trouble???" Mandy laughingly made out, so hard she had to hold on to her ridged, muscle packed stomach to help contain herself. "So, were you simply letting me hold you upside down, your entire body off the floor, your thick hard dick in my mouth, while your head was getting crushed between my thighs? Or maybe you just let me pick you up and bounce you around the room, this very room in fact, like a tiny rubber ball? And that each and every ounce of tears that strolled down your face, all while you were begging me for mercy, with your body trapped within my thighs, or your ribs crackling inside my arms, or your face snuggly fit inside my tits - all an act, is that right, Bob?" Mandy continued her intimidating tirade, yet again making her way towards her much longed after teacher, who was circling his large wooden desk. "And if I did all of those things to you back then, when I was a "tiny little schoolgirl", imagine what I can do to you now that Im a muscular, Amazon, biker babe powerhouse!" she roared out, grabbing the several hundred pound, solid oak desk that separated them, and hoisted it high above her head, causing her massive upper body to grow even more, bursting her tight tank top clean off her pulsating form, showing off her incredible physique in virtually all of its glory. The desks once supported items flew everywhere, as Mandy held this very large piece of furniture above her, pressing it up and down as if she was doing reps with its extremely impressive weight, before tossing it behind her where it landed with a Crash! "No where to hide now, little man" she sexily made out, as she continued her stalking ways of this now clearly frightened and extremely worried High School teacher. "Jesus.......what have you become, Mandy??" "Hahaha, you say that like Ive been cursed. Ive become the ultimate of what any woman can be. Ive taken my already thick, luscious, statuesque hardbody, and multiplied it all to THIS!" she growled out, as she flexed her entire body in a full on double biceps shot. So hard and powerful did her frame become and expand to, that her skin tight denim jeans began to rip and tear all over, showing off the amazingly thick and rippling female muscle that lie underneath. "God, I Love having a body like this! The things I can do, the people I can bend and twist and brake, its Unreal!" Mandy continued to speak out with unreal pride, as her truly Amazonian form showed off nearly every ounce of its muscle packed supremacy (which was only helped by the continual shredding of her painted on jeans) "And just think, I owe it all to YOU!" "Me?? What.....what did I have to do with anything?" Bob Church blurted out in an incredibly confused tone. "Everything. If you hadnt been so damn cute, I wouldnt have had to Take You those few times at the end of my Senior year. You know what Im talking about, the best sex your sorry ass, and that fucking amazing cock of yours, has ever had. I only wish I started that a bit earlier on you, say my Freshmen year!" the thickly muscled biker chick laughed out in total control. "You awoke my true calling in life, to get as big and as strong as humanly possible, and then some, and use it any fucking way I want to. Something my first college semester boyfriend found out the hard way. He thought it was cool to have such a big, strong girlfriend, he even pitifully tried to keep up with me in the gym; but when our sex get rough, and I do mean ROUGH, he wanted out. Hahahaha, how stupid was he! I had to put him in his place, My Way, something I did with ease, something I did while I fucked him silly, having an orgasm with each and every bone of his I snapped.........and I got off quite a few times that night, let me tell you" the dominantly speaking musclegirl spoke out with unreal excitement, and by her growing and hardening nipples, more than her share of lust and arousal as well. "So I quit college, and just made my own way in the world, getting bigger, getting harder, getting Stronger! I made money from guys who got off on being with a woman like me. Touching me, feeling me, being crushed and beaten and lifted and thrown by me! Oh, I made myself a pretty good living for quite some time, not to mention more than my share of male admittances to the area hospitals" she cooed out, making her way closer and closer to her longed after schoolteacher, who felt as if he had been hit by a truck in his mind.......and how much sooner, in his body as well. "Before long I desired more than just the usual men who wanted to feel my thick, hard body around them, so I made my way to a nearby biker bar (and by nearby I mean a few days ride from here), and made my way over to the biggest, strongest, toughest guy there, and quickly made him my man........and by the end of that first night, made him my Bitch as well" Mandy roared out, supremely proud of her total control and mastery over even the toughest of males she encountered. "Soon after that, after a few more lessons learned from some of his groups rowdier members, I became their leader, their boss, their Master!" she sexily roared, as she trapped Mr. Churchs vastly smaller and thinner frame against the rooms chalkboard, surrounding him within a wall of rock solid, steel hard female muscle. " youre back here......w....why?" he terrified man barely made out, looking straight up into Mandys smiling face, barely able to see it over the muscle packed pecs that were nearly engulfing his head. "Im here for you, Baby. After all of the men Ive muscle fucked since you and I had last seen each other, none of them had that big, hard, throbbing cock of yours, or youre irresistibly cute face" she arousingly breathed out, as she moved her hands to either side of his waist, and lifted him several inches off the floor so that he was now level with her incredibly pleased and amazingly attractive face. "Before you were the teacher and I was the student, so we couldnt do anything official, I am a full grown woman, and Ive come back to claim my man, once and for all!" she concluded, looking him dead in the eyes with her own glistening blue orbs, staring him down in complete and total dominance and control. "But....but I......I cant be with you. I....Im already married" Bob Church softly spoke in return. "What!?!" the powerful biker babe roared right into his face, dropping him down instantly, only from him to be caught on his way to the floor by her muscle packed breasts, which were now surrounding his face, holding him off the floor just from their unreal firmness alone. "What do you mean youre married! Youre mine little man, Mine!" "Mmmph, bluuurmmmm,....." was all the vastly overmatched instructor could make out, as Mandy poured on even more pec smothering pressure, totally cutting off his ability to speak, as well as his much needed supply of air. All he could do at this stage was hold out for as long as he could, while this unstoppable muscle packed young woman did whatever she wanted to do with familiar this situation seemed during his final breathes of air, as he swiftly felt his body go completely limp, just as the near bone snapping pain she was causing him began to get beyond his meager limits. The last thing he heard was the barely audible sounds of her repeating over and over again, "Mine, Mine, Mine" Bob Church woke up sometime later (how long, he had no idea), laying on his classrooms hard tiled floor, his head and body aching, his mind whirling and spinning around at the events that had transpired earlier this evening; though all of those feelings quickly turned to panic, as he soon after noticed his wallet laying wide open on the ground nearby, clearly missing his drivers license, and with that, he instantly realized, his home address! "Oh, My, God!" the swiftly reviving man made out, grabbing up his discarded wallet, running to his car (as fast as his still less than 100% physical form would allow), fearing for not his own well-being this time, but that of his lovely wife, who he felt could very well be in serious danger at the hands of this recently returned Amazon woman (who didnt seem at all pleased to hear he was now married, and with her in obvious possession of his home address now, there was no telling what she might do to his beautiful, darling Carrie) He simply couldnt drive home fast enough this day, as thoughts of this towering musclegirl abusing and torturing his love to no end, using her massive strength and muscular superiority against her in any way she saw fit, fueled his mind and body with untold energy, causing him to run past stop signs and even several red lights and make it back to his home in record time. Though the one thought that didnt enter his clearly busy mind was in fact, what exactly was he going to do to stop her. Luckily for him, that wasnt something he was going to have to deal with this night, as his car screeched into his driveway, his worried and frightened form bursting out to make his way inside, only to find that everything in fact was......fine. Nothing was out of place, nothing seemed broken or damaged, and his young wife seemed to be in the picture of perfect health, as she came to the door to greet him (as they would always do for whichever arrived home the later). Noticing that he seemed a bit off this night, she lovingly asked him if anything was wrong and could she do anything to help, though his answer was a casual, easy going "Nothing dear, everythings fine", as his panic began turning more and more into calm. He then gave out a little chuckle and smiled, thinking how foolish he was being for even entertaining such ridiculous thoughts. A former student, who had now grown to unreal size and strength, came back to claim him for her own, and would destroy anything that got in her way, especially his own newly married wife? The stuff of Grade-B movies and comic books he thought, not even worth mentioning to Carrie really, as he put his arms around her for a much needed hug........unfortunately for him, he would soon find out, in the not too distant future, just how wrong (or what the right?) he really was. ********** Later that week...... "Mrs. Breyer will see you now" the middle aged secretary properly spoke out, gesturing her employers newest client towards the main office door before them. "Thanks!" the young woman replied back with an uncharacteristically friendly smile, as she rose up from her chair, and made her way inside for her first of what would surely be several more meetings to come with the rising young professional that lie fact, she could pretty much guarantee it. Dressed in a form fitting, full bodied, black bodysuit, the statuesque woman (helped even moreso by a pair of high heeled, ankle length boots) looked as hot and tempting as she was tall and full bodied. The outfit she wore this day was modeled after one of her favorite movie characters since childhood, Sandy from Grease, being a near perfect match to the ultra sexy, body hugging outfit she wore at the films end (only this young woman was extremely taller, stronger, harder and vastly more muscular). "Please, take a seat, Mrs.....uh....Swanson, is it?" the very attractive woman made out from behind her fully stocked, perfectly presented desk. Doing so in a totally professional tone, even though the very sight of this woman entering her office was nearly enough to make her jaw drop and her eyes bug out wide. Even though she was nearly completely covered by her skin tight outfit, her incredibly voluptuous form, coupled with her own more than impressive stature and model good-looks, made her look like something out of a comic book. Almost too unreal to be real, yet here she was in front of her, and as a potentially new client to her growing law practice, she was going to get her full and undivided attention. "Yes, thats right" the solidly built young super woman replied, as she took the chair directly in front of Mrs. Breyers desk. "But its Ms. not Mrs., Im not married quite yet.....which brings me to why Im here to see you actually" "Well, Ms. Swanson, what can I do for you today?" "Please, call me Mandy" the slightly younger woman spoke out with a smile. "As for what you can do for me, well, I guess I should start from the beginning. I met my True Love about 4 years ago, when I was only 18, and while he was a good deal older, I felt we really had a connection, and I know he did to, if you get what I meaning" Mandy skillfully began to spin her web of deceit, throwing little bits of truth mixed in for a better, more realistic, performance. "Anyway, one of the main reasons he was so attracted to me was because of my size. As Im sure you can tell, Im not exactly a small, weak little know, like you" she threw out those last few words as a slight dig on this tiny woman before her. "My guy loved being with a woman that was so much bigger and stronger than he was. Hes not a big guy at all, and even at the young age I was when we first met, I was still a good deal taller and physically larger than he was, something that drove him Wild, let me tell you" Mandy spoke out with a slight roar of excitement in her voice. "Loving big girls as he did, he always encouraged me to get even bigger, as large as I possibly could. So I quickly began lifting weights, the bigger and heavier, the better, and after a few years of hardcore lifting......well, here I am" she proudly concluded, as she displayed her powerful young hardbody with her covered, though visibly muscle packed, arms. Her biceps bulged to amazing levels, stretching the skin tight material she wore to its limits with the unreal hardness that lie within. "Yes, so I see. Youll have to excuse me for saying so, but your size and shape are pretty hard not to notice. You really have an incredible physique there" the young attorney commented on her newest potential client, as she eyed Mandys thickly muscled physique up and down, in near shock at the truly amazing size and apparent firmness her body contained. "Incredible and Strong.....which lead to the beginning of the end of our relationship. You see, for a while he just couldnt get enough of all the amazing things a woman like me could do to a guy like him. Sex was amazing, unreal, the best hed ever had. The things I could do to him, the positions I could bend and twist and lift him into, it was all Out Of This World!" the muscle packed 22 year old spoke out, again mixing her share of truth in with her lies. "Sounds like everything was going great, so what happened?" Mrs. Breyer made out, looking more than just professionally interested in the story that was being told to her here and now. "Well, while the sex was great, as time went on I was just getting too strong for him, and it wasnt uncommon for him to suffer some pretty severe injuries when we were done" Mandy continued, noticing her potential attorney listening on with much interest, and more than a bit of arousal as well. "Let me tell you, when I get going, its damn near impossible to stop me before Im done.....and when Im done, my man was usually done as well, but of a whole different kind. When I get my thighs wrapped around his head, shoving his tongue into my dripping moist pussy, all with me holding up several feet off the floor, sucking his nearly exploding cock inside my mouth......Mmmmmm, theres nothing better in this world, let me tell you" "I.....I could only imagine" Mrs. Breyers stumbled out, as she shifted herself around in her chair, obviously affected be Mandys unreal, though quite true, sexual descriptions. "Oh, Im sure sex with a normal woman like you is nice too......" she jabbed again at this much smaller woman before her, ".....but theres nothing like being with a woman who is so much bigger, stronger and more muscular than you. Or so I was lead to believe by my guy, who had spent all of those years encouraging me to build up my body to its limits, proving his love for a girl like me by proposing to me on my 21st Birthday.......only to now become too afraid to touch me for fear that Id get too hot and bothered and just Take Him, which has happened several times; hes got the mild concussions, broken ribs and body full of bruises to prove it" "Im sorry Ms.....uh.....Mandy, but I dont see what this has to do with me or my practice. What exactly are you looking for legal representation from me for?" "Well, on our last night together, he did something that made me......well, pretty damn mad. He not only broken up with me, saying it was a giant mistake to support me becoming as big and muscular as I was, but he ended our engagement and even asked for my Engagement Ring back. Needless to say I was furious!" "Yes, yes of course, I could imagine. Cases of your kind arent unusual at all actually, especially for the reason hes giving to end your relationship" the young lawyer supportively said, grabbing a nearby pad and jotting down some quick notes. "He spends how many years of your time together encouraging you to lift weights and become the muscular woman you are today, and then he backs out because you are as you are, and wants his......I should say Your, ring back. Yes, Im sure I can help you here, I have no doubt well make sure you keep your ring, and get him for any pain and suffering he may have caused you.....uh, emotional as that may be in your case" she excitedly made out. "Well, thats not really why Im here. You see, I know hes not getting my ring back, and at this stage he more than knows it for pain and suffering, well I think he might know alittle about that as well" the powerful Amazon woman spoke out with a devilish smile across her gorgeous young face, standing up from her seat to now tower over the much smaller woman sitting across from her. "What.....what exactly do you mean by that?" "Hell, what do you think I mean! I meant I crushed him into pulp, mashed him into tiny pieces, used this body of mine to rip and tear and brake and bend him until there was nothing left but a poor, battered, beaten shell of a man! He said he was going to break up with me, that he couldnt live with a woman who was so strong he was now terrified of......well, thats not going to be a problem for him any longer" she growled out, as her lusciously shaped hardbody pumped and pulsated with full, powerful muscles. " killed him?" "Damn right I killed him, I wrapped my legs around his waist, my arms around his chest, my tits around his head, and just SQUEEZED until the screaming stopped!" Mandy near roared out with incredible power and pride in her voice. "S-so, want me to Defend you in court then? For.....for his murder?" the terrified 26 year old attorney barely managed to utter out, shocked beyond belief as this hulking womans sexy love story suddenly turned into a horrific tragedy within minutes. "No......" she authoritatively spoke out, as she leaned over the desk to face this clearly terrified, and vastly physically inferior, woman on its other side. "......I want you to know what I plan to do to you if you stand in the way of what I want!" Mandy growled out angrily, causing her huge muscles to grow and expand all on their own. "And what I want is, your husband! He was mine first, and Im back for him, whether you like it or not, get me!" she continued, as her thickly muscled chest began to intimidatingly bounce and move all on its own with unreal muscle control. "Bob?.....but, what does he.......hes not the...." "No, you stupid little bitch, hes not the guy in my story, it was all made up, it never happened.......but it could, and what I easily "did" to my imaginary boyfriend, I could do to you even easier! Grrrrrrrr!" she growled out, crossing her arms over her chest, hitting a Most Muscular pose that was so massive it created large gapping holes, throughout several areas of her already super tight spandex bodysuit, ripping a long clean line right down its back due to her thickly expanding lats, as well as an equally lengthy tear right down her front due to her awesomely thick pecs. "Oh....My....God......" Carrie Breyer (who due to her profession kept her maiden name, and not that of her husband, Bob Church) whispered out, pushing herself back against her chair, and away from this muscle packed Amazon woman, as far as she possible could. "Yeah, Ive been getting a lot of that kind of reaction lately. Heh heh" Mandy chuckled out, as she slowly strode her way around the desk between them, ending just inches before Carries still sitting form, and again leaned her statuesque physique down into the smaller womans own, this time grabbing on to her wrists, pinning them between her might grip and the hardness of the wooden chair arms. "I dont know what Bob sees in you, little girl, but let me tell you without a shadow of a doubt, hes into thick, hard, strong female muscle. I made him cum faster and thicker when I was an 18 year old super athlete, than Im sure you have in your entire time together. Trust me, the guy is a Grade-A Schmoe, with a cute little body and a cock that just doesnt quit" she growled out right in Carries face, as she began squeezing in on her wrists, causing intense pain to flow through not just her vastly overmatched arms, but throughout the rest of her now quivering body as well. Before she could scream and cry out in agony though, something Mandy knew full well would happen the instant she applied her bone snapping pressure, she leaned herself forward, smothering the smaller womans face deep within her muscle packed, DD-cup cleavage. The perfect way to stop any unwanted noises, and with them possible interruptions, something she more than used several times in her past, on victims much bigger and stronger than this scared as Hell woman before her. Her hands held tight and immobile, her face being smothered into unconsciousness, all at the hands of this insane young Amazon before her, with Carrie completely helpless to do anything to stop her. Though unconsciousness was not something Mandy wished for her just yet, so with a slight maneuvering of her thickly muscled upper body, she released a portion of this womans growing red face, leaned her own face forward just a bit, placing her full, luscious lips next to her preys exposed ears. "Im here for your man, or should I say, My Man, whether you like it or not. If you love him, youll leave him to me, and Ill show him an Amazon Fantasy World like none he has ever dreamed of before........when hes not in the hospital from our little Muscle Fucking that is" she threateningly cooed into Carries ears, as she laughed at her pitiful attempts to stand in her way. "Im giving you this one warning, my weak little girl, leave him to me and live....." SQUEEZE! "....or stand in my way, and be Crushed!" the young musclegirl whispered intimidatingly, as she continued her constricting grip on the wrists of this physically inferior woman. She then re-applied her massive muscle tits snuggly around Carries face, as she held her there against her own tight as steel frame for the next few seconds - until the moaning stopped, until the "resistance" ended, until Mandy could feel this womans body go limp within her awesome grasp, which caused her to tilt her gorgeous face upwards, complete with a licking of her lips and cold, vicious eyes. "Hes the one that I want, the one that I want, whoo hoo hoo, Honey!" she softly made out to herself, mixing her unstoppable desire to be with "her" man with one of her all time favorite songs, as she slowly removed herself from Carries now unconscious body. Looking over this womans utterly defeated form before her, she knew that nothing was going to stand in her way of getting what she wanted, nothing ever did. So with a few last seconds spent writing something down on her "former" lawyers legal pad, Mandy gathered herself together and strode her way out of this office, and off to her final task of the day. When Carrie awoke, her head was spinning and her senses reeling. It was very clever of this bullying musclegirl to pick an appointment time right before lunch, as that would help ensure a more clear schedule for her abusive antics, something that would help create an extra long Nap Time for this forcefully knocked out young woman. With several more minutes gone by, Carrie finally felt well enough to rise up from her chair, making her way only a few feet before noticing an unknown note left for her on her desk. "Nice Car" was all it said, but that was enough to cause this terrified attorney-at-law to bolt over to one of her office windows leading outside, looking down to her reserved parking space 5 floors down, and gasp in horror at what her still focusing eyes had seen. There below her was Mandy Swanson, a name she would remember for the rest of her life, in all of her Amazon powered glory, leaning against her car, staring straight up at her window as if she was waiting for the Carrie to awaken. With a teasing blowing of a kiss and an intimidating double biceps shot, Mandy then bent down to her knees, reaching back behind her for the bottom rim of this modest, used car, before giving off an evil laugh out to her victim, and standing straight up. Her clearly thick and muscular physique bulged and hardened instantly, causing more rips and tears to appear all of over her once completely covering bodysuit. This action also caused the left side of this vehicle behind her to lift clean off the ground, Mandy holding it up at a 45-degree angle using her amazingly strong body, all the while staring at Carries terrified form with a vicious glare and a wicked smile. As if to further prove her point, which was essentially "I can do anything, anywhere, at anytime", she began to do actual reps with this immense weight, doing some modified squats, raising and lowering the car behind her with sexy little grunts of effort coming from her perfectly shaped lips. Mandy then turned herself around to now face the steel hardness of this once mighty automobile, as she readjusted her powerful hands on its frame. Realizing her back was now directed towards her captivated onlooker, she flexed her lats thicker and wider than ever, causing them to expand so much they eclipsed a good sized portion of the car on the other side of her. Now in a much better position for her ultimate goal, Mandy continued to lift the left end of this vehicle higher still, before looking back over her shoulder and straight up to Carries terror filled face, and clearly mouthing a single word........"Mine" This was followed by a loud CRASH!, as Mandy harshly and very suddenly dropped her elevated end of the vechile, causing it to land with a loud Slamming sound, and both end of its now more fragile frame to shake wildly back and forth. Its hard steel frame bent here and there, just as several of its fragile glass windows shattered, as this massively powerful 22 year old turned back around, her outfit now more a series of rips and tears over a fully concealing bodysuit, which showed off a level of muscular size, shape, hardness and strength that Carrie had never even imagined a woman (especially one so young) could possess. A message was definitely sent this day, one that sent waves of fear flowing throughout the smaller womans entire frame, just as it filled the buxom Amazons body with confidence and power. Yes, this would certainly not be the last time these two very different young women would meet, much to the chagrin of Carrie Breyer (aka Mrs. Bob Church), who couldnt cancel the rest of her days appointments and take the next taxi home fast enough. ********** "What the Hell do you mean, you knew about her?? Are you out of your mind, why didnt you mention anything to me!!" Carrie yelled out angrily at her husband later that night, after telling him about the horrific events that happened that day, only to find out he had a similar session from his powerfully built beauty a few days earlier. "Well, I.....I didnt think she would do anything. I mean, at first I did, but when I came home and you were OK and everything was fine, I thought........." "Thats why you came home late the other day......thats what was bothering you, that you so easily dismissed when I asked you about it, without even a simple warning or ounce of concern for My Life!" " please, Im sorry OK, I thought she was just talking tough. I didnt know she....." "Is this......" Carrie interrupted, as a troubling thought suddenly entered her head, " this why you have your little thigh squeezing fetish? Is this why you get so off on having my legs wrapped around you, squeezing them together until you Cry Uncle? Well, Is It!" the enraged wife yelled out to her husband, coming to the realization that their long practiced form of sexual fun was actually based on his previous sessions with this bullying young musclegirl - who was only 18 years old at the time. "Do you think about her when youre making love to me? Do you picture having her huge, muscular body covering you....smothering you....crushing you?" the now visibly hurt and emotional woman continued on, as a light stream of tears dribbled down her very attractive face. Bobs heart stopped near instantly, as his wife had now discovered something he would have hoped could be taken to his grave. Not so much that he fantasized about Mandys dominatingly powerful body around him when he was making love to Carrie, which did happen on more than a few occasions, it was more that she now knew the source of his thigh squeezing fetish. Even though she was far from the musclebound biker queen that Mandy had become, or the super lush and athletically firm schoolgirl she was years ago, Carrie was still in very good shape herself, and considering how strong even a normal womans legs could squeeze, it was hardly an act on his part when he would cry out and beg for mercy against his wifes finely toned and tight legs. Though as hard as she herself could constrict in on him with her shapely young thighs, that was nothing in comparison to the bone braking might that this returning young Amazon could dish out - not to mention a vastly more powerful upper body, which was strong enough to crack a mans skull just with her chest alone. "Carrie, its not like that. She didnt....I mean, I dont ask for that because....." "Dont......dont lie to me Bob.....not now, not after what just happened to me today" Carrie softly made out, brushing away the tears from her face, as she made her way upstairs towards her bedroom, which she then collapsed onto, crying now more wildly then before. Bobs heart was shattered, as he truly did love his wife to no end, and even as great as she looked physically, ever since his final year-end meetings with High School Senior Mandy those years ago, he couldnt picture sex with a "normal" woman being nearly as satisfying, or even close. It wasnt his fault, it was just who he was now, a lover of strong, powerful, sexy females and the many amazing things they could do to their men. Something he felt he had perfectly integrated into his own sex life with his new life partner (albeit mostly through erotic role-playing scenarios), even going so far as to see about having a home gym area installed in their home to further augment his wifes body, and his Amazonian fantasies with her. Though feeling as she was now, knowing what she knew at this point, he had serious doubts she would ever entertain such sexual thoughts again, and that her current normal level of weight training and exercise would soon be a thing of the past........though surprising enough to him, that was actually the exact opposite of what wound up happening. ********** "Uhhhhh.......Uhhhhh......Uhhhhhh.......come more....." Carrie Breyer grunted out, as she pushed her arms strength to its limits, hitting the final rep of her last set of dumbbell curls at the local gym. While her weight was hardly what one would call massive, using 20 pound weights in each hand was still more than impressive for this 5' 6" 125 woman nonetheless. Her usual 15 pounders went out the window this day, as thoughts of her previous days events fueled her body with incredible energy, something she used to its fullest this day and everyday after she would be here in this body changing environment. She was enraged not only at her husband at this point for holding out on his past, and quite recent, exploits with Mandy, but furious with she herself for letting the super muscled woman use and abuse her as she did. As such a woman that Carrie was, she was going to do whatever it took, no matter how long, no matter how hard, no matter how costly, to make sure this vicious Amazon girl who so casually manhandled her, thwarting her every attempt to resist, would never do so again. Unbeknowest to even Bob, something knowing his fantasies about physically tough women she was going to surprise him with on their Anniversary, she had not only been working out with weights during the past 6 months, but also taking the gyms martial arts class as well. While hardly anything overly impressive at this stage, her yellow belt (which she hoped to be an orange before the big reveal to her husband) was still more than enough to expand on their Dominating Woman sex games, especially against Bobs own rather tiny 5' 6" 150 pound frame. So after putting out her final rep on her final resistance training exercise, Carrie placed the dumbells back on its weight rack, taking a few deep breaths to help regain her strength back after this "limit pushing" routine, and was about to make her way to her next station, when something caught her eye......or more specifically, her ears. CLANG! CLANG! CLANG! came the sounds of heavy weights Slamming down behind her, and as it was as if Carrie had some form of ESP, even without turning herself around to see the source of this loud noise, she knew full well what (or more specifically who) it was all the same. Something that was fully proven with a light feminine voice calling out to her from behind. "Hey babe, lifting the heavy weights I see? You know I was pumping more iron than that when I was 13?"spoke out the liquid cool voice of Mandy from a work out station a few feet away. "Let me guess, this the part where your training montage starts, and you come back in the end and kick my ass? HA, you could train for the rest of your life and you wouldnt get to half the level of my strength, little girl" the tough as nails supergirl spoke out over the continually loud CLANGs of the full rack of weights she was hitting out on the shoulder press machine. Her back and lats flared out to a degree that surpassed virtually any of the male muscleheads within this gym locale, while her shoulders were capped with muscles so full and rounded, it was as if someone had taken rock melons and placed them where her shoulders should be. "You.....but could did you....." "How did I find you?" CLANG! "Youre kidding right?" CLANG! "I told you why I was here, what i wont be satisfied until I get, and that means to get what I want......" CLANG! ".....I have to get rid of You!" she threateningly spoke, continually hitting rep after rep of this immense weight, slamming it back down to its base after each muscle packed thrust. "Now, since youre still here, I guess that means youre not leaving on your own, so that means I have to step in and do it for you" she sexily growled out to her clearly frightened prey before her, staring her down with glowing blue eyes. " cant just make people do whatever you matter how strong you are" Carrie bravely spoke, though inside she was so scared her blood felt like ice and her skin began turning a pale shade of white. "Oh, is that so?" Mandy replied back with an evil grin, releasing her massive weight for the last time, ending it with the loudest CLANG of metal on metal yet. "Excuse me Miss, but.....ummm......we really dont want you slamming the weights down so hard when youre doing your exercises here. Uh......if....if you continue to do so....Im afraid Im going to have to ask you to leave" a brave, though clearly intimidated, young gym employee made out to Mandy, who simply turned her head towards him and smiled. It was clear as day he would have preferred to be anywhere but right here, doing what he was doing, asking a woman who looked capable of breaking him in two to stop what she was doing, or else. As fit as his 5' 11"' 170 pound frame was, Mandys super muscular physique simply made him look like a little boy in comparison. Quick as an wink her massively muscled legs (which like the rest of her body were clearly exposed, for all to see) exploded out and wrapped themselves around this physically inferior mans waist, pulling him in closer to her, while crushing in on him so hard and fast that all of the air in his lungs was expelled immediately. Her bulging arms were still placed on the formerly used shoulder bars of this machine, proving she needed only her ripplingly muscular legs to hold this "man of authority" captive. Try as he might to speak, to scream, to cry out for mercy or even for help, such was Mandys hold that he had not the breath to do so, nor the ability to get any more flowing into his now burning lungs. In less than a minute, Carrie frozen in fear and awe at this incredible display of female physical power and strength, the young male gym worker collapsed onto her thick and shapely body. She then released her unbreakable thigh hold over him, pushing him off her and onto the floor, where he landed on its soft, protective mats with a dull Thud. "Still think I cant use my power to make people do what I want, little girl?" the muscle packed beauty tauntingly made out, as she rose to her feet and yet again towered (in both height and shape) over this visibly shaking woman before her. Showing off her Amazonian body in nothing but an incredibly tight and ripped apart pair of denim jean shorts, and a barely chest covering tank top, Mandys muscles pumped and throbbed with unreal size, shape and definition. The black leather workout boots she was wearing only added to her incredible height, standing at a nearly 6' 3" with them on, which was pulsing with power over Carries nearly a foot shorter and vastly weaker frame. "Let me guess, "Oh My God"?" she tauntingly spoke out, speaking aloud what she knew her prey was thinking in her head. " cant do anything to me here, in a public place" Carrie bravely made out, using her last ounces of courage to stand up to a woman who could end her life as easily as if she was cracking eggs for breakfast. "What if I scream? What if I make a scene and the police are called in?" she defiantly, though incredibly nervously, spoke. "Let them come, it wouldnt be the first time Ive had to put The Crush on a few police officers" the mighty Amazon growled out, hardening and flexing her now 18" arms and near 30" thighs for all the world to see. "Besides, Ill just be gone long before they get here, and as I dont live around here anymore, know one will no where to find me.......Ahhh, but I know full well where to find you, dont I" she continued, as she flicked out a fully addressed drivers license for one Bob Church from her body hugging jean shorts. Mandy began laughing at the shocked look on Carries face, as while Bob filled her in on most all of what happened in his latest encounter with this massive musclegirl from his past, he forgot to mention about finding his discarded wallet after coming to, or his missing drivers license formerly lying within. "So please, feel free to make a big deal of this......Ill just have to make alittle house call on you later then. Heh heh heh" "What.....what do you want?" "I already told you what I wanted, but for right now why dont you come with me. We need to have ourselves alittle Girl Talk" Mandy spoke out, grabbing Carries arm harshly, and she made their way across the fully stocked weight room, into the ladies locker room, and down its far end to the wide open (and currently unused) shower area. The powerful supergirl then swung the much smaller women around by her arm, which propelled her with such force that she couldnt help but collide into the white tile wall on the other end of the room. "Ive got to say I like your spirit, kid" the statuesque Amazon spoke out, even though she in fact was several years younger than her prey. "At first I thought you were just some stiff, uptight little bitch, but youve got some fight in you, I like that in a woman" she continued, as she eyed up Carries impressively shaped, though very much smaller, body. "So tell me, does he make you wrap your legs around his head and Squeeze until he passes out? Or maybe the better question would be, do you do it to him all on your own?" Mandy laughed out, with her hands powerfully on her hips, creating a physique so wide that it was completely blocking the only entryway out of this unoccupied showering area. "Fuck you, and fuck your stupid, fucking freaky muscles!!" Carried roared back in return, proving Mandys earlier made point very true, that there was definitely more to her than the standard snobby lawyer that was her profession. "You want to see spirit, hows about alittle of THIS!" the slightly older woman screamed out, yelling out in a high pitched martial arts cry, before hitting a perfectly placed (for only a yellow belt anyway) kick right into Mandys stomach. If she wasnt close to her match in strength, which was more than a given to them both, then maybe her 6 months of training would help even the odds a bit more.......unfortunately for Carrie, while the impact from her thrusting leg would have blown all of the air out of her husbands vastly weaker frame and had him in the ground in tears, against this virtual mountain of muscle before her, it did next to nothing. "Oooof" Carrie puffed out, feeling as if she had just kicked a brick wall, which had absolutely no affect other than knocking herself backwards several feet, and sending shivers of pain shooting across her striking leg. "Hahahaha, did you honestly think a poor little yellow belt like you was going to karate kick me all over the place?" Mandy laughed out, mocking the physically inferior (and now somewhat puzzled) woman before her. "Yes, I know more about you than just your address, thanks again to foolish husbands wallet, and inside it a gym membership card, which I figure from looking at both of your physiques that you get more use of than he does" she chuckled out in a teasing manner. "So I figured Id give this place the once over before I came by today. Asked the front desk about you, told them I was a friend from out of town and they were only so happy to comply; these guys are so eager to please a beautiful young girl with a body full of muscle. Anyway, after I found out that you were enrolled in a beginners karate class, it was childs play for me to get alittle closer to your "sensei" - like I said, guys will do anything for a sexy girl with muscles" Mandy proudly spoke, flexing her voluptuously firm and hard frame to its fullest, showing off a body that looked like it would put many male bodybuilders to shame, yet had the undeniable sensuality and and unmistakable shape of a beautiful, young woman. "You spied on me......with my karate instructor? He told you about me?" "Well, not too much really, and not at first. Seems the big hunky black belt thought he could just have his way with me back at his place and then karate kick me to the curb. Well, I just had to show him how a woman like me expects her men to act around them, and what the the penalty would be for acting like a tough, macho jackass!'" she laughed out, which echoed all about the near empty tiled room they were both in. "He said he could punch through solid oak and could kick through 3 blocks of ice, though in the end his strikes felt not much harder than yours......though mine on the other hand, well lets just say he didnt fare nearly so well in return" Mandy spoke out with a vicious smile on her face. "It wasnt long before I had him backed into a corner, laughing at his mighty martial arts skills and attempts to stop me, before I smothered him in a cage of female muscle, and just Cruuuuushed. Oh, he did his share of screaming that night, and not the karate kind, I can tell you that" the thick and luscious muscle babe continued on, moving closer and closer to Carrie with each spoken word, until before the smaller woman realized it, she was trapped firmly in place in the exact same position Mandy was just describing. She then scooped Carrie up in her thick and rippling hard arms, effortlessly lifting her in the over a foot off the floor, as she began constricting her victims body into her own in a devastatingly executed bearhug. With the strength that this towering Amazon girl contained, she could have easily cracked her in half and finished her off once and for all; but that wasnt her desired goal this day, not yet anyway. "I can feel your body bending at my will, your bones crackling into me, your breath leaving your lungs inside my Muscle Cuddle, all due to the power of my super strong physique. Mmmmmm, how you could ever think a man like Bob could settle for a weak, pathetic little woman like you, when hes had, and will have again, a powerful, full bodied Amazon girl like me" Mandy cruelly spoke, as she continued to manhandle Carries much weaker form within her thick, muscular arms, crushing her into her own bulgingly buxom balloon shaped tits. Carrie yet again was completely helpless to stop this 6' tall supergirl from doing whatever she wanted with her, which at this point seemed to be loads of verbal humiliation, perfectly mixed with an equal amount of physical crushing. Mandys hardness seemed utterly unreal to her, almost as if she was in fact made from curvaceously sculpted marble over actual flesh and bone; and while it was hardly a superhuman feat to handle a woman of her rather modest 5' 6" 125 pound build, Carrie was more than sure that she could do the same exact thing (with just about the same level of ease) to any male, whether he be over a foot taller and several hundred pounds bulkier.......and she would be right. "I could kill you, you know. End your life, grind your bones to dust, rip your pitiful little girl muscles apart and leave you for dead, right here, right now......" Mandy threateningly spoke into her victims ears, as she continued to put the squeeze in on her preys vastly weaker frame. "......but Im not going to, I want you to suffer a bit more before I end our little game. I want you to know that Im going to take your man from you, and make him Mine....." CRUSH! ".....whether you like it......." CONSTRICT! ".....or not!" SQUEEZE! Blackness was again overtaking Carries nearly broken form, though the strong waves of pain and agony that Mandy was sending throughout her entire body helped fight away (unwantingly so) the dark escape of unconsciousness for as long as it could. Though before too much longer not even the shooting pulses of her frame being mashed to pulp within a female body that was stronger than anyone, than anything, she had ever known, could save her from being forcefully knocked out yet again........if that Mandys desire to do so anyway. THUD! was the sound heard around this room, as Carries barely awake form came crashing down to the hard tiled floors of this gyms shower area; done so by the powerful Amazons releasing of her unbreakable hold, leaving her prey as close to unconsciousness as possible, discarding her body as if it wasnt worth the effort to finish her off. Mandy then proceeded to laugh aloud, which was heard echoing all about them, as she turned her thickly muscled back to her totally outclassed victim and proceeded to make her way out. Though before she disappeared completely from view, to further add insult to injury, she made one last trip around the this room, turning on each and every shower to its coldest levels, aiming each and every stream of icy water towards Carries limp and barely breathing form. "Something to help wake you up Sweetie, now dont say I never did anything nice for you" Mandy laughed out again, as she then made her way out of this room, using an amazing display of strength to break off the handle to the main ladies locker room, leaving Carries now freezing and soaking wet frame inside and all alone. Carrie eventually regained her strength and her senses, much faster than expected thanks in large part to the waves of blistering cold that were hitting her from above and all sides around her. She finally managed to crawl her aching body to a safe, waterless, corner of the room, where she sat for the next several minutes, holding her knees bent defensively into her chest, crying out with tears of physical pain and emotional despair. She was later released from this room by one of the larger gym employees, who had to practically break the door down to enter where she was, which allowed her a way out of this gym, in shame and defeat, one final time. ********** Carrie returned home later that day, patiently waiting for Bob to return from his work (most of that time spent sleeping in her well deserved, soft and spacious bed), and told him everything that had happened to her this day. He lovingly held her in his arms, wishing he could take it all away, wishing he had never met Mandy Swanson in her final months of High School, wishing he had the strength and power to protect them both from what she was more than capable of doing. Though unfortunately for Bob, wishing was for fairy tales and childrens stories, and not something that was ever granted in the real world. Talk of getting the police involved was thrown about between them, though as Mandy brought up earlier, they had no idea where she was staying - the same could not be said in return. Thoughts of hiring a full time bodyguard were also discussed, though with them not having the kind of disposable income that would be needed to pay for such an ongoing service, not to mention there was an excellent chance Mandy could just beat them to pulp and become more enraged at their defiance if they did such a thing, that wasnt really a viable option either. So they did the only thing they could do, they lived their lives as best they could, taking any and all precautions to watch their backs, always be on guard, and to bet ready for anything - which was exactly what Mandy wanted them to do. She spent the next several days purposely laying low, though watching them from both from afar, relishing in their heightened levels of stress and tension, not knowing when or where she might pay them another visit, which in the state she had been in during her initial few, could very well be the last visit they get from anyone, ever again. Though Mandy couldnt stay completely out of the picture, as bumping into this loving couple here and there, if only for a moment, if only to re-familiarize themselves with her voluptuously thick hardbody, if only to let them know she was still around, brought Mandy untold enjoyment during her time back in her home town, a place she had not visited once in several years now. A home town that due to her parents moving not long after she left for college, no longer held a home for her, which didnt bother Mandy in the least, as she was more than used to living where the day took her; and with her more than impressive sexuality, erotic charm, and muscular domination, it was childs play for her to pick up an assortment men in the area, get them back to a previously chosen hotel room (which they wound up paying for in the end), and have her way with them in any and all ways imaginable. She certainly hadnt forgotten about her main reason for being here, to reclaim adorable little Bob and his big throbbing cock, though that didnt mean she couldnt have her share of fun when not busy stalking or tormenting him, or more specifically, his little wife. Yes, Mandy was having a ball during her return visit back home, the same unfortunately couldnt be said of the various males she lured into her trap, who usually left their sessions with this muscle packed biker chick battered and beaten husks, if they were even allowed to leave under their own power at all. All of them thinking they were in for the time of their lives, scoring an all night sex session with this extremely beautiful and lusciously shaped young woman. That was until the full unveiling of her muscle packed physique was at hand, which was usually followed with malicious laughter from this Amazonian tough girl, as each and every one of her men went from cock hard to scared stiff. Something that didnt bother Mandy in the least, as long as their dicks were hard and erect, she could get what she wanted, something she took without asking, every single time. As what they wanted didnt matter to her in the least, as they were not there for their own pleasure, but for their new Muscle Mistress', who took unreal amounts from lifting, throwing, bending and breaking them over and over and over again. Always, with a final, punishingly hard, Muscle Fuck at the end to make it all worth while.......though the more she did so with these pale excuses for tough, strong men, the more she realized just how special "Her Man" truly was, as no matter what she did to him, how much pain she caused or how hard she crushed, his cock was always up and ready for more. So with her current nights fun about to end, with her and some bar jockey she managed to pick up earlier this night, his back currently arched harshly across Mandys powerful shoulders and thick lats, as she stretched him across her wide hardness while stroking his cock wildly as she did so, Mandy made her plans for her next and final night here, where she would make her move, and either claim Bob as her own, or snap him and his wifes bodies like twigs. ********** On a late Saturday night, Bob and Carrie returned home from a nice time out on the town, roughly one week from their last physical run in with the powerful, bullying Amazon girl, Mandy. The first time either of them had actually been out of the house for anything other than work or other necessities, practically since their terrorizing behavior began. This night being a bit of a celebration for them both, in taking their first step back towards the normalcy of their former lives, in the hope that Mandy (who had not been seen for some days now) had given up in her foolish quest to break up their marriage and claim Bob for herself, going back to wherever she came from. Still, even with them going out for dinner and a movie, they couldnt completely relax and enjoy themselves fully, as they were still on their guard, expecting the towering female brute to leap out of the darkness and claim them both. Though they did understand that this was their first time out, and that it wasnt going to go back to being the same as it was before Mandy made her presence known right away, and they needed time to fully get back into their normal swing of things. They did have fun nevertheless, and that was a good first step for them, so as a way of encouraging their continuation of their nights enjoyment, they thought it would be nice to cuddle up in their nice warm bed, wrap their bodies snug and tight around one another, and see what happened next. Bob knew full well it was way too early to bring back his much loved thigh squeezes from his lifelong partner and mate, for her sake over his own, and was even wondering if he would ever get to feel such leg crushing pleasure again in the heat of passion, in the throes of sex.........unfortunately for him, he couldnt be more wrong. So without any further hesitation, as they were both longing for one anothers touches in a very lusting and arousally charged way (as they hadnt "been with" one another since Mandys arrival), the loving young couple anxiously made their way into their bed, cuddled into one anothers bodies, the covers tightly over them for warm and protection, and before long, a series of soft kisses turning into something much more. After another few minutes Bob then slowly, sexually climbed on top of his beautiful wife, their lips kissing and sucking on each other, their erotically pumped bodies grinding and gyrating into one anothers hot and sweaty forms, until Bobs cock entered his wifes moist vagina, as they both began thrusting into one another. Moans and groans of sexual delights were emitted from both of their lips, and within less than a minutes time, both of them climaxed into each other, a successful sexual experience for them both, though hardly close to the best either of them has ever had. After a few more hip thrusts from Bob into his wifes inviting pussy, he realized they were both done for the moment and rolled back over to his side, concluding their first session of love making in some time. "Was.....was that good for you?" Bob caringly asked his wife, who was lying flat on her side of the bed. "Yeah.....yeah it was good.......nice........and you?" Carried nervously asked in return. "Uh yeah, definitely.....great.......alot of fun....." Bob slowly made out, not sure exactly what to say, hoping that what did come out was good enough for now. "My God, you guys are pathetic!" spoke out an authoritative female voice from their bedroom doorway, which caused both young married couple to jump wildly and completely out of their bed. "Boy, if thats how you guys are fucking these days, then I think I just might be doing you both a favor by mixing things up a bit" the all too familiar voice chuckled out, as Mandy now completely entered their most private of rooms, closing and locking the door behind her as she did so. "M-Mandy! What are you.......I thought you...." "Had left? Yes, Im sure you did, but thats just what I wanted you to think, thats what helped make this night, our last night together, all the better" "What,.....what do you mean, our last night? Are......are you going somewhere?" Carrie spoke out with much interest, and much concern. "Thats right, little girl, Im out of here first thing tomorrow......but Im not leaving here alone, isnt that right Bobby?" she sexily spoke over to the much smaller man on the far end of the room. "Mmmmmm, you look so Damn Good, I might just take you right here and now before we leave. Give you a good hard Muscle Fuck to remind you just what its like being with a woman like me" Mandy breathed out, as she made her way closer to Bobs slightly trembling form. "I.....Im not like that anymore. I told you, Im not into that sort of thing these days, and......and Im not going anywhere with you!" he replied back, acting a lot braver than he was feeling inside. "Oh, is that right? Well, something, or should I say "Someone", is telling me that youre lying......that you ARE into big, hard, powerfully muscular women, who can dominate you, control you, crush you, and Fuck You like no other woman can" she teased out, as she gestured towards Bobs growing erection, which had just been emptied minutes ago by a long awaited love making session with his wife.......or so both of them thought. "Hmmmmm, I wonder if he gets it back up for you so quickly, eh little girl?" Mandy smiled as she looked over at Carrie (who was holding a thin bedsheet around her naked body), taunting and teasing her yet again, proving how right in fact she was - very possibly about everything. "Bob? Stop that!" Carrie yelled out to her husband, who was only proving this abusive Amazons point by getting his cock all thick and hard again, as if he himself had anything to do with it. "Oh lets not get on Bobs case, he cant help it, hes been trained by the best, even after just a few sessions all of the years ago, to like only Grade-A, prime cut, hard and sexy, female muscular Beef" the muscle packed intruder sensously made out, as she began to remove the skin tight leather pants she was wearing, and its matching black leather jacket, to reveal a body unlike any he had ever seen in his life. Now dressed in only a pair of studded black leather (what else for this Biker Babe) bra and panties, her lusciously shaped, muscularly packed, tight, toned and tanned physique was visible in just about every single way possible. Muscle upon muscle, curves after curves, and all of them looking harder than rock and stronger than steel. Mandy then further proved her point by hitting a series of erotically executed muscle poses, moving her body around like a professionally trained stripper (of which she had been in the company of several during her time out on the road) mixed with the muscles of a seasoned, contest ready female bodybuilder. Bulging biceps flexed, rippling abs swayed, thick hard thighs tightened, wide shoulders and back expanded, and full round pecs moved in such a way one would have thought they had a mind of their own. Every inch of Mandys unreal frame was under her complete control, following her every wish, obeying her every command.......and that wasnt the only muscle in the room that was doing that very same thing. "Uhhhh....God....Oh God...." Bob uncontrollably groaned out in sexual delight, as even untouched by this powerful looking supergirl, his world class cock was fully erect, with even little drops of pre cum starting to form at its tip, just from the sight of this insanely sexual and amazingly beautiful Amazon before him. "Hmmmmmm, I wonder if youve ever gotten him off without even touching him, eh Carrie? I wonder how many times just a sexy little posing dance from your little body has been enough to make his dick explode, without even a single soft touch on its adorable little head" she teased the much smaller woman before her, which stung to an unreal degree, as Carrie knew full well, now more than ever before, that she was 100% right. Bob would never be as sexually, or even physically, attracted to her looking as she did, as his cock seemed to crave only one thing - strong, powerful, musclegirls. Nonetheless, that didnt mean she was going to give up her husband without a fight! So she quickly grabbed a hold of a long desklamp that was on a dresser on her side of the bed, ran over in a fury at this vicious and cruel Amazonian Bitch, and swung it with all her might right at her. Hitting her steely frame over and over and over again, with no more results than her well placed karate kick had roughly one week ago. "Hahahaha, and you think youre a good match for My Bob, eh? Youre so weak and pathetic, so small and frail, that even with a metal object you still cant hurt me. How do you expect to fulfill his Amazon Fantasies with that kind of weakness?" Mandy laughed out again, further enraging Carrie, which coupled with her inability to hurt this evil supergirl before her, made her lash out with her weapon one final time, right at her targets head. Unfortunately for Carrie, Mandys bulk and unreal strength didnt come without an incredible amount of speed and flexibility, allowing her to catch the lamp before reaching its intended destination, and in one continuous motion, pulling it (with its wielder) up off the ground and flying to the other end of the room, where she landed against the wall with a Crash! "Now that, wasnt very nice. Not that it would have hurt me much, Im sure, as my gang doesnt call me the Barroom Brawling Bunny for nothing now. I can assure you, I know how to take my hits......I wonder if you do nearly so well" she spoke out in a vicious tone, as she made her way to Carries body, which was still laying on the floor where it had been thrown seconds earlier. "No!" Bob called out, in utter terror of what this dominating musclebound young woman might do to his physically inferior wife, though rather than simply charge at her in an attempt to make her stop (something he knew full well wouldnt work), he tried a different approach, one that he felt would have a much better chance at success. "Mandy.......I want you.....I...I need you on me, controlling me, fucking me as only you can. My dick is So Hard for you Muscle Mistress, please, bring those thick, hard, sexy muscles over here and Take Me! Im all Yours" Bob lustfully spoke out, as he slowly crawled on to his bed, rubbing down his stomach and pelvic area sensually, which made his throbbing hard cock pulse and jump wildly all on its own. "Mmmmmm, Mine" Mandy spoke out erotically, as she turned her head around and saw the object of her desire, the best muscle fuck she had ever had, and she had Plenty, calling out to her, begging for her muscles to be wrapped around him, sucking his unreal cock nearly clean off his body with her moist muscular pussy. Fucking him senseless for as long as she wanted, in any way that she wanted, was exactly what she wanted. So Mandy left his pitiful little wife alone (who even though she knew Bob was doing what he was to save her from a world of pain, it hurt her to no end nonetheless) as she turned back around, and sexily strode her perfectly muscle packed physique over to their bed, where he lie eagerly awaiting his Amazonian Muscle Queen. Without any further words, Mandy climbed onto their bed on her hands and knees, crawling over to him like a jungle cat stalking its defenseless prey, then straddling Bobs over-matched form with ease; holding his arms out and away by his wrists, as she wrapped his legs tightly around her own massively thick ones. A perfectly positioned Sexual Grapevine hold, which in the heat of passion was as likely to break both of his legs and dislocate his shoulders (something she herself had done to much bigger guys in her past) as it was to get him, which was usually off minor concern for this tough as nails, perfectly sculpted supergirl. "See, Mandy knows you like to be on the bottom, doesnt she? You like it when your woman takes you, pins you, holds you down while they hold the dominant position on top. Thats right, Mandys here now to fuck you Right, just like you like it Baby" she cooed out, gyrating her powerful hips into his pelvis slowly, sensously, sexily. Even though Bob wished he could be doing such things with his loving wife, who was sitting in the corner of the their room with tears in her eyes, he couldnt help but get his erection hard and ready for action. Just like with Mandys muscles, it was almost as if his dick had a mind of its own, and when it saw something it wanted (again, just like with Mandy and her rock hard body) it was going to do whatever it could to make sure it got it. The voluptuously hardbodied young woman took this older, though much weaker, male as she had done so often in her life, though this one she wanted to savor, this one was special, this one was her first, someone who started her life as a dominant Amazon woman, and for that he deserved some special treatment from her growingly muscle packed physique. Continuing to grind her hips into his own, she began giving her legs little pulses of power, not nearly so much to shatter his legs to pieces, but more than enough to send waves of agony throughout his utterly defeated form, causing him to moan and groan with BOTH sexual delights and shooting pain. This was turning Mandy on to no end, as was clearly evident by her hardening nipples, which were visible even through the firmness of her leather clad lingerie, which didnt last for very much longer, as with a massively hit lat spread (which almost completely engulfed Bobs form within) her upper attire burst clean off her lusciously thick frame. Her studded undies soon fell under the same treatment, as Mandy flexed her insanely bowling ball sized glutes with each erotically charged gyration, causing their perfectly shaped roundness to grow and expand even more, which like her bra just seconds ago, burst her panties clean off her body, just with the increasing size and hardness of her pulsatingly powerful ass. "Mmmmmm, I bet your little girl wife cant do that. Beat she cant just flex her body so full of muscle, and just rip right through her clothes, eh Baby? Ooooooh yeah, I can see how much you like when I do that......I want to feel it now, feel you inside me Baby." she cooed, as she easily maneuvered her body around, trailing his hard erection over her ridged stomach, before shoving its nearly foot long shaft into her anxiously awaiting love hole; causing both of them to take deep, long and very loud moans of arousal as she did so. Now the Muscle Fucking had finally begun, as both bodies had now become one. Their erotic breathing, their groans of passion, even their movements had now become one and the same. The sexual pleasures that coursed throughout their bodies was unlike anything either of them had felt before, causing Bobs eyes to simply close and flutter with delight as he was being Taken by this powerfully dominant musclegirl, who could only just barely keep her own eyes open, looking down at Bobs adorable little face, causing her to want to fuck him even moreso. That was until her need for Pain mixed with Pleasure overtook her, and she lowered her massively built breasts onto and over his face, completely encompassing his entire head in a wall of unyielding, unstoppable pec muscle. "Oh God Yes......I bet your wife cant.....Oh Fuck Yeah......cant fuck you, while.....Mmmmmm, Yesssss......while crushing and smothering you.......Yesss, More Yessss.....with her big, beefy muscle tits!!" Mandy shouted out wildly, as uncontrollable passion and lust consumed her every inch. Bob on the other hand was experiencing the perfect balance of unreal sexual pleasures and near bone snapping, face crushing agony. Exactly how Mandy liked to fuck her men, and not surprising to either of these two nearly exploding partners, just how Bob liked it as well. Carrie had no choice but to sit where she was and watch this sexually charged Amazon woman take her man on a ride that she could never hope to achieve. While she had thoughts of running out on them both, this sight just too painful for her to keep viewing, with a quick look at the nearby door to their room she noticed that not only had Mandy locked it, but like previously at the gym she had mangled its knob making it nearly impossible to open. She was as helpless as she had always been regarding this bullying woman and her nearly unbreakable muscular form........or was she? With Mandy locked tight in the heats of passion, could she herself have found a way to bring her down and defeat her? Her attention surely focused on her clearly evident sexual delights, which was proven beyond a shadow of a doubt due to their nearly ear splitting level grunts and groans, could this allow Carrie the opportunity to strike out at her, now that she was at her most vulnerable (as much as a woman such as herself could have any moments of vulnerability anyway). So with the stealthiest moments she could possibly muster, Carrie grabbed a hold of the solid metal desklamp that was thrown along with her to this same area of the room, and slowly crept closer to this erotically screaming session. The bed itself was shaking and bouncing around due to the thickly muscled womans unreal gyrations and thrusting movements, so Carrie was sure she would never notice her slight 125 pound frame climbing on top, metal weapon in hand, as she made her way inside their harshly spread out legs, giving her the perfect angle and the one chance to strike Mandy in the back of the head with all of her might, which surely would be enough to knock out even this superhumanly strong sex fiend.......something that could very well have worked, if Carrie had been allowed her swing. With the swiftness of a champion athlete, Mandy unlatched her amazingly thick and silky smooth legs from around Bobs own, and locked them Tight around Carries mid-section, which now felt as if it was being crushed between two pillars of steel, an apt description of what this voluptuous Amazons legs were like anyway. Without any further words from any of them, Carries lungs being forcefully emptied of air due to Mandys 30" thighs, Bobs face being smothered to near unconsciousness due to her DD-cup pecs, and Mandy herself lost in a state of Muscle Lust that could only end with the explosion of her and her sexual partner, which happened less than a minute later, causing them ALL to scream out (for a variety of reasons) with all that they had within them. As such, and in the shape both Bob and Carrie were in, not to mention Mandys unstoppable tightening of her body while climaxing during sex, the loving young couple was rendered unconscious, while the hulking musclegirl continued riding her mate until not a single drop was left, at which point she slowly removed herself from them both and admired her handiwork. "God, I so fucking Love my body" she erotically cooed to herself, as she began flexing and pumping her massive muscles hard and thick, kissing and licking her biceps with lust and pride as she did. Of course after her own sexually charging feelings left her unreal physique, for the moment anyway, they were replaced with anger towards the woman who very nearly put an end to her fun in the heats of passion before its time, and quite possibly even an end to her own consciousness as well (though Mandy had her strong doubts about that). So without a second thought, she grabbed Carries still knocked out form and draped her over her huge back in a classic, and immensely devastating, Back Breaker. Not waiting for her to wake up, she began her torturous attack instantly, bending her body around as if she was no more than a childs toy, causing even her unconscious form to moan and groan with pain and agony. "Almost made me stop in the middle of my muscle fucking, you stupid little cunt! Im going to make it so you can never do that to me, or anything else, again!" she growled out, stretching and bending Carries body across her rock hard, incredibly wide, shoulders and back, sending so much pain through her entire form that within seconds it re-awakened her from her forced slumber, only to make her wish with all of her might that she could go back to the darkness from whence she had just came. "AHHHHHHH!!" was all Carrie could make out, as always she was held against her will, unable to to anything about it, as musclebound Mandy continued to berate, humiliate and downright destroy her much smaller and weaker form, wondering how long it would be before she reached the point of no return, and then so viciously crossed it, ending her pain and her life in an instant. The screaming of his wife echoing around this room also revived Bob from his chest smothering blackness, and within a few seconds of hearing Carrie yell out for her life, he saw her form held high off the floor, hung over Mandys unreal shoulders as if she was some article of clothing, the young Amazons glisteningly wet and completely naked form a picture of perfect sexuality and arousal, or it would be if it wasnt about to snap his wifes body in half any second now. "God, that turns me on so much!" Bob yelled out, touching his undying erection, as it grew and hardened at the mere sight of Mandys muscularly powerful frame. Even though it was the cause of such unreal pain to someone he loved so much, he (or more specifically, his dick) simply couldnt get enough of it, and as always, responding in kind. "Mmmmmm, you like it when Mandy uses her big, hard body to cause Pain, little one?" she sexually asked of her now willing sex slave, as she continued to twist and mangle poor Carries helpless form. "Does it make you hard and wet to know I can do this to you, anytime I want, anyplace I want, in any way I want?" she cooed out softly, as Bob nodding his head a big Yes in return, knowing full well that very little in this world could turn him on more. "Oh yes my Muscle Mistress, I love seeing you use your incredible strength on anything and everything around you. The bigger and the stronger, the better" Bob continued to speak, stroking his slightly bruised, though still hard as rock, erection as he did so. "Its as shame all you have is my weak, frail little wife to play with, as Im so sure I could get even harder with seeing you really go all out!" he breathed out his lines of trickery, knowing full well how much truth in fact was actually lying within. Then, as Bob hoped would happen, Mandy discarded Carries crying form back over her shoulders, causing her to fall nearly 6 feet down to the floor, where she landed with a very harsh THUD! Mandy then moved closer to their large, spacious bed, and instead of climbing on top of it as she did before, and on top of him in the process, she bent down and reached under its hard wood frame, looking back up to him and smiled. "You want to see some Power, Baby, well hold on to that cock of yours, as youre in for another wild ride" she sexily growled out, as she rose to her feet, lifting this entire bed and everything (and everyone) on it high into the air. Pump!, Pump!, Pump!, went Mandys massively powerful arms, as she began doing reps with this incredibly impressive weight, lifting it all as high as her arms could reach, causing the bedframe ends to slam into and make its share of holes on this rooms extra high ceilings. If the more power she used, the more he was turned on (aka the bigger and harder that unreal cock of his became) than thats just want she was going to do. Some part of Mandys mind even knew that such words were spoken out by him so as she would leave Carries sorely beaten body alone, but she didnt mind, as visions of having that erection inside her again and again was clearly more important than breaking his wife to pieces........something she still had plans for, nonetheless. "Is this power enough for you Baby, enough power and strength for you, little man?" she erotically spoke, shaking the bed back and forth so hard Bob thought he was going to fly right off it. "Or maybe I should bring a few guys back here and rip them to pieces with this body of mine? Maybe go outside and tip over a few cars for you, Lover? Would that make your hard dick throb even more for Mandys Muscles?" she sexily roared out, continuing her raising and lowering of this bed and its occupant, until such time as her arousal was getting too much for even her to contain, causing her to forcefully drop the bed back down to the floor with a Crash!, and allowing her to climb back on board and all over her yet again fully erect Sexual Slave-Boy. Though before the did so, she turned back around and grabbed Carries moaning in pain body, tossing her on the bed alongside her husband, and breathed out intimidatingly "From now on, little girl, you stay where I can see you......or better yet, Feel You!" With that, Mandy excitedly bounced onto the bed and lockied her huge, rippling thighs around Carries head, shoving her mouth deep inside her dripping wet pussy, forcing her to lick and suck her out, while her thighs own weight (with minimal actual squeezing needed) was more than enough to ensure she wasnt about to try anything funny again, as well as being able to give quick jolts of punishment to her if she wasnt doing her vagina licking job well enough. Mandy then grabbed Bobs smaller and weaker form, and moved him around until his big, beautiful cock was staring her right in her sweat covered, though still gorgeous, face. Without a moments hesitation, Mandy swallowed Bobs entire record breaking shaft into her mouth, covering it tightly with her full lips, as she moved her head up and down its powerful, hard form. Relishing to no end the feel of such a strong piece of manhood in her mouth, the extremely hot and bothered Amazon (thanks in no small part to Carries tongue, dancing and playing all over her moist, hot pussy) used each and every trick in the book to give his erection a sucking, licking and kissing session beyond his wildest dreams. Harsh sucks were coupled with sensual licks and even tender kisses, all moving from one such treatment to the other, all of which managed to expand Bobs erection to an incredible level, as did the visuals that lie before him of Mandys amazing facial beauty and awesomely powerful muscular frame. And so it went for the next several minutes, this sexually charged chain, consisting of a trio of sexual partners/slaves, grinding, gyrating, licking, kissing, sucking, and Fucking their way to yet another explosion of passion and arousal (not to mention, Pain), leaving Bob feeling totally drained, Mandy craving even more and Carrie again knocked unconscious due to the crushing constrictions of the strongest pair of female thighs on this earth. A routine that went on and on all night long, and into the early hours of the morning. Mandys super powered body seemed tireless, and as she was in charge here, her unwilling participants had no say in the matter - sexually please her, or be Crushed into oblivion. Unfortunately for Carrie, she seemed to get both, as even though she was Mandys sex slave, who answered to her Mistresses beak and call to the best of her abilities, she still received more than her share of punishing muscle crushes, squeezes, bends and all around beatings from this extremely abusive, sexually thrilled Amazon woman. Whether it be a crushing of her head and neck inside a set of near 19" calves while Carrie was kissing and licking her feet, or Mandys pec constrictions on her female slaves face during a rather pleasing tit massage. Yes, Carrie was definitely getting the brunt of Mandys power and strength, which even though was only a small fraction of its upper limits, it was still enough to cause the smaller woman a world of pain, a night long of forced unconsciousness, and in the end more than a few broken bones throughout her once attractive, now sadly battered and beaten, form. Bob on the other hand was treated a bit better, with definitely his share of female muscular power being used on him, though it was of a more arousing and erotic manner (for guys who got off on having steel hard, rock solid feminine muscle bend and twist and crush in on them anyway), as she didnt want to permanently damage the holder of her favorite cock. No, when all was said and done, Bob was sore and aching to be sure, but he had taken no where near the level of harm in comparison to what was done to his utterly defeated wife. And so at 7am the following morning, with this Amazonian three-way about to end its final run, Mandy was smiling with glee, as she was having the time of her life. Holding Bobs much littler form by his soft cute butt before her, his body several feet off the ground, with his unreal sized dick deep inside her own bursting wet, ultra tight, vagina. Her hands thrusting him in and out, in and out, while their lips touched and kissed and sucked on one anothers faces. Carrie on the other hand was ordered to lick, as deep as she could go, Mandys giant bowling ball shaped ass. Her tongue (now on the verge of exhaustion after this sexually charged night of torture for her) was moving and dancing all about the insides of her glutes, so deep (pushed extra far by one of Mandys free hands) that she felt that at any moment the dominating musclegirl could simply squeeze her butt cheeks together, and crack her head like an egg........Hmmmmm....... All three of them moaning and groaning, all of them following Mandys lead as she swayed her body in and out, back and forth, front to back, as always, whatever she did, her now more than willing sex slaves were sure to follow. A feeling of power and strength, of authority and dominance, that always drove this lusciously shaped female powerhouse to the limits of her sexual peak. As nothing turned her on more than using her super strong physique on others, proving to them all without a doubt in their minds who was the Stronger, and who in fact was the Weaker Sex.......with the exception of Carries case, who she was just beating and abusing to prove her point. She stayed around when she was told to leave, she defied her strict orders, now she was paying the price, something that made Mandy clench up of her glutes tight and hard, causing her female slave to immediately gasp for air and pray that the skull splitting pain in her head would end, even at the cost of her own life Carrie instinctively reached up with her free hands in an attempt to try and pry her tormentors gloriously powerful ass globes apart, but it was utterly pointless, as her glutes felt like solid rock, each as big, if not bigger than a bowling ball, and amazingly as smooth and silky as well. Panically pounding on them next, which did absolutely nothing to this beautiful Amazon girl, other than cause shivers of sexual delight to come shooting around her body, knowing that it was just the power of her tightening butt cheeks that was causing near life ending damage to this vastly inferior woman (which wasnt surprising to her in the least, as she had on several occasions nearly ripped a big, burly mans dick clean off his body doing the exact same thing) Seconds later, Carrie had no choice but to succumb to the blackness yet again, her last feelings were of unreal pain coursing around her head and face, the final sounds were of the crunching and crackling that came within. Bob was so completely lost in his state of Muscle Lust that he didnt even consider what was happening to his wife at this point, only the feeling of unreal sexual pleasures flowing throughout his entire body, while Mandys tight muscle pussy continued to suck and drink in his shaft (using again her incredible muscle control to move her inner muscles as she pleased), with her lips and mouth conquering his own for her pleasures. Around the same time she started to crush in on Carries head with her more than ample and perfectly rounded butt, she removed Bob from this much desired position, and flipped his 150 pound frame upside with ease, sending his erection now deep inside her mouth (as she Loved to swallow the juices of her sexual conquests) and his head tightly inside her massively pumped legs. A Double Crush Fuck that Mandy was capable of doing to full grown men twice their sizes, was now being administered on this young couple with the savagery of a wild jungle girl, and the force of a herd of elephants. Within minutes after switching her Bobs position, with him now feeling nearly the same amount of pain from her unreal thighs as his wife was due to her constricting glutes (though he enjoying it a good deal more than his totally destroyed life partner), Mandy could hold out no more, as she screamed out and aloud, waves of her erotically charged love juices flowed out from her pussy and all over her mans hopelessly crushed face. This caused him at the very same instant to explode with all of the cum his foot long cock contained, with this gorgeous biker babe drinking down every last sip with unreal delights. As always, when she climaxed, she Crushed!, so it was no surprise to any of them that when all was said and done, the only one still conscious and glowing with power was Mandy, leaving Bob and Carrie totally unconscious, and for the most part, physically demolished. ********** Bob slowly woke up groggily from his latest knocking out, his head ringing like mad, his body aching and pounding with pain, as he stumbled up from his bedroom floor only to notice that Carrie was still out of it, lying in a heap just a few feet away. He immediately went to her side (as fast as his limping form would allow), and cuddled her into his arms, thanking God Himself that she was still breathing, though mangled as she was it would be a miracle if she would ever be the same woman, mentally or physically, again. Still holding on to his wifes body for her comfort and support, he reached up to a nearby dresser for the rooms phone, and called in 911, reporting in this crime of passion, asking for help to arrive for his wife (and to a lesser extent himself), knowing full well that if Mandy didnt want to be caught, she wouldnt be. Speaking of Mandy, Bob thought to himself, where was she, he wondered. That was until, while carefully placing Carries limp form on their soft, though now mostly destroyed, bed, he noticed a note sitting along side it, which read: "Thanks for the Great Night Bob, or should I call you Mr. Church? : ) I have to be off now, I dont like leaving my gang alone too long, as they tend to forget whos The Boss and need alittle lesson taught to them when I come back. Men, youre just so adorable when you try and resist me.....even moreso when youre screaming in pain after a few broken bones. Anyway, you and your "wife" take care, dont forget about me now, and you never know, one day down the track I might just get bored and pay you another visit........So Be Ready For Me!" This caused Bob to thank God yet again that he called 911 before reading this, as his face instantly turned pale white, his body got completely limp, and he uncontrollably slumped over onto the bed next to his broken wifes body. Fainting in complete shock, which is just how the police and paramedics found him 10 minutes later - complete with the biggest hard-on any of them had ever seen in their lives. THE END