The Plough Girl Squadron, part 6 by Diana the Valkyrie Tatiana found us three properties in Chicago. The first would be the plough girl squadron (PGS) headquarters, the second would work as an interrogation room, and the third was a holding room. Essentially, an unofficial jail. Because we were all new to the Windy City, and we needed to know who, what and where. We needed intelligence, and the way to get it was a very plough girl method. Fear, pain and humiliation. It started small. Tatiana came across a small-time drug dealer, knocked him out and brought him to the interrogation room. This was a basement, with soundproofed walls, and shelves displaying various torture instruments, such as finger breakers and thumbscrews, whips and chains. She sat him down on a steel chair, and started asking him questions. Each time he refused to answer a question, she ripped off part of his clothing, until quite soon he was totally naked. Then Milly took over. Milly is too wide to go through a normal door, she has to slide through sideways, so she looks totally intimidating with her huge forearms and massive thighs. Milly explained to him that he had no more clothes to give, so he'd be sacrificing a finger instead. She asked his name, and he gave it, then she asked his boss's name. He refused to answer. So Milly took the finger-breaker off the shelf and showed it to him, demonstrating how it worked. He still wouldn't answer, and said "You aren't going to use that on me, it's illegal." So Milly explained three things. "First of all, we aren't cops, we're the Plough Girl Squadron. Secondly, I fought in the Russia-Ukraine war, and I personally killed hundreds of Russians. And thirdly, you're right, I'm not going to use this contraption, because it's so much more satisfying like this ..." and she bent his left hand little finger to the side until it snapped. He screamed. "This room is sound proofed," Milly explained, "but I don't like to hear a man screaming, so ...". Milly took a rubber tennis ball from her pocket, forced the guy's mouth open, squeezed the ball in her fingers until it was small enough, then pushed it into his mouth. When she released the ball, it expanded back to its normal size. He couldn't spit it out, because it was bigger than his lips could stretch. He couldn't squeeze the ball smaller, because he didn't have the strength of a plough girl. All he could do was make very muffled noises and breath through his nose. Until Milly leaned forward and pinched his nose shut. "So," she said, "now that we both understand the seriousness of the situation that you're in, let's try again. What's the name of your boss?" He looked at Milly, and decided not to give her a reason to torment him any further. "Mmmph," he said. "Not good enough," said Milly, and broke the next finger on his left hand. He shook his head vigorously, and pointed to the gag that stopped him from talking. "Oh, silly me," said Milly, "of course you can't talk with that in place. Sorry about that. I owe you one broken finger!" He nodded hard. "But I don't want you screaming into my ears, I do so hate the sound of a man in terrible pain. So I'll give you a piece of paper and a crayon, you can write your answer." That was all it took. Milly got the name and address of his boss, and the arrangements about where they'd meet to swap cash for more drugs. "But just in case I need to ask you a few more questions later, you're coming with me to the zoo." The zoo was the name we'd given to the holding area. It was just a bare room, no windows, no lights, no carpet, no furniture. Nothing. Just a room, which now contained one naked man, lying on the floor and crying, partly with the fear, partly with the pain and partly with the humiliation. Olga planned the raid on the boss's house. There wasn't much to plan. We let Mike come with us, on the strict understanding that he'd stay close to Milly, so she could look after him, but all four plough girls went on the raid. Olga had a very simple plan. We took an steel oil drum, went to a garage and filled it with 55 gallons of gasoline. That's about 350 pounds, but Olga could handle that easily, her plough was twice that weight. We took the steel drum to the house that the boss lived in, and Olga threw the steel drum through a window. Then Milly tossed a stone wrapped in a gasoline-soaked rag and on fire. The steel drum had dumped lots of gasoline in the room by then, and it went up with a big "Whoof". We waited outside, and sure enough, several people came rushing out of the house, only to be met with a hail of stones shot from our slings. They hit the ground, unconscious. We scooped them up, there were only six of them, and carried them back to our interrogation room. We sat them all down on the floor, and Tatiana explained to them what was about to happen. "This is my scalpel," she said, "it's small, but it's very very sharp, and I can use it to cut small pieces off you. That won't kill you, but the pain will be excruciating. Because I'm going to work on your genitals." "Unless," said Milly, "you tell us everything you know." Olga and Blossom just stood there, looking huge and threatening. "So let's start with you," Milly continued, "let's hear you sing." Read the rest of the story on