ONCE UPON A TIME Part 4 by demented20 - written for DTM / Amy's Conquest **** The below is an extended segment from this story, written for us by the Incredible demented20, whose other amazing Amazon themed stories can be found in his own Bookshelf, right here on Diana The Valkyrie! For the Full Story of "Once Upon A Time (Part 4)", please visit our Member's Section at Amy's Conquest (www.amysconquest.com), OR purchase it on its own on our AC site. Thanks all, and as always, hope you Enjoy! ************** The Mistress was covered in blood and sweat when the captives laid eyes on her again. They had to stifle gasps. Her muscles were as pumped as they'd ever seen them, majestic and powerful, but those who'd been captives the longest could see the fatigue. Even their special Mistress got tired. They saw the tiredness at the corners of her eyes and the way her footfalls were just that bit slower than usual. She didn't say anything, although she did seem satisfied. That was good enough for them. They didn't stare at her naked body though, because she hadn't given them permission to. She would have let all of them get a good look at what happens to someone who defies her, but Eleanor's mind wasn't on the captives anymore. She was thinking forward to the dinner party that she had to attend. It wasn't that she'd invited Lord and Lady Howell to her house, but aristocracy had a habit of dropping by country manors expecting to be lodged, fed, and entertained. Of course the Mistress was well acquainted with the Howells since she and Lady Constance had gone to the same boarding school. Eleanor walked through the lamp lit halls on her way to the house as naked as the day she was born without a hint of shame or embarrassment even as the worms came to clean up the two bodies she'd left in her Lair. They knew better than to look in the Mistress' direction. The bravest of them didn't even dare to look at her feet as she walked on the smooth stone ground. They cowered against the side wall until the Mistress shadow wasn't able to be seen anymore then continued with their buckets, mops, and rags. The Mistress noticed them though, and she was going to need some new worms soon. They were criminals just like the captives, but prisoners destined to be worms weren't big enough or strong enough to give the Mistress any pleasure at all. She broke them though, just like the captives so they'd know where they stood inside of her Lair. They'd have the entire area cleaned in no time. A bath was waiting in the lowest floor of her family's manor house, hot and inviting. Sometimes she'd get a few captives to bathe her while ordering them not to get erections, knowing how hard that was when looking at her body. This time though, she had the maids from the house draw the bath but decided to bathe herself. It would give her mind and her emotions time to return to center. She'd been inside the heights of passion not that long ago and passion tended to make Eleanor horny and when she got horny she got insistent and pushy. And she'd rather be pleasant to her guests if she could manage it. She took her time, getting all the gore from her afternoon's work off of her smooth skin and luscious hair before putting on a robe, tying back her long raven locks and heading upstairs using a back staircase on the way to her apartments on the third floor. The maids were waiting for her. They had laid out three outfits for her to choose from. She chose the light blue one and they set about dressing their lady, applying the perfect makeup, not that Eleanor needed much, and of course styling her hair. The fuss of it was almost too much. By the time Eleanor left her apartments and headed towards the huge house's main staircase, she was almost prepared to tell the cooks to send the food to her personal dining room so she could eat then go to sleep. Instead she put on a well practiced polite little smile and glided down the stairs as if on air. She instantly saw Lord and Lady Howell along with about ten members of their household. Then she looked to her right and a genuine smile appeared on Eleanor's usually reserved face. "Why didn't you tell me you were traveling from London", Eleanor exclaimed and went straight for the person sitting on the right. Samantha's face lit up like a ray of sunshine. She brushed some of her golden blonde hair from her shoulder as she turned towards Eleanor. "I wanted to surprise you", she said in her always cheery way. "You certainly did", Eleanor said as she hugged her little sister. "You look tremendous", she said after pulling Samantha to arm's length. "Thank you", Samantha replied with a big smile. Eleanor turned quickly and grinned at Lord and Lady Howell. "It's a pleasure to see you two as well", the countess said and went to greet the Howell's. The dinner party lasted well into the night with drinks, music, and wonderful food, all of it organized by the household staff. Eleanor personally showed the Howell's to their apartments on the second floor before letting out a long breath and heading for the stairs. She stopped, leaned against the wall and took off the very nice custom made shoes that weren't very comfortable. "You must really be tired", a voice called from behind her. Eleanor grinned and waited for Samantha to catch up. "I had a very full day." "I heard. Albert told me some of it. So you killed a horse?", Sam asked with a chuckle. "Among other things", Eleanor admitted in a tone that told her sister that she didn't want to talk about it. "You should do something nice for yourself. I mean really nice. Not just proving how strong you are", Sam said quickly. "I like being strong. Overpowering really strong guys is how I relax." "So that's why you're exhausted? You've been trying to hide it all night, but you know you can't hide it from me or Albert." Eleanor stopped and looked at her sister. "I was hiding it from our guests. Not you. Besides, people count on me for justice, to keep the peace. You remember how things got after father died." Sam's gaze lowered and she took a breath. "Yeah I remember, and I hope you remember that I was right by your side the whole time." Eleanor smiled and put an arm on her sister's shoulder. "Yeah I remember." The two didn't say anything else as they walked down the hall with Eleanor leaning slightly against her sister. Their rooms were across the hall from each other as they'd been for their entire lives. Whenever Sam came home she stayed in the same suite of rooms she had as a little girl, and whenever Eleanor came to London Sam had a room right across the hall waiting for her at all times. People who didn't know the Mistress well wouldn't have believed that she could be that attached to anyone, but then again, they didn't know her well. Those same people didn't know Samantha well either. Eleanor woke up later than usual, which wasn't good. It showed weakness or vulnerability and she didn't like that at all. The Howells might already be awake and they might even be eating breakfast without her, and she wondered where Sam was. Usually her sister would barge into Eleanor's bedroom early in the morning, sometimes before dawn, and want to take a walk in the gardens or by the sea shore. Today though, she was nowhere to be found. Eleanor ended up eating breakfast with the Howells in the sun room, but still there was no sign of Sam. Then her face turned slightly red. How could she have forgotten? She knew right where Sam was. Down in the Mistress' Lair the captives were nervous beyond words, some of them even cried as they looked on. They were so devoted to the Mistress that the thought of finding another woman attractive made them sick to their stomachs, but here was a woman who just might be as beautiful from top to bottom as the most perfect woman in the world. Their morning had started with the smell of food, sumptuous food. Many stomach's growled and mouths watered. Then a strange golden haired woman in a fancy dress had unlocked them had bid them to follow. Not a single captive moved. Nothing happened in the Lair without orders from the Mistress, but between the smell of the food and the stranger's friendly manner, the captives reluctantly followed her to a large room where tables had been setup with a full breakfast. There was bacon, eggs, sausage, coffee, and tea. The Mistress fed her captives hearty meals to keep their strength up, but this spread was a banquet. "Eat and enjoy", the strange woman had said graciously. The men spread out along the tables and ate until their stomachs were full. Then she'd allowed them to socialize for a while to let the food settle. None of them spoke to the golden haired stranger, as she watched them and sipped tea. After a few moments she took them to the workout room inside the Mistress' Lair, navigating the winding tunnels like someone who knew them intimately, although none of the captives had ever seen her. She grouped the men near an area they knew well and stood up on the platform. Without a word of preamble she reached behind her head and untied the laces that bound her dress. There were gasps when she pulled her muscular arms from the long sleeves. She grinned a little at their reactions. The dress came down to her waist, revealing an equally toned and muscular chest and abdominal wall. Her breasts bounced a little as she wiggled the dress over her hips. The captives were awestruck. Her muscles were nearly the same size as the Mistress' and her waist was perhaps a little bit smaller, giving her body an aggressive hourglass shape. She stepped out of the dress, revealing a pair of long strong stems. And now here they were, looking at a woman many believed couldn't have existed. She stood there letting them take in her feminine power before saying, "So, how many of you want to see how strong I am?" Captives turned to face one another, their faces showing their fear and interest. Finally one brave captive tentatively raised his hand. "Wow, you guys are trained really well. You're not going to get into trouble. I promise." Three more men raised their hands. She smiled and motioned for them to join her. "Four ought to be okay for a warm up", she said. As soon as she could, Eleanor left the Howells to entertain themselves while she tended to business. Instead of heading to her office, where real business did await, she went to the basement. A single door lead to the tunnels. The tunnels going off to the left went to the active mines, which was the source of her family's extreme wealth, while the right side tunnels lead to the depleted mining area that Eleanor had re-purposed. She was about halfway to the lair when she heard the ropes creaking and the metal humming under load. She wanted to smile until she came to a big room that was usually empty and noticed several large trestle tables set up with scraps of food left on the plates. That made the Mistress frown instead. By the time she entered the heart of her Lair she heard the grunts, groans, and the laughs. Her sister always laughed. The Mistress picked up her pace. She could smell the sweat now. She wondered how many of her captives Sam had been through already, and then she entered the room. Two captives strained while pressing down with all of their might and their weight, while two more held a leg a piece. There was even one more man sitting on her stomach. Beneath that ton of male muscle, Sam seemed to be cool as could be. Her muscles were pumped now, looking sharp enough to cut glass, and she wasn't even flexing yet. Then she flexed. Her blocks of her abs rose up like islands in a sea. Her biceps rose up to mighty dual headed masses, and her pecs ripped themselves to shreds until it looked like a thousand cables were pulling against her breast bone. The men holding down her arms came up off the ground. They pushed and jumped, causing Sam to have to bear down even more. Her eyes were nearly shut and her rock hard body got harder still, muscles piling up and veins thickening as she increased her effort. She could have thrown off the men easily, but she had other ideas. Her teeth set on edge and her midsection erupted in fresh definition the islands of her abdominal wall getting peaked and striated like her biceps. Her back rose off the ground taking the four men holding her arms and the one pressed against her chest along for the ride. She blew out a long breath as she lifted her upper body, keeping her legs still. The men stopped pressing and just held on as she reached halfway. With another push, and her arms still held straight out four men hanging from them, Sam completed a sit up. "One", she said with a chuckle and began lowering herself down, but stopped half way. "You two guys, come try and hold me down up top", she told the guys holding her legs. They looked at each other then struggled to find room to hold her down. "It's fine" she told them as their hands hovered over her breasts, unwilling to touch them without permission. She laid down flat until everybody was in position, then began another sit up. Her feet didn't even come off the ground as she lifted the mass of humanity once again. Then she curled her arms inward making most of the men holding her arms lose their grip. She rolled over quickly, flinging one guy towards the wall and kicked another in the chest, sending him flying across the dirt covered wrestling pit. Now it was just two captives holding on. She reached across her chest two the man hanging on to her left biceps and managed to get her arm across his throat. The other guy tried to move, but she trapped him between her knees, choking him slowly. The captive in her arms though had been a fair wrestler in his youth. He put his hands on Sam's elbow and pushed up with every ounce of his strength, pushing her arm and his chin higher until at once he tucked his chin and slipped out of her grasp. She spun trying to get hold of him, but momentarily forget about the man between her legs. His head hit the ground hard as she turned over and she let him go. "Oh my", she exclaimed and jumped to her feet. "I didn't mean to knock you like that. Are you alright?" "He's fine", a very familiar voice called from the back of the room. "I've given him harder knocks than that most days for a year now." The captives spun to face the Mistress then dropped to the ground, all of them begging and pleading for her forgiveness, including the man who'd nearly been knocked out. "Silence", the Mistress ordered in an even voice and the room fell quiet, except for Sam's laughter. "Wow, you have this batch well trained", Samantha made out. The Mistress brows gathered a little as she looked out over her captives. "Maybe not well enough." "Oh cut them some slack." "Maybe I will, maybe I won't. Either way, did you have your fun?" "Umm, a little fun, but I've got an idea. You might want to put your little captives away though." "Why's that?" "Because I'm going to wrestle you next." The captives gasped again. Half of them looked at Sam expecting the Mistress' glare to make her explode. Instead she just grinned. "These captives are plenty strong, but they weren't enough of a challenge. Nice effort though boys, but I wouldn't want you to have witness little sis beat up big sis." Now the Mistress grinned. "The next time you beat me ... will be the first time." Sam shrugged. "I'm stronger than I've ever been, and you're just getting older every day." This time the Eleanor actually laughed, showing her captives a glimpse of a part of her personality they'd never seen. She wiped the smile from her face before starting towards the platform. The captives scurried out of her way so she wouldn't have to step over or around any of them. To the captives this was a seismic scale shake up of their perspectives. The idea of the Mistress being defeated was like the sun rising in the west. It had been a few years since they'd wrestled and the first time the two of them had an audience since they used to train under their father's watchful eyes. Now the two sisters circled the platform looking for an advantage. Sam stared right in her sister's face and saw the glint in Eleanor's eyes. Sure she liked having fun with her captives, probably a little too much, but she liked having a real challenge even more. All at once the Mistress lunged forward with blinding speed, but Sam was ready. She thrust her leg back for balance as her sister slammed into her with tremendous force. Sam's legs swelled as her sister leaned forward, pressing against her shoulders while Sam got a grip around the Mistress' neck, her biceps flexed like boulders as she attempted to pull her sister's head down, but the Mistress stood firm, for a moment but then little by little, as the younger sister's muscles got bigger and harder the Mistress' couldn't keep her posture. Sam bore down when she felt the advantage. Sam pulled against her sister's neck with force that rivalled the best that the muscle head Brock had been able to apply with both hands. The Mistress grinned at the challenge of it all, since now she was facing the only opponent who could even hope to challenge her dominance. Just then the Mistress dropped her hips and spun. Sam pressed up and forward like she'd been doing for the last minute but the force back was gone. She lost her balance a moment before the Mistress whipped her arm forward sending Sam flying across the platform. The younger sister reached towards the ground with both hands, digging furrows in the dirt with her fingers, slowing herself down enough to mostly land on her feet. She turned towards her sister just in time to see--- "To see what?!?", Jessie demanded with a shriek as she turned the paper over to see if there was anything printed on the back. "Where's the rest of it?" "Not written yet", Travis said with a bit of satisfaction. "But ... but you said I could read it", Jessie wined as she rolled off of her bed still holding the incomplete story. The big T-shirt she was wearing billowed a bit as she jumped to her feet. "You've been begging for like three days! I got tired of saying no, so I let you read it. I never said it was finished." Jessie twisted her lips into an exaggerated frown. "Why are you messing with me? You know I get all hot and bothered reading your stories. It's the power you have over me", she said with a bit of a twinkle in her eyes. Travis looked at his girlfriend in never ending wonder, but he didn't say anything as she walked over towards the chair he was sitting in. "What's the matter?", she asked in a baby voice as she sat on his lap facing him with her legs to either side. "Does my little man need some inspiration?" "Why Jessica, what's gotten into you?", Travis asked with a sideways grin. "I need that story Travis, even if I have to flex my muscles hard enough to get your brain working." Travis swallowed a lump in his throat as his mouth went dry. Jessie looked down and chuckled as his rock hard cock brushed against her stomach. "I can see I've got your attention." She smiled at him and pulled her hair out of the ponytail it had been it, tossing her blonde locks around with a shake of her head. "So where should I start first?" She tapped a finger to her chin for a moment. "Biceps? No, too easy. Triceps? No. Hmmm. Pecs?" Jessie could almost see the lust oozing from Travis' pores. "Lats! That's it. Let's start with lats", she said with a smile that went away quickly as she put her fists on her hips. She swung her elbows out, making the big T-shirt spread like a cloak. She sucked in a big breath and began to flex. Her entire upper body swelled bigger, but Travis could see her lats getting wider and wider, thicker and thicker by the moment. She let out a little grunt and the growth rate sped up. Her body shook now as she flexed harder. After about twenty seconds, the once baggy shirt was forced to contour around her ever expanding sinews. She finally exhaled, but kept her flex. "You like this?", she asked while looking at Travis' face. His eyes were darting all over her ultra ripped upper body, taking in the shape of every muscle he could see. "Look Travis, I want that story finished tonight." "I ... I mean ... I'll try", he uttered. "No trying, Travis. Look we'll make a deal. I split this shirt in half with just my lats ... well maybe some chest in there too, but anyway, I split this huge shirt in half without using my hands and you finish that story tonight. Deal?" Travis looked at the shirt and at how hard she'd had to flex to expand her back to more than twice its normal width. "I mean ... I'm not sure, and I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself trying to do that. I'll finish the story eventually." "Tonight!", Jessie demanded even though her lips were slightly turned up in mischief. "Deal, or I won't flex for you for ... for a week. No! Two weeks!" "Wait you're changing the deal!" "No I'm not. And wait! So we have a deal!" "Jessie! I didn't say we ... " It was too late. She sucked in a huge breath, swelling her chest until her nipples looked ready to poke through the cotton. Then she started flexing her lats again. Her face turned bright red and veins shot across her forehead. Her bare forearms were covered with wiggling snake like veins and arteries as she flexed her body extra hard. The chair vibrated as her muscle seemed to burst with power. Her eyes looked like she was starting a million miles away as she duck deep and forced her muscles to get bigger, despite the pain despite the effort. She let out a little shriek when the first little rip appeared in the neckline. Finally with one more ultra powerful push, the shirt ripped down the front, revealing Jessie's nakedness from the waist up. In that moment Travis' body was racked with a minute long orgasm. "Amazing", he uttered as he fought to catch his breath. "I know I am", an out of breath Jessie told him and slapped her hand against his chest. "Tonight", she reminded him as she stood up while pulling the two halves of the night shirt off, revealing the utter madness of her definition. "Can I take a shower first?", he asked after looking down at his pants. Jessie just laughed and headed down the hall. Way on the other side of town, Tammy finished her fifth hotdog at the gang's favorite joint, a crusty place that always seemed to have half of its light bulbs blown out. The regulars in there knew it was strange to see Tammy without Brassy nearby. They'd been inseparable for years, but after her latest stint in jail something had changed inside Tammy and she wasn't sure what. Brassy was the same jerk that she'd loved in her own way, but now that seemed not to be enough. The group had been super salty about being bested by that fucking blonde bitch several months back, but they seemed to have moved past it. Tammy hadn't. She thought about that blonde's muscles at least once a day, usually more than once a day. Sometimes the memory of seeing that bitch flex up muscles like Tammy had never seen infuriated her, but most of the time thinking back to seeing those muscles and feeling that strength made Tammy as horny as a lioness in heat. Unfortunately this was one of the former types of days. Tammy's anger was boiling just below the surface and had been for hours. She thought back over her life about how she'd used her strength and unnatural muscles for years mostly amuse herself. All her life she'd never been bested in a test of strength, by anybody. Back in high school the strongest guy on the football team had challenged her, and she'd benched pressed more than he did, benched, squatted, and cleaned. She'd actually started dating Brassy after winning money off of him in a test of strength. He'd lifted the front end of a sedan then said he'd pay a thousand bucks to anybody who could do the same. Tammy had been a little short of cash that day, so she'd stepped to the front of the crowd. There'd been oohs and ahhs when she'd taken her jacket off, revealing arms more muscular than anybody else's around. Lats so thick that they were more muscular than some men's legs. Her shoulders had been just as wide as Brassy's although he was more than a foot taller than she was. She'd lifted the front of the sedan with one arm, curling the car from the bumper slowly, so everybody could see her amazing biceps expand and expand as the frame of the car popped and creaked. She'd won her money by getting the bumper up to her chin, but she went further. She swung her body beneath the tipped up sedan, grabbed a cross member on the chassis and lifted the whole car off of the ground. No witness there would ever forget that feat. Brassy had been devoted to her ever since. She'd even taught him how to get stronger over the years. He was more than twice as strong as he'd been the day they met, for all the good it did any of them. Her brow gathered and furrows formed along her brow as her thoughts went back to that blonde yet again, increasing her anger to another level. Almost as if from an answered prayer, three members of a somewhat rival biker gang walked in to the place. "Beers!", the rival bikers yelled to the bartender who instantly headed towards the cooler. "And make 'em fuckin cold this time!" They laughed when the bartender got a bit nervous at their demeanor. He was used to badass bikers, but these guys had a reputation for being unreasonable. "Don't serve 'em shit", Tammy said from her table. The bartender looked up, instantly knowing who'd said that. He backed up from the cooler and looked at the bikers before turning back to Tammy. He'd taken her side and hoped she'd keep him from getting his ass kicked, but the other bikers forgot about the bartender and started towards Tammy. They walked towards her as she leaned over the table and bit into another hot dog. Her back was as wide as two men, and her hulking muscles were evident even beneath the new leather vest that she'd gotten to replace the one she'd destroyed during her bout with that blonde bitch. "Who the fuck do you think you are?", the leader of the rival crew challenged as he and his two buddies approached Tammy's table. She downed the last half bottle of beer in one pull then stood up to face them. The men hesitated. From behind in the dim light it was hard to see, but now the enormity of Tammy was impossible to miss. What had looked like baggy sleeves in the dim light were revealed to be two of the biggest most muscular arms any of them had ever seen. Her muscles looked constantly flexed with hard fibrous shapes undulating beneath her tatted up skin. The veins running along the armored walls of her pectoral muscles looked angry and her shoulders looked like fired cannon balls. Tammy's big dense abdominal wall showed through the worn flannel shirt she had on each time she breathed, and her gaze was as hard as her muscles, maybe harder. The three men knew instantly that they'd bitten off way more than they could chew, but for a bunch of stupid reasons, including manly pride, the leader took a swing at Tammy's head. She didn't duck or even try to move out of the way. Her arm moved quickly and she got her hand up in time for his fist to slam right into her palm. She closed her fingers around his knuckles, binding it to her will as if that hand now belong to her. He tried to pull free, tugging with his whole body but Tammy's arm didn't even wiggle. Another guy threw a punch towards her head, but she was ready, catching his punch just like the leader. The third guy didn't have a clear angle to send a blow towards Tammy's head, not with his buddies in the way, so he took aim at the biggest target available, Tammy's stomach. He wound up and let loose a really hard punch, that shattered his hand against her unflexed abs. He screamed and hopped backwards cradling his hand. Tammy laughed. "You guys are barely worth the effort", she told them then squeezed, breaking two more hands. The beating didn't stop there. She punched and kicked and tossed the three bikers around for a couple of minutes, leaving them bloodly and beaten, but she wasn't satisfied. She was pretty sure they had something that would give her muscles more of a challenge. She grabbed the men by their vests as they lay on the floor and started dragging them towards the door. The other patrons in the bar and the bartender followed her as she dragged the helpless men outside into the night. Each man begged for mercy, but Tammy was already finished with them. She just wanted to see their bikes. She quickly saw the three motorcycles these clowns had ridden there parked beneath the only light in the parking lot. "Nice bikes", she told the beaten men and let go of their vests. They whimpered but didn't have the courage to beg as she sauntered towards the motorcycles. "I bet they cost a fortune", she said as she stepped over the nearest motorcycle and tested the fit. "Seat's comfortable. The bars are a little far away for me, but I can fix that." She leaned forward, stretching out her arms so she could get a good grip on the bend of the handlebars. Then she simply leaned back, taking the steel bars with her. She glanced over her shoulder at the reaction of the bike's owner. He wanted to stop her, to beat her up, but all he could do was sit there in horror because he knew she wasn't going to stop there. She bent the bars until she sat comfortably. "That's a little better, but the profile's too wide. It's like sittin on a damned horse", she declared. Nobody knew what she had in mind until they heard the TICK TICK TICK of bending metal. "OH FUCK!", one of the bar customers exclaimed as he noticed Tammy's legs growing bigger and bigger and bigger as she flexed her quads, aductors, and glutes, compressing the backbone of the motorcycle. The motor shifted beneath her as the mounts were misshapen. Oil started to leak and the entire motorcycle started to sag in the middle. The owner was near tears when Tammy finally stepped off of his once nice bike. It toppled over and she gave the now useless bike a kick to move it out of her way. She bent down and looked at the neck bike which had intricate carvings on the engine covers and seat. She snatched the seat off with ease. "I think I'll keep this", she told this bike's owner. "I hope you don't mind." "You.. you ... can have it. I'll tell you who made it, but please don't destroy my baby", the man begged. Tammy looked at him and grinned. "Okay", she said to everyone surprise then went to the next bike, the gaudiest of the group. It had chrome and ground effect lights and big speakers on it. She was instantly disgusted. No self respecting biker could have a ride like this. She didn't even have anything to say about it. She just hated it, so she gripped on either side of the engine and lifted the big motorcycle off of the ground. Her always hard looking muscles didn't even seem to flex much when she lifted the near half ton of steel. Nobody knew what she was planning to do as she stood there for a moment before she took a deep breath. The people from the bar behind her ooohed when she saw her back muscles really flex. They didn't know what she was doing though, all they saw was her back muscles getting thicker and thicker until the saw the wheels of the ugly motorcycles getting further apart. She looked over her shoulder to see the looks on the faces behind her. The wave of powerful lust that went through her made Tammy forget all about her anger. This wasn't about that blonde bitch. This was about her and her own strength, and the power she had over others. She saw several guys stroking their cocks their pants while others put their hands down the waistbands. The women too were rubbing themselves passionately as Tammy's muscles and power took them over. "Take those cocks out", she ordered the people behind her and spun with the elongated motorcycle so she could get a good look. Some hesitated but others knew better and instantly unzipped their pants, pleasuring themselves where she could see. "Any man who doesn't cum is going to be next", she declared and bore down on her efforts. She huffed and looked down to see her triceps blooming bigger as she pressed her hands in opposite directions. The steel stretched like taffy, getting thinner as Tammy's massive shoulders and arms overpowered it. Steel wasn't taffy though. When her arms about half straight, the chassis snapped in two. Several men shot their loads as soon as the motorcycle broke, and two of the women dropped to their knees in orgasm. Tammy laughed and threw the two halves of motorcycle to the ground. She wasn't done though. She snatched the V twin motor from the wreckage and clutched it close to her chest, crossing her arms across the far side. Then her body swelled again, inflating like muscle was being pumped in. The engine block looked unfazed by the serious muscle display until with a grunt of effort and sudden burst of strength the engine block cracked. The holdouts looking on had the orgasm of their lives and Tammy hadn't even touched them. Tammy dropped the shiny broken pieces on the ground then picked up the seat she'd been 'given'. She stepped past the bike she'd spared and winked at the owner before heading to her own motorcycle. She laughed as she started its engine. She hadn't spared that one bike out of kindness. She wondered just how jealous that guy's two buddies would get when he'd be able to ride home, as soon as he fitted a new seat. Tammy motored back to her pad slowly, cruising more than traveling. She watched with a little excitement as people stared at her muscles as she sat at a red light. Just squeezing the brakes or clutch made bulges appear along her forearms and her triceps looked to be in a perpetual state of hardness, even though they were relaxed. She always got an extra kick when she witnessed the moment they realized that they were looking at a woman. She'd smirk then rev the engine and speed off on her big hog. She pulled down the driveway, past the trashcans full of beer bottles, past the overturned beat up cars, and finally to the clubhouse where she and the rest of the bikers crashed at night. Tammy had stopped saying she lived there because she wasn't sure that's what she was doing, but Tammy had never been the deepest thinker so she shut off her bike and went inside to join a party that had started while she'd been gone. Jessie had read Travis' finished, but unnamed, story three times before getting to work the next morning. It was so great. The ending was awesome with a tremendous wrestling match, and great muscle show and strength on both sides. Sam was nearly the Mistress' equal in everything. The two sisters forget that the captives were even their after pitting their strength and skill against each other, but brilliantly, Travis had switched to the perspective of a captive for the last bit of the story. The unnamed man saw the Mistress commit her full strength for the first time. He watched her muscles getting bigger and harder and more ripped than ever, making his muscles seem like gelatin in comparison. She was stronger than even the captives could fathom, but Sam could. She withstood an assault from her sister that would have turned ten captives into hamburger, and she pressed her sister back until the rocks at their feet began to crumble, but finally in the end the Mistress had triumphed, just barely. Instead of forcing Sam all the way to the ground in final defeat, she'd hugged her instead. It made Jessie's heart swoon just to think about it as she got to her work area. Her mind started to wander when she started working on a computer more boring than Travis'. She knew the character Sam was inspired by her even if none of Travis' readers would know that she was based on a real person, but Travis wasn't defined by his stories in her mind, not anymore at least. He was the guy who was slowly and very carefully drawing Jessie out of her shell and into the real world. He'd taken her to a concert to see her favorite band out of the blue. She knew that they were coming to town, but she didn't think she had the courage to actually brave the crowds to go see them. When Travis told her that he had gotten tickets for them, a switch had flipped in her mind and she became determined not only to go, but to enjoy herself. She'd even decided to dress appropriately, picking out a short white dress with cutouts along both sides. In truth that dress was probably two sizes too small which was why it stretched over her body like a second skin, showing off every muscled curve of her sexy body. Every eye had turned towards Jessie as she'd walked by. She could feel the attention like daggers inside her brain, but she'd leaned on Travis and had gotten through the gauntlet of lustful and envious stares. She let out a sigh. Travis had given her so much, and she wanted to give him something special. A crazy thought popped into her head and she immediately dismissed it, but then she paused for a moment before pulling that thought out of her mental dustbin. "It's crazy but he's worth it", she said aloud and started plotting. It would be the first plot of her life, she just hopped it would work out. "No, I'll be over a little later", she told Travis over the phone a few days later. "Yes, I'll be there before the food gets cold." She hoped she wasn't lying. She ended the call and got off at the appropriate interstate exit. Until the week before she'd never spent much time in this part of town, but so far it was looking promising. Lots of old warehouses and small factories lined the streets, with disused railroad lines crisscrossing all over the place. Jessie leaned forward, trying to get a better look at the addresses, but it ended up not being a problem when she saw the big red and white sign hanging on the chain-link fence. Mark Pontman was trying to build his reputation within the real estate community so meeting a client in the late afternoon had sounded like a good idea on the phone. Now though, sitting in his car trying to figure out what new game to download onto his phone, this idea was getting worse and worse. Finally, he saw a pink Mini Cooper pull into the gravel parking lot. He let out a sigh of relief and reached for the door handle, all while putting his game face on. It was time to make some money. He had a big genuine looking smile on his face as he saw driver of the Mini. The door opened and Mark saw the most perfectly fit girl leg swing out. He watched her left calf muscle tense as it took up its share of her weight, followed quickly by her quad. The other leg came into view almost as if to confirm that the first leg wasn't a mirage. She stood up and Mark got to see her whole body. She was nowhere near the biggest muscle woman he'd ever seen, but he'd never seen a body like hers. Her shapely muscles looked like they'd been created with brush strokes of a master artist rather than in a gym with weights. Her body almost looked unreal with its sweeping taper and perfect musculature, then his eyes finally made it to her face. She swept some hair out of her face before closing the door and starting towards him. She was beautiful. There was no other word to describe her. In his mind she moved in slow motion, like in one of those ads on television, like she was a model or something. Only Mark had never see a model who had this lady's combination of assets. His smile faltered as she came closer. His brain kept looking for a single flaw but it couldn't find one. Then she extended her hand. "Thanks for meeting me. I know its later than usual.", Jessie said and extended her hand. She hoped this guy couldn't tell her heart was racing, but her heart rate was the furthest thing from his mind at the moment. "It's no problem at all", Mark's brain replied out of reflex. He pulled himself together quickly and smiled. He did look away from her though and at the building. "Let me.. umm ... let me show you around." "It's perfect", Jessie said thirty minutes later. She'd asked lots of questions and Mark had an answer for each one. She really only needed to know about privacy and rates, but had asked the rest of the questions so she wouldn't be suspicious in his mind. Then one more question jumped into her mind. "Is that a gantry crane track up there?", she asked while pointing near the ceiling. "Good eye", Mark said. "They assembled rail cars in here at one point. That old track used to hold a thirty ton crane." He wondered why Jessie's face broke out in a really broad smile. "Now its better than perfect. I want to take the short term lease option and then I'll see if I want to buy the place." "Sounds great. Come to the office in the next day or so and I'll have the paperwork ready." ***** Continued in our Amy's Conquest (www.amysconquest.com) Exclusive, Member's Only Section OR purchase it individually in our site's Updated Format! *****