MAD MEN, STRONGER WOMAN Part 3 by demented20 - written for DTM / Amy's Conquest *** The Below is an extended segment from this story, written for us by the Incredibly skilled demented20, whose other stories you can read right here on the Diana The Valkyrie website. For the Full Story of "Mad Men, Stronger Woman (Part 3)", please visit our Member's Section at Amy's Conquest (, or purchase it on its own on our AC site. Thanks all, and as always, hope you Enjoy! *** ******************** Lester couldn't believe that he and Candi had been going steady for so long because everything always felt so fresh and new with her. She never let anything get stale. She'd even started working out again, finally acting on his many hints. She wasn't sure if she could pack anymore strength into her supercharged little body, but Lester was more than willing to watch her sweat and strain and try. Her body drove him wild just with the tiniest little flex, but watching her lift so much weight shot him over the moon. She didn't admit it, but she had to like the affect her body had on him almost as much as he did. He was standing in front of his closet picking out a suit for a party when he thought back to the first time he'd invited Candi to go with him to one of the posh private parties that he often got invited to. She'd told him that before her encounter with Pam that she'd been an escort of a sort. Some people paid her to worship her hard muscles. Others wanted her to lift them and manhandle them, and there were still others who wanted more. "Do you really think any of that matters to me?", he'd asked Candi as she'd been sitting in the living room. "I ... I don't know." "Well know it", he'd declared. "Whatever you did in the past is fine with me because all that stuff led you to me. Hell it put us on the same track. Besides if any bastard at that party says something sideways to you, I'll knock their teeth in. You might be way stronger than me Candi, but your arms still can't reach an average man's face." She laughed and he moved over to sit next to her. "You'll love it though. Those people are all slime balls anyway. They just make millions." He chuckled as he stood in his closet thinking back on it before he reached in and pulled out a suit he'd just gotten from the tailor. Candi was absolutely beautiful in a long, sleeveless burgundy dress. Just like Pam, Candi used to cover her muscles up with a jacket or long sleeve blouse mostly to blend in, but Lester had convinced her that blending in was for other people. She'd been reluctant at first, but not anymore. Now when valets or guests at parties or restaurants stared she soaked it in. Every now and then she'd even give an innocent looking flex just to show them that her relaxed muscles were miniscule compared to how they got when she tensed them. "You look ravishing my dear", Lester said like he was in an old movie as Candi walked into their bedroom. Her abs, obliques, and lats showed as she laughed. Lester had to take a couple of deep breaths to keep from getting too aroused. "So whose party is it this time?" "Some German guy named Schmitt. I started not to go, but I got a tip that he always puts on a nice get together. Plus lots of movers and shakers show up. Who knows, I might be able to get a client or two out of it." Pam's eyelids fluttered opened. She had no idea how long she'd been out. She was in a windowless room. The lights in the room were low, but to her they seemed like flares. Her head pounded like elephants had tap danced in it, and her body ached all over. She moved her hand to rub her sore head, but her arm only moved a couple of inches before a metallic clanking filled her sensitive ears and the chain stopped it well short. She looked around when she heard a chair squeak. "Ah there you are", Schmitt said and stepped closer. "I almost thought you were a lost cause. I was going to move on with the rest of my night." Pam tried to move her other arm and found it chained by the wrist as well. "What are you doing!?! Why do you have me chained up?" Schmitt rolled with laugher. It was as if Pam had said the funniest thing ever. "My dear I know all about you! You've humiliated good, hard working men for years. I must admit, you were quite convincing with your little smile and sultry looks. I am not easily fooled however. I knew that I was to be your next victim. "The victims are the people that terrible bosses like you prey on!", Pam yelled, not trying to deny his accusations. "You think your money and power gives you a right to treat people like dirt." He laughed again. "Dirt is often valuable. Most people are not. They are either lazy, or slow, or a lush like your boss. It is up to me to make sure that these people stay on their toes, make sure that they work hard and earn their pay." He walked up and leaned close to Pam's face. "And yes. I like it too. I love watching people squirm." He smiled broadly. "I'm going to enjoy watching you squirm!" He flinched a little when Pam tried to grab him, but the chains caught her. Her lips were furred in anger and her fingers reached towards Schmitt like claws. He laughed and backed away. "I can see you're not in a talking mood. We shall come back when you're more agreeable." Schmitt motioned for Quint to follow and the big man dutifully did. "Let's allow her to sit and simmer for a while. She will be begging for us to let her go when we return." Schmitt walked out of sight. Quint turned to face her once more as he reached out with long arms and pulled both halves of a sliding door close. He had the eyes of a man who was already dead, foreboding eyes that only Pam's anger allowed her to stare into. He disappeared behind the big door and she was alone. "Nice place", Candi remarked and accepted a glass of champagne from a server. "Our place inadequate all of a sudden", Lester said back with a smirk. "No of course not, but I do like the décor here. It's so ... so chic." Lester rolled his eyes. The place was packed with New York business elite, some of them Lester knew already and some he didn't. He got introduced to lots of people, just as he'd hoped. Candi was always right by his side. Sometimes she was Candi, other times she was Candace as the situation warranted. Either way her arms and shoulders were usually the first topic of discussion. "I've never seen a muscle in such detail", a English businessman had remarked as Candi had reached out to shake his hand. She glanced up at Lester in time to see that he loved the attention she was getting. If anybody had a negative opinion of Candi's muscles, they kept it to themselves. Lester's reputation hadn't completely faded. He'd just been introduced to a businessman from Bombay when he saw a familiar face. "Mike", he called and headed over. "Mr. Darby", he replied with a polite smile. "Ah stop with the Darby stuff. You don't work for me anymore. You look good", Lester said, but actually Mike looked a little different. It was hard to pin down since he hadn't seen him some time. "I feel good." "That's great. Oh. Let this is Candi. "Nice to meet ... ", Mike couldn't finish. His eyes widened a little when he saw her delts and triceps harden just by raising up her arm. He saw the relaxed bulges of her lats and her serrus muscles through the dress too. She was like a muscular katana blade. He coughed to cover his amazement. "Nice to meet you Candi", he said professionally. Candi just smiled. She stepped away to put her empty glass on a server's tray and Mike stepped close to Lester. "Not bad." "I know", Lester whispered back and jabbed Mike in the ribs. It had been two years, but Mike finally understood why Lester wasn't trying to pursue Pam. He'd found a pint sized replacement, but Mike had his eyes focused only on one prize. He'd worked extremely hard, nearly to madness to try and remake himself. He hadn't been able to track Pam down, but finally he'd gotten a break. She was supposedly working for the New York office of this party's host. He was looking all over for Pete Schmitt, but so far he hadn't found him. What kind of guy threw a party and never bothered to show up? Pam fell against the damp wall and looked around. At least they hadn't turned the lights off on her. She was in a huge room with ceilings thirty feet high with rough brick walls and a floor made of planks several inches thick. It had to be a warehouse or some factory, but her location was a minor worry. She held up her arms and observed the chains holding her. They were heavy, so heavy that most women couldn't have moved them with both arms. She twisted her head as far as she could and looked at the chains holding her. The links were thicker than her thumb, probably as old as the building. The shackles that attached the chains to her wrists were relatively new, painted black and rust-free. She didn't see where the chains were anchored though. They just disappeared through the wall behind her. Her mind began to wander then, thinking of things that Schmitt could do to her while she was helpless like this. She'd tied up men before and held them while she toyed with their minds and bodies. As much as she hated to admit it, Schmitt was right. It usually ended up with the person begging to be let go. Pam wasn't going to let that happen to her though. She got onto her knees and positioned herself so that the chains were stretched taunt. She leaned in a little with her balled fists out to her sides a little, and her arms almost parallel to the ground. She took a few breaths, and then with all of her might tried to pull her arms together. Veins shot up her neck and across the massive expanse of her shoulders and chest. Her biceps peaked, surging with vascular steaming hot muscular expansion. The chains vibrated with the tension. Steel groaned like a living beast when forced to stretch and the groaning of this steel filled the cavernous space. Pam didn't make a sound. Her face grew crimson from the effort and her muscles burned. She pushed her body harder and harder. She loved to flex and she loved feeling her entire body expand, but she'd never pushed herself like this. This wasn't just a test of strength. She was desperate to get free. She sucked in another breath, expanding her longs and her titanic chest. The front of her dress exploded. Her sleeves became rags a moment later. It wasn't the first time Pam had flexed out of her clothes, but it was the first time she'd done it and not even noticed. All she cared about was more muscle, more strength. She leaned forward pressing the fronts of her lower legs into the floor and using her thick quads to add more pressure. The chain was noticeably longer now, forced to give ground by the muscles in one woman's body. It hadn't broken though. Bricks in the wall behind her were crushed to dust and forced out of place but the chain wasn't anchored to the bricks. Its base was set deep in the structure of the building. Pam moaned and tears formed in her eyes as she pushed her body to flex harder. Her strength was already beyond belief, beyond anything that should be possible, and still she grew stronger and stronger. Her muscles were already shredded with veins and deep striations marking each bulging crag, and still she strained and struggled to get more. With Schmitt and his overgrown bodyguard gone, Pam thought that she was struggling alone, but she wasn't. While Schmitt had gone upstairs to sip cognac and lounge in an overstuffed chair, Quint hadn't gone anywhere. He'd closed the heavy doors then moved to the side where there was a pencil thick hole in the wood. He'd first peered through the hole to make sure Pam was safely secured, but now he couldn't look away. His breath came in short gasps now and his clothes were getting damp with sweat. He watched as this beautiful muscle bound creature flexed out of her clothes as if they weren't even there. Her ethereal face was a twisted mask of torture and pain. Her muscles were thicker than any man's he'd ever seen, including his own, but she was so overwhelmingly sexy that he could hardly stand it. If someone had seen him now, Quint would have looked like a fool, hunched over sweating and panting at a sight so extreme. Sweat dripped from her to the floor now where it puddled beneath her like she was trying to flood the room with her sweat alone. She was so much more than any woman, any person, that Quint's mind couldn't take all of her in. Pam groaned along with the tempered steel. The shackles had cut into the smooth skin of her wrists and now her blood mixed with the constantly dripping sweat. A normal person, or even a workout freak would have dropped from exhaustion, but Pam seemed to have unending stamina, and unending concentration. The steel kept stretching and the links kept pulling harder and harder against each other. Instead of this contest being a sprint, where it was simply her strength against the steel's, it was a marathon. Who could last longer, because no matter what, Pam wasn't going to stop, and even as she sucked in a breath and unthinkable flexed her body even harder. Individual muscle fibers marched across her bare chest like soldiers on parade. Her massive tits had been consumed by the muscles now. Even her nipples was vascular and throbbing in time with her heart. Her emerald eyes were barely open, but she looked at her body, at her arms and her abs and her thighs, at how utterly ripped and pumped they were. "Oh yeah", she moaned and wondered deep down if she could flex even harder. She was so ripped and so mind-blowingly huge that she wasn't sure. Small involuntary sounds escaped as she prepared herself, then with a bestial roar flexed her muscles twice as hard as only a second before. Her biceps grew thicker and denser and higher, peaking like twin titans. Her pecs looked more like quaking landscapes than human muscles. They were so stuffed with corded, striated muscles and so etched and carved with inhuman definition that they now defied description. Veins, arteries, and fluttering capillaries were so stuffed with rushing blood, it looked like they were flexing too as the muscles beneath forced demanded more and more blood. Pam was about to lose herself completely when suddenly the door slid up then banged close. She opened her eyes and saw Quint rushing towards her. She started to back up and defend herself when he thrust he hands out. "Nein!", he screamed. "Don't stop! Keep going, give more!" Pam was shocked. Quint was flushed, drenched and hunched. Then she saw his pants stretching before her very eyes, as his erection grew. His eyes that were dead before were alive now, and frenzied like a drug addict looking for a score. Pam pulled hard against the chains, taking back up the slack that she'd let creep back in. "Yes that is it, now flex like before, only do it harder!", he urged in his thick German accent. Pam didn't hesitate. Her body was already so pumped that it looked like one hard pulsing flex anyway, but when she bore down, her muscles exploded once again. The chains were inches longer and the wall behind her looked like a jack hammer had gone to work on it. The shattered remnants of bricks bounced and jumped along the floor as Pam's exertions caused the area to vibrate and hum like a huge tuning fork. "Yes! Yes!", Quint breathed, lost in the heat of the moment. Pam once again closed her eyes and touched that part deep part of herself, that part that she'd never touched before. She drew in a breath, expanding her chest even more. Her nipples too grew longer and thicker and more vascular. She was flexing even things that weren't supposed to able to be flexed, but she wasn't finished. Quint wanted to more and more is what he got. Pam flexed out of her mind. She opened her eyes and saw Quint removing his pants, stroking a huge cock. It was just like the rest of him, big, thick, and brutish. It got bigger and harder as Pam's muscles flexed with such definition that it looked like her skin began to disappear and only pure, ultra hard female muscle remained. The steel groaned loudly. Quint moaned still louder as he worked his cock faster. By now it his cock looked like a muscled forearm. Pam grunted and strained and stretched the chains like rubber bands now as she crawled closer. Quint didn't notice. She opened her mouth so wide that it felt like she was about to shatter her jaw as she took the first six inches of his cock into her mouth. His knees trembled and he uttered some guttural curse under his breath. With her so close he looked down at the teaming monstrosity of muscle along her back and the top of her glutes. That sent another surge of lust through him and his cock grew bigger a bit more. Pam gasped and so did Quint. He'd never seen or felt anything like this before. This cock was a challenge, but she wondered if this huge man had anymore left in him. She rotated her arms a bit to use her biceps against the chains more than her pecs and delts. Her were indeed mountains, with jagged cliff faces and craggy, jutting outcroppings of muscles. Her peaks were so high that it looked like it would take climbing gear to reach the summit. She had already been pushing the limits of definition, size, and sexy muscle. When she pulled against the chains while flexing, she burst past them. She sucked Quint's cock, but concentrated on her arms, willing them, demanding them to flex huge to show this man what they were made of. His legs shook like a scared child's as Pam took more of his cock into her throat while still forcing more definition from her muscles. He pushed more of his cock into her throat, but still wasn't all the way in. No woman had ever taken this much and now he was at his full thickness. It looked like she was trying to swallow two and a half beer cans at the same time. She hurt in places that had never hurt before, but she took it all. He came without warning, sending volumes of spunk straight down her throat, more than a simple can of beer could have held. She gagged and choked and he pulled back. Streams rocketed past her head and beyond her body coating the wall and floor behind her. Pam licked her lips and flexed more. Her lats flared and her pecs began to implode like twin dying stars, getting smaller and denser. The veins looked like solar flares arcing across the face of her chest as she showed the control she had over her muscles. She bounced her chest, alternating left and right with rapid fire movements. Then he watched in awe as she slowly flexed them huge again. He watched the muscles inflate before his very eyes, inch upon massive inch of hard muscle like airships. Her nipples, were red and throbbing. Her eyelids fluttered with the concentration. It was all too much for Quint. His cock was so hard now that it hurt. Pam knew what to do with it. She took his massive cock-head in her mouth, but didn't suck it, she pulled him closer then released his cock and put it between her pecs. "Ahhh" he moaned as her tits closed around his massive member. Once again she started pulling the chains like a bench press. Her pecs flexed so big that they swallowed his cock just like her tit-flesh. It was in there somewhere, but lost in the orgy of muscle. She leaned down and licked the top of his cock. She thought that this was her chance. Quint had to have a key to the shackles. She looked up at him, but his eyes were facing the ceiling now as he was lost in bliss. Pam flexed her pecs as hard as she possible could. They got even bigger until they were pushing against Quint's legs. They were also as hard as armored steel. She was going to crush this man's huge cock until he was begging for her let him go, but instead Quint just moaned. Pam bared her teeth and flexed harder still. Her pecs looked like a tangle of writhing snakes as she made them even harder. Her body shook with the effort. Pam heard Quint's breath catch in his throat. Her face was feral now as she reached the depths of her soul and flexed her body like never before. Bigger, huger, more striated, and vascular, than before. Her muscles would have put two bodybuilders to shame. Her strength could have crushed plate steel. The ever constricting gap between her pecs looked like it could have turned coal into diamonds. Quint's cock recoiled and erupted like Mt. Vesuvius hitting her with tremendous force that kept going, coating her entire torso with stream after stream. It looked like it would never stop. Finally she lost concentration and loosened her flex. Quint put his hands on his knees to catch his breath. Quint stood up straight and tried to gather his wits. Schmitt would be more than upset at this. He hadn't wanted this woman touched until later. She was supposed to sit and lose hope. Pam wasn't the first woman Schmitt had brought back for the 'treatment' as he called it. Some women had been fresh others had been bad at their jobs, and some women who had been chained in that very spot had just caught the boss' eye. Quint wasn't the sort of man to make excuses. He was going to go tell his boss what he'd done. He didn't know what to expect next, but he certainly hadn't expected what actually happened. "Is that all you've got big fella?", Pam asked in him in a sultry voice. Quint's head turned and his glare would have melted a stone, but Pam's sexy, sweat glistening face mocked him. "Perhaps I was wrong about you. Come twice like a little boy?" Mike stood with a wine glass in his hand and a confused look on his face. He'd finally met Schmitt, but something didn't add up. The man seemed gracious enough but Mike had heard plenty of water cooler talk about what a bastard he was to his employees. He pretended that even though he'd done evaluations on his New York office that he hadn't seen Pam. Mike knew that was impossible. Only a blind man would fail to notice her. Mike did notice that Pete kept looking over his shoulder through a set of doors that lead into a darkened room. Mike didn't want to be a bad guest, but he'd gotten too close to his goal to just back away now. He looked over his shoulder then ducked into the darkened room. He moved about for a while before finding another door that lead to some stairs. They went down and down, well below street level. It looked like part of a factory that used to sit where the house now did. Mike felt silly walking around in a half lit corridor until he heard something very out of place. Quint stood up to his full impressive height and glared down at Pam as his cock once again came to life. He pulled off the rest of his clothes, slowly showing her his battle scars and his own hulking physique. His hands looked big enough to palm beach balls and his forearms were bearish enough to bend nails for fun. He walked behind Pam. She twisted, trying to see what he was up to, then she felt his big hands on her hips. He pulled her up off of her knees, making her feet float in the air for a moment as he pulled her hips towards him. Before her feet had even touched the floor again, he rammed his cock into her with all the power of a bull. This time Pam screamed in pleasure and pain. "A boy!", he growled. "A BOY!!! I will show you a man!" He slammed his cock into her without regard. It had been a long time since Quint had even allowed a woman to touch him. They were so feeble that they could never satisfy him. This woman thought that she could, and he was going to give her a chance to see if she was able. The last woman who said that she could satisfy him was a Hamburg prostitute who said that she'd fucked 200 men straight and still asked for more. Quint had sent her to the asylum for a week. He'd fucked her until she'd been pulling at her hair and crying for mercy. This woman had no idea the damage that Quint Hessler and his cock could unleash. Pam worried that she might have bitten off more than she, or her powerful pussy, could chew. Mike had a bigger cock in all respects, but poor Mike hadn't been able to begin to fuck her even with his strongest thrusts. Quint could slam his cock deep into Pam's cunt with maniacal power. Despite the pain, waves of pleasure pass through her one after another. He fucked her right past that level of arousal to some new level that she'd never experienced before. Pam no longer pulled against the chains. It took all of her concentration just to survive. The two muscled bodies slammed into each other. His lips were curled back in a snarl as he pumped Pam faster and harder by the second. He was completely locked in, and then the big sliding door opened. Mike leaned against the door, pulled it opened then stared in disbelief. He saw Pam chained to the wall. He saw all of her muscles pumped beyond anything he thought possible, and lastly he saw some guy fucking her to within an inch of her sanity. Quint saw the man in the nice suit standing there with the shocked look on his face. Quint looked at the man, smirked then rolled his hips forward, pounding Pam deep and making her squeal. A moment later he came again, dumping even more jizz from his bottomless balls. Pam was so gone that she didn't even notice Mike until he screamed in frustration and charged. "Mike?", she managed through deep breaths. "Don't!", she tried to warn her former coworker. Quint, the much bigger man, stomped towards Mike, ready to subdue him. Pam had felt Quint's strength first-hand. Just like with Lester, Mike was about to get crushed. Quint met Mike about fifteen feet away from Pam, who could only hang her head. Quint raised his arms to bash Mike. Pam closed her eyes as she heard flesh hit flesh. She only opened them when she heard grunts from both men. She could see Quint's muscles flexing hard as he tried to force Mike backwards, but he wasn't making much headway. Mike looked to be working hard, but he was holding the massive Quint at bay. Then to Pam's surprise, Mike began forcing Quint's arms back. The big German set his legs further apart and stopped Mike's progress. "Go Mike!", Pam yelled as this guy once again fought for her. Mike's lips trembled and he pushed harder. She began seeing big muscles starting to show beneath Mike's suit. She noticed then that Mike looked overall bigger than she remembered. Quint's back was to her so Pam couldn't see the look on his face when he realized that he couldn't just overpower his opponent. He snatched his right arm free and took a swing that grazed Mike's shoulder. Mike had to release Quint's other arm and dodge a kick. Mike jumped back and circled to Quint's left. The German attacked, hitting the smaller man hard enough to knock him back. Mike though sent a punch to Quint's stomach hard enough to knock some wind from his lungs. The fight went back and forth. Mike wasn't as skilled as Quint, but he was holding his own. Finally though Quint tripped Mike sending him to the ground. Instead of attacking Mike while he scrambled to get up, Quint sprinted towards Pam. He drew his arm back, aiming a big fist at Pam's beautiful, sweaty face. She tried to back away, but the chains were in her way. "Noooo!", Mike yelled and ran headlong towards Quint, reaching out to stop him. Suddenly Quint spun around and delivered a punch right to Mike's head as he rushed in. The German chuckled as Mike rolled on the ground, looking much like he had after Lester had flattened him two years earlier. Quint grabbed him by the collar of his suit jacket and dragged him to another set of chains. These weren't nearly as thick as the ones that bound Pam, but they were probably plenty strong enough. Quint then went to a bottle on a long table and wet a rag with some liquid from the bottle. He draped the cloth over Mike's mouth and nose for a few seconds then turned to Pam. "I must tell the boss about this development, but don't relax", the German warned with a devilish grin. "We aren't finished." Her head hang low as he slid the door closed. Candi was talking to a group of women when she saw a huge grim faced man walk approaching. She didn't think much more about him until he passed. She flared her nostrils and took a quick sniff. "Would you excuse me?", she told the other ladies then went to find Lester. "Hey, a guy just walked past me and I got a good whiff of Pam's perfume." "Come on Honey. There has to be other women who where that perfume." "Not at this party. Trust me. A woman notices these things. I've talked to all the women here and lots of guys too. I didn't smell that scent until that big guy walked by." "Okay. Let's say I agree with you. What should we do?" Candi shrugged. "I don't know. See if she's at the party?" Lester shook his head. "If Pam was at this party, she'd have a circle of men standing around her wherever she moved." "True", Candi agreed. "Then there has to be something else going on." "Don't go too far down the rabbit hole. I'll see if I can find Mike. If the subject is Pam, he'll know something about it." "Mike!", Pam called as he began to come to. He shook his head to clear the fog. "I had another chance, and I failed you again", he said, unable to meet Pam's gaze. "You are so wrong that it would be funny, if I was in a laughing mood", Pam replied. "What do you mean? I failed against Lester and now ... after all that hard work, I failed against that guy." This time Pam did chuckle. "Was there anybody else in that office trying to help me against Lester?" "No." "And is there anybody else in here trying to help me?" "No", Mike admitted and finally raised his chin off of his chest. "I just saw you like this and I just knew I'd be able to win. I just didn't." "You tried both times. You went toe to toe with Quint. Actually how in the world did you do that?" Once again Mike looked at the floor. "I heard what you said when I was nearly unconscious after that night with you. 'Almost'. Then I talked to Lester after you left the company, and he said pretty much the same thing. So I've worked out like a crazy man for the last two years, building as much muscle and strength as possible so I could be man enough for you to take me seriously." Pam teared up. "That's not what I meant when I said that", she said while fighting back a sob. "I meant that you almost convinced me to scrap my plans to leave the company, my plans to go around taking care of horrible bosses. That night I thought about just staying with you. Mike, you've always been man enough for me." Tears stood in Mike's eyes as he finally saw an end to his two year journey. He shuffled towards had and leaned against the chains, straining his muscles and strength, taking all the slack out of the links so he could kiss Pam. She moved towards him, close enough that his hands could touch her body and she could touch his. For the first time since that night at his apartment, he felt Pam's skin beneath his hands. It was so soft and smooth with the iron hard muscles beneath. She was everything he had ever wanted times ten. Mike gave a harder sustained pull and she saw his new muscles flexing beneath his shirt, rippling pecs and surging delts. Her hands roamed his body now too. She didn't think she could become aroused again so soon after Quint's pounding, but feeling Mike's passion made her heart rate quicken. "I couldn't find Mike", Lester told Candi with a huff. "I talked to the doorman and he didn't remember Mike leaving. The only person who saw him, said that he was over that way." Lester motioned towards a now closed set of double doors. "We should check it out ... for Pam's sake of course." "Of course", Lester replied immediately. "I wouldn't want her in any trouble that even she can't get out of." Candi kept a lookout while Lester opened the closed door and they slipped inside. They hadn't taken two steps before they heard talking. Lester put a finger to his lips as they crept close enough to hear. "Damn it. They're speaking German." "Shh", Candi whispered as they two men talked. "I can't believe you let her tempt you!", Schmitt exclaimed in German. "I asked you to look in on her, and then you're fucking her! Now we'll have to deal with that idiot too." "They might have her", Candi whispered to Lester. "How do you understand them?" "Shhh. Wait, Pam's definitely here in some room on the building's lowest level." "Now", Schmitt said with a big sigh. "I have to go up to the party and make sure I am seen, but I shall probably have to end the party early." "Oh no", Candi mouthed then tapped Lester's chest and pointed towards the door. They both tried to make it, but didn't get half way. "Hey! You there!", Schmitt called and chased after them. He was quickly overtaken by Quint. "Take them!" The big man passed Candi by, grabbed Lester's arm and spun him around. "Hands off", Lester tried to pull away, but it felt like his arm was clamped in a vice. "Let him go!", Candi yelled as Schmitt approached. "You're coming with me", Schmitt told the diminutive blonde. "Don't touch me!", she warned just as Schmitt's hands grabbed her arms. His eyes got wider as he felt the stone hardness of her upper arms. She pulled away from Schmitt then shoved him backwards. He back peddled before falling. Quint turned angrily as Schmitt fell. Then he turned back to Lester only see five knuckles heading right towards his nose. The quick shock of the blow loosened Quint's grip just enough for Lester to pull himself away. Quint recovered almost immediately, but Candi was just about there. She was moving towards Quint when Schmitt came from behind her. Instead of throwing a punch or trying to grab her, he reached out and pressed a cloth to her face. Lester tried to make it to her, but Quint grabbed him and pressed a cloth to his face too. The last thing he felt before fading away was anger. Pam's chains rattled as she removed the slack and began pulling against them. Mike licked her biceps and traced the climbing peaks with his tongue. Their passions were still growing, just like Pam's biceps when they heard the lock on the door disengage. Pam looked over her shoulder then the pushed Mike down to the ground. She didn't have to say anything for Mike to pretend that he was still knocked out. This time a smiling Quint stood there holding an unconscious woman over one shoulder and a man in the same condition over the other. He looked at Pam for a moment before turning away from her. He effortlessly held the two unconscious people up as he carried them about twenty feet away towards a pair smaller of chains set into the floor. These were perhaps half as thick as the ones that held her and Mike. He attached one chain to the woman's left wrist and the other to the man. With that done he pulled the same rag that had knocked Pam out and held it out as he walked to a long table at the side of the room. He took the top off of a glass bottle and wet the cloth with it. He carefully put the bottle back on the table and walked towards Pam. She had already felt Quint's strength, but she was going to fight him with everything she had if he tried to use that stuff on her again. "Do you think I am stupid", Quint growled and approached Pam, but he grabbed Mike by his hair and lifted up his head. Mike instantly began to fight and struggle, but the chains wouldn't let him do much. Quint stepped out of Pam's reach then pressed the cloth to Mike's face. Pam warned him not to inhale, but he could only hold his breath for so long. She saw Mike pass out and then Quint put the cloth back into his pocket. He stepped a few feet away and began taking his clothes off. "I'm not going to let you ruin this suit", he began. "Schmitt pays well, but not that well." "What?" "You didn't think we were finished did you?" Pam swallowed a lump in her throat as the muscled German walked behind her. Without the least warning, he impaled Pam. His hips moved like a blur across a field of vision as he slammed every inch of his cock into Pam. He loved the feeling of her muscled hips beneath his hands, and he loved even more that he was humbling that mighty body, showing it who he was. The furious fucking didn't last for long. Quint came and for Pam it felt like she'd been hooked to a cum pump. I just kept coming and coming. There was no rest though. He pulled his cock out of her pussy and laughed. "Your pussy looks like it just gave birth to triplets!" Pam blushed and her head sagged. Her pussy had humbled men for years and now it had been so easily defeated. He felt her hands on her cheeks, kneeding them and feeling their hardness. He bent down and kissed her left then her right butt cheeks, but then she felt his saliva cover another part of her butt. Her eyes opened wide. She tried to scream, "No", but it came out as a weak yelp as Quint stabbed his cock into her ass. "Oh yes! Tight!", he grunted as he used the power of his abs and hips against the crushing resistance. He didn't slow down or speed up. He wrecked her ass at his own pace, and there was nothing she could do to stop it. He enjoyed watching her huge tits jigged as he rammed her with stronger and stronger thrusts. Her impenetrable abs were being forced out like something was inside trying to get out. He pressed so hard it seemed like he was indeed trying to fuck his cock all the way through her body. He pounded her for what seemed like forever, never letting up. Quint had done in a manner of minutes what no man had ever been able to do to Pam. He'd made her his toy. She'd broken rich and powerful men until they screamed like children, and now she was the one helpless. He came again, just as much as the last time filling her belly until she was nauseous. It was amazing. Despite it all, Pam's skin flushed and her body tensed up hard. Quint flinched at the new pressure and Pam came, gushing girl juices all over the floor, even eclipsing his monumental volume. She was still twitching from bliss when he came around to the front again. Pam raised her weary head and watched as his cock once again stood out like a battering ram. She watched too as his balls seemed to swell and get ready for another go. "It was a challenge before, but I can stop now if you are not strong enough to take it. I am not my boss. I'm a gentleman", he said politely, but his face spoke volumes. 'You are beaten and bettered', it told Pam. 'You called him a boy but it was her who was outmatched. She might have beaten up men and humiliated guys who thought that they were strong and tough. Here was a man who really was strong and tough, and she was wilting under the pressure.' Pam looked up, seeing the spark in Quint's eyes and the smirk on his once impassive face and said, "Screw you!" Quint stepped forward and pushed Pam upright. Then he bent down and wrapped his arms behind her knees. He lifted the big-titted muscle woman like she was weightless. Residual cum fell from her defeated holes as he once again plunged his cock into her cunt. He bounced her up and down on his cock, impaling her with its full length. She squealed with each insertion. Her arms flailed causing the chain to jangle and sway. Her tits bashed against Quint's face as her muscles had receded and her tits emerged. She was becoming soft again, like she was when she was trying to fool men and lure them into her trap. She always thought that she was really the muscle beast. The woman so strong that no man could stand up to her, but Quint just smiled and sucked on one of her shortening nipples, sucking on it like a babe. Her pussy was so wet for him, trying to appease his cock and somehow lessen the strain on itself. It was so pathetic that Pam was ready to cry. Quint laughed and Pam looked at him with her watery eyes. Her mind was blank then as he fucked her like an animal. The pain or the pleasure wasn't there. Then he winked. Pam couldn't have said why, but that was the worst thing he Quint could have done. A rippling flex went from Pam's upper abs to the bottom of her abdominal wall. She felt Quint shudder a bit. 'Okay', she told herself. 'This is your last chance.' Pam's pussy tightened around Quint's cock like a hydraulic vice. The pace of his strokes slowed just a bit. All of Pam's muscles came alive, but her feminine muscles were her focus now. Her cunt tightened from the sloppy mess that Quint had created into a molten tube that contracted tighter and tighter. He moaned again. "Ahhhh", he screamed and his pace slowed even more. His own muscles flexed as he plunged his cock in or pull it out. "Yes, so tight! Your pussy can give me pleasure now!", he defied Pam, but she wasn't finished. Pam's face took on that look of tortured concentration again. Quint tried to thrust his cock all the way in, but it only got a few inches before her pussy clamped down tighter. His attempted stroke just pushed Pam's body higher in the air until his cock and her pussy were holding all of her weight. His switched his arm angle and tried to pull her down onto his shaft. She sank another inch, but that only put more of his cock into her furnace. He cursed and let her go suddenly. All her weight was pressed against his cock. He screamed at the weight. He abs flexed into a ten pack and his muscles flexed hard to hold her up. He looked up to Pam's face and saw her smirk appear. Then her pussy opened up and swallowed his cock whole. Pam's feet fell to the floor and now the two of them stood facing each other as equals. She'd fought back and now it was time to show him who she really was. "It feels as if your pussy's sucking my cock!", he murmured. "It feels too good!" Pam fucked him until he fell to his knees. She put her hands on his shoulders and began to fuck him as hard as he'd done to her before, but this time her pussy was squeezing him tighter than even her pecs had. His cock was trapped and he knew it. Finally Pam had fucked Quint until he was lying on the ground. Just that fast he was the fuck toy. He put his hands on her hips and tried to take control. Pam fought against him, but then she felt his cock expanding inside her. A moment later Quint let loose the hardest orgasm of his life. Cum would have shot past the ceiling of this cavernous room, but Pam's pussy wouldn't let it. The jizz came out with the blast of a firehouse, but Pam's pussy was so tight wrapped around his cock that it could barely dribble out. His cock expanded still more like a balloon about to burst. The pressure and thickness caused Pam to get near the edge. She didn't want to, but his cock was so special. Even though she was trying to control it, his member was far from powerless. Her orgasm joined his and cum filled her again. She fell back off of him after two solid minutes of orgasm and even after all that time, Quint's cum reached halfway to the ceiling. Pam was in awe. She leaned forward and took his spasming dick in her mouth, this time she forced the swollen prick all the way down until her nose was smashed again his lower abs. "Mein Gott!", Quint exclaimed. His eyes rolled back in his head and his body shook like he was having a seizure. Pam's jaw looked distended and her throat looked deformed, but she kept his cock in place as Quint had another just from the sensation of being throated for the first time in his life. Pam hungrily drank up every bit of cum until her belly could take no more and it spilled out past her lips. She pulled off of him slowly, letting him see just how deep she'd taken his cock. Letting him see that she had indeed mastered what he thought couldn't be tamed. *** Continued in our Amy's Conquest ( Exclusive, Members Only, Text Stories Section OR purchase it individually with our site's New Updated Format. ***