JASPER MEETS LILLIAN by DTM A Timid Boy Finds New Life And Love From His Dream Amazon Woman - Whos As Protective As She Is Jealous We're pleased to announce that One Lucky Man (fully illustrated by the amazingly talented Matt - formerly from Like Mother, Like Daughter) is Just Days Away from being posted on amysconquest.com, in addition to the next set of releases of incredibly sexily read audio stories (by fellow DTV author Christa at that) for your listening pleasure; with many more popping up throughout the next few months, several of which had actually gotten her So Hot while reading.......well, lets just say that theres a few honest to goodness "mistakes" that you wont mind listening to in the least here and there about them. : ))) Get them All separately if you wish, or jumpon in with one of our Membership Subscriptions to view and listen to them ALL! For only $19.95, you can get access to ALL of the great illustrated and audio stories on the site -- a savings of Well Over 50%! Be sure to head to the following link for more info: http://www.amysconquest.com/stories.html Want another way to get All of our Amazing Muscle stories on Amy's Conquest? Well, just read below and get that pen and pencil ready! : ) Amazon Artists Wanted!! Want to become a part of the NEW Amy's Conquest illustrated story site Forever? Want to become a Lifetime Member, able to view Any such illustrated or audio story there now, and All of them that will be posted in the future? Well then, if youve got a Love of all things Amazonian, and have the drawing skills to match, then email me at dtm352@hotmail.com and well see what we can do. If your artwork passes through, you will have the chance to pick Any story from my (DTM) bookshelf for illustration for our site. Once this has been done, and your drawn story is posted there for sale, you will instantly become a Lifetime Member to AC, able to enjoy everything we provide, for as long as you could possibly want! Now tell me that isnt an amazing offer! :) Also, for some more great Amazon artwork (from some other unreal artists who took advantage of the incredible above offer), be sure to check out www.reddyheart.com (artist of Muscle Virgin), Refaal at http://refaal.deviantart.com/ (artist of The Elevator Ride), and Matt at http://matthew1981.deviantart.com/ (artist of the New Like Mother, Like Daughter, and the upcoming One Lucky Man). Lastly, but not leastly, I also wanted to thank those of you who have shown so much interest in having me write some personalized FBB/Amazon stories for you (for a very reasonable fee :) ). My calender is always open for all who are interested, so feel free to send me any of your requests, and well certainly work something out between us both. :) So far the reaction of my "customers" has been Superb, something I insist on as I wouldnt say Done until they were completely happy. (Lots of return business, so you KNOW they must be Happy) So, if anyone else is interested in having me take a crack at writing your own personal FBB story, feel free to drop me a line at: dtm352@hotmail.com and well definitely see what we can do. Thanks all and enjoy the story. : ) ********** Jasper Collins was a shy boy of 17 years of age. Not one to actively go out and talk to others, especially the girls in his class, due to a slightly shorter and skinnier frame; which while held an adorably cute face, still wasnt enough to give his confidence that much needed boost to go and speak to the various girls at his school - let alone someone he considered the woman of his dreams. It didnt help any that this girl was not only drop-dead gorgeous, with a body full of unreal womanly curves and statuesque shape, but was also one year older than himself (which at this point in their young lives, was another massive obstacle for him). Lillian Anderson was this object of Jaspers affections, a 18 year old knock-out, in every sense of the word, that he saw almost daily while coming home from school while waiting for the local areas bus. Though while his growing teenage hormones and emotions craved to be closer to this utterly amazing girl, even getting to know her a bit better on a friendship level, that was something that simply could not be; as his lack of any self-esteem stopped him from approaching her at all, trapping him in a world where he could only watch from afar, and thats all. That was until one fateful day, when unbelievably so, Lillian actually began talking to him. Something that started off with casual small-talk while sitting on their bus-stops bench, over the coming days swiftly turned to much more. So much so that in a slight slip-of-the-tongue Jasper had accidentally mentioned how Hot he thought she was, and that he had been admiring her for some time; something he thought would get him a slap to the face (or worse, considering how solidly built this beautiful girl appeared to be), though to his surprise (and Delight) Lillian only smiled back at him, saying she felt the same way in return, then ending with a gently soft kiss on his forehead (an act which nearly caused Jasper to faint in his less-than-comfortable bus seat). "You mean you.......you like me? Like me, like That, like me?" the usually very intelligently speaking boy clumsily made out to this beautiful young girl before him. "Why sure, whats so shocking about that?" "Well I.......Im not exactly what youd call a hunk. Not very big or strong, and....." "And thats all girls look for in a boy, eh?" Lillian politely interrupted, finishing his sentence nearly to perfection, something which caused Jasper to nod Yes as she did so. "I see. Well, first off, youre cute as a button, and I dont know what girl would be foolish enough to pass such a prize like you up" she complimentarily made out with a smile, causing Jasper to do the same in return. "Secondly, not all girls are into musclebound jocks. I dont need a boy to be big and strong for me, I can certainly take care of myself in that department......or havent you noticed" the attractive young woman sexily breathed out, as she outstretched both of her long, thickly shaped legs; as she placed Jaspers hand on her now rock hard quads, making him feel their truly incredible firmness. "You think thats something, take a look at these?" she continued on in a sexy tone, flexing now a single arm in a powerfully hit biceps pose; something which caused Jaspers eyes to widen in shock as he saw its formerly noticeable thickness turn into a visibly defined softball sized muscle. As before, Lillian used her other hand to move Jaspers own to this newly revealed hardness, where he felt its silky smooth, mocha colored, rock solid mound, which while being smaller than her roughly 25" thighs (her biceps being about 15.5" themselves), they felt no less solid, not to mention, Strong. "Wooooowwww......." was all he could say, as he continued to feel Lillians more than impressively sized bicep. "Come on now, weve been talking up close for days, and according to you youve been watching me a lot longer than that......." she teased out with a smile, "......are you telling me you didnt know this body of mine contained this much muscle? You didnt know your "dream girl" was actually an Amazon, eh?........or maybe you did, maybe thats what so attracted you to me, and you just never knew it?" she concluded in a much softer, more thought out, tone. A deduction that became more and more fact as she looked over at Jaspers crotch area, watching what lie inside grow, and throb, and pulse with adolescent lust and desire, as she continued to flex and flare her unreal female muscles. This revelation caused the startled boy to pull his hand away from her growingly muscular body, though not quick enough for Lillian, who grabbed onto his hand and pulled it back to her newly exposed muscles, her bulging biceps and thick thighs, relishing in his touches; knowing that her buff body turned him on So Much, feeling the same thing about him in return, now more than ever. "Shhhhhh, dont shy away there Baby, not when things are getting so......interesting" she seductively breathed out, with her green eyes half-closed, her full, thick lips pouting so sexily as she did so. Lillian then released her hand from his own, her guiding touch no longer being needed as Jasper automatically continued his muscle worshiping caresses, as she used now both of her hands to slowly, sexily, unbutton her blouse; moving the soft fabric away from one another, erotically exposing even more of her amazingly well-endowed breasts cleavage, which now featured more than a few hints of rippling pec muscles within. "Mmmmmm, you like muscles on a girl so much, Honey......then feel me here, and tell me what you think" she cooed, guiding his hand yet again to her chest, pushing it softly (though firmly) beneath her newly opened blouse, allowing him to feel the most incredible female breasts he could possibly ever imagine. Truly, Jasper was now in Heaven, as he began feeling every available inch of this gorgeous girls bountiful D-cup breasts. Of course, such sensations were hardly unappreciated by Lillian as well, as his pleasuring fingers knew exactly how to touch and grope and feel her big, beefy breasts like no other; something which caused her eyes to fully close and her tongue to peek out and lick her lips in lust, while her thick muscle tits began popping, flexing and bouncing all about. Each muscular flare making her breasts fuller and firmer with muscle, amazingly so much so, that to Jasper they felt nearly as hard as her fully flexed arms and legs. "Would you be my girlfriend?" Jasper almost timidly asked, an odd thing considering what he was doing to this voluptuously shaped beauty, though picking this moment as he did due to his all too pleasurable touches all the same. "Ooooooh Yeah.......Mmmmmm.......Im all yours Baby........Oooooooooh.......just like you are now All Mine!" Lillian near growled out, causing the last of this buses riders to give a puzzling look to their area, as they made their way out of this temporarily stopped vehicle. Then, as if to solidify her claim over her new boyfriend, her pecs expanded even more, suddenly slamming shut over Jaspers all too pleasing hand. So much so that while it wasnt applying too much in the way of painful pressure (though slight numbness was being felt around his fingers nonetheless), his attempts to remove his hand from her now ultra tight cleavage proved in vain. Impossibly enough, not only did his new girlfriend have a body full of sexy female muscle, even her lusciously full chest was strong enough to hold him in place with a single, powerfully hit, pec flex. Trapped as he now was, this little Amazonian display was hardly unenjoyable for Jasper (to say the least), that was until he took a quick glance over at his watch; which shocked him by showing a time that was already past his expected time home. Something which caused the teenage boy to now panic, calling out to this buses driver to turn back around, realizing now that they were actually several stops beyond his expected drop off point. Of course, the driver refused (and rudely at that), letting them know that he had a schedule to keep, and he wasnt about to just turn around because someone missed their stop, even if he and Lillian were the only ones currently on the bus. This mans crude reply caused the teenage boy to shake in fear at the thought of arriving home so late, something which broke Lillians heart at seeing her new boyfriend in such a state; feelings which were soon after changed to anger, as the tall, powerfully built young woman rose up from her seat to face this very "uncooperative and unhelpful" bus driver. "Im sorry, but maybe you didnt hear him right. My boyfriend needs to get home right away! So for your sake, Id so as he says, and turn this bucket right around, ASAP!" Lillian barked out her command, one that so startled the large, male bus driver, that he couldnt help but put his vehicle in Park and look back behind him to see who was so foolish as to talk to him as such, and on his own bus no less. Standing proud and confident before him, taking up the entire center aisle of this vehicle, was Lillians Amazonian form, which was much more noticeable as such now than when she first got on, due to her recently erotically performed series of flexing, and the tightness of her now body hugging outfit. Her light brown skin helped to perfectly accentuate the layers of muscular cuts and definition all about her 5' 9" frame, which while holding more than its share of visible muscle, still looked as womanly and feminine as any this 45 year old driver had ever seen. Though sexy as she was (him not even realizing she was as young as his own daughter), he wasnt about to be talked down to by Anyone, not here where he was King, and not be any woman at that. "Listen up Girlie, cause Im only gonna say this one more time! Ive got a schedule to keep, and Im not turning this bus around for anything, see! So maybe next time your boyfriend should pay a bit more attention to his stops, and a bit less on your giant cans, and hell be getting home on time. Now sit down, shut up, or Im throwing both of your asses off Right Now!" he gruffly replied with a loud, booming voice. "OK sir, if thats your final answer, then I guess I have no choice......" the sexy musclegirl breathed out, giving Jasper a sexy wink as she did so, "......but to Get Rough!" With that, the voluptuous teenage Amazon grabbed hold of both of the double-seats on either side of her, and began using her awesome strength to pull them right off the floor; ripping apart the metal bolts and hinges that held each of their over one-hundred pound frames onto this vehicles base; holding each of them in one of her outstretched hands, dangling them from her wrists like they weighed nothing more than the bracelets that so adorned them. Her eyes now focused more on the bus driver than her boyfriend, as both boy and man could only watch in shock and awe at this truly unreal display of power, Lillian then dropping one of these large seats, only to claim the other with both of her clearly power packed arms. With a stern, angry look on her face, the beautiful black musclegirl then began to give this metal framed seat a crushing hug, pushing it into her unyielding body, which held its amazingily hard form perfectly - unlike the object she was crumpling against her, which was being mangled and bent over and into itself, helplessly demolished by Lillians steel hard arms and thick, meaty chest. "You think youre so tough because this is your bus, eh? You think just because youre the driver that you can bark out orders to anyone inside, that you can raise your voice at me and my boyfriend?? Well, I think thats gonna change, starting right now!" she barked out, giving one final crush with her pulsating upper body on this once sturdy seat, which now looked like a crumbled ball of cushions and metal, before tossing it over one of her wide muscle-capped shoulders; causing it to fly speedily and with much force to the back end of the bus, where it landed with a loud Crash! She then grabbed a hold of the other, newly removed seat, holding it with both of her growingly more muscular arms as before; though this time instead of squeezing it into a mangled ball, she decided to rip it in two; something she did slowly and with much control over the next minute, doing so with as much effort as an ordinary girl would do to a piece of paper. Yet this was not a piece of paper, and this was no ordinary girl (something Jasper was finding out in spades today), and when Lillian was finished, she held one half of this once-whole seat in each of her held-out arms, before dropping them at her feet, which then slowly made their way closer and closer to this now completely terrified bus driver. "Now, unless you want me to get out and topple this bus right over on its side, with YOU underneath it, youll do just what my boyfriend asked you and get him home ASAP!" Lillian barked out her command, now standing right before this obviously quivering man, her arms crossed powerfully over her hard, full chest. "I....I....I cant, I mean, even if I wanted to, which I DO, I swear I do, I cant just turn a bus around. I....I have to follow its usual course.....I.....I have no choice! Please, please dont hurt me!!" he cowardly made out in return, watching this statuesque Nubian Goddess' physique bulge and harden with more Amazonian muscle. "But.....but I can......I can skip past all of those others stops......get us to his house as fast as I can" the frightened male offered out, just as Lillians hands were about to grab a hold of him, using her vast strength to do God Knows What to his clearly weaker body. "Hmmmmm, you know what, I like that idea" the dominant teenage girl replied with a smile, pulling back her steel hard hands, before bouncing back to her new boyfriend; doing so now like an excited little schoolgirl, over the steel-bending supergirl she was just seconds ago. "I hope thats OK with you Baby, if not, I can go back and rip his arms and legs off for you?" she spoke in a surprisingly serious tone. "NO!....uh....no, no thats OK. No need to go breaking things for me........well, people "things" anyway" Jasper followed up, a more than obvious hint that he very much enjoyed Lillians display of immense strength on the various objects laying about. "Mmmmmm, a man after my own heart" she replied with a smile, bouncing up and down slightly in place with excitement at the chance to continue showing off her unreal physical power. "Well, since we seem to have some time before we get you home, why dont I see what I can do to entertain you until then?" Lillian cooed out erotically, playing with her luscious lips with a single index finger, sensuously rocking her hips side to side as she did so. "Oh, and dont worry about getting home late Sweetie, I think I can help you out there as well. Until then, I just want you to sit back, relax and enjoy the show......the Muscle Show, that is" With that, the beautiful young Ebony Amazon moved back away from her man, and began to hit a series of well practiced and highly erotic bodybuilding poses (having a good deal more room to do so now, with the recent removal of the surrounding seats). First raising up her already short pleated black and red mini-skirt to show off the utterly amazingly shape of her long, lean, luscious legs. So full and thick, yet so tight and solid looking, they had the perfect amount of sexy curves, coupled with the right amount of rock hard muscle all about them. From diamond cut calves, to beefy hard thighs, to ripplingly muscular quads; and even an all too sexy hint of her bowling ball bubble butt, each incredibly rounded ball of muscle looking larger than Jaspers head, with more steel strong firmness than his entire body. Lillian loved how her erotic little muscle show was turning him on, doing the same for her as well with little doubt, so she continued on by raising up the lower end of her soft blouse to her massive chest, revealing a perfectly sculpted and washboard tight stomach that looked strong enough to take anything anyone could throw at it. First hardening her abs to unreal ridgedness, to simply flattening it out (which with her light brown skin, still showed off her dug in 6-Pack), to flowing her stomach up and down, like a wave of solid muscle, one that Jasper wouldnt mind diving into at all. Then with a smile she began flexing her stronger than steel arms, hardening her biceps to softball size and rock hardness right before her new mans eyes. Each one roughly the same thickness as both of his put together, yet the difference in actual strength was So Much Greater than that. Arms which could crush his bones to dust with ease, yet for some reason knowing she would never use them as such on him, and he in turn would never doing anything to cause her to do so. Lillian then went into a powerfully hit, extremely intimidating lat spread, placing her feminine hands on her hips and just Flaring out her already wide back, lat and shoulder muscles to their fullest; utterly eclipsing Jasper from view at nearly every angle, in addition to pushing the carefully chosen material of her top to its very limits. Then, with the blowing of a kiss to her adorable new boyfriend, the sexy teenage Amazon began to cross her arms powerfully over her thick, hard chest muscles, over and over again as her meaty muscular mammaries began to grow and solidify with even more massively mighty muscle. Knowing that her previous display of pec power really got Jasper going, Lillian made this her last move on purpose, in order to pump up her muscle tits for a special treat for him, yet another display of her awesomely powerful body. With a slight leaning over towards this all too excited young man, Lillian gave him a soft, tender kiss on his head once more, before moving on down to a nearby metal pole, which was used as a support piece for those which were forced to stand in this often crowded bus. Like a well trained erotic dancer, she began twirling around and around this pole with incredible skill and amazing grace, which coupled with her all too sensual look about her face, caused Jaspers cock to wish it had just an ounce of her power, so it could break free from its denim jean constraints, and fully enjoy this all too sexy performance by his new girlfriend. Lillian saw this all too well, and while it was easily in her power to rip his jeans apart with her bare hands, she decided to wait, increasingly the level of desire he felt for her, until she choose to do otherwise. So the continued on playfully adding to his level of sexual arousal, until she stopped her gyrating dance on the opposite of the steel hard pole, which was followed by her moving her beefy D-cups over and around its super sturdy frame. The exotic Amazon then looked straight into Jaspers eyes, before giving him a sexily playful wink, which was followed by the FLEXING of her massive muscle tits, and the screaming of metal which was helplessly trapped within. No, not just trapped, not just smothered, as any woman with a large, full breasts could do such a thing. Lillian wanted to display not just her breasts impressive size, but the super strong muscle that lay within as well, as she continued to crush and squeeze in on this metal pole, bending and twisting its once unmoving form, before moving herself back yet again, taking the mangled piece of metal back with her as she did so. Leaving a now ripped apart steel object in her wake, done so by what may be the "weakest" muscles in her body. "So what do you think Baby, wanna play a little more with these babies now?" Lillian breathed out sexily, flexing her tits up and down, which further mangled the piece of metal still engulfed within. "Mmmmmmm, you better hope you dont get me Too Excited, or that youre stronger than This, when were together, as Id hate to end your sexual life before it even gets started" she teased out, as she sensuously pulled the crumpled piece of metal from within her super firm cleavage. "Awww, dont worry Honey, Id never hurt you like that.......besides, when we do get together, and We Will, count on that, its not these big breasts youre gonna have to worry about.....its these thick, thunder thighs of mine thats going to give you Nightmares!" the sexy musclegirl erotically teased out, flexing her legs just inches before Jaspers eyes, which widened to their fullest in order to take in every single inch of them. The gorgeous young Amazon girl then backed away again, to then straddle another of this bus' sturdily made double-seats, placing one of her visibly hard, chocolate covered thighs on each of its sides, as she began to ride its bolted-on form as if it were a mechanical bull. One mighty muscled arm high in the air, the other grabbing on to the top of the seat beneath her, Lillian closed her eyes and began grinding her hips and pelvis into her seats frame; the friction of which was turning her on to no end, as did what followed for her all too aroused young man. Sounds of metal instantly screamed all about the place, as Jasper could see her legs digging into the body of her seat, something she did without missing a beat of her all too erotic hip thrusts, something that only added to the feelings of intense sexual desire from the quickly stiffening teenager. GRIND!, CRUSH!, SCREECH!, were heard by all (including the virtually panic-stricken bus driver), as Lillians thighs continued to constrict around yet another metal framed object; which like the others before, had no hope to resist the unreal physical power of this incredibly beautiful teenage girl. Before long, her legs had demolished another part of this bus, something that set levels of arousal for both of these all ready hot and horny teenagers climbing up another notch. "So what do you think Baby, do you like?" the sexy Amazon girl breathed out to her nearly erotically exploding boyfriend, who could only give her a silent nodding reply Yes in return. "Mmmmmm, the strong silent type, my favorite" Lillian teased out, blowing Jasper a kiss with her full, pouting lips. "How about a little more of my muscle show, would you like that Sweetie?" she continued on in an amazingly sensual tone, as one would expect from a professional sex-phone operator, not an 18 year old High School girl. So sexily feminine was her voice in fact that it made the once petrified bus driver completely forget that this beautiful girl was actually tearing his vehicle apart, threatening to do the same to him as well. Yet as punishingly powerful as she undeniably was, the much older man just couldnt help but get a major hard-on at her physical and vocal performance here and now. The fear that he once had of her now nearly gone, replaced with a lusting desire to fuck this unreal musclegirl for all he was worth; fully aware that doing so to someone who could bend steel with each and every part of her body, may be the last thing he ever did. Unfortunately for him, so lost was he in his need to take in all of her erotic muscle show, that his glances back at her became more and more obvious, meaning quite noticeable, to say the least. "HEY! Are you watching me, you Goddamn pervert! Are you peeping in on my little Love Show to my man when youre supposed to be keeping your eyes on the road!!" Lillian angrily roared out, so loudly in fact that it made Jasper nearly jump right out of his seat; not to mention fear for the very life of this extremely foolish man, as a very angry muscle packed teenage girl made her way across this newly demolished bus, in this now clearly shaking mans direction. "Im sorry, please! I didnt mean to look, I......I just couldnt help myself. I....." "Shut Up, Asshole! What, you think because Im acting all sexy for my man, that you can just watch and enjoy too? Uh uh, wrong! Do you know what I do to much older guys like you who get their rocks off by staring at teenage girls?" Lillian continued on yelling at this man, who was now showing signs of shock and surprise in his face, as he never would have imagine such a womanly shaped female could possibly be so young. "Do you know how I ensure that they Never look at a young girl like that again! Hold on, why just tell you, when I can Show You!" she growled out, reaching with her clearly muscular arms for him, or so he thought. What she was actually reaching for was another nearby, top to bottom length metal pole; though this time instead of grabbing it in its middle, she did so at its highest and lowest points. Using her Amazonian strength to pry it away from the bus' frame with ease, holding now its full 7 foot length in both of her stronger than steel hands, something she proved without even trying, as her fingers began to make little dents and grooves on its metal hard form. Lillian then harshly, animalistically, placed this long firm bar across her wide back and broad shoulders, looping her hands around its sides as far as she could reach; which was followed by a primal growl escaping from her lips (due to her obvious anger, over actual physical exertion) she began to bend the inches thick steel bar across her back, sending sounds of screeching metal echoing all about this even more destroyed bus. "If I Ever see you peeking at me again, Im gonna throw you over my back like this, and bend your spine in half until I no longer hear it cracking and breaking against me!" Lillian yelled out, as she continued giving this man a preview of just what she planned to do to him if he ever so much as looked at her again. "Then, when Ive bent you in half and backwards, Im gonna get these hands on you, and twist you to Pieces!" intimidatingly concluded this clearly upset Amazon girl, as she again performed on this now mangled object what she threatened to do with him; taking its now bent over frame in her hands and tying it in a knot, the act of which not only caused her biceps to swell and harden even more, it also caused her soon-to-be victim to wet himself in utter and total fear - something she noticed as she turned back to her own adorably cute man had happened to him as well, though from an entirely different reason, with an entirely different fluid. "Awwww, my poor little baby, did my little display get you a bit too sexed up, Sweetie?" cooed softly the power packed musclegirl to the now very embarrassed Jasper, holding him in her arms and rocking him back and forth as she tried to comfort him. "Shhhhhh, dont worry about that Baby, Ill have that "big man" of youre up and ready again in no time" Lillian seductively breathed, before giving her new boyfriend a long, deep, lingering kiss on the lips. "Mmmmmmm, now didnt that feel good? Dont I know how to keep my handsome man happy?" she continued speaking out in a soft, loving tone, as she placed Jasper back gently on his seat. Though such words of comfort and love were instantly gone as she now paid her full attention to the driver of this vehicle; a stern, harsh look staring out at him with her gleaming green eyes. "And You! Its Your fault my man blew his load like that, his first load as us being boyfriend and girlfriend! A load I wanted to take deep inside me, something that was Mine, and because I had to teach you a lesson, he lost it All!" the enraged Ebony Amazon screamed out, making her way back to this piss-stained pants wearing man, savagely ripping apart most of the remaining intact double-seats of this bus on her way over to him. "Now you listen to me, and Listen Good! If you dont get us back to my mans house, not the bus stop near his house, but the house itself, in less than 5 minutes, Im going to rip you in half - just like Im about to do to this bus!!" she roared out, mangling another metal-supported seat on her now 16" arms, before dropping it hard at her feet; which was followed with her turning back around to do the exact same thing to the rest of this once powerfully built, now visibly demolished, vehicle. The utterly terrified older man who once believed this bus was his castle, to which he was its Lord and Master, could now only do as he was commanded, and that was drive to the best of his abilities to his newly given destination (Jasper being nice enough to offer his actual address for him to do so). His eyes focused solely on the road ahead, for fear that even a casually curious glance in the rear-view mirror would incur her wrath against him. The only thing he could do was drive, and drive he did, like a man-possessed; that and take in all of the sounds of screaming metal that filled his now shaking back and forth bus. At this point in time, he had no idea just what Lillian was doing to his prized possession, though from what he had seen before and was hearing now, he knew it was anything but good. Something that was fully confirmed 4 minutes and 38 seconds later, when he stopped this vehicle just outside of Jaspers house, allowing him to turn back around to view the carnage all about him - Carnage, being a true understatement at what he actually saw before him. His eyes widened in shock as he looked around to see all of the remaining seats (with the exception of Jaspers own) had been ripped out of their locked-in positions, either torn apart of crushed into metal balls all over the place. The very body of this mighty transport was bent severely outward in several places, feminine hands and footprints could be seen all over its frame; and in the back, bending in half the emergency rear exit door (which like nearly everything else in this bus, was made of solid steel) was Lillians pumped up, muscle packed, mocha colored form. A form that relished letting herself go during the past several minutes, noticing with a wide grin that Jasper enjoyed it as well, as she then made her way up to grab his hand with a gentle, loving grip, leading him out of this vehicle (bursting apart its front, main door with a single kick to do so); mercifully allowing the now shell of a bus to bolt away from them, without further repercussions on it, or its panically crying driver within. Lillian then took her man by the hand, as they made their way towards Jaspers house; which was in a quite well-to-do area, letting her know his family had some serious money to their name. As they walked down the long pathway of carefully placed ornamental stones leading to this houses front door, she could feel him start to tremble, with a look of real concern and worry forming over his cute little face. She then stopped him right there and then, looked deeply into his eyes, and let him know in a very comforting tone that everything was going to be alright; that she would be there for him, protecting him, making sure nothing bad would happen to him. Such words from such an unreal young woman did wonders for lifting the spirit of this usually timid teenage boy; who then wrapped his arm around her own, leading her now (as previously, she was guiding him down this path) towards the main doorway of this large and spacious home. KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK! "Sorry, my parents........well, they dont give me a key to the house. They believe Id use it to come and go as I please, and well......" "And this is a better way for them to keep tabs on you, keep you under their control?" Lillian again finished his sentence to perfection, feeling quite saddened that such an incredible boy was being treated like this, seemingly being kept a prisoner in his own home. If the fear his parents were causing Jasper wasnt enough for her to disapprove of their parenting methods, and then as a whole, this last bit of information was certainly enough to cause Lillian to realize changes needed to be made here - and that she was the one to do so. "Here Sweetie, maybe they left the door unlocked for you today, let me try" the voluptuous hardbodied teenager breathed softly to her boyfriend, as she reached out a single hand and with a sudden burst of power from her steel hard muscles, caused a Cracking Pop to emit from the detailed looking door-handle; which was followed with the door opening up, allowing them both to enter after several minutes of waiting, doing so by force over actually being let in by its owners. "Hello? Mom, Dad?" Jasper called out apprehensively, as he and Lillian made their way further inside this houses all too spacious interior. "Jasper!! How did you get inside? We were going to teach you a lesson about being late by keeping you waiting outside!" gruffly spoke out his father, as both he and Jaspers mom made their way towards the two teenagers. "Did you get a key for the front door made? You know we expressly forbid that young man, you are much too young to come and go as you please" his mother then followed suit, both of them berating their son, without a care in the world that he had a visitor alongside him. "Mom, Ill be 18 in 3 months, Im not a baby, OK!" Jasper replied back, with a hint of emotional tears forming in his eyes. "Sweetie, may I?" Lillian softly cooed to the young man still wrapped around her right arm, asking permission (something she virtually Never did) to speak on his behalf to his parents. Permission which was given with a defeated nodding of his head, which was followed with the lusciously shaped young woman then looking at the two older, though quite demeaning and bullyish, parental units. "First off, the "key" we used to get in, and ruin your utterly ridiculous punishment for Jasper coming home late.....which wasnt even his fault.....was This!" she powerfully made out, as she outstretched her free arm, then slowly flexed it into an amazingly thick, incredibly hard-looking, softball sized mound of muscle. Her originally intact blouse had previously been ripped apart in this area due to her earlier muscle flexing exploits this day, allowing her boyfriends parents to view this unreal sight almost fully, as a look of surprise and confusion became clearly visible across both of their faces. "As for you teaching him a lesson, well I think its about to someone did the same thing to the two of you!" she continued on, gently removing her other arm from around Jasper tall, though thinly built frame, flexing both of them now in an all too powerful double biceps shot. "Who the Hell are you, young lady! And what the Hell gives you the right to speak to us like that in our own home!!" the older man yelled back at this beautiful young girl, seemingly unaware (or foolishly unimpressed) with the apparent muscular size and shape that she possessed. "Dont you yell at her! Shes with me, her name is Lillian Anderson, and shes my girlfriend!" Jasper replied back instantly and swiftly, something that shocked everyone around here, even Lillian herself, whose feelings for this brave young man grew at such an act, knowing full well how much he was afraid of his parents (his father especially) though he barked out in defense of her against him all the same. Though as full as her heart felt towards her adorable new man, it was shattered to pieces not a second afterward, due to a flying open hand from his father, which caught Jasper across the face, sending him down to the ground from the force of its impact. "Dont You Dare raise your voice to me, young man! You do as I say when you live under my roof, and when I deem you old enough to get a girlfriend, itll be one your mother and I choose for you and approve of, not some freakish, musclebound, she-man!" the father of the newly downed boy roared out in anger, furious at his sons sudden rebellion against him; something that this new girl in his life was surely the cause of, something he wasnt going to stand for a single bit. As terrified as Jasper was at this very moment, shocked that his father had actually struck him (something that had never happened before, very probably due to the fact that he had never spoken back to his parents before), his tear-filled face was changing to red, as he too was very angry at his treatment of Lillian; who was now on her knees next to Jasper, making sure he was alright after his surprising attack, doing her best to comfort him during this clearly trying time. And while she could take her share of verbal abuse from this ignorant older man, what she couldnt take, what she had no tolerance for at all, was his hitting of her new boyfriend; who she cared for very much, who she had promised she would protect and look after here, something she had apparently not done - until now, that was. Just as Jasper was about to summon up his courage yet again to face his father and demand an apology from him with the words he had used to describe his beautiful new girl, Lillian rose up from the floor and back to her feet; facing these parents with a vicious stare and gritted teeth, which was then followed by a primal growl as she flexed her entire body in a massive Most Muscular pose; a shot that expanded every single inch of her Amazonian physique with even more rock solid muscle, which was more than enough to literally blow her already damaged top to pieces right off of her mighty form, something that would have happened to her lower half if she was wearing a tight pair of jeans over the pleated, schoolgirl-styled mini-skirt she currently had on. Muscles that were strongly hinted at just a minute ago, were now as exposed as the light of day for the two overly dominating adults before her, who instantly took a step or two back away as Lillian continued crossing her arms over her DD-cup chest; growling animalistically (still with a feminine tone) as she continued to harden and expand her already massively muscular body to its limits. Her upper body, now covered only with a sexy, lace black bra, was littered with ripples of chocolate colored fleshy hardness; something which could also be seen in her nearly entirely exposed legs, as cuts, separation and definition continued to form all over this enraged teenage muscelgirls body. So totally terrifying and completely intimidating was the now muscle packed frame of this formerly athletically buff female, that Jaspers parents continued to step back and away from her pulsatingly powerful form. So much so that they walked back into the full, comfortable couch in this large living area; causing them to simultaneously fall back into sitting positions on it softness, their eyes still transfixed on this amazingly muscular girl before them. A girl who was Furious at these people for what they had done to someone as special as Jasper, a girl who after one final steel hard Flexing of her body, stormed over to this large piece of furniture; grabbing it by its bottom, lifting it high above her head, and savagely shaking it with her super strong arms. Doing so with no more effort as if she was flipping out a blanket to get its dust off, and in this case the dust was Jaspers parents, who flew off the couch and landed on the floor several feet off and away from the object of her protection. Then, with the couchs former occupants now removed, Lillian lowered the large wooden furniture back to the ground, where she proceeded to send a series of punches all about its hard, oaken frame; though as durable as this objects thick, wooden frame was, it proved no match for this Ebony Amazons powerful fists, which savagely struck it again and again, sending the sounds of crackling and snapping oak echoing all about this room, not to mention its share of splinters and shards flying all about as well. In the span of 15 seconds, this 18 year old supergirl, with nothing but the strength in her mighty muscles, demolished every inch of this antique couch; doing so quicker and easier than an average man could if he was armed with a sledgehammer. Lillian then turned back around to face this all too frightened couple, making her way towards them yet again, stepping on and utterly destroying a large wooden coffee-table that lay between them. Striking it with a single one of her thick, shapely, rock hard legs, which was more than enough to brake its durable form in half, not to mention create an actual dent in the floor beneath it as well. She then kicked both sides of this newly shattered table off and away, allowing her to pass on by and now stand directly over the still sitting down (and leaning away) forms of Mr. and Mrs. Collins. "As mentioned already, Im Lillian Anderson, pleased to meet you!" she sarcastically re-introduced herself (in a tone which was a stark contrast from her savage behavior during the past minute), as she reached down for their hands with her own, which they automatically replied in suit, a foolish move with someone who could crush stone to dust within her super strong grasp. "Im dating your son Jasper now, whether you like it or not......" CRUSH!, "......and starting today, things are gonna change around here!" CRACKLE! "First off, I want him getting not only the keys to this house......" SQUEEZE!, "......but the keys to your car as well!" SNAP!, "And if you ever give him grief about coming home late again......" CONSTRICT!, "......or Anything Else, for that matter......" CRUNCH!, ".......Ill break your arms, and your legs, and everything in between!" Lillian spoke out her forced ultimatum, her voice becoming more and more primal and angered as she went on; something which Jasper could clearly notice, as he could the crunching, popping, breaking sounds coming from his parents hands, which were being crushed in the grip of his awesomely power packed girlfriend. "Oh, and as for YOU!" the angry Amazon gruffly added on, releasing the womans hand as she now used both of her arms to lift the much larger man off the floor and into a extremely painful looking bear-hug, "The only reason why youre not spending the next 6 months in the hospital for hitting Jasper, is because youre his father! But rest assured, if you EVER strike him again, or so much as twist his arm or bend his ears, Im going to hospitalize you, Forever! Do You Understand Me!!" CRACKLE!, SNAP!, POP!, went several of this older mans ribs causing him to scream aloud in agony, as Lillians super strong arms gave him 3 quick pulses of power, if only to further prove her point - something that at this point, hardly needed doing. With that, she released her arms from around this mans recently broken chest, in the same motion thrusting her full, thick chest out; which struck him as hard as a full-on punch, sending his already airborne body flying backward, where he landed next to his wife, who was lucky she received only a few breaks to one of her hands. Lillian then turned back around to Jasper, looking at his face with love and adoration, holding out one of her hands for his; something which caused both of his parents to wince at the sight of, though unlike with them, her touch to her boyfriend was done lovingly and gently; though quite firmly nonetheless, as she began pulling him away from this now demolished living room, up and off to his bedroom, for a little private instruction on Amazon Love 101 (aka, Little Boy, Gonna Make You A Man). A sexual session that not only cost him his virginity (hardly something he wished to hold onto any longer), but changed Jaspers life from this day forward as well. Though as unreal were the feelings and pleasures that would soon flow throughout his body that day (and many other days since then), Jasper was more than a bit nervous when this musclebound beauty brought him into his room and locked the door behind them. Not only due to the normal, natural state of mind of someone about to have sex for the first time, but having it with a girl who was physically capable of destroying a bus and smashing furniture to pieces more than made him wonder how such strength would fare on and around his much weaker body. Emotions of fear and concern that were put to rest within minutes of them being intimate with one another, as Lillian used her super strong, ultra hard form not to crush or tear him to pieces, but instead to hold, cuddle, protect and love; doing so with such gentility and and sensuality, that he nearly forgot she was capable of such massive feats of strength. That was, until this Ebony Amazon wanted him to remember, as nothing brought out her sexual desires (nor his, for that matter) than using her unrivaled power and flexing her mighty muscles. Whether it was with her grabbing her man by his cute, little butt, holding him off the ground and moving his cock up and down the ridges of her washboard stomach, to placing his ever growing erection within her full, firm cleavage for a pec bouncing sexual display, to her showing him full well just how able and skilled (not to mention Strong) her inner most muscles were, bringing him to screaming climax with her erotically massaging love-hole. Yes, while Jasper was certainly more than aware his new girlfriend had the strength to bend steel in her arms and crush rocks with her thighs, he now realized she could easily use her vastly superior body for the utmost in pleasure as well. Thanks to his newly received transformation into manhood, in addition to him having such a stunningly beautiful woman as his girlfriend, Jaspers confidence and self esteem began to soar; something which was hardly his usual state of mind in the past, though it seemed his life was finally turning around for the better. Never before did he think he would come close to getting a girlfriend during his High School years (heck, often times not even during his College days); let alone someone as utterly unreal, and totally perfect for him, as Lillian. Someone who would treat him like gold and care deeply for him, fulfill his deepest sexual fantasies; and yet while having a muscular physique that was capable of protecting him from any harmful situation that may arise, in normal clothes, with her rock solid muscles at ease and unflexed, she looked like most any other teenage girl - well, the select few such girls with strikingly gorgeous faces and extremely voluptuous bodies, that was. The most amazing part of this for young Jasper, was that Lillian seemed to cherish him just as much as he did her, each of them being there for each other whenever possible; Jasper for when she needed some help at school, and Lillian when he needed some assistance with unruly bullies or his parents. The latter of which needing a few more lessons from Lillians powerfully built body before they fully understood and accepted who now ruled their home; their son, who did so over them which much more fairness than they did previously over him. Though in saying that, there were definitely times when he would be a bit dominant with his parents; especially when it regarded their highly prized, virtually brand new car, which happened to be the perfect fit for him and Lillian to take to Lovers Point, lay back on its full, comfortable seats, and enjoy the beautiful starlit sky - and of course, one anothers hot, sweaty teenage bodies. Something else these two young lovers enjoyed doing more than most anything else was going to the movies. Each of them being avid movie fans for as long as they could remember, which was especially good as each of them seemed to have the taste for the same type of films - luckily for Jasper, as Lillians usual mode of persuasion often involved using her sexily solid and super strong body, and a lot of pain for her soon-to-be-convinced men. One such movie-going evening involved the beautiful young Amazon showing off her unmatched physical strength for her more than receptive boyfriend, knowing that nothing turned them on more or got them more excited than a erotically performed Muscle Show; which at this point in time was a very good thing, as Jaspers current state of mind was filled with an excitement of another kind entirely. ********** "Baby, relax, were going to get there in plenty of time" Lillian tenderly spoke out to her visibly concerned boyfriend. "Sorry, I just have a thing for being in there for the opening trailers. Its almost as much fun as the movie itself, and for the life of me I Cant Find A Parking Spot In This Entire Lot!" the normally soft spoken, recently turned 18 year old man, made out with a good deal of frustration in his voice. "Sorry Babe, its just I heard the new Indiana Jones trailer is showing before this movie, and I Really wanted to see it on the big screen tonight" "Shhhhhh, thats OK Sweetie, you just calm yourself down Honey, everythings going to be just fine" the supportive musclegirl replied in a comforting tone, rubbing one of his shoulders down with her single hand; firmly massaging it with only a tiny fraction of her strength, yet to him it felt more than a bit firm and hard. "There! There Jasper, turn right over there!" the gorgeous teenage girl excitedly made out, pointing to a location in the distant corner of this lot, a direction Jasper all too anxiously followed. "Where....I dont see any spot, Honey. Where were you looking at?" he replied, stopping his parents very fancy and high-priced vehicle just where she had pointed, yet all he could see were two large hummer trucks parking side by side in their own spots, with not an open one anywhere nearby. "Right here Baby" Lillian cooed sexily now, as she leaned forward to give her loving boyfriend a kiss, "Trust me Lover, I get you your spot yet". With that, she sensually batted her eyes, giving her lower lip a little erotic nibble as she did so; as she removed herself from their car, and sauntered on over to these very large and powerfully built cars before them. As always, Jasper couldnt keep his eyes of his girlfriends full, lusciously shaped hardbody, which this night was a given as she was dressed in a short tight, red mini-dress and long, high-heeled black boots (with matching velvet choker); her captivating her mans every glance out of his newly opened window, who eagerly watched as her hips and butt swayed back and forth sensuously, a part of her anatomy she gave a cute little wiggle to as she ended up at her desired location, smack in the middle of these all too imposing hummers. With a seductive glare back at her car-bound man, Lillian blew her lover a kiss, before reaching down for the rim of this big metal machine; and with a few soft, feminine grunts of effort, and the flaring full and thick of her incredibly powerful muscles, she began to slowly, steadily, amazingly lift the left end of this car right off the ground. Raising it to her trim, hard waist with her steel strong biceps, which in her current attire was fully exposed, and swiftly pumping up to her full 16.5" size; something which was helped in no small part with the series of reps she was now doing, as she raised and lowered this multi-ton vehicle up and down, using just the strength of her voluptuously shaped Amazonian body to do so. The sexy, chocolate skinned supergirl did this for two reasons: One because she knew full well the affect her unreal feats of strength would have on Jasper (who desperately needed to take his mind off of their apparent lateness to this nights movie), and Two to help free up a much needed parking spot for their own vehicle. A deed she was doing all too well, as her power packed arms continued to raise up the one side of this heavily built hummer; so much so when she was done with her latest display of female muscle power, it was now standing totally on its right side, and as desired, now taking up less than half the space here in this theater's parking lot as it was originally. Jasper could only stare in lust and watch in awe as Lillian tilted over the large hummer before them, knowing the strength she contained and using it in any and every way imaginable was always enough to get him going sexually; this night certainly being no exception, as he moved one of his hands over to his slacks-covered crotch, using his fingertips to flick and caress his all too expandingly hard cock. A cock that simply couldnt get enough of Lillians thick, shapely, muscular frame, and all the truly incredible things she could do with it. Knowing this full well caused the mocha skinned musclegirl to smile sexily at her man, as she then began hitting a quick series of bodybuilding poses; something done to continue getting him going, not to mention causing even greater pump to her already filled out physique. She then made her way to the other hummer next to the one she had just tilted onto its side, blowing Jasper a kiss yet again with her luscious lips before bending down to grab a hold of the right side of this vehicle with her rock crushingly hard hands; her perfectly rounded bubble butt sticking straight out behind her, showing off its lush fullness and all too apparent hardness. Though just when it looked like Lillian was about to do the same feat of strength now to this second car currently in her grasp, she instead gave off a very knowing smile, followed by a cute little girls laughter, and lastly the removal of her hands from underneath this several ton piece of metal. The extremely aroused young man stopped his cock-flicking antics at her doing so, wondering just what his devious looking Amazon girl had planned here and now. Something she would be showing him just a few moments later, as she sexily placed her hands behind her back, which was followed by the sticking out of her mammoth DD-cup chest, and out, and out. So far forward was this teenage supergirls breasts being thrust forward, that it not only nearly spilled right out of her form-fitting outfit, but it began to press on the side of this monster vehicle before her - which was exactly what she wanted. Always looking for new and different ways to display her amazing physical power, she thought why complete this task just as she had finished minutes earlier, with her arms, when her all too eager pec muscles were dying to show off what they could do. So she did just that, and with just the strength and hardness of her all too feminine looking chest, Lillian began pressing into this car before her, rocking it back and forth against its will with the forward advances of her buff and boudacious breasts. Breasts which just earlier this day Jasper was laying softly onto, breasts which cuddled him to near sleep in their full, welcoming form; yet now were strong enough to shake such a massive weight side to side, continuing to do so for the next minute, at which time the rocking stopped, and the lifting began. Thanks to her rock solid, lusciously shaped legs and thick muscle butt, which stood up straight and tall just after Lillian had given her pecs a full-on Flex against this mighty metal frame before her; the combination of which did the impossible (yet again) and began to lift the right side of this vehicle up off the ground, inch by inch, performing this feat slowly, if only to prove she could and to show off her undeniable control; until she stood as her full statuesque height, raising the end of this hummer truck the entire way, with it too now standing on its side. The act of which (along with her previous one just a few minutes ago) creating more than ample space for Jaspers car to park, with enough time to make their way inside and enjoy every bit of the opening trailers. "Come on in Lover, unless of course you want me to come out and get you?" Lillian teasingly spoke out with a sexy wink and a come-hither gesture with one of her fingers. "You dont have to tell me twice. Im just grateful you stopped when you did, as if you went on a bit more with that kind of show, Id have no choice but to make an sudden stop at the bathroom inside, to make take care of a little build-up you got going inside me" the hot and horny teenage boy made out to the constant object of his lust, as he drove into this newly created spot; giving his throbbing erection one last teasing touch, for fear that any more would cause him to explode all over his newly bought, fashionably styled slacks. He then put his car in Park, turned off the roar of its engine, and made his way out, only to be greeted with a long, lingering kiss from his insanely beautiful girlfriend (who couldnt help but lift him off the ground as she did so). The act of which was never tiresome to this thin and weedily built 18 year old, always managing to capture his full focus and attention; though at this point in time, due to the now lifting of his body several inches off the ground, also brought into view something neither of them had seen earlier; something the width and size of the two large hummers was previously blocking. "Oh Crud, a parking meter. When did they start putting these in??" Jasper made out in a surprised tone. Lillian then lowered him back down, as he searched around his wallet for any loose change that he could put into it; finding nothing at all on himself, and not even asking Lillian for any, as her body-hugging mini-dress while leaving little to the imagination, left nothing when it came to pockets. "Dont worry Sweetie, let me handle that. You just get yourself ready for our show inside.....while I give you one last little show out here" she seductively breathed out in a soft, calming tone; giving Jasper one final kiss, before turning back away from him and making her way over to this sturdy, strong parking meter that seemed to be causing her man such distress. Sporting yet another devilish grin across her beautiful young face, which never ceased to spark the interest and curiosity of her adorable boyfriend, not to mention cause a reaction from his easily thickening cock as well. The Ebony Amazon then began to perform a playfully erotic dance around this long metal object, gyrating and moving her sexily curvaceous form all about its steel hard frame, just as a top level erotic dancer would do to a stripper-pole, getting the exact same results from her now visibly red-faced man. Though if watching her spin around, side to side, and even over this impromptu dancers pole got Jaspers sexual blood flowing, that was nothing compared to what he was about to view next. During one of her around the pole spins, with her legs wrapped around this metal objects form, she suddenly squeezed in on it with her lusciously hard thighs; causing her legs to ripple with cable-like muscles, her sensual spinning to stop instantly (and at the perfect position, with her looking right into her lovers all too captivated eyes), and the screaming of metal to begin just as quickly. "Keep your change Baby, I think this meters out of commission anyway" Lillian softly breathed out with a teasing smile, as she continued to constrict the thickest, hardest part of her legs around this now denting metal pole; squishing its several inches wide form like putty in a childs hands, so much so that when she finally removed her crushingly hard thighs from around it, its middle was mangled to the point where it virtually fell over onto itself. Something the beautiful musclegirl helped along with, as Lillian then used her bulgingly powerful arms to grab hold of the the very bulky, changing-holding, top of this meter; and with a sudden and savage lifting of her arms, she pulled the top up and away from its bottom half. As unreal as this physical feat was, she then followed it up with something even moreso, as her stronger than steel fingers began digging into this main area, crackling, snapping and popping it to pieces as one would do to a latex balloon. This act not only ended the life of this once powerfully built parking meter, but also sent coins of all types spurting out from its destroyed form; all of which fell to the ground, making a small pile at her feet. Lillian then tossed this utterly demolished object away, turning her back to Jasper and bending down to this newly created litter of coins (with her legs full straightened, giving her man an unreal shot of the back of her steel hard hamstrings and lusciously formed glutes), collecting several in her hands, before raising herself back up to full height, and making her way back over to Jaspers sexually shaking form. A form that was quivering with unbridled, uncontrollable levels of lust and arousal flowing all about him; levels which were already at their peak from her previous, car lifting displays, that were now being held back with all of his might from Exploding all over himself after seeing his girlfriends latest Amazonian performance. "You go ahead Baby, Ill meet you inside" Lillian cooed out, giving Jasper a kiss on the forehead, knowing full well just what he was feeling, knowing that he needed to bolt away to a bathroom ASAP to relieve his full load of sexual juices, or stain his pants otherwise "Besides, I think I have some last minute business to attend to out here" she followed up softly under her breath, watching Jasper bolt on down towards the nearby movie theater (and the much needed restroom within); as four very large and powerfully built men approached from the opposite direction, screaming bloody murder about the condition of their hummers - a "discussion" which Lillian was more than happy to have with them over the next several minutes, which ended with them all laying beaten and broken on the ground around her, and not a single rip or tear on her skin-tight, sexily worn outfit. When she did make it to the interior of their favorite cinema, she was shocked to see Jasper still in this buildings lobby. His face various shades of red and purple, as he was trying his hardest to hold back his nearly erupting cock, while doing his best to convince the security within that he just needed to use the bathroom, and would be back out to pay for their tickets (something he couldnt do now, due to him seemingly dropping his wallet while looking for change just before) when he was done. Unfortunately, such a tactic proved to be ineffectual, as the guard held his ground, as well as Jasper in his current spot. "What the Hell is going on here! Why is he still out here, cant you see hes got to use your bathroom!!" Lillian angrily made out, the sight of seeing her much cared for boyfriend in such distress causing her to flare up red with rage, not to mention her muscles to even greater levels. "Wow......I.....uh......Look, he......uh, he cant use the restroom until he pays for a ticket to get in,.....its the rules" the once confident theater employee stumbled out at the sight of the enraged Amazon girl before him. Whatever authority he seemed to possess over Jasper was now quickly dwindling to nothing before this fully pumped up supergirl. "Sweetie, get in there and do what you have to!" Lillian ordered out to her man, doing so out of love over dominance, before turning her face back to the visibly worried looking security personnel. "And You!" she spoke now at this man through gritted teeth, "If I didnt have to make sure my man made it inside our movie for the first second of trailers, I would spend the next hour bending you into a pretzel, Get Me!" the furious, ultra buff, teenage girl continued on, holding her arms out down and straight, clasping her hands together as she squeezed in on the stack of coins she held inside them. "Now, if you Ever get in my guys face again, tonight, tomorrow, 50 years from now, Im going to squeeze you into a ball and bounce you around the room until every bone in your body in Pulp!" she concluded her all too intimidating threat, dropping the now large mass of metal at his feet; the once numerous amount of coins now molded into one solid block of metal. She then walked right by this rather large and well-built man, pushing him aside with untold ease, to enjoy a complimentary movie on his behalf; the first of many more to come for both Jasper and Lillian in their time together. The two young lovers then made their way into assigned theater number, holding hands and showing their affection quite openly to all around; and as if fate was shining on them, they made it inside with a few minutes to spare as well (thanks in no small part to Lillians numerous Amazonian exploits). As such, the lights while dim were still on, enabling them to see the assortment of spacious seats around them. Lillian, still grasping tenderly (though firmly) onto Jaspers hand, lead them both up to the back row, making their way toward its middle area; which she knew was her boyfriends favorite spot to enjoy such movie going experiences. Unfortunately, their prime choice spots was already occupied by a group of seemingly college-aged guys - unfortunate, for them, that was. "Bitches, Leave!" barked out Lillian towards the now stunned group of guys, quoting her favorite line from one of her favorite films, Robocop. Standing to one side of them, Jaspers hand still being lovingly held in her grasp, the stunning young musclegirl demanded that this group remove themselves from their seats, seats which belonged to these boys in truth, though that didnt stop Lillian from claiming them for herself all the same. "What, did you just hear what she said! Did that Ho just order us around!?" one of them replied back in near shock. "Did she say something, I cant help but get my mind away that Smoking Hot Body!" another more lecherously answered back. "Hey, come here sister, Ive got a seat for you right here" yet another of them laughingly taunted out, patting his lap for her to place her full, round ass on; something had he known how much muscle and strength it contained, let alone the rest of her power packed body, he would never have made such an offer. While there was still light in this theater at this time, it was more dimly lit than full on bright, so all that these low 20-year old men could see of Lillians ultra curvaceous hardbodied form was her overall shape, the full luscious curves, the tight form-fitting mini-dress, and hints of her strikingly beautiful face, but very little of her actual rock solid, steel hard muscles (which at this point were not quite as pumped up and filled out as they were several minutes ago). And while they were more than willing to make room for her seat on each and every one of theirs, such an offer simply wouldnt hold true for Jasper, and in the end wasnt nearly good enough for Lillian - not even close. So with an all too sensual leaning down towards these young men (an act which more than gave them an unreal sight of her amazing DD-cup breasts cleavage), and a pout from her now much more visible lips and gorgeous face. Thinking these boys were about to get seriously lucky with this utterly mind-blowing young woman (especially the one on the end closest to her, who was just a few inches away from her voluptuously firm tits), they all began smiling and getting themselves ready for some movie-time fun - unfortunately for them, what actually happened next was something they couldnt have been less ready for. Instead of joining these handsome college boys, Lillian completely uninterested in their offer as she was more than fulfilled in every way with her own beautiful boyfriend, she grabbed hold of the solid steel frame of the seat closest to her, and in one sudden burst of power ripped it clean off the cinema floor; something that caused her muscles to bulge and harden, as well as the young men to start screaming in shock and fear. Though terrified as they were, none of them left their seats to run (possibly them being frozen in fear, as a deer in the headlights), and in the span of 10 seconds time, the ultra strong teenage girl ripped and shattered and tore each of their seats from the very ground it was previously bolted on to. Knowing well enough that they would all still be attached to one another, Lillian moved herself into the middle area of all 5 bonded together seats, and hoisted them at full arms length high above her head. The group of men now screaming like little girls, as their seats were now roughly 8 feet in the air (though looking a good deal higher, due to the nature of stadium seating), held there by the insanely powerful arms of this muscle packed beauty. As with the security guard outside, if she had the time Lillian would have enjoyed making sure each and every one of these boys learned a very valuable, and painful, lesson this day; though time was something that simply waited for no one, not even she, so with a soft, feminine growl escaping from her lips, the powerful young Amazon simply shook the series of seats wildly forward; something that took these men atop them by surprise, flinging them out and away from the pair of young lovers, causing each of their 220+ pound, athletically fit forms to fly out several rows ahead, where they crashed into a pile of jumbled bodies. Luckily there was no one currently in those seats, not something Lillian overly cared for really, which would now be open to these young men if they wanted; though at this point in time seeing a movie was the last thing on their confused, horrified minds, as was evidenced by their running away and out the Exit door with near lightning speed. "Here you go Baby, our own private seats" Lillian breathed out to her man, who (as par for the course when she performed such Amazonian feats of strength) was hard as a rock down below. She then tore off several of these seats from their main grouping, tossing them off and away from them both with impressive ease; leaving them with just two stuck together seats, and several open spaces on either side of them both, in the end. Slamming her newly made couples-seat back to the ground with a Thud, she then took to her seat, sensually crossing her shapely, hard legs, giving Jasper a come-hither look as she patted the open seat next to her, which he swiftly claimed as his own. "Oh, and what perfect timing, eh Lover?" she cooed out softly into one of his ears, as the lights now shut completely off and the first of several film trailers to come began. Though oddly enough, while such trailers, and the movie as a whole, was something Jasper had been looking forward to seeing for sometime now, his mind simply couldnt give them its full attention; much of which went to the utterly unreal girl at his side, who held his hand so gently in hers on her lap, softly and tenderly stroking it here and there throughout the movie, letting him know that she cared for him very much, and would never use her steel-bending muscles on him harmfully, always being there to protect him as well. These thoughts and feelings flowed throughout his entire being, wondering how he could have gotten so lucky as to have a girl like Lillian in his life, hoping that he made her feel the same way in return. Of course for such a young couple, lust was never very far behind love, and while much of his time at this film was spent staring lovingly at his beautiful girlfriend, there was also more than enough times Jasper was simply staring at her muscle-laden curves and lusciously formed hardbody, something even at rest gave off an aura of power and strength about it. Of course, Lillian was hardly unknowing about her mans eyes watching her all throughout this film (something he was more than welcome to do, anything to please her Baby), so to add a little hardness to his body as well, she would teasingly, erotically, powerfully flex and harden her muscles here and there for him to further enjoy. Whether it be the uncrossing, straightening and re-crossing of her lush, firm legs (which was done with incredible grace, flexing them to rippling rock hardness as she did so); or the expanding of her softball-sized biceps, filling them with several more inches of steel strong muscles, using a teasing little fingertip to trace the several areas of cuts and striations throughout them; or the just pop, pop, popping of her pecs, causing them to not only jump and bounce up and down with just muscle control alone, but them to fill out and expand with more muscle packed breasts flesh (so much so, Lillian was almost a full cup size bigger at the end of this movie). Yes, both Jasper and Lillian were having the time of their young lives with one another, time which seemed to move all too quickly whenever they were around each other; not the least of which being this very night, as the lights to this theater re-opened and the remaining movie-goers (those that werent scared off during Lillians initial muscle show, that was) began to rise up and make their way out. "So, how did you like it Sweetie, did you enjoy what you saw tonight?" Lillian sensually spoke, knowing full well he was watching more of her than of the movie before them - hence her purposely chosen question. "Yes......yes, I enjoyed very much what Id seen tonight" Jasper replied back, with a wide grin forming across his noticeably attractive face. Gawking at her body like no other man could, like several others had tried before, all of them getting a painfully up close and personal lesson about it by doing so. But not Jasper, not her man, her love, who was more than welcome to do anything to Lillian and her body that he wanted; something that due to his previously shy and timid nature it took a bit of convincing on her part to make him believe, though a lesson he learned (and pleasurably so) before too long. "So Babe, you up for a bite?" "Mmmmmm, you know I am Lover, but first why dont we get something to eat first?" the sexy mocha skinned supergirl cooed out softly, sending off a sexual pun that instantly brought life to his already alive and kicking erection. With that, Jasper grabbed a hold of his girlfriends hand and lead them both out of this theater and back towards their car; which while now clean of the several large, male bodies Lillian had previously left, the pair of tilted up hummers were still in full view. They then drove on off towards a special Italian restaurant that Jasper wanted to try out for sometime, and thought what better time than now, with his gorgeous girl to share the experience with him. Unfortunately for him, when they arrived at this very stylized and authentic looking eatery, getting a perfect spot right at its front area no less, the OPEN sign on its large main door was flipped now to CLOSED, causing Jasper to give a moan of disappointment before leaning his head defeatedly on the steering-wheel before him. "Awwwww, my poor little guy. Shhhhhh, dont you worry, Lillian will fix this right up for you" she spoke out to her man, as they both exited their vehicle and made their way to this establishments newly locked front door. With a seemingly soft and feminine hand, Lillian then grabbed a hold of its handle, and with a slight surge of power, managed to pop it right off, allowing both of them access to the deliciously smelling restaurant inside. "Hey! Hey, you guys cant come in here, were Closed!" spoke out one of the well-dressed employees inside, as he made his way over to them in a Huff. "Well the door was open, and were So Hungry, cant you just give us a table and serve a quick meal?" Lillian spoke in a surprisingly soft tone, not demanding to be seated, almost the opposite in fact, as she liked to mix up her persuasive tactics around here and there. "We promise, we wont be more than an hour, or so" "An hour! Young lady, we plan to all be cleaned up and home in an hours time. Your request is totally out of the question" "Well what about all of these people eating here" Jasper now adding in his 2 cents. "They are here from before, Young Man, and we must wait for them to finish before we can ask them to leave, though they have all been given a Last Call notice at this time........besides, even if we could serve you, we do have certain standards of dress here, and Im afraid that one of you simply does not qualify" the snobbing restaurant worker made out, looking over Lillians body-hugging outfit, which while a fine mixture of sexy and classy, to this man looked more than a bit trampish nonetheless. "Why you little....." Jasper barked out instantly. "Baby, its OK, just relax" Lillian again surprisingly being the calm one of their duo, holding back her protective guy (which she loved, even if she didnt need it), before turning her attention back to the older man before them. "Maybe if I could have a word with you in the back, maybe with the rest of your staff, Im sure we could come to some sort of arrangement to suit us best?" she softly made out, grabbing the larger, though vastly weaker, man by his arm, leading him against his will (going by his face, with much discomfort at that) into the back area, to make her case before them all. A case which apparently was made more physically than verbally it seemed, as during the next 10 minutes the only words that could be heard were of male screams and beggings for mercy, which apparently were ignored, as these noises continued on and on behind the scenes. The Slamming of bodies against the floor and the Thuds of them crashing all about the place after being tossed by teenage girl muscles were heard all about, as the very foundation of this building itself shook from Lillians thunderous impacts; all of which combined were more than enough to convince those involved that one last dinner service (their Best Ever, Or Else) would certainly be alright this night. Then with a bursting open of the swinging double-doors that lead to this back kitchen area, Lillian confidentally made her way back out and over towards Jasper; her long black hair still holding its sexy shape, her tight, mini-dress still without a rip or blemish on it. She then whispered to him that everything was OK, and that they would be eating soon, as she lead him to a table she thought would suit them best; something small and intimate for a romantic dining experience, as he in return pulled out her chair like a true gentlemen, before talking his own just across from his beautiful baby girl. "My God, is there anything you cant do with those sexy, strong muscles of yours?" Jasper asked with a warm, caring smile, as he gazed onto his Amazonian Princess with eyes full of love and desire. "I cant make you fall in love with me, and Id never use them to try" she replied with much emotion, letting him know that even though she could use her unrivaled strength to make anyone do anything she wished, she would never do so with him; especially when it came to his heart and his feelings for her. "Then its a good thing youll never need to......Ill be here as long as you could ever want me" he made out to currently emotional girlfriend, a side of her that only he was deemed worthy of seeing, as he grabbed onto her hands from across their relatively small table, holding them tight in his all too protective embrace - a position they held without any further words for the next several minutes, as they looked longingly into one another eyes, neither wishing they could be anywhere else in the world. It was only the return of their waiter, who in this case happened to be the same snobby man who greeted them earlier (now sporting visible bruises, cuts and a less than acceptable, torn apart outfit himself) that temporarily ended this moment; him respectfully asking their forgiveness as he offered to take their order, adding on that their meal would of course be free of charge. Such an offer simply couldnt be refused, and so the teenage couple excitedly gave their dinner requests to this visibly trembling man (which could have been due to Lillians poppingly powerful pec display, which both intimidated and captivated this older man, while Jasper was placing their actual order). The man took every word down, wanting their meal to be utter perfection (something the rest of the kitchen staff shared as well), before excusing himself and bolting away from this potentially destructive Amazon girl with much haste. This yet again left the two young lovers alone to enjoy each others company, and enjoy they did, each one of them laughing and having the best of times during this dinner experience. The aromas and scents of the foods coming from the nearby kitchen area making their stomachs rumble, though the staff making sure their special guests had enough appetizers and drinks to keep them happy until their main meals were finished - or more specifically, to keep Lillian happy. And happy she was, very much so, as so often happened when she was around Jasper......that was until she noticed a woman at a nearby table (one who had been here previous to their arrival) eyeing up Jasper here and there during their meal. Not something that would have happened prior to him going out with the gorgeously muscular 18 year old several months ago; as during that time the confidence and pride Lillian had given him had virtually transformed this one-time "geek" to true adorably cute "sheek". And while she might be a bit on the jealous side when it came to her man - which was actually a huge understatement, as she had definitely gone from threatening to punishing on several girls, in secret to Jasper himself, who happened to even give her man a passing glance or a friendly smile - in this case, Lillian was more than sure this attractive older woman (looking to be in her low to mid 20s herself) was going well past the normal boundaries for harmless people-watching, something that enraged the Ebony Amazon to no small degree. "Babe, are you OK? You look a bit, preoccupied" Jasper asked out caringly, not seeing himself the other womans invading eyes all over him, he having eyes only for Lillian; and even if this other woman had come on over and asked him for his number (a foolish move for anyone to do to someone dining with their girlfriend, really), he would have replied with a No, letting her know he was clearly with someone, and couldnt be happier with her. "Babe, everything alright?" he again inquired, trying to get the attention of his seemingly elsewhere girlfriend. "Yes......yes, Im fine......." Lillian almost droningly replied, her eyes focusing more on this woman than on Jasper himself at this time. Watching as this visibly attractive (she was actually downright Hot) female was lecherously staring at her man, without giving Lillian herself so much as a second thought. Yes, it was a combination of this woman showing complete disregard to her, while eating up Jasper with her eyes, that sent wave after wave of anger and frustration all over her now much more pumped up and visibly muscular body - visible to all but this other woman apparently. Before Jasper could speak out again to his buff and beautiful girl, as her reply didnt really sound all that convincing, Lillian noticed this other woman making her way up, over to them, and then passing on by to enter the Ladies Room on their side of this restaurant. Watching her gaze this entire time, which was transfixed solely on Jaspers handsome young face and well-dressed form, Lillian was now fully convinced that her earlier suspicions were true, she was also now convinced that it was time to act on them. "Excuse me Honey, I wont be a moment!" the dark-skinned Amazon spoke out to her somewhat confused man, as she rose up and made her way into the Ladies Room as well, ready for a little one-on-one talk with this trashy, tasteless tramp. Lillian entered this neat and tidy restroom with the fury of a woman scorned flowing within each and every powerful inch of her muscle packed form; a fury directed solely at one unsuspecting young woman, who was too busy fixing up her hair and applying some last minute make-up for her to notice - that was until the Ebony Amazon made her presence known by standing behind this woman, flexing her back and shoulders to their widest in an awesome lat spread, the size of which blossomed so far out from her already wide physique, that little rips and tears began to shoot down each side of her skin-tight dress. "Look Bitch, if you think for a second youre gonna intimidate me, forget it. Youre man is fine, and that makes him mine! So why dont you take your fat cow self on outta here and watch as I.....I.......I........" this other woman confidently began to speak, that was until she turned around to finally view Lillians massively muscular form; which it seems from her words that she previously took as fat, over the mountains of female muscle that actually covered her feminine shaped body. "First question. Do I look fat to you now?" Lillian spoke out with cold authority, watching as this similarly tall, though no where near as muscular, young woman stared at her now very obvious hardbody, slowly shaking her head back and forth in shock and in reply to this Amazons previous question. "Right answer. Now, second question. Knowing what I look like now, what do you think I should do with you hitting on my man like that?" Lillian continued to speak out, slowly making her way even closer to this physically inferior woman, who had no choice at all but to move back and away from this continually advancing musclegirl. "Look, I.....Im sorry, OK.....I.....I didnt know....." "Answer The Question, or Ill Kill You!!" Lillian yelled out, causing this sexily dressed womans face to turn white in fear, with tears of terror welling up in her eyes; as she herself continued flexing and flaring her extremely muscular frame, causing even more rips and tears to sprout all over her once whole mini-dress. "Please, please, Im so sorry.....just let me go, and I swear youll never see me again, I Swear!!" This answer seemed to anger Lillian even more, as she then used both of her hands to grab the remaining intact pieces of her outfit, before ripping it to pieces in a single, sudden explosion of power. She now stood before this woman in a sexily matching black lace bra and panties, with virtually every inch of her voluptuously muscular physique visible; which was now pumped to its fullest, with 26" thighs, 16.5" biceps, both of which, in addition to every other inch of her young frame, covered in chocolate colored, silky smooth, rippling rock solid and steel hard Muscle. Lillian then moved closer to her in a savagely sudden motion, pinning her completely against the white-tiled wall behind her with her own unmovable body; her clearly tear-filled face just inches from Lillians pulsating powerful pecs (which were now two solid mounds of rippling hard muscle). The angry supergirl then sent two punches right at this womans head, or so Lillian had wanted her to believe, as the impacts of which would have shattered her skull like an egg, instead of crashing straight through the solid concrete form of the wall behind her. The act of which now further entrapped this other woman inside her muscular prison, with the her face being completely surrounded by Lillians extremely powerful form and the once solid wall behind her. "Im going to ask you one last time, and if the next words out of your mouth arent an answer to it, Im going to use these babies of mine to crack your skull in two!" Lillian roared out, flexing her muscle tits up and down, which flowed with rippling hard waves just a hairs breath from this womans tear stained face. "So, knowing what I look like now, what do you think I should do with you hitting on my man like you were?" the justifiably upset Amazon asked out yet again, as she continued to roll and move her chest muscles right in front of her victims face. "I......I would......I would be nice.......and let her go with.......with a warning......" she replied back, in between sniffling and crying her eyes out. "Wrong answer, Bitch!" Lillian growled out through gritted teeth, as she moved her upper body just a bit closer to her victim, namely her still flexing breasts next to this other womans face, as she began to use her mounds of steel hard power to pummel this womans face in. Her arms still locked in their previously held position, stuck elbow deep inside the rock solid wall, were not needed in the least to lay down a devastating series of muscle powered slams into this once cocky and arrogant womans face; which was now being sent side to side with each powerful pec punch, as Lillian continued to flex and harden her massive chest muscles into this other womans head. So full of muscle did her breasts become with each and every flex, that Lillian didnt even need to twist her upper body side to side in order to attack her in such a fashion. In fact the only part of her stone solid frame that was moving at all was her punishingly muscular tits, which simply flexed and expanded on command; alternatingly shooting out with incredible strength against their intended target, which was swiftly becoming a bruised, battered, and beaten shell of the gorgeously feminine face it once was. After several minutes of such treatment, Lillian feeling this stupid female had learned her lesson well enough, she ceased her pulsating pec punches, and simply leaned forward, engulfing this womans entire skull inside her lusciously tight cleavage, her body completely eclipsing this other womans from view at every angle; doing so for the next minutes time, relishing as her preys moans and groans of panic and pain lessened, her pitiful strugglings came to a stop, letting Lillian know that she was know unconscious, placed their with nothing more than the strength and power of her mammonthly muscular mammaries. Lillian then removed her muscle bulging arms from the wall she had punched them deep into, and removed herself from it completely, the act of which made this foolish female slump helplessly to the floor like a used-up childs doll. The Ebony Amazon could do nothing else to her but smile down at yet another defeated victim, this time a woman who dared to take interest in what was hers, her darling man Jasper; who she in the heat of this moment almost forgot about entirely. A man who she now longed to return to more than anything else, for more reasons than just one, as this latest act of her vastly superior Amazonian power, as so often happens, has made her young healthy body full of lust and arousal; she now filled with sexual desires that only one man could hope to quench and fulfill. With that, the barely covered, bra and panties wearing musclegirl kicked the Ladies Room door clean off its hinges, before exiting it to rejoin her lover, who she scooped up with untold ease in her super strong arms. "What do you say we skip the main course, and go right to dessert" the all too horny teenage Amazon cooed out erotically to her man, who answered this solely with a wide smile forming across his face, and a more than impressive amount of hardness coming from his pants. With that Lillian carried Jasper out of this establishment and into his car, where they hurriedly drove off at top speed towards Lovers Point.....making it only as far as the supermarket parking lot next door, where she took her boyfriends ever hardening dick deep inside her, sending them both to yet another screaming sexual climax; one of many for them that night to come, not to mention one of countless during their long life together. THE END