HARDCASE By John Castle - Written For DTM / Amy's Conquest A young male lawyer gets much more than he bargained for, when he joins a prestigious law firm, filled with strong, sexy, dominant Amazon women It started, ironically enough, with Sam musing to himself about what a lucky guy he was. Lucky to be worth half a million at the age of 25 thanks to some of his early work while interning with a moneyed and deeply established law firm. Lucky to be a good looking specimen of the male gender at five feet ten inches tall and weighing just under two hundred muscular pounds. Lucky to have landed a full time position with a spectacularly prestigious criminal defense firm whose representative had been a gorgeous, and promisingly flirtatious, blonde very nearly his own age. A bit tall for his taste, but well, he was still young and exploring the world beyond the ivy-clad walls of Harvard. Sam was a leg man, of course, but he also happened to enjoy the influence his height provided him with the opposite sex. Five foot six was the tallest he generally went for. He shrugged mentally. She had been a looker; he could persuade himself to make an exception -- well, if it proved to be welcome, that is. Mrs. Del Vecchio had raised no fool, and he wasn't about to jeopardize his dream position. The morning sun filtered through a mist of light morning rain as he pulled the briefcase from the passenger seat of his Volvo and made his way to the aluminum-framed glass doors to the firm of Barnes, Haley, Chandresh and Sykes, Attorneys at Law. The foyer was clad in marble floors, oak paneling and deftly concealed full-spectrum lighting. At the center rear of the foyer, the blonde who had recruited him for the firm stood behind a generously wide oak desk with a classical green-shaded lamp. "And here you are!" a warm and genuine smile turned cherry red lips up at the corners and creased the corners of her eyes, bringing dimples to life on her cheeks. She reached into an unseen drawer and withdrew a manilla envelope. "This is for you, Mr. Del Vecchio. Ms. Sykes is waiting for you in the conference room. Down the hall to my right, last door on your left." Sam took the thick envelope, feeling significant heft to it. "What's this?" "I'm afraid I'm not privy to the details, Mr. Del Vecchio. I'm sure Ms. Sykes will fill you in." Sam nodded. "Thank you, Miss...?" "Ms." She pronounced it, 'Mizz.' "Ms. Johanssen. But please, call me Erica." Sam smiled. "Thank you, Erica." Despite his smile, he crossed out her name then and there for his list of possible conquests. Oh, it wasn't that he had any issue with the "modern woman" -- not really. But there was something ultimately off-putting about being stood down by a receptionist, no matter how attractive. It might have been his traditional upbringing; it might have been that when she'd said it, her gentleness had come across to him as more than a little saccharin. Whatever it was, it was a solid dealbreaker. His Oxfords were silent on the polished floor as he made his way to the conference room doors. He paused at the placard next to the door, momentarily puzzled to read, "Conference Room A" there. Granted, this was a fairly large firm, but two conference rooms? He shrugged, indulging in faith that it would be explained to him if and when he needed it explained. He pulled the door open and stepped inside, then paused. If he'd thought the blonde was outside his "type", he gave up then and there whatever deeply concealed fantasies he might have harbored about any of his female colleagues at the firm. The shortest of them was his upper limit of five foot six, but she was built, as the saying went, like a brick shithouse. Her auburn hair was long and curly, but pulled back rather severely, a stylish pair of half-hornrimmed spectacles simultaneously setting off her vivid green eyes and lending her the appearance of the librarian of his fifth grade year of schooling -- except that his fifth grade librarian hadn't been built like a busty female firefighter. The other three women were even more outside his comfort zone. Beside the redhead towered a blue eyed blonde of perhaps six feet two or three -- no telling how tall she was flat-footed, he mused, but five foot ten seemed like a good guess. Her build, compared to the first woman's, was more slender, her white blouse pressed a bit less to contain its cargo. A raven-haired woman with bright, alert blue eyes, dusky olive skin and wearing black lipstick stood shoulder to shoulder with the blonde, her boyishly short hair contrasting with the blonde's girlish ponytail. The raven-haired one, though, was built broader in both shoulders and hips than even the redhead, her seductively mysterious Goth style makeup contrasting bizarrely, intriguingly, with her imposing physique. Sam almost didn't see the fourth woman; rather, it was more accurate to say that his mind simply blotted her from his vision while it tried to cope with the image his eyes were faced with. Just as the blonde and the raven towered over the redhead, the brunette standing to the right of them dwarfed them both. It took Sam a solid three seconds to recognize her as a living entity. Her chestnut brown hair was long, curly and unrestrained. Her face was stunning, with warm brown eyes, cheeks that dimpled with a welcoming smile on full, pouty red lips. But her body -- even in a knee-length black business skirt and white blouse, her curves couldn't be concealed. She was amazingly well endowed and curvaceous -- and had Sam been staring at her from two feet away instead of twenty, he would have taken her for an extremely athletic five foot eight inches, perhaps a buck fifty of muscle and curves. As it was, he knew that she had to be at least a foot taller and a hundred pounds heavier than that, if not much, much more. His cheeks and forehead had gone cold. Still... Sam was, even at such a young age, ferociously determined to remain professional. Though the smile he adopted felt as artificial as a Formica countertop, he soldiered up and stepped bravely into the room to meet Ms. Barnes, Ms. Haley, Ms. Chandresh and Ms. Sykes. "Mr. Del Vecchio." The redhead took the lead as all four women applauded him politely, much to his confusion. She stepped forward, all of them following her, to approach him in long, graceful strides. "I'd like to tell you how pleased we all are to have you." She stepped up to him, directly into his personal space, and seized his hand in hers, shaking it firmly. She did not, however, release his hand or step away again, and his eyes widened slowly. "I must apologize for pressing you into service on your first day -- but I'm sure you'll handle it with the skill and aplomb we've seen from you over the last year." The other women joined her, subtly and quietly surrounding Sam. He turned reflexively to look up at the brunette -- but as far as he craned his neck back to see her face, he saw only her blouse, her bust line nearly directly over his head. She was, indeed, much, much larger than he was. "Down here, Mr. Del Vecchio." The redhead smiled, but in that smile was just a hint of wicked mirth. "Let me introduce us. I'm Allison Barnes. Megan?" The blonde seized Sam gently by the shoulders and turned him to face her as if he was a small child, the strength seeming to defy her slender build. "I'm Megan Haley. Hello there." Her voice was sultry, just a bit breathless. Sam picked up the mixed scents from the women now as they closely surrounded him; hers was a light, pleasant vanilla scent. Another hand took his elbow, turning him again with ease until he looked into bright blue eyes that pinned his with a gaze so intense he reflexively looked to the floor. That was when he noticed that none of these women wore heels. They pressed in closer around him, and even as his pulse quickened and his face drained of color, his cock began to pulse and rise. "Dana Chandresh." She said; her voice was utterly at odds with her height and build. He would have expected a whiskeyed voice from a woman her size, something like the blonde's. Her voice, though, was utterly girlish and bore the faint lilt of a fading Hindi accent. Her smile blossomed broadly as Sam sense a shift of immense physical mass behind him and turned to see the mind-bendingly immense brunette lower her face to his. She had to take a full step back and bend nearly perpendicular to bring herself down to eye level with him. "I'm Molly." She smiled, and it was at once the loveliest and most terrifying thing he'd ever seen. He hadn't seen a view of a woman bending so far down to smile at him since he was five years old and his Kindergarten teacher had said hello to him for the first time. The utter dissociation brought on by seeing such a thing again as a full grown adult was thoroughly unnerving. She extended her hand and he took it reflexively; her hand swallowed his own up to the wrist and a fresh wave of the shivers coursed through him. "Molly Sykes." Her smile grew as if she was not only not offended by his reaction but took pleasure in it. He pulled himself out of the slowly tightening circle of femininity and moved smoothly enough to take a seat at the table, opening the envelope he had been holding with both hands over his crotch area. Amazingly, he'd managed to do this -- or so he'd thought -- just as naturally as if he hadn't been hiding what was still growing into a monster of a hard-on. "Um..." He fumbled just a bit in trying to open the envelope. A slender hand reached into his view -- he had been focused to intently on the envelope that he'd missed the ladies' conspiratorial looks and the approach failed entirely to notice Megan cover the pair of steps over to the chair to which he'd retreated. Her hand rested on his briefly, then gently took the envelope from him and opened it. She placed the contents on the conference table in front of him. "That was a fairly well done 'strategic withdrawal', Mr. Del Vecchio," Allison said primly. "But I hope you won't back down and stammer like that in the courtroom." He looked up, his eyes narrowed. "You were testing me." There was no need to phrase it as a question; he was more embarrassed than surprised, really, because from all he'd read and heard of this legal team, he knew they were as cold-blooded cunning as they were physically attractive. Further, he knew they weren't above using the potent combination to their advantage in the coutroom. He simply hadn't expected them to use that combination on him. Allison nodded. "Naturally. You'll spend at least your first dozen cases with one of us directly assisting you in the courtroom. I'm sure you've done your homework. You know that our clients pay us to win, by whatever means necessary. The means we use are meant to distract the opposition -- not our own staff. We need to know whether or not you can function in that kind of environment." He wasn't really sure, for a moment, how to respond to that. "How did I do?" Megan leaned over him and her warm breath caressed his cheek as one hand came to rest on his shoulder, the other gliding down his side until the fingers found the bulge of his reinvigorated hard-on. "Very impressive." She breathed in his ear. There was a single light tap at the door and then it opened. A short, slim built young man of perhaps 19 years old looked into the room and then froze as stiff as a deer in headlights. The redhead flashed a grin, then just as quickly replaced it with a scowl. "Is there something I can help you with, William?" Her tone projected anything but helpfulness. In fact, it wasn't even the cold condescension one would expect from an executive addressing an employee at a rung so low on the corporate ladder as to be in the sub-basement. Her tone was, rather, icily mirthful, predatory. The voice of the cat who's just been bumped into by the mouse. The young man shook his head, the movement more like a twitch than smooth motion, and if Sam hadn't read the unyielding terror in him from his wide eyes, raised eyebrows and slightly open-mouthed frown, that adrenaline-spiked twitch would have screamed it to him. He started to back out of the doorway again, his steps clumsy and faltering. But it was already too late. "Come here, William." She spoke again, stepping away from the three women who still more than ably surrounded Sam. "Right now." She folded her arms over her firm breasts and stood, the toe of her shoe tapping impatiently. Sam could see that there was nothing the boy wanted less in the world to do. But for some reason, he obeyed anyway, coming to her on legs that were visibly rubbery now, his slim arms clutching at his torso; the entire image reminded Sam of the one time he'd stumbled back into the house out of a Texas blizzard and his father had caught it on the family's ancient videocassette-based home video camera. "William," Allison stepped forward to fold an arm around him in a manner entirely unbecoming a senior executive of a law firm. She raised her other hand to stroke his cheek gently, caressing it, even, perhaps the way a doting aunt would, "You darling boy. How many times have you been told not to enter either one of the conference rooms without our explicit instruction? Hmm?" The young man was perhaps all of five feet three -- it was hard for Sam to imagine what position he could possibly hold here, except perhaps that of a janitor. Paralegals were young, but not as young as this kid. "Poor dear." The redhead cooed to him. "Now you'll have to be... punished." He lifted his eyes to hers, and Sam was startled to see that tears had already welled in them and had begun to spill down the kid's cheeks. The kid opened his mouth to object as her free hand slipped to the back of his head. Before he could get a word out, she forced his face forward with no visible effort at all, driving his mouth and nose into the valley between her breasts. All that prevented absolute suffocation was the fact that her blouse was a barrier against an air-tight seal. Sam stepped toward them, "Hey!" -- but he didn't make a full step before Megan and Dana seized his arms, each with a single hand. The blonde returned her hand to his member, then shifted it a bit lower, her strong fingers curling around the package of his slacks and behind the fabric, his balls. Dana slid her free hand into his jacket, her powerful fingers working two buttons of his dress shirt loose despite his struggling. Her fingers caressed his chest until they found his left nipple, then squeezed. As he gasped in air through clenched teeth, Megan, too, squeezed what she had found. Suddenly, a nearly unbearable weight settled on the top of his head and a massive wall of warmth pressed against his entire body from behind. The brunette giantess had rested her forearm atop his skull. She breathed a contented sigh from above and behind him -- suddenly, he grasped all too intimately the terror in the boy clutched in the redhead's embrace. "Let him--" Sam tried to speak despite the nearly claustrophobic imprisonment of his tender parts and, indeed, of his entire body. "Shhhh..." the blonde whispered in his ear, her fingers tightening around his balls until it was all he could do to stay on his feet. "Be a good boy." "I should explain to you, Mr. Del Vecchio," the redhead turned and flashed a smile at him as effortlessly as if she were not holding a man -- even as small and slim as he was -- desperately struggling in a deadly embrace. "This firm is run for the benefit of women, by women. As you are now discovering, we are..." her smile broadened, "somewhat exceptional. Well, for now. As the decades go by, more women will be as physically capable as we are. But for now, we have elected to lend our talents to the defense of women against the aggressions of those who would prey upon them." She tightened her grip on the man struggling to breathe through the thin barrier of her blouse. His face disappeared entirely between the breasts that, without the benefit of her blouse, surely have snuffed him out as easily as a tiny candle in a stiff breeze. "We decided some time ago, however, that it would be expedient to add a man's face to the public face of our firm. To avoid the appearance of being prejudicial, you understand. You will be that face. But make no mistake..." she cinched her arm about the boy tighter still, and a series of pops issued from his body. Panicked, he thrashed in her grip wildly enough that he would certainly have dislodged himself from a man the redhead's size -- but his movements only seemed to excite her; her eyes rolled back, fluttered lightly for an instant. "Make no mistake, Mr. Del Vecchio..." her voice was whiskeyed for a moment, breathy. "When I said that we're pleased to have you, I hope you didn't mistake my meaning. We have you. You are ours now." **** For The Full And Complete Story, Come Visit us In Our Brand New Amy's Conquest (www.amysconquest.com) Exclusive, Members Only, Text Stories Section ****