Ginnie, Fitness Trainer and Femdom By K Styler Looking in the mirror, I realized that age had caught up with me. Sure, I had kept my weight down and looked trim and fit in clothes, but standing there in my glory it was obvious that I was losing ground to gravity. I had always been fitness-minded. Fitness minded in the sense that I often thought about exercising. Somehow, though, I never quite got around to it. I had accumulated enough equipment in my basement to open a small health club, but judging from the reflection before me, it was not being put to good use. The idea of hiring a personal trainer had rattled through my head from time to time. Someone to force me to adhere to a strict training regimen. This time the thought didn't migrate out an ear, but stuck, and I resolved to do something about it. I spent the day at work sucking in my gut and standing very straight, as though this would somehow confer a greater level of fitness. On the way home I stopped at a new health club that had opened near my home to see if they knew of a trainer. The club was like a dance club with sweat. Spandex clad, tightly muscled men and women pumped and groaned to a driving beat blasting over the sound system. I was glad that I still had my 5'9" nondescript frame hidden beneath my polo. I asked the girl at the desk if they knew of any personal fitness trainers that would make house calls. She pointed over my shoulder and said something, but with the music blaring, I only heard the word "her". "Her" was a vision to behold. She stood over a slightly overweight man struggling with the lats machine. Her back was to me, but the sight of her blond hair, golden and shining, falling half way down her back, was enough to take my breath away. But the kicker was her ass. Round and firm, it danced as she moved, the muscles visible through her tight transparent shorts. Beneath that perfect ass was a pair of legs that were long, sculpted and muscled. She looked very tall from a distance. I had not thought about a female trainer. I had envisioned a balding, hairy hunk of a guy who would shame me into working out by comparison. This was a novel and intriguing idea. After all, if I had to suffer, why not do it with something nice to look at. I mentally composed my speech, "Hi, I'm looking for a personal trainer. I need someone to come to my home. I have a lot of equipment..." After all, I didn't want to come across like a moron the first time we spoke. Tapping her on the shoulder, I managed to get out that I was looking for a trainer before she cut me off.."Go wait in the lounge, I'll be done in 15 minutes." Her abruptness was a blessing. It saved me from the embarrassment of stammering before the most beautiful, tall, muscular and intimidating, woman I had ever met. The tee shirt she wore would normally not have covered the breasts of the average woman, but hers were so firm they stood out straight, almost hitting me as she turned. The long expanse of bare midriff was tanned and rippling with muscle. But the topper was her face. Her chiselled features surrounded a pair of piercing blue eyes whose look had turned me to jelly. I waited in the lounge wondering if I had gotten myself into something I would regret. I decided to play it out and see what happened. She entered the lounge and walked to within 10 feet of me. Stopping, she gave me a complete physical examination with her eyes. When she was done, she walked over and sat on the arm of the sofa on which I was seated and looked down at me from above. I finally got out my prepared speech, relatively smoothly I might add. Smiling, she introduced herself as Ginnie. She explained that she did make house calls and would take me on on a trial basis. The first session was instructional and motivational, she said. It tended to be quite long. She had some time this Saturday. I quickly made the appointment. Saturday was only three days away. I decided to spend them dieting and working out to be in the best possible shape for our meeting. However, after dinner, I found myself thinking about that firm, lush body and that beautiful face. I fell asleep with the image of her in my head and my cock in my hand. Saturday was forever in coming. At the appointed time, I stood at the front door dressed splendidly in my new warm up suit and cross trainers waiting for the bell to ring. On her arrival, I opened the door. I almost lost my voice when I saw her. I thought she was quite tall but standing in front in my door frame I realised she was at least 190 cm. She was so obviously strong I couldn't resist starring at her and she seemed amused but quickly demanded to show her where was my stuff. I showed her to the basement. I was very proud with my installation, it was initially a theatre room and all lights could still be dimmed, but I turned it into a functional gym room with the latest equipment I could afford. We spent the better part of an hour and a half going over various exercises. I was taught the proper sequence and was amazed at how slightly different changes in posture allowed you to isolate just the right muscle group. Ginnie laid out a very specific routine for me to follow, and even scheduled the time of day I should exercise. Read the rest of the story on