A Night He Won't Soon Forget by DTM   "And what do you do for a living?" Connie asked.  Her lips sipping slowly on a glass of red wine, as she sat at the bar.  Just minding her own business, this mans crude comments and come-on lines to her since she sat down made him a perfect candidate for her nights activites.  She seductively signaled him closer, and as predicted, he didnt dissappoint.  Spouting line after line of macho drivel, obviously looking for another nights sexual conquest to add to his resume', she knew this man was an excellent pick. "Oh, I do lots of things, my dear.......lots of things" he lecherously replied.  "But what Id most like to do right now, is YOU" he continued with his endless stream of cheap lines.  "Oh......" she continued, giving him a mock blush as she did.  "I bet you say that to all the girls" Connie teased him further. "Oh no baby, youre the only one for me" he made out, grabbing her full shapely legs just above the knees as he did.  "I only have eyes for you" "Well then.........what do you think we should do about that?" Connie taunted yet again, grabbing his hands and slowly moving them up from her legs, to her waist, and then up to her full luscious chest.  Wearing a tight white blouse, this voluptous beauty showed plenty of cleavage to entice her man for this evening.  Stunned by her forwardness, John sat speechless for a second.  His hands simply enjoying the gropping and squeezing of her incredibly full, and as he found out, VERY firm breasts.  "Uh....well, I.....why dont we just get ourselves a room and make ourselves comfortable" he lecherously spoke out, regaining his composure.  "I got lots and lots I can show you, baby" John said, leaning forward to kiss and lick her neck. "Sounds like a plan......." Connie replied, "......but my place is just a few minutes away, why dont we head on over.....Mmmmmm........and Ill see if I can show you a few things myself" With that, the very excited couple left the bar, John staring at Connies incredibly luscious butt and legs as they made their way out.  Connie knew he was looking, despite his obviously bad attempts at hiding it, but she didnt care.  She wore such outfits to get looks and stares.  Not dressed trashy in any way, Connie knew how to mix the perfect blends of sexiness and class in her outfits.  Her long tight black skirts two long slits revealed her thick shapely legs with each stride, but just for a second, just a taste.  And while her blouse covered her upper body completely, with her amazingly ample chest, broad shoulders and smaller firmer waist, it left little to the imagination.  As soon as they exited the bar, Connie quickly grabbed John by the collar and shoved him against the nearby wall.  "Mmmmm.....you like my legs, dont you baby?  Like my firm round ass too, sweetie?" she breathed into his ear seductively. "Dont lie, I could feel you gawking at them as we were leaving" Shocked at her reaction to his lecherous looks, as well as the strength and ease she managed to move him and hold him fast, his incredible lust and ever hardening cock completely took over his every word and thought.  "Oh baby....you have no idea how hard your making me.  I cant wait to get you home, and bang you til you scream baby" he lustily growled as he moved his head towards her supple cleavage to kiss and lick it. "Slow down there, tiger....." she cooed, easily moving him back away, ".....you have all night to touch this body........and rest assured, youre going to be doing just that" she breathed as she sexily licked her full red lips.  They then made their way to Connies car, for she offered to drive them both back to her place for "a night he would never forget".  For nearly the entire trip back, even though it only lasted a few minutes, John stared like a deer in headlights at her amazing body, especially at her legs.  Her skirts long slits showed off such a supple, shapely pair of legs, even more so now that she was driving.  Connie looked over at him and smiled, knowing the effect her incredible body had on men.  She also knew that his outlook on her physique was going to be changing very soon, and that made her smile even more. "Here we are, baby" she sexily breathed towards John's incredibly excited face.  "About time, I thought you lived close.  You know how many hotels we passed on the way here??" "Ooooooo, I just love a well edcuated and articulate man" Connie teased him, seemingly without him even knowing.  "Well have some fun very soon Johnny Boy, I promise" she softly spoke, moving her lips to his ears, her hands moving his face closer to her own.  Again John was surprised at how strong she appeared and how easily she managed to manuever him.  But these thoughts quickly disappeared, as images of himself with her, doing anything and everything he wanted, took over. She lead him upstairs towards her apartment, his eyes transfixed yet again on her luscious ass and shapely legs as she moved ahead of him.  As they entered, John noticed how full and spacious her apartment was, which shouldnt have surprised him being in the high-class part of town that they were in.  "Damn, nice place baby.  What did you say you did again?" "I didnt, but if you must know......" she seductively spoke out to him, moving closer and wrapping her arms around him as she did, "......I wrestle men.  I break them, reduce them to little boys, and they pay me, handsomely" "Ha, yeah right.  You know, if you didnt want to tell me, you shouldve just......Uhhhhhhhh" John croaked out, as her arms slowly began constricting around his body.  The strength she had exhibited momentarily earlier was now being used without a hint of discression. "Believe me now, do you?" she cooed into his pain wracked face, as she squeezed his body between her hard powerful arms even more.  Slowly lifting him up now as she continued her crushing display, she continued, "I do wrestle men for money.  Big men, much bigger than you, sweetie.  Alot of them very well known and famous sports stars and athletes.  And I beat them all, always" Connie continued, letting loose on her hold, though still tight enough to keep him held fast and immovable in her embrace.  "As you could have guessed from such high class clientel, they pay me very well.  Oh, I earn it all, trust me on that" "Uhhhhhhh, God.......I.....I aint paying you nothin', bitch!!" John brazenly replied, which resulted in a loud roar of laughter from his captor.  His pulse quickened even more at her reaction.  Try as he might he could not escape the grip this incredibly beautiful woman had on him.  Her strength was unreal, much greater than his own. "Oh, you stupid silly little man.  I doubt youd make enough in a week to be one of my clients for the night.  No Johnny, Ill be taking something from you, but it wont be money.  You see, every so often I like to find my own men.  Men that I can really let loose on, and have my fun, my way.  No payments, no set ups, and most importantly, NO RULES" Connie then released John from her hold completely, and easily pushed him backwards, causing him to trip over a nearby piece of furniture.  She then slowly, seductively, began removing her clothes.  Something that just a few minutes earlier he was dying to have done, though now his only thoughts were of how to escape this psychotic Amazon woman.  She sexily grabbed her long black skirt around the waist and slowly moved it down, back and forth across her voluptous hips and thick meaty thighs.  The sight of Connie's bare legs before John nearly made him both piss and cum in his pants.  Legs so smooth, so curvaceous, so thick and muscular looking.  Connie stood over him, flexing and pumping her legs even harder and fuller.  "If you only knew how many professional Football players I made cry in this legs of mine.  Mmmmmmm.......once I wrap them around someone......and just begin to crusssshhhhh, theres just no way theyre ever getting out, unless I say so" she teased her terrified male victim, hardening her sexy hard legs as she did.  From her calves, to her hamstrings, to her quads, her legs looked something out of a comic book super heroine than a real life womans.  So much shape and firmness, so much enticing sexiness and overpowering strength, all in one. "And just look at this ass" she softly spoke out, turning around to expose her thick luscious glutes, hugged barely by a sexy pair of navy blue thong panties.  One at a time Connie would began flexing her glutes, one by one theyd jump and bounce, getting harder and rounder as she did.  "I could knock you out with this ass, Johnny Boy.  I could just straddle you, lower this thick muscular ass over your face, and just sit back and relax as you went nighty-nights.  And you know what........there wouldnt be a thing you could do to stop me" she concluded with a smile. Not letting his foolish streak come to an end, John got up and ran for the door as fast as he could.  He figured with her back to him he could make it at least that far, and once he got to the ground level he could make his escape.  How fast could she move in those heels, he thought to himself........the answer, pretty damn fast. "Ooooooo, I love it when they resist" John heard in his ears, just a few feet from her door, as well as the feeling of his feet again leaving the ground.  Connie held his 6' 2" 220 lbs body over her head with ease, then throwing him across the room, where he landed with a loud THUD.  "Now that was rude, baby.  You left before I finished my little strip-tease for you.......dont you want to see what I got up here" she cooed, pointing to her broad and thick looking upper body.  "I know you like these" she continued, moving her hands to her ample chest, feeling and groping it all over as she did.  Her eyes, seductively fixed on his petrified form.  A devilish smile forming on her ruby red lips.  Connie then grabbed her ever tightening blouse around its bottons, and ripped it off her body as if it were tissue paper.  John again was utterly transfixed at this unreal site before him.  Her upper body was just as voluptously shapely and hard looking as her lower.  Surprise and shock was etched across his face, which brought another smile to Connie lips.  "Oh come now, you couldnt possibly be surprised with these babies" she taunted, flexing her steel hard 16 inch arms, expanding her broad upper musculature to its limits.  "Did you feel my hugs?  How easy it was to maneuver you, to lift you, to throw you.  Its all muscle, Johnny Boy, hard sexy female muscle" Now dressed only in an extremely tight fitting pair of navy blue bra and panties, Connie proceeded to sensuously move and position her incredible body in a variety of muscle pumping and extremely erotic poses.  Her hard powerful body, seemingly made from smooth shapely stone, served to both make men aroused and hard, as well as quiver and tremble. "And I know you cant wait to get your head nuzzled between these tits, sweetie" Connie sexily cooed, as she began flexing and hardening her full hard chest, making them bounce alternately and together with amazing muscle control.  "Come here baby, lets place that cute little face of yours in my thick cleavage.......I promise you, itll be an experience that youll never forget" she continued, giving a little laugh as she slowly moved closer to him.  John slowly began moving backwards, away from this powerful female tormentor.  As inviting as her full ample chest looked at first, it was slowly being replaced with rippling hard pec muscles as she continued to flex them, over and over.  Though as large and spacious as Connies apratment was, it didnt go on forever, as John soon found out, backing himself into the wall with a soft thud. "Nowhere to run now baby" Connie teased with a nasty smile, crossing her arms across her thick chest a few last times in a series of VERY intimidating Most Muscular Poses.  Her upper body, especially her unreal pecs, jumped and thickened to such an unreal degree, John nearly pissed in his pants.  "Dont lose it yet, sexy boy, we got the whole night together" she softly spoke, as she firmly nestled Johns head inside her tight, hard cleavage.  His attempts to push her away from him were totally useless, as her body now felt as hard and as strong as stone.  "Yesssss, fight me big boy.  I love it when my men......and they are MY men.....try and resist these sexy female muscles of mine.  Though I would like to move this to the bedroom, if you dont mind......and even if you do.  Hahaha"  A loud and VERY muffled "NO" could be heard from inside her full powerful chest, where Johns face was slowly being smothered.  "Awwwww, dont you want to have alittle bedroom fun tonight?  You did just a few minutes ago" she sexily spoke with pouty lips, as she removed his face from her cleavage, Johns face gasping and fighting for much needed breath.  "you WILL be joining me for the night, my sweet, make no mistake about that" she continued, a more dominant look crossing her beautiful face.  Still holding him still and fast in her super strong grasp, his face just inches from her rippling pecs, she began flexing and contracting them again, immediately causing tears to flow from Johns face.  "Now come on baby, Im going to make you MINE tonight" she blew in his ear. Swiftly stuffing his head again inside her muscle packed breasts yet again, she held him there immobile, and with several little grunts and groans, began contracting and squeezing his head flat in between her pecs.  His muffled, though quite loud, screams only made Connie feel more and more excited, which made her squeeze him harder and stronger than before.  It wasnt long before his feeble resistance fell flat, and his pain wracked screams came to an end.  "God, I love Muscles" she erotically whispered to herself, licking her lips as she did.  She let up on her chest smothering, catching Johns slim body and easily picking him up in her powerful arms.  "Mine" she possessively and authoritatively cooed looking down at Johns unconscious form, as she carried him off to her bedroom for a night of untold pleasure.........for her anyway.