MUSCULAR CONFESSION by DTM Two very muscular teenage girls confess their sins....and play with an altar boy in the process Hi all. Just wanted to thank those of you who have shown so much interest in having me write some personalized FBB/Amazon stories for you (for a reasonable fee :) ), just as this one was and my previous submission, It Takes Two. Im currently working on another one as we speak, and have two others waiting in the wings after that, so thanks again for all of your interest guys. So far the reaction of my "customers" has been Superb, something I insist on as I wouldnt say Done until they were completely happy. So, if anyone else is interested in having me take a crack at your own personal FBB story, feel free to drop me a line at: and well definately see what we can do. Thanks all, and hope you enjoy the second of possibly many fan requested Amazon stories. :) ********** "And how long is been since your last confession?" "Oh, Im a good Catholic girl, Father, I go each and every week" spoke in return a young girls voice. "So am I, we go together, so every week for me too" replied another voice, with the same girlish tone. "Uh....are there two of you in there?" the confused priest, Mr. Bain, spoke out. "Yep, we always go together....." "We do almost everything together. Hee hee" " this Kathy and Sara?" the priest nervously spoke out with a lump in his throat. "Yep, it sure is" the two girls spoke in unison, followed by a series of muffled girlish giggles. THUD from the main priests chamber of the confessional as Father Bain suddenly dropped his heavy bible to the floor in shock. He knew the stories of these two girls from the many other priests that resided at his church, which was linked closely with both a girls and boys Catholic School nearby. Stories of two High School Senior girls that did everything together, even confessing their sins, which while none of them being overly serious offenses, there was certainly more than their share of them. What made these girls so unique, so different from the norm, was that each of them stood 5' 10", and weighed 170 pounds of rock, hard muscle. "Everything alright in there, Father" spoke out Kathy with a hint girlish laughter, as she could plainly see their reputation preceded themselves. "Uh....yes.....yes everything is fine" "You sure, were not making you nervous or anything, are we?" Sara then spoke, excitedly biting her lower lip as she did. " I must admit its not usual for two people to make Confession at the same time. I think I would rather you both take your turns and......" "Awwwww, he wants us to split up Sara. Doesnt he know we do our best work together?" Kathy laughed "Well, he is a new one to our Confessions sweetie, maybe he just needs to be "convinced" to see things our way, just like we did with Father Murphy" Sara chirped back with an evil grin across her beautiful face. "Father Murphy???" Father Bain then thought to himself, as he remembered his colleague spending a few days in the hospital after a gang of hoodlums jumped him while taking Confession. Four or five 18 year old boys, he told the authorities, not two Senior girls. This couldnt be, could it? "Oh, that was fun, I loved getting these long....hard.....muscly legs around his head, and just Squeezing" breathed out Kathy. "Mmmmmm, and smothering his face out in my thick....rippling....rock hard chest, God I think he loved that beating as much as we did" added Sara. "Ah, OK....OK, need to separate you two......I uh.....see that you both work better together, so Ill take you both at the same time here" Father Bain nervously made out, fearing his own several day hospital stay, at the hands, and legs, and breasts of these two supergirls, who he has certainly heard more than his share of stories of. Whether it was them forcing the boys at their adjacent Catholic school to go out on dates with them (something that they needed to do routinely, as the boys became terrified of their past date stories, which usually involved a quick hospital stay for the young man), or an after school extra credit session with some of their teachers (which always ended up with them getting an A, and some of the classrooms furniture broken or bent), both of these girls relished in the thought of making a name for themselves, a name of Dominant Amazon Girls. "So....uh....what sins have you to confess, my children?" the 50 year old priest cautiously made out. "Well, I guess you should start by asking Gods forgiveness about trashing Daves car" Sara spoke to her fellow schoolgirl. "What? Im not gonna be sorry for that, the jerk picked new tires for his car over a good Valentines gift for me. Hes lucky I didnt do worse to him in the......" Kathy defensively chirped back in return. "Babe, we have to confess all of our sins here, whether we think it was justified or not, doing what you did was as anything Im sure, but still wrong." "........Ok, Ok fine, Im sorry for trashing Daves car, with my bare hands, while tying Dave to a streetlight and making him watch, and overturning it when I was done. Pulling on the doors until they popped right off......smashing dents all over it with my powerful fists and steel hard legs......lifting it up and down.....up and down....until it just tipped right over on its back. God, that was fun" "Kathy!" Sara playfulled scolded her Amazon sister. "Fine, Im sorry, OK? Happy?" "See, dont you feel better now?" "Not really, I mean what does he think he can spend $200 on tires and get me a freaking CD and thats it?? God, hes so lucky I didnt mangle him as much as I did his car" Kathy growled as the slight sounds of clothes ripping and tearing came from the confessional. "Girls.......girls please, this is a place of peace, of serenity, of forgiveness. God, will forgive you if you truly wish it so" "Good, thats good...." Kathy spoke with a devilish grin, "....cause theres a whole lot more I want to do with Dave, and Im sure Ill be real sorry when Im all done" she continued with a girlish growl, as more sounds of clothes ripping and tearing could be heard from inside their confessional. "OK, and what about you Little Miss Perfect, why dont you confess what you did the other day to your guy, Bobby?" "What, you mean our wild and crazy bedroom exercises? Forget it, he loved it just as much as I did. You know how when guys yell "No please God no" or "Stop youre killing me" or "It hurts so much, Im begging you, please" that they really mean Yes. Hee hee" Sarah chirped out. "Oh yeah, Im sure he loved being bent over your back, you masturbating him across it, while youre pulled him in two different directions. Or when you straddled him in a sexual grapevine hold, pumping into him with those rock hard abs until he was in tears. Or when you held him off the floor, upside down, your thighs crushing his head while your chest crushed his other one. Or when you....." "Uh, I think I get what you mean need to go on any further" Father Bain spoke out, both needing them to stop, yet wanting to hear each and every detail of their Amazonian escapades. "Sorry Father, we just want to make sure we get it all down, we wouldnt want God to think were not sorry about the things weve done" Sarah softly giggled out. "Yes....yes of course.....umm.....please continue" the priest nervously replied. "Well, I guess I should confess about shoving Johns entire body into his locker. I mean, whod a thought hed fit really? I guess youd be surprised at what can fit where when you push hard enough" Kathy made out with a smile. "And Ill confess about bullying my older brother about using his car whenever I want to. I mean, it is his car, and he does work hard to pay for it, but sometimes we need a ride and its the only one there. Besides, I think hes beginning to like having his head crushed between these Thunder Thighs, dont you?" Sarah cooed out to her friend. "Mmmmm, does he ever. That reminds me, I have to pay your hunky brother a visit on the way home today. He challenged me to alittle one on one the other day, though I think he was talking basketball, I have something else in mind" Kathy girlishly giggled out. "HA, you have a crush on my older brother??" Sara surprisingly chirped. "Well, not yet anyway, the crushing will come later, I can assure you. Hee hee" Kathy replied. "Children, please, if you have no more sins to confess this week, I suggest that you......." "Oh no, we have more......Im sure we do, right?" Kathy made out. "Well, what about that creepy guy the other night?" Sara replied. "The one who kept taking video of us during cheerleading practice? Oh come on, Im not going to confess that, he deserved everything he got. Heck, hes lucky he left under his own power when we were done with him" "Yeah, though I cant say the same for his video camera, eh? I guess he did deserve what he got. I mean, did you see those shots he was taking before his camera broke?" "Broke, thats an interesting way to put it" "Whatever. I mean, it was full of shots of us doing sexy splits, throwing one another around, close ups of our perfectly round butts and long shapely legs, and that guy must have been what, 30 maybe 35? What a perv!" Sara sexily growled, as ripping and tearing sounds came from her outmatched attire as well. "Oh, that reminds me, Carla owes me $20. Didnt think I could crush that camera between these oh so lovely legs of mine. HA, Ive crushed, popped and demolished a lot harder things than that between my gorgeous, muscle hardened, thighs." "You know it girl...." Sara spoke, the sound of a smacking Hi-5 coming from their confessional booth, "....though we should still confess it here. I mean, I dont think God is going to look too kindly on us tossing him back and forth like a rubber ball, or giving him that crushing Double DD Bearhug that put him out for 5 minutes" "Yeah, I guess......Father...." "I heard child,......I heard" Father Bain nervously replied. "God forgives you, now if youll excuse me I.....uh.....I have to use use the facilities" he then made out, as he gave Kathy and Sara a sign of the cross with his hand from his side of the booth, and hurriedly made his way to the Mens Room, where he seemed to stay for an unusually long time. "HAHAHAHA" both Kathy and Sara burst out of their confessional booth, laughing hysterically at yet another man whos had a taste, albeit this time a small one, of their complete and total Amazonian power. "You are so bad" Sara spoke with a girlish giggle. "Me? Hey, it was your Double DD Bearhug talk that sent him over the edge" Kathy returned with her own youthful giggles herself. "What can I say, I just cant enough of our Muscle Talk....Mmmmmm, especially when it involves these babies" Sara sexily cooed, as she placed her thick, muscular arms in front of her and started to bounce her pecs muscles up and down. "Mmmmm, well if you cant beat 'em, join 'em......of course, I never met anyone I couldnt beat" Kathy said with a smile, as she too copied her Amazon sisters muscle pose, and began flexing her chest up and down as well. Both Sara and Kathy were still dressed in their Catholic schoolgirl outfits, slightly modified to show off their finer points, namely the unreal pockets, bulges and curves of smooth, sexy muscle that covered each of their teenage physiques. Their brown and green checkered skirts were just a few inches above their schools regulation length, and their white blouses tied just a few inches below their sizeable chests, showing off each of their rippling, rock hard 6 packs. Of course such alterations to their uniforms were strictly forbidden, though after the first few male teachers who dared to scold them for such dress came back limping, bruised and beaten, both Sara and Kathy got away with it from them on. Their mega athletic, super muscular, ultra sexy bodies were only complimented by their incredibly attractive young faces. Kathys beautifully framed by her long blonde locks, most of the time kept in a single long ponytail. Sara on the other hand, loved displaying her own raven colored hair in cute little girl pigtails, just like her favorite storybook heroine, Pippi Longstockings. The strongest girl in the world, not so much unlike Sara herself. Both of these sexy young powerhouses had been friends for the past 5 years, every since they started going to Sister Marys School For Young Girls. Before long they both realized how amazingly well they hit it off with one another, and one of the things that brought them together the most, was working out and getting stronger. It started out with a few sessions in their schools gym after volleyball practice, and eventually grew (as did their own muscular physiques) to Amazonian proportions. They were both the best of friends, and on more than one occasion, though neither of them would admit they were anything more than Bi, the best of lovers as well. CRASH, came a noise of dropping metal, as both Kathy and Sara turned towards the direction to see what it was. When the two teenage Amazons turned around, they saw a young Altar Boy laying on the floor, with a series of metallic, Catholic objects near his hands (which were undoubtedly responsible for the crashing sound in the first place) The young boy looked completely unharmed, as it was a small trip, though his eyes seemed wide with awe (or was that lust?) and they were completely fixated on our pair of muscular schoolgirls. "What are you looking at, twerp?" teasingly scolded Kathy, "Never seen a girl with 15 inch arms and 26 inch thighs before?" she continued, as she began flexing her arms and legs for this bewildered young boy. "Oh leave him alone Kat, hes a cutie" Sara chirped out with a smile. "Besides, dont play the "were you staring at my luscious body" routine with me, I know you too well. Youd have the Pope himself eyeing you up if you could" "And can you blame me? I mean, look at me, look at US. Are their two more perfect female specimens on the planet?" Kathy teased, lifting her white button down blouse up a few more inches, curling her back forward to show off her amazingly ridged abs, while sexily moving her hips side to side. "You OK little man" Sara spoke, after rolling her eyes at her best friend. Sara then made her way over to this boy, and picked him off the floor with ease (something she needed to do as he himself was still too shocked to move himself). His younger (she would guess 15 - 16 years old), and much thinner frame (about 125 pounds on his roughly 5' 6" frame) made Sara and Kathy seem like female Juggernauts by comparison. Something Sara didnt mind at all, as she was actually very attracted to boys much smaller and lighter than herself, something due to her own pronounced height and weight, made her pick of boys quite extensive. "Thats a good boy" Sara cooed, as she was practically holding him completely up just under his arms. "Not that I couldnt hold you all day sweetie, but youd probably want to try standing on your own soon" she breathed out with a beautiful smile, which helped bring our young Altar Boy back to the land of the living, and his feet back more firmly to the floor. "So, you always go around staring at sexy young girls in Church?" Kathy playfully continued her scolding routine, as she made her way over to join them both. "What, youve never seen girls so hot and sexy, so strong and shapely, so hard and muscular?" she teased, making her muscle tits bounce up and down just inches from his face. "No....I.....uh....I was just making my rounds for the evening.....and I....I saw you come out of the confessional, and I.....I......" the boy nervously made out. "Oh, dont let her bully you honey, her bark is worse than her bite. Besides, if she wanted to hurt you, your head would be inside those huge thighs of hers right now" Sara continued, trying to make the boy more relaxed in their presence. "You are a cutie though, I tell you Im fighting the urge to do just that to you myself......though trust me, it would be a lot more fun, My Way. Hee hee hee" "So, you got a name or is she gonna call you cutie-pie names all night?" Kathy made out. " name is Thomas" he replied. "Im an Altar Boy here 4 days a week, and Im a Freshman at the boys school in this area, Saint Josephs" "Well were both Seniors from Sister Marys, right near by. Im Sara, and this hardcase is Kathy" Sara spoke out, fully releasing her hold on young Thomas, his feet now solidly planted on the ground. "Nice to meet you both. Uh, I dont mean to run, but I should be off finishing my chores for the evening. I wouldnt want Father Bain to be upset with me" "Oh dont worry about him, I think hes gonna be out of action for a fact" Sara spoke out, as she then made her way around a nearby corner, moving towards the Rest Rooms, where she saw Father Bain go. With a super strong grip, and a few tight twists, Sara managed to lock the Mens Room door from the outside, giving them all the much needed privacy for what she had in mind. "See, youre save, hes not gonna be coming out anytime soon" she said upon her return. "HA, you should have seen him stare at your butt when you left. He couldnt keep his eyes off you girl....not that I could really blame him. Damn, those legs, that ass, that sexy little walk you do.......Mmmmm.....I know I cant resist" Kathy cooed, licking her lips as she did. "But I....I wasnt staring....I mean....." "Shhhhhh, its OK baby, I put alittle extra shake in these glutes of mine in the hopes youd be watching me walk away. Mmmmmm, you are a cute one, little Thomas, and I do so love my boys thin and weak." Sara breathed out, erotically ending it with a sensual biting of her lower lip, as she looked down onto his face. She then turned her glance over to Kathy with a smile, who looked back with the same smile in return. "You ever been with two voluptuous, muscle packed, Amazons before, little one?" she made out, as she moved closer to him from the front, with Kathy circling him around from the back. "You ever had thighs bigger than your chest wrapped around you, holding you completely still, or crushing you into screaming submission?" Kathy girlishly whispered in Thomas' ear from behind, causing him to swiftly turn around and face her. "You ever been completely swallowed up by two gorgeously sexy and lusciously muscular beauties?" Sara then did the same from behind as well, ending her erotic tease with a sexy lick of her tongue to his neck. "Well then this is your lucky day" they both softly spoke in unison, as they made their way around the severely overmatched Altar Boy. Their rock hard arms linking into one another, their incredibly ample and thick chests pressing in on his head from both sides (which due to their respective heights, fit together perfectly), as Kathy and Sara slowly, sensously, erotically encased young Thomas in a tomb of thick, female muscle. The Double DD Bearhug, one of their favorite double team holds, named after their dual actions, as well as their luscious DD chests (much of which was filled with massive pec muscle). While they were expert at using this hold to intimidate, and even cause pain due to flexing their chests muscles full and hard, this day they used practically no pressure at all. Just enough to bring their little playtoy for the evening to La La Land, just enough to show him that even their "weakest" body parts could knock him into obilivion. "Nighty night lover boy, when you wake up, the rest of your fun will begin" Sara whispered into the back of his engulfed head, though it was so completely surrounded by muscular breast flesh, Thomas didnt hear a thing. ********** "Rise and shine, baby boy" Sara cooed softly to Thomas, as he was slowly returning to the land of the living. "Uhhhhh....wha....where am I?" the young Altar Boy moaned out, remembering his last few seconds of consciousness, which while somewhat frightening, it was also incredibly exciting and thrilling for him as well. "Relax hon, youre safe and sound in Saras arms" she returned, as Thomas realized she was 100% right. His body, which was much smaller and so much weaker than either one of these two supergirls, was being held softly, lovingly, sensously several feet off the ground. Cradled in Saras muscle packed and super strong arms. "We hope you dont mind, weve been passing you back and forth to one another while you were sleeping. Lord knows your weight isnt much to give either of us a workout, though I think doing so after 20 minutes helped give our biceps a nice little pump nonetheless. What do you think?" Sara softly asked, nurturing the slight headache Thomas must have at the moment, as she gestured his gaze over to the other side of the room. There stood Kathy, Saras Amazonian partner-in-crime, in nothing more than a sexy, lacey pair of bra and panties, hitting an incredibly powerful looking double biceps pose. Her entire body seemed to be cut from stone, perfectly sculpted muscular curves, which not only had perfect shape but bulging muscles as well. Kathy gave a series of bicep shots, pumping them each to the size of steel hard softballs, the act of which seemed to make Kathy all the more aroused. With each flex her eyes closed erotically, her tongue licked around her lips gently, with a series of sensual bitings of her lower lip as she pumped.....pumped.....pumped her arms to unreal size and shape. "She gets alittle turned on when she flexed her muscles......I guess I do too. Hee hee" Sara breathed to Thomas, still holding him off the floor in her mighty arms, as her nipples began to grow and harden due to muscle lust. "OK girl, now show him some leg" Sara demanded of her fellow muscle girl, which caused them both to smile and giggle in their girlish tones. "Anything for you, Muscle Butt" Kathy teased back, as she stopped her session of kissing and licking her peaked arm muscles. She then placed her hands on her tight washboard waist, and began to bend and straighten, bend and straighten, each time causing the thickly packed muscles of her luscious legs to become more and more evident. In less than 30 seconds true muscle definition began to form all over Kathys curvaceous legs, not to mention the rest of her Amazonian frame, and as before, each sensual pump, each erotic flex, caused her to become more and more visibly aroused. "Pass him over here babe, Im sure he wants to see what youve got going on as well" Kathy cooed, breaking away from her temporary state of muscle arousal, as she outstretched her arms and made her way towards Sara. "Relax cutie, she wont hurt you.....not unless you want her to, that is" Sara breathed out, giving a soft, tender kiss to Thomas' waiting lips, as she passed his light-as-a-feather form over to Kathy, taking a few steps back from them as she did. Sara too was now clad only in her sexy bra and panties, hot red to match her long hair, still kept in its girlish looking pigtails. Thomas could easily see at first glance that she had nearly the exact same extremely muscular, yet incredibly feminine, physique that Kathy had just displayed for him seconds ago. Sara knowing this, and wanting to show him something new, turned her body around (after blowing him a kiss from her luscious lips), and placed her hands on her hips for a long, broad, thickly muscle capped Back Lat Spread. Her back, which at rest seemed mountainous to Thomas' own skinny frame, just doubled in size and filled with hills and valleys of sexy female muscle. "See how broad she is? Do you have any idea what she could do to you across that back, or over her shoulders? She could bend, and twist, and mangle, and stretch you out until you couldnt take another second....." Kathy softly whispered into his ears, as Thomas' eyes were fixated on Sara's unreal display, ".....though youd be begging her for more when she stopped" she concluded, ending her sensual teasing with a kiss to his neck. Sara meanwhile was getting more and more into yet another captivating muscle posing session, which was also an erotic dance due to her years of training with such feats, which was only helped by the sensual swaying of her juicy round butt, and the erotic motions of her hips. While both Sara and Kathy knew more than enough ways to turn boys on thru muscular means alone, they were also very well versed in the art of erotic dancing (something they learned mostly through a series of aerobic stripping DVDs from one of their favorite Hollywood women, Carmen Electra) It wasnt long before their mastery of the erotic was equal to their expertise of the muscular, and putting the two together always made for one unbeatable combination.......and this time was no different. "I think hes ready babe, and I dont think we can call him Little Man anymore" Kathy cooed, as she looked down as Thomas's already very thick and still growing erection. This was also the first time Thomas found out he was actually dressed, or undressed, in basically just his underwear, the same as his two Amazonian temptresses before him. "Mmmmm, thats good, I dont think I could have waited much longer" Sara replied sensually, as she turned back around to face them, making her way towards them both. "Dont worry baby, well do all the work, just let Kathy and Sara show you how its done" she breathed out, as Kathy lowered his near trembling form back to the ground, standing on his own two feet for the first time in nearly 30 minutes. Sara and Kathy then gave one another a knowing look, as each of them took a few steps back, and then with girlishly toned growls, each hit an amazingly powerful looking Most Muscular pose. Such a shot nearly sent Thomas into shock, as he watched every single muscular curve in both of these teenage muscle packed bombshells burst forth and come alive with strength and power. This pose served to not only arouse young Thomas, as they could easily tell he had now been converted to the Schmoe Side, but also as a way to help remove their tight fitting bras, which came bursting off their bodies within a few seconds of these mega muscle packed poses. "Mmmmm, guys love it when we do that, dont they baby?" cooed Sara. "Oooooo, thats right honey, well until they feel what comes next anyway" Kathy erotically replied back, "Lots of sexy muscle girl pec crushing!" she growled, causing her muscle tits to harden even moreso, and Thomas to look more nervous than ever. "Relax baby, well go easy on you, as youre not as big as some of the other guys weve been with" Sara chimed out, helping to put the young Altar Boy fears to rest. "We usually go for the big strong jocks types, though in the end, as the saying goes, the bigger than they are, the harder....." "We Crush!" Kathy spoke out, finishing her best friends sentence. "But, since youre just a beginner, well go easy on ya" she spoke out. They then moved over to where Thomas stood, and began to sensously kiss, erotically lick, and sexually touch every inch of his young, boyish body. While one was on their knees kissing his legs, tickling his thighs, squeezing his butt, the other was nuzzling into his neck with her lips, teasing his nipples, and kissing his neck. Each of them switching places every few minutes to give him a different taste of what each of these two super schoolgirls could do. Due to his young age, and shy-ish behavior, Thomas wasnt well versed in sexual foreplay, or the arousing act that followed. Though he could hardly imagine two better teachers in his Sexual Education than Sara and Kathy, who were equally turned on as well, something Thomas could hear clearly enough due to their erotic moaning and groanings. His erection grew and hardened with each second, something both of these girls knew wouldnt last too long with this kind of treatment. Sara then moved her way to Thomas' boxer shorts, licking the bare flesh around this area, and then grabbing its fabric with her teeth, erotically pulling it down with her mouth. A few seconds later the young 15 year old stood completely naked in front of them both, who gave a look of shock and pleasant surprise at the size and thickness of his sexual member, which looked bigger than any of the High School Seniors theyve had their sexual fun with. "Mmmmmm, you were right baby, no more Little Man names for him. Oooooo, hes so big....." Sara breathed out, as Kathy flexed her peaked biceps right under his nose from behind, " hard....." Sara continued, as Kathy hit another massive muscle shot, " thick" she concluded, as yet another rippling bicep was hardened right before Thomas' eyes. Sara could hold her lust in check no longer, which was good because neither could Thomas, so she forcefully wrapped her mouth around his cock, just as Kathy wrapped her arms around his torso, and began sucking, licking and drinking every inch of Thomas' super hard erection. With a few passionate burst of power, to the point that even Kathy acknowledged his physical thrusts, Thomas quickly erupted inside Saras mouth with a sexual release that he never imagined could feel so good. "Mmmmm, its OK lover, the more you do it, the longer youll last" breathed Kathy into the back of his neck, as Sara knelt before him, drinking every ounce of cum his cock could muster. "Although, there is something to say about a sexual novice, as in they can usually get it back up in no time" she softly spoke out, kissing his neck as she did. Sara then finished sucking the last drop of her young lovers sexual juices and stood up, Kathy still holding Thomas' form in her tight, though incredibly erotic, hold. "God, that was unreal. Ive never felt so much shoot in my mouth before, I had to suck every last drop" she breathed out, licking her lips as she did so. "You have so got to try him" speaking about him as if he was nothing more than a sexual play toy for these two horny Amazons. "Well, what are we waiting for, I think our young stud here can get it up again in no time.....with the proper motivation, of course. Hee hee hee" Kathy cooed into his ear, with a final flicking of her tongue. "And how do you think we should motivate our cute little Altar Boy here?" Sara erotically teased from in front, as Kathy released her hold on him from behind to join her. " remember Charlie, well he just couldnt get enough of having these thick, meaty, legs wrapped around his chest.....wrapped around his head....until he begged me for mercy to stop. Didnt take much squeezing at all to get him going....get him crying.....get his dick hard and thick and long. Mmmmm, maybe I should try to crush Thomas here with these rock hard thighs of mine, see if that doesnt get the desired reaction from him?" Kathy playfully made out, flexing her thighs, quads and calves to amazing thickness. "Mmmmm, thats good babe, but I think Thomas might be a breast man. You saw how attached he was to these babies outside.....of course, with four of the most firm, perfectly rounded, muscle tits wrapped around his head, I dont think he had much choice but to be attached. Hee hee" Sara breathed out with a sexy smile, pumping her massive pecs up and down as she did so. "Mmmmm yeah, though I could also flip him up onto my back, hit one of my oh so broad and thick lat spreads, while I stretch his light little body to its limits, all the while erotically massaging his cock while Im doing so. Oooooo, I cant tell you how many big strong men turn into scared little boys when I do that to them......I wonder how our young Thomas will react to the same kind of treatment" Kathy semi threatened, as she flared her already wide shoulders and back even moreso. "Oooooo, but what about alittle face sitting display? Guys cant seem to get enough of these perfectly scuplted, bowling ball thick, glutes covering their heads, while we so softly pump.....pump.....pump them hard and round over their faces. Of course, they have to do alittle work on their own while down there. Hee hee hee" Sara spoke over to Thomas with a sexy smile. "What do you say lover, is your tongue as big and thick as your cock? It better be, because for those that dont please me while I have them in such a position......" she continued, turning her luscious ass to face him, then hitting an incredibly hard FLEX of her glute muscles, which looked like it would turn anything stuck between them to mush. "Thats also a great way to get those pesky anal lovers to change their tune. Hee hee hee" "Mmmmmm, you know, that position would also allow me to get a taste of Thomas' big, thick cock......something I think has already made a speedy return" Kathy sensually made out, eyeing their young lovers thick erection, back for another go with these muscle packed Amazons. "Ah, looks like Muscle Talking does the trick again. You boys, youre just so easy to please" Sara giggled in a girlish tone. "A little face sitting action it is, and this time Thomas, youre going to have to work for it, Or Else" she mockingly threatened, as they both hit another mega muscular front double biceps shot, filling their entire bodies with even more rock hard, sexy female muscle. Thomas couldnt resist if he wanted to, which was the farthest thought from his mind, even though Sara's threats had him more than a bit worried, though fortunately for him, his thick erection was also scared stiff as well. Little did he know Sara had no intention of crushing his face with her lusciously firm butt, though the threat of doing so helped ensure he would try his best to please her in return. Before reaching him, our two muscle teens sensually, sexily, erotically removed their lace panties, leaving them, like Thomas had been for several minutes now, completely nude. Such a vision was beyond anything Thomas thought he would ever see, certainly not until he was much older, and a lot luckier than he ever though he was. Their naked forms before him were complete and utter perfection, down to even the slightest detail. Every curve in perfect proportion, their symmetry perfect from one side to the next, and they even had the hinting of tanlines, something Thomas found incredibly arousing and sexy as well. With no effort at all Kathy and Sara then got him on the floor, and into position, with both of them straddling his much smaller, nearly completely engulfed, form. The pair of teenage supergirls facing one another, Sara sitting over his face (while taking care not to smother him out), while Kathy straddled his legs, his dripping wet cock right in front of her to play with. From then on in, it was a sexual 3-way, muscle love fest. Not only was Thomas' arousal filled tongue probing all over Saras wet pussy, and not only was Kathy using her expertly placed fingers to dance, tickle and massage his throbbing hard cock, but the two Amazons also leaned forward, pleasing one another with their probing tongues and lust filled mouths as well. A triangle of sexual passion and erotic movements, as each of these three had their own jobs, and they handled them to a T, while they were also each getting pleasured in return. Their bodies gyrating, their hips pumping, their tongues licking, their mouths sucking, and in Kathy and Saras cases, their voluptuously muscular physiques flexing and hardening. Each of them had to be very careful about their bodies, as they were so much bigger, fuller, harder and stronger than their young male lover here, that even the slightest sudden passionate movement from their engulfing physiques could cause Thomas serious injury. Something they didnt mind too much on the larger, older boys and men they had been with in the past, though in this case, they actually seemed to be in the roles of Big Sister, or even Mother, to the young Atlar Boy......well, except for the fact that they were fucking him for all he was worth. When Thomas' throbbing member seemed to be near its bursting point, Sara softly pushed Kathys loving mouth away from her own lips, knowing that she too wanted to taste each and every drop of his exploding love juices. So with a sensual bite of excitement on her lower lip, Kathy moved her mouth over his thick hard cock, removing her expertly used fingers from it in the process, and began to lick, suck and devour every inch of it. As much pleasure as Thomas was getting from Kathys mouth, so too was his mouth giving the same pleasure to Sara's moist love hole. His hands holding her thick, hard quads, pushing his face deeper and deeper inside her, causing Sara to make as much erotic groans of passion as he himself was. Sara in turn, now that Kathy had just removed herself from her sensual kisses, began to tweak, twist and tickle her own growing nipples and pulsating chest. These three moved as one in the sexual display, their mouths moaning with erotic pleasures as their bodies shuttered and motioned with passion and lust. It wasnt long before Thomas yet again shot out a stream of cum right into Kathys awaiting mouth (giving a series of even louder groans as he did so) who in turn took in each and every drop. This sexual release caused his mouth and tongue to go into overdrive, releasing Saras own love juices onto his face, which was near smothered by her lusciously round butt. And finally, Kathy too let out a series of erotic pulses as she let go of all of her sexual energies, using her free hand to find her perfect pleasure spots, as she drank down deep all that Thomas had to offer. "Wow......" Kathy breathed out, as she removed her mouth from Thomas's soaking wet erection, making sure she milked him dry "....that was Good! You were right babe, I think we found ourselves a prodigy here" she laughed out, as she rolled onto her side next to them. "Didnt I tell you, our Altar Boy is quite the Diamond In The Rough" Sara breathed out, as she gently removed her full and firm glutes from around Thomas' head and rolled her body to the other side of him. " that.......Heaven?", young Thomas could barely make out, as he was not nearly in the same fitness level as these two teenage Amazons surrounding him, and such sexual sessions pushed him to his physical limits, and beyond. "No sweetie, that wasnt Heaven, but its the closest thing to it you could get here on Earth. Hee hee hee" Sara gigled, as she rolled over to lay on him from his right. "Ive gotta say, that wasnt too bad at all kid. I think youve got the makings of a Love Stud in you" Kathy cooed, as she also rolled onto Thomas, laying on his chest from the left. These two thickly muscled beauties bodies simply engrossed most every inch of Thomas' much smaller form, though they were expert enough with their physiques to do so without causing their smaller male any harm. "So, what days are you here during the week again, studly?" Sara chirped out in a girlish voice. "I.....I actually dont even know where I am now" Thomas near laughed out, as in all of the excitement and confusion of the moment, he never bothered to take a long look around the room he was in. "Oh, were still in Chruch silly" Kathy softly added, "One of the back storage rooms I think. I know it had a lock on the door, though in the state Sara and I were in, that didnt last too think well have to Confess that next week, hon?" she playfully made out, a huge smile across her beautiful face. "Oh, I think we could let that one slide, babe" Sara giggled back, causing all three of these young lovers to laugh aloud. The three of them then retrieved their clothes, and made their way home after an evening of sensual fun and sexual pleasures. Kathy made good on her earlier word, and stopped by Saras house on the way home to have alittle one-on-one time with her older brother, though basketball had nothing at all to do with it. Sara, Kathy and Thomas' little three-somes were common occurrences as the school year went on, which is something that helped with his own confidence and self assuredness elsewhere, especially in schoolyard situations. Another thing that helped with such issues was having two super sexy, ultra muscular, Amazon beauties as your personal bodyguards/lovers, which assured that No One made fun of little man Thomas ever again. Sara and Kathy eventually graduated and made their way to the same college, where they continued their Amazonian Muscle Fun as often as possible. They left Thomas in good hands while they were gone though, as Kathys little sister Karen, another budding Amazon girl who was a year younger than Thomas, gladly took over the reigns of Amazon lover and powerful protector of this muscle loving Altar Boy. THE END