COFFEE TALK - AMAZON STYLE Part 2 by Tim - written for DTM / Amy's Conquest Our four beautiful Amazon girls once again share their all too sexy tales of female muscle, powers and sexuality. Amber's new apartment had a balcony with a view of Central Park and while she loved the hardwood floors she like the balcony more. It wasn't a great view she knew, and she could have had a bigger place in Brooklyn Heights, but Amber couldn't pass up the prestige of a Manhattan address. She didn't consider herself vain at all, although she had every reason to be. People had been telling Amber that she was beautiful since she'd become a teenager and grown breasts. With her clear skin, turquoise eyes, and strawberry tinged blonde hair, Amber had turned heads and broken hearts for a very long time. She'd worked hard on her body, on her strength and discipline. Muscles added to her womanly curves and those breasts that men drooled over were just one of her many impressive features. Amber didn't have to work hard to show off. She stood on her balcony watering her flowers wearing a pair of figure hugging yoga pants and a faded Yale shirt. Her full breasts stretched the shirt at the neck, and she was pretty sure that a hard flex would ruin the shirt she'd had since her freshman year there. One floor down and one apartment over, her neighbor Ted tried to pretend that he wasn't looking at his new neighbor bending over to water her black-eyed-suzans. His eyes zeroed in on her heart shaped ass until it filled his view. His pulse quickened and his loins stirred. He glanced over his shoulder to his wife to make sure she hadn't noticed his interest. When Amber reached high over her head to get to the begonias Ted had to bite his fist to keep cool. Her waist was so slim and the flare of her hips so sexy that he could hardly stand it. Her shirt rose up her abdomen to reveal the marble hard muscles beneath. Her triceps flexed as she held the water up and the short sleeve revealed that her shoulders were just as hard as her arms. Ted made an excuse to stand up, but it was really so he could change his angle to see her lower body. Her thighs and calves were as impressive as her upper body was. She rose up on her toes. Her muscles expanded and the definition showed when the heads separated and a little vein appeared running across those heads. Ted had seen some nice legs, but Amber's were spectacular. Suddenly she looked away from the flowers and Ted jumped. She didn't look towards him though. The patio door slid open and her boyfriend Mark stuck his head out. "Hey, do you want to use these yellow candles or the pink ones?" Amber wrinkled up her little freckled nose then replied, "There are some blue ones in the cabinet in the dining room." Mark nodded and ducked back into the house. She watched her boyfriend as he walked away. He seemed a little nervous. This was a first. Mark was usually the most fearless guy. He had to be a little worried about the fact that he was finally going to meet her friends tonight. Amber had told him how awesome they were, and maybe she'd built them up in his head. As she thought about it though, she decided that having Mark on his toes wouldn't be a bad thing. The last thing Amber wanted was for one of her friends to even silently wonder why Amber was dating him in the first place. Amber watered the last of her flowers then surveyed her domain. She grinned when she saw a kid putting on a dubstep dancing show in the park. She didn't watch long, heading into her apartment to change clothes. While her current attire was comfortable, it wouldn't do for dinner. Ted was sorry to see Amber go. She was so beautiful that just watching her broke the monotony of his day. He went back into his own apartment and prepared himself for a night of nagging from his wife. Mark was in the kitchen when the doorbell rang. He looked up in time to see Amber breeze over to it. He couldn't remember ever seeing Amber this outwardly excited. Not even when they were about to have sex. Amber liked to keep her emotions close, hard to read. Mark could read the subtle ones though, and he was pretty sure that got on Amber's nerves. Now though she wasn't trying to hide anything. She smiled like a little kid as she snatched open the door. Danielle stood there with her hulking husband Josh. Her green eyes sparkled as she and Amber hugged. Amber whispered something in Danny's ear that made the olive skinned beauty throw her head back and laugh deeply. Her long dark tresses hung below her butt. The silhouette was pretty sexy. She had a bawdy laugh too which told Mark everything he needed to know about Danny. She had a good girl veneer, but she was probably a tigress in bed. "I refused to be late this time", Danny said and handed Amber a bottle of wine. "Oh please", Josh exclaimed. "I had to shove her out of the hotel room and I had to tip the cabbie an extra 20 to drive fast. Danny looked shocked as she turned around and playfully slapped her husband on his big shoulder. Mark and Josh shook hands as the former bodybuilder stepped into the apartment. The handshake was firm, but Josh didn't try to crush Mark's hand as a show of force. Mark could hold his own, but he wasn't a bodybuilder. Then Danny came Mark's way. She wore long sleeves on a wonderful dress, and it wasn't until she was standing right in front of him did Mark notice her build. Every bit of her was rock hard and athletically lean. When she extended her hand for a shake, her sleeve slid up and Mark got a glimpse of her tightening forearm that only hinted at the wonders that the rest of her body would have revealed. Mark thought he heard some conversation and some feminine laughs coming from out in the hall, but Amber was too busy talking to Danny and Josh to notice. She was closing the door when a hand with bright painted nails stopped it. Mark couldn't help but stare at that arm as the mechanisms of strength moved and shifted like a human machine. The definition of her barely flexing triceps looked sharp enough to slice steel. Then the woman attached to that arm stepped into view. She was a vision in a form fitting white dress which contrasted beautifully with her flawless dark chocolate skin. Her body looked like it should have come with a danger warning. Her muscles were like coiled springs waiting to explode at any moment. The beautifully exotic Cassandra had long ago sworn off processing her hair, so her natural curls flowed down and across her shoulders like an afro fountain. "So you don't want us to come in?", Cassandra said and caused Amber to blush. Before Amber could reply, Brittany pressed herself through the doorway. "Well, Cass we might as well go home. I guess Amber doesn't want this box of Belgian chocolate we got her." "Pierre Marcolini?!?", Amber asked with wide eyes. Britt just grinned. Amber reached for the box. Amber got a couple of fingers on it and the two of them struggled for it. Mark just watched, and his eyes hurt as they strained to look at all of Brittany's muscles at the same time. She was a competitive bodybuilder and even though this was supposed to be her off season, her muscles were huge and full bellied. Dimples and cuts showed in her delts as she moved, and her triceps looked like thunderheads rolling across the backs of her arms. Britt planted her leg and tugged against Amber. Mark saw chasms form as first her calves and then her quads separated. Even tugging playfully produced traps and pecs so thick and luscious that Mark suddenly wanted to knead them like dough, although he was sure that a simple flex would have produced a mind numbingly hard pec that his fingers couldn't even have dinted. Brittany finally relented and Amber took hold of the chocolate then threw one arm around Brittany's shoulder and the other around Cassandra's. "Thank you both for coming", Amber squealed. While Amber, Danny, Cassandra, and Britt chatted, Mark took a moment to get the lay of the land. Jeff Willoughby was a slight man with a somewhat nervous disposition, and by Mark's estimate only at the high end of average when it came to looks. How he'd landed a catch like Britt was a mystery. Mark was pondering that question until Vernon walked in. He was probably the biggest human being Mark had ever seen in person. He was as muscular as Danny's bodybuilder husband Josh, but half a foot taller. Mark kept his surprise off his face, but Amber was completely unfazed. She walked right up to Vernon and extended her hand. "Cassandra's told me so much about you." "Likewise", Vernon replied in a chest rumbling baritone like a late night disk jockey. After a few moments, he turned to Mark. "Hey man, it's nice to meet you." Mark grinned and put on his best Barry White as he introduced himself. Vern laughed then so did everyone else in the room. Mark had intentionally broken the ice, relieving the last bit of tension in the room. The group broke up, the men going to the kitchen and women to the balcony. This get together had been Brittany's idea and it had been Mark's idea for the men to serve the ladies dinner. The guys pulled out pots and pans and knives to get started. They got to know each other a bit as they worked. All the guys had exchanged emails, but they hadn't met until tonight. Each of them had boasted of a culinary specialty and it was time to see if they could deliver, or perhaps it would turn into a disaster. "My money's on disaster", Cassandra said after sipping a little pinot. "As huge as Vernon is, you'd think he would know how to cook", Danny said then leaned back in the seat and crossed her legs. Cassandra laughed. "He likes to eat, but I don't know about the cooking part." "Speaking of eating", Amber said and leaned forward. "How in the world do you two keep food in the house?" Everyone laughed, including Cassandra. Cass' ability to scarf down copious amounts of food was legendary. On a girl trip through Texas years earlier, Cassandra had accepted the challenge of eating a joint's world famous Block'O'Brisket. It hadn't been world famous because none of the girls had ever heard of it before, but it was huge ... massively huge. Cassandra though had eaten every single scrap, and had four glasses of ice tea to wash it down. By the end of it every patron in the room had been rooting her on. She got a silly t-shirt and a free meal for her troubles. When she'd stood up from the table she'd looked 6 months pregnant. Each of the friends had photos of them rubbing Cassandra's 'pregnant' belly. Of course, after a while her tummy had gone back to its normal perfectly flat, insanely hard condition. "He buys the food", she replied after the laugher had mostly subsided. The laugher just started up again. Ted walked back to his balcony to retrieve his can of brew when he saw that his neighbor had been joined by three other women. Each was as beautiful as the next. He stared at their bodies, at their muscles. His imagination went wild trying to picture each of them nude, frolicking around him, but as he saw the tall one, and the look on her exotic face he realized that these four would never frolic. Instead they'd fight for him. The strongest would win his affections. Ted was as lost in his vision and as horny as a teenager. He might have cum right then and there, but his wife Angie slid open the door. She stuck her head out and said, "I don't want to watch the movie tonight. I'm going to bed. Are you coming?" Ted didn't move. His eyes looked towards his neighbor's balcony, but his mind was in another world. "Did you hear me?", Angie asked her husband. Ted turned his head suddenly. "Umm, no what did you say honey?" His wife narrowed her eyes and looked at her husband. "Are you okay? You look like you're flushed." "Oh, umm, I'm fine. I'm gonna stay out here for a while. It's a nice night. I'll join you later", Ted managed to sound offhand. His wife wasn't convinced, but she wasn't sure how much trouble her husband could get into out here on the balcony. She went inside and out of sight. Ted sighed and turned back towards his neighbor's balcony. The women had sat down now. Ted had no way of knowing that his wife had saved him from being found out. When Amber had gone to the corner of her balcony to show her friends the view, Ted had been looking the other way. He wasn't going in though, even though he couldn't see their bodies anymore because now they were talking and he figured that he just might enjoy the conversation too. Oblivious to Ted's eavesdropping, Amber and her friends chatted away. "Danny looks like she's floating on a cloud right now", Britt said when she was halfway through her first glass of wine. "Yeah", Amber agreed. "I haven't seen you this relaxed in a long, long time. Usually you're worried about this or that." "Well", Danny began once all the eyes were on her. "Things have been going well recently. I mean the gym's doing well, and I actually have some free time." Amber, Cassandra, and Britt looked at each other. Danny smiled. She knew they weren't asking about work. "And yes, Josh is still doing his best to make sure that I he remembers why we fell in love in the first place. He does little things to make sure he lets me know that I he remembers. Matter of fact just last week, he sent me on a scavenger hunt of sorts ... " Danielle rolled to her left expected to feel her husband's hulking body lying there, but when she kept rolling she opened her eyes. She blinked a few times. Josh wasn't there. She looked around, but couldn't see much in the darkened room. She pulled off the covers and sat up. His side of the bed wasn't even warm. Danny yawned and stretched her muscled arms high over her head. Her tight little sleeping shirt rode up revealing her power packed midriff. Danny threw her feet to the cool hardwood floor and looked again for her husband. He hardly ever woke up before her, hardly as in never. Danny padded across the floor and flipped on the bathroom light. She squinted her rich green eyes against the light. Her husband wasn't in there either. She was about to turn away and check downstairs when something in the sink basin caught her eye. She stood over the postcard sized paper for a second before reading the single word written on it. "The Car." Danny looked puzzled, but threw on a robe, slipped her feet into her brand new comfy slippers and bounced down the stairs. A short walk down a hall and then down some more stairs let her to the garage. It was empty too, completely empty. Her car was gone and more surprisingly was the fact that Josh's big pickup was gone too. She frowned. She had no idea how he'd started the engine without her hearing. He'd gotten the loudest pipes on it that the law allowed. She turned on the lights to make sure she could see the entire room. Sitting where Josh's truck normally sat was an envelope. On the outside it read, "Time for a jog." She smiled and looked inside. She pulled out another postcard sized piece of paper, this one had a map drawn on it, with a route marked in red. Josh hadn't done anything like this in a while. She ran back up the stairs. She threw the robe on the bed and grabbed some skin right jogging pants and a white and blue sports top. She had to tug and pull to get her full breasts into it, but she only wore these tight tops to jog. Some serious athletes like her hated big knockers, but Danny wasn't one of them because when she was dressed like this her body looked like it had been drawn by a cartoonist with its big shapely muscles, lack of any fat, and then those large boobs. Josh was a lucky man to have caught Danny, and she knew it. She threw on a sports jacket, tied her shoes on tight and with the map in hand, she jogged out the front door of her house. The sun was rising to her right as she ran down the street. The new light made it easier to see the map, even if she only looked at it occasionally. This was mostly the same route she'd taken the year before when Danny had trained for an Ironman competition. When she reached what would have been the spot for her to turn around and go home, the map told her to go right. She ran through a park, past the well used picnic tables and benches to a more secluded area where nature watchers hung out. Migratory birds came to this area and so did the occasional deer. There were no deer in sight as Danny came to the end of the map. She looked around the small clearing until she saw a rock a few feet away with a little red arrow taped to it. The arrow pointed downward. Danielle got on her knees and tried to slide her fingers under the rock only to realize that it went well below the surface. The edges of the rock made convenient handles though. She worked her fingers into the soil around the rock on either side. She dropped her butt close to the ground and pulled. Her face blushed two increasingly darker shades of red. Thick veins pulsed in her neck as she strained to lift what she thought was a watermelon sized rock. She'd already worked up a bit of a sweat on her run, but now the beads formed on her forehead and dripped to the uncooperative stone. A curse slipped past her lips and she pulled her hands out of the dirt. The rock hadn't moved. She looked around, wondering if she wasn't supposed to lift the stone, but there were no other clues and that arrow most certainly pointed down. Danny's eyes narrowed. She focused on nothing but the rock and marched back towards it. When she had this look on her face, nothing got in her way, certainly not some stupid rock. Her thighs, ass, back, and arms all strained to do their mistress' will. The rock began to slide up. More curses and some spit flew from Danny's mouth as she began to stand up with the burden hanging from her fingers. She was in a half crouch when she slowly shifted her grip to wrap her arms around it. With more contact the lift became easier. She threw her head back, looking up at the early morning sky and pulled the big rock up higher. Only when she was almost standing up straight did she look down and see that the rock was shaped like an arrow head. The part above the ground had only been a small section of it. Danny took two lumbering steps backwards before she dropped the rock and jumped to make sure it wouldn't smash her foot. Her chest rose and fell quickly as she looked at the bottom of the rock to find a dirt covered plastic bag stuck to it. The bag looked like it had been there for a while, but the postcard inside was in good condition. It was another map. Below it, written in Josh's handwriting was, 'I hope you're not tired yet.' Danny just smirked and started running again. She knew that somewhere in the distance he was watching her, looking at her ponytail flapping from side to side in time with the rise and fall of her muscled ass and flexing of her thighs. If her husband wanted a muscle show, then Danny was determined to give him one. She was pretty sure that she could drive him completely mad. That thought sat in her head as she headed to her next task. The route took her down one street then down a little used industrial access road that lead to what used to be a factory. The map led her to the back of the massive building to a chained and padlocked door with a red arrow stuck to it. She was sure she wouldn't find a key for that padlock, so she looked around and saw a four foot long steel bar made of heavy steel. Her first thought was to raise the bar above her head and smash the padlock to pieces, but there were houses only a hundred yards from where she stood, and they'd certainly hear that sort of racket. Instead Danny slid the bar between two crossed lengths of chain. The saying was that a chain was only as strong as its weakest link, and Danny intended to find that link. She put her right hand high on the bar and her left hand facing upward on the bottom. She took a firm stance. Her muscular thighs, granite calves, and muscled ass were spectacularly displayed in the jogging pants, but those muscles were at rest. When she flexed them, the landscape of her body changed. Her arms and shoulders filled the sleeves of her jacket. Her pants were forced to stretch around her burgeoning thighs, but the twisting action of her arms caused serious flexing. She turned the bar clockwise until all the slack in the chain had been taken up. That part was easy, but now her body got to work. Danny loved pushing the limits of her body, taking herself to unknown levels. Her lip quivered and her hands shook on the bar. Danny's entire body was shaking now. Her arms burned from lactic acid. That only made her try harder. She dug down. Her arms flexed harder. She bit her lip, digging for more strength. She stared at her left arm, willing it to grow, to get harder and stronger. Her eyes burned like green flames, and as if from fear her left arm moved. The bar turned. Josh gasped even though he knew how strong his wife was. He'd told him that he shouldn't follow her, but her bulging muscles were too much to resist. He put the binoculars to his eyes and stared in opened mouth awe as his wife's body continued to transform before his eyes. Danny let out a chortle at a small victory. The only way that bar could have moved was if her arms had started to defeat this chain. She took a breath and leaned into her turn. The bar moved steadily now. Her biceps were on fire. Her head ached from strain, but Danny wasn't even near her breaking point, the chain was. With a heroic flex that sent her left biceps through the sleeve like a rocket leaving a silo, Danny spun the bar a full turn. Three links snapped into six pieces and fell to the concrete. Danny leaned on the bar as she caught her breath. She couldn't keep the smile off her face. Defeating steel was never something to be taken lightly. She pulled the chain off the door and looked at her ruined jacket. That was a small price to pay for such muscle domination. She opened the door and walked inside the building wondering what Josh had set up for her, because feeling her body brush against its limits was intoxicating. It turned out that the old factory had been turned into a warehouse full of some of everything. There were bricks and cut stone stacked in one corner with roofing and pipes in another. Danielle knew that she could have some fun with those things. She turned her head and saw big sheets of steel stacked on pallets. Her mouth nearly water imagining working her muscles against some of that stuff, but as she walked around some parked vehicles she saw a red arrow hanging from the rafters and pointing at an industrial sized scale with tree sized logs stacked high on top of it. If Danny had wanted to clear off an inch of dust she could have seen how much all those logs weighed, but instead she rubbed her hand over the rough bark on logs. She saw a pair of brand new gloves sitting on the rail next to the logs. She laughed. Only Josh would think about his wife getting splinters performing a feat that he was probably salivating waiting to watch. She slid on the gloves and pulled a log towards her. And put her shoulder under the middle of it to test the weight. It was heavy, but nothing her muscles couldn't handle. She wrapped her arm around it and stood up. The coarse bark compressed and cracked away where it rubbed against her even harder delts, traps, and biceps. Danny felt like a lumber jack as she came around to the pen that held the rest of the logs that weren't on the scale. The sides of the enclosure were just higher than Danny's shoulder so leaned back and spun the log so that it sat across her chest. She worked both hands beneath it and jerked her arms straight. Her triceps pressed against the sleeves of her jacket like hydraulic rams until the stitches began to fail one by one. Danny's arms only got harder and her shoulders rounder, as she mastered the log. Then she threw it over. She felt the vibrations through the floor as the log bounced around inside the pen before settling. Danny grabbed another log and threw it into the pen, then another and another, but it was going too slowly. Danny was wasting her time and her strength. One log at a time was child's play. She curled each arm around a log and slid it out of the stack. Once they were both a few feet out, but with their back ends still resting on the logs below, Danny slid herself towards the pivot point of the logs and stood up straight. The strain was immediate and exhilarating. Muscles burst from her calves up to her traps. Her lats thickened like extra limbs as she worked to control both logs at once. Her knees knocked a little, but her smile grew sinister as took her first unsteady steps towards the pen. Danny raised up on her toes and tipped the front of the logs over the enclosure and pushed both over the edge with a triumphant roar. Josh looked down on the scene below through the one window he'd cleaned. He knew he shouldn't have done it, but now he couldn't take his eyes off of her. With each lift her muscles swelled to bursting. She'd already shredded her jacket and those pants were soon to follow at this rate. Nothing could withstand those gigantic quads or stone crushing glutes. Josh's heart sped up when Danny's let out a shriek and hoisted more logs onto her shoulders. The pile was still nearly five feet tall, but Danny waded into the challenge, pushing her mind and her muscles into a frenzy. That frenzy didn't last long enough for Danny. Just when that welcomed burn started to appear, Danny was out of logs. Her sweat coated the floor and her body hummed with power. She lifted this next plastic coated envelope not knowing what to expect. She laughed when she read her husband's words, "Are you tired yet", his writing asked. "If not, you're going to be." Danny knew that was a challenge, one that she was more than willing to meet head on. She was just glad Josh's little game wasn't finished. He knew how much Danny loved to work her body. It turned her on like nothing else, but she wasn't turned on yet, almost, but not quite. Josh knew that too. He watched from his perch as took the key out of the bottom of the envelope and searched through the parked vehicles to find the right door. He turned away from the window then to finish his own preparations. He wanted to be ready when Danny came through the door on the second floor. He slid on the freshly dry-cleaned and altered uniform pants then went to retrieve the uniform shirt from the plastic. On the ground floor Danielle looked up at the commercial bucket truck that the key fit into. She slid the key into the ignition and gave it a turn. She didn't even get a click. After a bit of looking around she pulled down the visor and a post card dropped to her hand. She spun it over to read. "I really hope you didn't try to start this truck." Danny smiled wryly. "It's not going to be that easy. You just have the key, so that you can put the truck in neutral." Danny took the truck out of gear then walked around it enough to figure out that she wasn't going to be able to push this truck from behind. There was another smaller truck right behind it and she couldn't fit between them. She looked around and saw a tow rope with hooks on either end. Danny hooked both hooks to the hard points at either end of the truck's bumper and prepared herself to have some fun. She looped the rope around her shoulders and leaned back to take up the slack. She could have pulled that truck walking away from it, but she figured that it would be safer if she faced it, besides ... she wanted to watch her quads burst open. She took a deep breath, set her teeth on edge and pulled. The rope stretched to remove its natural slack, and Danny's muscles looked ready to jump through her skin. The burn started at her forearms, but soon her calves and thighs were on fire. Danny's muscles strained for all they were worth, but her relatively small body against that huge truck seemed impossible. "Come on you fucker", Danny swore and fought through the pain. She bit down hard and her muscle impossibly flexed harder still. Tears stung her eyes more than the sweat. The pain of impending failure hurt worse than her exhausted muscles. She wouldn't stop though. Her vision darkened and her body was solid throbbing flex from her huge traps, to her pregnant pectorals, down her struggling bulbous biceps and triceps, to her gargantuan thighs. **** For The Full And Complete Story, Come Visit us In Our Amy's Conquest Exclusive, Members Only, Text Stories Section ****