CANDY KANE by Michele LeMuscle - written for DTM / Amy's Conquest **** The below is an extended segment from this story, written for us by the Legendary Amazonian Author, Michele LeMuscle (creator of the Little Annie Ample series)!! For the Full Story of "Candy Kane", please visit our Member's Section at Amy's Conquest (, OR purchase it on its own on our AC site. Thanks all, and as always, hope you Enjoy! **** ************** Candy was not the most beautiful of girls in her middle teens. She actually was getting a complex as boys did not pay much attention to her during those years. But things have a way of mending themselves at times. As a shy 14 year old Candy needed something to distract her from her complex. She began to hang out in the school weight room, which was very rarely used. It was a quiet place where she could hide and eventually start getting fit from the weights that nobody else cared to use. By the time Candy was 15, her body was slowly transforming into extreme tautness, Clothes began getting tighter, so wardrobe starting becoming an issue. Bigger clothes needed to be bought on a monthly basis. Her daily visits to the weight room were chiselling the young girl's body at a rapid pace. Candy became very knowledgeable with every set of weights and machine in the room. She worked all parts of her body. She her young, firm body was beginning to sprout muscles all over. It was a confident feeling for her to have muscles. On her 16th Birthday, Candy decided to treat herself to some nice clothes. A nice mini skirt, lacy sleeveless top, and some high heels. Clothes she wouldn't have dreamed of wearing just a couple of years prior. Although a more confident girl, she was very apprehensive of wearing such clothes to school. That apprehension subsided as all eyes were open towards her at school when she appeared in that outfit. Boys instantly took notice of the 16 year old's taut muscular legs that were even more enhanced by her high heels. Her sleeveless top left her tight muscular arms out in clear view for all to see. The V-neck of her top gave a hint of her newly developing pecs/breasts. Candy blushed as she walked down the school hallway, as students, male and female alike, whispered as she walked by. Candy walked into her first class of the day. An instant hush fell over the noisy classroom as she entered. Every boy gawked at the site of Candy's new muscular body. The Math Teacher, Mr. Lewis, brought his head in surprise to his class going silent. A noise, or lack of noise, he wasn't accustomed to. He turned to see what all the students were staring at. His eyes widened as he saw Candy slowly entering his class. Her high heels clicked on the loud floor as she took her seat. The boys and girls all whispered to each other. "Now, now .... enough of that." Mr. Lewis lightly barked to the students. Candy was a little overwhelmed by all the eye attention she was receiving. She crossed her muscular legs and Mr. Lewis watched in amazement of her shapely legs. She took notice of his glance and a satisfying feeling ran through her. After the initial awe the students had over Candy, the class toned down to it's normal routine, Every one of Candy's classes that day had the same results of awe over her. She relished the attention she was receiving. By the end of the school day Candy felt like a celebrity. As she strolled down the hallway to yet more stares and whispers, she felt a new confidence. As she neared the exit doors her classmate Tommy stepped in front of her. She abruptly stopped in her tracks. "Well, well .... look at you." he sneered as he looked her up and down. Tommy was a boy who had Teased Candy in the past about her homely looks. "What can I do for you Tommy?" Candy asked. "You've really changed." he said, glaring at her slightly exposed cleavage. Candy took notice of his glare. She took a slow deep breath. The neckline of her top spread as her chest filled with air and her breasts filled with muscle. "I have?" she teased. Tommy's face was inches from her expanding chest. Tommy was speechless as he gawked at her breasts and slightly rippled cleavage. "Are you okay, Tommy?" she teased again as she crossed her arms in front of her. That caused breast and chest muscles to converge into a deep rippling cleavage. At this point, most of Candy's ample breasts were exposed to the near drooling Tommy. "I guess I'll be on my way then if you have nothing else to say." she said as she left the mesmerized boy standing there in a trance. 'Wow.... that felt so good' Candy elated to herself. She felt a surge rush through her muscles as she began walking home from school. Her scant outfit was getting tighter as her energized muscles bulged. Every muscle on her body tingled with the new found appreciation of her. She took pride as she walked, getting looks from boys and men of all ages. 'Who knew muscles like this would be such a turn on for guys?' she thought as she strut her muscular body down the street. Her confidence level was now through the roof. The 20 minute walk home breezed by where it would normally be a tedious task before muscles. She entered the front door to find her dad sitting on the couch. There would normally be just the gratuitous Hi dad, Hi Candy exchange, but Dad had instantly taken notice of his daughters attire and physique. He stood up immediately at stepped in front of her. "What on Earth are you wearing? And what happened to your body?" he asked. "Um ... sorry about my outfit Daddy. I guess I should have asked you first." she replied. Her Father was fixated on her physique. All the excitement and the walk home had Candy's muscles very pumped. In fact, her tight lacy top had started to tear in her neckline slightly. Her muscles bulged from head to toe. "Oh ... and I've been working out a little." she answered of her physique. "A Little?!!" her Dad replied in sarcasm of her male bodybuilder sized muscles. "I hope you don't mind, Daddy?" Candy pleaded. The threads in her top slowly continued to pop as the shirt slowly tore open further. "Well ... I just don't know what to say!" he gasped. Candy took notice of the bulge slowly growing in his crotch. She giggled slightly as she looked at it. "I think you're saying quite lot, Daddy!" she giggled of his growing member. The thought that she could even arouse her own father with her muscles made Candy's muscles swell even more. "What on Earth are you giggling about?" he asked her. "Oh Daddy....." she hummed as she glared at his crotch. He looked down to see that unbeknown to himself, he sprouted quite an erection. "What ... I .... uh ..." he stumbled in embarrassment. "Oh ... it's okay, Daddy. I know I'm you're little girl, but you obviously like what you see." she said confidently. He brought his hands in front of him to cover his crotch. "That's no way to talk to your father young lady." Candy put down her school books on the coffee table. "There's no need to be embarrassed Daddy. I found out today that men really like muscles on girls. You shouldn't be any different." she said to him. She put her arms behind her and pushed out her chest. "I'm not sure what it is about my muscles that turn men on ...... Mmmmmmmmmm." she cooed as her expanding chest continued the rip farther open in her shirt. Dad just stood mesmerized by his own daughters muscles. Candy brought her arms up and flexed her biceps. Dad watched his teen-aged daughter's bicep grew to nearly 20 inches. The happenings of the day had Candy's muscles reacting hugely. She flexed once more with a soft sigh. Her young arms expanded to 22 inches of peaked muscle. Her top had ripped open down to her abs. Giving her Dad a view of ultra chiselled tummy. Her expanded chest was nearly completely exposed. Any further and her nipples would be completely uncovered. "Look at the muscles on your little girl, Daddy" she said, holding her bicep flex. "I'm so glad you like them, Daddy" she cooed as she flexed again. Her biceps grew to 24 inches, the biggest they'd ever been. "Okay, Candy .... you can stop now..." her very aroused father plead. "I'm sorry Daddy. Guess I got a little carried away." said the teenager. Her top was tattered and on the brink of rendering her topless. "Um ... better go upstairs and change before I expose a little too much." she said of her top. Candy left her very aroused and very erect father in the living room. Candy grabbed her books and scurried up to her room and closed the door behind her. Her heart was racing. "Oh my God! Did I just do that?" she said to her reflection in the mirror. "Did I just give my own Father a major boner?" she added with delight. The thought of her turning on her Father in turn, had turned her on. "And my muscles! What's happening to them? They're huge all of a sudden!" she said of her engorged body. "All of this today is making my muscles grow on their own!" she said as she flexed her biceps up to 25 inches. "Look at those mountains of muscle!" she elated of her peaked biceps. "I love it!" she grunted as she flexed harder, pushing her biceps out to 27 inches. Her chest expanded as she flexed, ripping it completely open. She grabbed the tattered shirt and threw it to the ground. She gazed at her topless body in the mirror. Slight sweat had every cut and ripple of muscles heightened. "The more I feel good about my muscles the more they react!" she said with glee. She turned into a side chest flex. Her pecs jutted out into deep, thick, cubes of solid muscle. "Mmmmmmmm .... Why didn't I build these muscles sooner!" she said to herself. The age of 16 was a roller coaster ride of muscle building, male arousal and self satisfaction for Candy. Now she had just turned 17 and a vision of extreme musculature. At 5'7" and 192 pounds of solid, rock hard muscles, she was a different girl to say the least. She was reaping the yield of her muscular body. No longer the homely girl that boys made fun of. Candy enjoyed a life of muscular confidence. She was the arousal of many a men and boys, and she knew it. She enjoyed flaunting her sexy, rippling muscles in scant outfits. At first her Father disapproved, but he too could not deny her sexual prowess. Even though Candy had used her muscular physique to stir up the loins of boys and men alike, she still didn't let anyone to handle her physical attributes and remained a virgin. And with all the attention her muscular body received, that was no easy task. As mentioned, Candy's Father was not spared the occasional muscle teasing from his muscle bound daughter. Candy had no issues with giving her Father a raging erection. But that started to wear on her mind. The many times that she had aroused him to full erectness and then leaving him to deal with his swollen member had caused Candy to think of how she was being a bit cruel to her him. But the 17 year old just had too much fun getting men aroused, her Father included. But on occasion, Candy's muscles would put her in a certain type of situation and this Sunday evening would be on of those times. Candy was just finishing a grueling 3 hour workout before bed. She had worked all the muscle groups of her body with the last hour concentrating on her pecs. The workout had shown immense results as Candy's body inflated with muscle, especially her chest. As she neared the end of her workout, her pecs got a peculiar feeling. A feeling she hadn't experienced before. Her workout had engorged her pecs to the size and depth of toasters. "Owwwwwww ..." she cringed as her pecs became painful. She stopped her workout immediately, hoping the pain would subside. It didn't, in fact it got worse. She was in her bikini and could see no visual evidence of what would be causing her pain. She could barely move without feeling pain. The she looked in the mirror and noticed her bikini top was wet. She pulled off her bikini bra and saw milky liquid oozing out of her nipples. "What the?" she panicked. "Oh no, no .... what's happening?" the teenager pouted in more panic. The confused 17 year ran from her room to her Father's room. "Daddy, Daddy!" she stormed into his room in a panic. "What, what is it?!" he panicked as well. Then noticing that she was topless. "Candy.... you're half naked! What are you up to?" he asked, being subject to her arousal attempts in the past. "What? huh? I'm not up to nothing! I'm scared!" she pleaded. Dad realized this was no teasing attempt. "What's wrong?" he asked. "This!" she pouted, pointing at her engorged pecs. He noticed the oozing from her nipples. "I don't know what to say or do!" he puzzled. "Oh please ... do something. It hurts. It really, really hurts!" she pleaded in near tears. He jumped out of bed, dressed only in his boxers that had a major teepee sprung from seeing his muscle bulging daughter half naked. He stepped close to her. "Owwwwwww .... it hurts!" she continued to pout loudly. Dad thought for a moment. "Um .... looks like your lactating." he said. "lactating? What's that? Owwwwwwwww!" she asked painfully. "Looks like you're producing ... um .... muscle milk." he puzzled. "Make it stop hurting ... please, Daddy!" the teen pleaded. The normally together and confident Candy was now a little girl in panic mode. "I'm not sure how to make it stop!" he panicked. He gazed at her deep, thick pecs as they heaved with every breath she took. "I'm thinking we need to release your muscle milk somehow." he thought. "Owwwww ... yes .... maybe you can squeeze it out, Daddy?" she pleaded. "What? Me? Out of the question!" he stated. "PLEASE DADDY!" she begged. Her loud plead startled him into grabbing hold of one of her pecs, The huge size of her pec caused him to put both hands on. "Are ... you ... sure you want me touching you like this?" her nervous Father asked. "Yes! Please! Whatever it takes to make the hurting stop! Owwwwwwwww!" she continued to bellow. Her Father then tried to squeeze her enormous pec. He grunted as he tried again. Her solid pec didn't budge. "Hrrrrrrrrk!" he grunted loudly as he squeezed with all his might., but her rock hard pec would not yield to his squeezing. "Candy dear ... you need to relax. Don't flex!" he asked of her unyielding pec. "But I am relaxed! I'm not flexing at all!" she bellowed. "I'll give it one more try. "Hrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrk!" he grunted with a sweat forming. The result was the same. her pec didn't budge at all. "It's still hurting! Why? Isn't the milk coming out?" she pouted loudly. "I'm sorry honey. Your pecs are just too damn hard for me to squeeze." he surrendered. "But ... it .... Owwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ... is hurting more! There must be something you can do?" she pleaded in tears. "Just let me think a minute..." he pondered as he gazed at her throbbing pecs. "Hurry Daddy .... please!" she continued to softly weep. "Um ... okay .... I think I may have an idea. I don't think you're going to like, but I'm pretty sure it will work." he said. "What, what is it, daddy?" she asked in a pout. "I ... don't think I should tell you. I better just do it before I change my mind, which is what I really should do." he said with a worried expression. "Please make it stop, Daddy!" she cried aloud. He couldn't watch his little girl suffer any more. He grabbed hold of her pec and pulled himself in. He put his mouth over her nipple. "Daddy! Daddy ... what are you doing?" she begged. He began sucking on her little nipple and some of the backed up muscle milk began to seep into his mouth. "Oooooh ... Daddy ... I think ... it's working.." she said with some relief in her voice. He struggled with her little nipple and Candy could see that he was. "Oh ... Daddy .... maybe I can help." she said. She let out a soft sigh. "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ...." she moaned as she flexed her nipple. Her Father's eyes widened as did his mouth as her nipple grew longer and thicker. "Mmmmmmmmmmmmm .... is that ..... mmmmmm .... better?" she cooed of her now 3 inch long nipple. He began sucking furiously and the milk flowed into his mouth. "Oh .... Yessssss, Daddy .... the hurt is starting to go away." she joyed. But her pec was so engorged with muscle milk that it began gushing out quicker than her father could gobble it up. Muscle milk began pouring out the sides of his mouth. "Oh Daddy ... I'm so sorry!" Candy said as she pulled him off her nipple. He gargled as he spewed milk out. "No .... let me finish! You're still backed up." said her determined Father. "Are you sure, Daddy?" she asked. He plunged his lips over her nipple and began sucking once more. "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....." she moaned with pleasure. He controlled the intake of her milk as he sucked. "Mmmmmmmmmm ..... the hurt is really going away now. In fact, it starting to feel .... mmmmmmm really good, Daddy." she moaned erotically. She placed a hand on the back of his head and pulled it back and forth over her nipple, which had grown to a thick 4 inches long. "Mmmmmmmmmm .... Thank you so much for doing this Daddy." she said as she pulled him off. Her groggy, milk faced Father looked up at her as she pulled him over to her other nipple. "One down, one to go ....... Mmmmmmmm." she cooed as she slipped his mouth over her other nipple. "Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ...." she sighed loudly as the erotic sensation surged through her muscles. She bobbed his head back and forth for a few minutes until the pressure of her engorged pec had subsided. Pulling him of, he fell back onto his bed. She stood glaring at her spent father. Her nipples oozing out droplets of muscle milk. "Oh, that feels so much better, Daddy. Thank you so much." she cooed to her nearly unconscious Father. The next morning Candy readied herself for school. Her attire of scant outfits was now her norm for school. A mini-skirt, tight midriff top, and stiletto heels was daily eye catcher. She made her way downstairs to find her Father eating some cereal in the kitchen. "Um ... hi, Daddy." she softly spoke as she approached him at the table. "Hi." he said, not looking up from his cereal bowl. "Um ... I'm really sorry about last night, Daddy. I got really scared and didn't know what to do." she explained. "That's okay, Sweetie. It's done." he replied as he looked up at her. "I really want to thank you for helping me get through that. I know it must have been very difficult to ... um .... do that to your daughter." she said. "You were in pain and I just did what I had to do." he assured her. "I'll make it up to you, Daddy. I promise." she smiled as she made her way off to school. On her walk to school, she keep replaying what had transpired the night before. The thought of her Father sucking on her hard nipple turned her on. "I think I'll be a little nicer to Daddy. Not tease him with my muscles any more" she thought out loud as she strolled to school. "Oh my! Better settle your thoughts down" as she noticed her nipples getting extremely hard. Almost to the point of piercing through her tight top. She cleared her thoughts of the night before and her arousal slowly diminished. Another 10 minutes and she would be at school. Arriving at school, she noticed the usual smiles and glares from all the boys .... and some of the girls. She made her way to her first class of the day .... Math. She entered the classroom to see that her usual Math Teacher, Mr. Rawlins, was not there, but rather a substitute Teacher. The Substitute Teacher looked up as Candy walked in and instantly did a double take. He was obviously shocked and awed to see a 17 girl with the muscles of a full grown professional male bodybuilder. Candy took her regular seat at the front of the class, as was the case in all her classes with male Teachers. The male Teachers all wanted a good view of the teen's muscles during class. She sat and slowly crossed her muscular legs. The substitute watched her leg muscles bulge and ripple beneath her desk. He quickly snapped out of his gaze as the last of the students took their seats. "Good Morning Class. My name is Mr. Wagner. I'll be filling for Mr. Rawlins for today." he said. He was about 30 and of average build. Candy relished the thought of tormenting a new Teacher with her teasing muscles. The 40 minute class is going to seem like an eternity until she can be alone with him. Mr. Wagner struggled through the class, but was heavily distracted by Candy's young muscles. Finally, the 40 minute class was over. The students filed out of the class. Candy waited to be last to get up. She approached Mr. Wagner's desk. "Hi." she chirped. "Hello." he replied. "I'm Candy." she said back. "Nice to meet you Candy. You certainly aren't your everyday teenaged girl." he replied, drinking up her thick, muscle bulging physique. "What? Oh ya ... I workout a little." she chirped. 'A little?' he thought. 'Would love to see what she'd look like if she worked out a lot!' he pondered. "What can I do for you, Candy?" he asked. "Well, I'm still having a lot of trouble with this math stuff." she said. "What kind of trouble?" he queried. "Well, it's really, really hard!" she stated. 'You're not kidding. It is really, really hard' he thought as he felt an erection growing in his pants. "I wish Math was easy. Easy like muscles are." she said as she lay her book on his desk. "Like this." she said as she flexed her biceps. He watched the 17 year old's bicep rise to 28 inches. "See? I flex and they go up!" she said, flexing a few more times. pushing her biceps up 2 inches higher with each flex. He took a deep swallow at the sight of mountainous biceps. "Well, ... um ... muscles are kind of like math." he drooled in his words. "Really? I don't get it." she said, doing her best impression of a clueless bimbo. He grabbed a measuring tape from the desk and came around to where she stood. That's when his erection came into full view for Candy. She pretended not to notice the huge teepee protruding from his pants. He brought the tape up to her arm. "Can you unflex your arm for me?" he asked. She complied and he wrapped the tape around her unflexed bicep. "Hmmmmmmm .... 23 inches! That's bigger than most male bodybuilders!" he boasted. "Oh stop it. You're making me blush." she teased. 'And you're making me bulge' he thought of his growing erection. "Now flex like you did before." he instructed. "Okay." chirped the 17 year old. Her bicep spread the measuring tape and grew to 30 inches. "So it reads 30 inches. It started at 23 inches, so that's a difference of 7 inches. See easy Math." he said, trying to control his arousal. "Oh wow! You're right! That was easy. Let's do it again!" she elated as she flexed again. This time her bicep rose to 33 inches. She looked at the tape. "33 inches. so 33 minus 23 equals 10 inches. Right?" she teased. "Um ... uh ... right." he mumbled as he amazed at the size of her bicep. "Let's try it once more, just to make sure I get it. Mmmmmmmmmmmmfffff!" she erotically grunted as she flexed once more, very, very hard. He watched in amazement as the young girl's bicep rose majestically to just over 42 inches. "Mmmmmmmfff ... I think I can get a little more .... mmmmmmm ...." she moaned as she tightened her fist and milked her flex. The tape stretched to 46 inches of towering bicep. "Mmmmmmm .... 46 inches minus 23 inches equals 23 inches. That's double, right?" the muscle bound teen teased. He stood in utter amazement of the muscle before him. "Right, Mr. Wagner?" she asked the mesmerized Teacher. "Huh? What? uh ... yes, right." he snapped out of his delirium. She let her arm down. "I think you got it, Candy." he said with a smile. "Um ... I'm not quite sure I completely get it yet. Can we try some more? Can we do my chest this time?" she bimbo talked as she thrust out her mammoth pecs. "I ... I ... don't think ..." he stumbled with his words. "Please, Mr. Wagner. I'm learning so much today." she pleaded in a little girl voice. He couldn't resist his temptation. "Oh, who am I to stand in the way of an eager student." he replied. "Oh goody!!!" she jumped for joy. She could see she was doing a good job of teasing him by the size of his erection, which was nearly bursting out of his pants. He stepped close to her and reached around her with the tape. She was so broad that he had to press himself into her chest to reach all the way around her. He brought the tape around her relaxed chest. "What does it measure?" she asked. "Um ... 52 inches!" he boasted of her relaxed chest. "I can fix that." she chirped as she threw her arms behind her and pushed out her pecs. That soft push stretched the tape to 60 inches. "Mmmmmmmmmmm ...." she moaned as she pushed out further. "Oooooooo .... what does the .... tape say?" she asked her astounded Teacher. "Wow! 65 inches!" he boasted. "Is that all?" she teased. "Hmmmmmmmmmffffff!" she sighed as she took a deep breath and thrust her chest out further. "Oh my God! 72 inches!" he gasped. The neckline of her top began to rip open. "Oh my! You better stop, Candy!" he worried of her top. He took the tape off from around her. "Oh pooh! I was getting the hang of this Math stuff!" she pouted. "I'm sorry, Candy. I wouldn't want you to ruin your shirt." he said to the disappointed teen. "Oh ... I can fix that." she gladly chirped. He watched in shock as Candy reached down and pulled the shirt over her head and off. "Candy! What are you doing?" he asked in disbelief. "Now I won't ruin my shirt." said the now topless teen. "But, but ... how would I explain being here with a topless student?" he worried. "You're teaching me a valuable lesson in Math. That's all. Right?" she said, hoping to have him continue. "Oh Candy." he sighed as he glared at her mammoth, bare pecs. He let out a soft moan and fell back onto his desk. His pants sporting a 15 inch high teepee. Candy could see the tip of his erection getting dark from his ejaculation. "Wow! I really did a number on him." she joyed. It was the first time the teenager had made a man ejaculate, that she knew off anyway. She quickly put on her shirt and left the smiling, satisfied substitute laying on his desk. She exited the classroom with a smile of her own as she too felt satisfaction. Returning home after school, she found a package on the front step. "Oh goody! It's here!" she elated. She quickly went up to her room and closed the door behind her. About 10 minutes later came a knock at her bedroom door. "Come in." Candy said. "Oh hi, Daddy." she added as her father walked into her room. Candy was wearing the contents of the package that she received. Her Father's jaw literally hit the floor. Candy was in a dental floss of a bikini and a pair of 10 inch stilettos. "Oh my gosh! I'm sorry! I can come back later!" he stuttered as he turned to the door. "Oh no. That's okay, Daddy. You've seen me in a bikini before." she assured him. "Not one like that!" he gasped, still facing the door. Candy walked over to him a slowly turned him around. The 17 year old stood nearly 6' 5" inches in the stilettos and had to look down at her 6 foot tall Father. "It's just a bikini, Daddy." she said softly. His growing bulge couldn't hide his arousal. "Please don't do this to me, Candy." he begged. "Oh, Daddy. I'm not going to treat you like that any more. It was wrong of me to get you all hard and bothered with my muscles." she assured him. She couldn't help but notice his raging erection as she glanced down. "Oh dear. Looks like that's going to happen whether I try or not." she slightly giggled. "What did you want to see me about, Daddy?" she asked, hoping to distract the attention from his erection. Her Dad just fidgeted about the room nervously. "Is everything okay Daddy?" asked the teen. "Um ... it's ... uh ... about the other day..." he nervously began. Candy knew he was referring to the muscle milk incident. "Oh, Daddy. I told it was all okay. You helped rid me of the pain." she assured him. He still nervously shuffled. "I didn't get a chance to thank you properly." she said as she stepped right up to him. At 6'5" in her stilettos, that brought her deep, muscle thick pecs right at eye level for him. "There must be some way I can properly thank you, Daddy?" she cooed. "Well .... uh ...." he stuttered. "Please Daddy. Don't be shy. I really want to thank you. What can I do?" she repeated. Her father gestured with his finger for her to lean down. She did so and he whispered into her ear. "Huh? You want me to do what? I've never done or been asked that before." she puzzled. He continued whispering in her ear. "Are you sure? I'll try my best, Daddy." she said as she stood straight up again. "Um ... should we try it over here?" she said, pointing at her bed. Dad gave an approving nod. Candy stepped over to the bed and sat down. "You'll have to coach me along the way, Daddy. This is all new to me." she asked. Her father sat at the foot of the bed with his back to Candy, He grabbed her by her monstrous calves and spread her legs and brought them around his neck. "Oh my ... this is different!" she chirped. "Now just cross your feet...." he instructed. "Like this?" asked the teen. Crossing her feet had made her already thickly muscled legs spring up with more muscle. He let out a soft grunt as thigh muscles converged on his neck. "Oh gosh! Does that hurt." panicked the 17 year old. "No, no ...." he softly gasped from between her thighs. "Oh okay. Now what?" she queried. "Just squeeze .... but not too hard." he instructed. She complied with some subtle pressure. He coiled as that minimal exertion bloated her muscles immensely. "Ooooooooo ... this is cool!" elated the teen. "Can I squeeze a little harder, Daddy?" she asked with a big smile. Dad gave her the thumbs up. The pressure slightly increased as did her thigh and calve muscles. "How am I doing Daddy?' she asked. Another thumbs up. Candy flexed her feet up and down, causing her thighs to bloat in and out. "Heee .... heeeee .... this really a lot of fun. Mmmmmmmmmmmm..." she cooed. She then turned up the pressure without asking her Father. Thigh muscles stacked atop each other as her legs expanded enormously. "Mmmmmmmmmmmm .... this is starting to feel really ...... gooooooooooood...." she moaned as she continued to turn up the pressure. Dad began squirming as her steely thigh muscles crushed in. "How you doing ...... Daddy?" she asked in a sultry tone. Her thighs continued their expansion and slowly came over his cheeks. His lips spat out as muscles pressed inward. ***** Continued in our Amy's Conquest ( Exclusive, Member's Only Section OR purchase it individually in our site's Updated Format! *****