Butch To Bitch by Plowjack - written for DTM / Amy's Conquest *** The Below is an extended segment from this story, written for us by the Iconic Author, Plowjack, whose wide assortment of stories can be found right here on Diana The Valkyrie! For the Full Story of "Butch To Bitch", please visit our Member's Section at Amy's Conquest (www.amysconquest.com), or purchase it on its own on our AC site. Thanks all, and as always, hope you Enjoy! *** ******************** "OK, OK," she laughed, sipping her wine, "Here's the 'funny thing' ... He's got no muscles, like, at all." The four young professional women laughed, leaning in to the gossip session. They had been entertaining themselves by telling something 'funny' about their latest boyfriend - Bonnie's crooked cock, the older Louisa's hair-club metrosexual, Madison's begs-during-sex. "But Laura, he's so big and tough," Louisa said. Darren, Laura's latest squeeze, was an artist with a small studio in the gallery district. In his middle twenties (a couple of years younger than Laura) he was making something like a living as a painter and designer. He affected a hard-goth style, playing cool and sexy with some success. He was six-foot-two, razor-thin, and blue eyed. He wore his shoulder-length black hair pulled severely back. In general he was rated 'hot' at the girls' table. "He really is," Laura said dreamily. She was known to be on the submissive side, despite her thick 5'9" stature, "He's so confident, and direct, and even tough. But he's so skinny, just thin little arms and legs; and I can wrap my arms all the way around his ribs. He's still the boss, though." This brought a round of hotness-noises from the women. "Come on, Laura," Madison said. A brown-skinned 5'10" brunette, she sipped her red wine with big red lips, "He must be over two-hundred pounds." "Try one-seventy soaking wet," Laura chuckled. This brought hoots of surprise, and a laughing assurance that Darren was nicely heavy 'where it counts'. "Now, I don't mean anything by it, Laura, but he's not the heavyweight in the household is he," Madison said, bringing a glare from Laura and laughter all around, "Nurses are usually pretty strong, and I know you lift some, I mean do you have to open the pickle jars?" "Oh, not really ... mostly ... sometimes. If Darren tells me to open a pickle jar, I open it. Okey, girls, let's play something else." "Aw, Laura, don't be mad," Madison teased, "Seriously girl, you should top his macho ass if he's a pansy like you say. Get him on the bottom for a few hours and he'll be yours forever." The girls muttered vague support for this idea, as Laura blushed. At the end of the afternoon Darren met Laura at the curb in his black coupé, and offered her dinner. Half-drunk and playful, she was hot from thinking about their sexual fun. She went home to his studio, and let him fuck her the way they liked. She couldn't help noticing his body now. His legs might have been half as big around as hers. On her knees she gripped his thighs, thin and soft in her hands. She almost giggled as she realized she could probably just lift him a little by his legs. Later as she was bent over she decided to actually flex her legs and ass, and let him slam. "Harder, please, harder," she moaned, and he spanked her butt. His little hips just seemed to bounce off her thick ass. He didn't quite get her there that night. She kept thinking about it. She liked being submissive, having her lover in charge, even pushing her around a little. She wondered whether she was just 'letting' him, and if that mattered. Or if it was the point. Once, while they were undressing she felt her own biceps, flexing under her hand. Watching her man, she found her confidence boosted. That night she stood up to Darren, laughing and playing, pushing his thin chest away from her. He laughed back for a minute, then stepped into her and caught her by the hair. Standing over her he sneered and gripped her arm, his thin fingers squeezing. He had hardly ever hit her (they had a safe-word) but when he raised his hand she actually cowered, even as she knew she had failed to 'top' her skinny guy. "Who's the boss, bitch?" he growled, pulling her to her knees. Her determination dissolved, her body yielding and soft. She fell into their game, submitting to him for the rest of the night, feeling like a soft little girl. He always got excited when she cried, and they both finished well that night. ********** "So, I just wimped out," Laura complained to Madison over wine in her den later that week, "I'm just a submissive little girl, like Darren says, I guess. I thought it would be fun to domme his handsome body. I know my muscles are bigger than his." Laura flexed her arm, and Madison squeezed it. "Wow, babe," the pretty brunette said, "that's a big muscle! You were some sort of jock in college, weren't you?" "Yeah, sort of, basketball and then some rugby; back in my drunk and disorderly days. I did lift weights in college - the rugby girls expected muscles." She flexed again, hard. They were in summer jammies, and her arm was exposed. She was rather surprised at how big her biceps really still were. It wasn't something she thought about these days. Madison squeezed it again, her slim hand not getting all the way around Laura's arm. "Honey, that's beefy," Madison purred, then flexed her own arm, "Here, feel this ... " Madison's arm was thin and hard, with a carved-wood knob of biceps. Laura squeezed the biceps, and made an impressed noise. "You're so hard," Laura purred back at her, stroking her stony arm, "I'm like a pillow." "I don't think so, girl. That's a big arm, but plenty of it is real muscle. So, rugby ... ..You must have arm-wrestled." "Oh sure," the blonde girl laughed, "I was pretty good, too." "Come on then, bitch," Madison grinned, flexing her thin, rock-solid arm and putting her elbow on the table. "See, my arm looks like mush ... big though, ain't it," Laura grinned, and flexed twice again, making her arm look a lot less soft, obviously bigger than Madison's. The brunette wiggled her fingers and they locked hands, then locked fingers under. Madison counted down and turned the pressure on immediately, pushing Laura's arm. Laura stopped her girlfriend easily, as soon as she felt the pressure. She decided to let Madison push, and see how that went. It was easy to simply hold her in place. She tried harder, and Laura had to actually flex to push her back up to center. "You're strong," Laura smiled, but Madison couldn't move her arm. Laura put a twist in her wrist, the other girl unable to resist, and pushed her arm to the table. The released, both laughing, a little embarrassed, Madison rubbing her arm. "Damn," Madison said, shaking out her cramped muscles, "you're a beast. That little bit of man should be like a rag-doll to you." "But ... " Laura blushed, her eyes dropping, "I'm just too timid ... wimpy ... " "Yeah, Rugby players are such wimps. Treat him like you treated the girls on the field." "Oh I couldn't, he's so tough ... " "Shit, Laura," Madison chuckled, "how about if I help you. I'm at least as tough as your cute little boyfriend. See, feel this muscle again." Madison popped her tennis-ball biceps, flexing it until a second peak appeared. "But you're tough too, Maddie," Laura said softly, her eyes big and blue. 'Oh, that's how it is,' Madison thought, and grabbed Laura's hair behind her head. The blonde blushed, and her body squirmed as the brunette pulled her face close for a deep kiss. Madison felt Laura relax in submission, softening against her. Maddie gripped the big woman's arm and squeezed. "Where's the muscle, sweetie," she teased, "we both know that you're stronger than little Maddie. Come on, bitch, try to fight me." Madison dug her thumb into Laura's thick arm, and with her other hand against her shoulder pushed her back toward the couch. She lightly slapped Laura's cheek, then did it again, and again. "Come on, you big pussy, fight me," Annoyed by the constant slapping, Laura grabbed Madison's wrist. Maddie quickly twisted and got Laura's hand in her own. She started pressing Laura's arm to the couch with her weight on top. "Aww, you are weak, aren't you ... weaker than a girl ... " Laura was totally excited, but she just felt differently about Maddie's attempted dominance than she did about Darren's. Maddie didn't really weight very much against her hand. She began to press up against the other woman's grip, and moved her with little effort. Pushing forward with her shoulders she gripped Maddie's left arm with her free right hand, as her left arm bent the other's right. Barely thinking of it she lifted Madison off her, swung her around and slammed her to the couch. Madison was fighting, and started kicking at her. Laura swung one huge leg over, and pinned Madison's long, strong thighs. Madison was panting as she failed to escape her friend's power. Finally she lay still, and raised her lips to Laura. "You're so strong," she purred, and Laura kissed her again. They made out for a while, and Madison got Laura to flex her arms and chest. "You're not a sissy, sweetie," Madison said, squeezing Laura's thick arm with both hands, "Flex those muscles, please ... So big ... " Madison kissed Laura's thick, hard arm. Laura smiled down at the beautiful girl. Darren made her do this - he would slap her then make her kiss his 'muscle'. She flexed hard for Maddie, and enjoyed the heat of her mouth on her skin. Thinking about Darren ... and his 'muscle' ... his teeny, little muscle ... what else did Darren like ... Madison felt herself lifted, once again kissing her friend deeply. She pawed Laura's big chest, kneading her bosom, and Laura gasped. "Oooo, you want it, little bitch ... " Laura growled. Madison felt Laura's thick arm snake around her, pinning one arm, hand gripping the other behind her slender back. Madison was a switchy girl - she hadn't felt an arm that strong hold her in a while, and she melted for her friend's kisses. She pressed herself against the big woman's body and squirmed. Laura felt great - strong, and so horny. After college life in the locker rooms this was not her first taste of a woman, and Maddie's hard, athletic body felt good to her. She cupped Maddie's hard butt in her hands, and ran a hand to her slender chest and round tits. "Wow, your chest is hard," Laura said, kissing her neck. "But so tiny compared to yours. So broad and thick ... " Madison lifted one of Laura's big breasts and sucked the nipple through the thin cloth. Laura gasped and slapped her hand firmly between Maddie's legs. Her little bottoms were soaked. Almost lifting her as she kneaded her pussy, she repeated one of the few of Darren's lines that she truly enjoyed. "Girls come first, little bitch." Madison was a mass of warm butter, panting as her body responded. Three squeezes and she went off like a pulse of light, her body squeezed against Laura's by that tight arm. She spasmed and gasped, clinging to her lover's thick frame as her body melted. Laura planted her feet and flexed her body as Madison draped around her like wet silk. She was dripping wet herself, and she felt ... felt like she won! Like being the winner, the champ! ... the Boss! There was only one thing to do. "Get my shorts off, Maddie," she growled, sitting back onto the couch and raising her legs. Dizzy with her orgasm, Maddie stumbled, got to her knees without falling, and crawled between her friend's legs. "Oh, Laura, those thighs ... " she moaned, unable to do more than squeeze the tops of the big muscles, "men don't have legs like this, Laura. You're sooo ... " "I'm horny, little Maddie, and you get to make me cum. Do I have to show you who the man is around here?" It slipped out easy, and both of them giggled. Maddie reached under Laura's ass and pulled her bottoms up. Laura bent each leg in turn and slipped them off, then planted her feet and lifted her ass. Her thighs and ass flexed as she raised her butt and pussy, the muscles around her slit tightening. "Suck it, bitch," Laura growled, chuckling. Madison sucked it. "I am strong," Laura muttered later, as Madison pressed herself against her side, stroking her biceps. "So big and strong, baby," Maddie sighed, squeezing her pecs in one hand, "big muscles ... Now you can just mop the floor with that little Darren." "But he's a man," Laura said, and even she was surprised at her weak tone, "men are so tough and hard. I don't know ... " "Ohmygod," Madison laughed, "OK, like I said, I have a little plan ... " ********** "Bring me a beer, baby," Darren ordered, as he sat in front of his big TV. It was two weeks later, Friday night, and he was lounging in black pajamas. He planned to spend the evening in, playing with his Laura. Such a nice piece of ass ... Laura brought him a beer, though he was surprised to see her in jeans and a sweater as she handed him the bottle with a kiss. "I have to go out to get some things for dinner, sir," she said with a flirty smile, "Madison invited herself over - I think she's been getting ideas." Darren stood gracefully from the chair and gripped Laura's arm. He loved how soft her flesh was in his grip, and he kissed her hard. "You should ask the boss before you say yes to things like that, my little bitchie-bitch." Darren was surprised to feel Laura's big arm harden in his grip, and the sturdy girl just tapped him in the chest with her finger. "Yes, sir, that's what I'll do ... ask the boss. Have a beer, I'll be a few minutes, and Maddie may get here while I'm gone." Putting her hand on his chest, she shoved him backward into the chair, and sauntered out. Darren was a bit confused by Laura's out-of-character behavior. He had that bitch totally topped, he thought; she was a helpless little girl for him. Now that Madison seemed kind of sassy. She was dating some pussy cube-farm worker - probably needed some real-man stuff. Maybe he'd have to show her who the boss was. He settled back and watched TV as he sipped the beer. A few minutes later he heard the door open. "Hi Darren," Madison said, sauntering in, "I saw Miss Laura in the hall, and she said to come on in and have a beer." Darren heard the fridge open and close, and Madison returned to the room. The brown-skinned beauty wore a cute, frilly skirt and a pink crop-top. She was all legs and exposed midriff, her abs clearly visible. "Hi Maddie," Darren said, smiling, "Did 'Miss Laura' say when she would be back?" "Soon, she said. But listen; Darren, sir, I have something to talk to you about." The brunette sauntered over, her hips swinging, and sunk down on the rug at Darren's feet. Well, he thought, this I like; maybe Laura ('miss' Laura??) had really briefed the little slut. "You're very pretty, Maddie," Darren purred and reached for her. She caught his hand in her two hands, and scooted closer until she was pressed against his leg. "Thank you Darren. You're totally hot yourself, dude. All the girls think so," Madison smiled to see him accept the compliment naturally, "and Miss Laura is so hot, too." "Uh, what's with 'Miss' Laura? She your boss now?" Madison was caressing his hand, kissing and licking each finger as she talked. He felt his body respond a little, watching her thick dark lips. "Well, yeah, sort of, sir. I just couldn't resist your girl any more, and I made a big pass at her. I'm such a little slut, I just couldn't resist her any more but she ... she ... " A little angry, he gripped one of her hands and squeezed, "she what?" he growled. Maddie's hand felt hard in his, and she didn't gasp or squirm. "She's so strong, Darren," Madison said, her voice lusty, "she has those huge muscles, and she just made me her little girly. I'm kind of switchy, Darren - I like to be the boss, but I just love someone stronger than me. She made me feel so tiny and weak." "Laura?" he said, confused, "my Laura??" "Oh yes, your Laura, sir. She says you make her feel like such a soft little bitch. You must be so strong, Darren, sir ... ," she gripped his wrist and squeezed, her hand hard, and her other hand gripped his upper arm. She pulled herself upward, squeezing his arm as she got into his lap. "Flex your muscles, sir, please ... it gets a little girl so hot ... " Darren wasn't dumb. He knew he didn't dominate Laura by superior strength. He didn't even think about it. He was the man, and she was a sweet little pudding. Like any woman, she was simply too timid and soft to resist his manliness. Any woman would be. Now Maddie was squeezing his left biceps and he flexed hard under her thin, hard fingers. He reached for the back of her head, but she intercepted his wrist, driving her thumb into his arm and pulling his arm away. She extended her arm and held his arm at full length. "Flex your muscles, Darren," the big dark girl purred, "show Maddie how you dom her big strong Laura." Darren began to struggle, and spoke harsh words to Maddie, roughly commanding her to do all sorts of things that he was obviously in no position to make her do. She continued to squeeze his biceps and wrist, until his hands began to go numb. He felt panic, his heart crashing in his chest as he struggled without result. During his struggles the door opened and closed, and Laura walked, smiling, through into the bedroom. "Mushy little arms, Darren ... you can't do anything, can you? It's all a front, isn't it, tough guy," she got a knee between his legs and slid her leg forward, parting his legs and pressing his cock and balls up against his satin trousers. "Look at this," she crowed, and flexed her left arm, moving his right arm with it like a wet rope. She flexed and her round little biceps popped, straining a little as the man pulled against her. "Yeah, come on, butch. You can't pretend with me. Either you're stronger than a girl, or you're not. Can you move my arm, butch?" He couldn't. He pulled himself up against her steady flex, but couldn't do more than wiggle her arm. She flexed her arm again, making the muscles jump like cables, his arm still helpless, hand now limp. "You know that's his big right arm, flopping like a noodle in my left," the dark girl said over his head, and Laura walked into view. Almost completely undressed, she wore a pair of black silk panties, and what Darren saw was one of his goth T-shirts. He seldom wore them because he knew his arms were not convincing. On Laura his skinny shirt was stretched to the max. The shirt has little silver studs on the sleeves, and they defined her thick curves. She looked tough, he thought, but she had also done her hair loose, and put on as much glam make-up as she ever wore. She was so hot. "Laura, get this bitch off of me," he commanded. Both the women laughed out loud. "Get her off yourself, butchie," Laura laughed, "Come on, Darren, sir, be strong and tough - show me why you should be the top around here. If you don't get that little girly off of you before I count to ten, I'm going to beat your sissy ass for you. One!" Darren started to struggle again, but Madison could tell that he just had nothing. She switched her left hand to crush his right biceps, pulling his arm into the air. She got her knee under his balls, and leaned forward to press him hard against the couch. Getting up on her knees she kissed him hard. By the time Laura had finished the ten-count Darren was lying in Madison's arms, letting her kiss him as she pressed his arms helplessly to the back. "He likes it Laura. He surrendered to me, and his dick is sticking through his pants." "Look at that - it is," Laura laughed, as his thick cock escaped the slit of the pajamas, "get off him, baby, I'm gonna strip him." "Ooo, fun," the other girl laughed, and released the man. Instantly he slapped Madison hard across the face, but she caught his arm and twisted it. He cried out, and she lifted herself and dropped a knee in his gut. He whoofed out his air, and she twisted his arm harder. "You will never hit anybody again, you pipsqueak," she shouted, "I should twist your puny arm right off." "That's enough baby," Laura said, and Madison leapt off the battered man, who curled up in the chair clutching his gut. Laura crawled on top of him, her legs spread, his thin hips between them, and she caught him under the arms. "I've been wanting to try this," she said, and lifted the man up into a sitting position with no apparent difficulty. Darren's face was red and angry, he reached out and took Laura's hair in his hand, starting to stand up, trying to push her away. "You big bitch, I'm going to ... " With one big hand she pressed him back to the seat, ignoring his efforts. She clamped her thighs on his hips and reached down to grip his balls and the base of his cock. "Mine, Butch," she smiled, squeezing and kneading, "Is that too hard, honey ... your soft little stuff ... " Darren grabbed her arm and tried to pull it away. "No way, dude. Look at this," she released his cock and flexed her arm, then again. Her arm seemed to double in size, her muscles swelling. "Feel it, Darren," she said softly, and Madison was behind her, squeezing it. Laura grabbed Darren's hand and put it on her muscle. "Feel it, Darren. Isn't it big and hard?" His hand gripped her and squeezed. Darren's head was spinning, his gut and arm were aching, his cock was hard, and his beautiful submissive girlfriend was showing him her big muscle. It was big ... huge, it seemed at the moment. It took his whole hand, and was as hard as a softball. Had she always had this? Those big, soft arms? He squeezed it, barely able to dent it, then she flexed the other. "Feel them", and he did. His cock was still fully hard and he worked his hips reflexively. "Oooo, little butchy likes the muscles, Maddie," "They're very nice muscles, Miss Laura," Madison said, kissing the bigger woman's neck. "I know you like my tits, Darren. Have you ever noticed how thick my chest is? Your little shirt just can't take it, I think." Laura lowered her arms and flexed her upper body. The little T-shirt, made for a much thinner torso, was already stretched to the seams. Her lats spread wide, her chest expanded as her tits lifted, and tearing sounds were heard. She raised her arms again and flexed, and the side-seams of the little shirt parted. She grabbed the thin cloth and tore the shirt easily away, revealing her round, high breasts. "Oh, Laura," Darren said, his voice thick, "what is this? Don't you like our thing? I know you do. You're my sweet bitch ... " "Oh, Darren," she answered with a bit of mockery, "it's fun being your little sex-toy, but it's so silly." She began to strip off his pajamas, with little regard for either the clothing or Darren's feeble struggles. She went on, "You're a puny little string-bean, honey. Look at your little arms," she wrapped his bare arms in her thick fingers, easily surrounding them. "Nothing but skin and bone, babykins. You don't know how many times I've thought about pinning you. Here ... " She gathered his wrists together and held them in one hand, then started stripping his bottoms off. He struggled again, but she held him until he was naked, then hauled him to his feet. "You're so light, Darren, you're just a little slip of a thing. Make a muscle, wimp," she said, gripping his shoulder. "What," he said, confused, but she shook him hard, and gripped his arm roughly. "I said flex this arm, bitch. Get used to it, bitch, from now on you're to answer 'yes Miss' and do as you're told. Now say it, and do it." Darren twisted out of Laura's grip, and angrily stepped up to her. This was his Laura - the sweet little sub who sucked his cock on demand and did as she was told. Surely she would respond as she always did. He once again grabbed her hair and began to force her to her knees. He gripped her arm and pulled downward, pulling on her hair. Nothing happened - she didn't move. Instead she laughed. "That's not happening," she said, and caught the wrist of the hand in her hair. Darren felt her grip tighten painfully, as if the bones of his wrist were grinding together, and his hand went limp. In his other hand, her arm was a thick mass of hard muscle. He pulled and shoved, but she barely moved an inch. "Feel that, bitch," she smiled, flexing her arm. Darren was amazed ... and kind of frightened ... to realize that this woman had huge, hard muscles. "Look at his face, Laura," Madison laughed from a chair in the corner, "he's scared of you. He looks like a little girl next to you." Darren was a little frightened, more of the situation than of Laura herself. He was being humiliated in front of one of his girlfriend's friends - never a good thing. But he felt frozen as Laura stepped up to him, her chest imposing, even though she was inches shorter than him. She sauntered around behind him and threw her arms around him. "You're like a pillow," she muttered, and squeezed his body in her arms. They wrapped around him, so that her hands were on opposite tits. She squeezed and kneaded his thin, soft pecs. Madison was fingering herself slowly in the corner chair, watching her friends. She knew it - Darren was a pussy. Look at him - he was loving it as Laura squeezed and kneaded him, his face red, lips parted, eyes closed. His arms looked like white ribbons flapping against Laura's muscles as he struggled. "Oooo, nippies," Laura cooed as she worked his thin chest. Darren always kept her off his nipples - he said nipples were bitch-collars. Now she pinched both nips hard, and he yelled, and fought harder. Getting his feet under him he drove an elbow back into Laura's gut. Darren hated having his nipples tweaked. It wasn't manly ... it made him feel ... like a girl ... He started thrashing in Laura's grip. Dammit, he had to turn the tables on this bitch. He set his feet and leaned forward, making her pull against him, then launched a hard elbow-point into her belly. It connected solidly, and Laura made a surprised little 'whoof', but her grip didn't relax at all. She pinched his nipples cruelly. "Bitch," she laughed, surprised, "you tried to hurt me, didn't you? You thought your little arm could hurt me. Try again, sir." She shook him hard in her arms, and he lost balance for a moment. She actually lifted him and set him on his feet, relaxing her hold a little. "Try it again - elbow to my gut. I'll be ready this time." Darren decided he should go for it, and tried to get off a surprise hit as quick as possible. His elbow bounced off her gut as if off of a padded wall; no sound or response from the woman. She pinched his nips again hard, and he cried out again, sounding more whiny now. "You're a wimp, Darren; a weakling pretending to be strong to get girls. Little freshman college girls hit harder than that." "Squish him, Laura," Madison squealed, "He's a bag of mush." Good idea, Laura thought, and got her arms around his waist. Making double fists she squeezed inward on his soft gut, sudden and solid. The air whoofed out of him, and Laura laughed. "I'm not going to hit you, butchie. I don't have to," she wrapped both arms tight around his waist, lifted and squeezed. His feet left the floor, and it looked to Madison as if Laura might squeeze the man in two. With a shake she crushed the air from him a third time. Then she slipped her left arm between his legs, and wrapped her right around his chest, hoisting him sideways into the air. She played with his chest with her right hand as she found his cock with her left. Darren was dizzy and gasping as Laura released his waist and lifted him between the legs. He was limp, unable to consider fighting, as she gripped his cock. He moaned involuntarily and Laura cooed in his ear, something about being weak. He felt weak, his arms flopping, but he squirmed when she started working his nipple again. "Come on, little sissy," Laura said, and hitched him up high on her tits. "Oooo, you could break him across your chest, Miss Laura," Madison said, "how long can you hold him?" "Oh, I dunno - he doesn't weigh much. Here, let's sit down." She sat on the arm of the couch and lowered Darren to her leg. "Do you want some of this?" Laura asked, waving the man's hard cock at Maddie. "Sure why not - you're having all the fun," the brunette said, and stripped off her top as she approached. "You're mine now, baby Darren," Laura said to him, her lips warm against his ear. She rearranged him, effortlessly, until he was in front of her, one arm around his chest, the other forearm under his balls, her hand gripping his cock. He was still hard, no doubt due to her constant squeezes and strokes. She whispered in his ear, "I like your soft little titties, sweety. Just a little piece of meat for Miss Laura. Your cock is mine, your little tits are mine, your puny ass is mine, Darren." "Though Madison gets play-rights," Laura said aloud and laughed, as the slender, tall girl gripped the man's cock. She stroked it with both hands for a minute. Laura, letting go of him, gripped his left leg and pulled it off the floor, so that she held him off-balance by the chest. "You're right, Miss Laura - his cock is nice. He's such a pussy, though. Look at this, Darren," she said, then raised her arms and flexed hard, her pecs and abs springing into shape, her round biceps balling up in her corded arms. "Look at her, baby," Laura said, "she's got more muscle than you've ever had." Madison pressed herself against Darren. "Feel my muscles, bitch," she growled as she ran her breasts up him. In her heels she could press her nipples to his face with a stretch. She flexed her arm under his nose, and his hand gripped the muscle. "Squeeze it, bitch. That's the arm that Miss Laura beat with ease. I'm stronger than you, and Miss Laura is stronger than me. That makes you the little girl around here, butch." She pressed in and kissed Darren, as she worked his cock with one hand, and flexed the other arm under his hand. Darren was aroused. His sense of anger was still there, but he was growing tired. He was short of breath, and now he felt his cock throbbing in the woman's hand. Laura was still kneading his tit and teasing his sore nipple, but that seemed more and more erotic. He began to moan, and thrust into her hand reflexively. "That's it, bitch. Come on, baby - fuck Maddie's strong fist. You don't need that hard-on for a while. We're going to take it away from you. Weak little bitches only get cocks when I say so, Darren, and for now, no cock for you." Laura reached around and grabbed the base of his cock, as Madison worked it. "Girls come first, little bitch," Laura said, as she felt him spasm. He shot into the air, as Madison turned aside, still squeezing. "I'll take it, Maddie-baby," Laura said, and Maddie stepped back, as Laura squeezed the juice from Darren's pulsing cock. "If you stay hard Maddie will let you fuck her, babykins ... " Laura teased, squeezing a little more firmness from his shrinking flesh. Maddie, playing along brilliantly, raised her skirt and waved her wet pussy at Darren. "No use, Maddie - his dick is too weak. Look, there it goes, Darren," she kept squeezing and stroking his dwindling dick, squeezing the last drops onto the carpet, making Darren whimper. All the while she was caressing and teasing his tit. "No more cock," she laughed, flopping his meat in her hand, "Not until Miss Laura gives it back to you, babydarren. Miss Laura owns your cock now. Say it, babydarren ... 'Miss Laura owns my cock'." "Fuck you, bitch," Darren growled. He didn't know why he would say it. He felt winded, dizzy, and as flaccid as his cock. He just wasn't going to submit to his little girlfriend. He wasn't ... Madison drove her hard little fists into his gut twice. "Very good, little one," Laura said, and lifted the moaning, writhing man again, hoisting him onto her chest, and launching him into the air. Darren screamed when she threw him, then again when he hit the ground from several feet up. She grabbed his arm, and slipped her other arm between his legs. The women burst into raucous laughter. "Get up, Darren," Madison said, standing over him. He moaned, and she bent down and took him by the hair. "Not fast enough, bitch," she said, dragging him to his knees. He moaned and protested, and grabbed her wrist, "Ooo, fight me bitch." Darren, from below, couldn't move Madison's wrist. She grabbed his other arm and hauled him up. "You said you wouldn't hit me," the man gasped. He was struggling, but Madison held him by the hair and the arm. Laura walked over and stood behind her. "Throw him on the ground again, Maddie," Laura said. The slender woman heaved up on his arm and pushed him backward. Her dense body moved him with ease, and she shoved him backward to fall on his back, on the carpet, with a thud. "Pin him," Laura commanded again, and with tigerish speed Madison landed her knees on his splayed arms. She knelt behind his head, pinning his arms overhead with her knees, his body stretched out before her. Laura slipped off her little panties and knelt beside them. *** Continued in our Amy's Conquest (www.amysconquest.com) Exclusive, Members Only, Text Stories Section OR purchase it individually with our site's New Updated Format. ***