The Black Burqa part six by Diana the Valkyrie And Man knows it! Knows, moreover, that the Woman that God gave him Must command but may not govern - shall enthral but not enslave him. And She knows, because She warns him, and Her instincts never fail, That the Female of Her Species is more deadly than the Male. Phillida After our action at St Hortense High School, we were at the top of the news. Everyone wanted to know about the Black Burqas (USA), and as the founder of the movement, I was in great demand. Interviews, chat shows, news shows - the questions were similar. But Sfiyah had primed me with the important principle that I didn't have to answer the question asked, I could give them our own beliefs. First, I was usually asked about the action itself, and how come the Black Burqas were able to go to a place that even the SWAT teams were avoiding. Here's a typical interview. "Those high powered rifles can go straight through even Kevlar" he told me. "Yes," I agreed. Actually, I was surprised that no-one had guessed that we'd kitted out our women with steel plate armour - armour much heavier than an ordinary man could carry. And that steel armour, weighing about a hundred pounds would deflect an AR-15 round. We knew this, because we'd tested it. "But what if the shooter had gone for a head shot?" That was certainly a possibility, but gun training was to aim for the centre mass, because a head is a much smaller target. "If he'd gone for a head shot, it would certainly have been "Goodnight Gracie", but we sent in three Black Burqas, and even if one was killed, it would be a good trade for the lives of the thirty children that he was holding hostage." "That's incredibly brave," said the interviewer. "We're women," I replied. "And we're mothers. Children are the purpose of our existence. You'd need to be a mother yourself to understand, but here's a simple way to put it. The female of the species is more deadly than the male." I continued. "Men talk. Men negotiate. Men compromise, and while that is appropriate for many purposes, when it comes to children, there is no doubt, no hesitation and no compromise. Our Black Burqas had one and only one purpose. If the police had tried to stop them, they would have been swept aside. If one had been shot then the other two would have continued to rescue those children." "The shooter was in a real mess when the police went in, wasn't that excessive force?" he asked. I repeated, "There is no compromise. No negotiation. Anyone who threatens our children, gets the immediate white-hot fury of the female of the species. In this case, what happened exactly was, a punch to the belly to incapacitate him and double him up, a knee lifted to meet the face coming down and break the nose and teeth, and a double-fist rabbit punch to knock him out and lay him flat on the ground. And when a Black Burqa delivers that triple whammy, the recipient is knocked cold for the next several hours. And if it's delivered too hard and the guy dies, then we're not going to weep for him, he threatened our children with death." "And if in the course of taking down an active shooter with a gun, he gets injured, then I'm not going to apologise to him. Even if he loses a few fingers when the gun is seized and is unable to fire a gun in future, then that's just a consequence of his decision to pick up a gun and kill our children." "You talk about "our" children, but they are someone else's children," "No. It takes a community to raise a child. Everyone helps. If you saw a child drowning, would you walk on by because it's someone else's child? Of course not. Adults are hard-wired to protect children, women more so than men, and Black Burqas have the capabilities that most people lack." He changed the subject. "How come those women were so big and strong?" So I explained. "We only accept women who can bench press 666 pounds." "Yes, he asked, "But that's more than any man could do, how can a mere woman lift so much?" "Because we aren't "mere women", we're Black Burqas. Here's how come. Each of those women has been beaten, repeatedly. I myself was beaten by my first husband for seven years. He used a stick, a bamboo cane and eventually a baseball bat. Every day I had fresh bruises. But a woman's body reacts to maltreatment like that. What doesn't kill us, makes us stronger. At first, I thought that the bulges were some sort of cancer, but eventually I showed them to a nurse, and she said "That's not cancer. That's muscle!" " Read the rest of the story on