The Black Burqa part four by Diana the Valkyrie She is wedded to convictions -- in default of grosser ties; Her contentions are her children, Heaven help him who denies! -- He will meet no suave discussion, but the instant, white-hot, wild, Wakened female of the species warring as for spouse and child. We were starting to see black burqas everywhere; it had become the fashion to dress like that. After all, it was conforming to the Quran command to dress modestly while at the same time it struck fear into any men who were still beating their wives or children, or were trying to marry off their daughters while they were still children. I think that most of them weren't actual Black Burqas, they were just dressing that way. But there was no way to tell the difference, and that was increasingly becoming a concern for the bearded old men who tried to rule us. So they passed a law, forbidding the wearing of black burqas; this was totally ignored, because there's nothing in the Quran to support this. Their next move was to enact a law that said that any woman wearing a burqa, had to display a picture of her face, pinned to the front of her clothing. But that violated one of the hadith, the one about pictures of people, Bukhari 3:428 (and several others). So the law was anti-Sharia, and we were fully justified in ignoring it. Then they tried identity cards - but without any picture. Very soon a flourishing trade developed in fake ID cards. And at that point, some criminals realised that if they dressed in a burqa, they could expect more success in the crimes, because they couldn't be identified, and to get away, all they had to do was stroll in a crowd of other burqa-wearers. And that, I think, was why the government started a campaign against the burqa. Via the government-controlled newspapers, the radio and especially the TV, the message was hammered home "Burqas bad, niqab nice". I took no notice on the "sticks and stones" principle, but Sfiyah thought otherwise, and she called a meeting. By then, there were several "official" members of the Black Burqas. What we all had in common, was several years of brutal beatings by our husbands, and because of the rule that "What doesn't kill me, makes me stronger", there were many, many kilograms of hard muscle in the room. We started off as usual; because we were all female, we could take off our heavy burqas and show off our impressive musculatures. And some of the newer recruits were truly remarkable. I remember one in particular, Naamah, with monumental thighs and awe-inspiring biceps; she had been beaten for twenty two years before the incident with her husband and one of her children that led to her epiphany and the exposure to her husband that he was no longer the ruler of the family. So, after some extraordinary displays and quite a bit of boasting, I called the meeting to order, and gave the floor to Sfiyah. Sfiyah said, "We can't ignore this assault by the government on our free choice to wear the most modest clothing of all, the Black Burqa. If we allow this to stand, then our unity will be replaced by division, and men will feel free to resume their regime of beatings of us and our children." Everyone was nodding. "We have to nip this campaign against us in the bud. We have to normalise women's choice of clothing, obviously within the words of the Noble Quran. Burqas benign, niqabs nasty. It must be every woman's right to hide her face from the gaze of unrelated men." More nodding. "So what can we actually do," I asked, "go into a newspaper's offices and give them all a teaching moment?" "No," said Sfiyah. "We should go straight to the top. The Ministry of Truth, and in particular, the Minister who runs it, Said Malvina. I googled his home address. We need to time this for when he's at home, and we need a team of five Black Burqas, three to deal with is six bodyguards, one to keep his servants quiet, and one to teach him that the words of the Quran are to be respected." She looked at me. "Ayesha, you should choose the team of five, and lead the Ministerial enlightenment." Wow, thanks. I'm a doer, not a thinker. So I chose Sfiyah to do the planning, Asma because I knew her well, and Naamah because of her massive muscles. I though Naamah would be able to handle more than her share of bodyguards. One kick from Naamah would put any man out of action, perhaps permanently. The fifth team member would be Kaamil who had endured fifteen years of beatings, and as a result was nearly as massive as Naamah. Those bodyguards wouldn't stand a chance. Read the rest of the story on