AMY'S CONQUEST 7 by DTM Youthful Muscle Girl Or Mature Amazon Woman, Amy And Her Mom, Elizabeth, Try A Little Role Reversal To See Who's Method Is Truly The Best We're pleased to announce that we have Another Brand New Amazingly illustrated story now up on Amy's Conquest ( this month, with several more new stories since my last text written tale as well. For this latest update of AC, we have Legendary female muscle artist R.M.G., who tackles a Classic Seldomlasts Story, "The Delivery Boy". When a small pizza delivery boy arrives at the home of a gorgeously gigantic Glamazon, he gets a tip like no other in the form of her sexually dominating body, as she shows him the experiences of mixed sexual pain and pleasure (more on the Pain, for him that is) that her muscle packed physique can "deliver" his utterly helpless body! As for what we have planned next, well see below for only a taste of what's Coming Soon. In our Coming Soon section we have free preview pictures from such future stories as TV's Blind Date (drawn by the incredible Ashley), It Takes Two (tackled by Deviant Art pro, infinitesilence), An Amazon's Vengeance (another DA Legend, Rafael works on this one), Amazon Girls Sorority House (drawn by DA Icon, Jean), Three Muscle Sisters (worked on by the ever popular, ReadyHeart), and The Exhange Student (another CGI masterpiece, by HotRod5). Add that to such preview pics (which again are FREE) from such stories as One "Boring" Friday Night from Stef, Tony's Troubles from MrPlaid, The Separation from FFF, Our Most Unusual Muscle Mom from Greg, and Bambs is back with more on The General's Daughter, and many more stories for your viewing pleasure as time goes on. So check us out now at Now! I can Assure you, you Won't be disappointed. : ) Also, for some more great Amazon artwork (from some other unreal artists who took advantage of the incredible free membership offer), be sure to check out (artist of Muscle Virgin, Amy's Conquest Side Story 3), Refaal at (artist of The Elevator Ride), Matt at (artist of Like Mother, Like Daughter and One Lucky Man), CGI artist Peter (artist on Big Little Sister and The Amazon Girl Next Door) whose artwork can be seen at, and Ayanamifan at Thanks all and as always, enjoy the story. : ) ************ "Awwww, is the little bitty girl hurting the big strong man?" giggled out the youthfully feminine voice of Amy Hardstone, as she playfully toyed with yet another large muscular male in the spacious Hardstone family living room; his naked body being crushed to helplessness in her bulging rock solid arms. "I just wanted to give you a little cuddle, just a soft sexy squeeze, can't you take a hug from me without crying like a little baby?" she continued on teasing, as she gave pulsing constrictions with her super strong arms, which were wrapped around this man's full chest, on the verge of snapping every rib within. "Tell me how weak you are compared to me, say my strong muscular body is too much for you to handle, call me the Queen Of The Amazons, and maybe I'll let you go without hearing some of your bones snapping and cracking!" the 19 year old supergirl growled out, her threat more teasing fun than an actual event; something her man here didn't know, and wasn't about to take the chance in finding out. Though just as his battered, bruised and utterly exhausted form was about to speak, giving Amy just what she was demanding, an equally powerful and authoritative female voice spoke out first; coming from behind the powerful young musclegirl who was crushing him to pieces with the utmost of ease and enjoyment. "Oh come now dear, Queen Of The Amazons, isn't that a bit too theatrical, even for you?" made out in soft, womanly tones a female so strikingly gorgeous, and so voluptuously built, that one would initially think it was Amy's slightly older sister. Her stunningly statuesque form, dressed in a casual looking (yet extremely tight) pair of blue jeans and a body hugging pink sweater (both of which, while concealing, showed off the shape of her legs, the lusciousness of her butt, and the fullness of her ample breasts to a T), made her way over to the punishing teenage Amazon without a hint of concern or worry about her beautiful face; something not even the bravest and strongest of men would do. "And a Surely you haven't forgotten where you got your incredible body from, who gave you the genes to create such a strong and sexy frame; not to mention taught you how to Use it? If anyone here is the Queen, my adorable little girl, I can assure you, it's me!" "Oh Mom, get real. I've heard the stories, and I know you've had your time, but now it's time for the new model to come in and replace the old, or in your case, Really Old" Amy deviously teased her Mother, Elizabeth, with a playful smile adorning her youthfully stunning face. "I've done more in a few years than you have in your entire life. Online websites, Amazon sororities, nightclub appearances, I've conquered them all; and don't get me started in how easily I can get any man I want, isn't that right Stud" she made out to the large, yet hapless. man before her, giving his body a few more crushing squeezes, causing him to whimper and cry as he shook his head "Yes" in agreement. "Like it's ever so hard to attract a man dressing as you do, throwing yourself at them, using the body I gave you as a billboard for Easy Amazon Girl Action. That's not erotic skill or sensual seduction, my love, it's purely lust that attracts men to you. The real test of an Amazon is using her mind as well as her body, displaying the erotic attitude, the sensual gestures, a little tease of flesh here, a casual display of your body there, all to woo them completely and utterly to you to then reveal the hard powerful body she possesses. That's the true sign of a Sexy Amazon Woman" "Well, excuse me for showing off my young, hot, strong body in short, tight, sexy outfits - you know what they say, if you've got it, flaunt it. I can't help it if some others don't have the physique that I do; the muscles, the shape, the size, that all on its own, without even trying, I can lure any man (or woman) into my clutches" she cooed out sexily, batting her eyes at her latest male victim, whose appearance here was proving her point all too easily. "A little bending down here, some pec popping there, following it up with flaring my rippling legs, hardening my brick-hard stomach and pumping my steel hard arms, I can make any guy I want putty in my hands" "I'm sure you could, dressing like a harlot, how could you not, but then again any bimbo with a half-way decent body could do that as well" Elizabeth teased with a devilishly smile, as she made her way to the large, naked man held captive by her daughter, breathing into his ears with her ultra seductive voice. "Tell me Handsome, do you think I'm too old to wear tight, sexy outfits? Do you think this body of mine couldn't pull off any look I desired? Is my face not as beautiful as any woman you've ever seen? I guess what I'm asking is, do you want to Fuck Me?" the Sexy Muscle Mom breathed out, concluding her sultry words with a licking of her lips and a powerfully hit lat spread that caused her form fitting sweater to stretch to its absolute limits to contain the lush, muscular curves within. A physical act that combined with her soft, sensual words made this man smile with arousal and his cock grow to unreal levels; something Amy felt all too clearly rubbing against her rippling stomach and up into the lower portion of her muscle pumping pecs. "All that, with barely any flesh showing at all, imagine that" Elizabeth teased out to Amy with a smile. "Well, don't get mad at me because a woman of your age can't handle such sexy young outfits anymore, and has to rely on other means to get men off. And as for you!" she growled out and up to her man, her face looking none too pleased with him; as she lowered him down, shoved his head into her rippling hard cleavage, and after a few pec crushing flexes, knocked him out limp and unconscious. "I can assure you, little girl, this old lady could handle any outfit, and any attitude, you could imagine......something I don't think could be said of you in return" "Oh yeah? Well, you're on! I've got the Perfect little schoolgirl outfit for you to wear, maybe if you pile on the makeup, you can look under 30 and Maybe pull it off" "And I have just the attire for you, one of my best business suits. Its very concealing and mature looking, you'll love it. I'm afraid it doesn't come with a lollipop, I hope that's alright?" The two buff buxom blonds devilishly (though lovingly) continued to tease one another, before making their way off to their respective rooms, returning back together minutes later with their aforementioned clothing in hand; which they passed off to one another, with a gleam in their eyes and a smile across their utterly gorgeous faces. "Tonight then?" Amy made out. "Tonight it is" Elizabeth replied. And with that they both returned to their rooms, ready for a little last minute pumping and primping of their world class physiques, before dolling themselves up for one very interesting night on the town. Something this Mother/Daughter team had done many times before, though never quite like this, a new twist on an old favorite, and each of them were Thrilled to try it out. ********** "Shhhhhh, we have to be quiet, my Mommy might be home and I'm not allowed to have boys in my room alone......after what happened last time, that is" Elizabeth sexily spoke out in a teasing, overly girlish tone, giving the closely following form of Daniel a smile from her gorgeous looking face; something he had to consciously concentrate on (as beautiful as she was), as his eyes were utterly locked onto her unreal physique, something the scantily dressed Muscle Mom didn't mind in the least. "What......what happened with the last guy you had in your room" the sex starved 18 year old male could barely make out, as he continued to follow this muscle packed "schoolgirl" around to the back of her spacious looking home. His gaze focusing on her firm, shapely legs, her full, rounded butt, her broad, athletically built back, all of which threatened to burst apart her barely there schoolgirl attire even at rest; as every inch of her voluptuously feminine physique was filled with amazing amounts of rock hard female muscle, just like he liked it. Daniel had been a closet admirer of sexy musclegirls for as long as he could remember, though his thin, weedy and physically weak frame left his confidence in ever actually being with such a super proportionate female in the dumps. Little did he, in his wildest dreams, imagine that during a night out with his Father (whose much bigger, stronger physique always made Daniel feel inferior by comparison) this very night, that he would gaze upon the vision of loveliness before him; the ultimate object of his wildest sexual fantasies, let alone she actually approaching him, seducing him (which took all of 5 seconds) and luring him back to her place for a little female muscle fun. Something he had never experienced before in his life, something he was about to get more than his share of before this night was over. "Oh, you know Moms, always making mountains out of molehills, especially when it comes to their little girls" Elizabeth laughingly cooed, emphasizing her much younger role (something Daniel took as canon without a second thought), as she turned around to face the much thinner, vastly weaker boy, "Long story short, me and my ex got a little too turned on one night, and well I guess I got a little rougher than he wanted. Hee hee hee. In the end I had a blast, but I got in trouble with my Mommy cause he spent a few days in the hospital, all because he couldn't handle a Real Woman.......can you, Baby? Can you handle a girl like me when it counts, or will you cry and whine like a baby when I get this body Hard for you?" the Amazonian schoolgirl growled out like a jungle tigress, pinning Daniel against one of her home's outside walls; her massive breasts touching his flat chest, as her arms, shoulders and back flared out with muscle as she hit a sexily intimidating front double biceps shot. "I.....I.....I can handle you.....I think" the much younger boy both timidly and confidently made out. "So you wouldn't be scared of me if I started a little muscle flexing show?" Elizabeth seductively breathed, as she then moved into a side chest, filling up her pecs with steel hard muscle, which she then bounced and popped right before the all too horny boy's eyes. "N-no.....I wouldn't be afraid" "So you wouldn't run away if I started flexing my big, thick, hard legs for you......around you?" she continued on, now focusing her body hardening to her lethally long legs, which while possessing muscle size greater than any man Daniel had ever seen, their smoothness and shape were unquestionably feminine, and to him, Incredibly Sexy. "I...I'd be alright......I wouldn't run away" "So you wouldn't call out to my Mommy, get me in trouble again, even if I wrapped this body of mine all over you and just Squeeeeeezed?" Elizabeth concluded her youthfully spoken, body flexing seduction with a full on Most Muscular, while erotically licking her plump red lips. This act (which sent little tears and rips across her body-hugging blouse) nearly blew Daniel's mind, not to mention his load; this sight alone causing his cock to expand to unreal levels, without so much as a teasing touch on its hard, manly member. As such, his words completely escaped him, his thoughts a whirl of sexual sensations, causing Elizabeth to smile widely at her newly enamored, utterly entranced male - one who was anything but her usual choice of manly prey, as while Amy fancied more the smaller, thinner variety, she herself was always into the tough, muscular, macho men; all the better to squeeze them into submission and use them as she saw fit. Even though Daniel was hardly close to that type of man, the excitement of going after someone such as he, one who was totally different to her usual choice (so small and so young), especially in the midst of her playing this very different role, helped raise her own levels of lust and pleasure to new, all too exciting, heights. "Mmmmmm yes, I think you'll do nicely" the Sexy Muscle Goddess softly breathed, as she relaxed her lush, hard form (which was still twice the size of the adorable young man before her), gesturing him to follow her once more into her house from its back door, to further continue this night of fun. As she lead Daniel across her dimly lit home, his gaze once again transfixed on her lush, hard, powerful body, sudden sounds of the front door opening could be heard. Still playing the part of the little schoolgirl worried that she would be caught by the returning earlier than expected Mother, Elizabeth did the only thing she could do, she shoved the young man's head deep inside her thick, muscular chest, using her breasts to silence him for "fear" of being caught (though in reality this being just another excuse to wrap herself around this all too cute, muscle loving, boy). "Shhhhh, my Mommy's home, and we can't make a sound or else I'll get into trouble" Elizabeth slyly spoke, as she nuzzled Daniel's head deep within her mountainous muscular mammaries, his attempts to resist (his subconscious need for air superseding his conscious lust for female muscle) were fool-hearty, as she could have handled him this easily when she herself was actually a young schoolgirl, not the Amazonian Queen she had now become many years later. "Don't fight me Baby, you wouldn't want me to get into trouble, now would you? Cause when I get into trouble, I get really upset, and when I get upset my little toys Break!" she giggled out softly into his nearly totally engulfed head, the very sounds of her teasing little muscle talking helped make his cock spring to life yet again, expanding to even greater levels, even as he was on the verge of passing out. Elizabeth then backed her and her man against one of the walls in the room they were in, its darkish surroundings made them nearly invisible, as she watched with much pride the scene unfolding before her; that of her teenage daughter (dressed unbelievably sexy in one of her prize business outfits) returning home with a newly seduced man, with only a minimal of her muscle packed form showing (compared to her normal outfits anyway), as she acted more like a super erotic seductress over the bubbly musclegirl that was her usual MO. Of course now that she had lured him back home, and the fun was about to begin, it was alright for some more sexy flesh to be seen and for her true strength to be revealed. Something that happened several minutes later, as in the midst of a passionate series of kisses with her large, well-built, athletically fit man, she scooped him up in her arms, mentioning to him about continuing their "business transaction" upstairs, which was exactly where she proceeded to carry him; doing so with seemingly no effort at all, continuing their kissings while constricting her arms and popping her pecs painfully around his buff, though clearly over-matched form. Her erotic moanings and his grunts of pain slowly echoing away in the distance, as Elizabeth heard Amy make her way into her Master Bedroom; the clicking of the door locking behind them echoing across the hallway and down to her, as the proud Muscle Mom smiled widely at the skill she had handled this new, adult, role. This all too sexual distraction gone, Elizabeth now focused once more on her task at hand, loosening her chest smothering grip over young Daniel's head, doing so at the last possible second before forced blackness overtook him. His strength all but faded, the busty, buff, blond schoolgirl easily lifted him in her arms, cradling him softly against her bountiful body, as she too made her way upstairs. Softly and sexily gliding her muscle packed form into Amy's room (as Amy had done to hers moments ago), closing the door behind them to allow them some much needed privacy. "Wakey wakey, Sleepyhead! Rise and shine......Mmmmmmm, though I see some of you is already fully risen. So then, maybe I can see about giving you a little shine?" she cooed sensually, followed by a full on lat spread that was more than her skin-tight blouse could handle, as sounds of its material ripping apart were heard all too clearly about them; as was the snapping apart of her lacy bra's strap, which seconds later fell to the floor, revealing her perfectly shaped breasts in all of their muscle packed glory. This act was followed by Elizabeth reaching forward to grab onto Daniel's jeans around its zipper, and with a massive burst of power she tore its durable denim form in two, sending its halves flying across either side of this girlishly styled, pretty in pink, bedroom. Something she did just as savagely with his shirt, though his boxers she took a bit more care with, grasping onto its waistband with the tips of her fingers, as she rolled it down his thin, weedy legs; tickling and teasing his inner thighs as she went, making his cock stir and jump, while returning Daniel himself back the land of the living. Elizabeth then made her way to her daughter's dresser, taking hold of a bottle of creamy, slick lubricant from atop it and squeezed a generous helping in between her pecs, deep into the tight cleavage of her breasts; which was followed with her hands erotically rubbing it all over the inner most portion of her ultra firm chest, giving it a shine that nearly glowed in this room's bright light. Such a performance was all too arousing for the young man before her, who was now fully awake mentally, his mind joining the liveliness of his cock, which was way ahead of him in terms of its size, fullness and strength. "Mmmmmm, nice to see I can so easily get a Rise out of your cock, Baby, now I think it's time for a little Shining" the muscle packed schoolgirl breathed, as she made her way toward Daniel's laying form, standing over his fully erect, foot-long dick (which stood straight up beneath her with no help at all), before lowering her glistening, newly lubricated breasts over its thick manly shaft, where she proceeded to use her wet, slick, bouncing pecs to shine his cock to gleaming hard perfection. Daniel's reaction was instant, as he lurched and lunged up towards Elizabeth, who could only smile widely at his all too pleasurable response to her pleasing pec pulsations. Knowing full well this was his first sexual encounter with a woman such as she (very possibly his first Ever), she was thrilled to be raising him to such erotic heights with the use of her ultra muscular physique; not as an older Amazon Woman, but as a sultry young Musclegirl, who had used her world class form and incredibly youthful looks to entice and arouse a man less than half her age with barely any effort on her part at all. "Oooooooh yeah, I think you like having your big cock shined by my full, luscious tits, don't ya Baby? Too bad that I have to stop soon, as I seem to be running a little dry here......unless you could help out with a little liquid of your own? Hee hee" Elizabeth softly giggled, licking her lips erotically while lustily staring down at the ultra horny form of her young male lover. The thrill of such sexual experiences with such a younger man was a real kick for her as well, while having more than her share of fun with men younger than her own age, doing so to someone around the age of her own teenage daughter was a new one even for her. That, coupled with his vastly smaller, thinner, weaker and utterly helpless frame, brought this hot and horny Amazon to a whole new level of sexual thrill; making it a true test of will for her not to jump his bones and ravish him to pieces right here and now. Though decide to play it cool and wait a bit longer she did, as her sexually flirtatious hint to Daniel that he use some of his own cream to continue this experience did not go unnoticed, or at least for his sexually delighted cock it didn't, which instantly seemed to dribble up a steady stream of juicy pre-cum from its breast-massaging tip. The liquid oozed in between her sensually pumping pecs, all over his thick, meaty shaft, allowing her chest muscles a smoother, more pleasurable ride up and down, back and forth, over his rock hard dick. Though due to her rapidly moving pec muscles, it wasn't long before that level of luscious liquid just wasn't enough, so she decided to create a bit of her own, namely from her erotically O-shaped mouth, which dove down on this incredibly sized shaft, taking it all in fully and completely, as she used her expert level oral skills to pleasure the young muscle loving man to no end. Up and down went her pigtail adorned head, slowly and steadily, moaning orgasmically as she did so, looking up at the immensely excited form of her man, relishing in her treatment of him, as she used her lips and tongue to bring him to his sexual peaks. Though any girl could give him a blowjob, he was here for a little sexual muscle fun, so that's just what she was going to give him. "Ooooooh yeah Baby, you love my muscle pumping tits, dont you?" she breathed out sexily after removing her lips from his sexually quivering cock, "Love how thick, how meaty, how muscular my breasts are?" she continued, now standing up to her full 6' 1" height over his still prone form, "Cum for me Baby, cum for my big thick muscle tits......" she cooed out to him, his cock towering above his laying down form, as she reached over a grabbed an apple off of her daughter's dresser (something Amy used for her own student/teacher roleplaying sessions). "Cum for me Lover, shoot that big, thick, hot load of yours, before my tits get upset and I have to Crush You with them!" she concluded in a sexily growling tone, turning from sex kitten to dominant Goddess, as her pecs flexed tight over the object trapped within her luscious cleavage, crushing its much weaker form to pulp, as crackling and crunching sounds echoed about their room, as sticky sweet juices flowed all about her voluptuously muscular chest. This act, the sight of this amazingly gorgeous, incredible sexy, extremely muscular young schoolgirl crushing an apple with her flaring pecs alone, after using them to gently massage his hugely expanding dick, power and softness all rolled within one Fantasy Package, was all just too much for young Daniel to handle, as seen by his instant Eruption of thick sexual fluids from his cock, done without so much as a few final touches to his shaft, just from the visual experience of Elizabeth before him. Its shooting stream literally reaching several feet above him, looking like a true eruption of cum, his first ever from a woman such as she. Elizabeth smiled as she stood over him, watching his red faced, gasping for breath, post orgasmic, adorably thin form writhe around on her daughter's bed, a sight which caused her to remove her lower portion of her schoolgirl attire (ripping her pleated mini-skirt in two, as she had done to his clothes just minutes ago), now standing before him completely naked; her body literal Perfection in Daniel's eyes, everything he could ever want in a girl, and as he would soon find out, so much more. "Mmmmmm, you look so yummy.......Ooooooh pussy just has to have a little taste of that big, thick, delicious cock of yours" she cooed, as she tossed Daniel's tiny body further onto the bed, allowing her to crawl up its bottom end and straddle his much smaller form. His dick, even though just spending its load seconds ago, was as stiff and rock solid as ever; something that made even the ultra experienced Elizabeth shiver in passion as shelowered herself onto it, her wet pussy taking in each inch of his throbbing member with shivering erotic delight. There she began to ride him with slow, sensual motionings, her still pigtail-held locks being tossed back and forth as she gyrated her hips all over Daniel's body; her protectively tensing thigh muscles (which were currently on either side of him, pinning him to the mattress below with no effort at all) the only things stopping him from being crushing underneath her perfectly proportionate, 210 pound Amazonian body. Knowing that for this night's sexual sessions to last she couldn't go all out on this poor little boy here, though even her taking it easy on him, her strength and size being so far above his own, Elizabeth still managed to cause him discomfort and even pain. Feelings which were offset by his unreal desire to fuck a powerfully build Amazon girl, something he would endure Hell itself in order to quench such deep sexual fantasies. It was this mindset, in addition to his youthful levels of energy, that drove Daniel to stay conscious, fighting the urge to fall into blackness from her involuntarily constricting thighs and bodaciously bouncing body, not wanting to miss even a single second of this one in a lifetime experience. "Mmmmmmm, you like girls with big, hard bodies, don't you, Danny Bear? You like a girl that could lift and carry you around in her arms, could squeeze you between her thick, strong legs.......Yesssssss........could protect you from anyone who wanted to hurt you? Well here I am Lover, how does it feel to be fucked by your Ultimate Fantasy, Sweetie?" Elizabeth breathed out, as she increased the speed of her up and down gyrations; her straddling form sitting on his continually throbbing member, her hips pulsing to and fro in an all too erotic fashion, while she raised her arms up to hit a massively muscle packed double biceps shot. "Would you like to lick these arms.......Mmmmmmm......kiss their full, thick hardness........Ooooooohh.......worship my little girlie muscles?" she continued on in a tone of mixed sultry coolness and youthful innocence, followed by her leaning downward, arching her upper body over Daniel's own, as she repositioned her body into a Sexual Grapevine Hold. His arms being held up and away from him with just the strength of a single one of Elizabeth's super strong hands, which in addition to using her superior bodyweight and thick, shapely legs, pinned her adorable looking man completely helpless beneath her. Using her free hand she held her lover's face still while she passionately lowered her lips to his, kissing him wildly while increasing the speed of her hip thrusting movements once again. Her vaginal muscles were now coming into play, as she used them to tease and squeeze his recently erupted, though rapidly refilling, dick. Her tongue invading his mouth every so often to increase the erotic delights for them both, as her expanding physique completely engulfed his tinier form from view. His body now fully encased in a sexual cage of teenage female muscle, one that with casual ease could end his very life, yet with the sensations he was currently experiencing, he would die one very happy man. Though Daniel's last moments wouldn't be tonight, even though the pain he was now feeling (with Elizabeth not even trying to hurt him) was rapidly rivaling the orgasmic delights coursing throughout his body. His legs being pulled apart by her smooth, sleek, muscle packed thighs, her erotically popping form slamming into him over and over from above, while riding his shaft hard and fast, her single hands grip on both of his increasing in strength and tightness, even the lust-filled roughness of her lips were causing his own discomfort. Though all that aside, he still wanted nothing more but to finish this sexual experience, which was good as he hadn't a choice at all in the matter. The sexy young Amazonian schoolgirl had him completely and utterly controlled and overwhelmed, and was using him as if he was just another toy with which to get herself off from. Something that happened to them both in perfect unison seconds later, as if a lightning bolt from above had hit their orgasmically charged, interlocked forms, causing him to scream out in both pleasure and pain, as their juices Exploded into one another, their sexual organs relishing in the sensation of one another's touch. Elizabeth then lowered her big muscle tits over Daniel's face, enveloping his entire head as she Oooohed and Aaaahed her way through her latest, supremely pleasurable, orgasm. Fortunately for him she did her best to control her often times subconscious pec power, for if didn't, in the throes of such a delightful experience, she could have crushed his head like a grape. Still, even unflexed her meaty muscle tits were very firm and currently enveloped his face so that air was completely cut off, something that his already fast breathing form ran out of all too quickly, as he became limp and motionless in her all surrounding frame. "Mmmmmm, that felt so good, my cute little boy.......Awwwww, asleep already, my poor little baby......maybe I can find a way to bring you back to life" Elizabeth growled out with a sexy smile, as she removed herself from atop Daniel's motionless form, relishing the final sensations of his cock being released from her powerful pussy, as she quivered in delight above him, her muscles hardening from the newly finished climax. She the reached down to collect her lover's thin, weak form, carrying it up with her as she stood back onto the frilly pink carpeted floor of her daughter's room, only to raise him up higher (her hands tenderly and firmly on his tiny little butt), positioning his still hard erection into her mouth, which began to sensuously suck on it (slurping down the mixed juices from their just finished session) as if it were the most tasty treat imaginable. "Ooooooh you taste so good......Mmmmmm, come out and play with me, my little baby boy. Come back to your Sexy Musclegirl" ********** 30 Minutes Earlier....... Robert Harris couldn't believe the score he landed this night, an unbelievably drop dead gorgeous woman, who wore her professionally styled attire like a form-fitting glove. A business suit that would have made Heather Locklear in her hottest "Melrose Place" years pale in comparison, something that showed off each and every curve of her unreal physique, while at the same time displaying little of her silky smooth, incredibly voluptuous flesh from within. Though her body overall mostly covered, the style of dress did more than hint at the most amazing tits and legs Robert had ever seen; her blouse's low-cut neckline and outfit's professionally styled mini-skirt helping that to no small amount. Still, after one glance at her from across a crowded nightspot, this man in the prowl knew he had to have her; something his own wealthy status and charisma normally made for easy efforts, though she surprisingly held her own against his advances, giving him smart, witty, sophisticated comebacks to each of his lines, while seductively flirting with the best he had ever experienced. Their joining up in the end was inevitable in his eyes, though she proved more than formidable in this task, only leaving with him when she was ready, when she wished to do so; an attitude that like her amazing body turning Robert on to no end. He had always preferred strong, dominant, controlling women, though considering his own large, powerfully built frame, and high financial standing, finding such a fantasy female, one who could fulfill his every aching desire (mentally and physicall), was just that, a Fantasy. That was until this night, meeting a woman he knew only as Amy, a woman of as much class and stature as she was sex appeal and hotness, the latter being something No One could ignore; something that made it difficult as he was driving them both back to her place, his eyes spending more time focusing on her ample cleavage and thick, juicy legs (especially with her mini-shirt riding up, as one does, in her currently sitting position) then on the road itself. "Careful Tiger, eyes front, you wouldn't want us to get into an accident before you have a taste of this....." Amy breathed out sensually, as she used a single graceful hand to slowly open her jacket and blouse a bit, giving Robert more of a taste of the lush breast flesh that hide underneath. This act was making it near impossible for him to actually follow her previously spoken words (just as Amy had wanted), as surely any man alive would choose to view such perfectly shaped and fully rounded breasts over the road before them. So gaze further into her lusciously formed cleavage he did, which suddenly began to appear harder, firmer, larger, with muscular ripples rapidly forming over her chest's powerful looking thickness. "You'd do well do obey me and keep your eyes on the road, before you get us both hurt. Mmmmmm, but don't worry, if you're in the mood for a little hurting, I'm sure I can accommodate you when we get home" Amy cooed out with sultry confidence, her chest expansion adding to the power of her words, intimidating even the larger form of Robert, who for the remainder of this trip focused more on his driving skills than her world-class body. Upon reaching their intended destination several minutes later, Robert swiftly stopped the car and made his way around to the passenger's side to charmingly (or was that obediently) help Amy out of the car. An act that was instantly followed by her pushing him back against the steel frame of his car, and giving him a series of passionately powerful kisses, doing so for the next several seconds, controlling this passionate performance all the way, stopping just as she felt his cock spring to life and arise underneath his high priced slacks. So abruptly did she stop that Robert involuntarily reached out to forcefully pull her back to him; something that was met with instant retaliation as Amy slammed him back against his car, a stern, hard look about her gorgeous face as she did so. "Understand this Bob, you listen to me tonight, you play by my rules, and you'll enjoy yourself and experience pleasures unlike anything you've ever imagined......don't, and you and I are going to have a little trouble, understand?" she made out in an authoritative tone, looking more dominant than angry, knowing full well her erotically teasing ways were having a huge effect on her man's sexually excited mind (and body). "Yes Mistress Amy" the large man, even larger than Amy's own 6', 195 pound form, made out. "Stop, right, there. I am no dominatrix, and this is no game. I am simply, In Charge, and you will do what I say, when I say it, or our little "business transaction" is over" she growled out powerfully, her face (framed perfectly with little blond tendrils falling down from the bun that held her long mane of golden locks, as well as a sexily styled pair of glasses) staring at Robert with the utmost confidence and control as she did so, watching as he lowered his head and nodded in agreement; something which caused her to smile back at him, taking his hand in one of hers and leading him to her home's front door. Upon reaching the spacious porch just before the large wooden main doorway, she looked him deep into his eyes, and breathed, "I'll give you one chance, right now, to back away and leave, but if you do, you'll never see what lies beneath, you'll never experience all that I have to offer, and you'll regret it for the rest of your life" she purred out like a high class sex kitten, eating him up with her eyes as her tongue peeked out to lick her full red lips, as her thighs sensually rubbed against one another in a very seductive fashion. Robert of course replied that he was staying, Amy's hold over him complete and total, something she did with a minimal amount of her voluptuously muscle packed flesh being revealed, relying on her sexual confidence, erotic attitude and teasing words over simply flexing muscles and superior strength. Of course she was hardly unpracticed in the ways of physical domination as well, as proven by her shoving her entranced man onto a nearby couch mere seconds upon entering her home; which was followed by a single one of her legs gracefully held up and out to him, her high heeled covered foot resting in his lap, as he looked up in awe at the stunningly beautiful woman that was proving so easily to be able to handle him, and he loved every second of it. "Remove my shoes, and be careful with them, as they cost more than I would ever spend on you" Amy sensuously ordered out, rolling her tongue over her lips as she raised her thickly shaped leg up further, holding her shoe adorned foot just inches from Robert's agape mouth. Her expert body control and unquestionable balance held her muscularly curvaceous body straight and strong, with only a single high-heeled leg supporting her, as her other beautifully shaped foot rocked back and forth before her latest male conquest. "Trust me Baby, you don't want me to ask twice" she continued on, snapping Robert out of his fantasy inducing trance, relishing as he took a hold of her foot in both of his hands and carefully removed the expensive looking shoe from around it. With amazing grace and steadiness Amy then returned her leg back down to the floor, only to raise her other one onto Robert's lap, where he mimicked the removal of her remaining shoe; following Amy's demands all too willingly, hoping to be rewarded with another series of passionate kisses for doing so. "Now, kiss my foot, Loverboy. Lick each of my toes, tickle my supple ankle, caress my big, hard calve" she cooed out commandingly, slowly rolling her foot around Robert's still holding grasp. "Well my gorgeous girl, I was hoping for a little reward for being such a good boy and removing your shoes for you" Robert made out with a charming smile, as he attempted to stand back up to his feet, making him more the same physical level with this lusciously formed beauty before him. Though this act was swiftly stopped by Amy's single leg, which pushed him backwards by his hard muscular stomach to his soft seat below, continuing to press him down into the growingly uncomfortable seat until low levels of pain were forming around his normally rock hard abs. "Hey.....hey, you're hurting me" he involuntarily made out, trying to remove her leg with both of his hands, something that he proved ineffectual in doing. His only reaction from her was to cause her already shapely calves and thick thighs to harden and expand to even greater levels, not unlike what her mammoth chest did on their way over, and her mouth to form into a deviously gorgeous grin. "Now Bob, are you really so much of a wimp that you're going to complain about such pitiful levels of discomfort?" Amy cooed, removing her foot from his midsection, returning her pumped up leg back to the floor, rejoining her other one to stand tall and proud before his quickly recovering form. "If you're going to be with a woman like me, a strong, powerful, dominant professional, then you're going to have to get used to some pain, for it is only then will you be able to truly taste the pleasures of your reward" the buff, buxom businesswoman breathed out further, as she removed the pin from atop her head (allowing her long flowing blond hair to cascade across her wide shoulders), and tossed aside her just-for-show glasses. She then pulled him up to his feet, he now feeling better about this situation as he was now standing taller and bigger than Amy, until she removed her business-styled jacket, revealing her ultra tight blouse underneath, and with it an additonal view at the muscle packed form that lay within. "I said I make the rules, my cute little man, and Rule #1 is always pain And pleasure. So, you want a little of this......" she spoke, pulling his face into her own and dominating his lips with hers, doing so for nearly a minute with her controlling the pace and passion every step of the way, "'re going to have to endure some of this" she concluded, reaching down to his balls with one of her hands, giving it a firm squeezing, which sent instant (though not tremendous) pain throughout Robert's body. He instantly tried to back away from her sexily sturdy form, though her other arm held him in place quite easily; though to prove her point, that with pain came pleasure, she dove her mouth right back onto his, kissing him erotically, licking his lips, all the while constricting his confusedly throbbing cock. "Now, why don't we move this meeting somewhere a bit more private, and see about continuing this "business transaction", or shall we say our joint merger, elsewhere" Amy sensually breathed out as she casually lifted Robert up into her arms, holding him there in her cradle-like carry with ease, an act which both aroused and intimidated the normally in charge male, as she proceeded to make her way up into her Mother's Master Bedroom; giving his buff body a series of tight, painful squeezes with her arms and chest as she did, causing him to echo uncomfortable grunts, and her to moan with the utmost erotic delights, as she kissed his mouth over and over again. Once inside the large, well kept bedroom, Amy gave her man one final kiss, her roughest one yet, complete with a teasing little bite to his lips which caused him to give a slight yelp of pain; something she only smiled to as she tossed his 250 pound form off and away from her, onto the king-sized bed before them, where Amy soon followed. Once again she took his mouth with her own, sounds of their smacking and popping lips were heard clearly all about them, as their fingers erotically traced all over their sexually charged forms, their bodies intertwined and wrapped together as they laid on the soft mattress below. Amy pulling Robert closer to her, his larger form being supported quite easily atop her firm, muscular frame, as they gyrated their still mostly-clothed bodies onto each other, as growing levels of sexual delights coursed feverly though them both. She then moved her lips to his ear, giving him a sigh of orgasmic delight that made his cock jump wildly within his navy blue slacks, as well as a taunting little lick, before pushing him away, nearly throwing him to the other end of the spaciously comfortable bed, where she stared at him with a look of utmost lust and seduction. "Oh come on Baby, don't stop now, not when it was getting So Good" Robert instantly replied, his sexual urges overtaking his logic as he questioned the dominantly powerful woman beside him. "You know the rules, there can't be Pleasure without Pain, both in equal parts, in equal amounts" Amy replied in a sultry tone, as she licked her wide open O-shaped mouth, "We must have balance if this joint venture of ours is going to work out" she continued to coo. "But......but you've already hurt me, the squeezing, the biting, what about......." "Hahahaha, Oh my poor foolish man, you think that was pain, do you? The "pain" I've already given you was just a taste of what I could inflict, and as such I've given you just a taste of the pleasures in return. If you want more of this......" she made out, ripping her blouse (or more specifically, her Mother's) to pieces, showing Robert even more of her body's flesh, exposing her thick, shapely, muscular upper body to him (covered now only in a lacy black bra), the very sight of which made his cock throb Huge and his mouth groan with arousal, "......then it's going to cost you. The more you want, the more you pay. So what do you say Lover, ready to earn yourself some more Sexual Credit!" Amy softly spoke, concluding her statement by slowly crossing her arms before her, and bouncing her chest in a very sensual fashion; her voluptuously firm breasts turning to rippling hard pecs right before his eyes. Robert simply couldn't help himself, as lust for this muscle packed beauty had completely overtaken all reason in his mind, as he tore off his own button-down shirt, lunging onto Amy's buff body right afterwards; wanting nothing more than to feel, to taste, to touch every inch of her gorgeously Amazonian physique. Her sensuously spoken words and sexy muscle flexes lured him back to her like a moth to the flame, this time in between her thick, muscle packed legs, the spreading apart of which tearing her formerly worn business-styled mini-shirt in two, exposing the black lacy panties that barely covered her athletically tight sexual area. Strong and shapely legs that slowly closed over and around his large, bulky body, like a venus-flytrap onto an ill-prepared fly. A pleasure and pain hold all in one, as their lips met once more, their bodies gyrating into each others with renewed passion, while at the same time her thick, hard thighs were squeezing in on his torso, chewing on his ribs in slow, sensual, yet oh so painful, movements. They groaned together in perfect unison, though Amy's being from the sexual delights her lover's grinding form and tender lips are causing, his due to the growing agony of her crushing hard thighs. She continued on with the sensual squeezes of this hold for the next several minutes, feeling his cock increase in size within his fashionable slacks, as her own erect nipples hardened and her thick pecs filled with more erotically charged muscle. She noticed Robert doing much better this time, as he managed to cope with her increasing thigh constrictions, such were the pleasures of her mouth on his face, on his throat, on his partially bruised chest, such were the delights of rubbing himself onto such a supremely built female, that nothing else mattered to him over continuing (or as the next few seconds proved, advancing), their latest sexual escapade. Robert then used all of his strength to maneuver his body (giving off little moans of pain as Amy continued to squeeze in on him with her legs), in order to unbutton his pants in an attempt to reach even greater levels of sexual delight - of course that only meant one thing, an increased level of pain as well. So Amy eased up on her crushing thighs, just for the moment, allowing him to finish his all too rushed task; spreading her legs wide as he did so, showing off her impressive flexibility as well as exposing her dripping wet panties for him to see. So alluring was this sight, that he couldn't help but dive right back in before fully finishing his task, his slacks still around his ankles, his silken boxers still loosely covering his super erect cock, which rubbed furiously against her lace covered pussy. Though that didn't bother either of them in the slightest, as their newly rejoined grinding hips and their dry humping motionings, with much less covering around his area this time, rose them both to even greater heights of sexual pleasure. Of course, such experiences this night came with an equally great price, something Robert felt all too clearly as Amy renewed her constricting legs around his passionately pumping waist, this time joined with her wrapped around arms which hugged his broad shoulders tight and hard, squeezing his upper body into her rock solid chest, raising the levels of his pain in proportion to the levels of his delight. She left his head open for the moment, allowing her mouth to wrap around his own, a further delight for his still (though slower now) grinding form; the strength of her mighty limbs making it much harder for him to continue his rapidly pumping pace. His sweaty form above her due to equal parts discomfort and arousal, pain and frustration, agony that was rapidly building up about his body and the desire to want to bring this sexual session to the next level. "Mmmmmm, feels like somebody wants to raise the stakes a bit here, huh Baby?" Amy sexily spoke out while continuing to put the crush on her man's sexually sweaty form. "I must....I have to.....I can't help myself......must have it All!" Robert loudly moaned out, as using all of his strength he removed his boxers from around his all too erect cock; Amy following suit as well with a deviously erotic smile on her beautiful face, knowing that he was about to enter her inner most places, and that meant a higher level of pleasure, and pain, for them both. Something she allowed to happen seconds later, as Robert's thick meaty dick entered her moist, hot pussy, the sensations from this act causing both of them to gasp loudly with orgasmic delights as they quickened the pace of their quiveringly grinding bodies. The extremely horny man feeling the unreal pleasures of her tight, wet vagina engulfing his cock, its muscles pulsing and massaging his erection, slurping on it like a straw, complete and total ecstasy if he ever felt it before - that was for the first few teasing seconds anyway, as not only did her legs and arms then continue their body squeezing treatment, but amazingly enough her vaginal muscles also joined in on his pain-wracked constrictions. Once delightful little pulses soon turned into muscle packed squeezes, so much so it soon felt like a wet, sticky vice crushing his cock over the smooth, liquidy opening he had so craved. Amy relished in Robert's situation, knowing her sexual pleasures (even in this growingly agonizing position) were enough to keep him going on, yet she could see the confusion in his mind, his thoughts subconsciously wondering just how much of this pain he could take, and if her pleasures in return were worth it. Helping him in his decision, she brought her lips to his nipples, rubbing his thick muscular chest as she did so, to further heighten his levels of erotic bliss from this experience. Of course, that only meant tightening her thick, sexy body around him even more, watching as his face went from gasping for breath, to sexual Heaven, and then back again. A fact that turned her on to no end as well, as could be seen from her own ultra erect nipples, dripping wet pussy, and sexually charged face. Though after several minutes of this sexually crushing session, Robert could simply take no more, the pain from her all enveloping form proving too much for him to handle, and he began crying out to stop and pressing away from her with all the strength he had - an unfortunate decision for the sex starving Amy......or was that unfortunate, for Him. "SQUEEEZZE!" "AAARRRGGGHHHHHH!!" "You dare to quit, and at its most crucial time! I am in charge here, and we stop when I say we do!" she growled out at him like a woman scorned, partially insulted that he didn't deem her pleasures worthy enough to endure such mind-numbing pain, as well as annoyed that he would think he was in control of this situation enough to call it over. "No no my little man, we're not stopping yet, this merger is going through, whether you like it or not!" Amy continued on in a more savage tone, as she raised her level of crushing strength all about him, in addition to the speed and furiousity that her vaginal muscles were milking (and squeezing) his cock. Robert yelled in pain all too instantly, something that only seemed to turn Amy on even more, as her own groans of delight were heard just as loudly. She continued on grinding up into this larger, though much weaker, man, controlling every inch of his body with her vast physical power, proving her superior strength to his once more; something which may have made him cry out for mercy vocally, but it made it cock cry out for More all the same. Though at this point what Robert wanted mattered nothing to Amy, who wasn't very happy with his attitude, and therefore had decided to use him as she saw fit, planning to give him the boot when she was done. Of course, how much of him would be left at that point was another matter, as she then flipped their positions, leaving her on top now, all the better to continue her animalistic sexual pounding on his inferior frame. The large, sturdy bed they were on shook as if an earthquake had struck this house, though such intensity in her sexual conquests was just par for the course for the amazing Amazons that lived here, not to mention their male sexual partners, ones that almost always ached to return for more, when they've fully healed from their previous experience, that was. Whether Robert would be such a man remained to be seen at this point, as from an outsiders view it appeared as if Amy were giving him the beating of his life, his all out attempts to free himself fruitless as were his occasional punches onto her rock hard physique; though while his body was surely experiencing more pain that he had in his entire life, he couldn't deny that he was also more sexually excited than he had ever been as well. A fact proven several seconds later, as both of them screamed at the top of their lungs from the Climax of this orgasmic experience, in the end Amy giving him what she had always promised, incredible physical pain to match the amazing erotic pleasures, both in equal parts, something that left him as physically exhausted as he was sexually drained. "Oooooh yeah, that felt so good. Mmmmmm, looks like I might have a spot for you in my business after all" Amy jokingly cooed, loving the feeling of his bruised though still able dick still inside her, as she held him close, supporting his impressive bodyweight on her female form with no effort at all. "What do you say Lover, ready for a little Overtime?" "I can't......too tired......hurts so much.......please, I can't......." "Hmmmmm, looks like you still haven't learned your lesson, Stud. Didn't you get the memo Bobby, I'm The Boss here, and if you won't give me what I want willingly, then I guess it's time for a little Hostile Takeover" the muscle packed professional roared out sexily, sporting a devilish smile across her stunning face as she shoved Robert's head into her pumped up pecs; squeezing him within her muscular mammaries, causing him to scream with all he had left inside her rippling hard cleavage, as well as his still pussy-enveloped cock to stir to life once more. ********** It was some time later that night before Daniel and Robert Patterson began to stir and awaken, after several more sessions with their respective bubbly Musclegirl and dominant Amazon Woman, both of which handling these men like children, though using them as one could only do to a full grown man. Though after proving their points time and again to these all too lucky males, as well as to one another, Amy and Elizabeth decided it was time to bring this party together, joining their forces and raising this night's erotic fun to new exciting levels for them both, and their newest sexual conquests - who both seemed to return from their latest forced, yet heavenly, bout of unconsciousness at once, their ears picking up their surroundings first, slowing locking onto the soft feminine tones of their boundaciously buff beauties, speaking words to one another that didn't make much sense to Daniel and Robert, though would all too swiftly. "Oh my goodness, you said what?" a womanly voice came out, followed by a huge laugh from the slightly older sounding woman. "Oh my dearest, it sounds like you did an Amazing job playing the part of the seductive Amazonian woman, though you may want to leave out lines like "sexual merger" your next time around" she spoke on, causing both her and a younger, high pitched, girl to laugh aloud as well. "Mmmmmm, but my he is a delicious one, isn't he?" "Oh he's Very tasty, in all sorts of ways. Why don't you take a bite, and see for yourself?" the younger girl sensually chirped back, as Robert could only look up and see vague images of the towering women before him. With his vision blurred still by his forced unconsciousness, he saw them as identical twins of the woman that had spent this night sexually mauling him; having now two of them around was a thought that made his blood cold as ice and his dick jump to full aching attention. " more, please......" the large, muscular man pitifully made out, as he crawled over to the feet of his formerly torturous woman, hugging her massive thighs (which his arms barely could wrap around), resting his head on her rippling hard quads, as he continued to beg and plead for his release. "Oh my Darling Little Man, but I am going to release you......" cooed out the towering Amazon woman, as she reached down to collect his powerfully built form up and off the floor, holding him in her mighty arms like a child, as she looked into his sore, bruised, yet handsomely hunky face. Doing so for long enough for his vision to fully return to him, allowing him to look deep into her gorgeously shaped, blond hair framed face and realize one thing - this was not the same woman that had been sexually manhandling him all night long. "You......but you're not...." "Sorry Stud, didn't mean to trick you, but my Mom and me had ourselves a little bet, and you guys were our willing participants. Hee hee hee" Amy giggled out with a wide smile, as she came up behind Robert's still suspended form, his face whirling around to see hers, and in an instant he recognized the her as his previous destroyer. "You're her daughter??? She's your Mom??? That means you're only about....." "19 years old, but I fooled you into thinking I was older, didn't I.........I said, Didn't I!" Amy growled out, as she wrapped her steel hard arms around Robert's torso, crushing him into her from behind due to his lack of a quick and speedy reply. "YES! Yes, you got me! You got me!!" he yelped out loudly. "No Baby, I've got you, and I'm going to keep you, for as long as I want" Elizabeth added in a cool, in-control voice from in front of him, her ultra muscle packed arms owning him completely and utterly. "But.....but I thought you said you were going to let me go.......that you were going to release me?" "Oh Silly, she wasn't talking to you.......she was talking to Him" Amy chimed in with a teasing tone and a beautifully wide smile, as she focused on his full, thick cock; something Elizabeth followed up with her swallowing mouth seconds later, her tongue tickling and licking his shaft from inside her warm, wet mouth, sending shocking sensations throughout this large, though hopelessly outclassed, man's body. "Mmmmmmm, you were so right Darling, he is a Tasty one, isn't he?" Elizabeth sensually spoke as she slurped down his dribbling out fluids, switching him to just her single arm now, as she used her newly free hand to massage and grope his aching balls. The teenage Amazon smiled as she watched her Mother control Robert's large manly form, which now uncontrollably lurched and bounced about due to the erotic pleasures being caused to him by this super strong woman. Elizabeth's head lunged up and down over his erection time and again, as she held him in her rock solid biceps, easily cradling him within her 18" arms; arms that now began to bend inward, folding Robert into himself, causing crushing pain to flow about his body, as she continued to orally pleasure his throbbing hard erection, removing her lips only for the moment to coo such erotically spoken muscle talk as "Did my little Amy put the squeeze on your before? Awwww, such a bad girl, playing so roughly with her toys.......I wonder where she gets that from" CRUSH!, MANGLE!, SQUEEZE! Amy loved watching her Mother handle men as such, so sexily, so erotically, so powerfully, something she had been doing for a long as she could remember; whether it be her Father or the series of men that followed, her Mom knew how to handle such male conquests, proving to them over and over just who the Weaker Sex truly was. Such sights never ceased to get her own sexual juices flowing, as wrong as such a thing may be (she was her Mother after all), though their relationship as it was never let such potential awkwardness show. In fact, it wasn't uncommon for them to bring home men to share between them, or a few at a time for that matter, thoughts that whirled throughout this horny teenage musclegirl's mind here and now, controlling her very movements, as she made her way closer to her cock-sucking Muscle Mom, reaching her own thick, hard arms around her (with Robert's still folded form caught in the middle), tickling and teasing Elizabeth's wide, rippling back, before lowering her lips down to the towering dick between them, which at this point could barely be seen outside of the four gigantic globes currently surrounding it. "Mmmmmm, he's so delicious Baby. Here my Darling, have a taste, share him with your Mommy" the Elizabeth cooed to her teenage daughter, removing her mouth from the purple pulsing tip of Robert's shaft, watching with pride and excitement as Amy sensually began licking and kissing it in her place. As she did so, Elizabeth began erotically rubbing her daughter's own broad, powerfully sculpted back and shoulders, tickling her young, suppled neck, caressing the back of her head though her long mane of flowing blond hair. Truly she had grown into a wonderful young woman, someone she couldn't be more proud of, in every conceivable way, proven to her seconds later as Amy released her lips from her orally pleasing duties, allowing her Mother another taste of its deliciously sweet fluids within. The college-aged Amazon then held her mother tight into her, sexually massaging her bugling hard muscular body with her soft, tender touches, as the pair of buxom buff blonds moaned out passionately, gyrating their toweringly titanic forms into each other, relishing in the feel of one anothers Amazonian physiques, as well as the taste of Robert's quickly chest smothered dick. He too was groaning aloud, though as was all too common this night, his were from pain more than pleasure, as he was not only folded uncomfortably into himself (much further than his flexibility and physique would normally permit), but he was also being Crushed in between the passionately pumping forms of two muscle pumping beauties. One he initially thought, due to her demeanor and attitude over her look, was his own age, only recently to find out that she was in fact only a teenager, the other looking as if she could have easily passed for her older sister, though was apparently her Mother! Something that made Robert give a brief thought of his own child, for the first time since picking up the sexily business styled Amy earlier this night, wondering where in fact his son may be; something that would be revealed to him all too soon. For now his thoughts were consumed by agony of being squeezed and the pleasures of being sucked off by the most Amazing Mother/Daughter team Ever! That was until the soft, sweet, femininely shaped mouth left his dick for the last time, the tactile delights now being replaced with sounds of nearby smacking lips, the source of which the mangled man viewed as Amy and Elizabeth kissing one another, their lusting moans reaching new heights, leaving his cock to apparently fend for itself - or so he thought, as seconds later it was being rubbed once more, though this time by the bouncing, flexing, muscle popping breasts surrounding it, which were massaging his cock almost involuntarily, as the two women continued kissing each others full, juicy lips. Their thoughts seemingly fully focused on one another than Robert, something that was proven more evident as their arms tightened, their embracing strength doubled, and their rock hard forms melded into the other even closer, sending even greater levels of pain all about his buff, muscular frame. "Mmmmmmm.......isn't it so much more satisfying to handle a big, strong man, my Sweet Baby Girl?" Elizabeth breathed sensuously into her daughter's lips, the softly spoken words a harsh contrast to the hard muscularity of her Amazonian body. "Ooooh yessss Mommy, it is........Ooooooh, but I could never give up my lust for crushing short, weak little guys with my Mmmmmassive Mmmmmuscles" the heavily aroused teenage girl groaned out in reply, as she slowly licked her Mother's passionately popping lips. "Oh you're such a bully, Baby......Mmmmmmm......I raised you well" Elizabeth added with an erotic tease and a slight giggle, before diving back into her daughter's sweet tasting mouth, lapping up every inch of Amy's expertly pleasing lips. Though while nothing but the peaks of sexual delights were coursing through their thickly muscled forms, the same couldn't be said for the all too forgotten man trapped between them, as their once pleasurable pec pulsations had since turned into constricting chest crushes; their breasts uncontrollably filling up with mangling meaty muscle, their erotic sensations making them squeeze into one another, crushing anything in their way, which in this case was the already sore erection of the normally in-control Robert Patterson. A once confident and powerful man, who this night was being handled like a child by the most incredible looking women he had ever seen; something that was actually his deepest, darkest, sexual secret. One that was coming all too true currently, to the Nth degree at that, much to his desire's delight, and his body's regret. Pain mixed with pleasure was something he learned all too well with the unstoppable Amy, and now with her equally beautiful, and buff, Mother joining in, there was literally nothing he could do but endure this experience the best he could; an experience that ended with a partially muffled scream from Robert, as he felt several of his ribs snap in perfect unison with his cock shooting its thick, creamy load all over their perfectly shaped, athletically firm, breasts. This milky white liquid proved too enticing to ignore for the Mother/Daughter muscle team, who continued kissing one another until they were sure their pecs had pumped Robert dry; only then did they turn their attention back to him, or more specifically the delicious tasting fluids he left behind, as they began licking the juices off one another's thickly muscled tits, uncaringly dropping his newly broken form to the floor, where he landed with a loud, crashing THUD. Such was the amount of cum that Robert had erupted that there was enough for the erotically pleasing Amazons to not only drink down and lick up, but to rub sensually into their ultra erect nipples, to massage all over their beefy hard breasts, to cover their fingertips with as they entered one another's heavily dripping pussys; the sexual fluids on their fingers adding to the swiftly gathering moistness of their inner most places. Amy and Elizabeth moaned and groaned with orgasmic sensations over the next several minutes, gyrating their sexily standing forms into one another, tenderly touching and feeling their super sensitive sexual areas; each of them knowing just what sensations pleased the other most, focusing on those like an all too caring lover, something that brought each of them to their sexual peaks, and beyond, as they both Exploded against one another's hot, sweaty bodies, a few final kisses to finish off this unreal erotic experience. "Mmmmmmmm" they both cooed out together, as they embraced one another in their thickly muscled arms, holding each other in their standing after-glow of this latest sexual session, holding one another not just as recent lovers, but as a Mother and Daughter who shared a bond (as well as other things) unlike any other. They then focused their gaze down to the floor of Amy's ultra girlie room, the large spacious area in which they choose to continue their night of pleasure, to watch Robert's newly spent form holding his slightly broken chest, though more interestingly looking towards Daniel, the adorably weedy young man who had witnessed this entire scene, and even without moving a single inch or touching his dick in the least, managed to leave his own puddle of creamy white fluids right next to his impressively large erection. "Awwwwww, our little toy has gone and used himself all up, and I didn't even get a chance to play with him" Amy pouted out like a disappointed child, playing the youthfully sulking baby girl role as perfect as ever. "Oh don't you worry Darling, he'll be up and ready again before you know it, trust me, I know" Elizabeth replied with a wide grin over her stunningly gorgeous face, speaking from her past experiences with this always sexually eager young man. "Go ahead my Sweet, it's your turn now, go and have fun with your new toy.......while I do some of the same with his deliciously delightful Father" "Father / Son??" the two shocked to the core men yelled out, raising up to their feet with a sudden surge of strength and energy, looking at one another with stunned eyes and wide mouths. "Dad / Daniel?!?!" "Hee hee hee, looks like the surprises keep on coming, eh Mommy?" Amy sexily spoke as she walked around Daniel's much smaller frame, eyeing up his yummy form with which she was dying to play with. "That's right my Love, and that better not be the only things that keep on cumming, for their sake" her Amazonian Mother replied in a seductively soft tone, as she glided on over to Robert's still aching form; which was actually slightly larger than Elizabeth's own, though was not nearly as strong or powerful. "Lick my feet, Little Man" she continued on, crossing her arms over her chest, her legs standing slightly apart in this powerfully hit pose. Though whether it be the shock of this scene, the sudden discovery of his son, or the aching of his cracked ribs, Robert simply stood there and didn't move a muscle; something that couldn't be said of Elizabeth in return, as she wrapped her arms around his chest, and began crushing him in an ultra tight bearhug (something made even more agonizing by his already shattered chest). "Maybe you didn't learn your lesson well enough with my daughter, but you will do whatever I say, when I say it, or I'll break your arms, and your legs, and everything in between, Understand?" the mature musclewoman growled out authoritatively, squeezing in on her man's body with each word, until tears started to trickle down his pain-wracked face. "Oh, Mommy's gonna have her fun now, hope she doesn't make your Daddy cry too much, I don't like when she makes men cry........unless they deserve it. Tell me Lover, does your Daddy deserve to cry?" Amy whispered into Daniel's ears from behind, as she held his little weedy body into her own with a firm, tight muscle cuddle. The slightly younger boy was still at a loss for words, this situation proving too much for his inexperienced mind to take (his erect cock on the other hands more than ready to give it another go); though even so Amy's playfully asked question did ring true to Daniel, who replied with a nodding up and down of his head in return. "He does, does he? Why so Baby? Why does your Daddy deserve to cry? Come on, you can tell me, I'm your new best friend" she chirped out in an overly girlish way, turning him around to face her, his the front of his head now totally engulfed within her beefy breast flesh. "I'm being nice here Lover, trust me, I can make you talk in so many other, not so nice, ways" she concluded, as her tits transformed into rippling chest muscle that threatened to pop his skull like a grape. Daniel then told Amy, with surprising amounts of emotion, that due to his small, weak, thin frame his Father never made him feel worthy or good enough (especially since he was such a large, well-built man himself), always putting him down when it came to girls, always making him feel his less than athletic body was something that no woman would ever want. A mindset that was the main reason for their outing this very night, as Daniel was due to attend his first year of college in the next few months, and his Father felt he needed a crash course in the art of picking up women (instruction that Robert apparently forgot about when he first viewed the strikingly gorgeous Amy, and left all else, his own son included, to be with her). "Oh, your Daddy's such a meanie! How could he say such things to you, make you feel so bad about your adorably cute baby boy body?" the lusting teenage Amazon girl breathed out sexily to the tiny man before her, looking down as his diminutive frame as she licked her lips hungrily. "Ooooooooh, you cant help it that you're so small.......Mmmmmmm, so tiny.........." she continued on, slowly wrapping her hugely muscled arms around Daniel's body, cuddling him into her even closer, " yummy to cuddle, to kiss, to suck.....Mmmmmmm, to Fuck" she cooed, squeezing him into her while smothering his face with her chest, her lust for such physically inferior men in complete control over her mighty muscles, as she squeezed him virtually to the breaking point! "Mmmmmm, she always did play so rough with her toys, but girls will be girls" Elizabeth spoke with a liquid cool voice and a sexy smile, watching as her pride and joy was enveloping the young man's body with her lush, hardness, while enjoying the sensations of his own Father tickling and teasing her toes with his now eager mouth. "Shame for you that I like to play rough too, and since you're so proud of how buff and built you are, I'm sure you'll be able to handle me just fine" she tauntingly laughed out, as she bent down and lifted Robert's hefty frame up off the floor, holding him dominantly high above her head, before throwing him across the room to land on Amy's soft, frilly pink bed. "Like to play the Big Man, do ya Stud? Like to put down smaller, weaker guys, like your adorably cute son, because you're bigger and stronger than them? Have you ever been with someone, a woman, who's stronger than You? Had her bend and twist and throw you around like a little ragdoll, like her tiny sexual plaything?" Elizabeth sexily spoke, as she pounced onto Robert's body like a jungle tiger, wrapping him up in her steely hard limbs. "Yesssss, Amy said you were Into strong, powerful women who could dominate you. Well Lover, I'm not into that fake dominatrix crap, but I can assure you, you'll be doing anything I want nonetheless - Anything!" she growled out with a hungry smile, as she moved her body up his own, sitting now on his face; her moist, hot pussy covering his mouth, as she proved her previous point by making him service her orally, as her bone-snapping thighs squeezed in around his skull for further incentive to please her. Meanwhile Amy was using Daniel for her own erotic pleasures as well, doing so in the same strong, controlling (yet sexy and feminine) way, as she had released her all enveloping hold over the much weaker man (lest she knock him out, or worse, prolonging her wait for continued sexual delights), moving him into only a slightly less constricting (though much more sexually satisfying) hold, the Standing 69. His weedy little body being effortlessly held upside-down off the floor by her muscularly meaty arms, positioning his incredibly erect cock near her anxiously awaiting lips, his own mouth placed next to her dripping wet pussy. Rippling female thighs one again acted as an ultimate motivator to a man's orgasmically pleasuring mouth (Daniel not needing nearly as much incentive to do so as his physically crushed Father - whose grunts of pain were now echoing around this room), as Amy gave her lover a series of pulsing pumping pops with her legendary legs, an act which instantly began their dual oral love-making; the teenage Amazon girl sucking and licking the younger boy's dick like it was the sweetest candy around, as he moved his inexperienced though very eager tongue to her most intimate of areas. The sounds of her nearby Muscle Mom crushing and beating on Robert, while using him for her own erotic pleasures, served to thrill Amy even more; not just from pride in knowing her own Mother was sexily strong enough to handle any man she wished in the bedroom, but also knowing that she, following in those very same footsteps, would be able to do so at her age, and so much more! Both Hardstone women were in top form this night, each taking near-perfect versions of their ultimate male ideals, using them to quench their seemingly never-ending erotic needs; Amy's lust for smaller, thinner, muscle-loving men making Daniel a prime choice, as did Robert's buff, strong, manly body for Elizabeth. Their previous role-playing now at an end, each of them were simply doing what they did best, on men that they physically desired most. Womanly groans of enjoyment began echoing about this large, girlishly styled room, as they continued their latest sexual sessions; conquering and manhandling their lovers for their pleasure, whose own moans could be heard about this area as well, though not nearly so loud due to their faces being swallowed up by thick, beefy hard muscle. "Oh Yeah! This feels So Fucking Good!" Elizabeth roared out like a woman possessed, as she pulled herself off of Robert's near suffocating face; moving herself now into a sexual grapevine hold, stretching out his limbs away from his body while savagely taking his thick, juicy cock inside her pussy. "Fuck Me Hard, Wimp.......and if you don't make me cum when I Demand It.......I'm gonna Snap You In Two!!" she growled out in a sexually intoxicated voice, as her muscle packed physique pistoned onto her man's like a relentless machine; something he had no control over and was powerless to stop. Though while ending this mostly pain-filled act may have been at the forefront of his mind, not far behind that were his hidden sexual desires, which craved such actions from such a beautifully powerful woman; the two sides of his brain conflicting totally, his throbbing hard dick on the one side, the rest of his battered and beaten form on the other. "Mmmmmm, my Mommy says you love girls with big, strong mmmmuscles. Ooooh yeeaaahhhh, are mine big enough for you, Baby.......are they hard enough.......are they Strong enough!" Amy moaned sensually, as she used her full lips to lick Daniel's purple headed erection, relishing the feel and taste of its meaty hard form in her mouth, loving its stark contrast to his less than built-up physique. "Oh.....oh that's it Baby.....that's the spot. Don't stop, keep going, or I'll Squooosh You Flat!" she cooed as she squeezed her thighs together ever so slightly, though that was more than enough to nearly crack open her current lover's skull. An act that in addition to causing Daniel much pain, also made him want to obey her commands all the more; such was her power packed persuasive abilities, once again Amy using her beautifully buff body to make a man do anything she wanted, especially when it came to sexual sensations, something both she and her Mother were more than getting their fill of this night. Feminine sounding Oooohs and Aaaaahs filled the room as the pair of python pressuring powerhouses dominated and controlled their men in every way imaginable. The buxom blond beauties taking what they wanted from their newest boy-toys, fulfilling their own sexual cravings and desires, uncaring about the state they were leaving their all too fragile playthings while doing so. This wasn't more clear by the sudden snapping sounds emitting from Robert's athletically fit frame, as Elizabeth's ultra harsh treatment was proving too much for him to handle, his bones paying the price to satisfy her virtually unquenchable sexual urges; which thankfully for him did reach its momentary limits, as the mature Muscle Mom screamed out with the utmost passion and delight! Her grinding form quivering rapidly above her man, her pussy painfully milking every drop of his newly exploded cock had to offer, an act that within seconds caused Robert to fall unconscious from the pain of his newly broken form, as well as from the most unreal feelings of ecstasy he had Ever experienced. Such sounds thrilled Amy to no end, as she too reached her peaks of erotic delights, something that caused her thighs to Slam shut with bone-breaking tightness; Daniel's head escaping a potentially fatal position by only a hair's breath, as he watched his massively muscular thighs ripple and expand with Power, while his dick was being sucked with such intensity from Amy's luscious lips he thought it was going to be ripped clean off his body. Though as always, the gorgeous teenage Amazon was the master of mixing pain and pleasure, proven once again as Daniel's pain-wracked cock erupted its juices into her awaiting mouth, which she gulped down each and every drop with total orgasmic pleasure. A release that combined with her crushing arms embrace of his body into hers nearly made the young male fall into total blackness; something Amy noticed just in the nick of time, as she released her grip ever so slightly in order to keep him awake for continued, and immediate, sexual use. "Mmmmmm, I'm so glad you came back to me Baby, I hope I didn't suck your big cock too much? It was just so tasty and delicious, I couldn't help myself" the glowing glistening young musclegirl cooed softly and sexily in a young girls tone, as she raised Daniel's body high above her head, doing so that his always at the ready cock was facing down to her upward facing head; her lips and tongue tickling and tasting the final droplets of sexual fluids from this extremely aroused teenager. "Good to the last drop, I always say. Hee hee" she giggled out with an erotic smile, eyeing up the recently exploded, though still incredibly stiff, erection before her; turning then to face her Mom to see a look of utter satisfaction on her own gorgeous face, a far cry from the blank expression on Robert's battered and broken form. "Awwwww, Mommy's little play-toy broke. It's OK Mommy, you can share with me" Amy chirped out in a little girl's voice, holding out Daniel's still upside-down hanging body to Elizabeth, offering her Mother a taste of her own "willing" boy-toy. "Oh my Sweet, you are such a good little girl. Sharing with your Momma like you are, just like I taught you" Elizabeth spoke out, as she rose her fully exposed, muscle pumped body off of the reinforced bed, lifting herself from her man's shattered and limp form, to make her way closer to her pride and joy Angel. "Though I've had my taste of your little man already Baby, so why don't we play with him together" she breathed sexily to Amy, grabbing hold of one of Daniel's legs by his ankle with one of her hands, Amy still holding onto the other one with one of her own, as they easily held his thin, weedy frame off the floor in a way that if they wished to they could have torn him in two. Though handling him in such a way was hardly their style, as getting brutal in the heat of passion with a man was one thing, getting lethal something completely different, and would be reserved only for the most dire of situations. No, the two towering Amazons didn't play tug-of-war with their wishbone-held lover, though that didn't mean they didn't threaten to do so; giving little playful pulls out with their arms, sending waves of agony throughout the utterly helpless boy's body. Though to make it up to him, focusing fully on Amy's key pleasure and pain principles, they both brought their ultra pleasing lips to his amazingly still full and throbbing dick, sucking and licking each side of its hard, manly shaft; using their tongues to bounce and flick his cock back and forth between their hot mouths, each one taking their turn swallowing its tasty thickness, loving its feel inside their mouths as they expertly pleasured him orally. Though it wasn't long before they found something else to sink their lips into, something they adored and desired even more than Daniel's stiff erection, their own delicious tasting lips; something they at first gravitated towards after alternatingly pleasing his hard shaft, each one licking its full reddening form, tracing their lips up to its tip, where their mouths then met as they kissed one another with the utmost passion and lust. Pops and Smacks were heard from the helplessly held boy from below, as were the moans of ecstasy that seemed to flow from their sexily interlocking lips. His upside-down held form surrounded by four of the thickest, hardest, most muscular female legs he could ever imagine, as his mind a whirled with fear and lust, not knowing when or if they would surround him, crushing him to oblivion; something that seemed more and more a possibility as each groan of delight from above seemed to come with a matching flare or expanse of unreal female thigh meat. His heart raced as he saw and felt their bodies getting closer, their legs slowly engulfing his hanging body, as he watched in horror the dribblings of their sexual juices flowing down their powerfully built thighs, knowing full well that with their orgasmic pleasures meant full-on muscle flexing, and that for him meant a world of pain! Amy and Elizabeth, now fully forgetting about Daniel's cock, or his body as a whole for that matter, concentrated solely on one another's sexual pleasure; their lips meeting with a series of kisses, as their bodies began to grind and gyrate into each others, rubbing their sexual areas into one another, or in this case the entrapped form of Daniel; whose back and chest were providing satisfactory levels of friction for their grinding forms, much to his display and growing levels of agonizing pain. Still, as hurting as he was now, his dick seemed to Love his current situation, so much so it grew to even new lengths, now getting in the way of the pair of passionate lips nearby. Frustrated at this fact, the sex crazed Amazons began to pull out on him even more, sending body splitting pain down his hapless form, which amazingly caused his dick to throb even more, even though he was screaming in agony all the same. Realizing, almost subconsciously (as their conscious thoughts were focusing only one one another's pleasure), that hurting Daniel only seemed to increase his arousal, Amy and her Muscle Mom simply lowered his still held frame a bit, removing his cock from between their lip popping mouths, and into the tight crevasse of their joined together breasts; breasts that were now almost fully solid pec muscles, which like all of their other muscles were bouncing, flexing and expanding to unreal size and hardness all on their own. Daniel screamed with all of his remaining might as the pair of passionately power-packed beauties continued to squeeze in on him from all sides, doing so as if he wasn't even there, as if he was simply beneath their notice; an all too true fact, though not due to their desire to hurt or break him, moreso from their own raising levels of lust, which they needed to quench, no matter the cost. "Mmmmmm, you are so fucking Hot, Mom......Mmmmmmm, you could be my Sexy Muscle Girl any day" Amy cooed out softly in between kissing, licking and sucking on her Mother's full, thick lips. "Ooooooh yessss, my Darling,.......Yessssss, give me more, my Powerful Amazon Woman" Elizabeth breathed back in return, as she pulled her daughter further into her, an act which didn't garner the expected screams from their enveloped male (due to his current level of unconsciousness) though did manage to cause his body to pop and crackle some, which turned both of these Hot and Horny women on even more. Their forms now melding into one single mass of sexually quivering, erotically pumping, orgasmically groaning female muscle, their bodies moving as one all on their own, doing so with only one single thought or goal - to pleasure the other to the best of their abilities, knowing that their lover would be doing the same back to them. A feat that continued on for the next several minutes, resulting in an Explosion of Sex that caused them both to scream out wildly and animalisitically, as their juices shot forth from their aching hot pussys as if from a cannon; drenching Daniel's nearby head in all sides with its sticky, white fluids, as they crunched and crackled his body even further. In the end, this night was a complete and total success for the two titanic Hardstone women, in every conceivable way, much to the dismay of their latest male partners, who would need some time healing up the injuries sustained by their all too rough love-making; though who amazingly would be craving for more of such in the future, all the same. Yes, Amy and Elizabeth couldn't have asked for a better night out together, as they lowered their lips to the pool of sweet hot cum left by Daniel's pec-engulfed cock (which had shot its load due to the uncontrollably flexing chest muscles that surrounded it), lost in the lust of licking its deliciousness off one another's firm, full breasts.......that was until an unexpected interruption entered this formerly private room, in the form of Amy's little sister, Cindy. "Do you guys mind, you're rocking the whole house, and some of us have to study!" the young 17 year old beauty spoke out in a frustrated tone, a near spitting image to Amy herself, though with no where near the level of massive muscularity. A stunningly gorgeous young woman, with long flowing blond hair and a long, lean frame, Cindy was a stark contrast physically to her Mother and older sister; though while still possessing a very fit and athletically shaped physique, she never opted for the ultra muscular look that seemed to rule the other women in her household. Moreover, she seemed to be more academically minded than Amy as well, seemingly spending as much time in her studying as Amy did in her crushing. Something proven this very night, as Cindy then turned back around and made her way back into her nearby bedroom. "Jealous much?" Amy spoke out in a taunting manner befit of an older sister. "Sheesh, just because she's the runt of the litter, she has to take her frustration out on us?" "Never you mind about your sister, she's a beautiful young girl, just like you are, and just because she can't use her body against the Weaker Sex like we can, my Love, doesn't mean she's any less special" Elizabeth replied in a lovingly motherly tone, something Cindy heard all too clearly as she left her nearby bedroom; books in hand, she thought it best to continue her night's study in a more quiet location. So down the stairs and out the front door she went, strolling on towards her local library. A journey that would not be without its excitement on its own............ "You sure that's the house?" spoke out a powerfully built college boy from within the safety of their frat house's extra large party van, concealed this day for a very important task. "Yeah, that's where Billy said she took him. That fucking bitch, broke him to fucking pieces, and without our star QB we lost the State Fucking Finals!!" another such male replied with obvious anger in his voice. "So what are we gonna do, go in there and mess them up?" added a third equally athletic young man. "Hell No, you see how Big that girl is, I hear her Mom's just as muscular" nervously spoke out a fourth and final member of this night's task squad. "No, we'll get our payback, but not from them.......but from her" he concluded, stealthily pointing to the nearly emerged form of Cindy, who recently exited her house and began walking down her dimly lit street. With that, the grouping of college aged football players, enraged at Amy's all too violent sexual treatment of their leader several weeks ago (and the loss of their Big Game because of it), drove their van up along side the seemingly unaware young girl. In a flash two of them jumped out the side door of this suddenly stopping vehicle, grabbing the helpless young girl and tossing her inside with plans to do whatever they wished in revenge for their teammate that her sister so casually demolished. A cruel and devious act that would have worked on most any other girl, though while Cindy was not the muscle bulging Amazon her sister was (something these men noticed all too well, hence their cowardly decision to make her the object of their vengeance), she was hardly unable to take care of herself, something she proved to this delinquent male gathering all to swiftly here and now. Within seconds of the van's side door being slamming shut, the massive vehicle began to rock savagely back and forth, its insides filling with the screams of men, clearly from panic, pain and fear, all combined almost enough to drown out a series of youthfully feminine martial arts cries; an activity that Cindy studied intensively to the point of utter mastery over the past several years, much to the surprise of this foolish grouping of men, who she savagely beat to pulp all too easily here and now. So much so that when she finally emerged from the long, sliding door of this massive van, not a hair was misplaced or a tear shown on her slightly more filled out outfit or a scratch on her utterly flawless body; something which couldn't be said for the vehicle itself, as Cindy then spend the next minute punching and kicking it to pieces; leaving it in such a state when she was done that one would have thought it had been in a multi-car accident over being brutalized by a gorgeous teenage girl. And so Cindy continued about her business, strolling along with books still in hand, leaving the justifiable carnage she had caused in her wake. Thoughts of her latest display of female physical superiority firmly in her head, smiling a wide wicked grin as she made her way on to her intended destination; ready, willing and able to handle whatever else may happen to come on her way there, and beyond. THE END