AN UNEXPECTED STRONG AMAZON by DTM A Beautiful, Athletic Woman Shows Off More Than Her Share Of Strength To Some Unlucky Men.....And One Very Lucky Man Hi all. Just wanted to thank those of you who have shown so much interest in having me write some personalized FBB/Amazon stories for you (for a very reasonable fee :) ). Im currently working on another one as we speak (with at least 3 others on the way afterwards), though after that my calendar is Open,, so feel free to send me any of your requests, and well certainly work something out between us both. :) So thanks again for all of your interest, everyone. So far the reaction of my "customers" has been Superb, something I insist on as I wouldnt say Done until they were completely happy. (LOTS of return business, so you KNOW they must be Happy) So, if anyone else is interested in having me take a crack at your own personal FBB story, feel free to drop me a line at: and well definitely see what we can do. NEW OFFER: For all of you who may be fans of my FBB/Amazon stories, especially the recent Amy's Conquest series, Id like to let you all know that everyones favorite Amazon Schoolgirl is now Fully Illustrated, for your additional reading pleasure. Thus far Amy's Conquest Part 2 is up and ready to go, though in time all of the Amy Series (possibly even several other of my DTV stories as well) will be up and ready for your downloading pleasure. So get off your butts and visit TODAY, and for a small and reasonable fee, you too can enjoy the Amazonian adventures of teenage musclegirls Amy and Jessica, their favorite playtoy Robert Scott, and soon to be images of Amys Sexy Amazon Mom as well. So dont delay, get on down there and pick up your downloadable PDF, Beautifully Illustrated copy of Amy's Conquest 2, NOW! ********** Allison Taylor returned home to her high-rise apartment complex rather late on a Friday night, which was not uncommon for this strikingly beautiful 32 year old in the least. A true professional (sexily dressed as such, in a body hugging business-suit, complete with low cut neckline and mid-thigh mini-skirt) Allison was always one to make sure what needed to be done at work was done by the end of the week, something that frequently made for some very late Friday nights. Her drive and dedication to her job (and other things as well) were just some of the prime examples of how she had risen to the top of her field; something which helped contribute to her high class lifestyle, with matching interests as well. The clicking of her high heels echoed across her buildings lobby as she made her way to its main elevator area. A friendly wave and a smile to the two security guards she had passed along her way, giving an extra long look to one of them in particular, who she has had herself a bit of a crush on for some time now. Though while being a dominant and aggressive professional in the boardroom, Allison was quite a bit more shy and reserved in the real world (most times, anyway); and while she had wanted to make her way over to him and strike up a conversation, she simply stuck to her wave and smile and continued on to the twin elevators located at the far end of this hallway. Seconds later she reached her intended destination, pressed its UP button and with a DING the doors opened up and she made her way inside; looking forward to getting on home after a very hectic week of work, as well as getting ready to join her friends out and about a little later on at a favorite local hang-out. A sexily slender finger then reached out to press the button for her floor, though just before the doors fully closed shut, a man she had never seen before (even before stepping into the elevator) hurriedly ran and made his way inside to join her. He was a large, powerfully built man, and not exactly dressed to fit the usual clientèle or overall patrons of this high priced apartment building, things that instantly sent warming signals to Allisons very astute mind; as a beautiful woman such as she, coming home late at night, in such an enclosed area with a suspiciously strange male, can never be too careful. Though unlike most women, Allison wasnt afraid in the least, as she had herself a little secret, one that she felt would be coming into play this night, if not any second now. "What floor please?" Allison helpfully chirped out, as she offered to press the appropriate button for her new elevator guest. "Here, allow me" he replied in a low tone, while eyeing up her tight and shapely body, as he reached over himself to press one of this cabins nearby buttons. True to her initial intuition, the much larger man turned to look straight into her eyes, and with a devious grin over his stubbly face, pressed the STOP button, before fully facing Allisons much smaller form (roughly 5' 6" to his 6' 3" built). With his tongue now sticking out lecherously from his mouth, he was planning to make his move, to Take his share of sexual enjoyment from this strikingly gorgeous woman, with her not having a say at all........or so he thought. "You so dont want to do this, trust me" Allison calmly spoke out, surprisingly so to her now obvious sexual attacker, who had done this on more than one occasion and never before had he seen such a woman handle it as cool and in-control as she seemed to. Nonetheless, she was a much smaller woman, and as Hot as she was (even in her business-suit, which granted looked more like something Heather Locklear would have worn on Melrose Place than a ordinary professionals outfit), he wasnt about to let her slightly unusual behavior towards his clearly advancing threat deter him from taking what he wanted. "This is your last warning Stud, keep away from me, or youre definitely going to regret it!" Allison spoke out in a more authoritative tone, still showing no signs of worry across her stunning young face, knowing full well that words alone were not going to deter this man from his business this night, that action was definitely going to be needed - something she was easily more than capable of dishing out herself. "Oh, I wanna do it.....Ive been wanting to do it every since 5th Street, when I started following you, Bitch!" the bigger man made out intimidatingly, as he made his way even closer to Allisons amazingly shaped female form; his hands and arms out to grab her shoulders and hold her still, his smile leaving little doubt that he was as emotionally excited as he was sexually aroused.......that was until..... KA-BOOM, went an echoing sound all about this small elevator, as this mans muscularly bulky body went flying back against the metallic walls behind him; a single one of Allisons incredibly powerful (and speedy) arms pushing him backwards, with about as much effort on her face as if she was closing a car door. "You see, now I gave you a chance, a chance to back away, a chance you probably never gave any of the other women a Punk like you must have forced himself on, isnt that right?" the stunningly business dressed beauty softly (though angrily) made out, as she slowly started to unbutton her suits jacket. Taking it around and off of her tight upper body, revealing a white blouse covered torso, which made her back, shoulders, chest and arms look a good deal more fit and hard than this man would have originally thought. Still not musclebound or Amazonian in the least, as she couldnt have been more than 120 pounds, if that, though her physical strength was obviously well beyond what anyone would ever expect from a woman of her size - a fact Allison knew full well, and while not one to actively look for ways of showing off her vastly powerful physical form, once one presented itself to her (as it did here and now), she simply couldnt help but display her truly incredible strength to its fullest. "What the......look Bitch, I dont know what kung fu move you just used on me, but now that Im ready for it, it so aint gonna happen again, Get Me!" Allisons attacker angrily made out, as he again approached her quite calm frame, crossing the elevators floor to reach his intended target and show her the error of her resisting ways, making her pay for her previous defiance......again, or so he thought. KA-BOOM, echoed out again across this relatively tight space, as his large 250 pound frame was shoved back again, this time using Allisons other arm, showing off (without even revealing any actual skin whatsoever) a truly unreal level of strength and power from this much smaller, much lighter, though incredibly stronger woman. "Now youre just being rude, didnt you see I wasnt done talking.......or showing?" Allison teased out, as she slowly began to unbutton her already cleavage displaying blouse, before removing it fully and showing off her upper frame in virtually all of its firm, tight, steel hard muscles. Wearing now just a black satin bar, her upper body glowed with a sense of Amazonian power and strength that her would-be attacker never knew before. Her shoulders, while hardly massive, were muscular wide, capped with perfectly sculpted balls of hardness, which more than emphasized the unreal V-shape for her torso (something that was also help by her broader than expected back, as well). Her stomach was amazingly tight and hard looking, showing off more than a few hints of abdominal muscles all about, looking strong enough to take shots from even this mans powerful fists (while actually being so much stronger in reality). Her breasts were very firm and rounded, being able to support themselves without the aid of the bra she wore, and showed off even a few little areas of muscular ripplings at the top of her sensually stacked cleavage. But it was her arms that made her one time sexual assaulter take real notice of (as in todays world, women with hard defined stomaches and fit V-shapes were hardly Rare), as they appeared to be sculpted from marble itself. Each of them with the perfect amount of sexy, female muscular curves, each with its share of definition and separation, each looking as powerful as they were sexual; something this man would more than find out any second now. Allison enjoyed giving her muscularly tight and toned body the big reveal, though that was normally to men she had willingly brought home with her, for a bit of sexually teasing fun, in a much more fun environment. Though thats not to say that when the time called for her, she couldnt do so in other situations, with a near equal amount of enjoyment.......well, for her anyway. This beautiful Amazon woman then spent the next several seconds giving her uninvited intruder a brief, though well learned, muscle show; complete with hardening abs, widening back and shoulders, tight firm chest, and pulsatingly powerful arms that left little wonder as to why she was able to toss him around so easily - or did they? True this one time victim had now revealed herself to be harder, fitter and stronger than this man had originally taken her for, but she was still several inches shorter than he was, and roughly half of his weight; hardly a hulkingly tall Amazon that he should have concerns about. Her tosses around of him were surely done with martial arts tricks, he told himself a second time, something he was now (again) ready for, something in this elevators enclosed quarters would be hindered greatly. Yes, he would swarm over her, envelope her in his cage of stronger and larger male muscles, crush the resistance out of her, and then Take Her as originally planned - or so he thought. True to his menatl planning, with a growling yell he charged Allisons much smaller form, wrapping his arms around her and lifting her off the floor easily within a savage Bearhug. What wasnt so easy was his ability to dent her bodys now very apparent steel hardness, or to have her scream out in pain, or show even a hint of discomfort at his potentially devastatingly powerful hold. No, she simply looked down into his eyes (he now holding her several inches above him), and as shocking as it was for him, she smiled. "Thanks for that, Ive had a crick in my back that Ive been trying to get out for days now" Allison spoke out in a teasing manner, thanking her assaulter while he was trying with all of his might to cause her unreal pain. "Now to be fair, the least I can do is do the same for you" she laughed out, as her arms burst free of this mans hold with ease, dropping her several inches back to the hard metal floor below, which was followed by a quick wrapping around of his body with her own rock solid, amazingly shaped, incredibly strong arms. "AHHHHHHH!!!" the larger male screamed out in pain at the unreal constriction of his torso at the hands of this diminutive little powerhouse. Even though her arms werent long enough to reach around his entire frame, so strong were they that they didnt need to in order to give him a much deserved Crushing, grind his bones to dust if she wished to, and all with relatively little effort at all. "Awwwww, is the Big Tough Man in pain from the weak, little girl?" Allison taunted him further, enjoying his pain, as she thought about how many other women he had undoubtedly done this to; though this time, unluckily for him, he picked the wrong victim this night. "I bet you thought youd just beat me into submission, use and abuse my body and mind, take what you wanted from me and leave me like a heap of trash on the ground when you were done, didnt you? I said Didnt You!" she yelled out, squeezing her arms together even tighter, which made this man yell out with a savage, pain-wracked scream. Her biceps seemed even harder than before, even stronger than when she was tossing him around with ease just minutes earlier, as she continued to display a strength easily greater than what anyone would suspect from a woman of her stature, let alone any man as well. RING, RING!, the elevators phone chimed out all about them, a blinking red light flashed above its Emergency label. In an instant, Allison carried both her and this man towards the constantly ringing sound, removed her devastatingly crushing arms from around this mans chest, and now with just a single arm held him tight and immobile against the nearby metal wall. The palm of her right hand against the center of his ribcage, pressing him super tight against the steel hard wall behind him, his feet several inches off the floor, while her left hand casually reached out for the phone next to her. A stark contrast between the power of her right, and the gentility of her left, and doing so with such ease, such was just a taste of the overall strength of this 5' 6" Amazonian beauty. "Hello? Oh, hi Bobby. Yes, everythings OK here......well, nothing I cant handle anyway. The elevators stopped for a bit, but Im sure itll be up and running soon. Glad you called anyway, as Ill have something for you when I get back down. What is it, well thatll ruin the surprise, now wont it?" she giggled out playfully to her apartment complexes night security guard, Bobby Tanner. A very cute guy of around her age, that shed actually had a bit of a crush on, not to mention she noticing him noticing her as she came and went about this building. Something her usually shy and reserved demeanor caused her to just give a casual wave or smile and just walk on by, though in her current mindset (one that seemed to take over whenever she was using her bodys truly amazing strength and power) she was more than up for pushing her usual boundaries and being a bit more bold and up front with him. Another thing Allison was up for pushing was her would-be rapists body, harder and firmer against the metal wall behind him, doing so with such power that his ribs were on the verge of breaking; all of which caused him a world of pain, something that was more than evident in his moans and groans of agony, clearly heard echoing about this elevators cabin. "Hmmm, whats that noise? Oh, its nothing.....well again, nothing I cant handle anyway....." the incredibly powerful woman chirped out with a smile, as she turned this mans body now sideways, his form now several feet off the floor, while pushing down on a specific area of his chest, one which caused his breath (and with it, his moans of pain) to cease, allowing her a much quieter area with which to talk to her Knight In Shining Armor, Bobby. "Its really nice of you to check up on me like this, youre such an amazing security guard, you know that?. Say, when do you get off tonight? 11pm, excellent. A few friends and I are hitting a few local night-spots, maybe youd like to join us when you get off? Excellent, Ill text you later with where well be around that time. Thanks Bobby, see you later" Allison spoke out, as she hung up this cabins emergency phone, and gave a harsh look from her gorgeously shaped face towards this utterly overpowered man before her. "Youre SO lucky you didnt ruin that for me!" she growled out, pushing in on his chest even more, showing him without a doubt how easy it would be for her to literally end his life, something he probably deserved for his past sexual crimes, though something that Allison even in her current Amazonian state of mind could never do. "If I had the time, and didnt have to get ready for a much deserved night out, Id bring you back to my place, get into something a bit more comfortable, and Really Show You just what this body of mine could do to a man!" she roared out, as she released her unbreakable hold over him, causing his horizontally held body to fall sideways down to the cold steel floor; her high heeled legs standing just inches away from him, which caused him to huddle himself in the corner of this elevator, more than noticing (something he failed to earlier) the amazing shape, and firm muscular hardness that they contained. "Thats right Creep, you better be afraid of these legs of mine, as if you thought my arms were strong....." Allison threatened out, as she flexed her now nearly totally exposed upper body, showing off a smooth, sleek, tanned and toned physique that was Much stronger than it looked, and it looked Strong. "......theyre nothing compared to my legs" she continued to speak out intimidatingly, as she raised her already mid-thigh mini-skirt several inches, and began to flex and release her legs incredibly hardness and shape, displaying a truly amazing level of firmness, while still maintaining an utterly amazing feminine shape. "Maybe I should cancel my plans tonight? Maybe I should make good on my earlier threat, Take You up to my apartment, and show you the error of your ways! Teach you what it feels like to be sexually taken, hard and rough, by someone so much stronger than you!" Allison continued out, knowing full well that she wouldnt come near this man sexually with a ten foot pole, but she wanted to continue her intimidating talk and make his levels of fear surge and flow all about his body. Something she was clearly doing in spades, as he cried out a panicked NO, shaking his head side to side, as he tried to push himself even deeper into the hard wall behind him. "No? Well then, if you dont want a little hands on instruction with me, youre going to do exactly as I tell you, Or Else!" the powerful Amazon growled out as she bend down, grabbed him by his shirt with both hands, and literally pulled him up to his feet, and beyond. She then began whispering to him of what she wanted him to do, his only thoughts were of doing exactly that for fear of any reprisal from her, his only visions of her rock hard biceps, which though "only" the size of a tennis ball, contained strength and power (as did her entire body) equal to roughly ten normal men. Minutes later her elevator returned back down to her buildings lobby, which was followed by a man bursting out of its doors as if the Devil himself was behind him; as he ran up to the pairing of security guards nearby, screaming his confession to them loud and clear, begging them to call the police to take him away. Allison watched secretly from the still open elevators cabin, a sly smile forming across her beautiful face, a brief glimpse of longed after security guard Bobby from her view as its doors slowly closed, and she made her way back up to her originally intended destination. ********** Roughly an hour later, Allisons previously worn business attire (as sexy as it was) was traded in for a more fun, casual (yet equally hot) outfit. A tight pair of blue jeans that hugged her lower body and all of its unreal shape to a T, ending with a sexy pair of high heeled ankle-length boots. Her upper body being adorned by a frilly black blouse, which showed off the perfect amount of cleavage, and all of her incredibly shaped, muscularly curved arms. Her long brown hair worn beautifully in a casually soft ponytail, her truly gorgeous face glowing through with sense of real, natural beauty. All of which together, at this time of the night, after such clubs patrons have had more than their share of drinks in them, is a literal beacon to those who wish to try their luck with this strikingly stunning woman. To those men Allison didnt have much interest in, she would always start off with a polite refusal, something which most every such guy got the hint and left her be. Though to those that kept on pushing her, trying to play all macho and tough, pushing and prodding with cheesy come-on lines, even to the point of physically touching her against her wishes, well in those instances she was easily more than capable of handling herself - and handling them as well. Something with her unrivaled beauty and perfectly shaped body, such instances, of both types, happened all too frequently it seemed......and this night was no exception. "Hey Baby, can I get you a drink? Maybe back at my place?" lecherously spouted out a powerfully built man, who was the fifth one to approach her at his table alone this night. Allison wished to no end that she didnt cancel her previously made plans with her girlfriends (in an attempt to make a more comfortable setting for Bobby when he arrived), thinking that they could take some of the "No Thanks" burden off from her. But alas, she was alone this night, and the responsibility of dismissing all of her male suitors, especially before the arrival of her one and only invited man, fell solely on her. "Sorry, but Im waiting for someone actually" she replied politely. "Thats right, and hes just arrived, Sweet Thing" the clearly clueless man continued out, as he pulled up a chair from Allisons table, and took a seat next to her, completely uninvited and definitely unwanted. "Look, Im meeting someone whos due here any minute now, and as you can see, I already have a drink" the annoyed Amazon spoke out in a slightly more irritated tone, as she gave a false smile and raised her glass to this man. "So if you dont want any trouble, I suggest....." "Oh, but I like trouble......" he rudely interrupted, ".....especially when its from a smoking Hot woman, like yourself" this man continued on with a smile, as he grabbed onto a single one of her hands with both of his, completely engulfing in within his grasp. "Trust me Missy, Im being nice here, and I can just as easily be Not Nice, which wouldnt be nearly so much fun for you!" he more seriously (and threateningly) added, giving her entrapped hand a tight squeeze; one which on a normal woman would have caused quite a bit of pain (not to mention fear) to course through her. Though as this man was just about to discover, Allison was hardly what anyone would call a normal woman, physically at least. "Now what do you say you let me make you a drink back at my place, and well see what other fun things we can think of to do next!" he concluded with a smile. "First off......" Allison made out with piercing eyes and a harsh tone, something which was further emphasized by her single hand now placing a powerfully crushing grip on this stupidly ignorant brute of a man, ".....Im meeting someone here" CRUSH! "Secondly, Ive already told you, I have a drink!" CRUSH!! "Lastly, if you were the last man alive, and I was the last woman, I would let the human race die over Ever doing Anything with you!" CRUSH!!! Allisons Amazonian personality, not to mention Power, showing through quite well now, as she continued to use just one of her hands to crush in on this mans two. Squeezing them both with truly unreal strength, causing more than a few jolts of pain to flow all about his fingers, hands and down his arms. Something which was more than evident to he himself, which showed through on his clearly pain-wracked face; though while he wanted to scream bloody murder at the near mangling of his fingers, doing so in such an open and public place, making it appear that this much smaller woman was overpowering him physically, well that just wasnt going to happen. "Let fucking Bitch....." he made out through gritted teeth, trying his best to remove his own hands from her grasp, causing his rather sizable arm muscles to bulge and harden, yet failing miserably with each and every attempt. "Whats the matter, why arent you screaming Little Boy? Cat got your tongue......or is that, Amazon got your hands?" Allison giggled out, as she continued to crush in on her victims fingers with her left hand, while her right casually raised a glass to her luscious lips, allowing her to take a few swallows of its tasty alcoholic drink within. "Ah yes, Im sure your screams of pain being heard by everyone around us would make this situation known to them all, and you looking a bit odd (not to mention wimpy) crying in agony due to a "loving" embrace of a 120 pound woman. But of course, I could always make you scream, I could make you do anything I wanted, do you know that?" she threateningly asked out. "Yes! hands......" "Oh, stop being such a baby" Allison teased out with a playful smile, "And to think, you actually wanted to take me back to your place for a little Fun. What were you planning on doing with me, crying all over the place like a hurt little boy? Do you realize what I could do to a man like you during sex? HA, trust me Stud, me turning you down before was a blessing, too bad you were too stupid to realize that" she continued out with her intimidatingly taunting words, keeping her grip tight, the pain flowing, while making sure to keep the actual bone snapping (something she was easily capable of doing) to a minimum. "Hmmmm, it seems now that Ive finished my own, maybe I will let you buy me that drink after all" Allison concluded with a smile, as she politely called over a nearby waitress. "Hi, Id like another Sex On The Beach please?" Allison casually made out with a smile, as the waitress turned to her entrapped man, which she followed up with, "Oh, nothing for him, hes driving you know?" The bulky tough male held helplessly in her grasp tried his best to hide the pain that was coursing through his hands, nodding his head in agreement at Allisons words, not wanting to draw any unwanted attention over to their table. "Thatll be $6.50" the attractive, young waitress followed up to this couple, who to her seemed to be on a date, with little unusual about their situation at all.......just yet anyway. "Well, dont be a cheap date here, pay the girl" Allison chirped out with a smile, as she turned her head to her quickly sobering up suitor, forcing him to immediately move his hands towards his wallet to obey this Amazon womans commands. Though of course, this instinctive motioning was stopped immediately due to her virtually unbreakable hold, so powerful was this attractively fit womans grasp, that she held him tight and firm while just making it look like they were lovers holding hands. "Well, what are you waiting for, she does have other customers to look after, you know?" she teased out again, forcing the man sitting beside her to now give even stronger pullings of his hands, now showing more visible signs of physical strain and effort, though still not being able to move either of them an inch. "Say, why dont I just put that on a tab and collect it all on your way out?" the partially confused waitress made out. "Thanks for that......oh, and anything Ive been drinking tonight as well...." Allison followed up, as she used her free hand to gesture to the several empty glasses around her, ".....feel free to put those on My Guys tab too. You dont mind picking those up for me, do you Stud?" she casually spoke to the man before her, giving a powerfully painful squeeze in on his hands with just the one of hers, causing him to give out an agreeing yelp as she did so. With that, the nightclubs server gave a puzzling smile, and made her way on to yet other thirsty customers. "Thanks for the drinks Buddy, a girl like me always appreciates the actions of a gentlemen" Allsion sarcastically taunted. "Fuck You!" he spoke back through gritted teeth, which was followed by another agonizingly painful jolt throughout his hands, and another partially concealed scream from him as well. "Men, you just seem to prefer learning the Hard Way, dont you!" the gorgeous supergirl near laughed out, as she gave him a few more alternatingly hard crushes, of which he had no choice at all but to stay there helplessly and take them all. "Now why dont you be a good boy and run along now......" she continued on, causing this much larger man to burst from his chair and make his way away from this deceptively powerful woman - or so he would have liked, as she still held his hands tight and hard within just one of her arms grasps. "Sit Down!" she scolded out, giving her hardest squeezes yet, something which immediately caused him to follow her commands to the letter. "As I was saying, run along now, AFTER you give me your keys. I dont like the look about you, and I dont trust you driving home yourself" "What??? Im not giving you my, Aaarrggghhhhh!!" the large man instinctively made out. "You misunderstand me, Im not asking you, Im telling you. Give Me Your Keys!......or Ill make it so you Cant drive home at all, and for weeks to come at that" Allison spoke out in a threatening tone, this man knowing full well that with the power that her grip possessed (something which was only now emphasized by her exposed arms hardening shape and amazingly tight musculature) she could break both of his hands, apparently with little effort as well. "And to be a good sport, Ill ever give you a chance to get them back after you do" What possible choice did this man have, none as far as he was concerned. So with a quick easing of her extremely powerful grip, Allison allowed a single one of his hands to be let free, which was used (shakingly, at that) to go deep into his pocket and pull out his chain of keys. He then handed it to Allison, who took in in her free hand, and finally, after several minutes of her easily controlling grip on his hands, released this rude and crude man in full. "Well, what are you waiting for, keep moving, Ill give these to the bartender, who will make sure you get them tomorrow morning when youre a bit more sober......and possibly a bit less of a Jerk" "Hey, you said there was a chance I could get them back!" he yelled back, though quickly pulled his tongue in, his brain sluggishly telling him that messing with a woman such as this was a Very Bad Idea. "Hmmmmmm, so I did. OK then, here you go, just take them and theyre yours" the powerful Amazon spoke out with a gorgeous smile across her beautiful face, as she extended a single steel hard, rock solid arm out to him; his keys clearly in view and more than enough showing out that against a normal woman he would easily grab them from her and claim his desired prize. Again, unfortunately for him, Allison Taylor was hardly your normal woman. Though that didnt stop him from trying anyway, and with as much speed and strength as he could muster, the powerfully built man grabbed onto his keys tight, raising from his seat hoping the extra momentum would aid in his task; though in the end it did nothing more than cause his chair to fly backwards, and gather the attention of several of those around him (exactly what he did Not want). He swiftly grabbed onto his keys with his other hand, as before using two of his burly, brawny arms against just a single one of hers, yet also as before all of his bodys strength seemed little notice to such incredibly powerful woman. "Whats the matter, Tough Guy, I thought you wanted your keys?" Allison chirped out with a grin on her amazingly attractive face, her body not moving an inch, even against this larger mans jerkily pulling movements. For nearly a minute this lopsided tug-of-war continued on, the man clearly getting weaker (and more embarrassed) at this time went on, while the young supergirl looked like she could do this all night long. "Well, if youre not going to even try, then Ill just have to take these back and do what I was originally intending" she concluded out in a taunting manner, as with a single flick of her arm she dislodged this man from his end of the keys, sending him flying backwards several feet, Slamming into one of this locales hard wooden walls. He could only look back in shock at this extremely beautiful woman, who stared him down with vicious eyes as she rose from her chair to meet him. His once proud and in control form now quivering in terror at the sight of this powerful Amazon making his way towards him. Once she did, most of the previously watching crowd going back to their business, she squatted down next to him, holding his car keys in her hands, and spoke out, "The next time a woman says No, even if she doesnt look like someone who could kick the crap out of you, Id just listen to her and walk away........." she gave out in a few final words, "......or you might end up like This the next time!" Allison concluded, as she held his vehicles key tightly in both of her hands, and with a few minor grunts of effort, her eyes fixed on his the entire time, she managed to bend the hard, metal key in half over on itself. With that, knowing full well that it was of no further use and no harm in returning it back to him, she dropped it to the floor by his still sitting against the wall form, rose her perfectly sculpted body up from where he lay, and sexily made her way back to her originally used table. In perfect timing as well, as just a few minutes after she returned, met by her waitress (who gave her a very approving wink and smile) and her previously ordered drink, her intended date for the night made his way in and welcomingly joined his date at her table. "Wow, you look Amazing, Allison" Bobby spoke out very complimentarily, speaking much more from his heart and soul, than his loins and from lust as her previous male encounter was. "Im sorry Im a bit late, you wouldnt believe the ruckus we had with some guy in an elevator just begging us to call the police on him. I hope you havent been waiting too long?" he continued on, completely oblivious to what had just transpired with her mere moments before he arrived. "Oh no, not at all. Its been pretty boring without you of course, but Ive managed to keep myself busy" Allison replied with a beautiful smile, as their waitress returned to take Bobbys order. The two of them then spent the next hour talking and laughing amongst themselves, each one more than noticing the other here and there at Allisons apartment building (her residence, and his place of work), each one truly enjoying their first (of hopefully many) nights out with one another, as they chatted, joked and just had an overall great time with each other. So much so the drinks just kept on coming, much moreso for Allison, who had several before Bobbys arrival, which was more than showing on her already sociable personality, making it much more bubbly than before. Of course, this made it that much harder for her to control her truly awesome strength, which her slightly tipsy attitude more than displayed. Whether it was a game of footsy that turned into her giving slight lifts to Bobbys entire chair with just a single one of her legs, or loving hand-hold that (as before) she just didnt want to let go, or even a playful little arm-wrestling match, which Allison won with the utmost of ease.......something Bobby more than noticed, and something that was turning him on to no end as well. Sure he was well ware of how fit, tight and toned Allison was in her comings and goings in his position as one of her buildings security guards, from her professional business outfits to the casual street-wear she would don during her non-working days; the amount of hard, firm, sexy curves in her body was clear as day, even when she wasnt doing much of anything to specifically show them off. Though be that as it may, and while he had always figured her as very strong for a girl her size, he was completely dumbfounded with just How Strong she truly was - something he was more than realizing this night, during her teasing little displays, brought on by a nice amount of alcoholic drinks (done completely of her own doing, with not a hint of Bobby trying to get her drunk in the least - something Allison more than noticed, as she did of him not taking any advantage of her in the least during her "weakened" state, something that just made her like him even more) So at about 1am Bobby offered to walk Allison home, as her building (which he himself had a small room on the bottom levels of) wasnt too far away. Though before either of them got too far away from their former locales busy street corner, a taxi cab came speeding up and nearly clipped Bobby, who like the protective gentlemen that he was took the side around Allison that was closest to the street, for her protection. The cab driver seemed not to care in the least about his close call, and stopped several feet away to pick up another fare as if nothing had ever happened. "Hey, you Jerk!" Bobby yelled out to the incredibly inconsiderate cab driver, who simply gave him a "what are you gonna do about it look", followed by a flip of his middle finger. A reaction that infuriated Bobby to no end, and were he alone he probably would have taken this issue up with him a bit further; though he wasnt alone, and he didnt want to make himself seem like a ill-tempered, violently macho brute to his evenings date, and was more than content to continue leading Allison on to her way home - she on the other hand, had other plans. Allison angrily stepped right on up to the taxi's main drivers-side door, and with a stern look barked out, "Hey Creep, you nearly ran over my date!" she blurted out, making a bit of a scene and scaring away the cabs formerly set passengers. "What the Fuck! Hey Bitch, you just scared away my fare!!" the rude and obnoxious cab driver yelled back at her, par for the course for this nighttime cabbie, hardly so for the 32 year old professional businesswoman. Though in the state she was in, furious at this man for almost hurting someone she cared about, and more than a bit buzzed from the several alcoholic beverages she had this night (not to mention the thrill of using her unbelievable strength and Amazonian power previously as well), she was more than ready to show this man the true error of his ways. "Hey Asshole, what the Hell did you call her!!" Bobby now losing his temper even more at hearing this man insult his nights date (not to mention someone he had been longing for for some time now). "Shhhhh, its OK Babe, relax, Ill handle it from here" Allison softly cooed out to Bobby with a wink, as she effortlessly stopped his forward advances with just a single one of her arms. "Now, are you going to apologize to him, or am I gonna have to get Rough!" she threatened out back to this rude cab driver, which to this man seemed borderline insane, as her 5' 6" 115 pound frame was hardly a threat to his rather hefty 220 pound form (not to mention the safety his several ton vehicle provided). While her beauty may be unsurpassed by any he had seen before, and her body (especially her exposed shoulders, arms and the hints of her back and chest) looked amazingly fit and hard, she was hardly a physical threat to him in the least. Something that caused him to laugh aloud, while sending a few more choice curse words her way, which in turn forced Allison to teach this man a very valuable lesson. "Men, when will they ever learn" she casually spoke out to Bobby who was standing guard just a few feet to her side, as she slowly, sexily, bent down next to the large yellow taxi, grabbed onto its bottom lip with each of her steel hard hands, and with a powerful pumping of her incredibly strong arms (something which caused them to bunch, bulge, pulsate and harden with unreal strength) she began to shake the car back and forth, side to side, as savagely and ferociously as if several large and bulky men were on either side of it. The cabdrivers body was tossed around like a rubber ball, as the his vehicle shook and lurched back and forth with amazing speed, causing him to scream out in panic and fear at both him and his car being handled in such a way. Truly this was a sight to behold, a stunningly beautiful woman, who while clearly fit and very much in shape, appeared no bigger or stronger than any other of her average height and weight, tossing an entire car (with driver inside) all about as if it was little more than a sack full of clothes. While showing signs of effort at such an amazing physical feat, Allison was clearly not using her maximum level of strength to do so, something that was proven even more when after nearly a minute of this treatment, she stopped shaking this once powerful vehicle, and simply held its one side (the drivers side) several feet off the ground. Staring straight into the nearby window, right at the driver inside, holding all of their combined weight aloft in her pumped and rock solid arms. "My boyfriend is waiting for you to say youre sorry........Im waiting too" Allison intimidatingly spoke out, her glowing hazel eyes burning right into this mans soul, as she further emphasized her point (and her threat) by lifting up this cab even higher, up to her own powerfully built and incredibly rounded chest in height, "Dont make me have to tip you over!" she growled out, as she began lifting the cars end even higher, her Amazon powered arms nearly at their full height, this car before her virtually about to fall over onto its side. "IM SORRY! Please God, Im Sorry! I didnt mean to almost hit you, just please.......please let me down!!" the panicked and utterly terrified taxi driver yelled out, holding onto his steering wheel for dear life, as he felt any moment he could literally be flipped over on his back. "See, now was that so hard?" Allison taunted out with a beautiful smile across her utterly gorgeous face, as she gave a few more highly angled pumps with her arm muscles, giving her fear filled man held helplessly within her grasp a few more bumps and bounces, before lowering his end of the car back down to the ground, dropping it the last several feet, giving it one last crashing Thump on the hard concrete ground below it, before the driver turned on its engines and made his way out and away from her as fast as he possibly could. " did you...." Bobby stood there stunned at what he had just seen, utterly in awe at the unrivaled physical strength and power this smaller, lighter woman contained. Never before had he seen even a fraction of such might before in a woman, or even most any man, all of which was wrapped up in a tight, toned, hardbodied package that was as sexily feminine and beautifully female as anyone he could ever possibly imagine. "Shhhhhh, lets not worry about that now......Ill tell you all about it when we get back to my place......tell, and show" Allison cooed out sexily, as she softly wrapped an arm around his, lowered her head onto his shoulder, and gently (though undeniably) lead them on their previously taken trip back to her place, and a night of fun that would shake Bobbys world, Forever. THE END