The Perfect Prime By Dru This work fiction is based on ideas from the Aurora Universe. I hope Shadar doesn't mind... Ket'Lok regarded his sister without hiding his amusment. "Sorry, sister dear, but it's for the good of the family." "How can you do this to your own blood? You have no honour at all! How can one without honour lead our family?" Ket'lok sneered. "What do you know about honour? I know all about that slut that visits you. It's bad enough, your illegal sexual deviations, but couldn't you at least fuck a fellow warrior?" "Ki'ann is by far a more superior Prime than you wil ever be." "Shut-up! I don't want to hear any more about that filthy whore. I wasn't going to come here at all only I wanted you to understand that this is nothing personal." "You came here to gloat, and don't deny it." Smiling, Ket-lok shook his head. "So paranoid. It's a good thing you won't be taking that seat at the head of our table, I don't think you have what it takes to be a leader. Don't you understand that this is for the good of the family?" "Just get it over with." "Over with? Whatever do you mean?" "You are going to kill me, I hope. Not even you would be stupid enough to let me live." "Well, I must admit that was the original plan. But you are my sister, after all, and I find the idea of killing you quite distasteful..." "You lie poorly, Brother." " I decided that isn't necessary. Want to know what's in store for you? Well, you're going to love it. You always wanted to be in charge, even when we were children. While I can't let you take charge of our family fortune here on Aria, I can do one small thing to help you feel powerful. You're going to be in charge of your own planet, Ry'Elle. I've found just the one to dump you on. It's got food, the atmosphere won't kill you, and there's all sorts of life-forms for you to dominate." "I see you've thought of everything. Just remember this, Ket'Lok. Doom awaits you at the end of this road. As long as I live I'll be seeking revenge." Ket'lok laughed. "And that's the very thought that'll put a smile on my face every morning." He leaned closer to the bars of his sister's cell. "Every fucking morning. You see, where you going no-one will ever think to look. And they'd have to be looking, wouldn't they? But no-body will be. Because as far as everyone in the Arion empire are concerned, you died three hours ago in a re-entry accident." "A re-entry accident? No-one would believe a simple thing like that could kill me." "They''ve already decided not to investigate. I took care of it, so don't you worry about a thing. Yours will be a funeral not soon forgotten, I'm making sure of that too. I'd like to wait and show you a hologram of the ceremony, but it's important I get rid of you as soon as possible." "Where is this ship going, Ket'Lok?" "Well, that's really the best news I have for you. We've arrived you see, and it's time to say goodbye." Without saying another word, despite his sister's repeated demands for answers, Ket'Lok turned his massive frame toward the door and strode calmly into the corridor. Alone in her cell, Ry'Elle became aware of a humming sound eminating from the floor. Familiar as she was with these vessels, she knew the floor was going to vanish, but when it happened it still caught her by surprise. The very instant that Ket-Lok closed the door behind him, Ry'Elle was dropped into the upper-atmosphere of a planet she had never seen before. It was a murky world coated in jungle and blighted by gigantic, angry volcanoes. Ry'Elle had time enough for her powerful eyes to see there was no sign of any intelligent life before the turmoil of entering the atmosphere engulfed her. She smiled, thinking how foolish her brother was to suggest that she could die in something as trivial as a re-entry accident. Stretching her tremendously powerful Warrior-Prime body to increase drag and maximise the forces acting upon her, Ry'Elle closed her eyes and luxuriated in the sensations. It was all over too quickly, the ground rushed up to meet her and she splashed home into a rivulet of molten stone. The young Arion Prime swam strongly to the surface and looked around to find herself riding a lava-flow down the side of a massive mountain. With a burst of effort she leapt clear of the fast-slowing lava and landed comfortably on a charred outcropping. Giving herself a super-sonic shake to clean herself of the sticky stone, she glared up at her brothers ship as it prepared to break orbit. Anger filled her and her eyes glowed brightly at thought of Ket'Lok's betrayal. His treachery would never be known to the rest of the family...he would return to Aria and take her place as heir to the family fortune. It was at that moment that it occured to her their father would certainly fall victim to her jealous brother's ambition before long. Ket'Lok was not patient enough to wait for the old man to die... Tearing a large chunk of rock free from the outcropping beneath her feet, Ry-Elle reared up to her full height and launched it at her brothers shrinking ship with a cry of rage. Streaking brighter than she herself had done upon her arrival, the stone lacked the resillence of her Arion genes and had disintegrated long before it would have hit her target. Ry-Elle allowed her rage to billow her muscles as she unleashed herself upon the mountain with terrifying fury. Her blows shook free a landslide from high above, and the roar of a tumbling mountainside filled her ears. Rather than allow herself to be buried, the extremely gifted Arion Prime released the power of her eyes at full force. The falling boulders were vaporized as she carefully passed her gaze back and forth over the face of the landslide until it was gone. Feeling the power of her genetic gifts well within her, Ry-Elle turned to look down upon the valley below. With another cry of incredible rage, she leapt into the air with force enough to trigger another landslide. Arcing thousands of feet into the air, she came down in the dense jungle and began to work her mind-bending frustration out on the innocent vegetation and the giant fauna that fed upon it. Ki'Ann didn't land straight away. She kept her shuttle hovering in orbit and watched in rapt fascination as her lover raged through the jungle. She had never seen Ry'Elle so out of control before...she was always very much in command of her emotions and to see her lover unleash her highly evolved physique upon the primitive life of this strange world was the most arousing thing Ki-Ann had ever seen. Despite the gigantic size many of the montrous creatures possessed, the indigenous life was hopelessly outmatched by Ry-Elle's raw physical power. Ki'Ann watched on for only a few hours before deciding to get down there and tell her lover the good news. Crying "Bastard!", Ry'Elle delivered her blow to the ninety-foot quadraped's chest, and dropped to the forest floor as the ruptured beast lurched into a massive tree and slumped awkwardy against it. Her next victim must have been some kind of relative, because it came at her with a rage to almost equal her own. Rooting herself to the spot she struck a typically arrogant pose that displayed all her generous muscles, and allowed the creature's lowered horn to swipe her squarely on the chest. The momentum of the impact would have knocked her miles though the trees if she had not wrapped her arms around it and grasped hard enough to produce cracking sounds from deep within the bone. Grinning from ear to ear as the monster lifted her high into the alien sky, Ry-Elle nimbly climbed toward the head. The joy of the adrenaline rush quickly faded, and with her face clouded once more with anger she cruelly poked her finger into the creatures eye and tore it out. As she climbed toward the crown of the head she made sure to rip free every thick strand of hair that helped her, and when she stradled the nape of the odd creatures neck she pressed her heels in and felt her diamond-hard legs crush the thick yet comparitively jelly-like muscles long before she applied any real effort. Just before she severed the thrashing monster's head completely, rubbing her inner-thighs against the vetebrae, she popped the skull with an explosive blow and then rode the twitching corpse to the ground. With enough energy and rage for a week or more of venting, Ry'Elle leapt high into the trees and thudded into a crouch on a splintering tree-limb. As she searched for her next kill, she saw something that instantly washed all her anger away. Streaking toward her, as fast it could travel within the confines of an atmosphere, was a shuttle she herself had piloted many times before. Leaping to her feet with the overwhelming joy of imminent rescue she lost her footing and had to punch her arm elbow-deep into the sappy wood to keep from falling. The shuttle pulled up next to her and a hatch opened up as the very talented pilot attained a perfect hover. "Can you tell me where the nearest outpost is? My energy crystal's are depleted and I'm not sure how much longer..." The small vessle lurched briefly toward the tree as Ry'Elle's considerable weight suddenly put it off balance. "How did you find me?" "I was on my way to see you about something, and I saw those thugs put that gold on you. You brother doesn't have sense enough to hire smart henchmen, so following them was easy. Are you okay?" "I'm fucking furious!" Ry'Elle declared, her mucles flaring with the instant return of her anger. Licking her lips with lust, Ki'Ann made sure that her lover knew the display wasn't wasted. "He would have left me here to rot! He's always been jealous of my position, and father's favouritism drives me mad sometimes, but this is beyond anything he's ever done before! That slimy, decietlful snake! He will not get away with it...I'm telling you right now, Ki-Ann. That blonde-blooded bastard is no longer a member of my family! I have a lot of work to do..." "And so do I," Ki'Ann told her, her sultry voice full of suggestion. "How can you think of that at a time like this!" "You have no idea how bad I need you right now, lover. You're making me burn up inside..." "Well I'm burning too! And I'm in no damn mood for that!" "Let me find us a nice volcano to frolic in, and you can tell me all about it while I help you charge up. And after I've had my way with you, and you're stronger than General Hu'Rek himself, I'll tell you about how we're not only going to crush you're brother's body and mind, but that of all Arion men..." "I haven't got time for your man-hating raves right now!" "I think you'll like this one. Anyway...what's the rush? Ket'Lok thinks your stuck here for good. And he won't be able to kill your father too soon or it would cast suspicion on him." Ry'Elle scowled as she thought it over. "Alright." She suddenly smiled. "One day you'll have to tell me why you're so horny all the time." "As if you didn't know." Ki'Ann wasted little time landing the shuttle in a safe location. Within minutes the two Arion Prime had leapt to the top of the nearest volcano and were soon deep within its core enjoying the primal pleasures of possessing Homo Supremis bodies. They did not emerge until well into the next day when Ry'Elle employed the extra strength their lovemaking had given her to blast a sizable hole in the western side of the mountain, splaying debris for hundreds of miles. "That was great. We'll have to do that again, very soon." "After I've dealt with Ket'Lok, Ki'Ann." Tensing her arms and admiring her amped muscles, Ry'Elle smiled evilly. "He's going to pay for his arrogance. Let's get going. I don't want my power to fade before I can crush him with it." Ki'Ann laughed. "You won't have to worry about your power fading." Without explaining her amusement further, Ki'Ann leapt off the mountain and sped to the shuttle. Intrigued, Ry'Elle followed her. She arrived to find her lover standing with a phial of pink liqiud in her hand. "Do you know what's in here?" "Of course not." "The fate of universe." "What in the name of Skietra are you talking about?" "Inside this phial is contained an army of nanobots. And once you drink it, they'll turn you into a god." "Nanobots? How are nanobots going to turn me into a god?" "Well, the nanobots themselves aren't my invention. We've had that technology for decades. What makes these nanobots so special is the program they're carrying. To put it as simply as I can, without going into detail, because I know how much you hate Tech stuff, I've programmed these tiny robots to perfect your gene sequence." "Perfect my genes? How can you perfect that which is already perfect?" "Well, that's just my opinion. Let's just say it'll improve you, and give you the potential to become a god." "How exactly would I be improved?" "You'll grow new organs, and if I'm right you're muscles will change." "My muscles?" "Don't sound so worried. They'll become even more efficient, and I was never able to calculate a limit to the strength you would possess. That will only be determined by how many Supremis you come into contact with." "Come again?" "You're going to have three new organs. One of them will give you the ability to absorb any being in the Supremis class." "You mean absord their strength?" "I mean absorb them. All of'll understand once you do it." "What about the other two organs I'd grow? What power would they give me?" "One would be an extra energy resevoir, to bolster what you already possess. The other will give you the power to fly." Ry'Elle eyed the pink phial suspiciously. "What if you're wrong? What if I take your're nano-juice and grow an elbow on my head or something?" Ki'Ann laughed. "You have to trust me, Ry'Elle. This is something I was working on since before I met you. Just drink it, and you'll be powerful enough to control the entire universe." "If you're so sure about that, why don't you drink it yourself?" Ki'Ann was stumped by that one. "I thought you'd be excited." Ry'Elle scowled. "I just want to know why you're offering me this magic potion of yours when you could take it yourself." "Because I love you...because everytime I look at you I'm filled with burning desire..." "So much desire that you want to change my genetic structure?" "Improve! Improve your genetic structure. Please trust me, Ry'Elle. Imagine the revenge you could wreak upon Ket'Lok with the powers of a god..." "You know I trust you, Ki'Ann." Ry'Elle still had to think it over, which disappointed her anxious lover. Ki'Ann had expected her to leap at the chance, and to share her own excitement at such a monumental discovery. A discovery that Ki'Ann had kept secret from everyone else. But Ry'Elle was not prepared to tamper with her perfectly formed Arion body without stopping to think. She was, after all, the strongest female Warrior-Prime in her division. What if Ki'Ann had messed it all up somewhere? Ry'Elle had seen the results of gene-tampering before, and it wasn't a pretty picture. But then, if it her lover was right... "Okay, Ki'Ann. I'll be your fucking lab-rat. But before I do, be honest with me: You're afraid to take this stuff yourself because you're not sure it will work, aren't you?" She didn't answer, but Ry'Elle saw the guilt in Ki'ann's eyes. "I knew it." There was a short silence. "Alright. There's a chance you'll be turned into goo. But only a small chance!" She held out the phial, but Ry'Elle still didn't take it. "I wouldn't offer you this if I thought it would kill you." "That's another lie. If you didn't think it might kill me, you'd take it yourself." "You said you'd be my lab-rat if I was honest. Now drink." Ry'Elle warily took the phial and twisted off the tiny cap and looked through the opening at the liquid within. "I don't see any nanobots." "Of course not, silly. They're small enough to interact with your atomic structure." Ry'Elle finally smiled. A smile that quickly became a grin. "A god, huh?" "The most powerful of all Supremis beings in the universe. If you drink." "Will it hurt?" "I don't know. Maybe at first. But after that, my love, you will never know pain again." Ry'Elle closed her eyes and steeled herself. "I hope you're not crazy." Putting the phial to her lips, she looked at Ki'Ann one last time, and downed the contents in one quick gulp... For a few moments she stood perfectly still waiting for something to happen, but she felt no changes. "Nothing's happening." "Give it time..." Ry'Elle turned to look at her reflection in the portside window of the shuttle. Just as she turned back to her lover and opened her mouth to say something, a sharp pain gripped her in the nape of her neck. "Ahhh!" Ki'Ann rushed over with concern as Ry'Elle collapsed to her knees. She steadied her companion as the larger Prime cried out again and grabbed at the back of her own skull. "Relax..." "It HURTS!" "The pain will pass..." Crying out with a new and even stronger pang of pain in her pelvis, Ry'Elle arched violently out of Ki'Ann's arms and fell back on the floor limp and unconscious. Carefully making her lover as comfortable as possible, Ki'Ann sat back to watch as the nanobots went to work... To be continued (And yes, this time I do plan to have an ending...eventually)