The LPN by Dreamspinner I got off the elevator and walked to the nurse's station. There was a woman in nurse's whites sitting at the counter, writing in a chart. As I approached, she spun her chair around to look at me. She saw my white lab coat, and stood up, offering her hand. "Hello", she said. "I'm." "Brenda Wilkinson, LPN", I interrupted. "It's right here on your name tag. I'm Dr. Anderson, Nurse Wilkinson", I said, taking her hand. "I'm seeing Dr. Bailey's patients while he's on vacation." She shook my hand. Her hand was as thick as a man's, and her grip was excitingly strong. "Good to meet you, Doctor. Just call me 'Brenda'", she said, smiling broadly, still holding my hand in hers. "We're pretty informal around here." She held my gaze as firmly as she held my hand. She radiated sexual energy. "It's going to be good having you around.even for two weeks", she said, giving my hand one last squeeze. Ahh, chemistry, I thought. It's a wonderful thing. I wonder what attracts her to me...I know what attracts me to her. * * * Brenda Wilkinson, LPN, had already caught my eye. Earlier that morning, the Chief of Services had given me a guided tour of St. Anthony's. The two of us had just stepped off the elevator on the seventh floor when I saw her. She was walking away from us, carrying a heavy autoclave by herself. I knew without seeing her face she was the kind of woman I would like to be around. Thick wavy hair, broad shoulders, narrow waist. Her ass was solid.I could see her powerful hips moving under her white nurse's skirt as she walked. Her muscular calves bulged with every step she took. When she turned into a doorway, I could see the sinews of her forearms straining to hold the heavy autoclave. I estimated she was 35 years old, an ex-high school or college athlete who still went to the gym on a regular basis. She works out, I thought. She works out hard, and I like that, I like that very much. I wonder what she looks like naked. * * * "Dr. Anderson", the Chief said, taking me by the arm, nipping my fantasy in the bud, "I'd like to introduce you to the Charge Nurse." We walked to the nurse's station. "Nurse Bradley, this is Dr. Anderson.Dr. Anderson, Nurse Bradley." Nurse Bradley was a flat-chested rail of a woman, wearing glasses too big for her narrow face. Her hair was pulled back severely. She was frosty-all business. "Doctor", she said in clipped tones, hands held behind her back. "A pleasure, I'm sure. Don't have time to chat.there's work to be done. When can we expect him on the floor?" she asked, turning to the administrator. "About 9:00, I would imagine", he said. "Zero-nine-hundred-hours?" Nurse Bradley's expression left no doubt in my mind she would have preferred 'zero-five-hundred-hours'. "Better late than never, I suppose", she said acidly. "See you then, Doctor." Nurse Bradley turned on her heel and strode away. "She was an Army nurse", the administrator explained, as we continued our waling tour. "No shit?" I rejoined sarcastically as we passed the doorway into which the LPN had turned. I looked in and saw her with her hand covering her mouth. She was trying to stifle her laughter-she had overheard everything. * * * The LPN's broad smile and radiant sexuality reminded me I hadn't finished my fantasy about what she might look like without her clothes on. "I'm going to enjoy being around for two weeks as well", I replied. "With one notable exception, this floor does seem 'pretty informal'", I chuckled. She quickly put her finger to her lips and looked over her shoulder as if she were checking to see if 'Nurse Bradley' was around. When Brenda saw no one, she turned to me and smiled broadly, almost laughing. Now that we were face-to-face, I saw I had grossly underestimated her age-she was nearing fifty, if not there already. Her long wavy hair was half-gray, and her face had accumulated lines of age that suited her personality very well. I liked her instantly. This nurse was a woman of compelling contradictions: she had the muscular, athletic body of a woman twenty years her junior; she wore her hair long and loose-unusual for a woman her age; and she had, or at least seemed to have, abundant sexual energy. And she was about fifty years old. I was intrigued. "Brenda", I began, "who would you like me to see first?" No sooner had my question left my lips when Nurse Bradley rounded the corner and headed for the nurse's station. "I'll decide who Doctor sees first, Wilkinson", the Charge Nurse said, biting off each syllable. Nurse Bradley squeezed between the LPN and me, pulled a chart from the rack, dropped it on the counter, turned to the Nurse's Notes and began to read. Brenda and I stole a glance at each other. She rolled her eyes, opened her mouth and pointed her forefinger down her throat as if she were trying to gag herself. Then she winked at me and smiled conspiratorially. "I was going to suggest he see Mrs. Johnson in room 714", Brenda said to her supervisor. Nurse Bradley took the bait. She looked up from the chart. "You never quit, do you, L-P-N Wilkinson" the Charge Nurse said balefully. "And when are you going to start wearing your hair "up", like a 'real' nurse should?" she continued, her voice full of flinty contempt. "I know these patients as well as you, R-N Bradley", the LPN retorted. And as for my hair, the rules changed years ago.we don't have to wear it "up" anymore. "Besides", she went on, obviously enjoying mocking her supervisor in front of an M.D., "men think long, loose, wavy hair is sexy!" With that, she ran her fingers through her long tresses, shook her head back and forth and flared her nostrils like a horse. The Charge Nurse was scandalized. Her neck flushed, and she pressed her lips together until they were white. She looked Heavenward and made the sign of the cross. "If Sister Mary Joseph was still the DON," she spat, "I could have you fired this instant for insubordination!" Brenda Wilkinson, LPN, wasn't finished tormenting her supervisor. She had the Charge Nurse back on her heels and knew it. "There's more, Nurse Bradley", she went on relentlessly. "What I think, Nurse Bradley, is that you're jealous-I've got everything you don't.gorgeous hair, big tits, a nice ass, great legs, and.most of all.big muscles!" With that, Brenda pushed up her sleeve and flexed her biceps. It was as big as a baseball. "Wouldn't you love to have an arm like this, Nurse Bradley?" she said, proudly patting her muscle. She grinned at her supervisor. "Now, why on earth would I want an arm like that?" Bradley said shakily. Brenda was ready to deliver her knockout punch. "Why, you ask, would you want an arm 'like that'? I'll tell you why, Nurse Bradley", she went on, her still-flexed biceps beginning to tremble; "Sex is GREAT when you have big muscles! Isn't that right, Dr. Anderson?" she asked, finally straightening out her arm. Beads of sweat had broken out on her face. My dick was as hard as a broomstick. Before I could answer, the Charge Nurse stepped into the trap Brenda had set for her. "I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about, LPN Wilkinson!" she said unwittingly. "I'm sure you don't!" Brenda laughed triumphantly. "I'm sure you don't!" "Well, I certainly don't have time for any more of this foolishness!" Nurse Bradley huffed. She smoothed her already too-smooth hair. "There's work to be done here. This is a hospital, not a bordello! After all! I will tend to Mrs. Johnson, and if there's anything I can't handle, I will let Doctor know." She picked up the chart, tucked it under her arm and walked briskly down the hall and into room 714. The LPN grinned. She shook her head. "I love needling her", she said under her breath. "Damn, I got a cramp in my arm", she said, massaging her biceps. She looked up at me coyly. "I can relieve that, Brenda", I offered. "OK. Let's go in the Med room", she whispered. "The Dragon Lady could get me fired if she saw us touching each other in public." She pulled her keys out of her pocket and walked to the Med room door. "Do you see her?" she asked. I looked down the hall. The Charge Nurse was nowhere to be seen. "Coast is clear", I mouthed, not wanting to make a sound. My dick was still hard. Brenda unlocked the Med room door, turned on the light, and motioned me in. I hurried over and stepped inside. "Stand over here so I can shut the door", she said, gently pushing me on the small of my back. When the door closed, she turned around and faced me, her back to the door. "Now, doctor, please have a look at this biceps of mine", she whispered, a sly smile on her lips. I rolled up her sleeve. "Where does it hurt?" I asked, playing 'Doctor'" She lifted up her arm and slowly bent her elbow. Her baseball-sized biceps bulged under her smooth skin. "All over" she whispered invitingly. "It hurts all over. Rub it, Dr. Anderson.please hurry, I'm in such pain!" she whispered dramatically, clearly playing the role of a patient in distress. I put my hands on her muscle. It was as hard as a stone. My dick throbbed. "Relax it, Brenda.let me work on it with my 'doctor's' fingers" I said, playing along. She straightened her elbow, leaned against the door and closed her eyes. I held her wrist between my right elbow and my hip and began to massage her biceps with the thumbs of both hands. "You've been lifting for years, haven't you, Brenda?" I asked, trembling with excitement. "Your biceps has the springy muscularity only years of serious lifting can produce." "You must be a muscle expert, Dr. Anderson", she said, batting her lashes. "Do you lift too, or do you just like muscular women?" she asked, her dark eyes blazing. "Both" I answered. "I've been lifting for years myself.and, muscled women have always turned me on." "Show me your muscle!" She demanded, pulling her arm from my grasp. "I showed you mine, now you show me yours!" She unbuttoned my lab coat and pushed it to the floor. Then she pushed up the sleeve of my shirt and said, "OK, flex for me!" I bent my arm and contracted my softball-sized biceps. Brenda's eyes opened wide and she grabbed my arm with both hands and squeezed my muscle. "Gosh!" she exclaimed under her breath. "It's bigger and harder than mine!" she said in amazement, still squeezing. "I've been aching for a man with bigger muscles than me for a long time." Brenda's chest was heaving. She put her hands on my chest and looked at me intensely. "You never did answer my question, Dr. Anderson" she said breathlessly. I looked at her blankly. "You remember." she whispered, drawing closer. " the nurse's station when the Dragon Lady was there.I asked, 'Isn't sex great when you have big muscles?'.remember?" "I remember." "Well?" she continued, slipping her powerful arms around my waist. "Oh!" she exclaimed. She stood on her toes and began to grind her crotch against my pole-hard dick. "I guess I have my answer.don't I, Doctor Anderson?"