Cindy and the man with no name By Diana the Valkyrie - alternative ending Cindy finishes the job Cindy noticed. "I'm glad you enjoyed watching," she teased me. She knew damn well I couldn't take my eyes off her when she fought. "Cindy, you've the most amazing woman I've ever met. Well, you must know how I feel about you, about your power and your fighting skills. You've seen the effect you have on me." "Yes. Every time we meet, you seem to have two or three orgasms in your pants. You know, I like that, it turns me on to watch you stroking yourself like that, but, you know, turning me on isn't all you could do. A woman has needs too." I sat there on the sofa, my stiff prick in my hand, my mouth open. What did she mean? No, I wouldn't dare, she'd tear me to pieces. She walked over to where I sat, and stood over me, looking down at my erection. "Don't you know what you're supposed to do with that thing? I'm wet just thinking about it." She peeled off her nylons, tossed her hair back, pulled up her skirt, and pushed me down on the sofa. The goon that she'd punched out groaned and stirred under me. "Don't worry about him," she said. "I'll take care of him if he causes any trouble. You just concentrate on me." She knelt on the sofa, one knee on the guard's passive body, and she brought the other leg over my groin, settling herself down on my stiff penis, sitting up straight on top of me. I reached up and touched her breasts under her sweater, and as I'd guessed, she wasn't wearing a bra. She closed her eyes. "Nice. Don't stop." I wasn't planning to. But then I felt something moving under me, the guard was beginning to wake up. "Uh, Cindy?" I said, not daring to take my hands off her breasts. Her lovely eyes opened lazily. "Mmmh? What is it love?" "Uh, Cindy, I think this one's moving." She looked down at the man we were using as a mattress. "Yes, you're right. Nice, isn't it?" "Nice?" "Mmmh. A bit like doing it on a water bed, but less predictable." "Cindy, I think maybe we ought to do something." She frowned, and said, "Well, if you're worried." She laid herself down on me, I could feel her lovely breasts digging into my chest, her nipples hard from the sexual excitement. And I could feel her soft wet vagina surrounding and sucking on my penis. At that moment, I didn't really care what was happening underneath me. With Cindy around, I just didn't think I had anything to worry about. And I was right. I heard the "SMACK" as her fist smashed into his face, then a SPLAT, and blood from his broken nose splashed over my neck. Cindy raised herself back into the seated position. "He'll be fine for a while now. Keep going." Keep going. With her powerful legs locked round my waist, I could barely move. I tried to buck my hips, to get some sort of rhythm going, but she controlled my body with those strong dancer's legs, and used her thigh muscles to raise and lower herself slowly on top of me. I kept my hands on her breasts, it was all I could contribute, rubbing my thumbs against her nipples. But then the other guard, the one slumped by the wall started to stand up. I saw the movement, even as I brought Cindy towards a climax, and I thought that her orgasm had better wait. "Cindy, the one by the wall is waking up." "Oh shit," she said. "Just as it was getting interesting." She looked round, and saw him getting groggily to his feet. She carefully disentangled herself from me, and told me "Now don't you move, I'll be right back. And don't you dare come without me." I took her warning seriously. I knew what she could do just for fun, I'd hate to see what she could do when she was seriously pissed off. She sauntered over to the goon, who had just managed to get to his feet. "You men don't learn, do you? You fight like a rice pudding. I'll have more trouble getting the bloodstains out of this skirt than I'll have with you. Just look at it!" she said. "And it's one of those deep down, difficult to shift stains, too." He looked down, just in time to see her foot fly up and crack against his jaw. I saw drops of blood fly out of his mouth as his head jerked back, and I heard the crack as his head bounced off the wall. He staggered forward, almost falling, but Cindy's punch on his nose stopped him from toppling over, bringing a wave of crimson from his large but now fairly flat conk. "Unh" was all he had to say, to which Cindy replied, "Careful, you'll get more blood on my skirt" as she stepped back. She could have just let him collapse to the ground in a beaten heap, but as he sagged, she said "I don't want you interrupting me again, have you got that?" and she powered her foot straight forward into his gut, kicking the wind out of him, and replacing it with white hot pain so bad that he couldn't breathe. He hit the floor, and didn't move. Cindy turned to me, and smiled, pleased to see that my erection hadn't subsided - in fact, watching her demolish the guard had made me bigger and harder, if anything. "Lovely", she said. "You look like you're ready for me." And she resumed her position, enveloping my cock in her vagina, and riding me hard. I reached up to her breasts again, and took up where I'd left off. "Now," Cindy said, "As I was saying before we were so rudely interrupted. It takes a lot to bring me off, and most men can't manage it. They just don't have the staying power, the stamina. Do you think you've got what it takes to handle a real woman?" I groaned. I had no idea whether I could handle her, all I knew was that she could do anything she liked to me. She bounced up and down on my body, and I held on to her breasts like a drowning man clutches at a life raft. I knew that stimulating a woman's nipples is the best way to add to her pleasure, and I wanted this amazon to experience the best fuck I could manage. I tried to control myself, I tried to hold off having an orgasm as long as I could, at least until she'd had hers. I was desperate to give her what she'd said most men couldn't, but she was just too much for me. I couldn't dictate the pace of our lovemaking, as her powerful thighs gripped my waist painfully, and her tight vagina squeezed my cock into ecstasy. I couldn't hold it any longer, I couldn't, I clenched my groin, but her movements destroyed my resolution, and I felt my orgasm boiling up inside me, uncontrollably. Then suddenly she stopped. I opened my eyes; she hopped down to the ground, and walked over to Marks, who had pulled himself upright by clinging on to the desk. I groaned with unrequited lust. I was so close, so near to coming, I just needed ... but I caught myself in time, I kept my hands well clear of my prick, it would be so stupid to jerk off now. My hands clutched the sofa cushions in a conscious attempt to control myself as she moved slowly, gently towards Marks. Then she stopped, and gracefully pulled her sweater over her full breasts, and took off her skirt. She put them over the back of the chair, and spoke to Marks. "No point in getting my clothes messed up, is there? It's bad enough having one lot of bloodstains to get out. Did you know that soaking in vinegar is good for getting blood out of fabrics? You'll find that useful when you get your shirt cleaned." Her naked body was the most beautiful sight I've ever seen. Her waist was fine and slender, her breasts full and they swayed slightly as she moved. But her best feature was her legs, those long, strong weapons of destruction, the legs that could smash a man to oblivion, or propel him to heaven, whichever she decided to do. She took one step forward, and swung her other foot high in the air, if I hadn't seen her do it before, I would have sworn it was impossible, but her right leg pointed straight up vertically, and she held it in that position, her foot high over her head. "Can you do this, Marks? Can you do the splits? I bet you could. I bet, if I helped you a bit, you could do the splits." She brought her leg down and regarded the man holding himself upright using the desk. "No, it's just too easy kicking you. I'll use my fists to finish you off, that'll maybe give me a bit of a challenge." He pulled himself upright, and took a classic boxing stance, all the martial arts nonsense was gone now. Cindy nodded approvingly. "Yes, that's good, but hold your arms up higher, otherwise..." and her left fist flashed out and whacked him on the cheek. His head shook from the impact, but he recovered, and tried a punch to her head. She ducked it easily, and while his arms were extended, she danced in and smacked a left hook to his unprotected side, once, twice. Before he could react, she was back out of his reach. "You need to move your guard down when someone punches you in the side." She moved forward again, feinted to the same place, then punched his cheek again. "But keep your guard up in case someone punches at your face." He swung a big uppercut at her jaw, but she simply moved a few inches to the left, and landed another fist on his left side again. This time, I could \ see the pain on his face as she connected. But he was game, I'll give him that. Realising that he didn't stand a chance of being quick enough to punch her head, he changed his tactics, and lashed out a short stabbing punch to her belly. She simply raised her leg and took it on the thigh, on her hard, well-muscled thigh. But while he was extended from the punch, she retaliated with a right hook to the jaw, two fast left hooks to the side she'd damaged earlier, and another right to his cheek. He staggered sideways, and she followed up her advantage with a flurry of hard punches, concentrated on his left side and his face. He stumbled and fell. She stood over him, tossing her hair out of her eyes, her big breasts standing out from her chest as she looked down at the beaten man. Then she looked over at me, and said "Won't be long now, lover, keep it nice and hard for me." No problems there. Watching Cindy in action was the most erotic sight I've ever seen, and now she was naked (apart from her shoes) it was all I could do to keep from wanking myself silly. But I knew that by exerting a bit of self control, I would perhaps be able to bring her off, if I was man enough. Marks had managed to get up on his hands and knees. Cindy stepped over him as he knelt, trying to recover, and put one leg on either side of his body. She sat on his back, riding him like a horse, and put her legs round his waist, linking her ankles together, and her arms round his neck. She cuddled up close to his back, and for a moment I wished I was in his position, but then I realised what she was doing, and I was glad I wasn't him. Those powerful dancer's legs, wrapped round his waist, were tightening like a vice around his body. And her punches to his left side had weakened his resistance so much, that she could inflict huge amounts of pain, just by squeezing his waist between her legs. I saw her muscles tense, and I saw the rictus of agony wash over his face, as white hot lances of pain stabbed through his body. His weakened side just couldn't take the pressure, and he collapsed onto the carpet. Cindy just rolled him over so that he lay on his side, her deadly legs still clamping his waist like a python squeezes its prey, and now in this position, she had all the leverage she needed. her arms propped her up on the carpet behind her, her ankles were clasping each other, and thos long, terrible, strong legs were crushing, squeezing, destroying the man she'd trapped between them. I saw the grimace of effort on her face as she did her best to close the space between her legs, except that Marks' damaged body was keeping them apart. Not for long, though. He was making little high pitched noises, begging her to let him go, promising that he'd do anything she wanted. But I knew what Cindy wanted. She wanted his pain, his torment, and she already had that. Slowly, she tightened the vice. His struggles got more desperate at first, but his strength was gone, eaten up by the terrible agony that racked his body. All he could do was paw uselessly at her calves as she did her best to straighten her legs with his waist trapped between them. Gradually, his struggles got weaker and weaker, and finally he lay still in her grip. She made one more, final, convulsive heave, and I think I heard something crack, I can't be sure. Then she slid out from under him, stood up and said to me "I think we have some unfinished business, darling." I'd managed not to ejaculate all that time, but it hadn't been easy, watching her destroy Marks and keeping my cool. She reached up to her hair with her hands, lifting and running her fingers through it seductively. Raising her arms lifted her breasts, not that they needed any help. She moved slowly towards me, her large breasts swaying slightly from side to side as she moved, her arms behind her head, looking beautiful and dangerous, a total man-killer and man-pleaser. I lay on the sofa, waiting for the return of the huntress to reclaim her prey. My dick was like a telegraph pole, long, thick and erect, standing straight out into the air. She touched it, patting it approvingly. She took my hand and pulled me off the sofa, I came towards her willingly. But it wasn't me she was after. "Just one more detail to take care of, lover." She pulled the goon that had been lying there to his feet. He was so groggy, he didn't realise what was happening, and he staggered up, holding his battered head with his hands. Cindy backed of a couple of steps, then ran towards him like an olympic high-jumper. What happened next is something I fantasise about to this day. Her powerful legs propelled her so high into the air, it's as if she was flying. Her arms were spread apart for balance, but they looked like wings, carrying her on the air. He leap carried her upward, her running momentum carried her forward, and when she came close enough, she shot out her legs, one-two, smack-smash. One foot hit his nose, turning it into a red shapeless patch of flesh, the other foot, arriving a fraction of a second later, smashed into his jaw, and I heard the splintering sound as the fragile bones inside splintered under the immpact. The force of the blow threw him across the room, and I knew he was finished. The only questions in my mind, were whether he was dead, and if not, whether his mind would ever recover from the beating that Cindy had inflicted on him. Meanwhile, Cindy landed lightly on her feet, whirled to face me, and said "Maybe now we won't be interrupted." Her breasts trembled slightly from the exertion, her hair was tumbled over her face. I almost gushed on the spot, but the knowledge of what she might do as a result gave me the strength to hold it in. She smiled that lovely smile, pointed to the sofa, and said "Down, boy." I resumed my position, and she mounted me, both physically and metaphorically. I've had sex with women before, but always with the man on top, with the man in charge. With Cindy, somehow I knew that whoever was on top, she'd be in charge. She continued where she'd left off. I stroked and licked those beautiful breasts, with the firm, hard brown and pink nipples, like strawberries on top of a large ice cream. She tasted sweet, too, or was that my imagination? She certainly felt good, as her thighs gripped my body so tightly that she was in total control, and her vagina clenched wetly at my penis, alternately pulling and enveloping it. Before long, I had her in the same state of high excitement she'd reached before Marks had interrupted us, and I coaxed her slowly along the path to feminine fulfillment. I no longer thought about my own pleasures, my own orgasm; all I wanted to do was please this lovely, dominant amazon who had just turned three men into physical wrecks with her fists and feet, and was now trying to do the same to me with her vagina. It took a long while, because the road was long. Each time she reached a new peak, she told me with the noises she was making, and I thought, this is it, at last. But there always seemed to be more, she demanded everything I had, long after I could possibly have supplied it. But I was reckoning my stamina with a normal woman. With a powerful amazon like Cindy, all bets were off, she heightened and increased my normally average capabilities, eliciting a performance I hadn't known I was capable of. I concentrated entirely on her arousal, on her pleasure. I wanted more than anything else just to please this magnificent woman. I'd even forgotten to be in awe of her as we fucked, she was just the most wonderful female I'd ever met, and I was hers. Then, her pace increased, her strokes got longer, stronger and faster, and her cries announced that she was reaching her climax. Thank god, I thought, as I struggled to keep up with her. Suddenly, she exploded with a loud scream, her body convulsing and jerking as the electricity coursed through her body. A man has an orgasm with his prick, which is outside his body, but no man can imagine the feeling of a woman's orgasm, which happens deep inside her, and which involves her vagina, her breasts, and most parts in between, the galvanic-erotic sensation running up and down her insides, turning her into a mass of extreme sensation, giving her the ultimate reward that nature uses to ensure the continuation of the species. But all I could feel was pain, the pain of her thighs gripping my waist, like she'd gripped Marks, only more tightly. It was as well that I didn't have my side weakened by her fists the way he had; it was painful enough just feeling the compression of her thighs around my body as her body went through the long, protracted process of female orgasm. Then the contractions inside her vagina started, and I forgot about the pain round my waist, as her female body milked my male organ without stopping, without mercy, the ancient reflexes of a woman's body pulling the seed from a man deep into her body to start a new baby. In the past, a couple of contractions have been all the orgasm I could expect, but Cindy's vagina showed me how much more the male genitals were capable of. She seemed to be in complete control of my ejaculation, squeezing jet after jet out of my electrified member, until I lost count of how many times my penis shot its small quantity of semen into her enveloping vagina. Eventually, her orgasm came to an end, and with it, so did my own. She lay down on top of me, full length, her now softened breasts pressing against my chest, her hair tickling my face, her lips softly kissing my ear. "Mmmh. That was *very* nice." she said. "You were rather wonderful, too" I replied. She reached up with her hand and ran it through my hair, stroking my face and licking my ear. "You know, darling, that doesn't happen to me very often." "You mean, an orgasm as big as that?" "No, I mean an orgasm at all. I think I can only get off after I've beaten up a man or two, and even then only with someone rather special." I wrapped my arms round her, she was an amazon, a goddess. "Cindy," I said. "Shush," she said. "Shush" We lay there on the sofa, her body soft against mine. I could hardly believe that the warm, soft, sweet girl in my arms was the same tigress that had just destroyed three men, playing with them like a cat plays with a mouse. I couldn't help it, I had to tell her. "Cindy, I love you". "Shush, sweetheart, I know, I know." She kissed me gently again, then stood up. I watched her walk over to the chair where she'd left her clothes neatly folded. She stepped into her skirt, and pulled the sweater over her head, and instantly she was dressed. She walked back towards me, blew me a kiss as she walked past and got into the lift. I never saw her again.