Laura By Dreadnaught Laura's fight in the bar I had been sitting in the bar for three hours now, nursing my drink, feeling sorry for myself. God, what a stupid job I had. I just couldn't believe the nerve of the company that hired me.. imagine hiring a private detective who's main source of income to that point had been finding lost family members and the occasional spying on unfaithful spouses to break into an electronics warehouse and "borrow" some incriminating information from their computers and files. Hell, even if I was sure I knew what I was supposed to be looking for there, how the hell was I supposed to get in there? I was never much of an athlete, so while I could probably climb the fences surrounding the warehouse, I doubt I'd be able to either disable whatever security alarms the place had or deal with however many gorillas the place had working as guards. I scowled to myself and looked around the bar. It was your typical dive, a long enough bar to keep track of whatever booze and secrets they had behind it, a few tables in the middle of the room, a few booths along the wall for people to sit and talk or get cozy in, and here I was sitting alone grumbling in one of them. What a life. I was so busy thinking of how to get past hordes of bouncer type guards at the factory that when I saw her all I could think was, "Now there would be one hell of a distraction.." She was standing at the bar, by herself. Amazing. Long brown hair, slightly past her shoulders.. a tight black midriff t-shirt, covering a fairly good size set of breasts.. short black cutoffs which held a marvellous ass, and legs that went on forever, tipped with strapped black pumps, which instantly made her stand out from the falling-apart sneaker crowd in the rest of the dump. I was mesmorized instantly. Even with the short heels, she must have easily been 5' 10" if not taller. And the build on her was sensational.. obviously athletic without becoming chunky or husky. As I sat there and stared, she shifted position, raising her right leg to put her foot on the metal bar that acted as a footrest along the bar. I ran my eyes up her sexy silhouette, from her shapely legs past her ass, and realized that despite my slight intoxication I was growing quite hard. I'd had enough booze in me that I figured, "What the fuck if I get shot down, she's definitely worth a try." I had just started to slide out of the booth when the door burst open. Into the bar came two biker type punks. You know the type, lots of denim, leather, enough booze on their breath to say they'd drank their way through most of Milwaukee, that sort of thing. They had managed to stagger half the way across the room to the bar when they caught sight of her. "Whoooa, looks like we struck gold tonight, Ace!" the first drunk slurred to his huskier buddy. Ace just sort of stood there swaying for a minute, obviously going through the same process I'd gone through on seeing her, until he managed to blurt out, "whooooa, yeah... baby." Throughout all this, the woman had just stayed facing the bar, nursing the drink in front of her, ignoring them. The bartender, on the other hand, was starting to get a distinct look of panic in his eye, and I started to think I had better get involved in this if it got any worse. Those two guys were big enough to not have much trouble pounding the crap out of me, but hell, it would give her time to get away. By now the two scum had reached the bar and were standing wobblingly on either side of her. Ace smiled and gaped at her, "Hey babe, how's about a good time?" Not raising her head she answered, "How's about you two sleazes crawl back under a rock somewhere?" The two drunks laughed briefly. Ace's buddy said, "Hey Ace, she's got guts!" Ace snorted and got closer to her. "C'mon babe, you know you want a piece of me.. let's go and you can have it." This got her attention and she raised her head and looked at Ace, showing a beautiful pair of piercing brown eyes. "I could have a piece of you whenever I wanted, but not the way you're thinking." With that she turned to face him, brought her drink up and splashed it straight into his face. Ace spluttered a bit and backed off, trying to rub the liquor out of his eyes. His buddy also took a few steps back from the bar, as if to size up the situation. I was about ready now to leap in and defend the girl from these monsters, when I noticed all of the rest of the crowd in there, which was giving her plenty of space to begin with, now backed off entirely, leaving her all alone facing these brutes. "What the fuck is the matter with these people?" I thought, and I was just about to run up when I saw the bartender run up to the girl. "Laura, not again, we're still picking up the pieces from last time!" he said to her frantically. "Sorry, John, but they're looking for it, not me," she answered, backing away from the bar slightly. I quickly decided the best place for me was to stay where I was. Ace by this time had cleared his eyes of the booze. "Look, bitch, you're coming with me tonight one way or the other!" "Let's see you try it," she said, raising her fists to a fighting stance. "Oh God," I thought, "they're gonna kill her." But even as thoughts of saving her danced in my mind, I looked her over. Her arms looked solid enough, and those legs were definitely a dancer's legs, long and with supple and slightly pronounced muscle.. she wouldn't go easy, that's for sure. Before I could have another thought, Ace charged at her clumsily, his arms outstretched. He probably figured he'd just sling her over his shoulder and carry her out without too much hassle. The next few minutes were to show him just how wrong he was. Once Ace was close enough, Laura lashed out with her right fist, straight into his stomach. "Ooooof" he yelled, obviously shocked at just how much wind was knocked out of him, but before he had the chance to recover, she followed up with a beautiful left hook to his jaw. He grunted loudly in pain and went staggering back into the bar, knocking other drinks flying as he clung to it desperately for support. I just sat there stunned. That punch didn't look like a love pat to me, it looked like it hurt. Ace clung to the bar for a couple of minutes, rubbing his bruised jaw and trying to clear his head. Meanwhile, Ace's friend, who had moved around to stand away from Laura several feet to his side, growled and charged at her. She took a quick look at him, brought her left leg up bent at the knee, and launched a powerful side kick right into the guy's chest. He grunted loudly as all his forward movement was knocked out of him and he flew backwards into a table, smashing it to the ground along with him. He lay there for a few seconds, fighting the drink and the pain in his body. I figured now that was why she had straps on her pumps if this was the sort of thing she indulged in. I don't imagine she'd want to lose her shoes kicking the crap out of some poor sap. I tried to move further back into the booth without losing sight of what was going on. Ace had managed to get back to his feet again and stared at Laura. "You bitch.. what the fuck..?" His mind was trying to come to grips with the fact that the girl he had been hitting on was the one who had almost cold-cocked him. She strode slowly over to him, smiling seductively. "I've been in a few brawls like this in my day." Ace cocked his fist and started to wind up for a punch, but before he got any further, Laura's leg had come up and her roundhouse kick had caught him right in the face. The force of her kick spun him around and sent him flying backwards through a table, crashing to the ground amidst the splinters of the furniture. Trying to ignore my raging hard-on, I figured Ace was unconscious at this point, but after a time he raised his head and shook it violently, trying to get back the use of some of the brain cells she had almost kicked out of his head. "Don't go anywhere," she said as she stood over him with her hands resting on her hips, "I'm not done with you yet." She strode back to the bar to pay attention to the other, who had finally managed to climb back to his feet dazedly. "You bitch, I'm gonna kill you," he said, coming at her. He threw a punch at her head, a big roundhouse left that she ducked easily, and taking advantage of his exposed side, she drove a hard fist into his kidneys. All the breath escaped from him as he doubled over. "I'm not that easy, asshole," Laura told him as she grabbed him and spun him around so his back faced the bar. Since he had almost straightened up with the movement, she moved a step back on her sexy legs and brought the right one up in a kick straight to his stomach. "Ooooooo" he yelled, and his knees started buckling, although he managed to stay on his feet somehow. She moved closer and taunted, "You'll know you've been in a fight when I'm done with you, wimp," but before he could say anything, Laura clasped her fists together and brought them up, WHAM, in a hard uppercut into the still bent-over man's face. The blood from his broken nose flew further back than he did, as he left his feet and landed flat on his back on the bar, groaning. It looked like it was all he could do to stay conscious from her powerful blows, as he rolled his head back and forth slowly. I saw out of the corner of my eye that Ace had managed to get groggily up to his hands and knees, finally got one of his feet on the floor and was slowly, painfully, starting to get up. Laura noticed as well, and began walking towards him just as slowly, as if deliberately to say there was nothing he could do to hurt her, which I could see was probably true at this point. Seeing her approach, he took a couple of hesitant steps backwards, until he found himself next to the wall. He obviously didn't want any more of this uneven fight with her, but she continued to move in closer, raising her fists. "C'mon wimp, don't tell me you're afraid of a girl?" she taunted. He stayed back against the wall, looking for a way out or an opening in her defences he could get into and cause damage. Her voice seemed to lose its previous lighter tone as she said, "You should be scared. I learned how to fight when I was young, and I've stayed in shape and kept it up just because I love humiliating pigs like you with my fists." Her tone lightened again, and she smiled, "But just to give you a fair chance, I'll give you a free swing at me.. don't waste it," and lowered her fists. Of course, this was just the chance Ace had been waiting for, and despite his grogginess from the drink and the pummeling Laura had already given him, he took a step forward and swung wildly at her head. But by the time his fist had even gotten close to her, she had already ducked down and his fist flew over her. "Pathetic," she commented, as she stood back up straight and raised her fists again, jabbing the left one hard into his bruised face, knocking his head back, and again, sending him staggering back a couple of steps closer to the wall. Laura stepped forward.. "Is that the best you can do? I could take on ten of you and not even break a sweat," she laughed. Ace's temper again got the better of him and he screamed, "Bitch!" His wild swing at her again went wide as she easily sidestepped his frantic attack, and she quickly brought her leg straight up in a strong kick to his stomach. Ace grunted loudly as he doubled up around her leg, and she quickly reached down and grabbed the front of his jacket in one fist, lifting him back up straight. Holding him in front of her, Laura told him, "I'm going to enjoy knocking you flat," and she quickly hammered two lightning quick jabs into his face with her other fist. It almost looked to me like she was all that was holding him up at this point, as his legs turned to jelly under her withering punches, but he managed to stay up as she released her hold on his jacket, brought her fist back, and before he could move or even remember where he was, she had punched him hard across the jaw. The blow sent Ace reeling back into the wall, and he sagged slowly into a beaten mess at the bottom of it. Laura quickly moved in and slapped him a couple of times before he could sink into total unconsciousness. "Don't let me knock you out yet, tough guy," she told him sweetly, "I've got some more fun planned for you, but it looks like your friend has just about had enough." She turned and headed back towards the bar. Ace's friend had managed to roll himself off the bar and get to his feet, but he didn't seem too capable of much else. The beating was taking its toll, blood was still dripping off his nose, and he couldn't seem to raise his head, so I imagine he had a fantastic view of Laura's shoes and long, sensual legs as she came up to him. He did try to wearily raise his eyes up, but I suspect like myself, he couldn't tear his eyes away from those incredible legs. She noticed where his eyes had focussed and smiled seductively. "Nice, aren't they? Dance helps keep them in shape, and gives me the flexibility to do all sorts of things." With that, she kicked out powerfully, and her foot caught the guy hard in his side, causing him to grunt in pain and sending him staggering into the bar. "Guys never know how strong my legs can be until they feel them hit," she said, as she spun around on her left foot, turned and drove her right foot deep into his stomach. He bent deeply forward around her black pump, and as the wind wheezed out of him, she grinned and took a step back. "Thanks for helping a girl get her kicks," she quipped, and brought her left leg straight up in a graceful high kick that would have had the Rockettes eating crow. The top of her foot slammed hard into his face and he sailed off his feet, sent bar stools flying and crashed to the ground flat on his back like a sack of wheat. He was out cold. I imagine he couldn't believe any more than I could that this sexy girl could be capable of this, but here it was, she was busy pummeling two guys and she looked like she could take on the rest of the people in the bar too. My orgasm came when she walked up to the unconscious scum and posed with her foot on his chest, the way hunters used to stand victoriously over their prizes, and she looked down at him, satisfied with her handiwork. I thought for a frightening instant that she had caught sight of me as I shifted in the booth uncomfortably as my cum shot into my trousers, but she turned and put her attention into finishing off her other target. Ace was desperately shaking his head, trying to clear the dizziness out and get away when she walked back up to him. He still hadn't been able to move from leaning up against the wall when she towered over him provocatively. "Your turn now, tough guy. Get up," she taunted the man she had beaten. "No, leave me alone.. please," he mumbled, trying to focus his eyes. She rested her hands on her hips and started to laugh at him. "Awwww, poor Ace, got the shit kicked out of him by a girl in a bar. What do you think his friends will say? That he's such a wimp he can't fight a babe?" Ace shook his head again violently, and managed to get his eyes focussed, and they started to burn with rage. "I'll show you, you fucking.." he muttered, getting to his feet with some difficulty. Laura assumed her fighting stance again. "That's good, give me a little bit of a fight before I knock you senseless, wimp." Ace released all his frustration with a powerful swing at her face, but again she ducked quickly and his fist sailed madly over her head. He followed it up with a second wild punch that she blocked easily with her forearm. Laura then rammed her other fist into his stomach hard enough that I swore I saw his feet leave the ground for an instant. As he bent double with the force of the punch, Laura moved in and quickly brought her knee up, straight into his face, knocking him hard into an upright position and sending blood flying over his shoulder from his broken nose to dot the wall. She moved in again, this time sending her right hand down in a strong chop to the base of his neck. He staggered back again, yelling in pain, and probably didn't even see her left fist fly straight into his face again. The punch sent him flying back into the wall, and he crumpled down at her feet, totally beaten, but still conscious, barely. "Nice try, tough guy," Laura jeered. "It might help if you knew what to do with your fists, though. And don't fall asleep yet." As Ace sat in a heap with his back to the wall, it was obvious he was just about to pass out from the beating she had given him. She moved close and stood towering over him, brought her leg forward bent at the knee, and kicked him in the face repeatedly just by bending her knee, slapping her foot into his face just hard enough to keep him from losing consciousness completely. I was sort of shocked that after thrashing and humiliating these guys completely, she still wasn't done. Her perfectly formed legs and ass seemed so formidable now, and those arms of hers, her tits.. all wrapped up in one man-destroying amazon. I could feel myself well on the way to cumming again.. Laura continued to kick his face a few more times, until she could see the blows starting to register in his punchdrunk mind. "Welcome back, sleeping beauty," she smirked. "I'm going to finish you off now." She reached down and grabbed the front of his jacket with both fists and hauled him to his feet, which he somehow managed to stay on, wobbily. She turned him around so that his back was facing another table, and sneered into his battered face, "There isn't a man alive who can handle a woman like me." She then jabbed her fist into Ace's jaw one last time. His head rolled back, and he was obviously out on his feet. She snorted disgustedly, "Useless wimp," then turned quickly on one foot, brought her head around to see where she was aiming, leaned forward and spun her other leg around in a powerful kick. The bottom of her shoe connected hard with Ace's face, and the kick knocked him completely around and down through the table behind him, crashing and lying in an unconscious heap in the middle of the remnants of the furniture. Laura stood there for a few moments over Ace's battered form, making sure he wasn't going to be moving again for a while, then she looked over at the other slime she had knocked out. He still lay flat on his back where she had left him after knocking the strength out of his useless body. I sat there for another few moments, thinking of what I had just witnessed, my eyes again running over her body, which somehow seemed even more sexy now than it had just a few moments before, before I knew the true power she possessed.. my cum again soaked me as I stared at her long legs, her tight ass, the slim but obviously powerful midriff her t-shirt didn't cover, her large breasts, and the arms she'd just used to punch out these scumbags.. I hoped my moans of stifled orgasm couldn't be heard across the commotion now starting. For the first time I was glad I'd adopted the full corny old private eye getup. Long coats can come in handy at times like this.. I quickly put it on and slid out of the booth, just as I heard the sirens approaching. People started to scatter, and I started to make my way across the room. I knew I needed Laura's help with the warehouse job. I just hoped she'd be a bit more receptive to my offers than she was to Ace's..