The StormWatch Chronicles As seen through the eyes of Drano Battlehammer Part 2 Update: 10/03/1998 to drano ------------------------------------------------------------------------ May 10, 596 This time, the band of adventurers travelled forth to Ravenholt without the aid of Tempus the Mage, Koryon, Bishop and Scourge. Instead, Delahr, Borax and myself met Gabriel, Cynesra, Rael, and Chastity at the Inn in Ravenholt. The adventurers went to the town meeting to greet the Duke and Duchess when a traveller from Evendarr (the capital city) showed up bearing a newly minted coin and some encoded maps from one of the Crystalforge clan of dwarves. Apparently, these maps led to mines wherein there might be treasure. Delahr aquired copies of these and we prepared to venture forth when a man named Devin showed up. He was a little old (some would say venerable) and senile(?) but claimed that he would reward anyone who would help him. His companion was trapped in the woods by the forces of evil -- namely two Death Knights and their minions -- in a rapidly deteriorating Circle of Power. It was only a matter of time before the Circle's power failed and his friend would become a morsel for the fiends without. Some would claim that Delahr gathered the force (what there was of it) of Stormwatch to do battle with the denizens, though others would say that Gabriel already had the team up and running at that point. [Cynesra's Note: it was actually Delahr's ego that rallied our forces.] In any case, Stormwatch was on the move. Devin asked, "What do you mean? You will need many more people than this -- you will surely perish!" To his credit, Delahr assured him that we were capable of handling the situation. The group got to the woods in short order along with contingents from Eastwyck, Trellheim, and Dragonshire, as well as some others. Soon the forces of good were surrounded on all sides by the nightmarish monstrosities, eager to devour living flesh. We stood tall and proud however; Cynesra and Gabriel wielding their weapons with maniacal gleams in their eyes, Borax and Delahr saving many with spear and spell, and I was even seen to lift the Hammer of Thunderbolts against the oppressive waves of undead attacking us. Using the seldom seen Sanctuary spell, the townsfolk managed to stave off the nasties and free the defenseless companion of Devin. Soon after, the six of us (Chastity had retired to the Inn), went to the woods to see if we could assist in the mystery of Count Gareth's murder. Apparently, he had been killed at some point while we were fighting the zombies and ghouls. It was warm and humid, the fog was thick and the sky dark. We were on a path in the woods when Gabriel called a halt and pointed to a light in the distance. "Wait here," he said, "I will investigate." Moving as only one of the Wolf clan of Wild Elves could, he made his way toward the light and discovered a group of some twelve people examining the surrounding wood. The light moved in his direction, and when he was only a pole-arm's length away, he spoke: "I suggest you remove the light from my eyes." The twelve jumped, having been taken by surprise, and said, "Who are you?" "I am Gabriel," he said in a voice that stated his confidence, not only in who he was, but in his abilities. The people muttered amongst themselves a moment, and said, "Are you good or bad?" Gabriel replied, "I'm good at what I do." Only Gabriel's elven ears allowed the sounds of suppressed laughter from behind him be heard. The people spoke amongst themselves another moment, thinking they couldn't be heard, but the words carried even to us -- "Should we attack him? What do we do?" They then asked Gabriel, "Are you here alone?" to which Gabriel replied, "No, my companions are here." "Where are they?" the townsfolk asked. Gabriel smirked and said coolly, "They are good at what they do." Just then, zombies rose from the nearby ground, the townsfolk drew back, afraid, and Gabriel uttered but a single word: "Stormwatch!" Figures emerged from the mists all about him. The townsfolk gasped in shock, and said, "Who's Stormwatch?" An old dwarf in a blue and black tabard bearing the sign of 'the eye in the storm' came upon them then, and with a wink of an eye and toothy grin was heard to say only, "We are." Without missing a stride, he unslung a glowing hammer and proceeded forward with his companions to do battle with the undead, once again . . .