Unforgiveable Muscle by dmaynard Warning! Lots of senseless violence, sex, etc. Please be over 18! Rick knew his life was over the second she stepped into the pit. The crowd of females chanted for his grusome death. He stared briefly into the floodlights that illuminated the blood stained concrete, a pit of slaughter that was 15ft into the ground. The woman across from him wore a deep black shimmering robe and hood, her massive and bulky form was hidden and only her wry smile escaped from the shadow that fell across her face. Two males, her servants apparently, attended to her side, she towered over them by almost two feet and they were nothing to compare against in sheer size. When the chanting reached a cresendo, it stopped, and the males to each of the woman's side went to remove her robe. However, a hand came up to stop them, and they slunk back, afraid for their lives. Rick noticed that between the few unbottoned parts of her robe gleaming muscle shone through. Hard and full of power. The crowd stirred excitedly as the woman did some soft flexes, stretching and filling the fragile cloth to near breaking, but holding back, teasing and tempting those around her. She then turned, and put her back to Rick, who gulped audibly at the sweeping arc of muscle that sought to free itself from the confines of the robe. Finally, as if in answer to their prayers, the mighty woman placed her hands upon her hips and slowly flexed her massive back. The threads put up a struggle, but only briefly, as golden tanned skin burst through the fabric. The fabulous muscle goddess that stood before Rick appeared as if she was bursting from a shell and being born into a new world. Muscle swelled from her body, ripping and separating the cloth easily, tearing down from her garganutan shoulders to her ass-crack. Still smiling, she turned to face Rick, and grunting with pleasure flexed her mighty arms into a most muscular. Rick wet himself with fear as vein-covered cannonballs of massive female muscle burst through her sleeves. She flexed and pumped her arms until the robe fell in shreds at her feet, exposing a freakishly muscled body with the tiniest of bikini bottoms nestled safely between twin pillars of flexing thigh meat. She wore no top, and her built pecs rippled and undulated with power. Relaxing slightly, the amazonian goddess kicked the shredded robe away from her feet, the women in the audience cheered as she produced a double-biceps flex. Rick was in awe as the highly detailed crown of arm muscle swelled forth. She pumped her arms menaceningly, with each flex the grotesque bulge of bicep muscle grew larger, laced with veins, and rising and receeding as if it had a life of its own. Thick muscular traps lanced into bulging delts, and when the muscle-freak brought her pumped arms up for one more flex the hardend balls of tanned muscle edged her smiling face, creating a frame of massive muscle-meat. Ringlets of dark red hair drooping casually, she extended her wet tongue and licked and caressed the pulsing, bulging hard mass of biceps that blossomed near her face. She sensously flicked her tongue over the vein-laced mounds, but not to be outdone, her rippling pecs surged forth, nipples protruding like bullets from her chest. She continued to pump and flex her chest, creating a valley of rippling cleavage several inches deep. Standing with her hands on her hips she displayed her awesome muscle control snap flexing her massive pecs, causing them to produce a thick slapping sound as they poounded together. Rick looked lower, and the woman followed his eyes down her armour-plated stomache, to rest upon jagged cliffs of rock-hard thigh meat. The woman stood on her tip-toes and leg muscle burst from no-where, creating a deep valley of thick swelling muscle in which the her tiny bikini bottom became swallowed up in. The man servants bowed themselves out of the pit, and all became focused on the imposing amazon as she faced her tiny male opponent. Rick, although scared out his wits, could not help but become aroused at the sight of the pure muscle powered sensuality that towered before him. A ridged boner pushed against his wrestling shorts, making it difficult for him to concentrate. The amazon stepped forward, the crowd chanting widly. "Greetings little man. I promise I *won't* make this quick, I definitely want to have some fun this evening." The saucy amazon circled her hapless foe, grinning. Rick knew he was dead, but figured he would go out with as much fight as he could muster. Trying to recall his days in boxing and wrestling, Rick surged forth planting a solid punch into the female's chest. Rick yelled in pain as he felt his fist collide with what felt like solid rock. The woman laughed as Rick broke his knuckles against the flexing wall of her pecs. She grasped his wrist as he screamed, and relaxed her chest muscles, long enough for his fist and part of his forearm to become buried in her pecs. "Silly man! Did you think you were hitting a soft spot? There is NOWHERE on me that is soft Rick!" The woman chuckled. Rick tried to extract his fist from her chest, but it was no use, her pecs held him fast. Smiling she slowly, and excruciatingly, flexed her chest muscles. Rick felt solid hard pecs converge on his trapped fist, snapping and breaking each bone and knuckle. Rick screamed as slabs of rock hard pec muscle ballooned outwards slowly and deliberatly crushing his hand. The woman's pec were so monstruous that they flexed upon her face bumping slightly against her chin. She extended her tongue, swirling it lightly over the flexing mounds of chest muscle, savoring the destruction of Rick's hand to the cheers of the crowd. Blood seeped from her cleavage as as Rick's fist was crunched into tiny bone fragments. The woman finally relaxed her chest, letting the ruined hand fall. Rick clutched his broken fist, weeping profusely. The woman continued to smile, and effortlessly hefted Rick several feet into the air over her head. Moaning in pain she pumped Rick up and down, and he was treated to a birds eye view of the gorgeous landscape of her muscled shoulders and traps. After a minute or so of this, the woman brought Rick down so that his hard penis, stretching widly agains the fabric of his shorts, was trapped inbetween her destructive chest. Rick howled in fear and pain as he felt her stony cleavage converge upon his member. She teased him however with her flexes, trapping and massaging his prick with expert ease. Then, she flexed her chest hard, catching only the material of his shorts within the confines of her hard and lucious pecs. Once she had a grip, she pumped the male upwards, slowly tearing Rick's wrestling shorts from his body by the mere pressure and strenght of her chest. "Ahhh!" The woman exhaled, as Rick's clothes were painfully torn from his waist. Rick could do nothing but squirm in pain and humiliation as the musclebound woman held him aloft naked, his ridged member pointing fiercly downwards at the amazon. "Pretty decent size, for a male that is." The woman tilted her head back, and dipped Rick's throbbing member into her mouth, taking his engorged penis to the hilt. The woman's bullish muscled neck flexed and squirmed as she massaged his dick with her throat. Rick didn't last very long, and within a minute was pumping his hot load down into her. The amazon smiled as she continued to suck his sensitive member, but also began to bend his body in a U-shape above her head. Gripping him by his ankles and neck she slowly pushed upwards causing his backbone to crackle as she applied immense pressure to the hold. Rick gurgled and moaned in both pain and pleasure as his member was sucked upon, his stomach on fire as his abs were stretched beyond normal, and pain developed in his back.He felt the amazing strength of this woman, he knew she could fold him in half with very little effort, and fear blossomed in his eyes. Finally, after what seemed like ages, the woman stopped bending his body, and lifted his well-sucked penis from her sensuous mouth. She dropped his lower body to the ground, but put him in a headlock, squeezing so tight that she knocked him out within seconds. "Good night sweetie" was all Rick heard as everything went black. When Rick awoke, he awoke to the sound of screaming and moaning. He looked up to see the massive muscled body of the amazon woman laying on top of another male, one who looked like a servant, in a reverse head-scissors. The man's head was enveloped within her meaty thighs, purple-ish red from the pressure she was applying. Her multi-100 pound form rested on top, she gripped his tiny legs in her massive arms and was sucking on the servants rock-hard penis. The crowd roared and cheered, as the amazon sucked and licked the man's cock, while snap-flexing her solid legs around his delicate skull. The man yelled into her chiseled buttocks and fruitlessly pounded his small fist on her legs. The deadly amazon stopped sucking for just a moment. "Watch closely little man, you will enjoy this show." Rick watched intently, the amazon's green eyes boring into his, as he saw the man moan one last time and spurted his juice into her awaiting mouth. It was at this moment, while he pumped his load, that the woman flexed her ungodly muscles. Fibres squirmed and hardend beneath her golden skin, her massive thighs and sitrated glute muscles converged upon the head of the man-servant The crowd was on it's feet, but Rick continued to stare as the man's head slowly imploded from the force of her sexy muscular legs. His eyes popped out, his jaw became dislocated in a gargled scream, the amazon also flexed her mighty arms, compressing the man's waist and upper legs while she continued to suck him off. The hard and golden crowns of her unforgiveable biceps swelled into his body, breaking bone, Rick could do nothing but stare in awe as the woman's back swept outwards in a wide arc of chisled muscle, shoulders swelling with power. His head finally could no longer take the pressure, and his skull impolded with a sickening crush. The woman arched her head back, and Rick realized she was on the verge of orgasm, so aroused by the ultimate domination of a weak and insignificant male. She moaned audibly as the male's still ridged member became entrapped between her massively expanding pecs. Clamping her legs down tighter she entered her orgasm, grinding the remains of the man's head between her legs almost into non-existence. Rick felt bile rise to his lips as the woman's pecs enveloped the man's penis, as she thundered through her orgasm, her chest solidified into pure solid muscle, the dead man's member was crushed by her chest as she came on the remains of her kill. She flexed and pumped her chest muscles for several seconds, and then she relaxed, letting the ground up remains of the his manhood slop onto the floor. The woman stood up from her kill, the crowd chanting and screaming in frenzy. The amazon licked her lips sexily, straddling the mutilated body of her former man-servant. Blood and other bodily fluids dripped from between her thighs, her chest was smeared with blood and semen. She too a breath, and let forth a primal bellow to the crowd, stretched her glorious arms up to the flooglights, and then brought them slowly down into a massive and inhuman most muscular pose. The amazon shook with pleasure her muscles twitching with the force she was putting into her flex, wicked traps sloped into boulder-like shoulders, her biceps straining against her skin, meaty forearms pulsing with power each fibre rock-hard and unforgiveable. "You're next Rick." She growled at him. Rick puked onto the concrete from fear... End part 1