Soldier of Muscle - Part 1 By dmaynard - The year: 2076 The place: South America Her eyes flipped open, her vision was blurred momentarily, but soon cleared. She looked around slightly surprised to find herself immersed in fluid. The viewport straight in front of her face offered a look at her surroundings. The lab was clean, computers and equipment hummed and beeped. Soldiers stood guard by what appeared to be the only entrance, while white-cloaked individuals checked readings and stared at her in the holding cylinder. One of them looked her over then turned to another and nodded. She saw a button being pressed and in the next instant a burning sensation filled her body. She howled into the fluid, causing it to bubble around her face and in the next instant she heard commotion outside her holding cylinder. Alerts sounded outside and she saw flashing red screens and heard a siren screaming its warning. Next thing she knew there was a small explosion and the door being guarded burst inward, sending the soldiers flying. Other men, dressed differently than those in the lab, entered and promptly shot all the individuals within. The woman in the tank watched all this happen as the burning sensation across her body began to subside. However, as the burning subsided, it was replaced with a feeling of immense power. She looked down, and her scantily clad physique was a sight to behold. Giant cords of striated muscle roped her legs, her abs jutted with plates of muscle giving the impression of living armor. Firm breasts sat atop enormous slabs of pectoral muscle, she brought up her arms looking at the vein-laced limbs rippling with muscular power. The strange soldiers that entered the room appeared to finally take notice of what was happening, and they looked dismayed. The soldier woman wasted no time. She shot forth her fist and punched a sizable hole in the synthetic steel cylinder. Fluid gushed onto the floor as the soldier's turned watching in horror as this giant muscle-bound female tore free, metal screeching in protest against her hands. The squad of men screamed orders and opened fire on the woman as she stepped out. However, the firearms appeared to have no effect on her. She let loose a roar as she flexed her arms, the giant biceps bulged obscenely from her arms, the bullets that hit her skin flattened and fell to the floor. Still yelling, she grabbed the closest soldier and teeth clenched in a fierce growl proceeded to pull the tiny male apart. The others looked on in shock as the woman's freakishly huge musculature flexed mightily snapping and rending the hapless male easily. The soldier's blood and guts mixed with the fluid that had spilled from her holding tank as she dropped the torn corpse. She flung herself at the next male slamming into him heading for the reinforced wall of the lab. The other men heard the impact of her surprisingly fast body snapping several bones. The man wailed pitifully as the woman trapped him between her and the wall. Looking down, for she was incredibly tall, she held most of the man's upper body against her chest. The other's continued shooting her, but the woman just smiled evilly and placed her hands on her hard hips and spread her magnificent back muscles. The arc of back and lat muscles flexed outwards creating a shining mass of solid muscle as the woman flexed her pectorals into the wall. The pathetic male first screamed, then choked on his blood as pectoral muscle converged on his torso. Bullets ricocheted off her back as she laughed, crushing the man into the lab wall with the power of her chest alone. The remaining two men dropped their useless weapons and began to make a break for it out the door to the lab, but both had the air knocked out of them as the woman rushed them from behind and caught them up in her arms. She held one male aloft overhead, and with her free hand pulled the other in between her freakishly massive legs. She pulled the man's head up tight, so as his chin rested on her pussy, which was barely covered by the bikini-style bottom she wore. The other man watched helplessly, held above her head as she flexed her free arm. She smiled, watching the rising bulge of bicep muscle solidify larger than either of the males heads. She licked the side of the bicep, and then looked back down. The man looked up, his eyes bulging, his cheeks streamed with tears. As she slowly flexed, he felt the giant cords of her leg muscles swallow his head. He felt a wetness against his chin and noticed that her superior womanhood was growing very moist as she crushed him. He heard her gasp pleasurably as her titanic thighs swelled with power. He felt her juices begin soaking through what little clothing she had as his head began to crack and buckle inwards from the pressure. Hooking her arms around the neck and ankles of the man she held aloft, she placed him across the wide arc of her back as she worked on the pitiful male trapped between her legs. She bit her lip, soaking her lab shorts in cum as she simultaneously crushed one man's skull and pulled the other pathetic male on her back apart. The hallway filled with the sounds of cracking, crying, screaming, and tearing as the female pulled the male on her back apart, splitting his torso and lower body easily as the thick unyielding cords of her leg muscles flattened the man caught between. She howled in pleasure and her juices flowed down her massive thighs as she killed the men caught in her body. When she was done, she relaxed her grip, unhinged her legs, and let the chunky remains of the soldiers slop to the floor. A group of men and women had been watching everything over a screen. One of them, a gray-haired male leaned back in his tall chair, and smiled. "Looks like our project passed the test ladies and gentlemen. Time to start the next phase..." The room of individuals smiled as they gazed proudly at the monitor, the woman striding down the hallway covered with remains... to be continued...