Katie - Part Two by dmaynard Katie destroys her mother, begins learning more about the world around her Katie woke up some hours later and read the note pinned to her door, her father had taken Carol (her mother) to the hospital to see what could be done and her brother had went with him. Katie sighed as she removed her teddy and pulled on a pair of jean shorts that left nothing to the imagination, and a white cropped top that barely contained her massive chest. She reached back to tie her hair up in a ponytail, and went upstairs. She wondered around the house, occasionally peeking out the windows. She was in a secluded area from what she could see, far down the driveway a tree line encircled the property, with a large gate barring any entrance. The house was huge, a literal mansion, and Katie spent most of her time in it, although she was allowed onto the house grounds as long as she was accompanied by James, Bryan, or a servant. They had three servants, a middle-aged butler type, and two cleaning women also in their middle years. Katie had been told consistently that she was unlike anyone, certainly unlike any other teen-aged girls, and she was special for it. The servants knew Katie for many years, and her growth, while it awed them, did not surprise them. They were well - paid to keep her secret. She wondered the house, all 7'2" of her, and according to private family doctors, she was set to grow even more. One thing that had occupied Katie's mind more than ever was sensual thoughts, and also acts. A couple of years ago she felt sexual feelings awaken within her, with a ferocity she couldn't imagine. It was as if these feelings had been pent up so much her emotional barrier for them finally burst. Coupled with these feelings of sexuality, were also curiosity. For nearly all her life, Katie had been content to reside within the confines of her home and property, never catching a glimpse of what the outside world was really like execpt through books and TV. She had been shut up so for her "safety" although she couldn't imagine what exactly could harm her. She was easily superhuman in regards to her strength, and her body seemed imprivious to any sort of pain or damage. This was well demonstrated when Carol "accidentally" backed her car into Katie. The rear of the vehicle crumpled like paper around her body, leaving not so much as a stratch. This happend three years ago, and Katie flashed with anger at the thought. "Are you thirsty Katelyn?" she heard a voice behind her. She knew it was Kevin, the butler, for he was the only one to address her by her full name. He turned to meet him and he stood there with a tray and a glass of juice. Katie stood in front of her butler, who was dwarfed by the towering young goddess. She drank her juice as Kevin eyed her immense muscular figure, it was hard not to stare, Katie's physique was in-human to say the least. She set the glass down and gave Kevin a friendly wink. Outside she heard the rumble of a car coming up the driveway. Bryan and James appeared inside minutes later with Carol wheelchair bound, she shot a look of venom at Katie, to which she responded with a defiant glare of her own. Carol was a mess of splints, supports, and casts. "The doctors an unsure if she will walk unaided again." Bryan told her. Strangely enough, Katie felt no remorse, not one iota of sympathy for her hated mother, and it must have shone in her face because Carol looked away worriedly. "I refuse to be in the same room with that monster." she spat. "No need to worry about that, you will have your own facilities in the East Wing and my hospitality will end there." Bryan said coldly. Carol didn't appriciate his tone, but made up her mind that it was better than nothing. She was moved to the East Wing and the only time she was released was by Kevin for walks around the estate. Weeks went by, Carol remained secluded in the East Wing, and was socially outcasted. Her only company was Kevin, and they took frequent strolls around the grounds. Bryan easily suspected that Carol was cheating with kevin but he didn't care, unbeknowst to Carol, Bryan was processing divorce papers and writing a new will to make sure that Carol would get nothing of his fortune. Carol, not surprisingly, was collaborating with Kevin on screwing her husband out of his wealth. Katie knew, and told her father. "I'm not surprised, but your mother has her own surprise coming. My lawyers are finalizing the will and testament, everything will be split evenly with you and your brother in the event of my death." Katie didn't like to think about her father not being there, but it comforted her that Bryan was taking care of the situation. Katie went to her personal gym and worked out like a demon. She lited 1000s of pounds of steel in glee. She felt glad all over, that soon her hated mother would be out of her life. She showered, and dressed in her nighties ready for a relaxing sleep when she heard fighting break out above her. She raced upstairs and found her father near the entrance of the East Wing. Kevin was there, and Carol was screaming at Bryan as he stood by her. "You are finished! You idiot!" She was saying. Bryan sat there dumbfounded, Kevin held a small smirk on his face. Carol laughed, Katie saw her father gripping a stack of papers. She pulled them from his grip and saw that they were restraining orders, both for her and Bryan, amongst other papers citing lawsuits and injunctions for abuse and fear for her life. "I spent the last of my embezzlement buying off your laywers to strangle the divorce process." Carol snarled. "We then crafted together a wonderful case, which due to my present condition, will be easily justified by that devilish offspring I had." she glared at Katie, who stood there shaking with rage. "I will have EVERYTHING, you will not see a penny by the time I'm done, NONE OF YOU!" she yelled. Kevin laughed, and that did it for Katie. Blinded by white hot rage she walked forward. Kevin stopped laughing and screamed, Bryan yelled but Katie heard nothing but the angry voices in her head. She cocked back her massive arm and plowed her clenched fist through Kevin's mid-section. Kevin blinked stupidly for a second, staring at the gargantuan arm that had plunged itself through his upper torso. Katie stared into his eyes, her face cool and serene displaying no emotion. She lifted his mangled body off the floor, blood streaming down her arm. Holding him up by his neck with her other hand, Katie withdrew her bloody arm, she then swiftly brought her holding arm downwards, still firmly grasping his neck. His head collided with the floor, skull shattering like a rotten melon as Carol turned in her wheelchair attempting to get away. Done with Kevin, Katie reached Carol easily and picked her up wheelchair and all. Katie flung the chair and her mother through a set of doors and into the East Wing bedroom. She then catapulted herself onto Carol who was struggling to crawl across the floor. Katie's several hundred pound body landed on Carol, who screamed in raw pain as Bryan heard several bones crack and snap. Katie flipped her incapacitated mother onto her broken back and laced her meaty thighs around her head. Her father stood transfixed as Katie smiled in a maniacal fashion. Grunting softly, she flexed her mammoth legs, the muscle laden limbs swallowing up her mother's head. Bryan heard Carol's screams muffled by his daughter, and then within seconds he heard a wet crunch as Katie flattened her skull. Blood oozed onto the floor from beneath Katie's legs as she unhinged her collossal limbs. Katie stood up, the remains of her mother's head dripping onto the floor. She heaved a sigh and then flexed her inhuman physique proudly. She watched contently for a few seconds as her massive muscles bubble around her tearing at her small top until the front and back had tore themselves open from the swelling of her fantastic muscularture. Bryan stood shell-shocked. He looked at his daughter who stood there like a puppy waiting to be praised for her actions. He glanced at the mangled body of Carol, and the destroyed corpse of Kevin. His mind raced with thoughts on how to fix everything. Katie saw her father race downstairs and disappear for a few minutes. He came back with a large tarp and the other two servants. "Once we have the bodies out of the way, clean up everything! I don't want a trace of what happened here." Katie helped her father load the mangled bodies onto the tarp which she carried effortlessly downstairs and outside. The mansion had a huge kilm for pottery, a hobby of the previous owners of which had sat long with dis-use. Bryan started the klim and once it was hot enough instructed Katie to throw the bodies inside. While the bodies were creamated, he brought Katie over to the horse washing stall. Her ordered her to strip and he placed all her clothes in a trash bag, which was also burned. Bryan turned the hose onto his garganutan daughter, washing the blood and gore from her perfect body down the drain. The eroticness of this scene was not lost on Bryan, he watched as Katie obediently turned around as the hose clensed her magnificant physique. Bryan watched the warm water run in rivlets over the gorgeous mounds of beautifully tanned muscle. He couldn't help himself, the sexual aura that exuded from Katie cause him his manhood to stiffen. Katie giggled as she watched her father's hard-on poke up into his gym sweats. After he turned off the hose, Katie suantered over to him, Bryan swallowed hard as his young goddess of a daughter stood naked before him, dripping, and flexing lightly. "Daddy, I'm sorry" she wispered. "I know what I did was wrong, but she so deserved it, don't you agree?" Katie looked into her fathers eyes, he was mesmerized by their innocence, but at the same time, a dangerous glint existed within in them that he didn't notice before. "I do agree, she was a horrible mother..." Bryan replied. Katie smiled, and bent over slightly rubbing her thighs as she did. She stood back up and flexed her legs, hard. Bryan watched as pound upon pound of rock hard muscle swelled outwards. "These are a heck of a lot stronger than I imagined aren't they daddy?" Katie beamed as she relaxed her thighs ever so slightly, she then swayed her legs causing the massive cords of muscle to sway seductively. She then quickly snap-flexed her thighs, rippling muscle hardening to the consistency of stone on her body. "It felt good..." she told her father dreamily "I put her head inbetween them, and I barely felt anything. All I did was squeeze, and then next thing I knew, I felt something warm and wet between my legs, and it wasn't what you think!" Bryan placed his hand on the pillars of muscle that formed his daughters legs, and was amazed at their hardness. Snapping back to reality, he took Katie by the hand and lead her back to the mansion. The servants had nearly finished cleaning, and Bryan took Katie down to the basement. "Stay here for a few days, I'll need to make sure that we are not blamed for this should her family investigate." Katie nodded and turned to go into the room and work out. Several days passed, and Bryan worked feverishly to undo the damage caused by Carol, when questioned by investigators, he said that Carol had left the mansion with Kevin after he discovered of their treachery, with threats against his life and the life of his daughter. His servants supported his story, and fortunately, no evidence was found of either Kevin or Carol on the estate. After several weeks, the case was placed on low - priority and Bryan began to breath easier. Katie in the meantime had been working out non-stop, and had hit a little bit of a growth spurt. She now towered at 7'4" and her muscles hung from her body freakishly huge. Every part of her gorgeous physique was accentuated by solid golden muscle. It was starting into the Fall of the year and James left for collage, so Katie wondered the estate grounds more often, going into the small forested area that was attached to the mansion grounds. It was on one of these days of excursion that she met Ron. Ron was a senior at the local high school, he stood roughly 5' 10" tall, had a wiry physique, glasses, and mussed up brown hair that never seemed to be combed. Ron had few friends, and like many teens was socially ostracised for his "weirdness". His property bordered the lands of Katie's fathers estate, and when he wanted to be alone and withdraw from life for a while, he visited them. One day, while reading he heard a series of loud "thumps" hitting the earth, his first thought was it was a bear tromping around, but he then remembered that bears had been extinct in that area for over a hundred years. What he saw, he will never forget, peering out from his resting spot he saw the biggest girl he had ever seen. She was walking through the forest, the sheer bulk of her body causing the loud footfalls onto the earth. She wore a black tank top that left barely anything to the imagination, and deep red jean shorts which looked as if they were a second skin on her muscular frame. Ron immediately felt the impluse to run, but he couldn't peel his eyes away, "run!" his mind screamed, but his feet were rooted to the spot and within seconds she would see him. She spotted him peering out from some folidge, and smiled, "hello?" she called. Ron had never heard a more beautiful voice in his life. He nervously stepped out from behind the tree branches. "H..h...hello, s...s..sorry if I was tresspassing, I'll leave right now!" he sturrered out. He was amazed at himself, how out of control he felt, and the feeling worsened the closer Katie drew near. Regardless of the uneven ground that they stood upon, it was clear that Katie was ludicrusly huge in comparison to Ron. Ron looked up at Katie's beaming face, just one of her tits was larger than his head, her arms at least three times the size of his waist. "My name is Katie, what's yours?" she asked excitedly. "R...R...Ron" he replied, feeling a rush of blood to his head, and other parts of his body. "You must live close by here, funny I haven't seen you here before today, but then again, this is about the farthest I've been from the mansion." Katie looked down at the quaking little boy and smiled. "What are you?" Ron asked, he meant to say "who" but what jumped out of his mouth before he could stop it. Katie rolled her eyes, "I'm a girl silly...haven't you ever seen one before?" Katie giggled, "You're cute, you know that?" She bent down so that her eyes were level with his. Ron was treated to a spectacular view of Katie's awesome cleavage, he didn't know where her breasts ended and her muscles began. At such a view, he moaned ever so slightly and felt his hard-on press ferociously against his pants. Katie looked down and saw the outline of his cock and laughed. He turned his face down, red with embarassment. "I'll take that as a yes." She cocked her head slightly, looking as beautiful as ever, Ron was submerged in her overpowering aura. "Let go someplace I know of, I want to talk with you some more." Without warning she scooped up Ron and cradling him like a baby, shot through the woods at a dead run. Ron was paralysed with emotion as he felt her inhuman arms carrying him. He groped her bicep, slightly flexed from carrying him, and found he couldn't dent it, they were so hard. She looked down and smiled at him again as he saw them coming into a small clearing. Katie took him to one of the estates storage buildings. Inside there was space for maintenance equipment, and some of her father's and brother's long forgotten stuff. There were also unused servant quarters that were somewhat dusty, but very livable. Ron had no idea what lay in store for him, but he was willing to ride it out, and see where this path took him. Katie entered one of the old rooms and set him down. Even though she had run for a good minute to get here, she was not even breathing hard, nor had she prespired in any fashion. "Thanks.." Ron managed as Katie stood before him, beaming. "No problem, you were no trouble at all to carry. My brother likes me to do that to him sometimes, if he's very good, I let him have a little." she got an impish look on her face that of course caused Ron to ask "a little of what?" Katie took hold of the bottom of her tank top and pulled it off, displaying her nude upper torso. Her gargantuan breasts hung temptingly from curvaceous slabs of chest muscle. Her arms were pushed outwards from her torso by the sheer size of her lats, following her chest down Ron eyed her armor - plated stomach, her jean shorts tightly clung to her immense frame, the outline of her vagina pressed hungrily against the denim. Ron stood in complete awe, as Katie cupped one of her breasts. "Come here, I'll let you have a little nibble." She smiled, Ron gulped and tentitively stepped forward. Ron's 5' 10" body looked like small child's in comparison to Katie's awesome physique, he stepped up to her, his head nearly level with her breasts. He strained upwards and took the hardened nipple into his mouth, he felt the warmth of her bosom press into his face as he nibbled and sucked on her teat. His body felt on fire with lust, and escalated when he heard Katie moan softly in response. He reached his hands up and began massaging her boobs, amazed at the firmness of them. His hands strayed momentarily to the satin covered steel that comprised her chest, he felt the vien-covered ridges of muscle rippling underneath his touch, and his cock grew ever harder. Katie moaned louder and gyrated her hips softly, starting to grow excited at the boy's administrations. She reached down and felt the hardness of his penis as it strained against his jeans. With deft heands, she unbuttoned his pants, and slowly unzipped his fly. Ron shuddered as he felt Katies warm, firm hand grasp his member and pull it free from the confines of his underwear. Delicately, slowly, she began to stroke his stiff penis. "You're not too bad at this, have you had much practise?" Katie smiled. Ron wasn't exactly sure how to reply, so he did what he what normallyl did, tell the truth. "Honestly, I haven't much practise. I saw a girl for a while at school but she moved away. She didn't move very fast in our relationship, if you know what I mean." Ron shuddered again as Katie expertly moved her firm grip over his stiff member. "Hmmm...no I don't really know what you mean, but I can guess." Katie replied. "Did she ever do this for you?" Katie pulled her teat away from Ron and lightly gripping his hips, she brought his ridgid member to her face. Ron fell forward slightly, getting his grip on her massive shoulders. He was in amazment at the hugeness of this girl, everything about her was gargantuan. Katie heard a sharp intake of breath from Ron as she inhaled his penis. Ron felt his tool enter a hot, wet place, her tongue tickling the sensitive underside of his stiff member. "N..n...no I don't b...b..believe she ever had done this!" Ron exclaimed as Katie lovngingly slid her full wet lips over his throbbing staff. Mere minutes later Ron felt an orgasm building, and signaled to Katie, who felt his body trembling with delight in her hands. She quickened her pace, slurping madly, sending Ron over the edge. He exploded into her mouth, savagely, moaning all the while. Katie vaccuumed up every drop, sensuously sucking his cock dry as she slid the semi-limp member from her mouth. She walked over to the servants bed and dropped him onto the covers, huffing with pleasure. She looked very pleased. "That was amazing!" Ron breathed. Katie looked down at her feet, blushing. "Thanks, I've never actually done that before, but I've seen it done." Ron stared...."Are you...?" His question trailed off. She nodded. "Never been with a man in that way before." she replied. "There aren't many that I want to be with in that way to begin with, like my brother. However..." she stopped, still blushing. "...but what?" Ron finished for her. "...I think my father...and...you...could be someone I want to be that way with." She finished. Ron was floored, excited, and scared at the same time. "Well, I'm very flattered, but I mean...we have done quite a bit already and this only the first afternoon we've known each other!" Ron said. "I know...I get ahead of myself very quickly, I've felt this drive lately, this feeling just building up inside of me like crazy, but I try to distract myself by working out or something similar." She punctuated her sentance by flexing her obscenely huge bicep. Ron gluped as he watched the mountain of female muscle expand upwards, stretching her skin so tight, it had a sheen to it as the light bounced off her arm. "Just out of curiosity, how strong are you?" Ron asked. "I don't know, very strong I suppose, and nigh indestructable. I haven't encountered anything yet that would hurt me. I have specialized gym equipment that my father purchased, allows me to lift 10s of 1000s of pounds, and even those are feeling light to me already." To further demonstrate her point, Katie walked into the storage area of the outbuilding adjacent to the servant quarters they were in, Ron had an excellent view as Katie bent downwards to lift a full-size pick-up truck over her head with childish ease. She took turns squatting the truck and lifting it with one arm effortlessly. She then set it down and strode back over to Ron. She wasn't even breathing hard, her body looked slightly pumped, but it was appearent to Ron that she hadn't come close to using her full power. Katie smiled down at Ron, and for show, produced a Most Muscular pose. Ron stared as golden muscle expanded massively off of Katie's frame, her thighs ballooned outwards, laced with viens and were so huge they pushed away from one another. Katie surveyed her majestic arms, her biceps flexing themselves into her chest. Hey craggy traps flexed hugely, tapering off from her stout muscular neck. She essentially transformed her upper torso into a wall of bulging female muscles, Ron heard small tearing sounds and looked down to see her denim shorts shredding themselves against the flexing onslaught. Katie grunted, putting more power into her flex, and her gorgeously muscled hips, thighs, and buttocks burst forth from the confines of her shorts falling softly to the floor. "Whoopsie" Katie laughed as her tattered shorts fell off. Ron was treated to an unadulterated view of her crotch, nestled between gorgeous pillars of flowing muscle. Katie sensuously hooked her thumbs into her panties and pulled upwards, the delicate fabric outlining her muscled vagina as she spread her humongous lats. Inches of thick lat muscle bulged outward spreading like golden wings. Katie felt something warm hit her leg, and she looked down to see Ron spasming cum uncontrollably from his penis. Katie laughed, "You're so cute!" Ron smiled, calming himself as his cock deflated. "KATIE!!!!!" a yell was heard outside, sort of faint, but no mistaking it's origin. It was Katie's father. Katie looked down at Ron, who was throwing his clothes on as fast as he could. Katie bit her lip, and slowly pulled her top back on. "Do you know who that is?" Ron anxiously asked as he stuffed on his pants. "Don't worry. I'll go out and tell him that I'm merely taking a walk, I'll be back in no time." Katie strode sexily out the door. Ron sat there on the bed....waiting.... *end part 2*