Kathy 3: two boys & a teacher: by dmaynard Kathy dismantles the two wrestling stars of the boys team. And has some fun dominating a teacher. Mark and Steven were coach Miller's two most prized wrestlers, they were buff juniors, who not only wrestled expertly, but could easily be male models based on their looks. It was no secret at the high school that each boy was hung like a horse. Not only did they have their pick of girls, but they were able to coast easily through school by servicing most of the female teachers. One teacher in particular was Anna Mandrel. Anna taught foreign language and was every hormonal high school boy's wet dream. The gorgeous blonde sported a 36DD chest, finely tanned skin, toned arms, legs, ass, and stomach. Topped off with a supermodel face, Anna, who was 29 and 5'9", was the lust object of every male old enough to appreciate her. Mark and Steven became her boy toys at the start of their junior year. She was married then with no kids, until her husband came home to find Mark drilling his wife in their bedroom. Anna's husband was a small, mousy man in respect to the strapping young high school wrestler, but was rich. He nearly fainted as Mark pulled his 14"thick manhood from the cunt of his wife. "Don't stop! FUCK ME! FUCK ME HARD! I want him to see what REAL fucking is like!"Anna screamed. Mark hesitated, and Anna sat up shoving her boobs into his face, burying his mouth in warm tit flesh. "Get back inside of me NOW!"she nearly screamed. Her husband stood there stupefied, as Mark rammed his humongous manhood back into her aching pussy - hole. Anna's husband watched as Mark pistoned his hips into the elder women's love channel. After a few more seconds, Anna screamed in orgasm, her love juices coating Mark's prick as he removed his gargantuan cock and streamed boy cream all over his expansive boobs. Anna's husband couldn't take it anymore. He stormed out of the room and house, and served her divorce papers. She used money she had been embezzling from him to pay for a top notch lawyer. In the end she won nearly everything he had except his corporation. Steven was also a favorite of hers, and after the divorce she had them both over to her house often. Their private orgies lasted long into the night, Anna getting filled from both ends and loving every second of it. This particular evening, Anna had the boys over for some role-play. She had on a tight policewoman's uniform, that left literally nothing to the imagination. The boys wore nothing except dog collars fastened around their plump dicks. She strode around the house, the boys in tow as she lead them by their leashes. Heading to the bedroom she was surprised to hear a knock from her front door. Throwing on a robe and motioning the boys into her bedroom she went to see who it was. She opened the door to find a girl standing there. A tall girl, with a tank top and skin tight jean shorts. "Yes\'85can I help with something?"Anna asked, she was taken aback by the musculature of this girl. Even relaxed, Anna saw that the girls upper arms were easily the circumference of her thighs, and twenty times as hard. The girl's penetrating stare nearly melted Anna. "I'm to understand that Steven and Mark are here?\rdblquote Kathy asked. "Um\'85and if they are?"Anna replied. "That's\'85none of your business. I highly recommend calling them from your bedroom, I would hate to have to take your house apart to get to them."Kathy commanded. She subtly flexed her imposing body, causing her rock hard flesh to strain at her clothes. Anna gulped, but wasn't about to be intimidated by a teenager. "I suggest you go home NOW! And leave me alone."Anna replied slamming the door in Kathy's face. She quickly turned the deadbolt and started to walk back to the bedroom, when a loud slam was heard from behind her. Her heavy wood door trembled, sounding as if someone with a splitting maul was swinging at it. After a few seconds, the door began to splinter inwards, and then with one mighty loud slam, came tearing off it's hinges and flying inwards a few feet to come to rest on the entry way floor. Kathy stood in the doorframe, her chest heaving slightly from the exertion. "I told you to let me in bitch, after I deal with the boys, I'll take care of you.\rdblquote Anna stood in shock as the girl strode into the house as the boys came into the living to investigate all the noise. "What the hell are you doing here?"they both yelled. "I'm here to tell you two shrimps to forget about wrestling for a while."Kathy stared imposingly at them, she cracked her knuckles and both Mark and Steven stared wide-eyed at her thickly muscled limbs. "Forget it bitch! We are Coach Miller's star wrestlers, no fucking way are we sitting the season out!"Steven replied. Mark nodded in agreement. "Well, too bad for you, you could have spent the season on the bench instead of the hospital."Kathy sighed. Quick as a flash Kathy grabbed a heavy chair and flung it at the two boys, the force of her throw sent them sprawling as Anna screamed. Kathy quickly cuffed the side of Anna's head dazing her, sending her flying onto the couch. "Time to get dressed for the occasion."Kathy laughed. She tossed her backpack onto the floor, and then looking as if she was summoning some powerful inner force, Kathy willed her muscles to grow, her young body flexing enormously shredding her meager tank top and splitting the seams of her jean shorts wide open. Kathy's gargantuan musculature expanded outwards, dwarfing the ripe physique of the two boys, her rippling muscles sexily ebbed and flowed with power, tearing what was left of her garments and leaving her wearing only a thin white thong. "You actually think you puny boys can even DARE to order me around?"Kathy snarled, her eyes aflame, her jaw firm and set. She power flexed only one of her magnificent arms, the bulging bicep rocketing upwards to a massive 24"thick pulsing mound of fem-muscle. "You fucking men are so WEAK compared to me. Go ahead, give me your best shot." The two boys glanced at each other, and then Steven proceeded forward. "I'm not about to let some lez-muscle bitch taunt me!"Steven assumed an expert stance, circling Kathy. At when he thought she would least expect it, he lunged forward, attempting to grapple her. She easily brushed his grapple aside lifting his body high into the air, Steven flailed around helplessly. "Goddess, is that ALL you have? And you guys are supposed to be the STAR wrestlers?"Kathy mocked. Mark attempted to tag-team Kathy, but she anticipated the move and flashed her leg outwards catching Mark on the chin and sending him flying into the couch. "That will learn you!"Kathy gloated. She brought Steven downwards onto her muscled back, she powerfully strode over to Anna's wall that adjoined the bedroom, and leaning to her side she slammed Steven's body into the wall. The sheetrock crumbled and support beams buckled as Kathy powered the screaming form of Steven into Anna's wall. Anna herself stared in awe, her hand slowly reaching downwards to find a sopping pussy. "I knew it, you like power don't you? You little slut."Kathy growled as she ground Steven's body against her steely physique. He was crying in pain as Anna heard ribs pop, tendons tear, and joints buckle under the pressure. Steven finally passed out from the pain as Kathy sloughed him off her pumped shoulders. She flexed her hard guns in triumph, Anna sat mesmerized at the erection of hard fem-muscle that exploded from Kathy's arms. Her perky breasts rode atop slabs of chiseled chest meat, her hard nipples protruding like bullets from her firm round tits. "I hope you are excited as I am, I'll have a little surprise for you."Kathy smiled. She walked sexily over to Mark who was just groggily getting up from the couch. She hauled him up to a standing position, and began to grope his manhood. As she massaged his prick to full length she teasingly bit his ear, French kissed him, and rubbed his enormous package on her steely thighs. "My, my, so you I see you LIKE strong LEZ - bitches eh?"Kathy chided him. "Let's make this more fun"she forced Mark into a headlock, and still jerking him off she began to flex her prodigious muscles around his sensitive neck. Momentarily he began to choke, gasping for breath as Kathy squeezed her massive bicep like a vise. "I've heard that some people have a fetish for being choked to near death while aroused. Are you one of those people Mark?"She innocently asked as her hand blurred over his puffy manhood. Mark couldn't answer, and felt on the verge of passing out as he struggled weakly to break Kathy's iron hard grip. Anna was amazed that Kathy could manhandle this strapping youth with just one arm, and as Mark was on the verge of passing out, he proceeded to explode his wad onto the living room floor, gushing a gross amount of cum onto the carpet and furniture. "Wow Mark, I guess you are!"Kathy giggled. Mark passed out, and Kathy then lifted his limp body over her head. She threw his dead weight across the room slamming his body into the far wall. She had thrown him so hard he left an imprint in Anna's wall when he fell to floor. "And now, a little surprise for teacher."Kathy announced. She strode over to her backpack and Anna gulped as she unpacked a wicked looking black dildo. The monster was roughly the circumference of a beer can, and close to one and a \'bd feet long. Anna noticed that a solid steel rod formed the core of the dildo, which was covered with a realistically modeled cock. "This is my warm - up toy. I go through about 4 of these a month, because my pussy is so fucking strong I bend it all to hell.\rdblquote Kathy informed her. The dildo was balanced by a protrusion roughly 8\rdblquote in length, that Kathy inserted into her love channel. Anna saw her well muscled pussy eagerly slurp up the rubber coated steel shaft, as Kathy secured the dildo across her wide muscular hips. Anna recovered her senses and made a mad dash for her bedroom, she leapt inside and locked the door behind her. She then picked up the bedroom phone and tried to dial 911, but didn't get a dial tone. "In case you are wondering, I snipped your phone connection, no help for you bitch!"she heard Kathy yell from the living room. Anna threw the phone is frustration, nearly on the verge of tears and began to scream for help as Kathy plowed through her bedroom door, splinters of wood flying as she nearly walked through her door like it wasn't there. Anna jumped across the bed trying to reach her bedroom window when she felt strong hands grab her shoulders and she went flying face down on her bed. Anna struggled feebly, her hands feeling the steely teenage muscles that held her fast. "Listen cunt, those so-called star wrestlers of Coach Miller's couldn't even take me, so don't even think you'll be able to do anything with me."Holding her face down, Kathy ran her hand over Anna's toned rounded ass. She slapped it a few times, turning the cheek red, and Anna cried louder into her bed sheets. "Nice ass you have bitch! Not a bad looking snatch either, I'm hoping you'll last at least a few minutes against Rodney, he's been specially reinforced by a friend of mine."Kathy sneered. Anna felt her ass cheeks being spread, exposing her well fucked and delicious cunt, and then ever so slowly, Kathy sank her humongous dildo into Anna's hole. She cried out in pain as the giant black dildo forced it's way up to the hilt. Kathy then began to pump the monster in and out. Her muscles writhing with strength, her muscled ass cheeks bunched up with every powerful thrust. Kathy pounded the hell out of Anna's pussy, barely breaking a sweat as she rammed the prod faster and faster. After nearly a half - hour of intense fucking, Anna screamed in orgasm, she spurted her love juices all over Kathy's toy, and then she heard what sounded like metal being crunched. She turned to see Kathy in the throws of her own orgasm, her powerful pussy crunching the steel of the dildo like paper. Exhausted, Anna lay limp on the bed, but felt herself lifted upwards as Kathy stood up from the bed, the form of Anna hanging limply off her huge rod. With a distinct slurping sound, Kathy removed the dildo and Anna fell to the floor, and then power flexing her lower body snapped the straps holding it to her massive muscular hips. Dropping the ruined dildo onto the passed out form of Anna, Kathy made her way back into the living room. Steven still lay in groaning crumpled mess, and Mark was attempting to get from where she had thrown him earlier. Walking over Kathy calmly grasped Mark's arms and viciously twisted them, causing tendons to snap, and joints to dislocate. Mark howled in pain, as Kathy spat upon his crying form. He looked up to see her flexing her gargantuan arms in a Most Muscular pose, a devilish smile on her lips as she proudly displayed the man - crushing muscles that jumped to attention from her body. She lovingly gazed on her upper torso. "Don't ever forget, that you were fucked up by a girl Mark. I hope you'll think twice before giving me any shit in the future."Kathy then relaxed her muscular form and then, after changing into an extra pair of clothes, left the weeping forms behind. ***end part 3***