Genetic Cocktail - Part 3 by dmaynard Mar 2014 - Dr. Meier Makes Eve her slave Disclaimer: Content intended for audiences over the age of 18! Dr. Meier landed in a clearing some miles away as she dropped the angry screaming Eve onto the tall grass. "I can't believe you double-crossed me!!!" Eve bellowed. Meier looked down from her 8+ feet in height and smiled. "Listen and listen well." Meier growled. She backed the skinny girl into a tree, the bulge of her cock pressing against the young girl's chest. She went silent, eyes wide with fear. "I'm going to include you in my plans because I think you have promise, but you need to understand the two us are not enough. It's why I mixed things up with my formula and made this." Meier points are her gigantic appendage. "Basically, we are going to breed our own army. I've tweaked with both our formula's to allow for hyper-accelerated growth. Our children will already be intelligent, but, with one aspect. They will follow my orders without question." "Your orders only?" Eve replied, glaring slightly. "For now." Meier stated. "The choice is pretty easy Eve. I'll restore you to your advanced state and we may breed our army of conquerors. Or, I crush you into oblivion and find another willing host. What will it be?" Eve made her choice quickly. Her revenge would have to wait, for now, her overriding desire to subjugate the world came first. She laughed as the Dr. restored her, muscle filling beneath her skin, hardening and shredded to the max. She cackled. "All better Eve?" Meier smirked at the hyper-muscular teen. Eve came down from her high of muscle growth and then fixated upon the insanely huge cock that dangled between Meier's thick legs. "Did you?.did you?" Eve was overwhelmed with desire, hey pussy spasmed uncontrollably at the sight of Dr. Meier's immense cock. "Want it bad eh?" Meier chuckled, gripping the veiny beast with one of her large hands. Her swollen balls pulsed lightly as Eve strode forward, her sopping pussy leaking freely onto her muscular thighs. "How?how big does it get???" Eve stood in front of the doctor and began stroking it. "Oh plenty big?" Meier sighed and watched happily as her cock hardened for Eve. The monster swelled forth growing out to more than a yard in length and at least a foot and ' in circumference. Craggy bulges of muscle flexed upwards arcing the hard member into Eve's awaiting tongue. Meier flexed her upper body into a most muscular pose and Eve almost orgasmed then and there. Her mighty cock surged upwards hardening a few more inches as Meier flexed into a wall of living muscle. Her traps bulged upwards, almost touching her ears, delts ballooned outwards bigger than most men's heads. Hard, unforgiving biceps erected themselves freakishly upon her arms. Meier knelt down and Eve placed herself upon the muscular towering member. Screams of pleasure echoed in the woods around them as Eve's pussy engulfed the Dr.'s cock. Meier fucked Eve for what seemed like an eternity but was really only several minutes before Meier unleased her load into Eve's sopping pussy. The two titan amazon's bellowed as they climaxed. Eve fell back into the grass and breathed heavily. "What's going on?" She felt her stomach and it squirmed as if it were alive. "The start of our new army" Dr. Meier replied cooly. The process unfolded before the two women within minutes, Eve birthed a tiny Amazonian girl. As if watching stop motion animation, she flailed about on the ground for several seconds, crying, then she mutated into towering goddess of muscle. The woman knelt before Meier and swore their undying allegiance. Eve and Dr. Meier worked tirelessly until within a few hours, they had 25 behemoth muscle goddesses, all ready and willing to serve their master. Dr. Meier beamed with satisfaction and turned to Eve. "Let's go test them out" ****** The tiny South American military compound sat in the twilight, several guards straddling its perimeter. They nodded to each other as they passed, encircling their patrols. The calm scene didn't stay that way. As one guard passed a bush, he was violently yanked into the underbrush. His startled cry cut short as hard muscle encircled his body like a giant snake. Within seconds, the amazon compressed the guard flat, turning him into an unrecognizable mess of crushed flesh and bone. The other guard noticed his patrol buddy missing, and backtracked, whistling out. He literally walked into another one of the amazon girls, a wall of flexed pumped muscle with a small head peeking down past insanely huge traps, and gigantic pecs. Too frightened to even scream, she smiled as she effortlessly pressed her large hands together and flattened the man's skull in seconds. Eve and Meier looked on, pleased. The squad of hyper-muscular amazons pushed forward into the main camp and wrought their destruction. The devastation delivered to the small outpost was horrific. Everywhere the screams of men echoed punctuated by the occasional crack of gunfire. The commander of the outpost listened as sweat poured from his brow. Three of his security guards intently watched the office door as a thundering thumping noise was heard. It stopped just outside and they all heard a wicked chuckle that made their blood run cold. Seconds later the flimsy office door began to bow inwards, wood cracking and glass shattering. The commander and his men gasped in amazement as a gigantic muscled cock, over 3 feet in length, burst through the door with ease, hard and flexing. Yelling, the men emptied their weapons at it, bullets bouncing harmlessly off the stiff member. When the noise of firing died down, Meier crashed into the wall, opening the entryway into the commander's office to accommodate her 10' plus in height. "I'll admit there guys, your little metal bullets tickled me a bit" Meier grabbed two of the guards within each of her arms faster than they would have conceived possible, she looked at the commander her vein covered freakishly huge arms compressing the heads and upper bodies of the guards with so much pressure their insides spurted like mini geysers from within her biceps. Taking the last guard, she grabbed him by the throat and held him aloft. "We have need of something for you to do Commandant, I would prefer it if you agreed to it quickly and plainly. Although I would not be opposed to fucking cooperation out of you either?" Meier man-handled the squealing guard as if he were a rag doll. His shouts for help from his commander reached a frenzy as the gigantic goddess cock of Meier pierced his ass. The commander watched in horror as the guard spasmed while Meier licked her lips and plowed the mighty cock into the weak flesh-bag. "Do I have your attention commander?" Meier asked mockingly as her cockhead snapped bones and smashed internal organs. The commander pissed himself in fear as Meier's cock bulged obscenely within the guards' chest and slowly she pulled him over her massive member the cockhead plowing forth and with a horrific tearing noise, shredded the neck and head of the dead guard like tearing meat from a chicken leg. "Oh yes!" Meier gasped as her red throbbing cockhead pushed forward and outward from the decapitated corpse. Meier placed her hands upon her wide hips and looked down at the commander smiling as she wore the flesh-bag of a man upon her vastly superior cock. "What is it you need me to do?" he squeaked. The rest of the squad of amazon girls entered the office at that moment. They encircled the commander, their rock solid hyper-muscled bodies gleaming in the lights, covered in blood and bits of body parts. Meier smiled and flexed her member tearing what remnants remained of the guard off her cock. "As you may have easily guessed, we severely outclass any male on the planet Mr. Commander. Go ahead, take pictures." The commander paused, uncertain. "Take your phone out NOW and take pictures!" Meier punctuated her statement with flexing her gigantic arm in the man's face. The terrified man quickly took several pictures. Meier paraded him all around the destroyed camp, recording and surveying the destruction. "OK little man, now that we are done. Take this evidence, the pictures and video, back to your superiors. As witnessed by your own eyes, inform them that there is nothing they can do to stop us. Spread the word. Our terms are complete subjugation, or complete annihilation. The choice is theirs." Meier placed the quaking man into a Jeep and watched him careen off down the dusty road. Eve pulled Meier aside. "Are sure that was wise? Revealing ourselves now?" Meier nodded. "My research is bulletproof. Our transformation and proliferation is but a start." Meier's eyes shone with a bright light of greed. Eve wasn't so convinced. Sure, she wanted to rule just as much as Meier but she perceived the Dr. to be reckless at this stage. Eve wasn't entirely sure how she wanted to handle that. The squad tromped back to the field where the others were waiting. "Everyone get some rest tomorrow, we go after bigger targets." Meier announced this gleefully, rubbing her large hands and bulges of muscle throbbing to crunch up puny men. "What about the women?" Eve asked. "We can offer them the choice to be goddesses, or destroyed along with their worthless males" Meier replied. The others cheered, Eve brooded. To be continued?