Genetic Cocktail by dmaynard A short story about a young girl and her muscles... NOTE: Violence, sexuality, and other stuff which should be read by ppl 18 and over. Viens leapt out from the young girl's skin as they formed a roadmap of vascular blood tunnels that dipped and curved over hard masses of muscle. Muscle which hefted insane amounts of weight attached to a steel bar that bent under the tons that had been applied. The girl's name was Eve, she was barely 18, and she was a muscle freak by the very definition. Eve was created to be what she was, thanks to modern genetic mutation and manipulation. She was grown in a test tube, and then raised in a secret governement laboratory housed underground in New Mexico. Standing almost 7ft tall, Eve pumped the steel bar which craned under its load, ballooning her arms to almost 26" around. She was the epitome of muscular development, her thick back squirmed with muscles, round delts capped her shoulders, heavy lats pushed her arms out to her sides, traps snaked down from her thick neck like cables. She had no breasts to speak of, simply huge deep pecs, which jutted fiercely from her chest, and rippled with chiseled muscle. Her armour plated stomach tapered into iron hard hips, only to flare outward again into gargantuan thighs, beefy with bulging muscle and laced with viens. The teardrops of her thighs bulged over her kneecaps and decending further, the viewer was threated to diamond shaped calves that swelled bigger than most mens arm's. This exquisite specimen was dressed in a two-piece workout suit that left little to the imagination. Round hard cannonball glutes bulged magnificently from her skimpy attire, flowing down to thick cabled hamstrings. Eve finished one last pump on her barbell before dropping the tonnage with a lound crash onto the reinforced floor. Eve let out a primal bellow as the slightest trace of sweat trickled down her body. Pumped from her workout she flexed her amazing body, the muscle beneath stretching her golden skin to a bright sheen, threatening to tear itself free of confinement. Her most muscular pose literally solidifed Eve into a wall of pure muscle, the hard crowns of her biceps dug into her expanding pectorals, each layer of muscle overlapping the other, but neither willing to give an inch. From the other side of her workout room, doors slid open. Bulky robots moved through the open doorways, their synthetic eyes glowed red, Eve turned and cracked her knuckles with a wry smile. "She seems more aggressive this evening, don't you think Dr. Walden?" The voice was Dr. Jane Meier, who was one of Dr. James Walden's staff, the group responsible for creating Eve. "I will have to concur on that, but usually she calms right down after trashing some of our training let's see what happens." Dr. Walden leaned back and sipped his coffee. Eve launched herself into the training robots, moving very fast for someone of her size and bulk. Dropping them to the ground, she caught the first robot's midsection between her amazing legs, it's mechanical muscles strained in a vain attempt to break free. Seconds later, Eve compressed her legs, flexing her massive thighs they dug into the hardened steel of the training bot, its armour screeching in protest as Eve's heavily muscled legs crushed the robot's torso without so much as scratching her skin. Unlocking her legs, bits of the robot that been compressed into her skin fell with a clank to the floor. She then flipped onto her feet with the grace of a martial artist, and plunged her ready fist into the next victim. Eve's fist burst through the torso of the second robot, her muscled arm planting itself into the thrashing synthetic. Slowly flexing her awesome arm, Eve began to compress and crush the head and upper torso of the hapless training bot, the hard ball of her unearthly huge bicep crunching into the metal as if it were paper. Sparks and hydraulic fluid spurted from the training bot as it was destroyed. Dr. Meier heard Dr. Walden swollow hard, she happened to glance at his crotch and it was obvious the spectacle that Eve was preforming aroused the Dr. to a great extent. "So...he likes muscle women? Well that explains quite a bit." Dr. Meier thought to herself. Much as she would hate to admit, she also felt turned on by the raw strength and power that Eve exhibited. Eve so throughly dominated the hapless robots, she watched as the screeching of their metal armour and robotic skeletons imitated the screams and cries that a human enemy would make if caught in the deadly grasp of Eve. She watched as if in a trance, as Eve methodically crushed what was left of the training bots into round balls of smashed metal, completely unrecognizible as to what they once were. Once done, Eve surveyed the destruction she had wrought upon the insignificant robots and proudly flexed her magnificant body, her huge rippling muscles straining with power, her arms looked as if they had sprouted two mountains of muscles, Eve pumped them, urging the impressive mounds higher and harder, and then finally, her entire body shook and the muscles of her physique took on a heightened defnition, the two scientist did not fail to notice the gushing of liguid that flowed from Eve's iron hard vagina as she induced a muscle-orgasm while celebrating the desctruction of her enemy. Dr. Walden asked to be excused, and Jane did not blame him. She felt a tremendous rush at seeing Eve's display of power. She signaled for the maintenance crew to come in and clean up the area as she made her way down to the training room. When Jane arrived, the clean-up crew was just coming in, the room smelled like a mix of hydraulic fluid and musky female spunk. Eve sat on one of the workout benches, appearently busy with something as the custodians began to clean. "Eve? Just wanted to mention to you that was a wonderful performance tonight against our combat synthetics..." She began to say, but stopped short. Eve looked over at Jane, but Jane's eyes were squarely on what was going on between Eve's legs. She had taken one of the workout dumbbells and was slowly, and sensually, working the dumbbell in and out of her engorged pussy. Jane had never seen this behavior before, yes Eve was defnitely erotically charged during combat, it's part of what made her so effective. However this was new. Eve stared at Jane, who gulped, attempting to regain her composure. "Did you want to take about something Dr. Meier?" Eve seemed to ignore Jane's flushed face and straying eyes, but a tiny smile had formed on the side of her mouth. "'re creativity in dealing with tonight's combat synthetics was truly inspiring..." Jane dabbed at her forehead with a handkerchief. Eve had let go of the dumbbell, and was using nothing but the thickly developed muscles the formed her vaginal cavity to work the piece of steel in and out. Jane heard squishing noises as Eve's jucies oozed from around the metal, she did also not fail to notice that the dumbbell had not retained it's original shape. Eve's superior physique had bent and folded the steel to conform to her well-muscled sex. Eve picked up the pace, the dumbbell began moving in and out at a rapid pace, and was soon almost a blur as Eve's body flushed hard with muscle and blood. Eve groaned in pure delight, her muscles hardening, Jane could only stare in amazement, her own womanhood juicy and quivering at the erotic display in front of her. Eve's muscular vagina finally inhaled the malformed dumbbell, and with a fierce moan of pleasure, Jane watched her massive womanhood convulse in orgasm, she barely heard the groaning of the steel as it was mashed flat by the awesome power of Eve's vaginal muscles. Once again, powerful squirts of female spunk spat to the floor, the cleaning crew had all but stopped to watch what was happening. Finally, after relaxing ever so slightly from her orgasm, a thin rod of compressed steel slid from Eve's pussy and landed with a clunk on the floor, steaming in the cool room air. "Can't...stop...Dr...Meier!" Eve gasped, and Jane took a couple steps back as Eve stood up. Eve groaned in continued extacy as the once already massively muscular woman simply grew even bigger. Jane noticed that not only was Eve growing taller, but her musculature was expanding. Hardened mounds of beef stretched against her skin. Every fibre, every vein stood in bold relief, Jane estimated that Eve stopped growing at just over 9ft tall, the Dr's head came up to her thighs, which rippled with power and were twice the size of the biggest man in the room. The cleaning crew had come to a complete stop, but more than half of them had dropped their tools and brgan to run for the exit. Eve got there first. "No one leaves until I'm done with them." Eve tossed her magnificent mane of auburn hair, her pungent red lips wore an evil grin, for the first time since Eve's conception, Jane was scared for her life. She pressed her silent personal alarm, and soon the entire facility would be locked down, preventing Eve from leaving. The custodians screamed as Eve plunged her muscular arm forward, grabbing one of the men who squirmed in her grip. Holding his arms and legs firmly she lowered his form inbetween the mountainous globes of hard flesh that formed her voluptuous and mighty chest. Jane watched transfixed as Eve flexed her pec muscles, the man emitted horrendous screams as hard ripples of pectoral muscle flexed forward, the vast hard valley of her chest trapped the hapless male, whose gargled screams were mixed with the breaking of his bones. Eve just continued to smile as her powerful chest muscles worked like a hydraulic car crusher crunching the human between them. Jane winced and jolted at the sound of the male's stomach splitting open from the pressure, his intestines dangling like bloody ropes from underneath her massive chest. Eve was in extacy over her power. "C'mon, more....flex...harder...more..." Ever grunted fircely between her teeth as mounds of steely chest muscle converged on the head of the barely alive male. Using expert muscle control, Eve rippled and waved her massive hard muscles, the rolling action of her pecs crushing the man's head, popping his eyes, and spilling his brains. Eve gloried in her awesome muscular power, she slowly struck a most muscular pose, and the flexing cavity that was her chest completely enveloped the poor male. Like a walking meat grinder, Eve compacted the custodian into a mash of flesh and bone, her muscles chewing at the male body like a vicious predator. In what seemed to be for fun, Eve leaned forward and winked at Jane, quickly snap-flexing her massive chest, Eve caused the remains of the corpse mashed between her chest to erupt from the top of her bulging pec muscles, spraying most of the room in blood and gore. Eve laughed, Jane vomited. The remaining janitors sought to flee for their lives, but Eve was too quick for them. Grabbing a free weight bar she skewered two more of the hapless custodians their twitching bodies bled freely onto the floor. The last of them stood in transfixed horror next to the wall. Eve stepped up to him, all 9 throbbing feet of her physique rippling with waves of power. Eve spun around, the tempting muscular globes of her ass just reached the man's head she stepped back, pinning his pathetic frame against the reinforced wall. With a small laugh, Eve bent her legs ever so slightly, and a slurping sound was heard as the screams of the man were muffled by his head being swallowed up by her lucious ass muscles. The man fruitlessly pounded her titanic thighs, swollen with female muscle beef and laced with veins. She began to slowly solidify her glutes, the sensual cannonballs expanded with her flexing. Jane could not speak, as she heard the man's head begin to crack under the pressure of Eve's mega-muscular ass. Within seconds, the man's head inploded, with the sickening sound of something like a rotten melon being smashed. Eve grunted and poured tremendous power into her gluteal flex, spraying the wall behind her with such force that the remains of the man's head was painted onto the wall. "Eve please! What is wrong with you?" Wailed Dr. Meier. "Actually, there is nothing wrong with me, you and Dr. Walden created a perfect specimen." Eve smiled as she playfully flexed her body. Her power and strength seemed limitless, that much Jane could agree, their testing was a tremendous success in that regard. However, Jane was flummoxed that Eve's behavioral inhibitors had seem to vanished. "Well Eve, as I'm sure you're aware, since your first outburst the facility has commenced lockdown. If you stop now, we can recover from this incident and move on with our research." Jane pleaded with the muscular behemoth, seemingly to no avail. "Dr. Walden promised that if I did what he said, I would have a life with him outside of this place." Eve said defiently. She strode past the quaking Dr. Meier and approached the exit. "What do you mean with James? A life outside of this place? WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?" Jane yelled. To her surprise the sealed door to the training room opened to reveal James Walden. He smiled at Eve who gushed with glee at seeing the Dr. She gathered the tiny man into her arms and laid upon him a passionate kiss. Jane watched incredulously as Eve cradled Walden as if her were a small child. "James!! What is the meaning of this!?" Jane was almost in tears as Walden turned to address her from his perch within Eve's mighty arms. "Eve and I have come to a arrangement. We share a great attraction for one another, but I just cannot simply have a relationship with a secret government subject meant for advanced combat. Hence we staged this little coup to make our way into the world." Walden snuggled against the iron hard flesh of his creation. "You can't just walk out of here with a multi-billion dollar specimen and expect them not to hunt you down, and possibly kill you for what you've done!" Jane tried to talk some sense into Dr. Walden, but he seemed oblivious to her pleas. "Eve is one of the most advanced humans on the face of the earth. If they look for us, they would be sorry. I'm afraid Dr. Meier we need to go now." Walden nodded, Eve turned with her companion and within seconds they bounded away down the vast hallway. Jane knew she had but one option and she hurried to the Experimental Projects lab hoping that everything was not too late. ********** Walden knew that both himself and Eve would encounter resistence trying to leave the facility. In fact, they had not gotten very far when they began to encounter the lab's security forces. "Wait here Dr. Walden, this shouldn't take long." Eve deposited James into a secure room then took off down the hallway to meet the threat of the security teams. "Take her down now! Lethal force has been authorized!" The order echoed within their wireless headsets as Eve strode down the antiseptic hall, a behemoth of female muscularity. Her freakishly large physique cast an intimidating shadow over the men that had come to confront her, and seconds later the facility was alight with chatter of small arms fire. To their surprise, Eve sustained no damage. She smirked in an evil fashion as the soldiers bullets bounced off her tough hide, making little indentations on her golden skin, but not penetrating the surface. The first squad she encountered would be a taste of things to come for them all, as Eve tore into the little men that attempted to secure her from escaping with Dr. Walden. She trapped two of the flailing males within her massive arms, and both of them screamed with anguish into her steely muscles. Flexing, their fragile heads imploded against the awesome force of her pecs as they pumped outward to meet the rising crowns of her fantastic biceps. The pitiful helmets they wore cracked and rended as tissue and bone were compressed into mush amongst the flexing onslaught of her muscles. "Stupid men! You think you can best my strength? My power?" Eve taunted the soldiers as they fired their useless weapons into her. She dropped the two she had crushed within her arms and punched another into the side of the hallway. Her fist and muscular forearm tore through his torso as her arm penetrated the thick steel of the hallway wall. The other remaining men stood in stupefied horror as Eve simply laughed at the slaughter. The dangling corpse that was on her arm twitched in it's death throes, blood running in rivers to the floor from the gaping wound in his chest. Eve watched with great satisfaction as she flexed her bicep, the hard crown of solid muscle flexed and expanded outwards slowly tearing the body that had unfortnately been speared by her arm in half. Bone snapped and organs were crushed as Eve's arm grew in circumference and diameter until the corpse had been seperated in two parts by the simple flexing of her awesome and massive arm. Her muscle-lust barely contained, Eve kicked one of the last two gaurds down the hall, snapping his spine with the force of her blow, the remaining male she lifted over her head and wrapped around her thick neck. The man's screams echoed down the hall as Eve flexed her impressive traps crushing the hapless male inbetween the valley of muscle created by her traps and delts. Blood flowed freely over her massive pecs and cascaded over the rocky crags of her abs. Eve's insanely huge upper body swallowed the male like a snake swallowing a mouse, cracking and breaking of bone mixed with the sound of the male's head exploding like a overripe melon, she couldn't see anything since her expanding musculature had flowed up around her head but she felt the body of the guard being compacted and smashed like it was trapped in a car crusher. Nothing excited Eve more, and when she finally relaxed her flex, the pitiful remains of the man slopped from her bulging throbbing muscles onto the floor at her feet. Eve licked her lips and took off down an ajoining hallway, the gore covered amazon enountered her next squad of soldiers. She charged down the hall, causing the men to drop their weapons and attempt to flee from this hulking blood-covered mass of female muscle. She ran over half of them, breaking their bodies with the tremendous weight and power of her fantastically muscled legs. She caught the rest against her freakishly huge chest and plowed into a sealed blast door smearing the poor males against the buckling steel. The door gave way within seconds, blossoming outwards as the gore dreanched Eve strode through. Dr. Walden was close behind as Eve noticed they had made it to the motor pool, and were almost clear of the facility. "This way James..." Eve commanded the Dr. to follow her, and he did so obediently. They walked through the motor pool area only to be greeted by a humvee full of soldiers blocking the main entrance. The Dr. dived for cover as Eve zoomed forward catching the soldiers off-guard with her speed. She slammed the humvee into the sealed motor pool exit, jostling the crew within. Some of the jumped to the ground as the humvee was lifted effortlessly into the air by the super-muscular amazon. Eve flexed and the vehicle was slowly crushed in half, along with some of it's occupents. As she folded the truck, the dying screams of the men trapped inside echoed throughout, and were quickly silenced as Eve crushed the vehicle with her mega-powered physique. The remaining soldiers fired repeatedly at her as she flung the ruined vehicle into the sealed exit, bursting open the doorway and making a hole for her and Dr. Walden to pass through. Moving with astounding speed, Eve grabbed the remaining men from the vehicle with her fantastic grip, and slammed their bodies together shattering their flesh and bone with great force. For fun, Eve posed over her latest kills, the gratification she extracted from demolishing fragile male bodies was never-ending. "Let's go Dr. Walden, I think they finally got the message that nothing can stop me from where I want to go." Eve laughed as James ran to meet her. "I beg to differ." Eve spun around to see in shock Dr. Meier standing off to the side of the motor pool entrance, she held some sort of contraption in her hands and before Eve could ascertain it's purpose a beam of green light issued forth from it and enveloped Eve. "No! Eve, Jane STOP!!" Dr. Walden screamed, but it was of no use. Within seconds, Eve's amazing musculature evaporated, she shrank to the normal height and weight appropriate for a girl of her age, and she dropped to the concrete sobbing. "Thankfully, we make sure that every project has a failsafe." Dr. Meier wiped the sweat from her forehead as she turned off the machine, James Walden ran to Eve, cradling her in his arms. "You bitch! How could you do this to her!?" James yelled. Jane seemed impassive. "You know as well as I do, you would have never made it far with her, the research and effort we have put into this project is far too valuable." Dr. Meier approached the sobbing Dr. walden, who held a disoriented Eve in his arms. "On top of that, you have proved yourself a liablity to this project. Goodbye James, I'm sorry." Dr. Walden stared up at Jane Meier with tear soaked eyes. Jane watched him for just a moment before extracting a pistol from her lab coat, and putting a bullet into his head. She stared down at Eve, naked and sobbing herself. She helped the young girl to her feet and from nearby, the sound of booted soldiers tromped towards them. "Don't worry Eve, we have big plans for you." Dr. Meier smiled at the red-faced Eve as the armed soldiers shackled her limbs and dragged her away screaming. The End.