War of the Amazons Part 2 by dmaynard A future where women have evolved and men are near extinction. The small man, known as Pvt Jackson, left the semi- protective cover of a dilapidated metal shed. He gripped his energy rifle firmly, but had little faith that it would save him if the situation turned grim. Weapons such as his had begun to lose their potentcy against the younglings, and did little more than just buy the soldier some time. Time he hopefully would use wisely. Jackson made his way stealthily through the burned out hulks of vehicles and crumbling buildings. He glanced every few seconds down at his scanner, which for the most part, detected the distinct life signs of the Amazonian women that had come to rule his planet...the type of woman that had just destroyed his squad sent to forgage for food. He glanced down at his GPS wristwatch, the indicator showing him not more than 2 miles from his base of operations. That is, if the Amazons hadn't found it and destroyed it by now. Precious few such bases exisited this far above ground, many were burrowed deep within the earth trying to isolate themselves from the rapaging terror that was an evolved form of the female species. Some women had not evolved, and stayed with the remaining few males left in the world to live, marry, and reproduce in a vain attempt to keep the human race as they knew it from extinction. They feared the Amazons as much as the men did, for the Amazons had no mercy for those that did not evolve into the superbeings that dominated the known world. Crouching low, he heard the familar thump of heavy bodies strolling across the landscape. He choose a shadowy hiding place and watched intently in the direction of the noise. A group of three younglings strode into the scene, followed by a Princk Trainer. The Trainer wore form-fitting bikini armor that barely covered her prodigous breasts, however, her vein-covered muscled appendage spilled out in front of her through a special opening, a monster cock at least 3ft long limp and twice the circumference of his arm. The armor itself was primarily for show, the Amazons knew their evolved bodies had grown nearly imprevious to the weapons employed by the remenants of mankind. The Trainer was the largest and probably the strongest of the group, her freakish musculature rippled in the mid-day sun. Her seemingly delicate, beautiful face stood 7' 4" from the ground, framed by bouncy golden curls that perched itself atop a thick bull neck of solid muscle. This tapered down into bulging traps and boulder-sized shoulders. Her upper torso was a perfect "v" shape, the muscle of her lats pushing her inhuman sized arms outwards by their sheer size. Her "v" ended in a tight waist which then radically flared outwards into heavily muscled thighs. Jackson gulped as he noticed that each of her thighs was easily the size of his upper body. The younglings were no less impressive. Each youngling all wore the same training garb, white leotards that hugged their bumpy musculature like a second skin. The Trainer brought them to an area that was a crumbling concrete wall, littered with bits and pieces of wreckage. "Listen up!" shouted the Trainer. All the younglings stood at attention. "Today, we will work honing our aim with thrown weapons. Since there are no weapons made that can be used by our surperior forms, we need to improvise with everyday objects." The Trainer strode forth to a wrecked automobile, and and barely flexing, tore the door off the chassis. The metal screeched and groaned as the princkazon folded and crumpled the door easily in her mighty hands. She ended up with a lump the size of a volleyball in her palm. "Now watch" she commanded. The younglings watched as the Trainer brought back her arm, like she was winding up for a pitch, and shot the lump of metal at a tremendous speed. She threw it so hard and so fast, it began to glow with heat from the friction of air, and smacked through the concrete wall with a loud crack. "Now...you do this, following my example." the Trainer said. For the next few minutes the air was filled with the creaking and crunching noises of the younglings as they tore bits and pieces from various rotting vehicles and molded them into deadly projectiles. The younglings bombarded the concrete wall not leaving much standing. "Very good! As you know, this is not a preferred method of destroying the mundanes, but will be practical in some cases. Let us proceed to our next lesson, cat & mouse." The younglings gave a small cheer as a vehicle was heard being rolled down a side-street. The van came into view being pulled by another Amazon, she trotted along as if the van weighed nothing bringing it to a halt near the Trainer and her brood. The truck was stopped and the Amazon unlocked the back door. Walking towards the middle of the van she hefted the vehicle over her head and began shaking the contents out of it. The contents were mundane men, stripped nearly naked landing in a pile on the ground. She set the truck down and ordered them into a line. "Ok boys..." the Trainer taunted."This exercise will be real easy...you run, hide and try to survive." the Trainer flexed her muscles in an intimidating fashion. It was such a joke how uncomparable the Amazon's physique was in relation to the males.The younglings looked greedily at the males, cracking their knuckles and making imposing gestures with their power-packed bodies. The males quivered in fear, and one stupidly tried to flee. One of the younglings quickly crouched down and then sprung forth, her freakishly huge legs like coiled muscular springs as she smacked into the running male. There was a loud crunch as the youngling's nearly indestructable body hit the man with the force of a semi-truck. He flopped to the ground, spine snapped in several places where she had collided with him. His flesh a bruised mess. "Please....please...." he sputtered, unable to feel anything below his ribcage. Clutching his throat and legs she hauled him up between her gorgeously muscled legs, he felt powerful cabled muscles constrict around his mid-section, the youngling wasted no time, she snap-flexed her powerful thighs together scisorring the man in half. The other younglings clapped as the young Amazon flexed her guns in appriciation. Jackson had seen many such sights, but from his hiding place, he still cringed at the display of senseless violence exhibited against his kind. He moved stealthly through the wreckage of the town, and heard the Trainer yell signaling the start of the exercise. Jackson found a highly secluded spot and dertmined to sit out the exercise in seclusion, waited. After a few seconds he heard the frightened grunts of men scrurrying away, soon followed by the thunderous thumping of the younglings as they engaged in the pursuit. It wasn't long before the muted screams and gurgles of death reached Jackson's ears. He waited for hours, silently monitoring his equipment watching the trace signals of the younglings dissappear slowly as they finished scouring the area for any males they may have missed. Feeling safe enough to move, he emerged from his hiding spot and made his way out of the rubble. He passed the destroyed corpses of men, the ground around them splattered with blood and body parts. He did not fail to notice animal predators starting to sniff around the remains, as he weaved his way out of the town. He had just reached the town limits and was preparing to enter the forest when his monitoring equipment sent a tiny vibrating schock to the wire attached to his hand. This particular alarm only went off when the distinct signal of an Amazon had reached a certain distance from him. Startled, he glanced down at his equipment to notice the signal fade in and out. He scanned the area around him, sweating. Not wasting any time, he quickly but cautiously, moved to the base entrance he needed to get to, a mere 600 ft away. However, he didn't want to lead any of them to the secret entrance, so he tried his best to put the Amazon off his trail. He still couldn't see his pursuer, but the monitor's weak signal hounded him and he grew even more fearful. He employed every trick he could think of to throw the Amazon off his trail, but she persisted, undeterred by his efforts. Finally, he neared the entrance to the closest underground base within 5 miles and surveyed the area. The small clearing was silent, except for the usual sounds a forest makes. Jackson double-checked the area, the signal occasionally sending a small vibration to his hand. he moved into the clearing as stealthily as he could. From out of the corner of his eye, he saw a large shadow, his breath froze in his throat, prepared to run as fast as his legs could carry. Seconds later a form dropped from one of the trees landing with a resounding thud that shook the ground. The form straightened and Jackson found himself face to face with a youngling. She wore tattered clothing, no armor, no training leotard. She gazed at Jackson with a look of intense curiosity and spoke. "Please...do not be afraid of me...I wish to speak with you." The young girl held out her hand in a gesture of friendship, but Jackson, hardened by years of their sadistic behavior backed away, suspicion prevelent in his eyes. The young Amazon before him was smaller, and less muscular than many he had seen of her age, she had a glint to her eyes that belied frustration and anger, but at the same time her face wore sympathy as she looked upon Jackson. "Please, trust me for one minute...and let me speak. If you are not convinced by what I say...than I will leave and never bother you again." Jackson stood stupefied. He couldn't believe what he was hearing, and all his instincts screamed at him to flee for his life. However, some small part of him was aroused with curiosity at what this young Amazon had to say. "All right...." he barked, "You have exactly one minute." *** to be continued!***